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And later, a sunday sit down with jon hamm on the sometimes bumpy road to mad men fame and now life after don draper. You always think im never going to work again. Thats really what it is, for me anyway. Im just like, i will never work again or i will never work at that level again. You live in that fear. I try not to live in it, but its always there. Our sunday sitdown with jon hamm plus a return to orlando one year after the pulse nightclub shooting a bit later in the show. Lets begin this morning with the Ongoing Investigation into the trump campaigns alleged ties with russia. And news that attorney general Jeff Sessions has now agreed to face the Senate Intelligence Committee Days after former fbi director james comey did the same. Nbcs Kelly Odonnell is in branch burring, new jersey, not far from the president s club where he is staying this weekend. Kelly, good morning. Reporter good morning, willie. When the attorney general sits down with members of the Senate Intelligence committee expect that to be most likely behind closed doors. And not the Big Public Forum like we saw with james comey. The attorney general says he wants to answer questions in the appropriate forum and thats what brought about a very abrupt change of plans. The attorney general. Good morning. Reporter with a surprise move late saturday. Jeff sessions offered to meet with the Senate Intelligence committee but he will skip a televised grilling expected tuesday when lawmakers were likely to pepper him about the russia investigation the an unrelated budget hearing. In a letter the attorney general said because of mr. Comeys recent testimony, some lawmakers plan to he can to us their questions on issues related to the russia investigation. Fallout from the testimony of fired fbi director james comey who said he had classified information on why sessions recused himself from the russia election meddling probe. We also were aware of facts that i cant discuss in an open setting. Reporter sessions drew fire after he failed to disclose two meetings with russias ambassador. I did not have communications with the russians. Reporter but most of the spectacle around james comey surrounded the boss who fired him. Wednesday along the ohio river just as President Trump rolled out an infrastructure plan and teased about his own political potholes. But i take so much heat for nonsense. Reporter news broke that comey would testify that the president urged him to back off fired trump adviser michael flynn. I took it as a very disturbing thing. Reporter thursday comey delivered a vivid account of nine conversations based on his own written notes and egged on the president who threatened to expose possible tapes. Look, ive seen the tweet about tapes. Lordy, i hope there are tapes. Reporter by thursday afternoon the president s personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz decide comeys most damaging accusation. The president never in form or substance directed or suggested that mr. Comey stop investigating anyone. Reporter friday in a rose garden News Conference the president punched back, sounding like his own tweets. No collusion, no obstruction. He is a leaker. Reporter even volunteering to testify himself. Would you be willing to speak under oath to give your version of those events . 100 . Reporter and in that hearing that Jeff Sessions will not attend the budget hearing, he will be sending his deputy, that happens to be rod rosenstein, he helped the president make that decision about firing james comey by writing a memo and he also appointed the special counsel. So there could still be russiarelated questions. Willie. Kelly odonnell, thank you very much. Hallie jackson is nbcs chief White House Correspondent and Matthew Miller the former Justice Department spokesman in the obama administration. Good morning, guys. Hi, willie. Matt, let me begin with you. We will start with Jeff Sessions. He has now testified the invitation to testify before the Senate Intelligence committee. What specifically do you think he heard, matt, in fbi director comeys testimony that compelled him to step into it . I think there are two things. First of all, i think the reason hes going before the intel committee, it looks like hes trying to get out of public testimony. The problem that he has now is that jim comey moved the russia cloud that the president famously said was over his head, he moved it on to Jeff Sessions head in two ways, one, there are now apparently reports of another meeting with ambassador kislyak and, two, there continue to be questions about what Jeff Sessions knew when he signed off on jim comeys firing. Did he know that the president was concerned with jim comeys handling of the russian affair . We know he was aware of comeys concerns about appropriate conduct with the president and according to comey he did nothing about it. Those are questions he apparently doesnt want to answer in public. Matt, lets put sessions to the side for just a moment and look for broadly at director comeys testimony on thursday. For people watching today what do you think was the most Significant Development that pushes this investigation forward . You know, i think early in his testimony director comey, former director comey, seemed