Transcripts For KNTV The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Transcripts For KNTV The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 20170520

al madrigal -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 679! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my goodness! oh, my goodness. [ cheers and applause ] outrageous. welcome, everybody, welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." this is it, baby. [ cheers ] welcome, welcome. this is the show to be at tonight. katy perry is here tonight you guys. katy perry -- [ cheers and applause ] we got a hot show. guys, here's what people are talking about. there's another bombshell for the trump administration. "the washington post" is reporting that the current white house official is a a person of interest in the russia investigation, but has was only revealed that it's a a senior adviser. so a senior adviser in the white house could be anyone from steve bannon to ted nugent. so you don't really know -- [ applause ] -- who it could be. it's been a crazy week for president trump with all the scandals that have come out. and today he left for his big trip to saudi arabia. you know things are bad here when you go to the middle east to get away from it all. [ applause ] really? that's right, trump flew to saudi arabia for his first trip overseas. when asked why saudi arabia, an adviser said, "we just wanted to see him on a camel." we just -- [ laughter and applause ] might be -- the flight to saudi arabia is actually 14 hours. yeah, but trump was ready for the long flight. before settling into his seat he formed his hair into a neck pillow. [ laughter and applause ] he formed his -- smooth. on sunday trump will have lunch with the leaders of over 50 muslim countries. and the first hour will be just trump trying to pronounce their names. [ light laughter ] "king salami al scooby-doo." [ laughter ] i saw that a vintage rolex watch just sold at auction for a record $5 million. [ audience ohs ] when someone asked the winner what time it was, he still took his cell phone out to look. [ laughter ] i mean -- i read about an app that ranks gas station bathrooms by cleanliness. right. [ light laughter ] if you're desperate enough to use a gas station bathroom you're going to spend time searching for the right one. [ laughter and applause ] i can't go in there. i really got to go but -- [ laughter ] finally, you guys, we're very excited for this. the new season of "the bachelorette" premieres on monday. i am very -- [ cheers and applause ] i love "the bachelor." i love "the bachelorette." it premieres on monday. they just released a preview of -- where one of the guys introduces himself. he's talking about something he calls "wa-boom." check it out. >> i look very average. it's all about wa-boom. >> wa-boom. it's all about wa-boom. >> it is about wa-boom. [ laughter ] if you want a glimpse of it, i can give it to you now. >> yeah. [ screech ] >> wa-wa-boom! >> that's just a glimpse? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i guess "wa-boom" is slang for red bull and bath salts. [ laughter ] there you go. guys, we have great show tonight. give it up for the roots. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: welcome to the show, everybody. thank you for being here. [ cheers and applause ] wa-boom! i'm so excited, man. >> steve: oh, my god. >> jimmy: good casting on that show man. come on. wa-boom. >> steve: wa-boom. >> jimmy: it's gonna be fantastic. >> steve: it's gonna be great! >> jimmy: who is the other guy -- i love the other guy on "the bachelor." remember the guy that, um -- he flew in a helicopter and he used to sing songs to the bachelorette? you remember him? he had -- they flew in an helicopter. i think that was ali. that was the season. she was a great bachelorette. [ light laughter ] and -- they landed somewhere, and he's like, "you mind if i sing you a song?" like, "no, go ahead." he was like -- ♪ when i first saw you on the helicopter ♪ [ laughter ] it was my favorite, man. i'm looking forward to it, man. i cannot wait. it's just great, because it makes you feel good about yourself. >> steve: yeah, exactly. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it really does. >> steve: i'm not bad. >> jimmy: i'm bad, but i'm not that bad. i mean that is awful. yeah, i'm not that bad. he's probably a cool guy. i don't know. >> steve: oh, i'm sure. >> jimmy: yeah. guys, we have a fantastic show tonight. man, i love this girl. she has a brand-new album called "witness," and she's performing on the season finale of "saturday night live" this weekend. musical superstar katy perry is here! [ cheers and applause ] "witness." >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: well, you think it would be hard to see with your hands over your eyes. >> steve: you can't see with your hands over your eyes. i know that for a fact. >> jimmy: she can. >> steve: why is that? >> jimmy: she has an eyeball in her mouth. >> steve: what? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you didn't know that? >> steve: no. >> jimmy: it's one of the true facts. it's katy perry. >> steve: are you serious? >> jimmy: a lot of mysteries, very mysterious -- >> steve: she's very mysterious. she's like a firework. >> jimmy: did you see her on the cover of "vogue"? >> steve: ooh, wow. >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about man. >> steve: the mouth is closed 'cause that's where the eyeball is. