Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20180103 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20180103

the standard iphone weather as well. now at 6:00, the rain coming and not a minute too soon bauts are because water agencies are keeping an eye on the next three months to see if they need to take drastic measures after the driest december yet. damian damian is on scene at the dam and the waters level are down. >> the our lights rrnt powerful to show you the levels because the levels are too low. especially compared to this time last year it has many people hoping the new year will be a wet one. this time last year this family enjoy ago day at the lake would have found themselves several feet under water. in fact, the valley water district had to open up the spillway at anderson dam early last january because of all the rain. today anderson is at 26% of capacity. >> i'm surprised at how low the water levels are. but i guess it's not surprising since we haven't had any rain. >> reporter: still the water district says it's not ready to hit the panic button. >> not really to be honest we get most rainfall during the months of january through march. it's early to call it a dry winter. we're off to a slow start. that's for sure. >> water reserves are still healthy in the south bay despite the picture from anderson. but the water will watch the next three months close. there is also a concern that if the next three months too much rain. a recent engineering study founded throe spillways had major issues, guadalupe, anderson and here. >> the reason they're hazardous is because of the dense population downstream even though they need work they're not immediate concerning. >> they are currently in the design stage. for now families are enjoying the calm lake waters hoping the approaching rain is a good sign of things to come. >> reporter: and i have here the latest print out from the valley water district, that shows most every reservoir in santa clara county is between 20 and 30% capacity, guadalupe is at 12%. live in morgan hill, damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. with the renewed draut worries we want to find out if people are conserving. our investigate investigative unit looked at daft and found they're not. we looked to water usage from june to august 2017 compared to the the same months in 2016. data shows people in santa clara water district used 2 billion gallons more. that's a spike of 9%. enough to fill 7838 football field with water. . the water districts both saw water increase 8% over the past summer. overall we are using less water than we did before the drought. >> in the newsroom do you recognize this man. he is accused of sexually assaulting a and robbing a woman working at harker middle school in san jose. happened early this morning around 6:30 a.m. police say this man assaulted the woman inside of a classroom at harker before running away. he was captured. you can see him here on this surveillance camera. >> well at this hour there are delays the san jose international. earlier today the primary terminal b was evacuated and thousands of passengers in limb o. on the left side of the screen what it looks like hundreds of people stood outside on the during the bomb scare. on the right side what it looked like after the all clear was dpifren. marianne joins us from sjc with the latest information. marianne. >> reporter: raj, terminal b was rocked down two hours today. that didn't just compact impact passengers here it was across the state. these were more than a thousand forced to wait outside while terminal b was put on lockdown. dawn and her kids were trying to get back to ventura. >> we couldn't approach the terminal. we are waiting. >> terminal b was evacuated after someone discovered a suspicious backback in the secure area near the boarding gate. a bomb squad police and firefighters rushed to the terminals. for two hours an estimated 2,000 passengers were rest waiting outside and inside on arriving flights that were parked on the tar mack. it was left to pilots to try and explain the delay to those passengers. . >> showing up with x-ray equipment and checking out the package. >> the delay stretched well beyond sjc. frank and joan brock are concerned about granddaughters arriving two hours late from burr tang. >> it was waiting in the line of planes to take off and everything stopped because of the situation here. >> >> reporter: authorities ultimately determined the suspicious backpack wasn't a threat. >> everyone back to work. >> and passengers were once again allowed to head for the gate but facing one to two-hour delays. terminal b serves alaska airlines and southwest airlines passengers. i i just went inside and checked a few minutes ago. and there are still delays ranging from 1 to two hours. not quite back to normal tonight. reporting live in san jose, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. another headache at a local airport. this time all about a rat. yes, a rat caused this flight to be delayed at the oakland airport. passengers poured this flight this morning, to fly to portland or so they thought. when someone spotted the rat in the cockpit and everyone had to get off the plane. the airline rebooked the passengers. the plane is out of service until it's certified rodent-free by a professional exterminator. >> mounen view police are searching for thieves who pulled off