to confirm that bob mueller who has been appointed as the special counsel is going to pursue an obstruction of justice investigation. Its fairly obvious hes going to go in that direction. That turns what has been so far a fairly significant political political problem for the president into a fairly significant legal one. Director mueller now the special counsel has the authorized to subpoena white house aides to put them on the grand jury, to force them to answer questions under oath about what the president said when he was firing jim comey, what the president said when he asked him to back off the Flynn Investigation adds director comey has said he did. That is a significant legal problem for the white house. So, hallie, we saw the outward confidence from the white house, donald trump, his personal attorney both saying this is about comey being a leaker, he has nothing to hide. What, though, as you talk to your sources, is the most concerning element of thursdays testimony to the white house . The potential that it has, i believe, willie, to overshadow what the president really wants to be talking about. Were already seeing that. You have the president hitting the road this coming week, he wants to talk about workforce development, the way that infrastructure was talked about last week, he will be outside the belt way, you will see ivanka trump getting more involved. Despite the president wanting to move on, despite the white house saying case clouds, its in the hands of outside counsel, Marc Kasowitz, there are going to be questions, specifically in 48 hours from now when Jeff Sessions gets up on capitol hill. These questions arent going away as matt is talking about the cloud still hangs, and you have, for example, donald trump jr. Now coming out this weekend and seeming to confirm in parts what his father and what his fathers outside Legal Counsel have also denied. There are real questions about how the white house moves forward from here. A lot of it, willie, rests on what happens with republicans in congress because right now they are headed to august recess. Theyve still got healthcare, they still want to do something on tax reform, they want to do something on infrastructure. There has been mostly talk and no policy teeth there. At what point do Congressional Republicans start to look at the white house and ask some serious questions. We heard in kelly piece that donald trump answered a question from a reporter that he 100 was his quote would be willing to testify under oath before bob mueller. Did he mean that . Weve seen him between 100 on things that he hasnt followed through on. Is there a possibility that that happens . Sure. Maybe. Thats one of those tough crystal ball questions, willie. Youre right, the president has committed to doing things in the past that he has ended up not doing. You look at, for example, the tax return situation just to think of one example that were supposed to be released after an audit, now it looks like those wont be released at all. It would be surprising perhaps if his outside counsel suggest that the president go through with that or allowed that to happen but at the same time the president emphatically committed his word to do this. So there would be fallout one would imagine politically if he didnt. Matt, director comey confirmed that he did in fact tell the president of the United States that he was not under investigation as the president had claimed previously, but then by firing jim comey did the president not perhaps then set in motion the events that could lead him to become under investigation . Yeah, thats exactly right. One of the strange things about the defense the president s attorney launched on thursday is to hut so much eggs into the basket of we were vindicated because director comey announced the president wasnt investigation. But no one had ever said the president himself was under investigation for what happened in 2016 and their problem has been you can see a scenario where the president himself had nothing to do with what happened, if anything happened in 2016, but by his actions in office has potentially committed a criminal act that will lead him to be under criminal investigation in 2017 for obstruction of justice. I think, you know, we saw the president and his attorneys come out and say im vindicated, i wasnt under investigation, i expect in the next week or two we will hear the opposite from the special counsel. Matt, hallie, i appreciate you both being up early on a sunday. Thank you. This morning the taliban is claiming responsibility for an attack that left three u. S. Soldiers dead and another injured in eastern afghanistan. Officials say it was an insider attack by an afghan soldier involved in a joint u. S. Afghan Military operation. The attacker was killed, an investigation is now under way. Prosecutors have just released chilling video showing a kidnap victim being released from captivity inside a metal storage container last year in a story that made headlines around the world. The video is disturbing to watch. Authorities had to use a handheld saw and bolt cutters to get inside the container. Inside they found kidnapped victim kala brown chained by her neck talking about other victims. Todd coal happen shot charlie korver three times in the chest, locked