Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20170806 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20170806

there is no good excuse for that kind of language to be said and ever used. you know i really hope the people out there can find it in their heart to forgive me. >> i'm just somebody who doesn't think that you should judge someone for one incident, one moment in their life. >> i think it's unfortunate that he made the remark. if he is genuinely apologized that's a great thing. >> reporter: the oakland a's made a big effort over the last several years to reach out to a differs audio nens they have hoefted a lgbt night over the last three years. major league baseball basically enforced what they say is a zero tolerance policy for homophobic language on the field. she so they suspended him two games. reporting live in san francisco, sergio quintana nbc bay area. >> thank you very much. we have more on the story on the website. that's nbc bay where you can find continuing coverage. also we have more on the story coming nup sports including reaction from the team later in the newscasts. new details in the manhunt for a prominent proves neareneded here in the beau. the police department releasing the mugshot ma 42-year-old wyndham lathem. he huss companion wanted in the killing of a man in chicago. et cetera a professor at northwestern university and he had been persuaded to turn himself into authorities. he drove to the federal courthouse in oakland got out of his car and surrendered peacefully in the courtyard. an oxford university employee also turned himself in in san francisco. lathem is scheduled to appear in court on monday in pleasanton. to a deadly shooting in a pretty normally quiet peninsula city. belmont police searching for a killer. officers found a man shot to death on ralston avenue. the suspect they say is on the run. nbc bay area kristi smith is life where she talked with police and neighbors. many of them were woken up by the gunshots. >> reporter: yes yeah, that's right i tell you, you know neighbors understandably concerned because a man was shot in the apartment complex. but police are stressing they do believe this was an isolated incident but there are still questions about what was behind it. >> i've been here a year and six months never any commotion this zbloors neighbor here says she was stunned by the sounds coming from the apartment complex on ralston avenue. >> the only thing woke me up was the shots. >> belmont police arrived and had assistance from san mateo police and sheriff's deputies. they found several people coming out of the building. and officers made their way inside the apartment appear found a man shot. >> apparently there had been a get together approximately a half a dozen people at the apartment. which ended with the shooting. >> the victim died at the scene. police interviewed potential witnesses as they tried to find out what led up to the shooting. and tried to locate the suspect. but police believe it was an isolated incident. by late afternoon any towed a caraway. >> it's potentially contains evidence. and in order for to us process it properly we're taking it to our evidence garage. >> reporter: he says it's the first homicide of the year in belmont. >> actually i'm very nervous and kind of scared because i have to come sleep here at night. you never know what's going on. >> reporter: now the coroner office has not yet released the victim's identity. and so far no suspect information to share. reporting live in belmont kristi smith nbc bay area news. >> all right kristi thanks for details. police in santa rosa meanwhile investigating a deadly officer involved shooting happened early this morning mp police report responding to a man with a knife acting strange will i theyed found him hiding under a bed. reportedly refused to drop the knife even when officers tried to resolve the situation with nonlethal measures. police say the man came at them at wup point and one officer opened fire the man died at the scene. the incident caught on body cameras and launched an investigation. a special barricade is blocking off the-freement festival of the arts this woekd. this idea is to prevent deadly vehicle attacks like the ones we have seen in london, new york and france. nbc bay area marian favro live at the festival. and the bar years were not cheap. >> they weren't. in fact each barrier like this costs $45,000 peggy. the city of fremont purchased 12 of these. to design to prevent even a huge semi truck from getting through and hurting people at festivals. it's called the bnp 5,000. the city paid more than half a million for all 12 barricades. each one weighing more than 13,000 pounds. today the first time the barricades are in use. blocking major streets going into the fremont festival flt arts where between two and three thousand people are expected to show up. what's unique about the barrier it can can be adjusted quickly. >> the department purchased these. with the blessing of the council in order to protect the public at the venues from