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Musical guest barry gibb, and featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 553 steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats what we want thats what you want thats a hot crowd that is a hot crowd right there welcome, everybody. Welcome. Welcome to the tonight show. [ cheers and applause ] this is it. You made it. You made it. Youre the show. Thank you for being here, everybody. Heres what people are talking about. It continues to be a rough couple of weeks for trump. Now a former apprentice contestant says that donald trump didnt know the names of all the women on the show and would describe them by their bodies and looks. [ audience boos ] when asked about it trump said, which women said that . Brown hair lazy eye . Or blonde hair nose job . I know her. [ laughter and applause ] Chris Christie said this week that he was very disturbed, disappointed, and embarrassed by Donald Trumps leaked comments. In fact it was the thi im sorry. I screwed that up. [ light laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] Chris Christie said this week that he was very disturbed, disappointed, and embarrassed by Donald Trumps leaked comments. In fact, it was the first thing ever that left a bad taste in christies mouth. [ laughter and applause ] ever. Steve ever . Jimmy cant believe that. Steve wow. Jimmy blonde lady nose job . Was it lazy it was lazy eye, wasnt it . [ light laughter ] but Mike Huckabee talked to megyn kelly yesterday about why voters should support donald trump. And he compared trump to captain quint from the movie jaws. [ light laughter ] which im not sure what the best metaphor. Hes like captain quint in the original movie jaws. Hes the guy whos going to save your butt and save your family. And so at the end of the day, when he kills the shark, youre happy about it. Now, hillary is the shark. Shes going to eat your boat. Thats the choice you get to make. [ light laughter ] now governor, i hate to be the one to tell you this youre gonna but captain quint got eaten by the shark. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy oh, no my goodness. No spoilers no spoilers [ light laughter ] meanwhile, hillary is telling the guy planning her Victory Party were going to need some bigger balloons. [ light laughter ] just too much. I saw that donald trump just released a new tv ad attacking Hillary Clintons health with clips of her coughing. [ light laughter ] which was effective until the end when he said, im donald trump and i approve this message. [ sniffing ] [ laughter ] is he sniffing again . Whys he sniffing all the time . Did you guys see this . Trump was telling voters to get out and vote at a rally in florida yesterday. But check out when he told voters to go to the poll. Now, keep in mind, the election is november 8th. Were doing something thats incredible. Its a movement. But if we dont win, all it is is a little asterisk in history. Theres never been anything like this. So go and register. Make sure you get out and vote november 28th. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy be sure you get out there. My supporters thought the election was november 28th. So the election is rigged. [ laughter ] it should be november 28th. It should be. I think thats the date it should be. [ light laughter ] i saw that yesterday al gore campaigned for Hillary Clinton at a florida rally, attended by 1,600 people. Unfortunately for gore, a a recount showed that it was only 1,300 people. [ audience ohs ] [ laughter ] steve heyo jimmy hows it hanging, chad . [ light laughter ] this is interesting. A new study finds that having acne could be a good thing, because it protects your skin from aging. [ cheers ] and teenagers are like, right now it just feels like its protecting me from girls. [ laughter and applause ] listen to this. Samsung is sending out thermally insulated flameproof boxes for people returning its exploding galaxy note 7 phones. [ light laughter ] samsung says theyre being extra cautious. While u. P. S. Is saying, please use fedex. Please. [ laughter and applause ] just dont get us involved. And finally, after samsung announced that its permanently stopping production on its exploding galaxy note 7, i read that apple could sell an additional 15 million iphones. You can tell apples excited, because this morning when i asked siri what the weather was she said it is raining dollar bills. [ laughter ] jimmy we have a great show tonight. Give it up for the roots [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hi, everybody thank you very much for watching our show. Thank you for being here, guys. Im so excited about tonights show. Im so excited. But theres more ahead. Tomorrow night, vin diesel will be here, of course. [ cheers and applause ] we love vin diesel. And then on friday, jon hamm will be joining us. [ cheers and applause ] weve got Something Special planned with him. Be sure to tune in for that. And we have a performance from