me down here, i have never seen him again. Brown and her boyfriend Charlie Carver had been missing for two months before authorities located her on a property in south carolina. Former Real Estate Agent todd colhep pleaded guilty. We got the sad news yesterday the death of a television icon. Adam west who played batman in the 1960s tv series died late friday after a short battle with leukemia. Tributes coming in from across hollywood. Ben affleck said thank you for showing us all how its done. West is survived by his wife and six children. The shot at a triple crown winner was eliminated at the preakness but tapwrit is riding hide after winning the belmont on saturday. Winning by two lengths. Big stakes tonight as well in hockey. Be sure to tune in tonight for game six of the stanley cup finals. The Pittsburgh Penguins with a chance to win it all against the Nashville Predators in front of that ruckus crowd. Its at 8 00 eastern time right here on nbc. Dylan was at the belmont yesterday. I was rooting for patch, the oneeyed horse. He can a im in third. Did you make any scratch . I made absolutely nothing. Betting on horses is not my forte. How about the weather. The weather i can do. Making a living talking about the heat we are seeing across the eastern half of the country really. It is very hot in the northeast, much cooler out west with that dip in the jet stream. With this area of High Pressure pumping in those southwest winds temperatures from boston to new york down to washington, d. C. Topping out in the lower 90s today. Chicago in the 90s again. Des moines iowa 94 degrees. Tomorrow we will be in the mid 90s as well, cleveland 9, but we will see the heat start to break as we go into wednesday. Boston drops back down to 71, 79 on wednesday in new york. Still hot through d. C. , cleveland on wednesday should still b we are waking up to 50s in the bay area, but we are tracking rain that will be making its way in throughout the early afternoon. San jose right now at 54. Along the coastline also in the 50s. You can see, were definitely expecting big changes ahead. Also a chance for seeing some snow in the lake tahoe area. The temperature trend will be climbing to the upper 60s for inland areas but 50s for the coast and bay. And thats your latest forecast. All right, dylan, thanks a lot. Straight ahead the highs and lows of the week including the beautiful moment when a father rose from his wheelchair to congratulate his graduating son. And the mind blowing water slide move that captivated the internet this week, how did this super human do it . Hell tell us. Plus, the famous canadian icebergs that dwarf the villages they pass, dylan heads north of the border for an up close look at a really cool story. Its all coming up on sunday today. As we head to break our photo of the week, a man in canada who just had to mow his backyard even as a tornado swirled behind him. Unp wise man, im nervous about things i cant control. Affecting my good credit score. I see youve planted an uncertainty tree. Chop that thing down. The clarity you seek. Lies within the creditwise app from capital one. Creditwise helps you protect your credit. And its completely free for everyone. Its free for everyone . Do hawks use the stars to navigate . I dont know. Aw, i thought you did. I dont know either. Either way its free for everyone. Cool. Whats in your wallet . Nonalcoholic juice drinks inspired by your favorite cocktails. [ plays chord ] like sangria. The taste will take you away. [ plays melody ] [ plays castanets ] [ melody stops ] got carried away. The toothpaste that helpstax, prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try new parodontax toothpaste. Its clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. For healthy gums, and strong teeth. Leave bleeding gums behind. New parodontax toothpaste. Wearing powerful sunscreen . Yes neutrogena® ultra sheer. No other sunscreen works better or feels so good. Clinically proven helioplex® provides unbeatable uva uvb protection to help prevent early skin aging and skin cancer all with a clean light feel. For unbeatable protection. Its the one. The best for your skin. Ultra sheer®. Neutrogena®. See whats possible. All right, dylan, are you ready to whip through the highs and lows of the week. Our first high goes to the high courtroom drama on thursday inside the Hart Senate Office building on capitol hill. There was something of a circus surrounding the testimony of fbi director james comey. Bars in d. C. Opened early for the 10 00 a. M. Hearing, some offering free drinks every time President Trump tweeted during comeys testimony. Sadly for those nerdy luscious the president did not tweet even once so they had to pay for their morning jaeger shots. The internet was fixated on comeys game face, from the moment he entered the room, scarcely a facial muscle move as he stared forward waiting for the hearing to begin and his madam due so he look remained through long opening statements, the expressionless grim owned its nickname, comey resting face. One of the few moments of the levity at the hearing came when comey described having to cancel a date with his wife when the president summoned him to a hearing. He said how about 6 30. I said whatever works for you, sir. Then i hung up and had to call my wife