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And featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 503 portland. Steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i feel the love i feel the love thank you very much [ cheers and applause ] wow, hey, welcome, everybody. Please, enjoy yourselves. Welcome, everybody. Thank you for being here tonight [ cheers and applause ] welcome. Welcome to the tonight show, everybody. This is it, you made it, youre at the show. Youre a big part of the show. [ cheers and applause ] welcome, everybody. Before we start, i want to say that if any of these jokes sound old, its because Michelle Obama used them in 2008. [ cheers and applause ] so, not my fault, okay . [ laughter ] thats the big story. Melania trump gave a speech last night at the Republican Convention and shes being accused of stealing from the speech Michelle Obama gave at the Democratic Convention in 2008 and they do seem kind of similar. Take a listen. You work hard for what you want in life. You work hard for what you want in life. That your word is your bond, and you do what you say. That your word is your bond, that you do what you say youre gonna do. That you treat people with respect. That you treat people with dignity and respect. Because we want our children in this nation to know because we want our children and all children in this nation to know [ together ] that the only limit of the height of your achievement is the reach of your dreams and willingness to work hard for them. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy wow. Steve wow. Jimmy donald trump was, like, michelle owes melania an apology for building a time machine and stealing her best lines. [ cheers and applause ] okay . But at least donald trump didnt steal make America Great again. Make America Great again. Jimmy whatever hey, whats your problem . Whats the big deal . Lets have a good time here. Gosh. [ laughter ] all right. I got a little angry. Steve yeah, thats all right. Jimmy of course today conservatives were rushing to melanias defense. Chris christie said it wasnt really plagiarism because it was 93 different than Michelle Obamas. [ laughter ] so let that be a lesson, kids, cheating is wrong unless youre only doing it 7 of the time. Then [ applause ] meanwhile, Donald Trumps campaign manager, paul manafort, said today that melanias speech was similar to Michelle Obamas because they must feel the same way about their family, and melania said, yes, especially my daughters, sasha and malia. [ laughter and applause ] there were actually some pretty powerful moments in the rest of melanias speech. For instance, she said that being a citizen of the u. S. Is the greatest privilege on planet earth. She was like, in america, you fly on private plane, you live in giant gold tower and own lots of golf courses. It is a great country. [ applause ] of course, the conventions going on all week, and i saw that actually has a different theme each night. Thats right, the themes are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. [ applause ] and this is crazy, delegates on the floor of the convention erupted when they were voting on the Convention Rules, and the chairman actually decided who won by who shouted louder. [ light laughter ] thats true. Its nice to see that theyre deciding Convention Rules the same way they decide where to fire the tshirt cannon at basketball games. Who wants it more . Who wants it [ cheers and applause ] you want it . [ cheers and applause ] yeah, you want it . [ cheers and applause ] who wants it . [ cheers and applause ] you really want it . [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] take care. I guess it got so crazy that at one point the Convention Chairman actually left the stage. Listen to utah senator mike lee trying to explain what was happening in realtime. I really have nothing i have no idea whats going on right now. This is surreal. I mean, the chair walked off the stage. [ laughter ] jimmy trying to describe the musical beauty and the beast, the chair just walked off the stage, and plates and forks and knives are singing with the candles. Be our guest be our guest put our service to the test tie your napkin round your neck, cherie and well provide the rest of course, the democrats are getting ready for their own Convention Next week, and Hillary Clinton has to be feeling pretty good. Right now the New York Times actually says that hillary has a 76 chance of winning the election. [ cheers and applause ] hillary said shes excited about the news and cant wait to find a new way to blow it. [ laughter ] hillary was actually campaigning in las vegas today, which