kings of leon. [ cheers and applause ] steve hey jimmy so its a good week coming ahead. Set your dvrs, your tivos. Tomorrow night were going to air this thing that we shot yesterday with kevin hart, that is last time, i went on a roller coaster with him, because hes afraid of roller coasters. So we went on, and honestly, it was frightening, it was hilarious. So this one i wanted to do something that i was afraid of, so we went to a haunted house. I cant [ light laughter ] i cant even talk about it. Im still im just contacting my lawyers im talking to my lawyers right now, were figuring steve youre suing yourself . Jimmy it was im gonna sue myself for taking me there. But its going to air tomorrow night. Be sure to tune in for that. Its very, very funny. Kevin hart. [ cheers and applause ] we have such a fun show tonight. We love it when this man pays us a visit. Hes an amazing actor. It turns out hes also a a terrific writer. Heres his new memoir, a life in parts. Bryan cranston is here [ cheers and applause ] steve what . Jimmy when you get it down, it works. Turns into heisenberg. Plus shes an incredible actress. We love her. Weve been watching her crush it in films since she was 7 years old. Dakota fanning is dropping by. Steve yeah. [ cheers and applause ] and do we have music tonight steve come on jimmy do we have music tonight [ cheers ] my man barry gibb is here tonight, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] i love barry gibb. Obviously, you know, i love barry gibb. Hes just one of my favorite people. I remember in high school, i would its not like i didnt have friends. I had [ light laughter ] i had like three or four friends, yeah. Steve two were real. Jimmy two were real. Thank you, higgins. [ light laughter ] one of them is one of the writers on the show and we would get together on, probably friday nights im assuming. We had nowhere to go. But i had the bee gees box set, tales from the brothers gibb, or tales of the brothers gibb. It was a cd box set, i couldnt even afford it, i went halvesies with my dad. [ light laughter ] we did. We split it. Im like, ill share this with you, dad. But anyway, i was old enough to drink in high school. [ light laughter ] steve what . Jimmy i was 21 in high school. And wed have like a 12pack of beer or Something Like that. And wed sit and we would listen to just all the bee gees songs, and we would memorize all the harmonies, and, like, really dissect it. And he, sometimes my friend gerard would be robin and i would be barry, and then wed switch off. Every song, like here we are in the room full of strangers no, thats me and justin. And then like robin would go follow you though you did not want me to [ cheers and applause ] but that wont stop my love for you i cant stay away blaming it all on the nights on Broadway Steve barry gibbs talk show. His new album in the now, and i just love it. Im just so happy hes here. Get ready. Because hes just the best. [ cheers and applause ] hes got a new record. I mean, also i dont know, not many people know this, but barry gibb actually has a a childrens tv show. Its called steve does he really . Jimmy its called silhouette singing. Steve oh. Jimmy basically barry gibbs gets together with 1 1970s barry gibb and they sound out different words and then harmonize them together. They just released a new episode where they sing words about the fall. Check this out. [ cheers and applause ] scare scarecrow scarecrow foot football football corn maze corn maze horn of plenty horn of plenty leaf pile jump into the leaf pile [ cheers and applause ] haunted hayride hahahaha haunted hayride haunted hayride [ cheers and applause ] Pumpkin Spice latte Pumpkin Spice latte yeah Pumpkin Spice latte yeah trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat if you dont i dont care ill pull down your underwear ill pull down your underwear ill pull down your underwear happy halloween [ cheers and applause ] were going to prove just how wet and sticky your current gel antiperspirant is. Now, were going to show you how degree dry spray is different. Degree dry spray. Degree. It wont let you down. Alri was the mommynow slam dunk champion . Really . Yes, really dont sound so surprised. Lets see it oh youre ready. Alright, here we go. Lets hear the crowd. Ahhhh i go to the right. I go to the left. Fake em out. Mama go up, up, up she did it. Again . You cant avoid gravity. But unitedhealthcare can help you avoid financial surprises by helping you compare costs and doctor quality ratings. Unitedhealthcare uhhuh you shoulhey dude. Xxxlhat, now. She wants her fruit chews. Masterpassed. I masterpassed it. That was fast. Because i masterpass. Woman how do we protect them from 4 billion in new cuts to california schools . Man vote yes on proposition 55. Woman prop 55 doesnt raise taxes on anyone. Man not on working californians, not small businesses. No one. Woman instead, prop 55 simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. Man so those who can most afford it continue paying their fair share. Woman . To prevent new education cuts. Man . And keep improving californias schools. Woman vote yes on prop 55 to help our children thrive. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thank you very much, again, to barry gibb for doing that. What was that other jam that i liked . In the event of something happening to me there is something i would like you all to see thats a great one, thats its just a photograph of someone that i knew its a very young its an early deep cut. Jimmy deep cut on that one. New york mining disaster 1941. Oh, yeah. I remember that one. Jimmy yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] he also wrote, i mean, not even bee gees stuff. He did, you know, he wrote grease. Grease is the word [ cheers ] we love that. I cant hit that note. Is the word that im feeling grease is the time is the place is the motion now grease is the way we are feeling [ cheers ] [ cheers and applause ] my man, barry gibb god, hes the best guys, welcome back. We are in week six of the nfl season, and the big sunday night football. I love sunday night football. The matchup is between the Indianapolis Colts and the houston texans, right here on nbc. Now, as you know, at the end of every season, they give out awards like the most valuable player. But they also give out awards during the season, sort of like the ones in high school yearbooks, like most likely to succeed, class clown, stuff like that. So, with that in mind, its time for tonight show superlatives. Here we go. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our first player is anthony castonzo. Hes an offensive tackle for the Indianapolis Colts. He was voted most likely to appear on the cover of an nfl romance novel. [ laughter and applause ] come with me. Next up i cant believe its not butter. [ laughter ] next up is zach kerr. He was voted most likely to ask his barber for the graduation cap. Thats very interesting. [ laughter ] next up, from the colts, is jeremy vujnovich. He was voted the most likely to walk out of a bathroom and say, you might want to give it a a couple of days. [ laughter and applause ] its a rare award. We never give that out. Heres oday aboushi. He was voted most likely to be what you get when youre not willing to spend top dollar for a drake impersonator. [ laughter and applause ] hes not great, not bad. Heres Vince Wilfork from the houston texans. He was voted most likely to be a genie that gets stuck while trying to come out of his lamp. Thats not good. [ laughter and applause ] next up is texans quarterback, brock osweiler. He was voted most likely to extend his neck like e. T. When he senses danger. [ laughter and applause ] interesting. Heres kendall langford. He was voted most likely to laugh and say, animals cant talk, while he watches zootopia by himself. [ laughter and applause ] heres wide receiver t. Y. Hilton. He was voted most likely to have a cousin named f. U. Marriott. [ laughter and applause ] thats odd. Thats an odd coincidence. Next is brandon weeden. He was voted most likely to refer to his pubes as the garden of weeden. [ laughter and applause ] can we double check that . Why would they give that award out . [ laughter ] yeah, we dont think of these awards. They just give them at these players. Next up is greg mancz. He was voted to be most likely of every boyfriend from teen mom combined into one. [ laughter and applause ] and finally, heres tom savage. He was voted croatian nicolas cage. [ cheers and applause ] there you go, everybody there are your nfl superlatives. Well be right back with Bryan Cranston [ cheers and applause ] jay knows how to keep nice shorts, dad. G. This is what the pros wear. Uhhh. Thats why he starts his day with those two scoops in heart healthy kelloggs raisin bran. Ready to eat my dust . Too bad i already filled up on raisins. Kelloggs raisin bran. Deliciously heart healthy. Im beowulf boritt and im broaa broadway set designer. When i started designing a bronx tale the musical, i came up. With this idea of four towers that were fire escapes. Essentially. Ill build a little model in photoshop and add these. Details in with a pen. I could never do that with a mac. I feel like my job is. To put out there just enough detail to spur the audiences. Imagination to fill in all the blanks. This windows pc is amazing, having all of my tools. Right at my finger tips is incredible. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. The little sounds your crispy bacon makes drive me crazy. You naughty little. Did you just spank your lunch . Yes. Nice. Food you want to fork. Introducing devour. Enjoy your phone you too. inner monologue all right, be cool. You got the amazing new iphone 7 on the house by switching to at t. What . . Aand you got unlimited data because you have directv . . Okay, just a few more steps. Door its cool get the iphone 7 on us and unlimited data when you switch to at t and have directv. When legalizing safe, responsible adult use of marijuana, the most important question is how . By voting yes on prop 64 adults 21 and over could only purchase marijuana at licensed marijuana businesses. And prop 64 bans advertising directed at kids. Requires strict product labeling. Childproof packaging. And bans edibles that appeal to children. Smart provisions to safeguard our families. Learn more about the safeguards at yeson64. Org. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our first guest is not only a tony award winner, hes also a sixtime Emmy Award Winner for his fantastic work on the groundbreaking critically acclaimed series breaking bad. Now hes written this wonderful new memoir called, a life in parts, which is available now. Please welcome, the multitalented, Bryan Cranston, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Jimmy you must feel the love they love you. We love you. Welcome, welcome, welcome back to the show, buddy. A lot of love. Got questlove. Jimmy questlove. A lot of love. Going to take a lot of love going to take a lot of love to feel all right going to take a lot of love to feel all right jimmy who was that . Nicollette larson. Good call. Jimmy nicollette larson. Wow hes better than google. Are you kidding me. It was written by neil young. Are you kidding me. Jimmy whats that . It was written by neil young. Jimmy oh, thats right, it was by neil young. Alright, what day did he write it . [ laughter ] february 30th damn jimmy darn it you cant get anything past these guys. Welcome back. We love having you here, buddy. Great to see you. Jimmy you look sharp. Look at this guy on the cover. I like this guy. Oh, yeah. Jimmy hes a good looking dude. Evil eisenberg. Jimmy i love him, too. He was just misunderstood. Jimmy of course. You have great quotes on the back here. But one said Bryan Cranston has created a cinematic record of how an actor shapes a a career, and an identity, and a legacy all at the same time, from the great tom hanks. Yeah. Jimmy thats not bad. Not too shabby. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy how much did you pay him for the quote . Yeah. I had a little dirt on mr. Hanks. I said, either you say this, or jimmy yeah. Hes a lovely guy. Jimmy how many times have you worked with tom . Ive worked with tom maybe four times. Jimmy yeah, four times. Hes just called me every time saying, are you free . And before i can answer, im like on a plane ready to go wherever he wants. Jimmy any takeaway from that guy . Ive got to say, hes the guy you hope he would be. Jimmy yeah. Thats him. Jimmy i agree. Hes the guy. Hes on the set, hes respectful and kind and friendly. And yet you get the work done. Hes kind of like you. Jimmy thank you very much. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] except for the respectful and kind part. [ laughter ] jimmy well yeah, besides that. You get the work done, though, right . Jimmy i try as hard as i can. Jimmy why did you decide to write a memoir now . Because youre very young. Oh, god, they paid me so much money. [ laughter ] jimmy exactly. Thats not true. I just you know, i had an opportunity to tell stories that ive always told all my life. This is a collection of short stories from my life. And the good and the bad. Very challenging childhood. Jimmy look at this kid. Come on, awe. Jimmy hes a cute little kid right there. Yeah. Hes pretty cute. Jimmy yeah, hes great. I also like this thing of you. Do you remember this . Yeah. Jimmy up on top there. In high school. High school. Jimmy and lower move down a little bit. Thats the same one. This is bill johnson. So explain this. Alright, so i was a bit of a a sneaky kid when i was young, into a teenager. Jimmy sneaky pete. Yeah, i was a sneaky pete. An so i knew it was picture week. They were taking shots of all the students. And i was going, oh, okay. And i came around the next day and signed bill johnson 11th grade, gave them my sheet, took the picture, got the card. And so i had two cards whenever i was truant or ditched school or anything and got into trouble, they would say, okay, who are you . Id go, bill . Johnson . You know . No, youre not. Yeah, yeah, heres my i. D. Were going to have to take this to the office and call your parents. Im like, oh, no dont call natalie and steve johnson. [ laughter ] that would be horrible if they found out. Jimmy theyd be so upset. That young bill did this. You would just do that and get away with it . If ever i got into trouble bill bill johnson. Bryan cranston never got into trouble, by the way. Bill johnson, he was a bad influence. Jimmy awful awful awful child. Terrible influence around me. Jimmy awful child. Yeah, he was. Jimmy i want to tell i want hear the story about when you and your brother became suspects in a murder. But i dont want to get into it now, i want to go to commercial, and then i really want to hear this. About the killing of mr. Wong. Okay. Jimmy aright, here we go. More with Bryan Cranston when we come back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] mr. Brady, weve been expecting you. Will you be needing anything else . Not a thing. Beautyrest black. Get your beautyrest. So we know how to cover almost bealanything. Ything, even mermutts. 