and break a date with her, i was supposed to take her out to dinner that night. Thats one of the all time great excuses for breaking a date. Yeah. In retrospect i love spending time with my wife, i wish i had been there that night. The lesson is dont break the date with your wife ever under any circumstances even when the president of the United States calls. Comey dont play that. How long have you been working on that one. I have been wondering why i havent heard that sooner. Thats the first thing that popped into my head. I saw you sitting there waiting, waiting, and then you pounced. Whether it fit in or not. Our first logos not moment when you are winding up for the big finale of your speech and they play you off the stage. It happened on nurse to senator cruz of texas at the faith and Freedom Conference in washington. Thank you for your prayers, thank you for your passion, thank you for your time, thank you for your energy, thank you for speaking out and working to retake our nation. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage the Southern Regional director of faith and Freedom Coalition, virginia galloway. Big footed again by Southern Regional director of the faith and Freedom Coalition virginia galloway, she gets you every time. I want to know what that final comment was. Thats a bad moment. Its one thing at the oscars but right there he was going in for the big finale. Our next high goes to our favorite Graduation Ceremony of the season. Frankie sanchez sr. Served more than 22 years in the United States army. Just over a year ago he was diagnosed with als, the debilitating neurological disease. He uses a wheelchair and a breathing machine. His son frankie jr. Was graduating last month from air force basic training in san antonio and despite his health dad was not going to miss the big day. The night before the ceremony, though, frankie sr. s breathing machine stopped working and he had to rush to an emergency room. Senior got a new device 20 minutes before graduation, hustled to make it in time to stand up out of his wheelchair and perform the tradition of tapping out where the airman remains still until hes tapped or in this case hugged. Frankie sr. s wife and sun i dont remembers mom said afterward, quote, it was the most beautiful and memorable event i have ever witnessed in my life and i will not forget it as long as i live. How great is that . Thats amazing. Father, son, he was not going to miss it. He was in the emergency room 20 minutes before that hug. Our next logos to the disbelief of our own eyes this week upon watching this video again and again. Date line, Pirates Island water park jamaica. Watch Rolando Johnson shoot out of the water slide and skim across the top of the water in a seated position like some religious figure before writing himself on the edge of the pool, coolly slipping on his shirt and walking away, johnson is a lifeguard at the park and says he practiced this for two years before nailing it. His move is so good some question the authenticity of the video. If you dont believe it johnson encourages you to come to jamaica and see it for yourself. Do you believe it . I think we should see jamaica and see it for ourselves. An important investigative piece for sunday today, thats next sunday right here. We have a bonus low for you this week, goes to the momentary feeling of horror when cruising down the highway and a giant brown bear on a motorcycle pulls up beside you. A russian man was driving along when he caught something furry in his peripheral vision. Turns out its a performing bear with a traveling circus. Todays performance, scaring the bejesus out of motorists. Was he part of a circus in. Not that act, i think they were transporting him to his destination. No cage trailer thing. He was so chill, too. Yeah, i do this all the time, ride in the side car. Like a dog out the window with a bear in a side car. Coming up next a sunday sit down with jon hamm on the strange audition that landed him the role of don draper and the joyce and challenges of life after mad men. Then we go back to orlando one year after the pulse nightclub shooting to speak with survivors, doctors and families of the victims. You can head over to facebook for a Facebook Live chat with me for a Facebook Live chat with me and dylan in just two the average familys hectic home for a Facebook Live chat with me and dylan in just two its raised 1 dare devil, 2 dynamic diy duos, and an entrepreneur named sharon. Its witnessed 31 crashes, 4 food fights, and the flood of 09. Its your paradise perfected with behr premium plus low odor paint. The best you can buy starting under 25. Unbelievable quality. Unbeatable prices. Only at the home depot. America by simon and is that good . Strumental yeah its perfect. Bees bees go go go [ girl catching her breath } [ bees buzzing inside vehicle ] the allnew volkswagen atlas. With easyaccess 3rd row. Lifes as big as you make it. Good morning. It is 5 26. We do have some big changes on the way, mainly for areas along the north bay, east bay, coast, and possibly some areas near San Francisco and the bay. Current temps right now, ocean temps while were still in the 50s, we do have an incoming upper level low that with it has been moving overnight and thats going to keep our temps in the 50s, 