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. she's hiding the eyeball there. doesn't want to make a big deal about it. >> steve: no, no, no. >> jimmy: she's like, "let's get over the fact that i have an eyeball in my mouth. let's talk about anything else. let's talk about fashion, life, whatever you want to do." and then you get the album, bingo. hello. >> steve: boing -- mind blown. bing boing. >> jimmy: bing. >> steve: that's a brain spring. >> jimmy: yeah, just blow your mind. plus, i love it when this guy comes by. he's one of my favorite actors but he's also just a great guy, he is a good husband, a good dad, a good dude. i love him. from the new movie "the drowning" and the new play "the antipodes," the very talented josh charles is stopping by. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: he's a delight. >> jimmy: and we have great stand-up from comedian al madrigal, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: he's a funny dude. >> jimmy: shrimpin -- shrimpin' ain't easy. >> steve: it's hard out there for a shrimp. >> jimmy: shrimpin' ain't easy. >> steve: shrimpin' ain't easy man. he's a funny dude. >> jimmy: that's great. guys, today is -- >> steve: what is today? >> jimmy: well it's not thursday, nicht, is it? >> steve: no, i think it's freitag nicht. >> jimmy: is it fritag nicht? it is friday night and -- usually friday is when i catch up with some personal stuff. i check my inbox, return some e-mails and, of course, i send out some thank you notes. i was just wondering -- [ cheers and applause ] i was running a little bit behind. you guys mind if i write out my weekly thank you notes right now? [ cheers and applause ] fabulous. i love you guys. thank you so much. diego, can i have some think note writing music, please? ♪ >> steve: wow. looks like he might be a senior white house adviser. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] ♪ thank you, president trump, for being worse at keeping secrets than an 8-year-old who knows about a surprise party. [ laughter ] "um, um, they're right in there, they're waiting with the presents and everything." >> steve: there's no reason why the lights are off in this room. >> jimmy: there's lots of balloons. ♪ thank you, instagram's new selfie filters for being a a great way to add extra flair to your photos or, as snapchat put it, "been there, threw rainbows up on that." [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: oh, snap. >> jimmy: did it already. ♪ [ laughter ] thank you, graduation ceremonies, or as people whose last names start with "z" call you, hell on earth. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> steve: zed zinnerman. >> jimmy: from "a" to "z" as well. [ laughter ] zed zinnerman. >> steve: i'm zeddlin. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, pepsi's new cinnamon-flavored soda, pepsi fire. even the cops that's in kennel jenner ad was like, "eh, no thanks." [ laughter ] enough! [ laughter ] you have any feelings about pepsi fire, tariq? >> tariq: i mean, you know, i'm -- i'm -- i'm over it. >> steve: you're over it? >> tariq: yeah. >> jimmy: what are you talking about? hasn't even started yet. >> steve: you're with it before. >> jimmy: you're living through it. >> tariq: i'm already over it. every summer they come out, you know, with a whole campaign. >> steve: yeah. >> tariq: you know what i'm saying. yeah, cinnamon pepsi. if i wanted spicy sodas that will make my stomach hurt, i don't know. i'll go to taco bell. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: what? what? >> steve: the great american -- >> jimmy: what the heck is he talking about? he's lost his mind. [ applause ] >> steve: i'll go to taco bell? >> jimmy: he's lost his mind. whatever. whatever -- here we go -- >> steve: i don't understand. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, cannes film festival, or is it pronounced can? cans? i cannes never remember. [ laughter ] i cannes never remember -- >> steve: i cannes do it. that film's in the cannes. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, abc, for coming out with a new show called "dancing with the stars, jr." which combines america's three favorite things, celebrities, dancing, and judging children. [ laughter ] that was bad. >> steve: you're so bad. >> jimmy: you're awful. >> steve: get out of here. quit crying. >> jimmy: three out of ten stars. leave. >> steve: take your diaper with you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why would a kid leave their diaper there -- yeah. >> steve: guard them now. >> jimmy: go crawl somewhere else. [ laughter ] ♪ thank you, caterpillars, for transforming into butterflies. or as other insects put it, "somebody got some work done." [ laughter ] just saying. >> steve: just saying. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, pecans, for looking like walnuts that went on "extreme makeover: nut edition." [ laughter and applause ] pe-can? >> steve: i say both. >> jimmy: pe-cahn. >> steve: i say pe-cahn, and i say pe-can pie. >> jimmy: what do you guys say? is it pee-can or is it pe-cahn? [ audience responds ] >> jimmy: hot button issue. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: what is it -- pecan pie. what do you say, quest? >> questlove: peek-on. >> jimmy: what'd he say? >> questlove: i say pe-cahn. >> jimmy: pe-cahn? no one says pe-cahn. >> steve: don't ask tariq. don't ask tariq. >> jimmy: pe-cahn, pe-can or peek-on? >> steve: or pecan. >> tariq: i amalgamate them both. >> steve: pe-cahns. >> jimmy: pe-cahns. >> questlove: pecans. >> jimmy: he calls it a a peek-on. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: that sounds like a a weird mission from the army or something. we're on peek-on. >> steve: we're on peek-on one. >> jimmy: i can't -- >> steve: i pecan't -- >> jimmy: please, i pecant. >> steve: you pecan do it. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, five guys, for accurately describing my weight after eating at five guys. there you go right there. those are thank you notes. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with katy perry everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [music & conversation] ♪ music volume rises you guys wanna go? ♪ ♪ [whistles] get all summer essentials 30, 40, and 50 percent off. hi, fashion. old navy mathat are 100% from denny' starting at $6.99, which is 100% awesome. 100% beef burgers with fries starting at $6.99. 100% seriously. ahyou the law? we've had some complaints of... is that a fire? there's your payoff, deputy. git! velveeta shells & cheese. there's gold in them thar shells. are you ok? what happened? dad kinda walked into my swing. huh? don't you mean dad kind of ruined our hawaii fund? i thud go to the thothpital. there goes the airfair. i don't think health insurance will cover all... of that. buth my fathe! without that cash from - aflac! - we might have to choose between hawaii or your face. hawaii! what? haha...hawaii! you might have less coverage than you think. visit and keep your lifestyle healthy. aflac! doto be our next spokesperson?m he's so boring. hm. sounds like you're on the fence. why don't i just leave you my resume? yes, it's laminated. no thanks. you're hired! try the new caramel m&m's. ow. whatwhat made them believeace carthat a two-ton behemothhop? could compete in a track race? or that they could take on the elite in world motor racing, and win? we may never truly understand what drives mercedes-amg. but here's to another 50 years of it. mercedes-amg. half a century of driving performance. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is one of the biggest names in music. she's sold over 100 million albums worldwide. holy moly. [ cheers ] her latest album "witness" is available june 9th. this weekend, she's the musical guest on the season finale of "saturday night live" with host dwayne johnson. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome katy perry! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm so happy to be here. i've been here before. >> jimmy: is that a panda earring? >> yeah, it's a panda hanging from a balloon. >> jimmy: that's interesting. we have a thing on our show. hashtag is our panda. >> i literally had no idea. >> jimmy: have you ever seen our show? >> are we like in a weird tunnel? >> jimmy: no, are we? >> a kismet tunnel? >> jimmy: what is happening? >> what is happening? >> jimmy: your third eye is showing. [ laughter ] wait, you hide it on your tongue. you don't see it when you see that. >> i swallowed it. >> jimmy: oh, no, what are you going to do? >> it's gonna be stuck in my esophagus for seven years just like bubble gum. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: let's talk about -- i want to get to the album. i want to talk about "saturday night live." "saturday night live!" you've done three times, right? >> this will be my third time, which is a charm. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] they love you there. >> i'm very, very excited. i love "snl." it's a fantastic institution is what they call it. >> jimmy: no, i totally -- setting up the lighting, all these things, i think it's going to be quite a a performance. >> it's the end of the season, so bringing out all the works. >> jimmy: you know how to do it, man. i mean, please. we saw you at the superbowl. >> i know nothing, actually. >> seth: a little thing -- oh, please. a little thing called the superbowl. >> i know nothing. >> jimmy: yeah, we saw it. >> every time i think i know something, the universe just goes, "no, you don't!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: but no, no you do, please. what songs -- can you give us a a hint what songs you're gonna do or no? >> it's definitely going to be lively. >> jimmy: well, it's a live show, yeah. [ light laughter ] saturday night lively? >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: saturday night lively. >> it's going to be spectacular. >> jimmy: okay. >> yeah. >> jimmy: lively and spectacular. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and those are not song titles. >> they're not, but you'd think with me, it is. >> jimmy: yeah, it is with you, yeah. no spoilers and no hints. >> no spoilers. you're just going to have to watch it on saturday night. we're dropping some fire. it's going to be litty. [ scattered cheers ] >> jimmy: i'm learning so much, yeah. i mean -- >> isn't that what the kids are saying these days? >> jimmy: i'm 42 years old, sorry. >> i'm 32. >> jimmy: this is gonna be so litty. >> act your age! >> jimmy: i'm sorry about that. what's up with this? come on, supermodel, fantastic. [ cheers and applause ] you're on the cover of "vogue." discuss this with me. talk to me about this. who shot this? >> these guys mert and marcus. they're a fantastic duo. >> jimmy: mert and marcus? >> that's correct. >> jimmy: two human beings. >> two beautiful human beings, very artistic, very cool. >> jimmy: they're gonna be like mert and marcus. is like mertin is his first name. >> like, they sound like muppets or something like that. >> jimmy: yeah. mert and marcus. are they puppets? >> no, they're amazing. they're not puppets, but they're perfect. >> jimmy: look at this. this is just gorgeous. look at that guy. >> thank you. >> jimmy: now, what's the idea behind all this? >> i guess it's just, you know. >> jimmy: is it comme des garcons? >> it's comme des garcons. it's all comme des garcons. it's kind of this new -- >> jimmy: yeah, no big deal. i knew who that was. [ laughter ] we're good. >> sell it. [ speaking jibberish ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i call them -- this is my favorite one. you're so cool. look at this guy. [ light laughter ] i love that. >> i was actually so comfortable in that costume. can you tell? [ light laughter ] it's like having all the airline pillows just like, right there. >> jimmy: we actually have -- we have video of you film -- getting photographed by mert and marcus. ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: watch katy. watch katy. watch what she says. watch. [ light laughter ] watch. help me. [ laughter and applause ] oh, my gosh. [ cheers and applause ] i love you, man. all right, that's exactly -- but you still rock it out, man. >> listen. >> jimmy: yes. >> the world is such a dark place, we have to laugh through it. >> jimmy: we have to laugh through it. [ cheers and applause ] exactly. that's the only way to do it. i want to ask about -- >> speaking of laughter. >> jimmy: no, speaking of fun and enjoyment, i want to talk about -- is this a painting? >> it's not. it's a photograph. and it's -- >> jimmy: why does it look -- it looks like, it's like, it's like, it's got spray paint. >> well, just because it's kind of been digitized. it's like a digital take on it and stuff. >> jimmy: i love it. i dig it. >> thank you. >> jimmy: and is that your signature? it says katy there. >> that's my name. >> jimmy: i know your name. [ light laughter ] did you sign that? is that how you sign it? >> no, i don't sign it. but this is the eye in the mouth. >> jimmy: no, i saw that. [ laughter ] because you would think if you want to see something, open your eyes and see it. >> you want to hear the story behind it? >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] we have -- of course. definitely. are you kidding me? i want to hear everything you have to say. i love you. let's talk about it. sorry. >> no, i think you know, sometimes when you see an extra -- sometimes when you see an extra eye, you would see it like on, you know, your third eye. and for me, like, through this journey, it's been a wonderful and incredible journey. and i've been able to share with you for over ten years music and i'm so grateful for it. >> jimmy: absolutely. [ cheers and applause ] >> but like, for me the wonderful thing is like, the music has allowed me to travel, which has re-educated my mind and changed my perspective on so much. and so like my education, my consciousness comes from my voice. and that's how i see. and that's how i witness you. and that's how you witness me. and that's why the eye is in the mouth. >> jimmy: ha-ha, yes! [ cheers and applause ] more with katy perry after the break, everybody. stick around! 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[ cheers and applause ] katy perry. her new album, "witness," is out june 9th. "witness." i love what i've heard so far on the record. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i've heard "bon appetit." i heard "chained to the rhythm." >> thank you. >> jimmy: that's a jam right there. >> thanks. >> jimmy: and then "swish swish" is the new jam i just heard. >> yeah, just dropped it last night. >> jimmy: you dropped it, totally. [ cheers and applause ] >> like a -- like a -- >> jimmy: it was so dropped. >> like a -- >> jimmy: and then you do like a -- like a triple dab. >> yes. >> jimmy: and it was so -- that's what the kids say. [ laughter ] every kid is out there saying "katy triple dabbed it, man." >> cool dad. >> jimmy: cool dad? "dad, stop that." [ laughter ] "swish swish." is that about anyone we know or -- >> i think it's a great anthem for people to use whenever someone's trying to hold you down, or bully you. >> jimmy: there you go. [ cheers and applause ] i'll leave it at that. >> that's kind of what this record is about. just like 360-degree liberation. kind of -- "chained to the rhythm" was this political liberation. "bon appetit" was a sexual liberation. and now i think this is kind of -- "swish" is -- represents the liberation from all the negative that doesn't serve you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i love that. how many tracks? >> there are 15. >> jimmy: 15 tracks? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's a lot. >> i know. the kids want it all these days. >> jimmy: they just want it all. >> i'll literally put out this record on june 9th and they'll be like, so when is kp5? what's the next thing? >> jimmy: what's the next one? yeah. >> they're like, ah! >> jimmy: no, we just worked on this forever. yeah. are you excited about this? to drop an album, to tour? >> yeah, i'm so excited, i have a tour that's starting september 7th. >> jimmy: you like going on tour? >> i love it. because i'm a little bit of a a detail freak, and i love routine. it makes me very comfortable. and i just love connecting with people, like meeting people and seeing them, and like seeing that we're all so real, and we're all so in this together. that's what touring does, is it makes you like kind of get out of your bubble, and go to different cities that you had no idea about previously, and you learn about the cities, and the culture. >> jimmy: you get out and go see -- >> oh my gosh. the greatest thing -- so last time i was on tour we just had incredible cultural experiences everywhere we went, and this time i got to partner up with boys and girls and -- boys and girls club of america, which is exciting. >> jimmy: yeah, i heard about this. >> yeah. we're doing a partnership with them where each ticket sold there's a dollar donated to each boys and girls club. and the great thing is that, like, of course, i can donate my money, but my money sometimes -- look, truth of the matter is i have a good amount of it. >> jimmy: sure. >> what i don't have is time. so i'm going to donate my time here. i'm going to go and visit boys and girls clubs. i'm going to go and see how they're shaping children's lives who -- they are the future. that's where it's all going to change. if you can keep kids educated, keep kids in school, keep them feeling like they have a a community, that's going to be the most important part for our future. so -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: fantastic that you're doing this. >> what i was saying -- what i was saying was, like, earlier -- when i was touring years ago, i used to lie go to the club afterwards. now i'm just going to go to the boys and girls club. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're still going to go to the club. now your going to the boys -- >> that's a mom joke. >> jimmy: i love you. katy perry, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] she is performing on "saturday night live" this weekend. her new album "witness" is out june 9th. we'll right be back with josh charles, everybody. katy perry! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] this isy of how q got curly. quin was crazy about curls. curly fries. curly straws. curly haired dogs. even those cute curly tails on pigs. but to quin's chagrin everything about her was so very straight. which made the next twist so amazing. did she expect to find a high-end hair curler at a mind-bendingly low price? never. but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, but you know you're gonna love it. marshalls. your surprise is waiting. well it's a perfect nespresso hold on a second.orge. mmm. ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift? ♪ where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ have a nice ride. ♪ how far would you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else? tired of paying hundreds more a year in taxes and fees for your unlimited plan? only t-mobile gives you unlimited data with taxes and fees included. that'll save you hundreds. get two lines for a hundred dollars. that's right. two lines of unlimited data. a hundred bucks. all in. and right now, we're giving you even more. for a limited time, get a free samsung galaxy s8 when you buy one. that's two galaxy s8s for the price one! plus, two lines of unlimited data for a hundred bucks. taxes and fees included. only at t-mobile. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you can see our next guest in the new movie, "the drowning" which is currently playing in select theaters and will be on itunes june 1st. he's also co-starring in "the antipodes," which is running through june 11 at the pershing square signature center here in new york city. everyone, please welcome josh charles! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] my man. josh charles in the house. >> thank you, hey guys. >> jimmy: welcome to the show. it's always great to see you. i love running into you, and i always have fun hanging with you and talking with you. >> um, yeah, i guess so. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why are you -- why are you -- >> you didn't -- you didn't -- you didn't seem to have a lot of time for me at the "snl" after party when you hosted that night. >> jimmy: i'm sorry about that. i wanted to talk. >> me and my friend zog who's the warm-up act who you guys all saw for a little bit. >> jimmy: yeah. >> we tried to say hi to you, you big-timed me. you were hanging out with harry styles -- >> jimmy: i wasn't hanging out -- [ cheers and applause ] >> lorne michaels. >> jimmy: lorne michaels. >> like you don't see lorne michaels every day? couldn't walk over? >> jimmy: i just hosted "saturday night live" with harry. so i was like, "oh, my gosh, josh, i'm going to come right back." >> i'm just busting you. >> jimmy: i know, i know you are. >> you were tired. >> jimmy: you were jealous. >> i got to talk to your wife, which was really nice. >> jimmy: i know, but i was jealous that she got to talk to you. >> it was fun. it was great. you were great that night. good job. >> jimmy: you're a good man. i appreciate that. i got to meet your baby. that's the coolest thing ever. what a cute kid. >> it's pretty great. >> jimmy: how does it feel, man? >> you know, it's exhilarating, exhausting, both my wife and i, it's a daily grind, you get through it every day. but i love it. it's one of the greatest things i've ever done. >> jimmy: it's unbelievable. >> he's awesome. yeah. >> jimmy: he's super cool. he's so cute. >> he's like almost two and a a half. super into music. >> jimmy: what was it? she was saying that she dressed himself today? >> he did. he dressed himself. he was very excited. he's backstage running around. >> jimmy: he's two years old, he's a tiny human being -- >> yeah, thank you. >> jimmy: and he's wearing like skinny jeans. >> yeah, he's got his little skinny jeans and his vans on. >> jimmy: vans, oh so cool. >> and he loves -- he's really into music. quest, i think you would like that, too. >> jimmy: oh really? >> he likes to play drums. he likes to play guitar. he loves -- you know what he loves all like the morning theme songs. like, he always wants me to play them. >> jimmy: like all the cartoons? what is he in to? >> yeah, well he's just like, he's always like, "dada, play, you know, 'daniel tiger's neighborhood.'" like, i just can whip it out of my butt or something. >> jimmy: yeah, i know, yeah. >> so, i grab my guitar. i'm like, "go get me the iphone, let me just find the chords," and i play it, and he's into it, and he laughs and he loves it. then he's like, "okay, now play 'thomas the tank engine' theme song," like i got all of them in my head. i'm like, "i don't know 'thomas the tank engine.'" >> jimmy: me neither. >> i looked it up and i couldn't find it. so i just like made up chords, and he didn't seem to care. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he was like, perfect, you nailed it dad -- >> do like, a little neil young version. ♪ i will survive just as long as thomas the tank engine i know i'll be alive ♪ >> jimmy: i don't know why i played gloria gaynor. >> i know. it's pretty -- >> jimmy: why not? >> i love that these guys are right with you though. >> jimmy: well, the roots know what's up. man, yeah they got to be on their -- they know every song yeah. i want to talk about your film. i want to talk about your play. you do so many fun things, but this one, "the drowning," like a psychological thriller. >> yes. yes. >> jimmy: what drew you to doing stuff like this? >> i -- yeah it's funny, i never worked in that genre. i loved the book by pat barker which is called "border crossing." >> jimmy: are you a reader? do you read a lot of books? >> um yeah. [ laughter ] is that all right? >> jimmy: what are you reading? no, i -- >> i like to read a lot of different things, but i -- >> jimmy: anything you want to tell us for the summer, any summer beach reads? [ laughter ] >> right now i'm not doing a a ton of reading because i'm doing this play. i'm kind of busy. but i do -- >> jimmy: i do kindle now because i can't -- well because i don't finish any book i read. >> you don't? >> jimmy: i start reading it. i just get excited about another book and i forgot where i was on that book, and it starts stacking up on my end table, and it just really -- it bothered my soul. >> so you just don't have to see them as much. now they're just all on the kindle. >> jimmy: exactly. >> and you can pretend that you read them. >> jimmy: correct. >> that's good. i like that. >> jimmy: i read two chapters of every book -- >> i get that. that makes a lot of sense. i definitely have a lot of books on my shelf that i haven't read yet and gotten around to that i want to get around to. >> jimmy: so you read this book, and you -- >> so i read this book, but then i met betty gordon, the director who is actually here tonight as well. she's fantastic. just fell in love with her. the film was very personal for her. so i was really excited to be a a part of it and work with her. she's a real talent. >> jimmy: it's in select theatres now, and also on itunes june 1st. then i know that you're on "kimmy schmidt" this year. >> yeah, just dropped today on netflix. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we can talk about that. >> it's fun. it's fun. >> jimmy: i love, but you can do drama, you can do comedy, and now you're doing live, "the antipodes." >> yes, this is fun. this is an amazing experience. andy baker is one of my favorite playwrights. just thrilled to be a part of this play. we're running now, extended four times till june 11 now and, great cast of actors. >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, it's a real -- i just feel really blessed to work with this great cast. we're all having so much fun. >> jimmy: what is -- can you describe the play? >> it's just -- you know, the play's amazing. i mean it's just -- it takes place in a conference room and it's about a group of storytellers working on the next great story. and a lot of things happen from there, but it's great just being back on stage and working with someone like annie. >> jimmy: do you like doing live? >> i love it. i mean, i love it. i think, part of what's fun is every night something different happens. audience, sometimes they talk to you. you know, they talk to you like they're in their living room. we had this one woman the other day. there's a couple pauses at certain moments in the play. during this one extended pause, this woman in the front row was like, "is anyone going to say anything?" [ laughter ] just a very quiet -- >> jimmy: i can hear you! i'm standing ten feet in front of you. >> the nine actors, we just sort of, "are we going to react to that?" then the guy brings a a chalkboard over, and he's writing stuff, and she's like honey, talking to him like it's her nephew. "honey, we can't see it on this side. turn it towards us. we can't see what you're writing." [ laughter ] we have a whole bunch of boxes of la croix sodas in the -- on the set. >> jimmy: yeah, la croix, la croix. >> is it is la croix? >> jimmy: no, you're right. la croix. >> i have no idea. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i have no idea either, but i'm learning. i was asking you. >> i just call it la croix. >> jimmy: la croix? la croix? >> la croix. >> jimmy: have you ever had the pecan flavored la croix? [ laughter ] oh, pecan, that's interesting. >> yeah, pecan. >> jimmy: pecan la croix. pecan la croix. that all makes sense, yeah, pecan-flavored soda. >> i mean the thought of a a pecan flavored soda, actually, i just spit up a a little bit in my mouth. [ laughter ] that's truly nauseating. >> jimmy: call someone at pepsi, they'll do it. [ laughter ] >> but actually the la croix, la croix, whatever you want to call them, they're very good. and one night some guy came on the set and he was going to his seat before the play began, and he tried to open up the box. the stage manager said, "hey, you know this is a set, you can't --" he's like, "oh, sorry. sorry." then after the play he went and grabbed a soda and put it in his jacket. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: just took one for the road. >> he took one, and i was like sir please can you -- he was like, "i'm sorry." >> jimmy: i paid enough money -- >> i saw them drinking. i'm going to get my drink. i'm going to get my drink on. >> jimmy: get my drink on. you have a show tonight. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and i was wondering how is he going to get to the theater in time? because you actually have a a live show tonight. >> i do. >> jimmy: and so, but you told me that you can teleport. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and i never -- well, you say that, but i -- >> well, i mean we talked about it privately, but it's not something i talk about a lot. but i have a magic zipper, and i just -- i go up and down with it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the zipper is the teleportation device? >> that is how the teleportation works, yes. but you have to go up and down a lot on the zipper very fast. [ laughter ] why are you laughing? >> jimmy: i'm not laughing. it's just -- i've never heard of it. >> you asked me a question, and now he's laughing at me. >> jimmy: no, i'm not laughing at you. i'm laughing with you, and i'm like saying -- i'm intrigued. >> yeah. you just -- want me to show you. i can show you how to do it. >> jimmy: can you show us how to do it? >> yeah, i can show you how to do it. >> jimmy: you can teleport right now? >> i'm going to teleport to the signature theater right now. >> jimmy: alright, go for it, take care, josh. good to see you buddy. >> so you just start with the zipper like this. [ laughter ] i don't know if this is working. >> jimmy: yeah, i don't -- >> sometimes it takes a little time. just give me a second. >> jimmy: guys, i don't know if you can do. >> quest, can you play some music? i need a little something. >> jimmy: can you play -- >> there you go, thank you. ♪ >> jimmy: i don't know if you can do this on television, you're not teleporting at all. [ laughter ] >> it's fine. no just -- jimmy, jimmy, just be quiet for a second. i need -- [ laughter ] i need a little -- >> jimmy: what is going -- dude, you're not teleporting. >> i can't teleport if you're talking in my ear. >> jimmy: this is insane. a lot of people are watching this. can i put a blanket on you or something? [ laughter ] >> yeah, do something. i don't know. sometimes it takes -- i think it's cause because it's so cold in here. >> jimmy: oh please, it's not to cold in here, please. >> hold on. [ cheers and applause ] basically -- >> jimmy: i think it makes it -- >> it makes it worse? >> jimmy: it think it makes it worse. >> okay, sorry. >> jimmy: it makes it worse, but josh, i don't know what is happening. >> oh, wait, wait, wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. wow. okay, whoa, whoa. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he did it. oh, my gosh. he really just teleported. did he really just teleport? >> hey, jimmy. i made it to the theater just in time. thanks for having me on the show. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. that was unbelievable. he really did it. thank you so much for being here, josh. break a leg, buddy. [ cheers and applause ] josh charles. go see him in "the antipodes," at the pershing square signature center. we'll be right back with comedian al madrigal. stick around everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is lynchburg, tennessee, home of jack daniel's. a small town with big dreams of having their own... nba team. what? ♪ we know it's not the most exciting place in the world. but we have no shortage of team spirit. and while we're not exactly known for our abilities on the court, we do know a thing or two about developing a franchise. jack daniel's -- the most exciting thing about lynchburg, tennessee... for now. the most exciting thing about lynchburg, tennessee... we, the device-loving people, want more than just unlimited data. we want unlimited entertainment. so we can stream unlimited action. punch unlimited robots. watch unlimited romance. if you're into that. but we also want more. like unlimited hbo. can i stop dying now? no can do mi amigo. it's unlimited. besides, you're really good at it james! don't settle for any unlimited plan. get at&t unlimited plus. and, now get the amazing iphone 7 on us. hey richard, check out this fresh roasted flavor. looks delicious, huh? -yeah. -and how about that aroma? -love that aroma! umph! -craveability, approved! irresistibly planters. the seal you can trust. with stain and sealer in one... and easy to choose colors... exceptional beauty and protection have never been easier. thompson's waterseal stain and sealer. available at national retailers. it's about time they gave left and right twix® their own packs. they got about as much in common as you, a mortician, and me, an undertaker. (chuckling) or you, a janitor, and me, a custodian. (laughing) or you, a ghost, and me, a spirit. (laughing) new left and right twix® packs. it's time to deside. what if technology gave us the power to turn this enemy into an ally? microsoft and its partners are using smart traps to capture mosquitoes and sequence their dna to fight disease. there are over 100 million pieces of dna in every sample. with the microsoft cloud, we can analyze the data faster than ever before. if we can detect new viruses before they spread, we may someday prevent outbreaks before they begin. you shouhey dude. xxxxlhat, now. she wants her fruit chews. masterpassed. i masterpassed it. that was fast. because i masterpass internet speeds 20x faster. at&t fiber sounds amazing. wait a sec, i'm not done yet. less than 12% of at&t homes actually qualify. huh... hold on. everyone else gets our other, slower internet speeds. but no one reads this stuff anyway. except for the old guy with the binoculars. huh... we got ourselves a reader. don't be fooled by at&t. xfinity delivers the fastest speeds to the most homes. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest writes on and stars in a new tv show about the 1970s stand-up comedy scene in los angeles. it's called "i'm dying up here." and it premieres june 4th on showtime. i think it's produced by jim carrey. and his latest stand-up special "shimpin' ain't easy" is currently available at please welcome the very funny al madrigal, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> thank you. appreciate it. i just, i just went to my first black barber shop. [ light laughter ] it wasn't a choice. i just saw the barber pole and i needed a haircut. and i walked in. and i saw it was all black guys. at that point you can't just go, "oh, sorry. [ laughter ] didn't know it was one of these ones." and walk away. [ laughter ] i stayed in there. took it. i got the straight razor shave. i'm not sure if you know what i'm talking about, the old-timey shave with the hot towel on your face. but i'm highly allergic, so i take an allergy pill almost every single day. i have an inhaler. if anyone wants to mess with me, no need to heckle. all you gotta do is throw one of those fabric softener sheets up here. [ laughter ] break out in hives and run away. so i get the shave and this guy takes this handful of this aftershave eucalyptus times ten stuff this only black guys know about. [ laughter ] and he slaps it on my raw face. and i can immediately feel my skin just go -- [ gasp ] "what the hell is that? that's not in the list on acceptable products. that's not on the list of acceptable products!" and you know what i said? nothing. [ laughter ] because like all black guys, i want these black guys to think i was cool. right? what am i going to say? "excuse me, extremely cool black guy, try to apply, what type of after shave do you have there? because i'm highly allergic. take an allergy pill almost every day. [ laughter ] i use a hypoallergenic deodorant. pretty sure it's for women." [ laughter ] i didn't say anything. those guys could have rubbed a a cat, some pollen and a a handful of shrimp on my face. [ laughter ] "the old cat and shrimp shave. thanks a lot, fellas." and ran out of there. but also, i'm doing pretty good on my new year's resolution. i picked an easy one. that's what you got to do. mine was no chipotle. [ laughter ] never going to chipotle again. i don't like it because it's too nice, too well lit. [ laughter ] everybody knows if you want good mexican food, it's got to be a little scary. [ laughter ] roach coach parked out front of a mechanic's shop, midnight. that's how you get the good stuff. you got to walk up, order fast, order scared. [ laughter ] "como estas? [ laughter ] three el pastor tacos, por favor. [ light laughter ] get the hell away from me!" [ light laughter ] i also like to check out some of their other items. you can't do that at a a chipotle. excuse me, cuanto cuesto this deadpool dvd? [ laughter ] and how much for the socks? [ light laughter ] i also brush up on my spanish when i'm there as well. another thing you can't do at chipotle. excuse me, como se dice can your pitbull please stop licking me. [ laughter ] how do you say that? [ light laughter ] that's right, guys. so bad allergies, half mexican, horrible spanish. this is the american dream right here. [ laughter ] you're looking at him. it's true. [ cheers and applause ] i like to think it's specifically this. i got a husband and wife in a a strawberry field. she's about to break down, and he says, "don't worry, maria, everything's going to be okay." [ light laughter ] imagine this is all in spanish. [ laughter ] "because one day we're going to have a grandchild. and that grandchild is going to be allergic to dairy. [ laughter ] his arms are going to be defined not from lifting full buckets of water but from lifting of kettle bells made to simulate lifting buckets of water. [ laughter ] and he'll work out while the finest lulu lemon outfit money can buy. [ laughter and applause ] and this boy will have astigmatism so severe that he will never be eligible for lasik surgery, no matter how affordable it becomes. [ laughter and applause ] or how much the technology progresses, because i will keep working for this boy." [ light laughter ] and here i am. thank you very much, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: al madrigal. [ cheers and applause ] al madrigal. his comedy special "shrimpin' ain't easy" is available now at we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ whistles ] internet speeds 20x faster. at&t fiber sounds amazing. wait a sec, i'm not done yet. less than 12% of at&t homes actually qualify. huh... hold on. everyone else gets our other, slower internet speeds. but no one reads this stuff anyway. except for the old guy with the binoculars. huh... we got ourselves a reader. don't be fooled by at&t. xfinity delivers the fastest speeds to the most homes. whether you're after supreme performance... ♪ advanced intelligence... or breathtaking style... there's a c-class just for you. decisions, decisions, decisions. lease the c300 sedan for $399 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, al madrigal right there, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] this is -- who did this -- who did this drawing here? >> this great kid felipe flores. yeah, you can find him on instagram. he's amazing. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you just found him and just said -- >> yeah he wanted me to charge me $50. and i said, "uh, no." >> jimmy: 25, yeah. [ light laughter ] >> i'll pay you 100. >> jimmy: good for you, man. >> he just does amazing work. >> jimmy: you're a good guy, man. i want to thank katy perry for being on the show, tonight. josh charles, al madrigal, everybody, once again. [ cheers and applause ] and the roots from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thanks for watching. have a great weekend. i hope i see you next week. bye-bye everybody. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- rachel maddow, from "saturday night live," comedian beck bennett, music from all time low. featuring the 8g band with josh dion. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening, everybody, i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] so good to hear. in that case let's get to the news. ivanka trump's new book "women who work: rewriting the rules for success" went on sale today. so if you want to know the secret to ivanka's success, it's all right there on the cover. [

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