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There is no doubt that what has happened with mr. Pederson cast shadows over the employees of the office and the good work we do every day. Fellow prosecutors are shaking heads at the allegations. According a affidavit filed by the a. G. s office a search done last month of his Bank Accounts revealed Committee Funds were used to pay for items at grocery and Jewelry Stores and other retailers such as the guitar center. Last week investigators detained pederson in antioch while she seized his iphone abipad and appointment calendar looking for more evidence to support felony charges. There you know the appropriate criminal charges if the investigation supports it. Pederson claims he simply borrowed the money and had intended to pay it back. But the a. G. Affidavit states pederson failed to disclose hed borrowed any men. Investigators also consider possible felony perjury charges. The appearance is horrifying. The appearance is someone who is committing crimes, is prosecuting other people. Reporter pederson not only faces possible criminal charges. A civil grand jury has filed an accusation calling for his removal from office. Pederson will appear before a judge in court on that matter tomorrow afternoon. Now, we have tried repeatedly to contact pederson here for reaction. So far, no apply. Recording live in contra costa county, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. Thanks jodi. Confusion and frustration among the reactions to attorney Jeff Sessionss tomorrow before a senate committee. Senator Diane Feinstein he when she asked sessions and President Trump ever discussed then fbi director james comeys handling of the russia investigation. Senator finiten that would call for a communication between the attorney general and president im not able to comment on that. You are not able to answer the question here whether you ever discussed that with him . Thats correct. Sessions said the president never invoked executive privilege but he says the Justice Department policy is to not comment on in type of conversation. Our coverage on the Jeff Sessions testimony continues in the next half hour well show you the Testy Exchange with the other local senator Pamela Harris come up in 30 minutes. A magical night at oracle arena. Warriors reclaimed the nba championship from the cleveland cavaliers. Now its time to celebrate but the team may not take part in one time honored translation. There are reports the warriors will skip a visit to the white house. Look at the team with president obama celebrating the 2015 nba championship. Sources close to the warriors say the team unanimously decided to boycott an invitation to meet President Trump at the white house. Now today the warriors released a statement saying they have not been invited to the white house and will make that decision when and if necessary. More than a Million People expected to fill oakland streets on thursday. Take a look at the parade route, up and around by lake merit. Similar kind of thing two years ago. Ends at the convention center. Michelle roberts joins us live from the rally site at lake merit. Michelle there is a lot to know. Reporter there is. We talked to some people Walking Around the area scoping out where they want to be. You have to be here early if you want to be standing in this spot. I want to show you the stage thats been going up today. And were told that if you want to be near the stage youve got to be hours before even the parade begins. As we celebrate the warriors victory, the whole warriors culture and oakland. Fans celebrating the 2015 warriors victory downtown oakland know the drill. There will be so many people around here you can barrel walk. B. A. R. T. Officials estimate the crowd could reach 2 million. Trains are expected to be packed which is why youre encouraged to buy tickets in advance. Make sure you have enough money on either the flippered card or the ticket for the round trip. And commuters who use the pittsburgh bay point line because normallily scheduled trains will be diverted to oakland. We are deforting resources to the locations where we think the riders most need the service. Police expect the rally at lake merit to reach capacity hours before the parade begins at 10 00. Fans running late are better off trying to find a spot along the route. Its important to choose which one you plan on attending. The marj masses of people coming its going to make it difficult almost impossible to attend both. Purses are backpacks are lourd but leech the lawn furniture and large umbrella at home for me while police gear up for a record breaking crowd fans are excited to cheer on the world champs. The were on top of the world two out of three years we cant complaint about that. Reporter b. A. R. T. Officials expect the lake merit stoegs to be closed due to overrouding coming up in 30 minutes ill give you other options if you plan coming into town. Nbc barnds. Thank you very much. Well have live coverage of the warriors parade from beginning to end on nbc Bay Area Team of reporters will be posted on the parade route to capture the favorite basketball stars. Sky ranger will check it out from the air. Watch it all starting 9 30. A bumpy ride for uber. The Ride Sharing Company ceo announced he