Transcripts For KNTV Sunday Today With Willie Geist 20170521

Transcripts For KNTV Sunday Today With Willie Geist 20170521

with an attempted travel ban that covered seven muslim nations. we'll take you to saudi arabia. and later, a "sunday sitdown" with actress laura linney. whether in the movies or tv and on a broadway stage, she's one one of the best actors around. but can i get laura to spill anything from the hotly anticipated "love actually" sequel. >> i'm not at liberty to say. >> oh no. >> i'm not at liberty to discuss. >> i need something to find out. >> you do find out. >> you do? >> the answers to questions, questions that people might have. >> a "sunday sitdown" with laura linney a bit later in the show. but let's begin this morning with another ballistic missile fires hours ago by north korea. janice, good morning. >> good morning, willie, information information at this point what we knew it through about 300 mile s before landing in the sea of japan. it's not the enter continental ballistic missile that north korea has been threatening to test. it was used at the same launch site is that was used last month. near pyeongchang, that test failed however, experts say that last test shows significant kranss expectations. she see as a ramped up schedule of tests in order to whole different aspects of it. this also suggests that k s ths jong-un might be less interested in talks. despite everything that he might be getting from china every test seems to suggest it's kwund mining the belief that talks are even an option. >> janice, thanks so much. foreign policy front and center today for president trump in day two of his first foreign trip. this morning, as we mentioned, he will deliver a landmark speech to the muslim world. nbc's white house correspondent kristen welker is live in riyadh, saudi arabia, with a preview for us, good morning. >> reporter: willie, good morning to you. we are getting our first glimpse of president's highly anticipated speech. the white house releasing a portion that captures his central argument it reads. is this not a battle between different faiths, different sects or different organizations. this is a battle between good and evil. hoping to reset relations with the entire miss limb world. a marathon morning for president trump, kicking off his second day in riyadh with leaders across the middle each. >> let me say that you have an unique personality that is capable of doing the impossible. >> thank you. i agree. again, i want to thank you. and i will get to egypt. we absolutely be there very soon. >> reporter: this after a welcome fit for a king. the red carpet literally rolled occupy. a seven-jet flyover, culminating in a diplomatic dance overnight ♪ >> reporter: the president and his top aides taking steps to solidify relations with the muslim world. even announced a $110 billion arms deal with saudi arabia. >> we're here at saudi arabia, about hundreds of billions of dollars of investments into the united states and jobs, jobs, jobs. >> reporter: and just a few hours the president's biggest address yesterday. mr. trump will deliver his address before leaders of 50 muslim countries. the whole world will be watching. and the president will speak to the need to unify around the common objective of peace and prosperity. but mr. trump appears an likely messenger, as president, he's trying to enact a travel ban, plugging for. >> donald j. trump is calling for a complete shut down of muslims in the united states. >> reporter: frequently using the phrase radical islamic terrorism. a term his predecessor and others abandoned arguing it's offensive and would only recruit more terrorists. no word on whether he'll use that word today. but one saying the president is focused on results, not words. and overshading all of it, looming controversies over russia that have followed him broad. after government sources pam with the matter say the actions of a current white house official are now under investigation during a press conference with the saudi foreign minister secretary tillerson pressed, rather, he knows that person's identity. >> i do not have any information regarding the person of interest that's been referenced. >> reporter: one of the president's top aides steven miller is also one of the main writers of the speech. he's as the architect behind that controversial travel ban which targets prenaum dantley muslim countries. i'm told the president is putting finishing touches on the final draft. >> thanks. nbc news national security analyst jeremy bash, the former steve of staff at the cia and the penalty gone under president obama. jeremy, good to see you this morning. >> hey, willie. >> so, we're got a lot of stories we can choose for you. let's go back to that north korea missile test if we can. a lot of experts say last week's test called progress if you wanted to call it that. are they getting closer to something that could threaten the united states, number one? and number two, what are you making of the timing of this on the day of president trump's big speech in saudi arabia? >> yeah, i think it does show that they're making progress. importantly, last week's test. what they did they actually put the rocket up but then they were going to re-enter the vehicle back towards earth. that is important progress on the ability to put a warhead on top of a missile that could eventually, potentially hit the united states. as for the timing, willie, look, they want attention. this has been an attention, grabbing effort by kim jong-un and they're trying to get china on it. and that seems to be working at the moment. >> putting down your domestic hat given your experience, talk about this week, it was a busy week with the appointment of essential counsel, obviously. how does that change the dynamic of this investigation when you also include the fact that now we're going to get james comey to testify in front of the senate judiciary committee. how is this different now? >> well, ordinarily, if comey were a with twitness in a crimi, they would say don't testify because you could be a with the innocence my criminal investigation. but it's clear that james comey is no ordinary witness. he's potentially the only person who could describe if the president tried to shut down the investigation which would be clear evidence of guilt, if you will, that the president didn't want this investigation to go folder. comey's going to have to walk a fine line. >> we also heard from the president this week, calling it a witch hunt. there was reporting from "the new york times" that he called director comey a nutjob in the meeting in the oval office with a meeting with the russians. does that hurt the president that it's open in the public? >> yeahing, it shows that he really did try to fire comey to affect the investigation. the other thing that's disturbing, it shows a cozness with russia. it shows a willness to talk to russia in a way that's not going to go down well because russia is aligned with saudi arabia and they really dough not like that cozness with russia. >> jeremy bash, always appreciate it. let's turn to eamon. good to see you. >> the early experts getting out of the speech say that the president is drawing this as a battle between good and evil, not about faiths. can he credibly say those things given what he's made about the muslim faith previously? >> he can say to muslim leaders they have already signalled by their visit to the united states, whether the president of egypt, turkey, 134b in the saudi leadership that they're willing to write that off to the campaign redder irk and say, fine, let's see what president trump is about. he got off to a rook rocky stah a travel ban. i think the. muslim populations of these countries are probably not convinced that president trump is genuine saying that these making this a battle between good and evil and not religions. >> who will he be speaking to? >> he will be speaking to the 37 heads of states. that large audience. they know the sound bites are going to be beamed back into the muslim world. i don't think this is a speech that's going to be for american political consumption. that's why some of the exempts we've seen coming out of the white house, suggest a much more softened tone. not used words like radical islamic terrorism. things that strike into the hat of the muslim populations of being negative. >> do you think he uses it in the speech today? >> it's hard to see. if i was to rely on some of the advice from his own administration, keep in mind, national security adviser h.r. mcmasters. and those with tremendous amount of support with gulf countries they don't like using that expression. they're probably going to say to him you do not want to be on saudi arabian soil and use that terminology is. >> we'll see in a few minutes. thank you. to other news, eight people were injured after an aeromexico plane collided. the plane clipped a truck while taxiing causing the truck to flip over. two women on board were seriously injured. rescuers will return to a harbor to see if a stranded humpback whale managed to make is it back to the ocean. the whale got stuck in a harbor saturday. in an attempt to lure the wail back out to the pacific. a terrifying crash in qualifying for the indianapolis 500 saturday. french drive sebastian borde slammed into a wall. he fractured his pelvis and right hip but did not lose consciousness. he underwent surgery. and there will not be a triple crown this year. cloud computer won. dylan is hear with a check of the weather. you said you probably would have bet on cloud computing. >> yes, i went to thundersnow. he came in last. i can't win. let's look at heavier rain moving through ohio right now, stretching down into western parts of the carolinas into georgia and heavy rain just across the gulf coast of florida right now too. this storm system is the same one that proud about 100 severe weather reports yesterday. even had several r0r9s of tornadoes in indiana. but no damage reports. this cold front is moving eastward. and as it does so, we will start to see heavy rain make its way up and down the east coast. not so much severe weather. we will see the potential of flooding because we're looking at heavy rain to set up blasting up and down the i-95 corridor on skies, but already warming temperatures in the south bay. 61 degrees. peninsula at about 50. expect to see patchy fog. over the next couple hours in the tri-valley at about 54 degrees right now. hazy skies and a nice marine layer over san francisco, as well, at 52 degrees. 