Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20161014 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20161014

sunday. it could be a little bit more of a drastically different system for you. and to help track the storm system, we have storm ranger coming back to the bay tonight. we're going to have this thing powered up and it's going to give us a lot more higher detail. not only cameras, but the mobile doppler radar. stormranger's back on our 11:00 p.m. show. now, rain means doing prep work to prevent the flooding and in the south bay, that prep work has been going on for some time. above silver creek in san jose and they're doing some digging there. >> reporter: they are, in fact, the valley water district has been at it for several months along with several other agencies. they're digging along the silver creek continued today. it's good news for the locales who remembered the rising waters several years ago. >> 1982/92, there's no weather lining this. >> it's expected to be completed by the end of the year. >> reporter: across town in willow glen, maintenance workers were on their route clearing storm drains. there are four crews out today since august, workers have cleared almost 13,000 storm drains in the city. >> it creates that plug and it allows water to build up on the street which is a hazard to pedestrians and bicyclists. >> reporter: they still have to get to the 31,000 cap spaces. they say people can help by clearing debris around their own homes and drains. something this willow community says they already do. >> sometimes there will be leaves depending on the wind and whatever, and we take turns just spontaneously going and cleaning up the storm drain or before the leaves get am to the storm drain. >> reporter: they say preventative maintenance will make the rains easier to deal with once they arrive. and those maintenance crews will be clearing storm drains through the end of december, but they say you can do your part at home as well. i'm damian. >> thank you. so the north bay will get hit first. in mill valley crews spept much of the day clearing trees. this prevents trees from come nothing to contact with power lines. >> and that's why we do this every single day of the year. we don't wait until right before a storm. we do it constantly and all throughout northern and central california. >> pg&e says it's good to stay clear of downed power lines. you can also find our interactive radar and sign up for a weather alert at we have new details about a deadly park shooting in richmond. three men are under arrest in connection to that crime. all three charged with murder and robbery. police say that when they arrived in richmond on monday night they found two men shot, one men later died from his injuries. the second man is expected to survive. police believe it was a drug deal gone bad. a car theft suspect tried to hideout at a high school campus in lafayette. around 10:30 this morning, officers chased two men into the high school. it caused it to go on lock down for about 90 minutes. they found one on school property hiding in the gym. they found the other guy nearby in someone's yard. one last visit to the bay area before the election. hillary clinton was in town today for a high profile fund raiser and a surprise visit to her campaign staffers. a lot of fan fair and music. dianne feinstein and barbara boxer joining them in san francisco. chris christie, what was her message to her supporters? >> reporter: i can tell you that the nations has already learne who donald trump was today. she hit all the key points. hillary clinton received a warm welcome at her san francisco campaign office saying this is an election between two very different views and sets of values. >> i just had to kiem come by and tell you. how much this means to me. >> it feels like history in the making. i'm here to support our first women president. >> reporter: they lined up for a concert and fund raisers. senators dianne feinstein and barbara boxers were among those attending. >> we're true blue hillary supporters. >> reporter: just before that, mrs. clinton arrived. her visit comes even as wikileaks has been releasing her campaign emails. they call it minor distractions compared to recent revelations about her opponent's behavior pch. >> it confirmed what i believed for a long time. >> i will defend and stand up for every other person or every other group that he demeans and insults. >> reporter: a handful of donald trump supporters stood outside undaunted by recent claims about their candidate. >> trying to distract voters. but his support keeps on growing because people know we need to focus on real issues. >> reporter: now hillary clinton is expected at another fund raiser this evening at a private residence in southern california. reporting live in san francisco, nbc bay area news. not surprisingly, our investigative unit reviewed the former secretary of state's campaign finance filings. people who live in san francisco alone have given more than $7 million to the clinton campaign. that's more than the total donated by several states. palali palo alto and berkley giving more than a million each. in total, $63 million in support of secretary clinton. compared to the $6 million donated to mr. trump. our voters edge guide. put in your zip code to learn more about the issues and candidates specific to your area. could they go or stay? any moment now the nevada state assembly is expected to vote on a plan that could ultimately lure the team away from oakland. the bill approved by the nevada senate on tuesday would raise hotel room taxes to help fund the stadium. it needs 22 of 48 votes to pass assembly. if the bill passes the assembly, the governor of nevada is expected to sign it into law. we'll bring you updates online and right here on air. one of the original sillicon valley companies is still struggling. they will cut between 3 and 4,000 jobs over the next three years. that announcement made after hp admitted the demand for printers and desk top computers is falling. stock fell two% on that news. sillicon valley is soon becoming the new motor city. the second electric car company to open this year staked its claim today. al scott, new office, new jobs, a lot of optimism here. >> reporter: absolutely. new jobs, especially from a company and an industry that are showing promise but still have a ways to go. the newest electric car company entered sillicon valley with a bang. next ev says it will make and test electric cars. >> you will see us testing our test cars in the streets. >> reporter: turning on tesla while going to north san jose which recently welcomed leeco into a mini motown. >> i think any industry goes through a major transformation. >> reporter: no cars to show yet but it has lots of space to grow and lots of job openings. >> they're talking about hiring approximately 1,000 people in the next five years. these are great paying jobs, great opportunities and that's the direct impact a company like this has. >> particularly around, connective, innovative transportation. >> reporter: ready to plug in, hire and get moving. the nextev recently expanded to 150 and have plans to hire 1 thousand rrb mo,000 more in the. scott budman nbc bay area news. thank you. have you seen it? it's the latest viral video and it shows k.d. sharing a snack with a young warrior's fan. and good evening, i'm meteorologist, jeff ranieri, rainfall developing