a braisen burglary this morning using a truck to crash threw thea. front of a popular restaurant at the shore line golf course where they hauled away an atm. robert hand aire joins us liver to tell us how the thieves pulled off a really crazy crime there. >> reporter: well, that's right. when you look at the front of michael's shoreline restaurant and you see the pictures it might seem this was a rash reckless criminal but it was actually very meticulous. a steady stream of customers were stunned to see the restaurant boarded up and shut down for the day and shocked to hear thieves used a vehicle to smash threw to steal an atm machine. >> wow! . that's not good. >> reporter: police say officers got a call around 8:30 this morning reporting this atp was found torched and abandoned at a parking lot on charleston road. shortly afterwards a michael's worker reported the theft of the atm. police later found the vehicle involved, a flat we had truck stolen from cupertino. >> the truck was only found a quarter mile away. and obviously the atm machine was found on charleston a bit further we're trying to figure out how it got from the point a to b. >> michael's was hectic. >> it's unfortunate what happened here for sure our partners. but yeah pretty bizarre. >> kind of an insane crime in general. it's not what you normally here. >> reporter: police examined the atm and said the cash was gone. >> they worked a bit on it because it's torched, you know it's ripped apart. so they got in there unfortunately. >> reporter: some customers were upset and didn't give the thieves any credit. >> i mean they think it's a good move. i don't -- injury it's kind of dumb. it draws too much attention. >> reporter: well, police say they certainly hope it attracted attention and asking anyone who might have seen something to contact investigators. one positive note, michael's plans to [ñreopen tomorrow. view, r hand an nbc bay area news. >> thank you, robert. flames from a fire a a santa clara paper yard filled the skies this morning. investigators now trying to figure out what caused that blaze. this isn't far from san jose's airport. fire was burning in a yard next to mill on matthews. firefighters say they had many worries battling the blaze because the place was so packed with paper. >> they stack them four high and four feet tall each. equals amounts to up to over 15 feet. as they burn and fall down it's dense material. it's hard for us to penetrate all the way into the seed of the fire. >> worker he is from the mill were on the site when it started but they were able to get out safe. are you ready for the drama? the road to the olympics goes right through san jose beginning this week. this is a live look at the shark tank where the u.s. figure it skating championships will be held. this is time laps video of the ice inside being prepared. the best skaters in america are all in town hoping to make the team. the olympics again begin mechanics month in south korea. polina edmunds and karen chen will be among those hoping to make it. later on in this newscasts we'll be hearing bay area gold medallist brian boitaneau about his hits the week. >> the robbery of a delivery driver that sent shoppers out of this store. also driving 120 miles an hour. the new details about the man accused of hitting and killing a chp officer and christmas eve. clouds right now in san jose. and 58 degrees. but we have rain tomorrow. the brand-new time line coming up in about eight minutes. at one of the most popular shopping spots in the north bay - the upscale village mall in corte madera. an attack in broad daylight at one of the most popular shopping spots in the north by. the upscale village mall in nordstroms. confronting a ups driver and pistol whipping another man. nbc bay area sam brock spent the day digging up information. and sam, this is not what you expect to happen at this mall. and they haven't caught anyone yet right. >> reporter: no, absolutely, jessica. it's not what you expect. so many people telling us that. but also disconcerting that the people who did this still at large. the investigators in in case saying they believe there are at least two people involved. but our sources say it was four. the frenzy that followed shut down the mall more than an hour. on the curb some 30 or 40 nordstrom kbes huddling across the store waiting to get back inside. an armed robbery around 10:00 send the village mall into a state of lockdown. >> i pulled up and the police ran over and said what are you doing? they didn't stop me from driving in. i guess it was right after it happened. >> police officers swarmed from marine county sheriffed department and the local police devilling into basic details like who did it. >> we're trying to determine the total amount of team. the upsht driver and one other person was assaulted -- or excuse me confronted by the armed subject. >> ups employees answered questions for investigators. but it appears a mall employee may have borne the gravest sequence gloo who was pistol whipped. >> i don't know at this time. >> someone was. >> somebody was. >> throe officials initially believed a nordstrom worker was the target, a friend of the victim corrected the official account explaining that a 72-year-old man named victor who takes out card board are for mall businesses happened to be standing in the wrng place in the at the wrng time hesoi says suffer gashes above both