1940s aqua music burke and we covered it, february third, twentysixteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum one pan, less than 30 minutes. Because if they arent going to eat it, at least you didnt spend too much time making it. Campbells one dish recipes. Made for real, real life. Mr. Bonejangles was alwaysr. Looking for something. Tch. But he never found it. Until one day. Seven in dog time. Exactly what he didnt know he was looking for fell right in his lap. Was he expecting the perfect toy at an amazing price . No, of course not, hes a dog. But thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, but you know youre gonna love it. Marshalls. Your surprise is waiting. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back, everybody. We are hanging with our good friend, Bryan Cranston his new memoir, a life in parts, is available now. I would like to hear one of the stories in here, but this how you and your brother became suspects in a murder. Yes. Well, we took a twoyear motorcycle ride across the United States in the mid70s. Jimmy how cool is that . Yeah, it was the greatest things. We picked up jobs here and there, and one time, we were daytona beach, staying for a a while, trying to earn some money, and we got a job at a a polynesian restaurant jimmy mmhmm. Called the hawaiian inn, and at the hawaiian inn, we were waiters. And, the head chef was a guy named peter wong. Now, peter was a good chef and a horrible person. [ laughter ] was the first person i ever met who i just realized, oh, my god. I hate this guy. [ laughter ] i dont think ive ever hated someone before. Jimmy some bad people, yeah. Peter wong jimmy yeah, peter wong. Not a nice guy . Not a nice guy. He was miserable and mean, and i mean, he would just shout and yell at you. And, so, during the waiter meetings before every night, wed have a little food, and theyre telling us what to push on the menu. Jimmy yep. And wed all talk about how each one of us would kill peter wong, if we had the opportunity. [ laughter ] so, so i said jimmy i could totally see myself doing that. Im just thinking that i would slice him up, not dice him up, id jimmy yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, crazy tender slices. Jimmy yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Thats very smart, yeah. Write something on jimmy theres different ways to do it. So, were joking around this whole thing. Well, the season comes to an end. My brother and i hop on our motorcycles, and we take off again to go up north. And, policemen come into the hawaiian inn and gather everybody whos left of the staff, and they say, we would like to ask you about peter wong. And everybodys wondering whats going on. They said, anybody ever talk about hurting or killing peter wong . [ laughter ] and all the waiters are like, well, yeah, all of us. [ laughter ] jimmy oh, really . And they said, anybody who is no longer here who talked about killing peter . Um, well, the cranston brothers are. When did they when did they leave . Well, they left about a week ago on their motorcycles. And, they said, that fits the time line jimmy and yeah, he because peter was murdered. And they were looking for us. They put an a. P. B. Out on our motorcycles and looking for us. We were somewhere north of the carolinas by then. Jimmy and they arrested bill and stan johnson. [ laughter ] bill and stan. Jimmy the daylight the day [ applause ] bill and stan, and theyre guilty, and theyre serving time currently. I wanted to play a game with you tonight if you dont mind. Sure. Jimmy this game is called cranstin cranstout. [ laughter ] so, im going to name something, and, you say cranstin if you enjoy it, cranstout if youre out. All right. Jimmy and im gonna say fallin, fallout. Okay, got it. Jimmy ready . Wait, tell me the rules again . No, no. [ laughter ] jimmy if i had to explain the rules for 20 minutes, then we never get to the game. [ laughter ] all right. Ready . Here we go. [ clears throat ] Pumpkin Spice lattes. Cranstin. Jimmy fallout. Oh, was that quick . Jimmy too much business. Oh, okay. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah. I see where were going. [ laughter ] jimmy no, you dont. There isnt were not going anywhere. Oh, theres a competition here [ laughter ] dont fool yourself [ laughter ] jimmy dogs wearing clothing. Oh, fallin. Oh, cranstout. Oh. Jimmy what . [ laughter ] well, let me my dog wearing clothing . Cranstout. Jimmy what . Your dog wearing clothing, cranstin. Jimmy its cute. I want to see that. Jimmy yeah, i think its cute. Mens jewelry. Fallout. Cranstout. Jimmy yeah, out. But i wear a wedding ring. Jimmy and a ring and a a watch. And a watch, and a nipple ring, but [ laughter ] jimmy dont tell every but just one jimmy dont tell everything and one jimmy no, no, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] well, its not on his nipple. [ laughter ] eating something after its fallen on the floor, fivesecond rule. Oh, cranstin. Jimmy fallin. Yeah, of course, yeah. Yeah. Jimmy please, have you ever eaten at mr. Wongs . Hello. [ laughter ] jimmy turtlenecks. Cranstout. Jimmy fallin. It keeps your neck warm. Very andy williams. No. At my age now, it just accentuates the second the second you know, the second chin. Jimmy yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You cant push it up there. I get that, too. Its like im pointing at it. Jimmy yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] camping. Fall fallin. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy dont ever speak for me, man. [ laughter ] im my own person. [ laughter and applause ] how would you know if i like camping or not . You barely know me, but youre right. I do enjoy im not a camper, but i would be. I was under stress [ laughter ] jimmy mayonnaise. Fallout. Oh, cranstin. Jimmy ew i cannot stand mayonnaise. It reminds me of puff. Thats why i like it. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy the bachelorette. Fallin. Fallout. Jimmy cranstout. [ laughter and applause ] i love the show. Finally, the murder of mr. Wong. [ laughter ] cranstin. Jimmy oh, my goodness [ cheers and applause ] Bryan Cranston, everybody check out his new memoir, a life in parts. Well be right back with Dakota Fanning stick around. [ cheers and applause ] you should masterpass that, now. Hey dude. Xxxl she wants her fruit chews. Masterpassed. I masterpassed it. That was fast. Because i masterpass. Dry spray . Thats fun. Its already dry no wait time. This is great. Its very soft. Can i keep it . laughter all the care of dove. Now in a dry antiperspirant spray. Awarded best of beauty by allure. Jay knows how to keep nice shorts, dad. G. This is what the pros wear. Uhhh. Thats why he starts his day with those two scoops in heart healthy kelloggs raisin bran. Ready to eat my dust . Too bad i already filled up on raisins. Kelloggs raisin bran. Deliciously heart healthy. We catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. Scandal alert flo likes dairy . woman busted [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. Oh, yeah [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur . What . no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. You just plug it in and it gives you a rate based on your driving. Does she have insurance for being boring . [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ] whthat i would never grow up. Made a deal with myself we met when we were very young. I was 17, he was 18. We made the movie the book of life. We started doing animation. With the surface book, you can do all this stuff. You can actually draw on the screen. So crisp. I love it. Its almost like this super powerful computer and a tablet had the perfect baby. Its a typewriter for writing scripts. Its a sketchbook for sketches. Its a canvas for painting. You cant do that on a mac. Starting at 9. 99 s never ending pasta bowl endless combinations of your favorite pastas, sauces and toppings. Now including chicken alfredo. Plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. Its all never ending, but only for a limited time. At olive garden. How do they make starburst taste so juicy . They use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] its about to get juicy. Whoo i feel so aliii. It takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. Unexplainably juicy. I have to tell you something. Dad, one second i was driving and then the next. They just didnt stop and then. Im really sorry. I wrecked the subaru. I wrecked it. Youre ok. Thats all that matters. vo a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our next guest has starred in over 30 films, and shes only 22 years old. From the new movie, american pastoral, please welcome the very lovely, the talented, Dakota Fanning [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hey welcome back welcome back you look gorgeous. Thank you. Jimmy thank you for coming back. I love your shoes. Very beautiful shoes thanks. Jimmy look at that. Ooh la la. Thank you. Jimmy you had a very exciting night last night. What did you end up doing . You were at the Empire State Building . Yes, in the morning i went and flipped the switch to light the Empire State Building with save the children, a charity i work with to celebrate International Day of the girl. And then last night [ cheers and applause ] and then at sundown jimmy heres you with the children there. Yeah. We did it together. And then at sundown it was red. And thats me on my rooftop. Jimmy wow. Youre giant. Youre very tall. Youre taller than the Empire State Building. Yeah. Jimmy i think its very cool that you do stuff like that. It was awesome. Jimmy you live in new york city now. I do, yes. Jimmy what do you do for fun . Like on the weekend . Do you and your girlfriends get together and party down . Yes, we do. But