48 for the north bay and the temperature trend today is showing another day of warmups into the 80s and 90s for inland areas. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan. straight ahead the highs and lows of the week, including a look at what your united states senator looks like when he rolls outside of bed. we'll have the winner of the caption test for this gem. and some crying in baseball. the reasons for the tears that made this sweet little girl a viral star. plus, one of the last publication where is you'd look in the past for political reporting now making itself a player in the age of trump. it's all coming up on "sunday today." and as we head to break, dylan, our photo of the week, that's dylan's brother mike who served in the national forces day. holding introducing ritz crisp & thins. a new chip that's deliciously thin & oven-baked to perfection. with spectacular flavor. crisp & thins. the new taste from ritz. try them. in four flavors. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena. standby. hey katy, let me show you how behind schedule we are. yeah. are those the pyrotechnics that are gonna startle me from a distance? yep. and my impractical wardrobe changes, those all set? not even close. oh, this is probably going to shine in your eyes at the worst possible time. perfect. we're looking at a real train wreck here, am i right? wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back with 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. what bad back?gels work so fast you'll ask what pulled hammy? advil liqui - gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. this and it's also a story mail aabout people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you gimemorial day savings nowt onat lowe' huge like this troy-bilt gas trimmer for only $89. plus, get up to 30% off select appliance special values $396 or more. get started with the season's best savings. start with lowe's. ♪ all right, dylan and i ready to whip through the highs and low of the week. ready? our first high goes to how high one united states senator thought he looked in a photo that went viral this week. that's new york democrat chuck schumer facing us there with the tussled hair and cup of coffee in his hand. seated in his workout gear, nebraska's ben sass with a real look on his face. senator sass tweeted the picture with the words, quote, holy moly. it looks like senator schumer and i are smoking reefer outside a wedding. senator schumer replied to that tweet by quoting ron burgundy, well, that escalated quickly. let's go back and drink in this photograph for one second. it looks like i was going to say the parking lot of "dazed and confused" maybe or -- >> the one guy is always going like this. >> right, exactly, shaking his head. or the morning after every college party or a wedding, like what happened last night. >> so weird to see them in t-shirt and shorts, so out of context. >> i know. i love that shot. first low goes to the men's wear trend being foisted upon us, the romp a romper for men. ready made in pastel designs for your summer leisure collection. it is made by ace design which made a kick starter page which as of this morning raised $350,000. i guess we're doing this. fancy pants will retail for $119. scholars in the field of rompers pointed out this week that sean connery's james bond actually pioneered the romphim in 1964's "gold finger " and synergy between first high and first low, senator ted cruz tweeted a caption of the senators before work, he wrote, so anyway, it's a romper for guys, and it's called a romphim and i just ordered two. ted cruz winning the caption contest. >> i will say there say serious design flaw with the romper for women, very hard to go to the bathroom. >> i hear that. >> i wonder if they accounted for that in men's. >> there is a zipper. a shoutout to andy cohen of "watch what happens" fame, he's been wearing romphims for years. our next high to the delivery coverage area of dom's new york style pizzeria. an amtrak train on its way to washington, d.c. stalled on the tracks. as it sat there, passengers got hungry and called the nearby dom's for a delivery to the train. delivery man jim leery didn't hesitate. he grabbed the pies, cut through backyards, crossed the small creek, and then as you can see here, walked along the tracks to deliver the pizza. jim was cheered as he passed the windows of the train. amtrak said the move was dangerous and hopes passengers will not try that move in the future. jim leery said, quote, i was just glad to help those hungry people out. he got a $32 tip for his heroism. >> i think he earned a little more. $32 trip to the chugg chugga chugga choo choo. >> final low, 3 years old and your major league daddy loses a baseball game. she had a teary reaction to her dad, milwaukee brewers third baseman eric soguard losing one of his 162 games this season. soguard hit a big home run, but the mean meme san diego padres later hit a home run to later win the game. >> why did the padres win? >> why did the padres win? they hit a home run at the end, so they won. it's okay. we can win the next one. >> daddy got a home run too. >> daddy did hit a home run too, baby. >> why did they -- >> daddy hit his home run and then the padres hit a home run. >> why? >> that's just baseball. there's no crying in baseball. >> that face with the curled up bottom lip, she's too cute. >> so sweet. and the mom in this situation, i feel like they're always egging it on, like -- >> let me get out the camera, make sure people can hear what you said. that's what we all do now. coming up next, our sunday sit-down with laura linney. she grew up in the theater with her father, became a movie star and now has gone back to her roots. a fun time with laura including a hint about the "love actually" sequel. that's just ahead. military veterans in nashville bring light into their lives by making a little country music. and you can head to facebook for a facebook live chat with me and dylan in just two minutes. d to facebook live chat with me and dillen in just two minutes. ♪ ♪ predictable. the comfort in knowing where things are headed. because as we live longer... and markets continue to rise and fall... predictable is one thing you need in retirement to help protect what you've earned and ensure it lasts. introducing brighthouse financial. a new company established by metlife to specialize in annuities & life insurance. talk to your advisor about a brighter financial future. ♪ ♪ the best way to get together is with a treat you make together. ♪ ♪ downtown san jose vicky/2shot i )m kira klapper, in for vicky nguyen... alsi good sunday morning to you. here's a live look outside at san jose. that sun is already shining over downtown ahead of a beautiful sunday. thanks so much for joining us. i'm in for vicky nguyen along with veony arana. >> seeing 50s and even 60s. >> this early. >> this early in the morning, the south bay warming up to 61 degrees. the peninsula is at about 50 degrees, and we can expect to see a sea breeze, a marine layer in the next few hours. tri-valley at 54 degrees. san francisco seeing more of that patchy fog at 52. the north bay still in the 40s. today's temperature trend is showing another warmup across the bay area and inland areas do have a shot of climbing into those 90s yet again. now, san jose did manage to climb into the 90s yesterday. today, as we're heading over to bay to breakers, something to keep in mind, but it looks like there will be a sea breeze for the early morning hours. >> we'll tune in for that. thanks. we want to tell you about a home in a quiet neighborhood surrounded overnight by police as they search for two gunmen. the chase started before 6:00 last night north of monterey road in san jose and moved south, ending on body court off blossom hill road. this is across from oak grove high school. police spotted two men in a stolen car. both were wanted for an earlier robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. during that chase, the two ran into this small cul-de-sac with just about eight homes on it. officers immediately set up a perimeter. people were told to shelter in place. >> scary. and i hope that no one is hurt. so that's the first thing i would think about, if any families are in there, hopefully they're not going to be collateral damage. >> police have