off to the north on the doppler radar and satellite. and as the storm arrives tomorrow, we may get beach erosion as waves could hit 15 feet. ial arr have an update in about eight minutes. the investigation into the attack on a man is complete. will the suspect be charged with a hate crime. iali i'll have. bllz announced tomorrow morning of a sikh man in's charges are expected to be announced tomorrow morn igindiana the attack of a sikh man. tonight 30 groups from across the country are urging the district atourney to charge the suspect with a hate crime. do we have any indication how the d.a. is leaning? >> reporter: as you mentioned, the announcement is expected tomorrow morning. we have learned that investigators have been hard at work. they went back to the crime scene with the victim yesterday, who recounted what happened. tonight, the investigation, we are told, is complete and a decision should be announced tomorrow morning. >> this is insane. it's shocking and -- >> reporter: he says he's disgusted by an attack that left his sikh roommate battered, bruised. he says he was attacked by these two men and at least one other at a richmond intersection last month. he says his turbin was knocked off and the men cut his hair. >> trying to cut his hair or cutting his hair definitely puts it in the category of a hate crime. there's no doubt about that. >> reporter: tonight, 30 organizations are urging prosecutors to charge the men with a hate crime. he says his roommate has suffered emotionally and physically from the attack. an it specialist just learned his finger will need to be amputat amputated. >> i hope they go with the highest possible charges. i'm not sure if there's anything higher than hate crime. >> reporter: he says he's one of the kindest people he knows. his roommate spends countless hours at the sikh temple where he helps elderly and those in need. >> he would not hurt a flee. he would not hesitate to help any person. sflr >> reporter: the victim tells me that he too is anxiously awaiting to see if the suspect is going to be charge would a hate crime. nbc bay area news. thank you. i want to show you the exclusive behind the scenes video of a human traffic sting. tonight we have more details, names and faces here. abel paredes have one of the several arrested by a bus. we were the only camera crew there. the feds and local law enforcement used a san jose hotel room to conduct last night's swing. they say it's to avoid theic sooal of victims. the task force used similar tactics in santa clara. the girlfriend of a sonoma county jail inmate could also be facing time behind bars. they intercepted drugs she had had mailed to her girlfriend. it faces several charges including drugging and smuggling. her supporters say justice begins on monday. that's when jury selection finally begins for antelon who's accused of abducting and killing the teen. raise from the bottom of the bay. this is a once sunken dock. it's near fisherman's wafr. among the big questions, was that boat over loaded when it capsized. people in the boating industry tell us it was indeed over loaded. our chopper was over head as a salvage company helped bring the 34-foot boat to the surface. they say there's no environmental impact from the accident. the yacht capsized on saturday, one of them, a 4-year-old was found unconscious. he's now rekorvering at home. tomorrow, we're going to see a lot of storm, rain and a lot of wind. >> coastal advisory in place and a gale warning. so, it's advised that you stay out of the water, experienced boaters and swimmers. waved could hit as high as 15 feet with winds gusting 30 to 40 miles per hour. we have clouds in place at the south bay. currently 70 after a high of 73 and temperatures dropping the to the 60s as we head throughout the next several hours. as we take you right now to the scanning satellite radar and also the doppler, you could see no rain drops just yet. 332 miles away from san francisco. our chances of rainfall continue to again sit up here. so, in terms of the future cast and what we're expecting with the storm, i don't think you can show this enough. we potentially might not have rainfall totals since about march. so, i know a lot of you are anxious to see what's going to be happening and you can see at thursday at 11:30 at night. we start to see things really amplify by 7:00 in the morning with heavier pockets of rain in marin and sonoma counties. this eventually moves to the peninsula by 9:30 in the morning. the timing has slowed down by about three hours. so, i don't think the entire early morning commute looks like it's going to bow a complete disaster. for the south bay, you may not have rainfall for the way it looks now and we expect rainfall by 11:30 in the morning. in san jose. and here's the other change we're seeing as the data comes in. the santa cruz mountains they get a lot of this piling up against the higher elevation and that will bring san jose some rainfall. it's called a rain shadow. you can see on the model, friday, 1:00 p.m. it's having a hard time bringing downtown san jose some rainfall. it's certainly not going to be nearly as much as portions of the north bay. i'll have details in 25 minutes. we'll see you then. thanks. and it's court side snack for an nba superstar, courtesy of a 7-year-old. live in antioch, and here what he told him. happening now on our homepa: ==reveal== a new nbc ne - wall strt journal poll shows hillaryclintt happening now on our home page a new wall street journal poll shows hillary clinton leading donald trump in north carolina, but in ohio, it's a dead heat. mr. trump will likely need to trump pennsylvania and ohio along with florida to win this election. and check it out. we're back in a moment. kevin durant seemso be tting in just fine with he also has quite an appite cou. well, this is fun. kevin durant seems to be fitting in just fine with warriors' fans. >> all that dribbling makes you hungry. last night, he asked a 7-year-old fan to share his nachos and he did. all over the internet. and here where she spoke with k.d.'s snack mate. >> reporter: very, very proud and excited. we caught up with the second grader who goes to school here at turner elementary after school today and he says he got the tickets to see the warriors last night because his grandmother says he's doing so well in school. it's a gift he will remember forever. you could say khalil holly is a serious warriors' fan. how old are you? >> 7. >> reporter: last night the 7-year-old in antioch was sitting court side, eating nachos when he says kevin durant apparently got hungry. >> i was eating my nachos, he heard me eating them. >> reporter: his dad ronny caught the moment on his cell phone. >> what you don't see on camera, my wife tears up. i hold my breath, like shock and awe moment, my daughters are frozen in time. >> and if you look closely, you can see another hand. >> klay thompson was the sneaky one, he was the one that reached over and got one. >> reporter: but durant stayed for a chat. >> he asked me if i double dipped and i said no and he just took one. >> we scream and hauler watching these games, losing our minds and for that to play out like it did, it was surreal. >> reporter: the video is going viral online and 7-year-old khalil says it shows how much fans already love k.d. >> he's like a good player and he's big. he can make a slam dunk. just don't let the whole team down. >> reporter: and a 