60s, and lower 70s. Taking a look at the doppler radar, we can see the system. A lot of resistance off the pacific, but were expecting to see the main focus sticking to the north. Thats also going to bring some snow showers to areas around mt. Shasta and lake tahoe. Were already seeing some snow coming down which mean physical you have travel plans to head to lake tahoe, you may want to check the traevl conditions. We also expect the chance of isolated thunderstorms in the north bay and east bay through the evening hours. Temperature trend for san jose does show partly clear skies. Temps will remain unseasonably cool. 62 degrees for san jose. In San Francisco, also expect to keep the 50s in the forecast and partly clear skies climbing to the mid 60s by the afternoon and then the hourbyhour outlook looking ahead to the sierra by about 4 00, expect to see the heaviest of downpours and possible thunderstorms at elevations between 5,000 and 6,000 feet. Definitely something to keep in mind if youre traveling by about 7 30, we continue to see the snow falling before it starts to kind of cool off and begins to make its exit by monday morning. A quick check with what to expect for today. Thunderstorms possible. Focus on the north and east bay with possible hail. Would you draw the line at 50 . Im not drawing a line at all. Pr people understand this, but they can never execute it. If you dont like what is being said, change the conversation. Thats jon hamm as the brooding don draper on mad men. Hamm was still finding his way in hollywood when he landed the part that made him a household name. The last episode aired more than two years ago. He began life after draper. This month that life includes a new movie called baby driver. Jon and i got together at the restaurant employees only here in new york for a sunday sitdown. Good morning, mr. Draper. Don, i think maybe thats your cue. You auditioned for this show, new show called mad men. They must have had a Million People come in for that lead part. Well, they did and it was at this weird Advertising Agency place, its me and like a 16yearold kid and i was like, am i in the right place. I was like what are you here for . He was like toothpaste ad. I was like okay. I never met the casting director. Read through the thing and halfway through she puts her paper down and starts looking at me. I was like whats going on . She was like can you wait . I was like, yeah. From that moment forward jon hamm was don draper. Over seven seasons he won two Golden Globes and an emmy playing the dark, drinking, smoking, womanizer 60s era ad executive. You never say thank you. Thats what the money is for. Was it ever hard for you inhabiting that guy all those years, the darkness that he carried around with him . Its a drag, pretending to be somebody thats so bummed out all the time. Did you have a strategy coming out of mad men . I definitely didnt have a strategy. The only thing i kind of knew i didnt want to do is play don draper again. You always think im never going to work again. I mean, thats really what it is, for me anyway. Im just like, well, i will never work again or i will never work at that level again. You live in that fear . I try not to live in it, but its always there. Its always sneaking up around the corner. The 46yearold hamm was born and raised in st. Louis, missouri, and jon was only ten years old when his mother died of cancer. Ten years after that he lost his dad. What did that do to a tenyearold kid . Theres never a good time to lose your mom and dad, but it happens. Its obviously different for a kid because you are not mature enough to even process it and you end up having a real void as a kid. So the void has to be filled in one way or another and i had these great families who just kind of quasi adopted me. It wasnt the case that i was legitimately adopted, i mean, i was just around a lot because we were all 13yearold boys that would hang out all the time. You know, its hard. It never goes away, you know, you just its something that you think about kind of all the time. Still . Yeah. But not adds much, but yeah. It would have been nice to have my parents like see that i became successful in the thing i chose to do. That would have been nice. But, you know, we dont always get what we want. Hamm began acting in high school, playing judas in god spell, while he played linebacker on the football field. After graduating from the university of missouri hamm returned to his high school in st. Louis to teach acting. Oscar, i am so glad you just got here. One of his students was a young elie kemper who went on to become a star of her own. After two years back home hamm moved to los angeles with next to nothing to take his shot at professional acting. When you came to los angeles and you gave yourself a deadline, right, to the age of 30. Uhhuh. I better be a working actor or im out of here. I gave myself five years. I thought, you know, five years is enough to get a degree or be a president. So you were waiting tables. Waiting tables, bartending and my friend goes, look, ive got to quit this job, im a set dresser on these cheesy skinomax movies. I cant do it anymore, its gross. And i was like, ill do it. What does it pay . Anything . Ill do it. And im like slight problem, ive never been a set dresser, i