been trying to convince the gunman to come out of the home. we will update you as we get updates on the manhunt. new details on that dramatic amber alert that led from san francisco to los angeles friday night. our camera was there last night for the emotional moment as a mother reunited with her 21-month-old child. two members of the district attorney's office flew to l.a. to get the boy. a case manager spoke on behalf of the mother. >> this is every mother's worst nightmare. the hardest thing a parent has to go through is not knowing where their child is. >> police issued an amber alert friday afternoon after the father, 30-year-old jason lam, allegedly abducted him. the mother reported the boy missing thursday night. about six hourinize to the amber alert, a shopper in southern california recognized the suspect's car and called police. the father was arrested, the boy was not hurt. it is 6:29. coming up at 7:00 on today in the bay, people visiting a southern california marina get a big surprise. this 35-foot friend in the harbor. that plus all your top stories and weather. we're on cozi-tv. right now, back to the "today" show. have assembled. spider-man... black widow... captain america... and eddie? so, what's the plan? breaking out the guardians, pal. come celebrate the all-new guardians of the galaxy-mission: breakout! during the summer of heroes, only at disneyland resort. hero up! ♪ ♪ so i tried i told the truth but didn't come to florida ♪ even we all night long i stand with nothing on alleluia ♪ >> the cast of "saturday night live" wrapping up its 42nd with "alleluia" that they sang. katy perry provided the music. we three oscar nominations including two for best actress and four tony nominations laura linney moved smoothly through hollywood. linney is starring in a an intense movie called "the dinner." laura has a reputation for being one of the most humble and charming actors in snow business. and she proved when she and i got together in don marino in new york's theater district for a "sunday sitdown." >> a man who opens a door. >> laura linney, the daughter of a new york playwright practically drew up on stage. but that doesn't mean she's always comfortable there. i read that you actually still get stage fright. >> oh, sure. >> is that true? >> oh, yeah. the curtain call. the only way to do a curtain call and feel comfortable, this is how i made it work for me. for me, i have to say thank you. it's a bow to say thank you. linney's mother was a nurse and father was a writer of plays who often could be seen toting his curious daughter into theaters. were you at shows all the time? >> i would tag along when i can. sometimes, it was appropriate for me to be there, sometimes, it wasn't. when you're little and you're watching adults understa s unde makes an impression. >> seemingly destined to be an actress. linney studied at the juilliard school in new york. >> there was never a happier understudy than me. a bunch of old jaded understudies. i would show up every day. it was the perfect first job for me. >> six degrees of separation. >> to watch stockard chang develop that character was just a life lesson. >> living outside her dream on stage, linney had never thought of herself as a screen actor but someone had. at what point did you decide i'm off the theater but i'm going to try screen. >> i didn't. i had a really good agent he was start enough to suss me out astutely and realized. she sent me out for tiny little parts. and i could be sort of like, okay, maybe this isn't so bad. >> those tiny parts soon turned into bigger ones like a role as clint eastwood's daughter in "absolute power." >> am i going to be all right? >> yeah, we're just going to be fine. >> your long list of credits who you've had the opportunity to work with, i imagine clint eastwood was a great thrill. >> i loved him. he really taught me how to relax in front of the camera which is a huge invaluable lesson. he feels like my film father. >> the next year, she broke through playing opposite jim carrey. she's been nominated for you can count on me and the savages. linney has found success on tv as well. earning an emmy was frazier's girlfriend. >> it starts at 2:00 -- it's only -- oh, dear god! >> and another for her portrayal of abigail adams in the landmark hbo series" john adams. >> i realize this is embarrassing i'm a well educated person. >> a lot of person learned from that series. >> i know. >> linney won fans and another emmy for her leading role on the show. the one she was asked about the most is sarah from the beloved 2003 film "love actually." >> okay. that's done. >> and the cast is getting back together later this month for a reunion sequel. >> can you believe the way that movie has endured through the years? >> well, i think the reason it's so irresistible is that there's a genuine kindness and sweet to ness to that film that normally is dismissed. >> you're beautiful. >> everyone that i talked to before i came out, you've got to ask her about that again. did you get to see everybody again? >> i didn't. no, they just filmed me. more of that, i'm not of liberty to say. >> oh, i need something. >> i'm not at liberty to discuss. but you do find out? >> you do? >> questions, questions that people might have. >> it was an accident. >> meanwhile, linney stars with richard gere in a thriller called "the dinner" and with jason bateman in the upcoming netflix series ozarks. meanwhile, it's back to new york where the 53-year-old lives with her husband and three sons. >> do you ever get out to see a show? >> well, it's the big frustration when you're doing a play that's doing well, you can't see anything else because everyone's on the same scheduling. >> linney is nominated for a tony award for her performance in the little foxes. a play where she and cynthia nixon from sex and the city fame switch roles. >> so the idea of switching these roles every night between you and cynthia, i'm told was your idea initialingly? >> it was my idea. >> why did you come up with that idea? >> i thought it would make it more interesting. >> i wanted for a variety of reasons, a, i would get to play bird ei reasons, a, i would get to play bird ee which is the part i had an affinity to play. and b, because women had never done this on broadway before. i thought good i can be bad not just in one part but two. >> she's so great. the little foxes is on broadway now. and her movie "the dinner" is in theaters. that 15-minute sequel to "love actually" will air this thursday night during the red nose schedule. >> check out our web extras at dylan's back with another look at the weather. hey, dylan. >> hey, willie. we're going to see wet weather up and down the east coast down to the gulf of mexico. heavy rains continues through the southeast by tuesday. in wednesday, still unsettled in the eastern third of the country but the western two-thirdses looking pretty good. spotty showers by the end of the week still unsettled. then we dry out a foggy start along the peninsula, but mild temperatures right now, at 50 degrees. seeing patchy fog. south bay warming up into the 60s. for the tri-valley at 54 degrees. also seeing hazy skies out near san francisco, which means if you're heading to bay to breakers, here's a quick check of what to expect. expect to see the marine layer and of course patchy fog with low clouds through that early morning hour. warming up into the 70s. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan, thank you very much. next on "sunday today" as the traditional titans of journal any of the like "the washington post" or "the new york times" drop one big scoop after another, a new unexpected voice has spoken up in the national political conversation. we'll go inside the newsroom. it's not a quick fix. it's my decision to make beauty last. roc® retinol, started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it, the better it works. retinol correxion® from roc. methods, not miracles.™ (alarm ringing) wake up to great tasting flavor. (alarm stops) belvita breakfast biscuits. flavors like delicious blueberry or decadent chocolate, gently baked in a tasty biscuit. (alarm ringing) belvita breakfast biscuits. it's time to taste the day. america's traditional leaders in national journalism in what seems like an hour by hour competition to break big scoops. "the new york times" and "wall street journal" has been relentless in their reporting but this national moment has brought some new players into the game as well. nbc's katy tur signs our sunday spotlight on something you never would have associated with politics until now. >> reporter: at 14-year-old old, teen vogue is growing up. >> it's so much more than just a pretty face. >> reporter: focusing on more than just fashion and beauty. >> do you want to take this away for what's happening in politics away? >> i think people are looking to make sense of politics. >> reporter: like every teenager not everyone is ready to take seriously. >> here's is your description of the trump administration wrote this piece in teen vogue which you write for. >> that i write for, yes. >> reporter: back in december tucker carlson had a contentious interview about a critical piece she did on donald trump. >> i've got to go. you should stick to your thigh high boots. >> reporter: with the 26-year-old freelance writer lauren duca. but it put political teen vogue on the political map. >> do you like politics? >> of course. >> do you like thigh