is stepping way fo a unspecified leave of absence. As the employees were given a 13page list of recommendations for changing the Company Culture after investigation into workplace misconduct including being sexual harassment. Mark mathews is outside the headquarters in San Francisco where the company isnt talking but the recommendations are speaking volumes. Mark. Reporter and the investigation and the recommendations as you know coming from former u. S. Attorney general eric holder. First on the list, take away some of the power of the ceo and founder. Uber hired former u. S. Attorney eric holder to investigate gender buys and will harzment. He was accused of fostering a bro culture. A at the Ride Sharing Company. Allegations from engineer. And how her complaints were swept under the rug by Human Resource managers. I think its vitally important that they ask travis to take a leave of absence. Amy is the director of leadership recruiting for google owned startups. She says kalanick admitted he needs leadership help and the board adopted the entire 13page list. Its gratifying to know the board is taking this problem seriously, because it is its life threatening for the company. The recommendations that raining from hiring a new chairman of the board, a chief operating officer to training and oversight, even expense accounting, it is a very long list. , absolutely im stunned that many of those things were not already in place. She says kalanick set the tone at upper back eyer and it appears in Corporate Governance he was tone deaf. That is whats shocking, that those are just basic governance. It looks like none of that was happening. So yeah its pretty shocking. Reporter in a statement to staffers kalanick said he is going to use the leave of absence to grieve his mothers death, work on himself and build a world class leadership team. Reporting from San Francisco Mark Matthews nbc bay area news. You can read all the recommendations for uber on our website click on the story box and it will lead to you the document. At nbcbayarea. Com. Help on the way thats the message today from the Santa Clara Valley Water District to families flooded out when the coyote creek overran the bank. They voted on key items to help prevent future floods long the willie along the creek. Damien trujillo has the story. Damien. Terrie things are far from normal in rock springtimes. In fact furn tur damaged by the floods is still sitting all over curbside. More than three and a half months ago the floods occurred today the Water District yes aloe acted funds hoping to minimize future floods in the area. The images were seen nationwood, rescue crews going door to door evacuating people who had been given no warning about the rising flood waters. How bad was it. Pretty bad. We are living in differentis places. The in family was finally able to return home two months after the floods. Other homes remain under repair. What are you facing. Replacing mostly the unit. They can expect the board of directors from the santa clara Water District has heard them. They recently returned from washington, d. C. Where he and others lobbied the arm army corps of engineers for federal funds to rebuild. Its a project the army corps remgted several years ago. They hope local congressman will help them make the case after seeing the images. They saw the pictures thp they lived here they understand. To a today the water board oberlely approved the project to and they aloindicated 600,000 to protect the flood zone next winter. That likely means temporary flood walls. You want them to fix the problem. Yeah. And the city of san jose today is also recommending new fronts for a new Warning System in case there is another flood. Live in the rock springs neighborhood in san jose damien trujillo, nbc bay area news. Thanks damien. Bird eye view a new video showing us why its tough to get to yosemite for drivers. Some students at one south Bay High School are accused of posting a kill list on instagram targeting students. Why some say the threats are continuing. Coming up. Right now temperatures near 80 degrees in concord this time tomorrow. May be near 90. Sevenday forecast could put the temperatures closer to 100 degrees later this week when the hot weather arrives when we come back. New developments tonight on a story we first brought you yesterday about a south Bay High School. Law enforcement is now investigating new developments tonight a story we brought you yesterday about a south Bay High School. Law enforcement is now investigating reports that students at Monta Vista High School in couper tin o postadd kill list tarring black students. Marianne favro live in cupper tin orr why the threats have not stopped. Reporter the kill list was allegedly posted on instagram back in september. Now there is new evidence that a student posted another threat using a School Computer just seven weeks ago. Community members came together in san jose outraged that some students at Monta Vista High School. Allegedly made and then posted a list of students to kill on social media. They call themselves the kill spree masters. They went on to say that they were going to kill each student. They create add kill list. On that list were the names of six or seven africanamerican students. Richard richardson