eyes and deserves better. mall visitors were stunned >> it's nerve-racking. i'm here obviously with my mom and baby. and we just heard about it when we were in tloepology. >> and some of the small employees seemed headachen up. as for victor necessary stable condition. sam brock, nbc bay area news. >> let's get to the east bay now. speed drugs and alcohol. it's a deadly mix on 880 in hayward. investigators say the suspect was driving 120 miles an hour when he hit the chp cruiser on christmas eve. that crash killed an officer and injured another. tonight, we know that driver's name and the charges he now faces. nbc bay area jodi hernandez joins us at the chp office in hayward with the follow up on this tragic story, jodi. >> raj, investigators say that driver admitted to being under the influence of both alcohol and marijuana when he hit and killed officer camilleri. tonight as the community mourns the loss of the officer, the father of three, the suspect faces felony murder charges. you're looking at the man investigators say is responsible for the christmas eve collision that left chp officer andrew camilleri dead. investigators say 2-year-old mohamed ali of hayward was under the influence of alcohol and marijuana when he hit the chp patrol car at 120 miles an hour. >> he was celebrating christmas eve. like many of us do. unfortunately for him he chose to drink and drive and smoke and drive. >> alameda county district attorney nancy omaly says her office filed second degree murder charges against ali. he also faces dui and speeding charges. according to court documents ali admitted to driving impaired to hayward after threatening his wife. he told investigators he knew he should have pulled over at least three times but made the decision to keep driving. >> when do we say enough is enough? and finally reach a point where every single driver on the road realizes that he or she cannot and must not drink, smoke, take drugs and get behind the wheelñ of a car. >> drinking and driving is socially unacceptable. smoking marijuana and driving is as unacceptable. >> reporter: now ali remains hospitalized tonight where he is being treated for his own injuries that he suffered during that accident. i had a chance to talk to one of his neighbors today who says that she and the family are shocked and devastated. she says that he is a good kid. now ali is expected to be released from the hospital and booked into santa rita jail sometime within the next couple of days. reporting live in hayward, jodi hernandez, thbz bay area news. >> thank you. so sad for everyone involved. well the drunk driving crackdown in alameda this year was dedicated to that officer. officer camilleri. each holiday season a personally trained team of departments blanket the county hunting for impaired drivers. deputies maid 174 dui arrests, 46 other arrest. also recovered three guns. well in a few weeks you'll be able to apply for the new california state id or the real id in october the california driver's license will no longer cut it to get on an airplane. because of 2005 act of congress that requires all 50 states to enhance driver's licenses with increased security steps. in california, though, it's not ready yet. until sacramento makes the required changes, the federal government is requiring the use of real ids to barred plats. but if you have a passport you can use that. >> if you have a passport, a military id some other type of federally approved document can you check with the tsa website you don't need a real id driver's license to get on the plane. a lot of us have a passport but don't want to bring it for a domestic flight. >> applications for the real ids will be accepted beginning january 22nd. >> jeff is with us with the storm coming in appear happy new year. good to be back together again. >> it is. >> after our vacation. >> new year, rain finally coming bab. much welcomed here as we are seeing the roadways getting wet in wednesday's forecast. we'll look at the microclimate forecast. and towards the tri-valley a lot of traffic. but seems to be moving along. 56 degrees right now. and drop to 40s once we hit 11:00 p.m. but notice no rainfall this evening. it's just the cloud cover. we'll continue to contend with that. and in terms of tomorrow's forecast, the rainfall will return. temperatures cool off a few degrees. we'll have 60 for a high in santa rosa. 62 in concorda. 65 in san jose and 61 in san francisco. no matter where you are the bay area through tomorrow you'll have the same temperature here throughout the bay. now, in terms of the rainfall, you can see tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. some spotty showers near the coastline. i think the better bet to pick up rainfall would be 4:00 for the north by. also near san francisco. but for most of the bay area we sigh things increase at 7:30 tomorrow night. you can see the yellow and orange embedded in the rainfall. that's isolated thunderstorms possible. could even bring us a few dangerous lightning strikes. we'll be monitoring that. we'll keep the chance of rain from 7:30 tomorrow night right into about 8:00 there on thursday morning. now, in terms of the totals we are having more details coming up at 6:48. i wanted to give you the expansive look at the seven-day. not only the chance of rain wednesday night but a second storm arriving thursday evening. will bring the possibility of more rain that would