any type of situation we have and what's great about this these is it don't stop emergency vehicles from getting here all the personnel in the city of fremont, public safety are going to be trained and have the marj of them here trained to come out and they can actually lower them down. >> reporter: the plan is to use the new barriers at other festivals and antique fairs, essentially any events drawing large crowds. the city is also using large water-filled containers to block cars from coming through. now even though the barriers you see here weigh thousands of pounds nef a hydraulic system which allows them to be set up in just 15 minutes. reporting live in fremont, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> okay marianne thank you very much. new at 6:00 a serious accident on the peninsula involving a car and several cyclists san mateo county first responded to this happening before 11:00 in the morning. it happened. in portal aloe value valley three people rushed to the hospital. sheriff deputies say the car was turning into the parking lot and hit the bicyclists. we are fomg developments in the case of shooting at dolores park this week. members of the community there met at the park today. they are concerned and they want to think of ways they can get together and protect that park and keep people safe. three people shot there thursday. the this brand new community group has been formed calling themselves the dolores park ambassadors. leaders want to recruit people who spend a lot of time in the park as well as nearby businesses to take a look around and say something if they see something. >> there is a lot of different communities that use the park regularly. and they should all be part of this ambassador program. just to give a sense of ownership. so we don't just watch the park go by the wayside again. >> now nasdaq's shooting is believed to have involved gang members. at least one of the victims shot was not affiliated with a gang. the suspects remain at large. police have increased the presence at the dolores park. and the family of a man shot and killed by santa clara police continuing now to demand answers in his death. [ chanting ]. >> supporters of 24-year-old jesus held a rally demanding justice. police shot him in march when his parents called for help several times in happen f he had cut himself and barricaded himself in his bedroom. he did leave the house and threatened to shoot officers and himself one officered responded by opening fire. a gun was never found. now the family wants to know why officers cornered intd of getting him psychiatric help. >> the last time they saw him he was in bathing suit outside the house by himself wasn't armed. and they shot him. this was a mental health crisis not a criminal matter. and it never should have happened. his family is filing a civil rights lawsuit against the city of santa clara. still to come this saturday night north korea under pressure tonight. the u.n. delivering a financial blow to the country's exports. but how will they respond? and a messy cleanup for homeowners the inconvenience triggered by a water main break, create add big mess in the east bay. we're seeing cool conditions returning to the bay area with the fog at san francisco only 70s now in san jose. but the forecast not entirely trang which will a as you can see thunderstorms here in the sierra. showers off shore. could any of this factor in the sunday plans pl we'll look at that when we come back. new tonight, a deadly crash in sonoma county. this happens willie happened at 40 this morning in fosterville around river and martin he willy road near the river. a man was seen standing in the rey. he was struck by multiple cars, including a big rig. he was pronounced dead at the scene. officers say at least three cars were involved. river road was shut down about three hours while investigators there collected evidence. check out the video from early this morning here you can see a sinkhold underneath the front of the car there that suv. that is because flooding there from a water main break. the flooded the streets around downtown at 16th street and mission and sand pablo. firefighters tried to keep the water from flowing into homes. firefighters say they don't know when the roads there will reopen. update tonight on the grass fire in oakland hills. the oakland fire battalion cleave as of this morning no fire crews remain on scene. the flames broke out wednesday. 