7-year-old doesn't think he will let the whole team down. he's really excited for the upcoming season and that both klay thompson and durant said thank you for sharing the nachos. and he said he's going to bring extra nachos so he can share with any player on the court. reporting live in antioch, nbc bay area news. >> you see how polite the basketball players were. facing new and serious accusations involving touching women inappropriately. hear his response and what first lady michelle obama is saying. they prey on our children, spending billions. addicting 17,000 california kids each year. eventually killing one-third of them. now tobacco companies are spending millions to... defeat prop 56. because in every state that's raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. so who are you going to trust? pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all... support prop 56. or the tobacco companies trying to kill it. vote yes on 56. they're bringing crime, when mexthey're rapists.ople... are you going to have a massive deportation force? you're going to have a deportation force. we're rounding 'em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. we're going to build a wall. that's not america. we're all californians. i'm tom steyer. it's time to speak out. please, register. and vote. vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. theye pure fiion and outght lie runs :07 these claims are all fabricated. they're pure fiction and they're out right lies. >> right now, 6:30, donald trump responds to the accusations he inappropriately touched multiple women. he is not only fighting off a wave of public criticism but a public lashing from michelle obama. >> her speech was the most popular story on today. his campaign is also saying they have evidence to refute the claims and plan to release that information at an appropriate time. >> to be lied about, to be slandered, smeared so publicly, and before your family that you love is very painful. >> reporter: donald trump says he's setting the record straight by speaking out about women accusing him of sexual assault. >> you tell me what you think. i don't think so. >> reporter: he's responding to a story in which two women claimed he groped them. >> when he started putting his hand up my skirt and that was it. that was it. >> reporter: today in florida, the gop nominee plans he plans to sue the new york times for a slanderous article about the accusations. but the times executives are even welcoming the lawsuit. first lady michelle obama rallied a crowd at a hillary clinton event in new hampshire. she described his so-called locker room banter as ubscene. >>, no woman deserves to be treated this way. it will likely have an impact on undecided voters. there's a new nbc poll where north carolina and clinton and ohio the candidates are ties both with 45%. back to you. at the end of the rally, several trump supporters were mobbed and had eggs thrown at them. tonight a federal judge has dismissed most of that suit. however, the judge did let one accusation stand, a clame that the city was negligent. they will attempt to get that claim dropped at well. hillary clinton made one more stop. she attended at a soldout concert and fund raiser that sold out civic. it featured andra day and senators dianne feinstein and barbara boxer. mrs. clinton also made a surprise visit to her san francisco campaign office to thank all the volunteers. our voters edge guide is a good resource for the election. just go to, put in your zip code to learn more about the issues and candidates specific to your area. tensions are still high in boston after veteran police officers were shot by a man with an assault rifle. as we learn more about the gunman described as a bounty hunter. >> reporter: two boston police officers shot wednesday night after responding to a domestic disturbance call are now listed in critical but stable condition. the officers were hit in a hail of gun fire, answering a call from a man who said his roommate was threatening him with a knife. >> the officers immediately went in to investigate. at that time the suspect who has been identified as curt figueroa, 33 years, desplaed what we believed to be a tactical shotgun at that time and began firing at the officers. >> there were over 30 gun shots. >> reporter: with the two officers down, others rushed to their rescue and also shot figueroa. >> he chose to use deadly force and when someone uses deadly force, we're going to respond appropriately. >> reporter: they don't know why a self-described security was doing this. officers are both alive today because of the quick action of their fellow officers. nbc news. more movement tonight in the middle east, just hours after a u.s. missile strike on yemen, iran says it's deploying two war ships to the region. they're describing it as a regular antipiracy patrol. after the u.s. military launched missiles in yemen earlier today. the strikes followed two incidents this week in which missiles were fired from the rebel-controlled area of yemen and for over a year, the u.s. has been back saudi arabia and their war with rebels in yemen. thailand is mourning the loss of their king. the world's longest reigning monarch has died. after word went out about his death, people began to pray for him. he was largely regarded as the key stabling force in that country. the u.s. agency for international development says a second military ship has arrived today in haiti from there, u.n. convoys will deploy to communities that were previously cut off because of this storm. the government in haiti says hurricane matthew killed nearly 500 people. >> for one night, the four current and former assembly women all happen to be lesbian. they were pioneers in the fight for lgbt rights. the furr women are now title of a documentary called "political animals". >> in the film is about some discrete legislative achievements that culminated in the supreme court marriage decision. but more importantly, it's about the changing attitudes that change allf oour daily lives. >> political animals premiers inside the crest theater this evening. fuming over a fuel charge. a south bay man fills up the tank but still gets charged by the rental car company. nbc bay area responds next. what investigators are telling us about the ups truck roll over. the fire ripped through berkele church left the cgregatiwith a . well, remember the fire that ripped through berkley's first congregational church? it left that congregation with a lot of bills to pay. a concert is set for next tuesday at nearby church. they have been so supportive for musicians in the past. the city's deputy fire chief estimates they sustained about $2 million in damage. an overturned ups big rig saw traffic on southbound 101. they believe an suv cut the truck off, causing it to crash. crews did have a tough time righting the truck and then they had to reload it. tesla has a lot riding on a meeting tonight. they want permission to double its factory space. they will consider whether to recommend the proposal to the city counsel. ultimately the counsel will have the final decision. they currently employ about 6,000 workers. the expansion plan calls for hiring at least 3,000 more people. forget roasting the marshmallows at the beach, new bonfire rules. these rules were adopted back in april and this co insides with the winter. it looks like it will slowly get closer as we head into 11:00 