linger into friday. en, longer looks at this in and a detailed look at the exact rainfall totals at 6:48 tonight. >> see you then. up next here at 6:00 taking over for matt lauer what hoda kotb has to say about landing the dream job. the festival kicks kicks off on april 13th and wraps up on happening now on twitter, the 20182018 line up. s were wrapping up. m and m and beyonce who backed out last year. also on twitter it is a tastiest big mac. mcdonald's launching the dollar men u. the change expecting to give mcdonald's a boost. back in a moment with more. some television history. the "today show" named a new co- anchor -- who )s a familar face to the nbc family. enchts did you watch television history in "the today show"" a named a new coanchor who is a familiar face to the nbc family. >> it's 2018en and we are conclude off the year right because hoda is officially the coanchor of tood." this has been the most popular decision nbc news ever made. i'm so thrilled. >> i'm pinching myself. a lot of people are excited she has such a infectious nile as well high pressure a permanent cohost along with savannah guthrie. replacing matt lauer fired in november for sexual misconduct. it's the first time two women have hosted "the today show." >> what do you think when young kids are thinking when they look up and two women watching. wow, it's normal. >> kotb says there is no way she is giving up the old job. continuing to cohost the 10:00 a.m. hour with kathy lee gifford. she is excited. she also recent adopted a baby girl. she joined "the today show" family in 2008. >> kari underwood is opening up a ball fall she had. underwood originally tweeted to the 8 million follower that she suffered abrasions. yesterday though she sent a letter to the fan club members reechlg the injuries were more serious. she has received 40 to 50 stitches on her face. . she told her fans she is healing but for them not to be surprised she doesn't quite look the same. up next here at 6:00 back to work face ago government shut down. the surprise announcement lawmakers were greeted to today plus. it seems that everyone thinks he is some kind of a villain. >> trying to paint the suspect as a victim. the lawyer for one of the ghost ship warehouse defendants comes up with a new tactic to get his client out of jail. sfx: tinny headphone music sfx: feet shuffling life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health plan through covered california. we offer free expert help choosing the best plan for you. and all of our plans include free preventive care. financial help is available, so check for yourself to see what savings you qualify for. open enrollment ends january 31st, so don't miss out. because you never know when life... ...will change. get covered today. inflammatory tweets from president trump. right now at 6:30, within the past hour two inflammatory tweets from president trump. one directed at north korea's kim jong un comparing nuclear resources. the other tweet outlines plans for a mock award show for fake news to be revealed monday. the president's tweet about north korea comes just after south korea announced it's ready to take up kim jong un's surprise offer offer are for new talks. >> this comes as the senate returns from the holiday break to face big tasks, including averting a government shutdown np nbc's blaine alexander has more. >> for washington the 2018 to do list is starting off like the end of 2017. most press, avoid a government shut downagain. congress has less than three weeks to pass a budget. on the list fund children's health insurance, approve natural disaster relief for hurricane rafaged cities and stabilize obamacare marketplaces. republicans hoping to use the momentum of a new tax law to jump start the new year. >> it starts where we left off. tax reform is working incredibly well. . we're seeing the economy take off. >> among the republican wish list items an infrastructure overhaul. for democrats fixing daca the law protecting thousands of undocumented immigrants brought as children. but a compromise could prove difficult. >> daca has several issues. it's not just the wall. there is citizenship issues all sides have to be ready to compromise here. >> reporter: from president trump today, plenty of tweets on everything from the russia investigation to airline security. and major news on capitol hill. this announcement from a top republican senator. >> after much prayer and discussion with family and friends, i've decided to retire at the end of this term. >> senator orin hatch, the longest serving gop senator announcing he will leave his office when his term expires this year. blaine alexander nbc news washington. well the turmoil is mounting violent protests left 20 dead and hundreds arrested in iran. initially higher food prices and weak economy prompted the demonstrations. but they've expanded to claims of corruptions and demand for regime change. u.n. ambassador nikki haley called an emergency meeting and president trump is demanding iran leaders restore social media. in a tweet, president trump partly blamed president obama's police policies for the chaos now occurring in iran. the hurt and sorrow about the deadly plane crash in costa rica is felt here in the bay area. 12 people were killed in a charter plane crash on new year's eve in the central american country. nine of the 12 people who died in the accident were families from new