representing a former student named on the socalled kill list filed a civil lawsuit against the Fremont High School district accusing it of negligence claiming it failed to prevent or stop the threats. The School District issued a statement saying administers immediately investigated the destine and took appropriate disciplinary action and notified the santa clara Sheriffs Department but many question if the school did enough. Im wondering what happened here . Where was the disconnect . I wonder if we flipped the situation and we had a group of six or seven africanamerican students create ago kill list for white people . What response would we have got . I dont think it would have been the same. This is not the first time the district has made headlines over student threats. In september of last year a student at Fremont High School in sunnyvale was arrested for posting threats against jewish students. And richardson says the problems continue. He says on april 24th a monta visit an student allegedly used a School Computer to post his goal for the day was to kill black people. The sad part about it all is that the administration knew about this. The Sheriffs Department knew about in september or october of last year never told the students or parents. As you all are aware when the columbine situation happened those students made threats as well. And it was dismissed. Reporter the attorney for the girl who was targeted said she transferred to another school because she feared for her life. We also reached out to the santa clara Sheriffs Department, sheriff lori smith issued a statement saying the Sheriffs Department began investigating back in september. And recently turned this case over to the d. A. Office for criminal prosecution. Reporting live in couper tin o nabz bay area. Thank you. Driving drunk into an Elementary School and hit ago child. Thats what a woman is accuse of doing in belmont pmt this school the Toyota Corolla plowed through a fence and hit an 11yearold student yesterday. Now the student will be okay. Take a look at the woman behind the wheel. Martin offa a nan in who drove up to pick up a student. An infant was in the back seat but not injured. Traffic on San Francisco streets might be worse off due to Ride Sharing Companies like uber and lyft. She thoughed one in every five trips into the district or downtown San Francisco during peak traffic are are by uber or lyft drivers. Only 1 of commuters take taxis or public transportation. Transportation authority says the report is intended to give city leaders a basis for developing possible regulations in the future. A major road into yosemite is closed. A rock slide is blocking a road part of highway 140. Take a look you can see then landslide in the middle of the screen there. Rocks covered about 6 football fields worth of that road. The highway will remain closed at least through the weekend. There is visitors can get into the park from two other roads. Let s get the latest on our microclimate forecast we have snow in the sierra now we have snow melt in the sierra because of the warm wgt companying squ yosemite seeing high elevation snow showers in the 90s probably by friday or saturday well see a case of the heat around bay area but in the meantime some gorgeous weather outside. San francisco comfortably cool and breezy at 63. Show you san jose, 73 degrees. Enjoy it while you can. As you see at the bottom of the invest sevenday forecast set to take off with the temperatures. Now Squaw Valley Lake tahoe 64 degrees semi cool weather around squaw valley. We have a lot of white fresh snow. Almost 6 inches of know above 6,000 feet from the recent form storm. 40s and 50s to start things off. High temperatures tomorrow begin to warm up into the midto upper 80s then around walnut creek and livermore up youll ee up are 80s in forecast. 85 in lass gatos. San francisco and elbowed not that warm just yet. Notice this excessive heat watch in effect friday through the we could. What this means is for areas except the immediate coast in San Francisco well have 80s around the inner bay. Low 90s in the san jose and from the tri valley essentially places east of 680 concord antioch and up towards here youll see high temperatures close to 00 degrees. This could be set up a few days coming up in the second half hour well shea you when the hottest temperatures arrive when the cool down arrives well have it for you in the full forecast coming up in the next half hour well have more. Trapped in deep blue sea more than a century. Reason a sunken u. S. Coast guard ship in San Francisco wont be moving any time soon. Second day today. The ced happening now the jury deliberating bill cosbys trial wrapped up the second day today. The comedian is charged with Sexual Assault if convicted he could get 30 years in prison and on the twitter feet Court Documents reveal new details on the contra costa District Attorney he was detained and into a criminal investigation into spending. More news after the break. Stay with us. This very pricey sportcars. Now in the hands of police. Police say the ferrari was to good looking car. Now in the hands of the police. Police say the ferrari was stolen recently recovered in sand rafael. Witnesses called 911 when they spot add man acting strangely standing next