dont know what that is. 100 bucks a day. 100 bucks a day . I was like in. It was kind of like that weird kind of, you know but it was it was porn. It was bad. And i did it for like three weeks and i was like, yeah, this is depressing. The jobs only could get better from there. After a run of playing extras hamm landed a regular role on the nbc show providence. Then in his first big movie he starred with mel gibson. I ended up turning 30 on the set of the first movie that i ever did which was called we were soldiers. That was my deadline. I set a goal and i achieved it and thats pretty enough to do. Hamm does funny as well as he does drama. He has hosted saturday night live three times. Its genuine mexican silver and it comes with a clasp and a ring and a and had memorable roles in the movie bridesmaids. This is so awkward. And tv shows 30 rock and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt alongside his former student, elie kemper. You are not bad at math, sir, you are just bad. Hamms leading man looks and familiar voice make him a sought after name in ads like the ones don draper might have designed. This is the automobile as only Mercedes Benz could envision it. Hamms latest post mad men role is another character with an edge. In the new movie baby driver hamm plays buddy, accomplice to a get away driver named baby. Buddy is as his name suggests seemingly a friend to baby and unlike his name suggests he has a bit of a dark side. And a cool haircut, too. And a very weird haircut, yeah. Youre talking about my haircut now. Yeah. This is beautiful. This is amazing. Flawless, thats hamm flawless there. 100 hamm. Did you have something in the movie world on the horizon that you would like to do, whether its some big blockbuster star wars i think. That could be decent. Thats what theyre probably grooming me for. Talking about in the trades. Im going to play darth vaders father and he will be like i am your father and i will be like im your father, dearth. He will be like, dad. Id watch that movie. While we wait for his blockbuster star wars flick you can see jon in baby driver in theaters on june 28th. To hear jon talk about the early making of mad men and the thrill of watching a take off check out our web extras at today. Com sunday. Next week country superstar zach brown takes us on a tour of the special camp he has dreamed up for goods in georgia and talks about his life as a hustler from the bar gigs to the top of the music world. Thats next week on fathers day, sunday today. Dylan is back with another look at the weather. We are going to cece a whole lot of changes. The eastern half of the country enjoining the heat for a couple more days. As we get to the middle of the week temperatures drop in the northeast, the storms start to move into the ohio and Tennessee River valleys. Nice again out west, we will see a return to sunshine, temperatures warming up back into the 70s and 80s. By the end of the week big change up and down the east coast with scattered showers, good morning. Waking up to another day in the 50s, but we have some big changes ahead. We are tracking the storm system that is making its way into the bay area. Its been making in since overnight. Current temps in the 50s. Pacifica right now at sdaev degrees. Ocean beach at 54. And even down near the south bay, also in the 50s. Taking a live look at the doppler radar, we can see the storm system right over northern california. And this will also be bringing the chance of seeing some snow in lake tahoe. And thats your latest forecast. Going to be hot today. Hot, yes. You listened. For once i listened. Next on sunday today dylan heads up to canada to get the story on the giant icebergs that became giant stars when these movies hit the internet. Were coming right back. Buried just under the surface, the answer to it all. We want to need each other. Nonalcoholic juice drinks inspired by your favorite cocktails. [ plays chord ] like sangria. The taste will take you away. [ plays melody ] [ plays castanets ] [ melody stops ] got carried away. You may have seen the stunning photograph that became a viral phenomenon recently of a giant iceberg floating past a small town in newfoundland, canada. The residents there werent as stunned as the rest of us, though. For them icebergs are an annual sign of the end of winter. Dylan went up to see them for herself in our sunday spotlight. Theres magic in feeling small, experiencing something bigger than ourselves. Oh, my gosh, that is so cool. Thats unbelievable. And nothing makes you feel smaller than sailing toward a colossal prehistoric chunk of ice. This iceberg here is about 12,000 to 15,000 years old. So its got some history behind it. Ancient. We call it the ancient ones. Captain Barry Rodgers of iceberg quest boat tours helped us greet these visitors to the canadian island of newfoundland. Around our beautiful province theres ice embedded in the small ham lets and bays. You get up one morning, oh. Really . Look in my front yard really. The world is intrigued with icebergs. That intrigue recently spiked when this photo went viral, putting a spotlight on this remote corner of the world. It did cause quite a is it i remember. That now famous iceberg parked itself right outside a bed and breakfast owned by charlie and maxine