high boots? >> i do. >> are they mutually exclusive? >> they are thought. >> reporter: five months later she still has the most popular story on the website. it's not where you find the new column with a cheeky title. thigh high politics. >> can the readers differentiate the straight news? >> we think it's funny that can young women make sense of this, but can people make sense of what is fake news or not. >> reporter: her opinions have helped attract leaders. just this weekend she tweeted a photo of the flaming plane as the president was flying overseas. she later deleted the post some say was offensive. duca told me it was just a bad metaphor for the campaign but admitted for timing. would you say teen vogue is a political magazine? >> people don't expect teen vogue to have an opinion about politics. >> reporter: elaine welteroff is teen vogue's editor-in-chief.the youngest and only second african-american to hold the title. she and philip mccardy and renee suter are responsible for the magazine. >> it's awake and we're watching what's happening. >> reporter: the three have fused fashion, feminism and a focus on diversity in teen vogue's prinlts and online platforms. >> fashion magazines get a bad name for being frivolous. for us, it's fashion and beauty to see the world. >> it's a work of art on every single page. >> reporter: if you're surprised for the term for the political left, you haven't been paying attention. women's magazines have a long history of fighting for progressive issues including teen vogue's older sister, fashion's glossy gold standard. >> this is "vogue" december. this is "glamour" early 1973, talking about -- >> abortion. >> -- abortion. >> fashion and feminism can co-exist. i think for us, it's not a novel topic. >> you should ask republican men these questions. mitt romney loved tailored suit and expensive haircut, no one is asking him about that. >> with conservative writers, girls who support donald trump? >> yes, we have trump supporters. after the election we had a woman who wanted to talk about her story. we had gun owners write about the second amendment on the site. >> reporter: teen vogue extends to more than just politics. the magazine is opening the pages to new faces. here authenticity is everything. >> we created a magazine that we hope existed when we were growing. you that means creating something that is inclusive. >> reporter: creating content that is moves fashion and politics forward. >> if you want young women to show up for you, you have to show up for them first. next on "sunday today," a group of military veterans finding their voices with a guitar. guitar. and the umpire legacy not the toothpaste that helpstax, prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums, and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind. new parodontax toothpaste. standby. hey katy, let me show you how behind schedule we are. yeah. are those the pyrotechnics that are gonna startle me from a distance? yep. and my impractical wardrobe changes, those all set? not even close. oh, this is probably going to shine in your eyes at the worst possible time. perfect. we're looking at a real train wreck here, am i right? wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back with 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. it's day one of we're playing zombie tag! i'm tired, but i'm teaching them hopscotch. i'm starting a garden with my neighbors so our kids can eat better. and we feel happier! i have more energy at work. i feel stronger! small changes you make today can make a big difference in how you feel.... and may help prevent obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. start now to turn today into a better day. it's been a month, and we feel better! this fall will mark 16 years since the united states entered the longest war in american history. less than 1% of our population has fought in the war in afghanistan and the 14-year-old war in iraq. as those men and women come home often after multiple deployments americans have a generation to military veterans to support. for our "sunday closer" kerry sanders traveling to nashville where music city is helping vets find their inner honky-tonk. >> reporter: here in music city -- ♪ >> reporter: -- haealing vets cn mean pulling a few spritrings. helping marine danny williams get his breath back after repeated tours to foreign wars. >> it would be easier to ask what i didn't do. >> reporter: danny's va doctors find the right prescription for the blues was writing country rock. ♪ did you ever consider yourself a writer? >> no. no. >> reporter: so the tennessee valley va teams up vets with veteran nashville songwriters bob region and don goodman. two hitmakers behind stars like keith urban, blake helton and billy ray cyrus. >> we kind of blow right past the therapeutic boundaries right from the first. calm me anytime. ♪ >> reporter: regan founded operation song to help these vets find their harmony. >> we make to feel to save someone's life. a guy went, here's one. then another hand went up then another. and i cried. ♪ >> reporter: most here have been divorced. and many here consider taking their own lives. >> they don't know what went wrong. and if the world needs people to stay here and not end their lives. >> reporter: as sadly 20 veterans do each other. >> i've got something to look forward to again. >> reporter: so the va brings them together to write their own new ending. ♪ >> reporter: and the veterans of operation song keep coming back. ♪ >> music is naturally disarming. they recall more effortlessly the memories and the feelings and the triggers. >> reporter: we watched danny write and write. >> when i come here, it's lyrical bombing. ♪ ♪ ♪ crazy crazy >> how difficult was it for to you open your emotions? >> for the first month or so, i didn't say anything. >> and boy, you opened up. >> oh, yeah, been working at is it. >> did you surprise yourself? >> i surprised myself because i had all of this here. and i didn't know what to do with it. i'm a pretty foulmouthed guy. i was raised by a sailor. >> reporter: here in this hit factory on nashville's famed music row -- ♪ sn ♪ stay here with us >> reporter: -- danny gets to hear top country band members all volunteers record his songs. >> it's not as bad as it once was. >> does that help you? >> reporter: those who served country now serve by country to win the battle of their lives. >> reporter: for "sunday today," kerry sanders, nashville. kerry, thanks, and by the way, danny's song is available for download on itunes the proceeds benefit operations song which just this weekend released a new album titled "we've got your six" all songs written by veterans in the va program. this week, we highlight another life well lived. steve palermo was considered one of the best baseball umpires of all time. palermo was out to dinner in dallas after umpiring a rangers/angels game in 1981. the restaurant's bartender yelled that two waitresses were being attacked and robbed in a parking lot. palermo and a group of men raced outside chasing the robbers away. but they returned and fired a gun at palermo and his group. palermo was hit and paralyzed immediately. doctors told him he would never walk again. after three months of rehab, palermo stunned the baseball world by appearing at game one. world series to throw out the ceremonial pitch. he said that night, he appreciated the cheers but, quote, i'm looking forward to being booed again. he called the 19 y83 world seris and 1980 all-star game. he never returned to that job but he did serve as mlb supervisor of umpires until his death and defied those doctors by walking with a cane. emerge restored. fortified. replenished. emerge everyday with emergen-c packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. why not feel this good everyday? emerge and see. oh, it's actually... sfx: (short balloon squeal) it's ver... sfx: (balloon squeals) ok can we... sfx: (balloon squeals) goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. good right? yeah. lactaid. the milk that doesn't mess with you. ♪ all right. to close this morning, with a look what's next this week. tonight, actually in long island, new york, the final performance ever of the ringling circus. closed down, forcing ringling bros. to fold up the tent. >> sad. do you remember may 25th, 1977? >> no. >> good. "star wars: rogue on" debuted. >> okay. >> do you know a fun fact, luke [ whistles ] internet speeds 20x faster. at&t fiber sounds amazing. wait a sec, i'm not done yet. less than 12% of at&t homes actually qualify. huh... hold on. everyone else gets our other, slower internet speeds. but no one reads this stuff anyway. except for the old guy with the binoculars. huh... we got ourselves a reader. don't be fooled by at&t. xfinity delivers the fastest speeds to the most homes. magnificent chelsea are the premier league champions. >> welcome to the nbc sports presentation of championship sunday. across the networks of nbc universal. >> welcome to championship sunday. i'm rebecca lo. with you for the final day of the premier league season. ten matches, ten different networks of nbc universal. all kicking off at 10:00 eastern. you can choose your team, or pick your story line. the biggest folk souse on the two champions places up for grabs. arsenal on nbc, liverpool on nbcsn. and manchester city on usa. only two of those three can qualify. see you at halftime. until then it's out to your match of choice. >> arlo: rebecca thank you very much, indeed. michael oliver is our referee today. the sun is shining brightly at the emirates stadium in north london and it's a huge day for arsenal. for arsene wenger the manager and for these gunners fans after 20 consecutive top four finishes in 19 straight seasons competing in the champions league, is this the day that the gunners run ends? win for arsenal would strengthen their cause but they require liverpool to drop points at home to already relegated middlesbrough. or manchester city to lose at watford who are in terrible form. and also turn around a five-goal swing in goal difference. we'll be on top of all the scenarios, all the permutations as the afternoon unfolds as arsenal fans prepare for the end of a remarkably consistent run. but also prepare for the fa cup