we also do this fun thing where we go to atlantic city. Jimmy yeah, i love atlantic city. And yes. So we go to atlantic city, and usually a big group of us go. And our last trip was a smaller group. Me and my best friend, audrey, we were the only girls that were going, so we were like talking about our outfits, obviously. Usually we yeah. Thats the most important part. Jimmy guys do the same thing, yeah. Usually we dress jimmy what are you gonna wear . Oh, yeah, im gonna wear jeans. [ laughter ] me too. No, my guy friends plan their outfits, too. Jimmy oh really . Yeah, they do. But we were usually we dress like sparkly, and you know, like, heels. We were like, we dont want to do that. We want to be more comfortable. But we still want to be fun. So we decided that we were going to pretend to be two friends on their bachelorette parties. And so i ordered Juicy Couture bridal track suits. From kohls. Com three days before. [ light laughter ] and my best friend audrey, she ordered visors that said las vegas obviously because we were going to atlantic city. [ laughter ] Jimmy Las Vegas hats, yeah. Then we got Engagement Rings on amazon. The whole thing. Jimmy so were you pretending that you guys you each were getting married to each other . We were pretending we were friends best friends that had gotten engaged at the same time and this was our prebachelorette. This wasnt the real bachelorette. You now what i mean . This was the prebachelorette. Jimmy i have a picture of you this is you in the elevator. Well, it looks like the elevator with your buddy and standing in the background and thats my friend connor in the back. Jimmy not too shabby. I like this. Yeah. Jimmy i could do this. This is fun theme weekend. [ applause ] i love it so much. It makes us so happy. And i left my Engagement Ring that weekend. So if anybody finds it in a. C. , let me know. Jimmy but its not real at all. And i also have something else, i have to go back, because i didnt cash out. Jimmy wow 15. 46. Jimmy oh, my goodness that is bigtime [ cheers and applause ] chaching i gotta go back for my ring and my 15. Jimmy you scored right there, 15 bucks. Usually im negative when i leave. Im actually saving this for my next i am going to cash i have a year. Jimmy what do you gamble . What do you play . Slots. Jimmy slots, yeah, of course. Coins dont come out anymore, right . Thats a thing of the past. No. They just have the sad sound. No real coins. Jimmy you have won. Congratulations. Not even that. [ light laughter ] next time we want to go for two nights. Jimmy you only went for one night . And you make 15 bucks. Dude, lets go for 30 bucks next time. [ light laughter ] big time, man. Here you are on the cover of town country. Congrats on that. And in the magazine you talk about dating life. Right. Jimmy youre not a fan of dating. I regret saying that just a a little bit. Because now nobodys going to want to take me on a date because i said i hate dating. Jimmy no, no, please, please. Its dates are weird. Especially dinner dates. Like, i think that eating in front of somebody is kind of personal. You dont really know this person. So then you have to decide what to order thats easy to eat, and talk, and not messy, you know what i mean . Something thats not going to get in your teeth. Not a gross food. Jimmy ill just have the broth. My friend dom [ laughter ] jimmy just a bowl of broth, thank you. A small bowl. No, you cant do that either. cause thats weird. No, you cant do that either. My friend dom, she told me that penne is the pasta of dates. Penne pasta. Jimmy i call it penne. Oh, sorry. [ laughter ] jimmy dont take me on a a date. Thats awful. How french. French italian pasta penne the garlic baguettes. No, maybe im wrong. I dont want to say it again. Jimmy i have no idea. I just eat with mouth. [ light laughter ] im married. Im married. I have no rules. Its individual pieces. You know what im saying. You can fork one, put it in there, its like very clean. Jimmy oh i see. If you have Something Like this oh, jesus. Jimmy this would be a a nightmare. No, thats a nightmare jimmy thats a complete nightmare. An absolute nightmare jimmy this is from our buddy Frank Pellegrino and those guys over at raos here in manhattan. I think were buddies. Were close enough friends. [ cheers and applause ] Frank Pellegrino jr. I love that guy. Hes awesome. [ talking over each other ] oh, my gosh. Jimmy would i know you from any movies . Tell me about it. Whats it like to be in a a movie . [ laughter ] this doesnt work jimmy you didnt even eat yet. Forget it im not dating you, you loser. [ light laughter ] oh, my god. Yeah. Eat the penne. We should have had the penne but theyre out [ laughter ] theyre out of penne again sacre bleu i think we should go for it always. Just go for it. Eat spaghetti and meatballs. Youre the coolest girl, come on. Noodles hanging out of your mouth. [ cheers ] jimmy they dont like they way screw them, you dont need those guys. Tell me about this movie, american