tonight for marin, napa and sonoma counties. we're saving some of the heaviest rainfall for the north bay commute tomorrow morning. that's where it will be the worse. winds 15 to 30 miles per hour. i'll have the timeline on this and why totals in the south bay could be drastically different than the north bay in about six minutes. you fill the tank with gas, but the rental company charges you for fuel anyway. nbc bay area responds next. to a south bay man whoad problems with a rental carcompa. nbc bay area responds to a south bay man who had problems with a rental car company. >> our consumer investigative center helped fix the problem. chris chmura joins us with the story. he rented a car from dollar rent rental car. he opted to refuel before returning the car. it says you will need to produce a gas receipt from a refuelling station that is within 10 miles of the return location. he says he did show the attendant his gas receipt but dollar charged him $32 for gas anyway. and he got nowhere disputing the charge with dollar. so, we reached out to dollar. it apologized and refunded david the $32 refuelling charge. now, dollar isn't the only company that might demand renters show their gas receipt. so, we say to ask before returning your car so there are no costs. call or log on to have a great evening. well, more than 83 days of intense firefighting, the fire burning south of the bay area is now fully contained. one person did die in the fire. it burned more than 132,000 acres and destroyed 57 homes. it was started by an illegal camp fire. it's the costliest fire in california's history. an elephant seal has set a record by swimming farther than any other seal that's ever been tracked. she's heading back to california right now. the 850 pound seal swam nearly all the way to japan. if you're wondering, that's nearly 4,000 miles away. she's now heading back home, we think. she's expected to arrive in january. by then, phyllis would have swam more than 7,000 miles. >> she's like the katy ledecky of seals. how does it feel for singer-song writer balk di-- bo dylan. he has now won the it nobel prize in literature. 75-year-old dylan is the first american to win that award since author tony morrison in 1993. those are classic songs ssongs. jeff ranieri's here now. you have tweaks to the timeline. >> it's been 314 days since we've seen rainfall like we will tomorrow. it's not an end of the world kind of a storm and the totals will be drastically different from the north bay verses the south bay, we just want you to be prepared. when these storms will be pushing into the bay area. and we've been mentioning throughout the past two hours. saturday night through sunday, another system and a wave of activity monday morning as well. really the strongest punch, especially from the north bay to san francisco will be with this friday morning storm. thalt san francisco in the north bay. commuters need to be concerned the most. that's when we have winds 15 to 30 miles per hour. note this is south bay on my forecast. we likely will have clouds at least for the early morning commute. it's going to be one of those situations where you're going to be waiting on getting the rainfall. so, you can see at 11:00 tonight, areas of spotty showers, no big deal. santa rosa, point rays. and watch the colors just amplify. the orange and the yellow. some heavier pockets of rain and that's why we're warning you since monday. beyond this, we'll start to see it move down to alameda counties at 9:30 in the morning, and then over to the peninsula. south bay still may not have measurable rainfall. for san jose in morgan hill, you'll likely get it as we head into the noon hour. notice some of the intensity for the santa cruz mountains. this may steal a lot of your moisture as we're seeing a hole develop called a rain shadow. so, thimay limit our totals. it's not certainly going to be nearly as much as the north bay. now, let's are gget to the tota next and we've been refining this the past 24 hours. then as you head south, you can see they gradually begin to drop off. 2100 in san jose. that's where we're going right now. we're going to have more updates at 11:00. but that's what we're thinking. you can see the comparison of the rain shadow and what rir going to do for our totals. 60s across the board from santa rosa to morgan hill. we'll spend just a little bit of time on this and you'll see saturday, rain for the evening and the rain will linger on sunday's forecast and maybe a few showers for monday's commute. check this out. by next wednesday and thursday, low 80s return. so, this isn't a long-term pattern we'll be stuck with and our long-range out looks show equal chances of a wetter or a dryer winter. we're kind of an a coin toss. up next, can colin kaepernick revive the struggling 49ers? raiders. they're getting rdy okay. no drama for the first place raiders who are getting ready to hoets t host the chiefs on sunday. can kaepernick save the day. here's colin resch from 49ers headquarters. well, making a switch at quarterback, there are two schools of thaurt, wait to announce it, try to keep your opponent guessing all week, or as chip kelly prefers, call a spayed a spayed. >> there are no secrets, so if colin took all the reps with ones on wednesday and tuesday, somebody's mole would have told them who was taking all the reps. you know what i mean. and i don't really care. >> reporter: all he cares about is ending the four-game losing streak in buffalo and in his mind the quarterback that can do that is colin kaepernick. >> we haven't been consistent enough in sustaining our drives to stay on the field. that's why we made the move. >> i don't know about extra adrenalin rush but i'll be excited to be back out there. >> reporter: while his stance on the national anthem will continue, this will be the first time this season he'll open himself for another criticism, his play on the field. >> it's been about a year since live game action, so i'm itching to get out there. >> he does have a lot on his plate and part of that is knowing people do support him in terms of where he is and people's reaction to what he's do trying to do is very misunderstood. he has a clear vision and i support that. >> i'm excited to be back out there. i'm ready to go, ready to be back out there with my teammates and get this win this sunday. i'm ready. >> we need this win. so, hopefully he puts us in a good place to go out there and get it. >> reporter: colin resch, nbc bay area. well, fresh off their gut wrenching exit from the playoffs, the giants are firing two coaches. today, the front office execs laid out their plans for next season. including two coaches that will be let go. >> we have every commitment for 2017 to return to a championship caliber club. resources will be spended as necessary to get us there. >> all right. those two coaches let go, roberto kelly and bill hayes and a home-grown option may be the solution for filling their expected void in left field. a lot of questions as we go into the off season. just watching the highlights and the low lites, gut wrenching. >> he left the game because they were ahead and didn't find out until later. that must have been a blow. thanks for joining us at 6:00. we'll see you this evening. all of this with the global warming and the - a lot of it's a hoax. it's a hoax. it'll get cooler. it'll get warmer. it's called weather. we need some global warming! we need leaders who get it. so that we can move away from coal and oil to clean energy. i'm tom steyer. if you want to do something about climate change, you can. please. register and vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. when legalizing safe, responsible adult use of marijuana, the most important question is how? by voting yes on prop 64: adults 21 and over could only purchase marijuana at licensed marijuana businesses. and prop 64 bans advertising directed at kids... requires strict product labeling... child-proof packaging... and bans edibles that appeal to children. smart provisions to safeguard our families. learn more about the safeguards at the trump breaks her silence. his new accusers come forward now on "extra." ♪ extra, extra! days of our lives actress speaks out about that explosive leaked trump video. >> do you accept his apology. >> as an avalanche of women make new stunning accusations. >> he was like an octopus. >> trump fires back. >> they're pure fiction and outright lies. >> and the