to the door. Officers arrived started talking to him many at some point he opened up the backpack where the police found the keys to the ferrari. And another one. Sand Rafael Ferrari Service Center confirmed it was stolen. And the price of the car. 245,000. Well stunning underwater video released showing a california ship wreck happening 100 years ago today. The u. S. Coast guard cutter mcculling was at war. She was when she was hit i another shop and sunk offer the coast in nbc bay area peggy bunker with the underwater images. The coast guard cutter mcdulling sank 100 years ago atop struck by a passenger liner coming from San Francisco and steamed around point conception. Pictures of the sink shipping show the moment it went under down. The it resting here on the ocean floor the videos was released recently. The cutter sank with an hour after the collision. This is it going down in 1917. One person onboard the boat was killed. This is the mcculling today. This is video here of it buried in silt off the coast of santa barbra. You see the fish swimming around. The wreckage only discovered last october as part of a scientific training mission. She was a respected trip before she sank. Serving in spanish american war in the minutes before it was hit. Both boats sounded horns in fog but it was just too late. And then all of a sudden in the next signal theyre on top of each other. And so both ships fire off what they call three blasts from the steam which indicates full astern. Basically both ships are bagging up try to avoid the collision. Too little too late. Now the mcculling has been found no one will be able to profit from the remains of the ship. It is considered u. S. Government property. It is protected by federal law. The u. S. Coast guard cutter mcculling was a considered a speed boat in her tai almost 220 feet long able to cruise at 17 knotts. No plans to raise the ship she will rest where she sank. Janelle. Stunning history thanks so much peggy. The attorney general testifying in front of congress Jeff Sessions would not talk about many that come up tonight. Reporter oakland is getting ready for a big warrior celebration on thursday. The stage is going up as you can see. And coming up ill tell you what b. A. R. T. Station youll need to avoid on thursday. First the championship now the parade. A look over lake merrit from skyranger. Right now at 6 30, first the championship, now the parade. A look over lake merit in oklahoma from sky ranger. More than a Million People expected to attend the warrior victory parade on a thursday. Just like in 2015 the parade begins on broadway and ends at the kaiser convention center. For all you need to know about goog to the parade Michelle Roberts joins us live at the rally site at lake merit. Youre the first one there, michelle. Reporter i am. Its going to be a long camping trip for me i guess but the roads in the area will be closed thursday morning so expect delays. Of course a lot of crowds. Another good tip from officials make sure you bring a lot of water. Because it will be a warm day. Celebrating this wonderful area, and this great magical team. Kathleen manningly and her husband wallace made the trip downtown to scope out the spot okanu the parade route. Once you get her there will be so many zbleem the crowd could reach 2 million. Trains are expected to be packed. Youre encouraged by tickets in advance. Make sure that you have money on either your the flipper card or the b. A. R. T. Ticket for your round trip. Fans can begin line up for the rally as early as 5 00 a near south lake merit. Youre encouraged to use the 12th or 19th street stations. Dont go to lake merit station. Police expect the rally at lake merit to reach capacity hours before the parade begins at 10 00. Fans running late better off trying to find a spot along the parade route. It is important to choose which one you planned on attending because the large mass of participants coming, its going to make it differ, almost impossible to attend both. Purses and backpacks are allowed. But leave the lawn furnish tennessee and large umbrellas at home. While police gear up for a potentially recordbreaking crowds. Fans are just excited to cheer on the world champions. The world top of the world again, two out of tlie years we cant complaint about that. Reporter due to the parade the course in oklahoma will be in closed along with the main library. Bay area news. Thank you very much. After popping plenty of bottlings of champagne in the locker room celebration the warriors players took it to a nightclub. Draymond green and clark sprayed the crowd. You can go to nbcbayarea. Com. Find out what they were doing, drinking whatever in last nights celebration at the nightclub. Well have live coverage of the warrior parade from beginning to end. Our nbc Bay Area Team of reporters will be posted on the parade route. The sky ranger will be up in the air. Watch it all on nbc bay area starting thursday morning at 9 30. Even mapped out the parade day for you. Go to the website. In the top story box that will lead you to everything from the map of the route to where and when you can line up which b. A. R. T. Train to take, all that at nbcbayarea. Com. The warrior fans took it to the streets illegally. Sky ranger captured an illegal side