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Transcripts For KNTV Sunday Today With Willie Geist 20170521 :

Transcripts For KNTV Sunday Today With Willie Geist 20170521

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with an attempted travel ban that covered seven muslim nations. we'll take you to saudi arabia. and later, a "sunday sitdown" with actress laura linney. whether in the movies or tv and on a broadway stage, she's one one of the best actors around. but can i get laura to spill anything from the hotly anticipated "love actually" sequel. >> i'm not at liberty to say. >> oh no. >> i'm not at liberty to discuss. >> i need something to find out. >> you do find out. >> you do? >> the answers to questions, questions that people might have. >> a "sunday sitdown" with laura linney a bit later in the show. but let's begin this morning with another ballistic missile fires hours ago by north korea. janice, good morning. >> good morning, willie, information information at this point what we knew it through about 300 mile s before landing in the sea of japan. it's not the enter continental ballistic missile that north korea has been threatening to test. it was used at the same launch site is that was used last month. near pyeongchang, that test failed however, experts say that last test shows significant kranss expectations. she see as a ramped up schedule of tests in order to whole different aspects of it. this also suggests that k s ths jong-un might be less interested in talks. despite everything that he might be getting from china every test seems to suggest it's kwund mining the belief that talks are even an option. >> janice, thanks so much. foreign policy front and center today for president trump in day two of his first foreign trip. this morning, as we mentioned, he will deliver a landmark speech to the muslim world. nbc's white house correspondent kristen welker is live in riyadh, saudi arabia, with a preview for us, good morning. >> reporter: willie, good morning to you. we are getting our first glimpse of president's highly anticipated speech. the white house releasing a portion that captures his central argument it reads. is this not a battle between different faiths, different sects or different organizations. this is a battle between good and evil. hoping to reset relations with the entire miss limb world. a marathon morning for president trump, kicking off his second day in riyadh with leaders across the middle each. >> let me say that you have an unique personality that is capable of doing the impossible. >> thank you. i agree. again, i want to thank you. and i will get to egypt. we absolutely be there very soon. >> reporter: this after a welcome fit for a king. the red carpet literally rolled occupy. a seven-jet flyover, culminating in a diplomatic dance overnight ♪ >> reporter: the president and his top aides taking steps to solidify relations with the muslim world. even announced a $110 billion arms deal with saudi arabia. >> we're here at saudi arabia, about hundreds of billions of dollars of investments into the united states and jobs, jobs, jobs. >> reporter: and just a few hours the president's biggest address yesterday. mr. trump will deliver his address before leaders of 50 muslim countries. the whole world will be watching. and the president will speak to the need to unify around the common objective of peace and prosperity. but mr. trump appears an likely messenger, as president, he's trying to enact a travel ban, plugging for. >> donald j. trump is calling for a complete shut down of muslims in the united states. >> reporter: frequently using the phrase radical islamic terrorism. a term his predecessor and others abandoned arguing it's offensive and would only recruit more terrorists. no word on whether he'll use that word today. but one saying the president is focused on results, not words. and overshading all of it, looming controversies over russia that have followed him broad. after government sources pam with the matter say the actions of a current white house official are now under investigation during a press conference with the saudi foreign minister secretary tillerson pressed, rather, he knows that person's identity. >> i do not have any information regarding the person of interest that's been referenced. >> reporter: one of the president's top aides steven miller is also one of the main writers of the speech. he's as the architect behind that controversial travel ban which targets prenaum dantley muslim countries. i'm told the president is putting finishing touches on the final draft. >> thanks. nbc news national security analyst jeremy bash, the former steve of staff at the cia and the penalty gone under president obama. jeremy, good to see you this morning. >> hey, willie. >> so, we're got a lot of stories we can choose for you. let's go back to that north korea missile test if we can. a lot of experts say last week's test called progress if you wanted to call it that. are they getting closer to something that could threaten the united states, number one? and number two, what are you making of the timing of this on the day of president trump's big speech in saudi arabia? >> yeah, i think it does show that they're making progress. importantly, last week's test. what they did they actually put the rocket up but then they were going to re-enter the vehicle back towards earth. that is important progress on the ability to put a warhead on top of a missile that could eventually, potentially hit the united states. as for the timing, willie, look, they want attention. this has been an attention, grabbing effort by kim jong-un and they're trying to get china on it. and that seems to be working at the moment. >> putting down your domestic hat given your experience, talk about this week, it was a busy week with the appointment of essential counsel, obviously. how does that change the dynamic of this investigation when you also include the fact that now we're going to get james comey to testify in front of the senate judiciary committee. how is this different now? >> well, ordinarily, if comey were a with twitness in a crimi, they would say don't testify because you could be a with the innocence my criminal investigation. but it's clear that james comey is no ordinary witness. he's potentially the only person who could describe if the president tried to shut down the investigation which would be clear evidence of guilt, if you will, that the president didn't want this investigation to go folder. comey's going to have to walk a fine line. >> we also heard from the president this week, calling it a witch hunt. there was reporting from "the new york times" that he called director comey a nutjob in the meeting in the oval office with a meeting with the russians. does that hurt the president that it's open in the public? >> yeahing, it shows that he really did try to fire comey to affect the investigation. the other thing that's disturbing, it shows a cozness with russia. it shows a willness to talk to russia in a way that's not going to go down well because russia is aligned with saudi arabia and they really dough not like that cozness with russia. >> jeremy bash, always appreciate it. let's turn to eamon. good to see you. >> the early experts getting out of the speech say that the president is drawing this as a battle between good and evil, not about faiths. can he credibly say those things given what he's made about the muslim faith previously? >> he can say to muslim leaders they have already signalled by their visit to the united states, whether the president of egypt, turkey, 134b in the saudi leadership that they're willing to write that off to the campaign redder irk and say, fine, let's see what president trump is about. he got off to a rook rocky stah a travel ban. i think the. muslim populations of these countries are probably not convinced that president trump is genuine saying that these making this a battle between good and evil and not religions. >> who will he be speaking to? >> he will be speaking to the 37 heads of states. that large audience. they know the sound bites are going to be beamed back into the muslim world. i don't think this is a speech that's going to be for american political consumption. that's why some of the exempts we've seen coming out of the white house, suggest a much more softened tone. not used words like radical islamic terrorism. things that strike into the hat of the muslim populations of being negative. >> do you think he uses it in the speech today? >> it's hard to see. if i was to rely on some of the advice from his own administration, keep in