dunn. For them this is old hat. As long as newfoundland has been discovered theres been icebergs drifting south, you know, along iceberg alley. Iceberg ally is the next name of this area. For hundreds of years green land gash years have covered this coastline. Its a striking and fitting feature for this unique edge of the earth kind of place. Its a hard rough island and people learned to rely on each other and they worked hard and they partied hard. I got a taste of that myself at an induction ceremony for newcomers. All right. Now this here is newfoundland screech, you take it down one gulp and thats it, right to the gullet. Lets do this. All right. Oh, god. Screech may not go down so easy, but iceberg beer certainly does, especially when youre drinking it in the company of its secret ingredient. Its made using pure 20,000yearold iceberg water which is really the purest water on the earth. But there is a down side to these frozen giants. You heard the tip of the iceberg. Underneath the surface theres 120,000 feet that this iceberg is grounded on. This hidden mass can pose a great threat to boats. Its here in iceberg alley that the titanic met its fate. Charlie who is a crab fisherman knows this all too well. The iceberg are absolutely wonderful to look at and we get tourists coming by. On the other side of the coin its terrifying to have an iceberg in the area. You can see why. Thats charlies boat and that is an iceberg. If a piece hits your boat its all over for you. I do worry about him when he goes fishing. Do you really . But its the fishermen who first settled and made a life on this rocky island. And for the icebergs its here that they sing their swan song. This here is its death sentence. Its too warm this time of year for the chilly travelers to continue their tujourney into is kind of sad that theyre dying. Breaks me up, pardon the pun. No better place to end a 20,000yearold tale. Its the story of icebergs. He had a good run. Been a good run. Oh, take me home i love everything about that story, the beautiful icebergs, the people, the fact that you were drinking so heavily at 6 00 in the morning. Thats true. Nothing wrong with that. The people are wonderful. I did ask the captain about Climate Change and if theyve seen more of these icebergs because of Climate Change. He said we dont look at it that way, this has been happening for centuri centuries. That beer i was drinking we are not depleting a resource. They take and melt that down and thats what they make the beer out of. Theyre not surprised at all. We saw those photographs, these viral photographs, oh, my gosh, this must be a once in a lifetime thing and they say, no, this is spring. Spring in newfoundland. The screech shot, are you okay . Have you recovered . That is the hardest alcohol i have ever shot before, not that im shooting alcohol all the time, but youre supposed to actually kiss a cod after you take that shot, luckily there was no cod on board. We have on our website today. Com sunday the full coverage of dylans shot and the screech itself where you scream after that shot. Thats why they call it screech. It earns its name. Dylan, thanks. Great piece. Next on sunday today its been one year since the unimaginable shooting at pulse nightclub and we will head back to orlando to check in on some of the names, the victims, the doctors who saved them. And later, a life well lived, the Ground Breaking educator whose life of activism began as a boyhood friend of Martin Luther ki boost. Its about moving forward, not back. Its looking up, not down. Its being in motion. In body, in spirit, in the now. Boost® high protein its intelligent nutrition with 15 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For when you need a little extra. Boost® the number one high protein complete nutritional drink. Be up for it youre going to be hanging out in here. So if you need anything, text me. Do you play . Use the chase mobile app to send money in just a tap, to friends at more banks then ever before. You got next . Chase. Helping you master whats now and whats next. It was one year ago tomorrow on a sunday morning like this when we came into work to early reports of a shooting at a club in orlando. We didnt know much more. By the end of the morning we were covering the worst mass shooting in the history of the United States. For our sunday closer Gabe Gutierrez returns to orlando and pulse nightclub one year later. Reporter it was a place called pulse, a simple life. But on that night came death. 