is crazy, cause usually when hillary gambles it involves national security. [ laughter ] steve hey oh jimmy finally, guys, if youre watching these conventions, you might wanna check out the lower third banners that they use to describe some of the speakers. Last night in cleveland, they had some like sitcom star and Calvin Klein Underwear model. [ light laughter ] just take a look at the bottom of your screen. See if you can see some of these. Theyre pretty creative. Take a look at this. We cannot go down this road anymore. We need to stop it. I am going to break my promise to them. I am going to mention it. They deserve their respect [ cheers and applause ] jimmy we have a great show give it up for the roots everybody [ cheers and applause ] we got a great week of shows ahead, tomorrow night, mila kunis will be here, ladies and gentlemen. We have something fun planned with here. Be sure to tune in for that, but first, we have a fantastic show tonight. He plays the villain in the upcoming summer blockbuster star trek beyond, idris elba is here, ladies and gentlemen [ cheers and applause ] later in the show, idris and i are playing a fun game called box of microphones. Plus, from project runway and americas got talent, we love her, heidi klum is dropping in. [ cheers and applause ] the best. So fun. And we got a great, great music from lukas graham, everybody. Once i was i think he was 7 years old here. Steve yes. Jimmy in there. Steve thats lukas . Jimmy no. Well, no, lukas is part of lukas graham. Steve okay. Jimmy theyre lukas graham. The lead singer is lukas, but hes not lukas graham. Steve hes not lukas graham. His names not graham. Jimmy well, he is basically lukas graham. Steve but jimmy as a collective, theyre lukas graham. Steve but that kid is not lukas. Jimmy no, his name is chad hes a child actor. [ laughter ] guys, you dont wanna miss this. We have, tonight, exclusive footage of donald trump speaking at the Republican National convention. Steve really . Jimmy do you believe that we have it . Steve no, i dont. I dont believe it. We do . How did we get it . Jimmy its special, special footage i cant steve why would they give it to you . Jimmy the tonight show gets whatever it wants. I mean, were very lucky. And we have it. We have the best audience, so we may as well have to have the best chips. [ cheers and applause ] steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] they are great. Jimmy hey, guys, its time to take a look at the stories making headlines today, and weigh the good with the bad. Its time for pros and cons. Here we go. Pros and cons and pros and cons and pros jimmy tonight, well be taking a look at the pros and cons of the Republican National convention. Its happening right now in cleveland. Donald trump is expected to be officially named the republican nominee for president. Lets take a look at the pros and cons of the Republicans National convention. Here we go. Pro, they open the convention with the song happy together. [ laughter ] con, theyre closing it with its the end of the world as we know it. Steve oh, wow. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy both good songs. Steve yeah. Book ends too. Jimmy i love our r. E. M. Pro, last nights speakers included iowa senator, joni ernst and actor scott baio. Con, they just got their own spinoff joni loves chachi. I would watch that. [ applause ] steve im going to watch that show. Jimmy pro, the themes for each night are make america safe again, make america work again, make America First again, and make america one again. Con, that explains this years sponsor, mad libs. [ laughter and applause ] pro, the official hashtag for the Gop Convention is r. N. C. I. N. C. L. E. Con, rnc and incle looks like a a drunk person trying to type ranch pringles. [ laughter and applause ] come on, amazon, faster. Steve amazon fresh. Jimmy i have prime. I have prime. Steve alexa jimmy siri, its prime. Siri, tell alexa the ranch pringles. [ laughter ] tell alexa ranch pringles. [ laughter ] pro, downloading the wildly successful Republican Convention app. Con, pokemon gop. [ laughter ] steve got em all. Jimmy pro, last night donald trump entered by walking through smoke in silhouette. Con, tonight Chris Christie entered by crashing through the wall like the koolaid man and saying, oh, yeah oh, yeah, baby. [ cheers and applause ] oh, yeah that would be great if hed did that. Steve oh, he should do that. Jimmy pro, going to clevelands rock and roll hall of fame to find out how pink floyd recorded the wall. Con, and then got santana to pay for it. [ laughter and applause ] steve wow. Jimmy fascinating. Steve fascinating rock history. Jimmy