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Haiti , Willow Glen , California , United States , New York , Japan , Nevada , New Hampshire , North Carolina , Oakland , Iran , Florida , Sonoma , Boston , Massachusetts , San Francisco , Mexico , Berkeley , Thailand , Sonoma County , Saudi Arabia , Pennsylvania , Santa Cruz Mountains , Ohio , Yemen , Morgan Hill , Mill Valley , Californians , America , American , Khalil Holly , Curt Figueroa , Colin Resch , Roberto Kelly , Hal Scott , Dianne Feinstein , Jeff Ranieri , Klay Thompson , Santa Clara , Tony Morrison , Tom Steyer , A Hillary Clinton , Michelle Obama , Bob Dylan , Christi Christie , Hillary Clinton , Abel Paredes ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20161014 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20161014

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sunday. it could be a little bit more of a drastically different system for you. and to help track the storm system, we have storm ranger coming back to the bay tonight. we're going to have this thing powered up and it's going to give us a lot more higher detail. not only cameras, but the mobile doppler radar. stormranger's back on our 11:00 p.m. show. now, rain means doing prep work to prevent the flooding and in the south bay, that prep work has been going on for some time. above silver creek in san jose and they're doing some digging there. >> reporter: they are, in fact, the valley water district has been at it for several months along with several other agencies. they're digging along the silver creek continued today. it's good news for the locales who remembered the rising waters several years ago. >> 1982/92, there's no weather lining this. >> it's expected to be completed by the end of the year. >> reporter: across town in willow glen, maintenance workers were on their route clearing storm drains. there are four crews out today since august, workers have cleared almost 13,000 storm drains in the city. >> it creates that plug and it allows water to build up on the street which is a hazard to pedestrians and bicyclists. >> reporter: they still have to get to the 31,000 cap spaces. they say people can help by clearing debris around their own homes and drains. something this willow community says they already do. >> sometimes there will be leaves depending on the wind and whatever, and we take turns just spontaneously going and cleaning up the storm drain or before the leaves get am to the storm drain. >> reporter: they say preventative maintenance will make the rains easier to deal with once they arrive. and those maintenance crews will be clearing storm drains through the end of december, but they say you can do your part at home as well. i'm damian. >> thank you. so the north bay will get hit first. in mill valley crews spept much of the day clearing trees. this prevents trees from come nothing to contact with power lines. >> and that's why we do this every single day of the year. we don't wait until right before a storm. we do it constantly and all throughout northern and central california. >> pg&e says it's good to stay clear of downed power lines. you can also find our interactive radar and sign up for a weather alert at we have new details about a deadly park shooting in richmond. three men are under arrest in connection to that crime. all three charged with murder and robbery. police say that when they arrived in richmond on monday night they found two men shot, one men later died from his injuries. the second man is expected to survive. police believe it was a drug deal gone bad. a car theft suspect tried to hideout at a high school campus in lafayette. around 10:30 this morning, officers chased two men into the high school. it caused it to go on lock down for about 90 minutes. they found one on school property hiding in the gym. they found the other guy nearby in someone's yard. one last visit to the bay area before the election. hillary clinton was in town today for a high profile fund raiser and a surprise visit to her campaign staffers. a lot of fan fair and music. dianne feinstein and barbara boxer joining them in san francisco. chris christie, what was her message to her supporters? >> reporter: i can tell you that the nations has already learne who donald trump was today. she hit all the key points. hillary clinton received a warm welcome at her san francisco campaign office saying this is an election between two very different views and sets of values. >> i just had to kiem come by and tell you. how much this means to me. >> it feels like history in the making. i'm here to support our first women president. >> reporter: they lined up for a concert and fund raisers. senators dianne feinstein and barbara boxers were among those attending. >> we're true blue hillary supporters. >> reporter: just before that, mrs. clinton arrived. her visit comes even as wikileaks has been releasing her campaign emails. they call it minor distractions compared to recent revelations about her opponent's behavior pch. >> it confirmed what i believed for a long time. >> i will defend and stand up for every other person or every other group that he demeans and insults. >> reporter: a handful of donald trump supporters stood outside undaunted by recent claims about their candidate. >> trying to distract voters. but his support keeps on growing because people know we need to focus on real issues. >> reporter: now hillary clinton is expected at another fund raiser this evening at a private residence in southern california. reporting live in san francisco, nbc bay area news. not surprisingly, our investigative unit reviewed the former secretary of state's campaign finance filings. people who live in san francisco alone have given more than $7 million to the clinton campaign. that's more than the total donated by several states. palali palo alto and berkley giving more than a million each. in total, $63 million in support of secretary clinton. compared to the $6 million donated to mr. trump. our voters edge guide. put in your zip code to learn more about the issues and candidates specific to your area. could they go or stay? any moment now the nevada state assembly is expected to vote on a plan that could ultimately lure the team away from oakland. the bill approved by the nevada senate on tuesday would raise hotel room taxes to help fund the stadium. it needs 22 of 48 votes to pass assembly. if the bill passes