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mountain here. that come chiming in about every 15 minutes or so. there it is, it is up there at elevation, more than 8,000 feet. dedicated september of 1937. that dedication was actually broadcast nationally on nbc radio. now to the 11th for kerr and her second. >> hardest hole on the course. >> yeah, it's a tough angle as well. this hole located on the right-hand portion. 194 to the hole. >> that's a brutal hole location. >> if you have not seen cristie kerr play golf -- >> you see you've got a right hole location and sloping fairway with a hook type of lie so it is hard to get at this slag. >> there's nothing about this hole that's real comfortable. >> we'll see how comfortable stanford is feeling after a tie for the lead. >> really needs to turn this ball from right to left, use the slope just inside the bunker line. >> that's an important drive in between those -- by that bunker there. makes the hole much easier when you can get it between those bunk e bunkers. and back over at the 8th, i.k. kim for par. accomplished player, three wins on the lpga tour. she's just 23 years old. fifth year out here on the lpga tour in the united states. >> wonder if she remembers how fast this is. >> i certainly hope so. >> kim was the u.s. girl's junior championship in 2005. >> last year won lorena ochoa's invitational in guadalajara. donated her entire $220,000 winner's check to charity. so motivated by what lorraina has done and the charitable organizations that she stands for. >> i.k. kim, the seventh ranked player in the world. this week, america's got talent heads to hollywood. live episodes start tuesday at 9:00, 8:00 central, continue wednesday only on nbc. once again, several weather delays. some players will get in 36 holes today. some will not. it is likely that seo will. stanford on the outside probably not so it's going to be an interesting conclusion to this championship tomorrow. what kind of number will seo post tonight. she does actually conclude her final round. and how will the rest of the leaderboard react in the biggest championship they play. you see mia miyzato. we go out to 8. beautiful stroke by miyzato, number one ranked player in the world for a time last year in a stretch of play where she pick up five wins on the lpga tour. it appears right now that the next great player is yanni sen. as you look at seo at 13. >> and seo with little sno knee-knocker here for par. should have a little break to it i would think right to left. lot of pressure at this point in the championship. not every player can make their normal stroke at this stage. good save by seo. last two putts were real pure. stays at 4 under, tied for stanford. up at 18, michelle wie, a long birdie putt on her final hole of the second round but just hasn't been able to maintain any kind of consistent play here to make a run, at the top still juggling her academics at stanford and still trying to play an lpga schedule. it's not easy. >> no, it's not easy. but i think michelle has lost her innate feel for the game. she's gotten really technical and it shows when the pressure's on. >> she's been groomed since she was a little girl though, right? i mean technically. >> she has been groomed that way and i wouldn't teach a child that way. i would let the talent just shine. >> wie has nine holes left as they are going off on both sides of the golf course. plus 13 for wie, 1 under on this final round as you look at paula creamer. >> paula did not hit a good drive off the tee and bounced through the bunker and she's in heavy wet rough. has a decent lie though. going to try to gouge it up and see if she can scoot it up towards the front of the green. she took good, hard swing at that one. >> decent amount of contact. >> that was really well done. >> you bet it was. >> up at 11. cristie kerr for birdie. >> on a tough putt this one is, up and over that hill right now, then it should start to go slightly downhill and swing to the left. trouble was it was going back up towards the mountain. >> over to 10 for the co-leader, stanford. >> that's a 7 iron. hit a beautiful drive. >> on the tee at 14, 413-yard par 4 is seo. bunkers right and left. this a beauty, little bit of a draw right in the center of the fairway. >> five holes left for seo. likely she'll get it in before darkness here which is about 8:15 local time. tied withstand ford and a 66. united states women's open. . this was just a moment ago by o'toole, played her third shot here to the par 5. plays it just the way you're supposed to, throws it back behind the hole, uses the backboard. brings it right back. great chance for birdie there. we'll go ahead to 16. plus 6 for the number one player in the world. >> she got off to a very good start in the final round. >> 3 under par after nine holes. then has proceeded to make three bogeys and a double bogey on the back nine. over at 10. >> angela stanford's third. >> she didn't really observe this from all angles. she could have just nonchalantly chipped that. >> it's got some right-to-left and it is fast. up at 11 and kerr with a lot of work left to stay at 2 under. >> i wonder if fatigue isn't setting in with this group. kerr left it eight to ten feet shore. karrie webb banged it past about 15 feet. >> you think it is more physical or mental