pro, hearing trump tell the crowd i do not condone violence or fighting. Con, and now please welcome our next speaker, the president of the ultimate fighting championship. [ applause ] pro, later this week, well hear from Newt Gingrich and reince priebus. Con, they sound less like Republican Leaders and more like harry potter villains. Reince priebus [ applause ] pro, tim tebow was asked to speak, but he passed. Con, and then got intercepted. [ cheers and applause ] steve oh, hey come on. Oh, hey, tebow. Jimmy and finally, pro, the first three nights features speeches by celebrities and politicians. On the fourth night, trump is officially named the republican nominee for president. Con, on the fifth night, the locusts come. [ laughter and applause ] there you go. Thats the pros and cons. Well be right back with more of the tonight show, everybody. Come on back. [ cheers and applause ] im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. to dog give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh to dog im so proud of you. Well thank you. Get your free credit scorecard at discover. Com. Even if youre not a customer. First you start with this. These guys. A place like shhh no. Found it and definitely lipton ice tea. Lots of it. A lipton meal is what you bring to it. And the refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. Its gonna take a bit of work oh oh work vo you can pass down a subaru forester. dad shes all yours. vo but you get to keep the memories. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. With this level of intelligence. Its a supercomputer. With this grade of protection. Its a fortress. And with this standard of luxury. Its an oasis. Introducing the completely redesigned eclass. Its everything you need it to be. And more. See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back, everybody guys, as you know, today was day two of the Republican National convention. We all saw donald trump entrance last night when he introduced his wife, melania. Now he wasnt scheduled to appear again until thursday, but i guess he couldnt help himself, because earlier tonight he made a surprise speech. Steve really . Jimmy i guess there were some things from the past few days he wanted to address, and, well, it was pretty interesting. [ laughter ] and we got footage. Steve we got the footage . [ cheers and applause ] jimmy this is it, yeah. Steve oh, my gosh. Jimmy is this a live feed . Steve its a live feed right now . Jimmy i dont we cant neither confirm nor deny. Here we go. Lets take a look. [ cheers and applause ] we are the champions my friends and well keep on fighting til the end [ cheers and applause ] thank me. Were going to win big. Were going to win big. Thank me. [ cheers ] its great to be here. I know i was not supposed to be on stage tonight, but our keynote speaker, alf, cancelled last minute. He had to get back to melmac sad. [ laughter ] anyway, its been a Great Convention so far. Last night was fantastic. It was huge. [ cheers and applause ] did you see melania . She stole the show. Literally. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] i think she delivered her speech like a true first lady. [ laughter ] that first lady being Michelle Obama, but, still, she might have plagiarized some of it, but you gotta admit she did it harder, better, faster, stronger, and you can quote me on that. And how great how great was scott baio . Wasnt his speech great . Wasnt it fantastic . [ cheers and applause ] i loved it so much im going to put charles in charge of the Nuclear Launch codes. [ laughter and applause ] its fantastic to be here, home of clevelands great football team, the cleveland browns. And home of paul ryans great intern team, the cleveland whites. [ laughter ] last night, you heard from Antonio Sabato jr. , from general hospital, tonight, you heard from Kimberlin Brown from the young and the restless, which is interesting because for the rest of the week, youll be hearing from all my children. [ laughter and applause ] don jr. , ivanka, eric. [ laughter ] lets hear it for my great running mate, whats his face. We did an interview on 60 minutes, or as its now known, 59 minutes of me and 1 minute of him wondering what the hell have i done. [ laughter ] speaking of what the hell have i done, Chris Christie is also here tonight. You know, chris has been a a great friend and supporter these past few months. I know hes mad i didnt choose him as my running mate, but, hey, thats just how the cookie crumbles. Chris, its just a figure of speech. [ laughter and applause ] anyway, we got to keep the show moving along. Weve got one more speaker for you tonight. Everyones been talking about pokemon. Well, we couldnt get pikachu, but we got the next best thing. Give it up for the one and only, qbert. [ cheers and applause ] gotta catch em all cue the music. [ cheers and applause ] with my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. Thinking about what to avoid, where to go. 