the assembly, the governor of nevada is expected to sign it into law. we'll bring you updates online and right here on air. one of the original sillicon valley companies is still struggling. they will cut between 3 and 4,000 jobs over the next three years. that announcement made after hp admitted the demand for printers and desk top computers is falling. stock fell two% on that news. sillicon valley is soon becoming the new motor city. the second electric car company to open this year staked its claim today. al scott, new office, new jobs, a lot of optimism here. >> reporter: absolutely. new jobs, especially from a company and an industry that are showing promise but still have a ways to go. the newest electric car company entered sillicon valley with a bang. next ev says it will make and test electric cars. >> you will see us testing our test cars in the streets. >> reporter: turning on tesla while going to north san jose which recently welcomed leeco into a mini motown. >> i think any industry goes through a major transformation. >> reporter: no cars to show yet but it has lots of space to grow and lots of job openings. >> they're talking about hiring approximately 1,000 people in the next five years. these are great paying jobs, great opportunities and that's the direct impact a company like this has. >> particularly around, connective, innovative transportation. >> reporter: ready to plug in, hire and get moving. the nextev recently expanded to 150 and have plans to hire 1 thousand rrb mo,000 more in the. scott budman nbc bay area news. thank you. have you seen it? it's the latest viral video and it shows k.d. sharing a snack with a young warrior's fan. and good evening, i'm meteorologist, jeff ranieri, rainfall developing off to the north on the doppler radar and satellite. and as the storm arrives tomorrow, we may get beach erosion as waves could hit 15 feet. ial arr have an update in about eight minutes. the investigation into the attack on a man is complete. will the suspect be charged with a hate crime. iali i'll have. bllz announced tomorrow morning of a sikh man in's charges are expected to be announced tomorrow morn igindiana the attack of a sikh man. tonight 30 groups from across the country are urging the district atourney to charge the suspect with a hate crime. do we have any indication how the d.a. is leaning? >> reporter: as you mentioned, the announcement is expected tomorrow morning. we have learned that investigators have been hard at work. they went back to the crime scene with the victim yesterday, who recounted what happened. tonight, the investigation, we are told, is complete and a decision should be announced tomorrow morning. >> this is insane. it's shocking and -- >> reporter: he says he's disgusted by an attack that left his sikh roommate battered, bruised. he says he was attacked by these two men and at least one other at a richmond intersection last month. he says his turbin was knocked off and the men cut his hair. >> trying to cut his hair or cutting his hair definitely puts it in the category of a hate crime. there's no doubt about that. >> reporter: tonight, 30 organizations are urging prosecutors to charge the men with a hate crime. he says his roommate has suffered emotionally and physically from the attack. an it specialist just learned his finger will need to be amputat amputated. >> i hope they go with the highest possible charges. i'm not sure if there's anything higher than hate crime. >> reporter: he says he's one of the kindest people he knows. his roommate spends countless hours at the sikh temple where he helps elderly and those in need. >> he would not hurt a flee. he would not hesitate to help any person. sflr >> reporter: the victim tells me that he too is anxiously awaiting to see if the suspect is going to be charge would a hate crime. nbc bay area news. thank you. i want to show you the exclusive behind the scenes video of a human traffic sting. tonight we have more details, names and faces here. abel paredes have one of the several arrested by a bus. we were the only camera crew there. the feds and local law enforcement used a san jose hotel room to conduct last night's swing. they say it's to avoid theic sooal of victims. the task force used similar tactics in santa clara. the girlfriend of a sonoma county jail inmate could also be facing time behind bars. they intercepted drugs she had had mailed to her girlfriend. it faces several charges including drugging and smuggling. her supporters say justice begins on monday. that's when jury selection finally begins for antelon who's accused of abducting and killing the teen. raise from the bottom of the bay. this is a once sunken dock. it's near fisherman's wafr. among the big questions, was that boat over loaded when it capsized. people in the boating industry tell us it was indeed over loaded. our chopper was over head as a salvage company helped bring the 34-foot boat to the surface. they say there's no environmental impact from the accident. the yacht capsized on saturday, one of them, a 4-year-old was found unconscious. he's now rekorvering at home. tomorrow, we're going to see a lot of storm, rain and a lot of wind. >> coastal advisory in place and a gale warning. so, it's advised that you stay out of the water, experienced boaters and swimmers. waved could hit as high as 15 feet with winds gusting 30 to 40 miles per hour. we have clouds in place at the south bay. currently 70 after a high of 73 and temperatures dropping the to the 60s as we head throughout the next several hours. as we take you right now to the scanning satellite radar and also the doppler, you could see no rain drops just yet. 332 miles away from san francisco. our chances of rainfall continue to again sit up here. so, in terms of the future cast and what we're expecting with the storm, i don't think you can show this enough. we potentially might not have rainfall totals since about march. so, i know a lot of you are anxious to see what's going to be happening and you can see at thursday at 11:30 at night. we start to see things really amplify by 7:00 in the morning with heavier pockets of rain in marin and sonoma counties. this eventually moves to the peninsula by 9:30 in the morning. the timing has slowed down by about three hours. so, i don't think the entire early morning commute looks like it's going to bow a complete disaster. for the south bay, you may not have rainfall for the way it looks now and we expect rainfall by 11:30 in the morning. in san jose. and here's the other change we're seeing as the data comes in. the santa cruz mountains they get a lot of this piling up against the higher elevation and that will bring san jose some rainfall. it's called a rain shadow. you can see on the model, friday, 1:00 p.m. it's having a hard time bringing downtown san jose some rainfall. it's certainly not going to be nearly as much as portions of the north bay. i'll have details in 25 minutes. we'll see you then. thanks. and it's court side snack for an nba superstar, courtesy of a 7-year-old. live in antioch, and here what he told him. happening now on our homepa: ==reveal== a new nbc ne - wall strt journal poll shows hillaryclintt happening now on our home page a new wall street journal poll shows hillary clinton leading donald trump in north carolina, but in ohio, it's a dead heat. mr. trump will likely need to trump pennsylvania and ohio along with florida to win this