show unfolding. The police say 40 oh orp 500 people took part in the admonitions last night at least 30 cars confiscated. One officer was injured after being allegedly drunk driver rear ended. Day time drama the attorney general under oath. Jeff sessions appeared on capitol hill after he himself called for a hearing before the same committee that fired fbi director james comey testified in front of last week. Nbc Blaine Alexander has more from washington. Reporter well good evening to you, this was a hearing that certainly got testy at times. Remember, this is the Trump Administrations first oberle opportunity to issue a rebuttal to james comeys testimony from last week. Now keep in mind sessions has recused himself from the russia investigation. Today he testified on a matter in which he is essentially a spectator. Appearing before his former Senate Colleagues today for the first time as attorney general, Jeff Sessions emphatically denying any russian collusion. Its an appalling and detestable lie. Anddown playing his contact with russias ambassador to the united states. I have never met with or had any conversations with any russians or any foreign officials concerning any type of interference with any campaign or election in the united states. And investigation from which sessions has recused himself. His testimony coming right on the heels and in the same room as that of former fbi director james comey. Mr. Comey said there were matters with respect to the recusal that were problematic and he couldnt talk about them. What are they. I that why dont you tell me. There are none, senator, there are none. Sessions not answering any questions about conversations with the president. Im not able to discuss with you or confirm or deny the nature of private conversations that i may have had with the president. And sessions says he shared comeys concern about that now infamous Oval Office Meeting between the president and former fisher director. He expressed concern to me about the private conversation. And i agreed with him. When asked if there were any tapes as the president suggested sessions says, he doesnt know. A and now about the mos the now infamous mos that comey wrote detailing every interaction with President Trump that he later ordered sent to the press, the mos will now be turned over to the fbi. In washington, Blaine Alexander nbc bay area news. For the is second week in a with me senator Pamela Harris was cut off midquestion last week it questioned as he she questioned his rambling answers using up limited time and she wasnt having it. Did you not ask for staff to show you the police that would be the basis for the revising to answer the questions that. He will be allowed to answer the question. Sessions was seen smiling as senator john mccain interrupted and burr cautioned mccain she never got a yes or no answer. Over megail kelly scheduled to air this sunday here on nbc. The interview was with into wheres alex jones. A radio host who has speculated the sandy hook mass shooting was a government hoax because she interviewed him she has been dropped as hoeft from some of the sandy hook victims kelly defended her decision he i understand and respect the decision of the event organizers but im disappointed i wont be there to support them on wednesday night. After a year in north korean prison a american sfunt has been released but his homecoming is bitter wheat. The stupt was detained last spring sentenced to 15 years in prison after stealing a propaganda perforate he was set free but will be coming home in coma he has been in coma since contracting bottlism in custody. The Trump Administration is taking credit for his release. Governor brown welcoming the Prime Minister much of fiji to are sacramento. The pair maid a agreement related to climb change. The duo joined the under two coalition which wams to limit the average increase of global temperature to less than 2 draegs celsius despite the President Trump decision to withdraw from the paris accord. California will keep promise to hit key Emission Reduction goals. At a time when our country is divided, the world is divided,s in a Common Threat and therefore a common theme is to mobilize against the rafages of the changing liemt. A new law calling for california to get all of the power from Renewable Energy by 2045 also passed in the senate this month and now heads to the state assembly. Were learning about tense moments as a marinen County Church all caused by a man wearing a jacket. Happened earlier this month as a church that ministers to sand rafael Hispanic Community a man spot the outside the church. We agree a jacket with the emblem on the being back i. C. E. On it i. C. E. Mean immigration officials he claims he was documenting noise in the Church Parking lot. He did not explain why he was wearing a jacket with the word ice on itment police say said he broke no law and sent the case to the District Attorney for review. Will californias new gas tax stick in maybe not republican laurms filed a initiative to repeal more than 36 oh thousand signatures will be needed to get the measure on the 2018 ballot. We reported last week that nearly 60 of california voters opposed this tax. 12 cents per gallon according to a study by uc berkeley. Jerry brown and the California Democrats overstepped authority. They feel is to empowered today in sacramento fef they have a supermajority in the assembly and senate. They have all the constitutional offers. And they feel invincible they dont have to ask the people of california for any sort of permission on anything that they do. The Campaign Website is requesting voters donate 5 in an effort to receive a signature packet. If youre driving a midsize suv chances your headlights arent very good. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety did a study to find the best performing headlights for suvs at its 37 midsize modelleds tested by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Only two received the highest ranking of good. That is the volvo xc 60 opinion at hinda santa fe. We think consumers should be expected to test trief drive a vehicle at night to make sure the headlights work well. Next year the group will require the he lied receive sell or good rating. Lawmaker willing trying to. A bill signed into law last year makes it actually legal for people to break car window to save an animal. It is something that occurs way more regular than we would like to have. Now were able to provide the legal pro protections to Good Samaritans now some ungd how that operates they can go ahead and intervene and same animal lives. California joins a number of other states in the country where it is legal to rescue an animal from a hot car and it getting hot. And soon. Triple digits. Yeah parts of the tri valley and east bay valley later this woke. Youll want to head to San Francisco. 70 degrees and sunday but a big time heat waive are wave heading to the bay area when the hottest temperatures will rice when we come back. A auction website banned the whole family. But the appeals go no where. Consumer investigator chris chmura. Nbc bay area responds. Next. Isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. Great show. Here you go. Now hes added a new routine. Making depositing a check seem so effortless. Easy to use chase technology, for whatever youre trying to master. Isaac, are you ready . Yeah. Chase. So you can. Office, continuing the search for a missing kayaker at lake tahoe. The department tweeted out this Alameda County Sheriffs Office involved for a search to a missing kayaker. The they tweeted out the photo earlier today. The they rent add drone to help find him. The hayward man went kayaking in lester beach. Offense supposed to touch base with a friend later on but never did. Tesla is known for sleek and paidy cars but now getting more credit as some of the safest cars on the road. The maryland model x the first suv for the receive five star safety rating in every krrgt from the National Transportation safety board. In this you can see it being put through crash test. The driver and passenger have a 90 chance of walking away without serious injures. The safety comes at a cost a well equipped model sess set you back more than 100,000 dars. Gym boree is the latest struggling retailer biology filing for bankruptcy protection. The Children Clothing chain has more than 1200 brick and mortar stories plannings to close a third. Most stores should run at usual during the operation. They also operate under crazy 8 and janie and jack. Now showing the loving it french fry box with the rainbow box. All large french fry honors kohl come with the boxes during pride month. They will showcase support of diversity and inclusion High Pressure dont expect to see them everywhere only available in the bay area. Nbc bay area thats where i work i should know this process responds to a family saying they were unfairly banned from selling on ee bay. They turn tousz. Investigator chris chmura here with the story. Todd beardly and his family sell items on ee bay High Pressure. His sixth grade daughter enjoyed by selling kai lee jenner lipsticks. But she had to cancel auctions because she was selling her inventory to friends at school instead of on ee bay. Todd says ee bay didnt like his daughter was canceling auctions they told told scherr she content sell on the sielgt anywhere. But the company went a step farther is reflected priflgts for the entire family. Todd says no buyer ever lost a single penny from his family auctions they all have positive reviews. But ee bay didnt budge in the decision. Todd reached out to us for help. We contacted ee bay. And it reinstated the beerdsly familily account that are back up and selling away. Ebay didnt respond to the request for comment. If you have a Consumer Complaint let us know the number is 1888996tips. Or nbcbayarea. Com signature bonds. Now the microclimb weather certified most accurate in the bay area by weather rate. And what can be considered a heat wave may be coming our way. Setting up later this weekend some of the long raining computer model have it for five to seven days. Right now enjoy the comfortably Cool Temperatures while they last. 63 degrees San Francisco within. Were a few minutes away from the giants game. Temperatures cooling to the upper 50s bit breezy at times. San francisco one spot youll want to put yourself if you want to get away from the hot temperatures well see a little bit later. Later this week upper 90s will be in reach around the tri valley. Current 73 degrees in san jose. Evening temperatures