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Starting at just 6. 99 get neverending value for lunch, today at olive garden. Theres no such thing as adverse discoverconditions. Lexus suv for a limited time get some of our best offers of the year at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. This is the pursuit of perfection. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. And when josh thinks big you know what he gives . Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. Look at that pie chart boom youve never seen a number like that you feel me lois . Im feeling you. Yeah you do lets do this watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee. Woot woot the ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. La. Quinta yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our first guest is a a golden globe awardwinning actor who stars as the villain in the upcoming summer blockbuster, star trek beyond, which is in theaters and imax 3d this friday. He also has his own clothing line called idris elba for superdry, featuring everything from mens jackets to underwear. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome irdis elba. [ cheers and applause ] steve irdis elba [ cheers and applause ] jimmy man. Whats up, man . Jimmy i wear your stuff, man. [ laughter ] you you do wear my stuff . Jimmy yeah, yeah, i just i wear it outside my pants sometimes, thats how much i love it. [ laughter ] thats exciting, yeah . You got your own line of stuff . Your own line of clothing . No, yeah, it is exciting. Its not something i you know, i really planned to do in my life, but its you know, i love fashion, and i like to, you know, implement underwear. [ light laughter ] jimmy is everyone asking you every time they see you now for a dance off because you are the voice on macklemore and ryan lewis. You know, to challenge you yeah. Yeah, i do get that quite a a bit. [ light laughter ] jimmy people just yell at you, oh hey idris i was in a restroom in a a club i was in a restroom at a club, thats it [ laughter ] jimmy thats it, great story. Thats so thats the number one song. This dude jimmy i was in a restroom at a club [ laughter ] to show avicii i was cool [ laughter ] yeah, very interesting words. Guy, looks over, he was like, oh, idris hey, dance off, you want a a challenge . I was like, bro, no, man. [ laughter ] no. No, i dont want a challenge. And then everyone looked at me, like, oh, it is you. Ah, awkward. Jimmy are you a dancer . I can dance. [ cheers and applause ] dont encourage them. Jimmy come on, give us a a little, man [ cheers and applause ] oh [ cheers ] cpcp [ light laughter ] that is all ive got. Jimmy thanks for giving us a little love. Yeah, appreciate it. Thats my favorite move. Jimmy i want to hear the theres some deejay stories. But i heard that you were a a deejay for a while. Are you still do you still deejay . I still deejay. I play house, i played brooklyn on 4th of july weekend. Jimmy is that right . Yeah, output. It was good. Jimmy do you like it just for fun or just what what do its a good release, you know what im saying . Its like my release. Ive been deejaying since i was probably eight with my parents whenever they got too drunk at their own parties. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah, yeah. Thats what you need to do. The only time i got to play with the turntable. What is the biggest gig you ever deejayed . Do you i think glastonbury festival, one time. Jimmy no way. I did that. Jimmy arent you nervous that somethings gonna go wrong . Oh, yeah, always. Oh, man, so listen. I was deejaying, um i was a surprise guest. Nile rodgers was playing. It was at this conference in switzerland. Nile rodgers is out there. He does this amazing set, and he says, hey, hey, ladies and gentlemen, listen, listen, i know you want more from me, but we have a special guest for you, and he said, everyone turn around, and there i was in the deejay booth. He goes, thats idris elba and the crowd goes, oh, boom, boom, boom. Idris, hit it boom nothing. [ laughter ] everyones, like niles is, you know, god love him. Hes holding his guitar, hes like he is a deejay. I mean, he really is. [ laughter ] jimmy here he is once again oh, man, it was the awkwardest thing. And im presssing the button jimmy one, two, three, eh yeah. Theres no power, theres no fun. It was three minutes of silence. [ audience oohs ] niles was, like all right, got to go. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah. I never said knew him. Yeah. [ laughter ] i just said there he is. exactly. I saw fatboy slim do that one time at this big festival. And he had to stop cold because somebody parked a truck on the dance floor. Thats how crazy it was. Like, you have to remove the truck from the dance floor. [ light laughter ] and it was like and it was just they go, oh, hes never going to get this party going. And the song that brought it back . Kung fu fighting. [ laughter ] oh oh oh oh oh oh everybody was kung fu fighting those cats were fast as lightning jimmy and it was off. Thats the trick. If youre ever in trouble, just play kung fu fighting and youll be all right. That definitely will get you out. Jimmy youll be all right. Lets talk about star trek beyond, buddy. Youre almost unrecognizable in this. Look at this. Youre uh thats an improvement. [ cheers ] jimmy that is how its an improvement. Jimmy no, its not. Now, how long did this take to put this on, this makeup . That was like that was like four hours in the morning. And we got it down to about two and a half hours, but that was some hard work. Its like two pieces. The top bit that looks like a a pumpkin is one piece, and then theres the face piece, and then theres the teeth, and then theres the eyes. Jimmy but youre stuck in this mask all day . Yeah, 18 hours. [ audience oohs ] it is pretty tough. Jimmy id lose my mind. [ light laughter ] i would absolutely lose my mind. I mean, by the end of the day, youre like, just take it off, please, please, please. How long to take it off . There was two options. There was the option where i took it off like that, and lost some eyebrows jimmy ugh [ audience ohs ] or there was the option where i sat down calmly for an hour while they picked it off. [ audience aws ] i dont like my eyebrows anyway. [ laughter ] jimmy i like them. They look great, come on. No, they look good. Do you want to tell anyone about this one . Is there anything special . Do you want to give spoilers . I dont want to say i mean the truth is, this is definitely one of the most complex star trek villains. You know, theres a real weird arc to this story, which is what attracted me to it. I enjoyed doing it, man, i have to cause you know, this is like being a puppet master. You know, being in this head, and you know, like when you look that ugly, you dont need to act hard. [ laughter ] you know what im saying . You just jimmy you just are that character. Youre into it. Just get me a cup of coffee. Okay [ laughter ] jimmy i have a clip i want to show everyone. Heres irdis elba and zoe saldana in star trek beyond, take a look. [ cheers and applause ] what is your name . I am lieutenant nyota uhura of the uss enterprise, and you have committed an act of war against the Federation Federation . The federation is an act of war. You attacked us. Your captain, why did you sacrifice yourself for him . He would have done the same. And if he makes it off of that ship, he will come for us. I am counting on it, lieutenant uhura. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy do you have nightmares . Listen, i remember you know, its zoe saldana, shes one of the most beautiful women in the world. I was like, can i get a kiss . And she was like [ laughter ] jimmy not with that face. No jimmy not with that face. Are we going to play a fun game when you when we come back . I like games. Jimmy is that good . Yeah. Idris and i are playing a game called box of microphones when we come back stick around. Its fun [ cheers and applause ] take on any road with intuitive allwheel drive. The nissan rogue, murano and pathfinder. Now get 0 apr for 72 months, plus 500 bonus cash. Starbucks® smallbatch cold brew coffee. In stores now. Introducing tmobiles most epic deal ever get a free Samsung Galaxy for everyone in the family. Thats right, a free Samsung Galaxy with every new line and get 4 lines with 6 gigs each for just 30 bucks a line. Plus everybody gets unlimited streaming from their favorite services. Dont wait. Get a free Samsung Galaxy for everyone. So get tmobile now. Because our most epic deal ever is only for limited time. See, we can agree. Reat. Out what . That was in finally, something the whole family can agree on. Oscar mayer deli fresh ham made with pure honey for a taste everyone will love. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back, everybody. Were here with my pal irdis elba. Now idris, everyone knows that youre a great actor, but i hear that youre also a great singer. So id like to play a game with you. It is time for box of microphones box of microphones yeah [ cheers and applause ] all right. Jimmy now heres how the game works. Were going to take turns drawing a card from this stack of oh, sorry. This stack of random song titles. [ light laughter ] but before we sing them, we have to pick a microphone from the box of microphones. I should have i should have realized that. Thats what it says on the box. Each one has a different vocal effect on it. [ audience oohs ] woo jimmy it can make it sound like chipmunks, robots. We have no idea until we start singing. Want to try . I want to try it. Jimmy here we go. All right, very good. Since youre my guest, you can go first. Just take a song card there from the song cards. This is not the song card pile. This is the microphone pile. [ light laughter ] okay, ill pick one from here. Jimmy yes, thats correct. And i have panda by designer. [ cheers and applause ] okay. Jimmy panda panda. Pick a microphone. Greens my favorite color. [ cheers ] just go for it . Jimmy yeah, roots will give you some music. [ highpitched voice ] i got broads in Atlanta Twistin dope lean and the fanta credit cards and the scammers hittin off licks in the bando panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda panda [ cheers and applause ] woo jimmy that was a that was epic. Jimmy panda panda panda he was an aggressive chipmunk. [ laughter ] all right, let me grab a card first. Here we go, no. One dance by drake. [ cheers and applause ] all right, let me pick a a microphone here. Ill take pink, my favorite color. [ laughter ] here we go. Can you give me a little, roots . [ deep, distorted voice ] i need one dance got a hennessy in my hand one more time fore i go higher powers taking a hold on me i need a one dance i need one dance [ cheers and applause ] [ whistle ] you know what that sound means [ laughter ] i do not. Jimmy no. [ laughter ] it doesnt mean that. It means its time for the double sing, double change duet. Now, in this round [ cheers ] well both sing the same song, but the audio booth is gonna keep changing the vocal effects. So every line is going to be different. Lets grab a microphone from the box of microphones. Okay. Jimmy and then you can tell me what card were going to do. Endless love, lionel ritchie. [ cheers ] jimmy okay. I can do that. All right, youre going to go first. Okay. Jimmy roots, can you give us a nice, beautiful endless love . Diana ross . Yeah. All right, here we go. My love thank you. [ with autotune effect ] there is only you in my life [ cheers and applause ] the only thing thats bright m my first love youre every breath the breath that i take youre every step i make [ deep, distorted voices ] i i want to share all my love with you no one else will do [ highpitched voices ] and your eyes your eyes your eyes they show me how much you care [ cheers and applause ] oh yes you will always be my endless love [ cheers and applause ] jimmy give it up for irdis elba, everyone go see him in star trek beyond. It opens in theaters and imax 3d this friday stick around [ cheers and applause ] and your eyes your eyes they tell me how much you care oh you will always get your sneaker game on at kohls. Get your tshirt game on at kohls. The new 2017 ford fusion is here. Its the beauty of a wellmade choice. And theyre off well, that took a turn. Whats the speed limit in here . Dad should we tell them there are more . 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Just how wet and sticky your current gel antiperspirant is. Now were going to show you how degree dry spray is different. Degree dry spray. Degree. It wont let you down. The earth needed to find a new waytury, to keep up with the data from over 30 billion connected devices. Just 30 billion . A bold group of researchers and computer scientists in silicon valley, had a breakthrough they called. The machine. It changed computing forever. And its been part of every new technology for the last 250 years. Everything . Everything this year, Hewlett Packard enterprise will preview the machine and accelerate the future. See star trek beyond. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our next guest is the Emmy Award Winning cohost of project runway which returns for a 15th season september 15 on lifetime. 