york and florida. the company that organized the trip is berkeley based back roads. now one of back road's employees was on the doomed flight. she was 33-year-old amanda geissler. back roads release add statement saying they have been running active travel adventures in costa rica more than 20 years. we are extremely heart broken over the loss of life and working with the local authorities to unthe cause of the crash. well tonight we get a clearer look at how the defense will mount its defense in the fatal ghost ship warehouse house. today the defendants were in court to be arraigned on 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter, all linked to the december 10u6r fire. the attorneys talked with reporters about the next steps. nbc bay area mark matthews shows ex moves to trial. >> reporter: as he walked out of court the defense attorney tony sara said he is seeking to get the case against derek almenna though he dmitsd that won't. >> ner seizing upon him for retribution. >> he says almenna is not the negligent landlord who laughed at warnings about create ago fire hazard and illegally rented out living space. >> yes he is very depressed. yes, you know, he hides a lot of it when i see him he sobs openly. >> the attorney describes him as a misunderstood artist who himtz is a victim of the fire. >> not different than i, i think he feels very negative. he sees that everyone thinks he is some kind of a villain. everyone thinks that, you know, he is the person who has to be the scapegoat. >> he was the master tenant for the ghost ship warehouse. witnesses say he was the one responsible for permitting the destiny party on the night the fire trapped and killed 36 at the warehouse. max harris is facing the same 36 counts of involuntary manslaughter because prosecutors say he was almenna's second in command. though his attorney says that allegation won't hold up. >> we want to go to trial. we want to have the facts in front of the jury as soon as possible because the facts at the preliminary hearing strongly suggested my client is innocent. >> i'm told both defendants will enter not guilty pleas on february the 20th, trial is expected this summer. mark matthews, nbc bay area news. california's uninsured rate is at a historic low. but the new republican tax plan could change all of that. the state's uninsured rate is sitting at a new low of under 7% but the gop tax plan may leave hundreds of thousands of more people unshurz that's because the law repealed the part of the affordable care act which mandated people to enroll or pay a fine. without the mandate experts worry fewer people will sign up sending healthcare costs for those who did enroll soaring. state health care advocates say lawmaker haves to offset it and leave no options off the table. >> you know, i think folks in california have been looking for ways to get to universal coverage we've been working toward that a long time. i think lawmakers and you know consumer advocates will be looking at ways to move forward to covering the remaining uninsured in california. >> analysts estimate nearly 2 million californians would be without insurance in the next decade as a result of the repeal of obamacare. >> bitterly cold temperatures have much of the country in a deep freeze and conditions are not expected to improve any time soon. in fact effected get worse. chicago had the coldest new year's day on record with a high of 1 degree. conditions have not improved today. morning commuter making their way to work in subzero temps, kolden dangerous wind chills forecast to linger krs the east coast, midwest and south in the coming days. >> it's just frigid. like it's biting in the face cold. there is no way around it. >> cold not justs miserable but light threatening too. at least 7 -- eight deaths in seven states attributed to the cold weather. 160 million people now impacted by wind chill and advisories and winter storm watches issued as far as south coastal georgia and even florida. a change for everyone flying out of the bay area to seattle and l.a. delta is getting rid of the shuttle branch. starting next week the airlines will phase out the specifically west coast shuttle service. it's not taking away routes but there may not be as many flights. delta says it's making the change based on several factors including customer feedback. >> a new year's day hike ends in a rescuer. we'll show you how the cvp chopper helped hikers in the north bay. okay mcdonald's. i see your one, two and three dollar deals. tell you what, i'll raise you five. introducing value jack's way. five great ways to save. like i tell jack jr., it's all about big values, jr. prices. that's value jack's way. like jack's one-of-a-kind breakfast pockets for $2 each. three of jack's famous tacos and a small drink for $3! or a classic bonus jack combo for $5! it's like i tell jack jr., it's all about big values, jr. prices. in the east bay. police say two masked men walked a new surveillance images showing an armed robbery in the east bay. take a look. police say two men shone here masked men walked into a mobile gas station on oak park boulevard in pleasant hill at 7:00 last night. both flashed guns and took cash and other items. investigators hope someone will recognize the suspects in the photos. check out the rescue. the hikers starting off with a helicopter rescue in napa. one suffered a medical emergency. so the helicopters came