Transcripts For KNTV The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Transcripts For KNTV The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon 20170405

roots crew. >> questlove: 652 orlando. >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you! thank you very much! welcome! please. have a seat. enjoy yourselves! enjoy yourselves. oh, my gosh. this is -- [ cheers and applause ] welcome. welcome, everyone, welcome to "the tonight show." thank you so much for having us here. [ cheers and applause ] you guys, it is our second day here at universal orlando. [ cheers and applause ] universal studios are always working on new rides. i think they're trying to make some of the more relevant to the 2017. check out this commercial i saw this afternoon. >> universal studios florida is proud to announce an exciting lineup of brand-new rides coming this summer. rides like president trump's approval rating tower. watch how fast it drops. and the hillary clinton experience. you wait patiently in line for 30 years, then when it's finally your turn, someone else steals your seat. [ laughter ] see you at the park. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: isn't that interesting? always thinking here. they're always thinking. they're always thinking here at universal. let's get to some news here. [ laughter ] you would ride that, too, you know you would. [ cheers and applause ] i heard that the white house is saving all of president trump's tweets so that they can be stored in the national archives. [ light laughter ] that way future generations can read kennedy's journals, lincoln's diaries and trump's insults about arnold schwarzenegger. [ laughter ] so they're all very historic. [ cheers and applause ] you may have heard this, it came out that vice president, mike pence, won't eat meals alone with any woman who is not his wife. well, this weekend pence tried to make a joke about it during a speech he was giving and well, just listen to it. >> speaking of my wife, karen, she's really sorry she couldn't be with us today. she already had dinner plans. [ light laughter ] all kidding aside -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i think we just found out the real reason no woman will have dinner with mike pence. easy on the jokes. [ cheers and applause ] guys, check this out. i thought this was fascinating. oreos just launched a new limited edition flavor called, cookies and cream. [ cheers and applause ] or as it's also known, oreos. [ laughter ] that's all it is, is cookies and cream. what is wrong with the world? here's a local story, i read that orlando's getting its first medical marijuana dispensary. [ cheers and applause ] so you're not in favor of it. okay. well, we actually went around the park asking local residents how they did feel about it. this fan said i think it's a a step in the right direction towards making drugs legal. this woman said, i'm not in favor of marijuana under any circumstances. and finally, these residents said, do you know where you can get a doctor's note for glaucoma? [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: yoinks! >> jimmy: warren slagowski. i have to say though, it really seems like there's some strange news stories down here in florida. [ laughter ] there really is. i mean, you've got to admit. [ cheers and applause ] it's pretty insane. but it got us thinking. i bet we can take any three random words and it would link to an actual news story from somewhere in florida. i'll show you what i mean. it's time for "florida news roulette." here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ florida news roulette yeah ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: now here's how it works. the computer will generate three random words and then we're going to see if there's a a florida news story based on those words. let's get our first three words, right now. here we go. fort st. lucie. drummer. nickelback. okay. i'm not sure how those words can make a news story but hey, let's see. >> a fort st. lucie man finds himself behind bars after police say that he pretended to be the drummer for nickelback. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right. all right. i see, i see. that's fantastic. you see how it works. so let's give it another spin here. here we go. tallahassee, catfish, dinner. sounds normal. >> steve: that's straight up. >> jimmy: that's straight up. that's normal, right? >> steve: i don't know how it's news. >> jimmy: yeah. let's see. i can't even imagine. >> a couple in tallahassee says they were outside talking to some of their tenants, and then thud, you see it there, catfish fell from the sky. don't think it went to waste though, they say they took it home, made some dinner. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what is going on? what is happening? a catfish fell from the sky. >> steve: and they took it home and cooked it. >> jimmy: clearly someone threw a catfish at them. >> steve: i don't want it to go to waste. i've been catfished. >> jimmy: anyways. last one. let's see. let's do one more. really high, naked, sesame seeds. i get the first two. >> steve: yeah, but the third one. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i don't know where this one's going at all. but alright, let's see, i guess. >> well, right now, martin henderson remains in jail. police say, he got really high, got naked, and broke into the mobile home behind me because he was looking for sesame seeds for his hamburger. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: what? >> jimmy: it's an honest -- >> steve: he was naked. >> jimmy: i don't see what the problem is. >> steve: he needed the sesame seeds for his buns. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hamburger -- his hamburger buns. >> steve: oh, yeah, hamburger. >> jimmy: now he's in prison. >> steve: yeah. so, open sesame. [ cheers and applause ] woo! >> jimmy: open sesame. steve higgins, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ guys, one of the reasons that we're here this week is the opening of our "tonight show" ride, "race through new york." [ cheers and applause ] this is very cool. universal actually released a a time lapse video of the ride being built. it's pretty amazing. check this out. ♪ look at this. nothing was there. there it is. nbc. wait a second, could you -- can we slow that down and zoom in on something? can you play that back? ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: james from the roots. [ cheers and applause ] he's been there the whole time! james from the roots has been there the whole time for three years. >> steve: and then he said, what's up like the -- >> jimmy: he's been there for three years. >> steve: my god. >> jimmy: you guys, it is so fun being here at universal studios. there's so many families walking around the park. a lot of parents with their kids, as i said earlier. so earlier today we sent our writer, arthur, out to the park to ask some trivia questions that kids know the answers to. but here's the catch. we didn't ask the kids. we asked their parents. and their kids were not allowed to help. it's a segment we call "mom and pop quiz, orlando edition." check it out. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ mom and pop quiz yeah ♪ >> complete this lyric hello from the -- >> family. [ buzzer ] [ light laughter ] >> alright, complete this lyric, i'm in love with the shape of -- >> your rear? [ buzzer ] your rump? i don't know. [ laughter ] >> who is this? i'll give you a hint. sean -- >> shenanigans. [ buzzer ] >> okay, complete this artists name. 21 -- >> jumpstreet. [ buzzer ] [ laughter ] >> complete this artist's name, chance the -- >> lucky dragon. [ buzzer ] >> define bae. >> your boo, your love, your honey. [ ding ] >> excellent. >> my bae's at home. >> yep, very good. >> my bae helped me create this one right here. [ laughter ] >> yeah, no, you didn't need to go into that much detail. how do you say this? >> her my guard? >> ermaguard. [ ding ] >> ermaguard. [ ding ] >> what is snapchat? >> snapchat is the devil. [ buzzard ] [ laughter ] >> show me how to dab. >> oh boy, i've seen her do it before. it's something like -- [ buzzer ] >> can you show me how to dab? [ buzzer ] show me how to dab. >> achoo. [ buzzer ] >> was that a sneeze? >> i thought that's what that was. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you sneeze and he thinks that's how you dab. achoo. [ cheers and applause ] achoo. [ laughter ] finally, get this, guys. i saw just added 300 new words, including man bun and sext. as in, if you have man bun, you'll never receive sext. you guys, we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i love that! no news! no news. what is no news -- >> good good news. >> no news is good good news. >> jimmy: with gary good news -- oh my -- the great space coaster, man. ♪ get onboard step inside only for a magic ride roaring from the other side where only rainbows hide ♪ ♪ on the great space coaster the great space coaster with the great space coaster off we go go go ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i love that. how great are the roots? give it up for the roots. oh, my gosh. [ cheers and applause ] i just want to say thanks again to everyone at universal. we have our own ride that is opening this thursday. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ it's surreal, right? >> steve: it's crazy. >> jimmy: i don't know how to even express how excited or what i'm feeling. >> steve: no. >> jimmy: like i would never expect this at all to happen nor have it be a good ride. [ light laughter ] >> steve: you expect one -- >> jimmy: to be honest, yeah. you could get a ride and it just be awful. >> steve: hey, here you go. >> jimmy: it is fantastic. anybody here ride it? [ cheers and applause ] it's really amazing. it's super fun. it's interactive. it's like a whole building they built -- >> steve: it looks like 30 rock. >> jimmy: looks like 30 rock in new york city. it took us three and a half years to make. i just want to thank mark woodbury and everyone here at universal again, for making this extreme ride. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] there you go. we have a fantastic show tonight. we're thrilled to have him here. we're just thrilled to have him here. i don't know why the hell -- i don't know why the hell i'm doing this show anyway. >> steve: oh, wow. hey, blake. >> jimmy: hey baby, i don't know why the hell you're standing over there. i don't like you. blake shelton is here tonight, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] we're going to catch up with blake shelton. he's going to perform for us later in the show. i can't wait for that. [ cheers and applause ] blake shelton. i love the guy. i love the guy, man. plus, from the giant new movie "the fate of the furious." scott eastwood is dropping by. [ cheers and applause ] ladies love him. >> steve: nicest guy in the world. >> jimmy: i'm just being honest i don't know why i'm here. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: i don't want to be here. >> steve: come on, blake. have a good time. >> jimmy: he's the best. every time he's on the show always -- well, we have fun. we always like well, we get in an argument or something. i try to be friends with him. like best friends with him. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: a pretty intense relationship i'd say. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: because i'm trying to push him to do other things. >> steve: you're trying to expand his horizon. >> jimmy: that's correct. thank you. >> steve: yeah. you're trying to be a better friend. >> jimmy: if i'm being honest. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: the last time i tried i gave him -- we had sushi for the first time. [ cheers and applause ] and we had sake. hot sake. he kept calling it rice wine. >> steve: have any of that rice wine? >> jimmy: got any more of that rice wine? [ laughter ] then he came on and taught me how to milk a cow. and turns out i'm pretty good at it. >> steve: pretty damn good. >> jimmy: well, recently i found out that blake is not a a big fan of roller coasters. >> steve: really? [ audience oohs ] >> jimmy: no, it actually works out because we have a brand new ride that opened at universal called "race for new york," and it's not just a ride, it's a a whole experience. so earlier today, i took blake on a tour of "race through new york." [ cheers and applause ] i made him ride the ride with me. and we taped the whole thing. check this out. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i'm here with my buddy blake shelton. and i'm about to take him on a a tour on my brand new ride at universal studios, "race through new york." ready for this? >> yes. >> jimmy: this is going to be fun, right. >> i only wanted to perform. >> jimmy: this is going to be fun. >> i'm only on your show to perform. >> jimmy: that's just a photo of me. >> has anyone told you, you look like potsie from "happy days"? >> jimmy: no, not one person. you look like a show on tnt around 3 in the morning like that you work at a gas station. >> looky there. there we are, buddy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this is my ride. >> number one -- number one on nbc. number one. but the next season -- that's hilarious. that's good. >> jimmy: it's a hit show, man. this is a hit show. >> they finally got a hit, so i guess they're really going to double down on it. >> jimmy: this is also like a a whole new set of families. so it's kind of a museum to all the hosts of "the tonight show." there's johnny carson. >> oh, love johnny carson. >> jimmy: this is jay leno here. >> see, this is what i'm talking about. this is when the show was good right here, man. [ light laughter ] we should have bought some of these things. ♪ ♪ this is what you worked three and a half years on? >> jimmy: a highlight. remember i took you -- we're best friends. tonight is kind of special. >> do you sell the rice wine i'm here. >> jimmy: no i don't sell -- oh, look at this. we have entertainment. it's the ragtime gal. guys, do you know any of blake shelton's songs? >> no. >> jimmy: what's the name of your album? >> jimmy: inside out or something? "insecure?" what is it? >> "if i'm honest." >> jimmy: "if i'm honest." can you -- just think of a a song, "if i'm honest." in five, four, three -- ♪ if i'm honest if i'm honest if i'm honest if i'm honest ♪ >> that's not a song. >> jimmy: that's not -- that's the first line. the second line is, i have a a two-inch penis. ♪ >> accomplished something. this building does remind me of 30 rock which is an office building. >> jimmy: yeah. >> that's so exciting. wow. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so far, are you having a good time? >> no. this is like being in a a shopping mall. nothing's for sale. you walk around and look in the windows, and you can't buy anything. >> jimmy: we haven't done the ride yet, though. >> and here this is the best part. clearly they wouldn't give you a real ride so we're going to go sit and look at a movie screen with 3d glasses on. [ light laughter ] so people are standing in line and they watch your show. that's actually brilliant. >> jimmy: look at you getting angry. >> no, i'm just fascinated. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: what's fascinating? >> how you ever became famous. [ laughter and applause ] you got to feel bad when you walk through you know, this whole theme park, universal here, and you see real roller coasters and ferris wheels and things like that -- >> jimmy: ferris wheel. >> and they gave you a screen that you're going to go in here and look at. [ ding ] >> jimmy: nbc, here we go. >> now, that looks cool. was that your idea? >> jimmy: no. >> that's actually the best part about this so far. >> jimmy: hey, hey, hey. hey, i'll make it better for you. >> look at that! >> jimmy: cheers, buddy. >> anything at this point. >> jimmy: put the 3d glasses on! >> put the glasses on? >> jimmy: yeah, put 'em on. look at this. whoa! [ light laughter ] thank you -- >> okay, i've got to admit, this is pretty cool. i admit it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh [ bleep ] [ applause ] >> almost need a barf bag after that. >> jimmy: you do? >> that was like a for real roller coaster. i mean it felt like a for real roller coaster. >> jimmy: see you're -- you're sweating. >> whoa! you put me on a freakin' roller coaster! ♪ >> jimmy: how about some merch. you want some merch? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: you got a backpack for when you go to school. >> you ever go to school? >> jimmy: home school. they've got real tattoos. chicken wire and goldfish. i love -- i love my favorite snack. >> have you ever been outside of the city? did you just call that chicken wire? >> jimmy: chicken wire and goldfish. like the snacks. the cheddar snacks? i love those things. i would get a tattoo of the two except i'd think i had your spanks that you wear underneath your pajamas at nighttime, you know what happens. another panda doll. >> love that panda. that's good. >> jimmy: hey, man. look at this. we both work at nbc. >> that's going to be so popular. >> jimmy: "this is us." you get it? we did it. >> all right, buddy. >> jimmy: i'll see you tonight. >> okay. >> jimmy: see you tonight, buddy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to blake shelton! stick around! we'll be right back with the ragtime gals! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ "the birds and the bees" by dean martin ♪ ♪ let me tell you 'bout the birds the bees ♪ ♪ and the flowers and the trees♪ ♪ and the moon up above ♪ and a thing called love. ♪ ♪ let me tell you 'bout the stars in the sk♪, ♪ a girl and a guy ♪ ♪ and the way they could kiss on a night like this ♪ life's as big as you make it. introducing the all-new seven seater volkswagen atlas ♪ and a thing called love. get play proof kid's gearhl's built for springtime fun like jumping beans dresses for only $12 $7 mix and match tops and bottoms and carter's sandals $19.99. you'll get kohl's cash too. play proof guarantee only at kohl's. tthey are 100% made-to-order,hat which is 100% awesome. 100% beef burgers with fries from denny's. 100% seriously. sometimes you capture the moment. and sometimes, it captures you. marriott now has 30 brands in over 110 countries. so no matter where you go, you are here. join or link accounts. ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. focas he ju uptedt, d pteditn o ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever, combining the four part harmony of barbershop quartet, with the music of sir mix-a-lot, please welcome, the ragtime gals! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh my golly becky look at her bottom. ♪ ♪ i like big butts and i cannot lie you other brothers can't deny ♪ ♪ that when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face you get sprung ♪ ♪ want to pull up tough cause you notice that butt was stuffed deep in the jeans she's wearing ♪ ♪ i'm hooked and i can't stop staring oh baby i want to get wit'cha and take your picture ♪ ♪ my homeboys tried to warn me but with that butt you got makes me so horny ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i'm so horny ooh rump-o-smooth-skin you say you want to get in my benz ♪ ♪ well use me use me cause you ain't that average groupie ♪ ♪ fellas yeah fellas yeah has your girlfriend got the butt hell yeah ♪ ♪ just shake it shake it shake it shake it shake that healthy butt ♪ ♪ baby got back baby got back baby got back ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ cause i'm long and i'm strong and i'm down to get the friction on ♪ ♪ so ladies yeah ladies yeah if you want to role in my mercedes ♪ ♪ then turn around stick it out even white boys got to shout ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ my anaconda don't want none unless you've got buns hon ♪ ♪ my ever loving baby got back baby got back ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: ragtime gals, everybody right there. we'll be right back with blake shelton, everybody! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ lease a 2017 lincoln mkx for $349 a month. only at your lincoln dealer. [laughs] ♪ you have a side that is retired ♪ ♪ playing tag and gettin' tired. ♪ ♪ you have a side that saves for their tuition. ♪ ♪ but right now it looks like bedtime is the mission. ♪ ♪ a side that owns your own store. ♪ ♪ looks like you need to expand some more. ♪ ♪ that's why there's nationwide. ♪ ♪ they help protect and grow your many sides. ♪ ♪ nationwide is on your side. i've been with i've been retired for 11.s. one day my wife came home and said, "you're driving me crazy." so, i figured ok, well as much coffee as i drink in my life starbucks was a logical place to work. when i first heard of cold brew i was like, "we got iced coffee, why are we doing this?" until i drank it. cold brew, you coarse grind it. and let it sit for 20 hours in cold water. it really is very smooth. i'm hooked. i love it. say hello to at&t's best, unlimited data deal ever. it's a total game-changer. so now the whole family can binge,..., shop, navigate, listen, game, stream and more. all without the hassle of worrying about overages... ...or running out of data. it's less than $40 per line per month with 4 lines. and remember, it's at&t's best, unlimited data deal ever. so get at&t, get unlimited and get everyone more for less. with motionsense technology... degree has redefined deodorant so that i can redefine... power... footwork... range... the more i move, the more it works. degree. it won't let you down. [whistle] hi. ♪ get up to 50% off all dresses. women's from 15 bucks. girls' from 10. hi, fashion. old navy. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest -- relax. well, i guess you might as well stay up, sorry about that. our first guest, is a multiple grammy award-nominated country music star and one of the coaches on the hit nbc series, "the voice," which airs mondays and tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, our good friend, blake shelton! [ cheers and applauase ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was a nice -- look at that love thing they have for the people love blake shelton. we love you, man. [ cheers and applause ] they love you. we love you. >> what -- my back. >> jimmy: oh, stop it. your back does not hurt. >> hope you got good insurance on that ride. >> jimmy: oh my gosh. >> that ride you built. >> jimmy: i mean, come on -- thank you for doing that. because i know that you don't like roller coasters, so i didn't -- i thought you'd be fine with it. >> and you said it wasn't a a roller coaster. have y'all been on it yet? [ cheers and applause ] that's pretty damn close to being a roller coaster. [ light laughter ] that's close enough. >> jimmy: you're sweating. >> i was -- i'm not kidding. i'm not kidding. i thought i was going to throw up. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you really did? >> yes. >> jimmy: that would have been good tv. [ light laughter ] why didn't you just do it? >> i don't care about your tv show. >> jimmy: i love that you went on it, man. we had gwen on the show and she said that you don't like roller coasters. and i said, "oh, that's perfect." [ light laughter ] but you want to -- >> oh, she's so excited right now because she knows i -- we were texting earlier and it's like, "yes, i had to go do the roller coaster because you had to talk about it." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i want -- you know what i want to see -- who i want to see on that ride with their hair blowing in the wind? is -- this -- this blake shelton. do you know this guy? [ cheers and applause ] what in the world! >> thank you. ♪ >> jimmy: best look in your career. >> what in the world! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what in the -- >> we're not in new york city anymore, people like the mullet. >> jimmy: okay, no -- >> people like it. >> jimmy: what -- when was this and how did it happen and why. and when did you get rid of it? >> i think it was cheaper just to get half a haircut back then. just cut -- cut what you can. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i don't know. >> jimmy: here's what -- it just -- it just -- >> it was cool back then, shut up. you know that was cool. everybody knows that was cool. >> jimmy: is this cool? [ cheers and applause ] that's ugly, look at that. >> this is the worst. i can't believe you made it. >> jimmy: what is -- >> i can't believe you made it. >> jimmy: what is your -- [ laughter ] let's talk about your album. if i'm -- if i'm honest, congratulations on it, by the way. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what song are you doing tonight? what song are you -- >> no, no, no, that -- this -- you weren't just going to leave it at that. >> jimmy: what song are you going to do? i love your stuff, man. >> i'm doing "every time i hear that song," which is the current single. >> jimmy: that's unbelievable, that breaks my heart. i love that. >> oh, do you love that one? >> jimmy: oh, man, i -- i'm so glad -- which one is it? [ laughter ] what's the name of it again? >> "every time i hear that song." >> jimmy: i'm singing -- i'm singing it today. >> oh, really? >> jimmy: yeah. >> let's hear -- let's hear a a little bit of it. ♪ every time i hear that song you take a piece of me with you ♪ ♪ every time i hear that song a you take a piece of me with you ooh ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i love it, it's beautiful. it's a -- it's a slam dunk. it's a big hit, "every time i hear that song," that's great. >> if you look at your audience, nobody knows who paul young is. no -- not one person is like, "what is that?" >> jimmy: what other ones do you have in here? >> shut up. you don't even listen to country -- >> jimmy: i love -- i love country music. >> no, you don't. >> jimmy: yeah, yes i do. i love country music. i'm going to see you destroy tonight, there's a big crowd right here, they want to hear you perform. [ cheers and applause ] they love you. i love country music. a guy -- yeah. a guy with a girl -- >> you're going to do -- >> jimmy: that's track eight. >> oh track -- that's when you get in your car, you get in your truck, you just skip to the track -- yeah. >> jimmy: i don't know the name as far as the numbers, i go -- i go -- eight, let's hear eight. can you go -- kurt, can you go -- ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm just a guy with a girl i'm just a guy with a girl that's all that you'll let me do ♪ ♪ okay, i'm good, i hear the influence. i feel the influence on that one. [ cheers and applause ] well, anyway -- [ cheers and applause ] let me just say -- >> normally you're not very funny, but that was pretty funny. [ laughter and applause ] that was pretty good. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: let's -- let's talk about "the voice." congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> jimmy: congrat -- yeah. [ cheers and applause ] why's that? what was that? >> i don't know, it's a power or something, i don't know what you did. >> jimmy: nothing, if it's nothing, do this -- >> i'm fist bumping america. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a good song, that's a good song title. >> that's right. >> jimmy: i'm fist bumping america. >> but don't write on my record -- don't write -- >> jimmy: i know. i was writing on a piece of paper. i just want to think about it. there's a bonus track. fist bumping -- you're the second guest as well, this is great. [ laughter and applause ] you got a good team. i think you're going win again. i just think you're good at this stuff. and i think you're -- you're a a good guy, and you've got a a great ear. you've got a great face for radio. and you know what? [ light laughter ] you really -- you just really do, man. and i think i want to show a a clip. here's blake shelton and a a 14-year-old contestant from tonight's episode of "the voice." take a look at this. >> she's got this old voice to be only 14 years old. it's just fascinating to me. >> i'm so happy. gwen was such an amazing coach and i'm just looking forward to working with blake. >> oh, you are? >> yes. oh my gosh! thank you so much! >> i can't wait to buy your record someday. >> oh, my gosh! >> it's going to be fun, sweetie. >> thank you! >> welcome home. welcome to team blake! yeah! >> yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: blake shelton, everybody! "the voice" airs mondays and tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. on nbc! he's going to play for us later. [ cheers and applause ] scott eastwood joins us after the break! stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪boys are boys and girls are joys♪ ♪ ♪to you and me they're more than toys♪ ♪ ♪gonna find one so i won't be lonely♪ ♪she'll be mine forever only ♪and when i do it'll be alright♪ ♪wee hoo ♪i tell ya now! ♪boys are boys and girls are joys♪ you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. jack vo: things get a lot more jack vo: vampires wake up. jack vo: werewolves come out. jack vo: the boogie man gets his boogie on. jack vo: and my hashbrowns turn into my new munchie mashups. jack vo:they come with crispy hashbrowns and tasty white cheese mashed up with your choice of savory egg and bacon, buffalo chicken and ranch, or jalapeños and bacon. jack vo: so you can keep going until the sun comes up. jack vo: ouch, that's gotta hurt. jack vo: introducing my new munchie mashups. only at jack in the box. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ to take advantage of this offer on a volvo s90, visit your local dealer. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my gosh. thank you very much. welcome back, everybody. our next guest stars in the brand-new installment of the blockbuster fast and furious franchise. it is called "the fate of the furious," and it opens in theaters -- i know, it's going to be good. it opens in theatres and imax friday, april 14th. please welcome the very talented scott eastwood! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: scott eastwood, welcome to the show, buddy! thank you for being here! >> thank you. thank you for having me. it looks like you've got a a bigger crowd. >> jimmy: yeah. we got a big crowd tonight. absolutely, man. congrats on everything, and thank you for coming on our show and thank you for -- you went on the ride earlier. >> i did. i did go on the ride. you've got a big panda in that ride. >> jimmy: yes. there's a giant -- there's a big panda. >> the mark of any true success, a giant panda. >> jimmy: the giant panda there. you took a photo cause i said take a photo to prove to me that you went through. so here's you in the gift shop. >> yeah. you did yeah. that's me. [ laughter ] that's your -- that's your big panda. >> jimmy: now why would you put your hand of there of all places? >> there's a compromising situation. >> jimmy: thank you for doing that. are you -- do you like to -- ride roller coasters? are you like an adrenaline junkie? >> yeah, i like that sort of stuff. >> jimmy: yeah. you look like that. do you drive motorcycles and stuff? >> i gave up that, but -- yeah. >> jimmy: i feel like there's a a side of me that wants to be you. you know. >> nah. >> jimmy: because you're cool. you look cool. you race through things. >> no you don't -- >> jimmy: you dive out of planes? >> i've done a few things like that. the problem is -- >> jimmy: you're so cool. you don't even care. it means nothing to you. it means nothing to you. you're laughing at it. >> jimmy, the problem is i have a mother and -- you know what it's like? >> jimmy: now he's got a a sensitive side. you're like the perfect guy. [ cheers and applause ] dive out of planes then you hug your mother and give her flowers. but i saw a video of you -- and