20 akers burns. the fire chief says it could be weeks before a cause is identified. it's certainly been hot outside. meteorologist rob maid oia joining us now we did see fog. >> the marine air making a come back as opposed to the subtropical conditions we had a couple days. the touchstone coming down. the fog rolling into san francisco good news for the valleys as the on shore winds pick up. temperatures in san francisco 65 degrees disappearing into the mist looking across the bay towards alcatraz. can't see the north bay from the view of downtown frist. here the benefit of the ocean air-conditioning. livermore only 81 degrees. evening like this in the 90s. so things have cooled off. >> san jose nice hazy skies 77 degrees later on tonight we see the cooling temperatures to 60 degrees by the morning. evening plans nice. brezy, winds about 15 to 25. sea breeze reaching fairfield and the try valley. variable clouds. particle cloudy clouds. one more chance of shower or two near insomnia an county. so check out the very active view across the sierra. where a lot of monsoon moisture for now has been redirect four-door south to north away from southern california. notice the upper level clouds off shore. upper level low which shows well in the water vapor satellite view tracking closer to the bay area. there is a chance some of this drifts inland overnight mainly across the north bay could trigger isolated showers mainly to the north of sonoma county. entering the day tomorrow the low tracks further inland. most of the thundershower s to the north and east. ongoing chance fl in the sierra and perhaps increased chance for showers from lake county northward up towards chick o and redding tomorrow evening. morning tufrmts 50s and 60s pb low clouds misty skies near coast opinion a temperatures tomorrow comfortable. low 80s around airport. south of downtown probably are probably still touchstone in the upper 80s close to 90. upper 80s around the tri valley. concord 87. speaking of fremont, festival flt arts wraps up tomorrow. you can see the temperatures looking very nice. low 80s for the sunday plans. 60s to mostly 70s around the peninsula. mid-60s in san francisco and north bay temperatures in the low to mid-80s. for now the muggy weather stays away. instead of serial flo across california. winds alost. that keeps moist of the moisture out of here. the second half the temperatures climb 60s to low 70s around san francisco. not a huge warm-up but the valleys could make a another run at low to mid-90s by thursday and friday. likely staying away from those friendshiple digits, good news. >> certainly feels like august that's for sure. thanks rob. still to come sprucing up the it's a bit of a makeover who ordered the changes into effect. that's coming up. my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. the united nations is ramping up pressure on north korea. the security council voted unanimously today to impose new economic sanctions against the nation. it's a response to north korea's two missile tests last month. the latest one just last week. nbc chris palin reports. >> the united states sending a message. >> the north korean threat has not left us. it is rapidly growing more dangerous. we've seen two icbms fired in the last month. further action is required. >> that action the united nations security council delivering a financial blow against north korea and the leader kim jong un. unanimously pass ago resolution imposing new sanctions as the nation continues to develop the nuclear and missile programs. >> the price the north korean leadership will pay for continued nuclear and missile development will be the loss of one third of its exports and hard currency. this is the most stringent set of sanctions on any country in a generation. >> the sanctions could slash $1.0 billion from north korea's annual export revenue putting financial pressure on pyongyang to abandon ambitions a sharp rebuke are china. >> while the security counsel has done good worng and the members and all member states must do more to increase the pressure on north korea. >> the vote comes hours before secretary of state rex tillerson will be in the same room with the north korean centre part at a meeting of southeast asian nations. earlier tillerson signalled the trump administration willingness to engage in direct talks. though talks won't happen likely any time soon. >> we would like to have a dialogue. >> u.s. sanctions offered a kim jong un a clear yois the well being of the north korean people or the missile program. >> there is no reason the north korean people cannot share the normal prospers life of neighbors. >> the eyes of the world on kim how will he respond chris pal own nbc news zblnchts some renovations taking place at the white house. the first family out on vacation at bed minister new jersey. while they're gone. crews will be working around the clock. taking care of some much needed repairs in the west wing including a leaky ceiling and lower lobby needs to be spruced up. it's a regular entry point for guests. now the south portico which has not restored in 60 years will be getting upgrade the workers carried out the resolute desk from the oval office. the improvements were thorsoned by the obama administration but put off until now. and also now turning it over to jim with sports. ahead in sports what's old is new again we have a panda siting at third and king and a's player uses anti-gay slur. we'll hear from him in sports. i'm jim at xfinity sports desk sports are meant about competition and fun. playedly by highly skilled individuals and watched by millions. unfortunately on occasion the competition leads to