down last night around 6:00 p.m., scooping them up at two spots. the hikers actually used the glow from the cell phones to flag the pilots down. we don't know what caused the injury to that hiker. okay earlier in the newscasts we told you about the rat grounding a plane in oakland. now we have chickens down in southern california, more than a dozen chickens fell off a truck on the 605 freeway 20 miles south of downtown l.a. traffic came to a halt as it does in l.a. but you see the chp officer smiling. >> put going in the patrol car. >> they were not arrested, just taken to safety. as far as we know, none of the chickens were injured. we're happy to report. >> okay you feeling lucky? you still have a few minutes to grab the megamillions lottery tactic. the jak pot more than $360 million. tomorrow's power ball is nearing $450 million. winning the two combined gives you $800 million. this is the second time in history that the power ball and meg millions passed that mark. i tried last saturday and i got nothing. >> try and try again. we pool our money. >> no, i did not. >> we need to make a run. >> we should. >> are we making the cut. >> 7:00. >> 7:00. >> hurry up jeff. >> a live look outside, a pufl shot of downtown. we keep the clouds. but i have the rain forecast tomorrow coming up in five minutes. some of the best figure skaters in the world are coming to s.a.p. center in san jose. why one bay area skating legend says you haven't seen the sport until you've seen it live. and star power? the best figure skaters in the country are in san jose this okay. are you ready for the excitement? are you ready for the star power, the best figure skaters in the country are in san jose this week. >> big time. years of training come down to minutes on the ice. the top performers this week make it to team usa and head to the olympics in south korea next month ppt let's bring in garvin thomas, joins us from the shark at a tank in san jose with all the excitement on the eve of competition. garvin. >> reporter: raj and jess some of the competition has been on the way a couple days. the junior novice and intermediate skaters holding their champion. but things get real tomorrow night. opening ceremonies at 6:00. and then at 6:30 the senior lasered ladies short program featuring bay area skaters karen chen and polina edmunds. this is a big deal for san jose. it's the first time this city hosted the championship during an olympic year. >> wow. that's gorgeous. >> and that means it's also a big deal for 198 gold medallist brian boitano. he grew up in the south bay. and he spent today showing off some of the best restaurants in san jose to a small group. brian, as you may know, is something of a celebrity chef as well. he says the whole event is a fegt ner the cap for san jose. but he says it is also a chance for those who are only watched figure skating on tv to see it in a whole new light. >> if you've never been to an event in person, it's really exciting. the speed, the power, so many people love it on tv. with you when you see it in person it like grabs ahold of new no other way. you can't belief the athleticism involved. we get a lot of fans that come -- they've seen it on tv and in person and are hooked for life. >> reporter: organizers of the event this week say that throughout the rest of the week there are many sessions from now until the competition ends on sunday. there are still tickets available to some of those sessions. you can head to my facebook page, i put a link there if you want to buy a ticket and test out and see if what brian says is really true. raj and jess. >> so exciting. >> will garvin be skating with brian that's our question to you. >> he is working on it. >> reporter: we have a gold medal. >> between them they have one gold medal very fies. >> yes. >> thank you garvin. he has you covered. we have you covered. in fact garvin is heading to south korea in a few weeks. visit our website to learn about the upcoming olympics and the hopefuls with bay area ties. go to website wbts and click on the sports tab. >> let's turn it over to jeff. it will be olympic time here. but not olympic temperatures. >> not quite, yeah. the average high is 32 degrees for the mountain venues. and average low we talked about last night is around 11 degrees. >> that's winter olympic weather. >> for garvin. >> he needs a coat. >> yes. we're getting garvin prepared for that. for the weather back here at home we have a winter storm moving in but certainly not going to be the strongest in recent memory but enough to get the roadways wet. as we look right now at the satellite radar picture combined. can you see the low pressure center. that's out in the pacific. what makes it different than most of the winter storms is it's moving in from the south. so it will be mild to cool. a little bit of humidity and that humidity could also fire off some thunderstorms. we're tracking more of that coming up in about one month. i want to take you right into tomorrow morning forecast and just to let you know the roadways aren't superwet for the commute. that's the good news getting started. there is a few spotty chances showers near the peninsula and 48. also another chance maybe of drizzle here in san francisco to start tomorrow morning and 50 degrees bringing you into the time line you'll be able to see we don't expect the rainfall to really start to get going until 1:30 in the afternoon. and