we have it here -- of you wakeboard surfing. what is it? wake surfing? >> yeah, yeah. a little bit of wake surfing. >> jimmy: but then, here's how cool you are. well take a look at this. this is scott -- he has a beer. you're drinking a beer while wake surfing. >> that -- you know -- >> jimmy: i mean that is the coolest, and that's what i'm talking about. how do you -- >> well -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm useless. i have no -- i have no cred at all. i have my own ride yet i feel like a little -- i feel like -- i feel like mini-drake. i feel like my man mini-drake. that's him. there we go right there. [ cheers and applause ] mini-drake. tiny -- >> he's a little guy. >> jimmy: yeah, mini-drake dude. he hangs out with us all the time. >> mini-drake. >> jimmy: how do you do that? you just get -- i don't understand what that -- what was happening? >> you've got to maximize your time, and that's multitasking. >> jimmy: it really is. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that would be your ride. would that be? >> it would you know. it would. i was thinking about that earlier today, and i think my ride would serve beer. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah okay. >> your's doesn't serve beer. >> jimmy: no, my panda -- doesn't serve beer. you would -- >> you're welcome america. >> jimmy: exactly yeah. i'm just fist pumping america all day long. [ cheers and applause ] let's talk about "the fate of the furious," congratulations. this is a giant franchise, i mean are you excited to be part of it? >> yeah. yeah. you know. it's kind of a dream come true. because how great it is to watch this massive franchise, but then -- and be a fan from the first one, and then get to join it, when it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger. it's incredible. >> jimmy: they just welcome you right in. you fit right in? >> you know what, the coolest thing about the franchise is they really are a family onscreen and off. so they just -- they just welcome you with open arms. >> jimmy: we had vin on the show yesterday. he's great and dwayne is coming on as well, the nicest guys. >> they're nice. until the rock throws you up against a wall. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. who do you play in the film? >> i play -- i'm the rookie that nobody likes. >> jimmy: oh. >> yeah! yeah. >> jimmy: rebel with a dark edge to him. oh, yeah. perfect, perfect. i want to show a clip. here's scott eastwood, kurt russell, gosh i love kurt russell, and dwayne johnson in "the fate of the furious." take a look at this. >> there are no backroom deals. got myself into this, i'm going to get myself out of it. you know that. >> i do and that's what i told them. >> well, there you have it. good luck in the courts, man. >> what about your daughter? you know, if you're not going to do it for your country, at least do it for your kid. >> big mistake, kid. >> hold on. look. look. he's still working from a a manual. i mean he doesn't even really know the rules. come on, give him a break. >> ah! >> appreciate it. >> good to see you -- >> you too. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my gosh! scott eastwood, everybody! "the fate of the furious" hits theaters and imax april 14th! stick around, everybody! blake shelton performs for us next. stick around everybody. 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[ cheers and applause ] "if i'm honest" is out now. we'll be right back everybody. thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] xfinity watchathon week is back. i'll get my coat. meaning you can catch up on all the moments you might have missed. you seriously can't tell the difference between a bird and a plane? xfinity watchathon week ends april 9. the greatest collection of shows free with xfinity on demand. alright, let me get tunbeatable. straight. unbeatable? seriously? cannot be beat? you heard me man, unbeatable. how's that possible? got the formula, got the chemistry. ahhh, but the others are all talking. right, right, talk-ity, talk-ity, talk. but when it comes to helping keep the engine clean, no gasoline can beat chevron with techron. ah-ha, that's impressive. no gasoline cleans better than chevron with techron. care for your car. (spitting. thud.) nailed it! sweet! (both cars laugh) come on! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline gold. its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. good boy. go for the gold. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to blake shelton, scott eastwood and the roots. it was another great night here at universal orlando resort! we're here all week! stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thanks for watching. have a great night. hope to see you tomorrow! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- ice t, star of "guerrilla" actress freida pinto, comedian julio torres, featuring the 8g band with johnathan mover. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. >> seth: good evening, everybody, i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] fantastic. that is great to hear. in that case, let's get to the news. march madness ended last night. so only 45 more months of madness to go. [ laughter ] we're now in april madness.

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