fatigue in. >> i think it is mental fatigue, dottie. these players are fit enough, that's no problem. but just mental fatigue. >> cristie kerr has an outstanding miss women's open resume. five top ten wins including the win back in '07. she's a women's open type of player. very accurate. never gives up. in weeks like this with all the delays, you need that focus. >> when she won at pine needles we were actually lucky to finish there late, late on sunday. just loads of delays. >> no par save this time after going without a three-putt in her first 61 holes, kerr's now reputted 2 of her last 4. back to 9. >> salas for her birdie. nicely done. that's eight pars and a birdie in her opening nine in the final round. >> at the 14th. seo with her second. >> she's hit every fairway in this final round. >> important to start hitting greens, make it easy on herself. not like the la couple holes. >> that might need to get down just a shade. >> it did. >> it's okay. >> it will be speedy. >> back to 9. >> see if ryan o'toole can make it back-to-back birdies at the 8th and 9th, get to plus 1. oh, wow! what a miss. couldn't have been more than two feet. tried to jam it. >> she's very competitive and you can see that coming out there. >> yeah. at 14. >> g.a. shin. second. >> she's got 140 to the hole. this a little left of the hole. inside seo, she'll have a birdie putt. and paula creamer for par at 10. >> she was talking to her caddie walking down this fairway. he said she's a little bit out of it mentally, alluding really to that putt at 8 that she ran so far by. >> that's a caddie that knows a little something about what it takes to win these championships. her caddie was on the bag of annika sorenstam back in '95 when she won this championship. >> up at 16 just a moment ago, suzanne petterson. suzanne with her fourth birdie of the round, but unfortunately has had five bogeys. it's been that kind of week for her, up and down. we go to the 10th. >> here's this slipped breaking putt, you talked about, johnny, stanford for par. >> you got to hit a great putt here. it looks easy on tv but you can see there's right-to-left and it's quick. >> johnny, it would be a hard one to swallow to walk away with bogey here having hit the fairway and just having 7 ironed in. >> in problem. made it look easy. good stroke. real nice. her putter's holding her in this final round. cristie kerr. tee shot on the 12th. >> this is going right of hole location, trying to get it to come down the slope. >> that's going to hang right there, that's going to leave a downhill left-to-right breaking putt as we go back to 11. >> second shot for so yeon ryu. >> this is a hard hole location to get into. with the hook lie it is back on the right side, deep on the right side. >> that is just a shot back. >> that putt is going to be incredibly slow. >> 16. >> tseng for her birdie. that will be the story of her week. >> korean flag out cheering on hee kyung seo. they call her the super model of the fairway. she has her own clothing line which you see her modeling there. we talked about it earlier in the day. once her latest clothes get out to the stores in korea, they sell out immediately. >> she turned 25 on friday so she would have a nice birthday celebration in a couple of hours. >> she could get done her 72nd hole tonight and just watch tomorrow. >> rounds of 72 and 73 to start out. boy, it has been some kind of weekend. keep in mind she has only had two round in the 60s all year, leading up to this . can can be two back-to-back in the biggest theater. >> 68 and 67 could be the low rounds of the day -- of today. >> prior to today she'd never shot a subpar round in three u.s. opens. stanford over at 11 off the tee. >> good drive. cut the corner there. >> seems to be a real calm over angela picked up here, very releakr rel relaxed, just walking up, hitting putts, kind of what you need to do. don't let any extracurricular stuff get in your mine. do your best to stay focused and win the biggest championship of women's golf. u.s. women's open continues. do you know how you will react when someone changes lanes without warning? or when you're distracted? when you're falling asleep at the wheel? do you know how you'll react? lexus can now precisely test the most unpredictable variable in a car -- the driver. when you pursue perfection, you don't just engineer the world's most advanced driving simulator. you engineer amazing. ♪ at the 9th, mika miyzato with her third shot as the chimes from the will rogers monument go off once again. >> we go to 11. this will be a birdie try for ryu from long distance. actually, for a moment we thought she would play but so yeon ryu is set to play. this is going to be a birdie attempt for her. she had a 77 in third round after a 68 in the second round. it looked like she might challenge the leaders but not to be. >> could be a costly three-putt there. >> her fellow competitors should learn from that. turn that into your advantage. >> so now here is ryu. 3 under par right there. one back. >> and just 21. >> it's amazings really when you think of 21 year-olds, 22, 23, 24, are learning this complex game so quickly and to be so talented and a complete player by that age, it shows a lot of hard work. >> i think it shows an early choice, an early commitment to one sport. lot of these