election. and check it out. we're back in a moment. kevin durant seemso be tting in just fine with he also has quite an appite cou. well, this is fun. kevin durant seems to be fitting in just fine with warriors' fans. >> all that dribbling makes you hungry. last night, he asked a 7-year-old fan to share his nachos and he did. all over the internet. and here where she spoke with k.d.'s snack mate. >> reporter: very, very proud and excited. we caught up with the second grader who goes to school here at turner elementary after school today and he says he got the tickets to see the warriors last night because his grandmother says he's doing so well in school. it's a gift he will remember forever. you could say khalil holly is a serious warriors' fan. how old are you? >> 7. >> reporter: last night the 7-year-old in antioch was sitting court side, eating nachos when he says kevin durant apparently got hungry. >> i was eating my nachos, he heard me eating them. >> reporter: his dad ronny caught the moment on his cell phone. >> what you don't see on camera, my wife tears up. i hold my breath, like shock and awe moment, my daughters are frozen in time. >> and if you look closely, you can see another hand. >> klay thompson was the sneaky one, he was the one that reached over and got one. >> reporter: but durant stayed for a chat. >> he asked me if i double dipped and i said no and he just took one. >> we scream and hauler watching these games, losing our minds and for that to play out like it did, it was surreal. >> reporter: the video is going viral online and 7-year-old khalil says it shows how much fans already love k.d. >> he's like a good player and he's big. he can make a slam dunk. just don't let the whole team down. >> reporter: and a 7-year-old doesn't think he will let the whole team down. he's really excited for the upcoming season and that both klay thompson and durant said thank you for sharing the nachos. and he said he's going to bring extra nachos so he can share with any player on the court. reporting live in antioch, nbc bay area news. >> you see how polite the basketball players were. facing new and serious accusations involving touching women inappropriately. hear his response and what first lady michelle obama is saying. they prey on our children, spending billions. addicting 17,000 california kids each year. eventually killing one-third of them. now tobacco companies are spending millions to... defeat prop 56. because in every state that's raised tobacco taxes, smoking rates go down. so who are you going to trust? pediatricians, cancer groups and the califronia pta who all... support prop 56. or the tobacco companies trying to kill it. vote yes on 56. they're bringing crime, when mexthey're rapists.ople... are you going to have a massive deportation force? you're going to have a deportation force. we're rounding 'em up in a very humane way, in a very nice way. we're going to build a wall. that's not america. we're all californians. i'm tom steyer. it's time to speak out. please, register. and vote. vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. theye pure fiion and outght lie runs :07 these claims are all fabricated. they're pure fiction and they're out right lies. >> right now, 6:30, donald trump responds to the accusations he inappropriately touched multiple women. he is not only fighting off a wave of public criticism but a public lashing from michelle obama. >> her speech was the most popular story on today. his campaign is also saying they have evidence to refute the claims and plan to release that information at an appropriate time. >> to be lied about, to be slandered, smeared so publicly, and before your family that you love is very painful. >> reporter: donald trump says he's setting the record straight by speaking out about women accusing him of sexual assault. >> you tell me what you think. i don't think so. >> reporter: he's responding to a story in which two women claimed he groped them. >> when he started putting his hand up my skirt and that was it. that was it. >> reporter: today in florida, the gop nominee plans he plans to sue the new york times for a slanderous article about the accusations. but the times executives are even welcoming the lawsuit. first lady michelle obama rallied a crowd at a hillary clinton event in new hampshire. she described his so-called locker room banter as ubscene. >>, no woman deserves to be treated this way. it will likely have an impact on undecided voters. there's a new nbc poll where north carolina and clinton and ohio the candidates are ties both with 45%. back to you. at the end of the rally, several trump supporters were mobbed and had eggs thrown at them. tonight a federal judge has dismissed most of that suit. however, the judge did let one accusation stand, a clame that the city was negligent. they will attempt to get that claim dropped at well. hillary clinton made one more stop. she attended at a soldout concert and fund raiser that sold out civic. it featured andra day and senators dianne feinstein and barbara boxer. mrs. clinton also made a surprise visit to her san francisco campaign office to thank all the volunteers. our voters edge guide is a good resource for the election. just go to, put in your zip code to learn more about the issues and candidates specific to your area. tensions are still high in boston after veteran police officers were shot by a man with an assault rifle. as we learn more about the gunman described as a bounty hunter. >> reporter: two boston police officers shot wednesday night after responding to a domestic disturbance call are now listed in critical but stable condition. the officers were hit in a hail of gun fire, answering a call from a man who said his roommate was threatening him with a knife. >> the officers immediately went in to investigate. at that time the suspect who has been identified as curt figueroa, 33 years, desplaed what we believed to be a tactical shotgun at that time and began firing at the officers. >> there were over 30 gun shots. >> reporter: with the two officers down, others rushed to their rescue and also shot figueroa. >> he chose to use deadly force and when someone uses deadly force, we're going to respond appropriately. >> reporter: they don't know why a self-described security was doing this. officers are both alive today because of the quick action of their fellow officers. nbc news. more movement tonight in the middle east, just hours after a u.s. missile strike on yemen, iran says it's deploying two war ships to the region. they're describing it as a regular antipiracy patrol. after the u.s. military launched missiles in yemen earlier today. the strikes followed two incidents this week in which missiles were fired from the rebel-controlled area of yemen and for over a year, the u.s. has been back saudi arabia and their war with rebels in yemen. thailand is mourning the loss of their king. the world's longest reigning monarch has died. after word went out about his death, people began to pray for him. he was largely regarded as the key stabling force in that country. the u.s. agency for international development says a second military ship has arrived today in haiti from there, u.n. convoys will deploy to communities that were previously cut off because of this storm. the government in haiti says hurricane matthew killed nearly 500 people. >> for one night, the four current and former assembly women all happen to