a combustible mix in which things go wrong. last night in anaheim in a's loss to the angels a's outfielder mat joyce was heard to yell something at a antagonistic flan anti-guy slur and joyce addressed the media media himself. >> coming back to the dugout there was a fan came up to the dugout and yelled some vulgar and obscene words about me and my family. and you know i -- like i said i let the emotions and frustrations really get the better of me there. and obviously said some words that should never be said. there is no excuse. there is no good excuse for that kind of language to be said. and ever used. and you know i really hope the people out there can find it in their heart to forgive me and not to -- be oh too quick to judge me on one incident. >> and here is the complete statement from the athletics. oakland athletics are disappointed by the comments matt joyce made to a fan during the eighth notwithstanding of last night's game .the language is unacceptable and will not be toll rated on our team we pride ourselves on being inclusive and expect our organization to liver up higher standards we appreciate that matt is contrite about his conduct and know he will learn from this incident. more baseball panda watch 2017 moves to at&t park. form giant form reed sox pablo sand value with the san francisco giants once again called up to the major league club after hitting robust.207. and r bichlt. that appropriation earned a proposals to the bigs. brandon belt is headed to the disabled list health hit in the hemmati by a pitch last night placed on 7-day dl third concursing since 2014 he has a career high with 18 home runs this season opinion the giants made a roster move allowing george couldn't obs to claimed by the pittsburgh pirates. he made 300 appearances with the giants and had era 3.05 in that time. chris stratton takes the spot of kontos. kontos spent six season was the orange and black. the 49ers held open practice at levi stadium in front of 25,000 but things did not go well for free agent addition malg come smith. he suffered a torn peck to recall. out for the seasons here is the what the loss of smith means to the team. >> it will be a big one for us because we've been getting so many reps together, geling together and really talking about what the offense is trying to do to us. and you know throughout the ot a's and training camp. so you know that -- that -- it will be a loss. but it's early. you know, we have other guys that you know i feel like that can play at this level also. you know, but let's hope not. let's hope that he is able to overcome in and get him back pretty soon. >> and that's going to do it from the xfinity sports desk we'll have more news on nbc bay area. keeping up. it takes a little support. and pg&e is ready to do our part. our care program can save you 20% or more on your monthly bill. when having a little extra can mean a lot, turn to care. go to and enroll today. well you know even dogs want to get out and surf take a look at the surfing poochs they hit the beach for the second annual surfing dog championships. mine wouldn't go for that i don't know about yours. s in at the beach in pacifica. they also wear cost tombs. and all proceeds go to non-profit organizations benefits animals. also tonight the final curtain call for hamilton. tickets are covet first degree you don't get in, the hit show coming back to san francisco in 2019. tickets crazy expensive, sometimes up to thousands of dollars each. give yourself two years to budget for that. >> start making plans. >> they'll be back. see you back here at 11:00. have a great night. male news special.u're watching an nbc bay area tonight, nbc bay area "responds." daniel yang: and i went to chipotle, and chipotle said, "your card is not valid." and it was the first time i ever used it. announcer: consumers are buying gift cards that end up with $0 balances before they ever use them. we uncover the scam. barbara rowe: they misrepresented themselves, and i think that's fraudulent. announcer: there's a food fight going on between local restaurants and a san francisco startup, and consumers are stuck in the middle. lindsay pedroche: so, it basically was $800 wasted. announcer: home buyers rely on inspectors to make sure the house they're buying is problem free, but some are failing the job. and one lawmaker says it's because they're simply not qualified. elia barrera: thankfully, i was compatible with him. announcer: after surviving a life-threatening surgery, he made plans to celebrate with his family in mexico. but when things went wrong, his travel insurance didn't protect him. we found an unlikely hero to this story. robert robinson: it was not my signature. it wasn't even close to my signature. announcer: a renter says his landlord forged his signature, putting him on the hook for hundreds of dollars. we ask a handwriting expert to weigh in. here's consumer investigator chris chmura. chris chmura: good evening, and welcome to our nbc bay area "responds" special.

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