mind, national security adviser h.r. mcmasters. and those with tremendous amount of support with gulf countries they don't like using that expression. they're probably going to say to him you do not want to be on saudi arabian soil and use that terminology is. >> we'll see in a few minutes. thank you. to other news, eight people were injured after an aeromexico plane collided. the plane clipped a truck while taxiing causing the truck to flip over. two women on board were seriously injured. rescuers will return to a harbor to see if a stranded humpback whale managed to make is it back to the ocean. the whale got stuck in a harbor saturday. in an attempt to lure the wail back out to the pacific. a terrifying crash in qualifying for the indianapolis 500 saturday. french drive sebastian borde slammed into a wall. he fractured his pelvis and right hip but did not lose consciousness. he underwent surgery. and there will not be a triple crown this year. cloud computer won. dylan is hear with a check of the weather. you said you probably would have bet on cloud computing. >> yes, i went to thundersnow. he came in last. i can't win. let's look at heavier rain moving through ohio right now, stretching down into western parts of the carolinas into georgia and heavy rain just across the gulf coast of florida right now too. this storm system is the same one that proud about 100 severe weather reports yesterday. even had several r0r9s of tornadoes in indiana. but no damage reports. this cold front is moving eastward. and as it does so, we will start to see heavy rain make its way up and down the east coast. not so much severe weather. we will see the potential of flooding because we're looking at heavy rain to set up blasting up and down the i-95 corridor on skies, but already warming temperatures in the south bay. 61 degrees. peninsula at about 50. expect to see patchy fog. over the next couple hours in the tri-valley at about 54 degrees right now. hazy skies and a nice marine layer over san francisco, as well, at 52 degrees. 48 for the north bay and the temperature trend today is showing another day of warmups into the 80s and 90s for inland areas. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan. straight ahead the highs and lows of the week, including a look at what your united states senator looks like when he rolls outside of bed. we'll have the winner of the caption test for this gem. and some crying in baseball. the reasons for the tears that made this sweet little girl a viral star. plus, one of the last publication where is you'd look in the past for political reporting now making itself a player in the age of trump. it's all coming up on "sunday today." and as we head to break, dylan, our photo of the week, that's dylan's brother mike who served in the national forces day. holding introducing ritz crisp & thins. a new chip that's deliciously thin & oven-baked to perfection. with spectacular flavor. crisp & thins. the new taste from ritz. try them. in four flavors. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena. standby. hey katy, let me show you how behind schedule we are. yeah. are those the pyrotechnics that are gonna startle me from a distance? yep. and my impractical wardrobe changes, those all set? not even close. oh, this is probably going to shine in your eyes at the worst possible time. perfect. we're looking at a real train wreck here, am i right? wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back with 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. what bad back?gels work so fast you'll ask what pulled hammy? advil liqui - gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. this and it's also a story mail aabout people and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you gimemorial day savings nowt onat lowe' huge like this troy-bilt gas trimmer for only $89. plus, get up to 30% off select appliance special values $396 or more. get started with the season's best savings. start with lowe's. ♪ all right, dylan and i ready to whip through the highs and low of the week. ready? our first high goes to how high one united states senator thought he looked in a photo that went viral this week. that's new york democrat chuck schumer facing us there with the tussled hair and cup of coffee in his hand. seated in his workout gear, nebraska's ben sass with a real look on his face. senator sass tweeted the picture with the words, quote, holy moly. it looks like senator schumer and i are smoking reefer outside a wedding. senator schumer replied to that tweet by quoting ron burgundy, well, that escalated quickly. let's go back and drink in this photograph for one second. it looks like i was going to say the parking lot of "dazed and confused" maybe or -- >> the one guy is always going like this. >> right, exactly, shaking his head. or the morning after every college party or a wedding, like what happened last night. >> so weird to see them in t-shirt and shorts, so out of context. >> i know. i love that shot. first low goes to the men's wear trend being foisted upon us, the romp a romper for men. ready made in pastel designs for your summer leisure collection. it is made by ace design which made a kick starter page which as of this morning raised $350,000. i guess we're doing this. fancy pants will retail for $119. scholars in the field of rompers pointed out this week that sean connery's james bond actually pioneered the romphim in 1964's "gold finger " and synergy between first high and first low, senator ted cruz tweeted a caption of the senators before work, he wrote, so anyway, it's a romper for guys, and it's called a romphim and i just ordered two. ted cruz winning the caption contest. >> i will say there say serious design flaw with the romper for women, very hard to go to the bathroom. >> i hear that. >> i wonder if they accounted for that in men's. >> there is a zipper. a shoutout to andy cohen of "watch what happens" fame, he's been wearing romphims for years. our next high to the delivery coverage area of dom's new york style pizzeria. an amtrak train on its way to washington, d.c. stalled on the tracks. as it sat there, passengers got hungry and called the nearby dom's for a delivery to the train. delivery man jim leery didn't hesitate. he grabbed the pies, cut through backyards, crossed the small creek, and then as you can see here, walked along the tracks to deliver the pizza. jim was cheered as he passed the windows of the train. amtrak said the move was dangerous and hopes passengers will not try that move in the future. jim leery said, quote, i was just glad to help those hungry people out. he got a $32 tip for his heroism. >> i think he earned a little more. $32 trip to the chugg chugga chugga choo choo. >> final low, 3 years old and your major league daddy loses a baseball game. she had a teary reaction to her dad, milwaukee brewers third baseman eric soguard losing one of his 162 games this season. soguard hit a big home run, but the mean meme san diego padres later hit a home run to later win the game. >> why did the padres win? >> why did the padres win? they hit a home run at the end, so they won. it's okay. we can win the next one. >> daddy got a home run too. >> daddy did hit a home run too, baby. >> why did they -- >> daddy hit his home run and then the padres hit a home run. >> why? >> that's just baseball. there's no crying in baseball. >> that face with the curled up bottom lip, she's too cute. >> so sweet. and the mom in this situation, i feel like they're always egging it on, like -- >> let me get out the camera, make sure people can hear what you said. that's what we all do now. coming up next, our sunday sit-down with laura linney. she grew up in the theater with her father, became a movie star and now has gone back to her roots. a fun time with laura including a hint about the "love actually" sequel. that's just ahead. military veterans in nashville bring light into their lives by making a little country music. and you can head to facebook for a facebook live chat with me and dylan in just two minutes. d to facebook live chat with me and dillen in just two minutes. ♪ ♪ predictable. the comfort in knowing where things are headed. because as we live longer... and markets continue to rise and fall... predictable is one thing you need in retirement to help protect what you've earned and ensure it lasts. introducing brighthouse financial. a new company established by metlife to specialize in annuities & life insurance. talk to your advisor about a brighter financial future. ♪ ♪ the best way to get together is with a treat you make together. ♪ ♪ downtown san jose vicky/2shot i )m kira klapper, in for vicky nguyen... alsi good sunday morning to you. here's a live look outside at san jose. that sun is already shining over downtown ahead of a beautiful sunday. thanks so much for joining us. i'm in for vicky nguyen along with veony arana. >> seeing 50s and even 60s. >> this early. >> this early in the morning, the south bay warming up to 61 degrees. the peninsula is at about 50 degrees, and we can expect to see a sea breeze, a marine layer in the next few hours. tri-valley at 54 degrees. san francisco seeing more of that patchy fog at 52. the north bay still in the 40s. today's temperature trend is showing another warmup across the bay area and inland areas do have a shot of climbing into those 90s yet again. now, san jose did manage to climb into the 90s yesterday. today, as we're heading over to