players, this is all they have ever done. they haven't played softball, they haven't played volleyball, they haven't skied. they've just done the golf thing. >> that's a good approach by ryu. good chance to stay at 3 under. >> over at 14, seo to stay at 4 under. another hole check off if the final round. four left. and to the 9th. >> she has a chance swinging from her right. nice. that's back-to-back birdies. just nine holes left to play. we move ahead to the 1th. cristie kerr with a big left-to-right breaking putt here. have to judge the speed off a high spot. she's hit a good one -- back at the par 5 9th, mika miyzato for her birdie. >> she has such a good attitude, doesn't she though? >> this fall nbc has a new comedy starring wendy cummings. she's going to do things her way. "whitney" coming this fall to nbc. the sun is out in colorado springs, at the broadmoor. it is a beautiful evening out here. got about an hour and 20 minutes or so left of daylight. >> it is a nice time of day to play with the shadows and the course looks its absolute best this time of day, the next hour. serene atmosphere here, nerves churning on the course and the players with seo coming down the stretch here in the final round seeing if she can post a good enough number to maybe win it. over at the 9th. >> i.k. kim makes a birdie. over at 15. seo on the tee. not an easy driving hole here. dogleg left with the flow of the land is from left to right. >> it's 267 yards to that bunker. >> this turning left, this will miss the fairway left. >> first one of the day and it finds the primary stuff. >> well, it could have been worse. could have ended up in the long grass or the bunker. >> back at the 12th, cristie kerr for her par safely in. she remains three off the lead. not giving herself enough good chances for birdies. >> paula creamer. >> a lot of distance between her ball and the hole, 203 yards for this second shot. >> that's gone left. >> yes, it is. she may get away with it. deep stuff long left. that will be a slow and difficult chip shot. >> stanford is next. tied for the lead. >> angela had a beautiful drive and has 185 yards left. that's a hard hole location to get close to. i would think she'd play a little more safely out to the left. >> this is going left of the center of the green. >> not a good shot. that's an important up-and-in for her. >> she's been pretty solid. we'll see how salas is going to be. >> ryu on the tee. par 3. >> she set up trying to play a draw. >> and it is turning left. will it get up? it does not. with a 7 iron, so coming down the stretch, final round of the united states women's open championship, angela stanford just over the back of the green at the 11th. she's tied for the lead. can she get it up and down? stay with us. ♪ [ woman ] sam begged and pleaded... so i sent him to camp. we'd earned lots of points with our new citi thankyou card... and i put them to good use. he told me about his bunkmates, and how he signs up for every activity. ♪ he even hangs out with the camp director. just like that. [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it. the 50th u.s. women's open. >> in 2001, it is karrie webb. >> there it is. paula creamer has broken through with the u.s. women's open title. >> on a trying week at the broadmoor, the trophy still in the balance through several weather delays. had hee kyung seo, just 25 years old trying to put away the biggest tournament in women's golf. the u.s. women's open, 66th edition. there is seo who is not away but what about a report on her lie? >> it is not a particularly good lie. not the worst i've seen but also a blind shot with a bad angle. got a big bank of a bunker in front of her so she can't see any part of the green surface. >> well, the hole is located in the back left, rog. so anything out to the right would at least give her an angle to play in. >> well, i don't think it's so bad, gary, that it necessitates a lay-up. but certainly she'll want to make her miss right here an short. but she's got a shot of getting in on the right side of the green, i believe. they're talking about looking right at the number and there's a number on the camera tower and it says 15 up high. so she's looking at the right side of the camera tower back here. your tower. >> it started on that line. >> oh, that's going to go back. that should roll back down the hill. oh, it stayed. for the nal. that ball could have rolled back another eight or ten yards. >> sure makes that shot easier off the bit of an upslope, gary. >> she'll be able to see everything. if it goes back down to the bottom of the hill. >> seems happy with that result. >> tough shot for creamer. >> chipping across the width of this green, took the high route. that was really a cool shot. got a tough putt left but i think a good thing for angela stanford to be able to look at. saw what the ball did on the ground. >> big swing, huh, dottie? >> that was a lot of grass to move it through. >> now stanford. >> this is a

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United States , Hollywood , California , Broadmoor , Guadalajara , Jalisco , Mexico , America , Suzanne Petterson , Lorena Ochoa , Annika Sorenstam , Hee Kyung Seo , Angela Stanford , Johnny Stanford , Wendy Cummings , Karrie Webb , Yeon Ryu ,

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