pastoral. This is ewan mcgregor, who i love. Yeah, so jimmy directing. Its his first time directing a film. Jimmy love that guy. Cool guy. Hes also in it. I play his daughter and jennifer connellys daughter. Jimmy shes fantastic too. I know. Theyre both so amazing. Jimmy thats a dark movie. I think you very great job acting. You have a speech impediment in the film. I do, yeah. Jimmy which is that must be completely tough, too, a a different way to act there. I mean, it was an obvious challenge, its obviously something that i dont deal with in my own life, and something that you want to get right, you know what i mean . Yeah. Jimmy i think you did a a great job. Thank you very much, yeah. Jimmy do you want to tell everyone what the movie is about . Yeah, the film is about an American Family and it starts in the 40s, and i come in in the 60s. Im a teenager growing up, sort of, in the Tumultuous Times of the 1960s in america. And its kind of about perception versus reality. How people perceive this family to be perfect, and to have it all. And it kind of questions whether you can ever really know someone. And that appearances arent always true. Jimmy you never know everyones story, yeah, yeah. We have a clip. Heres american pastoral. Take a look at this. What do you want . Have you thought about what i asked you . Going away to private school . If you dont like living here with us. I j just want to be able to go to n n new york again on the weekend. No, you didnt come home last time. You knew the rules. I never thought my own f f father would keep me prisoner. Mary. Ive been thinking and i have an idea. You want to protest the war. Protest it right here in old rimrock. What am i going to do, march around the post office . This is part of america, too, you know. R read marx. R r revolutions dont begin in the countryside. Were not talking about revolution. Youre not talking about revolution. Jimmy Dakota Fanning, everyone [ cheers and applause ] american pastoral opens in new york, l. A. , and select cities october 21st. Go see it well be right back with the music from the great barry gibb, ladies and gentlemen come on back [ cheers and applause ] youre 9 hours and 45 minutes into your quest. And the silver sword of garmuz is finally within reach. But now the one who needs an energyorb is you. Well good news. Because jack in the box now delivers through doordash. So you can get all your favorites delivered right to your door. Like my sriracha curly fry burger, with two tacos, halvsies and a drink. All in a munchie meal. Saving the universe is hard. Which is why i make ordering late night easy. Delivery through the doordash app. New from jack in the box. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy he is an iconic singer, songwriter, and musician, whos out with his first solo album in 32 years called in the now. Performing the title track, please welcome barry gibb [ cheers and applause ] youre the epitome of innocence youre only my destination and all i think about is yesterday i need you here in the now in my heart in my soul in the now in my heart in my soul in the now i said it baby all my life is so wrapped up in you and i can only wish that you could feel the way i do i found a love and i cant get enough to have you suddenly standing right in front of me i may be lonely but im not alone and we dont need conversation im only happy when i hear you moan you speak the pleasure within in my heart in my soul in the now in my heart in my soul in the now we claimed that summer darling you began to slowly bend my will love is the game we got not shame and time is standing still all my life i never felt this way before learning what i never knew youre the one im searching for in my heart in my soul in the now in my heart in my soul in the now i may be lonely but im not alone and we dont need conversation im only happy when i hear you moan in the now [ cheers and applause ] jimmy barry gibb [ cheers and applause ] in the now is available now. My thanks to Bryan Cranston, Dakota Fanning, barry gibb once again [ cheers and applause ] let you do it all night. I love you, buddy. The greatest. Give it up for the roots right there, from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for late night with seth myers. Thanks for watching. Have a great night. I hope to see you tomorrow. Byebye, everybody [ cheers and applause ] announcer from the warner theater in washington, d. C. , its late night with seth meyers. Tonight, Vice President joe biden. Second lady of the United States dr. Jill biden. Music from sturgill simpson. Featuring the 8g band with thaddeus dixon, corey glover and vernon reid. Ladies and gentl, seth meyers [ cheers and applause ] seth good evening, how are we doing, washington, d. C. . [ cheers and applause ] thank you so much. For having us here. In your beautiful city. Were having the best week we could have imagined. Now lets get to the news. Donald trump told supporters

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