bay to breakers, something to keep in mind, but it looks like there will be a sea breeze for the early morning hours. >> we'll tune in for that. thanks. we want to tell you about a home in a quiet neighborhood surrounded overnight by police as they search for two gunmen. the chase started before 6:00 last night north of monterey road in san jose and moved south, ending on body court off blossom hill road. this is across from oak grove high school. police spotted two men in a stolen car. both were wanted for an earlier robbery and assault with a deadly weapon. during that chase, the two ran into this small cul-de-sac with just about eight homes on it. officers immediately set up a perimeter. people were told to shelter in place. >> scary. and i hope that no one is hurt. so that's the first thing i would think about, if any families are in there, hopefully they're not going to be collateral damage. >> police have been trying to convince the gunman to come out of the home. we will update you as we get updates on the manhunt. new details on that dramatic amber alert that led from san francisco to los angeles friday night. our camera was there last night for the emotional moment as a mother reunited with her 21-month-old child. two members of the district attorney's office flew to l.a. to get the boy. a case manager spoke on behalf of the mother. >> this is every mother's worst nightmare. the hardest thing a parent has to go through is not knowing where their child is. >> police issued an amber alert friday afternoon after the father, 30-year-old jason lam, allegedly abducted him. the mother reported the boy missing thursday night. about six hourinize to the amber alert, a shopper in southern california recognized the suspect's car and called police. the father was arrested, the boy was not hurt. it is 6:29. coming up at 7:00 on today in the bay, people visiting a southern california marina get a big surprise. this 35-foot friend in the harbor. that plus all your top stories and weather. we're on cozi-tv. right now, back to the "today" show. have assembled. spider-man... black widow... captain america... and eddie? so, what's the plan? breaking out the guardians, pal. come celebrate the all-new guardians of the galaxy-mission: breakout! during the summer of heroes, only at disneyland resort. hero up! ♪ ♪ so i tried i told the truth but didn't come to florida ♪ even we all night long i stand with nothing on alleluia ♪ >> the cast of "saturday night live" wrapping up its 42nd with "alleluia" that they sang. katy perry provided the music. we three oscar nominations including two for best actress and four tony nominations laura linney moved smoothly through hollywood. linney is starring in a an intense movie called "the dinner." laura has a reputation for being one of the most humble and charming actors in snow business. and she proved when she and i got together in don marino in new york's theater district for a "sunday sitdown." >> a man who opens a door. >> laura linney, the daughter of a new york playwright practically drew up on stage. but that doesn't mean she's always comfortable there. i read that you actually still get stage fright. >> oh, sure. >> is that true? >> oh, yeah. the curtain call. the only way to do a curtain call and feel comfortable, this is how i made it work for me. for me, i have to say thank you. it's a bow to say thank you. linney's mother was a nurse and father was a writer of plays who often could be seen toting his curious daughter into theaters. were you at shows all the time? >> i would tag along when i can. sometimes, it was appropriate for me to be there, sometimes, it wasn't. when you're little and you're watching adults understa s unde makes an impression. >> seemingly destined to be an actress. linney studied at the juilliard school in new york. >> there was never a happier understudy than me. a bunch of old jaded understudies. i would show up every day. it was the perfect first job for me. >> six degrees of separation. >> to watch stockard chang develop that character was just a life lesson. >> living outside her dream on stage, linney had never thought of herself as a screen actor but someone had. at what point did you decide i'm off the theater but i'm going to try screen. >> i didn't. i had a really good agent he was start enough to suss me out astutely and realized. she sent me out for tiny little parts. and i could be sort of like, okay, maybe this isn't so bad. >> those tiny parts soon turned into bigger ones like a role as clint eastwood's daughter in "absolute power." >> am i going to be all right? >> yeah, we're just going to be fine. >> your long list of credits who you've had the opportunity to work with, i imagine clint eastwood was a great thrill. >> i loved him. he really taught me how to relax in front of the camera which is a huge invaluable lesson. he feels like my film father. >> the next year, she broke through playing opposite jim carrey. she's been nominated for you can count on me and the savages. linney has found success on tv as well. earning an emmy was frazier's girlfriend. >> it starts at 2:00 -- it's only -- oh, dear god! >> and another for her portrayal of abigail adams in the landmark hbo series" john adams. >> i realize this is embarrassing i'm a well educated person. >> a lot of person learned from that series. >> i know. >> linney won fans and another emmy for her leading role on the show. the one she was asked about the most is sarah from the beloved 2003 film "love actually." >> okay. that's done. >> and the cast is getting back together later this month for a reunion sequel. >> can you believe the way that movie has endured through the years? >> well, i think the reason it's so irresistible is that there's a genuine kindness and sweet to ness to that film that normally is dismissed. >> you're beautiful. >> everyone that i talked to before i came out, you've got to ask her about that again. did you get to see everybody again? >> i didn't. no, they just filmed me. more of that, i'm not of liberty to say. >> oh, i need something. >> i'm not at liberty to discuss. but you do find out? >> you do? >> questions, questions that people might have. >> it was an accident. >> meanwhile, linney stars with richard gere in a thriller called "the dinner" and with jason bateman in the upcoming netflix series ozarks. meanwhile, it's back to new york where the 53-year-old lives with her husband and three sons. >> do you ever get out to see a show? >> well, it's the big frustration when you're doing a play that's doing well, you can't see anything else because everyone's on the same scheduling. >> linney is nominated for a tony award for her performance in the little foxes. a play where she and cynthia nixon from sex and the city fame switch roles. >> so the idea of switching these roles every night between you and cynthia, i'm told was your idea initialingly? >> it was my idea. >> why did you come up with that idea? >> i thought it would make it more interesting. >> i wanted for a variety of reasons, a, i would get to play bird ei reasons, a, i would get to play bird ee which is the part i had an affinity to play. and b, because women had never done this on broadway before. i thought good i can be bad not just in one part but two. >> she's so great. the little foxes is on broadway now. and her movie "the dinner" is in theaters. that 15-minute sequel to "love actually" will air this thursday night during the red nose schedule. >> check out our web extras at dylan's back with another look at the weather. hey, dylan. >> hey, willie. we're going to see wet weather up and down the east coast down to the gulf of mexico. heavy rains continues through the southeast by tuesday. in wednesday, still unsettled in the eastern third of the country but the western two-thirdses looking pretty good. spotty showers by the end of the week still unsettled. then we dry out a foggy start along the peninsula, but mild temperatures right now, at 50 degrees. seeing patchy fog. south bay warming up into the 60s. for the tri-valley at 54 degrees. also seeing hazy skies out near san francisco, which means if you're heading to bay to breakers, here's a quick check of what to expect. expect to see the marine layer and of course patchy fog with low clouds through that early morning hour. warming up into the 70s. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan, thank you very much. next on "sunday today" as the traditional titans of journal any of the like "the washington post" or "the new york times" drop one big scoop after another, a new unexpected voice has spoken up in the national political conversation. we'll go inside the newsroom. it's not a quick fix. it's my decision to make beauty last. roc® retinol, started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. and the longer i use it, the better it works. retinol correxion® from roc. methods, not miracles.