49 lives gone, countless others changed forever. Getting that phone call is something i dont think my brain will ever erase. I got closer to the hospital, it became very real. By the grace of god im alive. Its a miracle that im here. I dont even remember what it was like to be truly happy. Reporter for these four the journey has been grueling. Has the magnitude of it all sunk in yet even a year later . Its still surreal. Reporter angel clone was shot six times. I didnt think i would make it out, i didnt believe it. Seeing the bodies, not many people were moving. The shooter was in the room and i had to put my head down. I dont know how i had the strength to not scream, the strength to not move when he shot me again. A year later he has endured four surgeries and months of rehab. He has found the strength to walk again. But hes also found a new voice, becoming an advocate for tougher gun laws, lobbying capitol hill. I just want to represent those beautiful souls that we lost. I want to do the best that i can for them. Reporter among those lost 32yearold chris fetopher line. When do you miss him the most . At his birthday. I missed him at mothers day. I dont know where my son it. Reporter his mother christine was a tortured face of heart break right after the massacre. Her desperation beamed around the world as she searched in vain for her only son. The harder i would have tried to not feel grief the more it would have destroyed me. I decided to make grief my constant companion. Reporter that grief helped her find her voice, too. Even in the midst of evil you have to believe in the goodness of man. Reporter dr. Michael cheatum is one of the trauma surgeons at orlando medical center. Had you ever seen anything like this . Not to this magnitude. Probably the best way to describe it is it was controlled chaos. What we have taken on is the task of going around the country and speaking to hospitals and groups. They will experience an event like this. Its not a question of if its a question of when. Reporter the other question, the future of pulse. There are some people who say tear it down, there are some people who say reopen it. Could you ever reopen. I dont think i reporter Barbara Pullman owns pulse. It became a safe place for the lbgtq community. This place is built out of love and so when this tragedy happened here, you know, it broke my heart. What have you missed the most about this place . I miss i miss everything about it. Reporter on june 12th, 2016, so much was lost, but for these four who live through the horror, so much was found. You have to prepare. You have to train. You have to drill. I feel like i have to be a voice behind the horror. Watching it transform into a permanent memorial to honor our 49 angels, its what gets me out of bed every day. Forgiveness is the key to move forward. I will forgive. I will never forget. Reporter for sunday today, Gabe Gutierrez, orlando. Gabe, thank you. This week we highlight another life well lived. Samuel d. Cook was 15 years old when he and a boyhood friend named Martin Luther king jr. Spent a summer picking tobacco. That fall the two sons of baptist ministers enrolled together at Morehouse College in atlanta. Cook became the schools student body president and founded the campus chapters of the naacp. After earning a masters and a doctorate cook went into teaching. He made history in 1966 when he was hired by Duke University in North Carolina as the first africanamerican tenured track professor at a white southern university. By his second year cook was named the universitys outstanding professor. Today duke honors him with the Samuel Dubois cook society for black studies and the Samuel Dubois cook center on social equity. Cook was named president of Dillard University in new orleans, a position he held for 22 years until his retirement. Samuel d. Cook, educator, activist and for 57 years husband to sylvia, died last week at home in atlanta. He was 88 years old. We started service dogs for heroes because we know how important a welltrained service dog can be in improving veterans lives. We want every veteran to get this help. Petsmart charities and blue buffalo share the same values in helping others. Thats why were partnering with the goal to raise 1 million to support service dogs for heroes. Help us reach our goal by visiting petsmart between now and july 4th to donate at the register. Petsmart for the love of pets. That Airline Credit card yout . Have. It could be better. Its time to shake things up. With the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. Seriously, think of all the things you buy. Great. Is this why you asked me to coffee . Well yeah. But also to catchup. Whats in your wallet . All right. We close this morning with a look at whats next this week. Donald trumps 71st birthday is on wednesday. Also the same day First Lady Melania Trump and her son barron move into the white house. Also flag day and the birthday of one lucy geist who turns ten years old. Happy birthday, lucy. Ten. Double digits. We are in trouble soon. We also have the u. S. Open golf championships beginning on thursday, everyone of course watching to see if Phil Mickelson will make it for his 2 20 tee time. Hes attending his daughters graduation in california that morning, an event he was certainly not going to miss. Hes going to fly to wisconsin after the ceremony on a private jet. Keep in mind this is the same daughter who was on the verge of being born during the 1999 u. S. Open and mickelson was prepared to ditch the tournament at any moment to be there for her birth. You can remember this famous picture on Payne Stewart congratulating him on being a dad. Sunday night with megyn kelly tonight. We will see you next week. Nbc sports home of the olympics games. The fedex cup playoffs. The nhl. The nascar playoffs. And super bowl lii only on nbc. [ cheers and applause ] the championship on the line here. And this time its a teenager with so much promise so much expectations. I want to be the best. Nine times here in paris. W

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