even at that it's scattered in nature across the north bay and the south bay. we'll see the first wave of wet weather get close by 4:00 p.m. but the best possibility of rainfall right there at 7:30 at night. and you can see some of the i./3q yellow and orange, we could get thunderstorms and a little bit severe. maybe lightning strikes with that wet weather heading into 7:30 or 8:00 tomorrow thiet. we'll be monitoring that closely. so 7:30 through 11:00 p.m. best chance for the accumulating rainfall tomorrow. and we'll hold onto scattered showers morning. rainfall totals haven't changed too much on average. we're lacking looking at about .19 to .259 of an inch in the bay area. higher amounts in the north bay over to burnsville, possibly close to .5 an anch. closer to a half inch mark in half moon bay. that's something if you live near the coast. temperatures through tomorrow it's cooling off a few degrees. but it's still not the coldest of winter storms. 63 in livermore. 62 in napa. 61 in san francisco. and 65 expected in san jose. on the extended forecast we have a lot happening. a chance of rainfall tomorrow and a second system on thursday for another possibility of rainfall that continue to friday morning. try on saturday. and we have some rainfall to the north on sunday. right now it doesn't look like much of anything for us. and then another chance throughout next tuesday's forecast. temps overall generally dropping in the 50s for san francisco. for the inland valleys also notice colder temperatures arriving friday go from temperatures that have been in the 60s, upper 60s down to 59 by friday's forecast. wednesday night and thursday night have the umbrella handy. and you'll be good to go. >> we like to hear that. >> yes. >> thanks, jeff. >> okay one of the hottest teams in football. what happens now for the 49ers and what's their plan to keep jimmy? colin resch joins us next. hockey )s mecca... mo okay. this defame still in progress. the sharks on the road in hockey's mecca. that would be month reel. the first period joe thornton with the rebound and goal. watch it carefully not the beard but the play. puck deflects off his body before he sneaks it in right behind the goal tender. right now the sharks lead 4-1 in the third period. tao bad they're not in the playoffs. five straight wins to close out the regular season. >> and expectations are now sky high for next season. but first things first. is there a new contract for jimmy g. colin resch has answers from levi stadium. >> reporter: john lynch took to the podium with head coach kyle shanahan, flashed a wrie smile said democrat what you expect from a gm who finished with 5 straight wins. >> happy new year. >> six wins in the last seven games, the 0-9 start to the season now a zart memory. >> i got a great deal of pride with the way we finished. >> we wish we would have won more games we definitely hoped for that process. i'm proud how it finished like john said and we'll have the mindset going in the next year. >> touchdown of the day for. >> i thought daly said it well there aren't many times -- had we taken care of business early and were able to sneak in the playoffs i don't think many teams would want to face us. we're playing good football. >> thanks in large part to the quarterback they traded for at hal went. inserted at the start beginning of december. he guided the nine tors a perfect month. remains undefeated in 7 career nfl starts. >> obviously jimmy came in and was -- was fabulous. he was great for us. and he made people around him better. and i think that's the mark of a player who has an opportunity to be special. do you make people around you better? he did that. >> and now the onui on the nine certifies to pay up. a long-term deal is a possibility. so is a franchise tag in the neighborhood of 24 million for 2018. while lynch wouldn't say which way the franchise is leaning, he did offer this announce zbloomt we'd like nothing more than to make him a nine era long time. >> in santa clara, colin resch, bay area news. >> did a nurse silence an alarm? a warning that could have saved a man's life? the unusual criminal investigation into a well-known bay area hospital. that's come up tonight at 11:00. before we leave at 6:00 our first week of the brand-new year and we are going to start with rain which is great news. >> i know you've been asking for it. >> yes. snow as well. we need snow at tahoe. >> slow going for snow. not much in the couple days in terms of snow. right in the bay area you get a chance at thunderstorms tomorrow night. we're looking at .109 to .25 of an inch on average. a second storm rafrg thursday night into friday. none of them major. but really watching out for the lightning. >> glad to have it. >> yeah. >> thanks for joining us here at 6:00. have a great evening. >> hope to see you here at 11:00. bye-bye. now on "extra." it is official. ho hoda gets matt lauer's seat on the "today" show. >> how matt reacted to the announcement. >> matt sent a text. >> from her deeply private relationship to her baby, everything you never knew about hoda. carrie underwood revealing she had 40 stitches in her face. >> the first look how she looks after suffering a serious fall. then, hours after rocking new year's eve. britney confirming she's in love? baby new year. >> guess who gave birth to a little boy before the ball

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