™ (alarm ringing) wake up to great tasting flavor. (alarm stops) belvita breakfast biscuits. flavors like delicious blueberry or decadent chocolate, gently baked in a tasty biscuit. (alarm ringing) belvita breakfast biscuits. it's time to taste the day. america's traditional leaders in national journalism in what seems like an hour by hour competition to break big scoops. "the new york times" and "wall street journal" has been relentless in their reporting but this national moment has brought some new players into the game as well. nbc's katy tur signs our sunday spotlight on something you never would have associated with politics until now. >> reporter: at 14-year-old old, teen vogue is growing up. >> it's so much more than just a pretty face. >> reporter: focusing on more than just fashion and beauty. >> do you want to take this away for what's happening in politics away? >> i think people are looking to make sense of politics. >> reporter: like every teenager not everyone is ready to take seriously. >> here's is your description of the trump administration wrote this piece in teen vogue which you write for. >> that i write for, yes. >> reporter: back in december tucker carlson had a contentious interview about a critical piece she did on donald trump. >> i've got to go. you should stick to your thigh high boots. >> reporter: with the 26-year-old freelance writer lauren duca. but it put political teen vogue on the political map. >> do you like politics? >> of course. >> do you like thigh high boots? >> i do. >> are they mutually exclusive? >> they are thought. >> reporter: five months later she still has the most popular story on the website. it's not where you find the new column with a cheeky title. thigh high politics. >> can the readers differentiate the straight news? >> we think it's funny that can young women make sense of this, but can people make sense of what is fake news or not. >> reporter: her opinions have helped attract leaders. just this weekend she tweeted a photo of the flaming plane as the president was flying overseas. she later deleted the post some say was offensive. duca told me it was just a bad metaphor for the campaign but admitted for timing. would you say teen vogue is a political magazine? >> people don't expect teen vogue to have an opinion about politics. >> reporter: elaine welteroff is teen vogue's editor-in-chief.the youngest and only second african-american to hold the title. she and philip mccardy and renee suter are responsible for the magazine. >> it's awake and we're watching what's happening. >> reporter: the three have fused fashion, feminism and a focus on diversity in teen vogue's prinlts and online platforms. >> fashion magazines get a bad name for being frivolous. for us, it's fashion and beauty to see the world. >> it's a work of art on every single page. >> reporter: if you're surprised for the term for the political left, you haven't been paying attention. women's magazines have a long history of fighting for progressive issues including teen vogue's older sister, fashion's glossy gold standard. >> this is "vogue" december. this is "glamour" early 1973, talking about -- >> abortion. >> -- abortion. >> fashion and feminism can co-exist. i think for us, it's not a novel topic. >> you should ask republican men these questions. mitt romney loved tailored suit and expensive haircut, no one is asking him about that. >> with conservative writers, girls who support donald trump? >> yes, we have trump supporters. after the election we had a woman who wanted to talk about her story. we had gun owners write about the second amendment on the site. >> reporter: teen vogue extends to more than just politics. the magazine is opening the pages to new faces. here authenticity is everything. >> we created a magazine that we hope existed when we were growing. you that means creating something that is inclusive. >> reporter: creating content that is moves fashion and politics forward. >> if you want young women to show up for you, you have to show up for them first. next on "sunday today," a group of military veterans finding their voices with a guitar. guitar. and the umpire legacy not the toothpaste that helpstax, prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums, and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind. new parodontax toothpaste. standby. hey katy, let me show you how behind schedule we are. yeah. are those the pyrotechnics that are gonna startle me from a distance? yep. and my impractical wardrobe changes, those all set? not even close. oh, this is probably going to shine in your eyes at the worst possible time. perfect. we're looking at a real train wreck here, am i right? wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi® double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back with 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. it's day one of we're playing zombie tag! i'm tired, but i'm teaching them hopscotch. i'm starting a garden with my neighbors so our kids can eat better. and we feel happier! i have more energy at work. i feel stronger! small changes you make today can make a big difference in how you feel.... and may help prevent obesity, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. start now to turn today into a better day. it's been a month, and we feel better! this fall will mark 16 years since the united states entered the longest war in american history. less than 1% of our population has fought in the war in afghanistan and the 14-year-old war in iraq. as those men and women come home often after multiple deployments americans have a generation to military veterans to support. for our "sunday closer" kerry sanders traveling to nashville where music city is helping vets find their inner honky-tonk. >> reporter: here in music city -- ♪ >> reporter: -- haealing vets cn mean pulling a few spritrings. helping marine danny williams get his breath back after repeated tours to foreign wars. >> it would be easier to ask what i didn't do. >> reporter: danny's va doctors find the right prescription for the blues was writing country rock. ♪ did you ever consider yourself a writer? >> no. no. >> reporter: so the tennessee valley va teams up vets with veteran nashville songwriters bob region and don goodman. two hitmakers behind stars like keith urban, blake helton and billy ray cyrus. >> we kind of blow right past the therapeutic boundaries right from the first. calm me anytime. ♪ >> reporter: regan founded operation song to help these vets find their harmony. >> we make to feel to save someone's life. a guy went, here's one. then another hand went up then another. and i cried. ♪ >> reporter: most here have been divorced. and many here consider taking their own lives. >> they don't know what went wrong. and if the world needs people to stay here and not end their lives. >> reporter: as sadly 20 veterans do each other. >> i've got something to look forward to again. >> reporter: so the va brings them together to write their own new ending. ♪ >> reporter: and the veterans of operation song keep coming back. ♪ >> music is naturally disarming. they recall more effortlessly the memories and the feelings and the triggers. >> reporter: we watched danny write and write. >> when i come here, it's lyrical bombing. ♪ ♪ ♪ crazy crazy >> how difficult was it for to you open your emotions? >> for the first month or so, i didn't say anything. >> and boy, you opened up. >> oh, yeah, been working at is it. >> did you surprise yourself? >> i surprised myself because i had all of this here. and i didn't know what to do with it. i'm a pretty foulmouthed guy. i was raised by a sailor. >> reporter: here in this hit factory on nashville's famed music row -- ♪ sn ♪ stay here with us >> reporter: -- danny gets to hear top country band members all volunteers record his songs. >> it's not as bad as it once was. >> does that help you? >> reporter: those who served country now serve by country to win the battle of their lives. >> reporter: for "sunday today," kerry sanders, nashville. kerry, thanks, and by the way, danny's song is available for download on itunes the proceeds benefit operations song which just this weekend released a new album titled "we've got your six" all songs written by veterans in the va program. this week, we highlight another life well lived. steve palermo was considered one of the best baseball umpires of all time. palermo was out to dinner in dallas after umpiring a rangers/angels game in 1981. the restaurant's bartender yelled that two waitresses were being attacked and robbed in a parking lot. palermo and a group of men raced outside chasing the robbers away. but they returned and fired a gun at palermo and his group. palermo was hit and paralyzed immediately. doctors told him he would never walk again. after three months of rehab, palermo stunned the baseball world by appearing at game one. world series to throw out the ceremonial pitch. he said that night, he appreciated the cheers but, quote, i'm looking forward to being booed again. he called the 19 y83 world seris and 1980 all-star game. he never returned to that job but he did serve as mlb supervisor of umpires until his death and defied those doctors by walking with a cane. emerge restored. fortified. replenished. emerge everyday with emergen-c packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. why not feel this good everyday? emerge and see. oh, it's actually... sfx: (short balloon squeal) it's ver... sfx: (balloon squeals) ok can we... sfx: (balloon squeals) goodbye! oof, that milk in your coffee was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. good right? yeah. lactaid. the milk that doesn't mess with you. ♪ all right. to close this morning, with a look what's next this week. tonight, actually in long island, new york, the final performance ever of the ringling circus. closed down, forcing ringling bros. to fold up the tent. >> sad. do you remember may 25th, 1977? >> no. >> good. 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