in the midsixth through 8 00 to 9 00. Air quality at least for now not too bad. Plaurt for the coast as temperatures heat up and High Pressure settles into the Northern California bay area well have to watch out for spare the air days towards the end of the week and early parts of next week. Morning temperatures comfortably cool, 40s to 50s. Later on as the day time highs climb we will see low temperatures in the 50s and siktsz later this week. High temperatures trending five degrees warmer. San jose to downtown numbers in the mid80s. Upper 80s closer to gill roy and. As you get over to the tri valley and concord the hottest spots around the bay area, numbers in the upper 80s. Cooler around be oakland and hayward. Highs low 70s. Mid70s to palo alto. Mid60s closer to San Francisco and north bay temperatures not bad for wednesday. Highs in the mid80s and still 65 degrees around the point. The hour by hour forecast youll see warming temperatures inland. Some of the warmer spots midto upper 80s. Then into thursday, the victory parade there in oakland for thursday midday, temperatures trying to make a run close he to 90 degrees. Well give you a closer view of that midday forecast in oakland as things stand right now. Downtown temperatures approaching noon to about early afternoon well have chance to get to the upper 70s. So its good this is happening on thursday. Hottest temperatures arriving friday and saturday. Here is the culprit. High pressure building in unlike that cold low which brought snow levels and the Thunder Showers around the north bay thats in the northern plains. The high is the big story reaching peak intensity we think saturday into sand. Likely for east bay valleys, the hottest day of the next seven could be on sunday. The coast, though, 60s and 70s not bad. But zoom in on the map and show you areas affected by 90 degree temperatures its a pretty big map 75 of the bay area. Valley upper 80s to near 100 degrees. But San Francisco and the coast that is the island of cooling. You see it here in the sevenday forecast. San francisco trending warmer relatively speaking closing in on close to 80 degrees. Thats warm but not as hot as the temperatures we will find inland, starting saturday, upper 90s in reach could be close to 100 degrees especially concord, livermore and walnut creek. Maybe as hot as 102 at times this weekend. Make sure the ac is running. If we dont have ac. Stay near the coast or frist. Not 100 of the bay area but bulk of it hot. Katie steph and Draymond Green get most of the credit what about the men who built the champions . We talked to the teams architect following the victory last night. Doesn t build itself. The warriors ascension to the top of the basketball well a Championship Team just doesnt build itself. Warrior ascension to the top of the basketball world is a collective effort. And man you may not recognize deserves just as much credit as some say most of the credit. Nbc bay area had a chance to speak with general manager bob meyer after last nights went. It was late october about an hour before tipoff we had a i will little chat. You said this to me. It will be fun to see what these guys can do. Hopefully it comes together. It may take a kwhiel though. Everybody just relax. Do you remember saying that . Does this qualify as a while . It does. Yeah. You said everybody just relax. Well, i hope they did. I should have taken my own advice. Because its a long year. But to see it culminate here, that is that after we lost to the spurs. Before the game before it started you said that. Well now we can relax. But yeah its a long season. And you never you know, its its a roller coaster road. You know you always hope it ends stops right here. Sometimes it does. Last year it didnt. So you got to appreciate it. And you know for me, thats my way of kind of navigating through it. Is just breathing through it. It wasnt pnk, not 160 but is this sweeter to do it at home with coach kerr back for the last few games. Its actually sweet to do it any where any time. But if you want to be picky doing two years on the road and now at home i guess we checked the boxes. Yeah, for sure for the fans, the community they deserve it. They come all year, support us to do it here. Nothing better. You were the architect of this team the ultimate satisfaction to win it all . I dont know. I dont feel i feel like more for the players. The coach the guys moua won it. David westin setting in the corner in the training room not able to breathe. Thats what makes me happy. Have you put the champion on do you want to try it on real quick want to see how it looks, feels. Is that good. Do you like that. Looks fine. I dont care what it looks like i like what it says. Appreciate it. Thanks a lot. He is the magic man. He put that Team Together and success ever since. Not long ago the warriors couldnt find five guys to play basketball. A few years ago they were terrible. And hopefully years to come doing this well great team. See you at 11 00. Bye folks, have a great night. All across america more people are choosing nissan. Its americas best sales event at nissan the fastestgrowing auto brand in the u. S. A. Take on every day get 0 for up to 72 months on 13 models. Hollywood comeback. 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