15 seasons, shes also a judge on the hit show americas got talent, which airs tuesdays and wednesdays at 8 00 p. M. Right here on nbc. Everyone, please welcome heidi klum [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome back to the show its great to see you. I take fully advantage of this. [ kissing sounds ] i dont want to stop. Jimmy its very european and i dont know how to do it, so the first time we it is but it definitely is not german. I dont know if people always think that we germans love to do that, but were very much like this, hello. Jimmy hello, absolutely, yeeah. Congratulations on the emmy nomination. [ cheers and applause ] i mean, again yeah jimmy it is the greatest. I think were good luck, every time you come on, you get nominated for an emmy. Well because after 15 seasons, you kind of wonder, are they getting tired of us . But theyre not jimmy 15 seasons, feels like you just started last year. Well, i still remember actually, trying to shop the show, going from network, to network, to network, and people were, like, why do we want to watch designers sew all day . Jimmy yeah. And you know, 15 seasons later, were still here so i guess a lot of people do enjoy that. What i never understand the designers, you know, when they come, and theyre like, we really only have one day to do this. And im like yeah. When i say one day, so they always think when i say it on television, this is like tv time instead of reality . I give them 200, they go shop at mood, and they have one day to do the challenge. They always were thinking it was a joke. Im like, no, you really only have a day. Jimmy weve been on 14 seasons, watch the show youre gonna be on. They thought i always say this for television purposes to kind of like make it crazy. Jimmy yeah. Meanwhile, i would have the whole thing already mapped out, i would know how to make a a gown, a suit, a this, a that, and then i be like, bam, bam, bam. Jimmy and if you go on a a cooking show know how to make risotto. Right . Jimmy thats the thing. Thats where they always get you. You dont know how to make risotto, donkey you have to know how to do that stuff. Right . Jimmy americas got talent, though, on the other hand, you can do anything. Who knows. So much fun. Jimmy Simon Cowells back, who i love. Yeah, hes a lot of fun. Jimmy does that up your judges skills whe your judging next to simon . I think i am the same. I would probably say im the most honest. Jimmy yeah. I thought he was much harsher to be honest with you, but hes not really as harsh. We have a lot of fun together, i i have to say. Jimmy hes harsh. And when he gets naughty, then he gets the drink spilled all over him. Because, im not taking it. [ light laughter ] i like put whipped cream on him already, one time, because i fell into this thing. Or, if he gets mad with me, i dump my water on him. [ laughter ] jimmy if you had to do a a talent, what would yours talent be besides modeling . Would you sing . Would you sing a song . I can sing, but not well. I sing in the shower. Usually people close their ears when i do. Jimmy we have idris microphones hanging around if ever feel like doing anything. Do you want me to sing a a something . Like a german song. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy yeah. German song . Well, i have one german yodeling song that i can do. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy well put an effect on this one. Want the chipmunk on this one . Hello . [ laughter ] [ yodeling ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy that is fantastic. I didnt know you were going to yodel. Sounded like it could be in a a horror movie. [ laughter ] [ yodeling ] no, i loved it. It was good. Golden buzzer. I would press the Golden Buzzer for you, yeah. [ laughter ] hes my goomba. Oh, hes from long island. Jimmy thats right. Hes the best, but you know what i have to tell you, im still waiting for the call because, really, i want to go over to his mother, and i want to have that macaroni and the gravy. Jimmy thats fantastic. The gravy. Thats the real italian way. Do you know that any kind of pasta, doesnt matter the size or shape it is. If its spaghetti, linguini, poppa deli it is all macaroni. It is all macaroni. Jimmy macaroni. It is all macaroni. Jimmy moms make sunday great. And the gravy its the same thing, doesnt matter if its green, red sauce, if its a a sauce with meatballs swimming in there, its all gravy. Jimmy yeah. Im learning. Jimmy my mom is irish, and a little german, but she pretends shes italian when shes cooking italian food, like, oh, yeah, put some mozzarella, brushutte bruschetto, mom. Youre from brooklyn, please. But he still has my coffee, im waiting. Jimmy shell call you. I want to show a clip, heres heidi klum using the Golden Buzzer to change a contestants life on americas got talent. I did it my way [ cheers and applause ] i just want to go up there and hug you. Come up here. Should i go down there . [ cheers and applause ] i do. Do you want to know how i feel about you . Tell me. Ill tell you right now. Love you baby and if its quite all right i need you baby to warm the lonely night i love ya baby trust in me [ cheers and applause ] jimmy it just makes you happy. It just makes you happy. Sal. Jimmy sal, come on. Eat some mozzerella. Give me a call. I want to come over. Jimmy heidi klum, everybody. The new season, project runway, returns september 15th on lifetime. [ cheers and applause ] and americas got talent airs tuesdays and wednesdays at 8 00 p. M. On nbc. Well be right back with a a performance from lukas graham. Stick around [ cheers and applause ] when consultant josh atkins books at laquinta. Com. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. And when josh thinks big you know what he gives . Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. Look at that pie chart boom youve never seen a number like that you feel me lois . Im feeling you. Yeah you do lets do this watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee. Woot woot the ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. La. Quinta yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our next guest are a a danish quartet rose to worldwide fame with their hit seven years performing the new single mama said off their selftitled album, please welcome lukas graham [ cheers and applause ] when mama said that it was okay mama said that it was quite alright our kind of people had a bed for the night and it was ok remember asking both my mom and dad why we never traveled to exotic lands we only ever really visit friends nothing to tell when the summer ends we never really went buying clothes folks were passing on this stuff in plenty loads new shoes once a year and then out to play ball so we could ruin them when mama said that it was okay mama said that it was quite alright our kind of people had a bed for the night and it was okay mama told us we were good kids and daddy told us never listen to the ones pointing nasty fingers and making fun cause we were good kids dont get me wrong i didnt have it bad i got enough loving from my mom and dad but i dont think they really understood when i said that i wanted the deal in hollywood i told them id be singing on tv the other kids were calling me a wannabe the older kids they started bugging me but now they all standing right in front of me when mama said that it was okay mama said that it was quite alright our kind of people had a bed for the night and it was okay mama told us we were good kids and daddy told us never listen to the ones pointing nasty fingers and making fun cause we were good kids i know which place im from i know my home when im in doubt and struggling thats where i go an old friend can give advice when new friends only know a half story thats why i always keep them tight and why im okay i said im okay you know what my mama said you gonna sing it with me when mama said that it was okay mama said that it was quite alright our kind of people had a bed for the night and it was ok mama told us we were good kids and daddy told us never listen to the ones pointing nasty fingers and making fun cause we were good kids mama said that it was bababa bababa baba bababa bababa baba bababa bababa baba my mama said that it was okay bababa bababa baba bababa bababa baba bababa bababa baba when mama said that it was okay mama said that it was quite alright our kind of people had a bed for the night and it was okay mama told us we were good kids and daddy told us never listen to the ones pointing nasty fingers and making fun cause we were good kids [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] thank you very much. Jimmy lukas graham [ cheers and applause ] tickets for their fall tour are on sale now. My thanks to irdis elba, heidi klum, lukas graham once again [ cheers and applause ] give it up for the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for late night with seth meyers. Thank you for watching. Hope you have a great night. Hope to see you tomorrow, byebye everybody [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] announcer from 30 Rockefeller Plaza in new york, its late night with seth meyers. Tonight michael strahan, star of mr. Robot, actor rami malek, music from alessia cara, featuring the 8g band with atom willard. [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. Seth good evening. This is late night. How is everybody doing tonight . [ cheers and applause ] yeah. Thats good to hear. In that case, lets get to the news. Melania trump is being accused of plagiarism because paragraphs of her speech last night closely mirror Michelle Obamas speech at the 2008 Democratic Convention. Said melania, t

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