be lesbian. they were pioneers in the fight for lgbt rights. the furr women are now title of a documentary called "political animals". >> in the film is about some discrete legislative achievements that culminated in the supreme court marriage decision. but more importantly, it's about the changing attitudes that change allf oour daily lives. >> political animals premiers inside the crest theater this evening. fuming over a fuel charge. a south bay man fills up the tank but still gets charged by the rental car company. nbc bay area responds next. what investigators are telling us about the ups truck roll over. the fire ripped through berkele church left the cgregatiwith a . well, remember the fire that ripped through berkley's first congregational church? it left that congregation with a lot of bills to pay. a concert is set for next tuesday at nearby church. they have been so supportive for musicians in the past. the city's deputy fire chief estimates they sustained about $2 million in damage. an overturned ups big rig saw traffic on southbound 101. they believe an suv cut the truck off, causing it to crash. crews did have a tough time righting the truck and then they had to reload it. tesla has a lot riding on a meeting tonight. they want permission to double its factory space. they will consider whether to recommend the proposal to the city counsel. ultimately the counsel will have the final decision. they currently employ about 6,000 workers. the expansion plan calls for hiring at least 3,000 more people. forget roasting the marshmallows at the beach, new bonfire rules. these rules were adopted back in april and this co insides with the winter. it looks like it will slowly get closer as we head into 11:00 tonight for marin, napa and sonoma counties. we're saving some of the heaviest rainfall for the north bay commute tomorrow morning. that's where it will be the worse. winds 15 to 30 miles per hour. i'll have the timeline on this and why totals in the south bay could be drastically different than the north bay in about six minutes. you fill the tank with gas, but the rental company charges you for fuel anyway. nbc bay area responds next. to a south bay man whoad problems with a rental carcompa. nbc bay area responds to a south bay man who had problems with a rental car company. >> our consumer investigative center helped fix the problem. chris chmura joins us with the story. he rented a car from dollar rent rental car. he opted to refuel before returning the car. it says you will need to produce a gas receipt from a refuelling station that is within 10 miles of the return location. he says he did show the attendant his gas receipt but dollar charged him $32 for gas anyway. and he got nowhere disputing the charge with dollar. so, we reached out to dollar. it apologized and refunded david the $32 refuelling charge. now, dollar isn't the only company that might demand renters show their gas receipt. so, we say to ask before returning your car so there are no costs. call or log on to have a great evening. well, more than 83 days of intense firefighting, the fire burning south of the bay area is now fully contained. one person did die in the fire. it burned more than 132,000 acres and destroyed 57 homes. it was started by an illegal camp fire. it's the costliest fire in california's history. an elephant seal has set a record by swimming farther than any other seal that's ever been tracked. she's heading back to california right now. the 850 pound seal swam nearly all the way to japan. if you're wondering, that's nearly 4,000 miles away. she's now heading back home, we think. she's expected to arrive in january. by then, phyllis would have swam more than 7,000 miles. >> she's like the katy ledecky of seals. how does it feel for singer-song writer balk di-- bo dylan. he has now won the it nobel prize in literature. 75-year-old dylan is the first american to win that award since author tony morrison in 1993. those are classic songs ssongs. jeff ranieri's here now. you have tweaks to the timeline. >> it's been 314 days since we've seen rainfall like we will tomorrow. it's not an end of the world kind of a storm and the totals will be drastically different from the north bay verses the south bay, we just want you to be prepared. when these storms will be pushing into the bay area. and we've been mentioning throughout the past two hours. saturday night through sunday, another system and a wave of activity monday morning as well. really the strongest punch, especially from the north bay to san francisco will be with this friday morning storm. thalt san francisco in the north bay. commuters need to be concerned the most. that's when we have winds 15 to 30 miles per hour. note this is south bay on my forecast. we likely will have clouds at least for the early morning commute. it's going to be one of those situations where you're going to be waiting on getting the rainfall. so, you can see at 11:00 tonight, areas of spotty showers, no big deal. santa rosa, point rays. and watch the colors just amplify. the orange and the yellow. some heavier pockets of rain and that's why we're warning you since monday. beyond this, we'll start to see it move down to alameda counties at 9:30 in the morning, and then over to the peninsula. south bay still may not have measurable rainfall. for san jose in morgan hill, you'll likely get it as we head into the noon hour. notice some of the intensity for the santa cruz mountains. this may steal a lot of your moisture as we're seeing a hole develop called a rain shadow. so, thimay limit our totals. it's not certainly going to be nearly as much as the north bay. now, let's are gget to the tota next and we've been refining this the past 24 hours. then as you head south, you can see they gradually begin to drop off. 2100 in san jose. that's where we're going right now. we're going to have more updates at 11:00. but that's what we're thinking. you can see the comparison of the rain shadow and what rir going to do for our totals. 60s across the board from santa rosa to morgan hill. we'll spend just a little bit of time on this and you'll see saturday, rain for the evening and the rain will linger on sunday's forecast and maybe a few showers for monday's commute. check this out. by next wednesday and thursday, low 80s return. so, this isn't a long-term pattern we'll be stuck with and our long-range out looks show equal chances of a wetter or a dryer winter. we're kind of an a coin toss. up next, can colin kaepernick revive the struggling 49ers? raiders. they're getting rdy okay. no drama for the first place raiders who are getting ready to hoets t host the chiefs on sunday. can kaepernick save the day. here's colin resch from 49ers headquarters. well, making a switch at quarterback, there are two schools of thaurt, wait to announce it, try to keep your opponent guessing all week, or as chip kelly prefers, call a spayed a spayed. >> there are no secrets, so if colin took all the reps with ones on wednesday and tuesday, somebody's mole would have told them who was taking all the reps. you know what i mean. and i don't really care. >> reporter: all he cares about is ending the four-game losing streak in buffalo and in his mind the quarterback that can do that is colin kaepernick. >> we haven't been consistent enough in sustaining our drives to stay on the field. that's why we made the move. >> i don't know about extra adrenalin rush but i'll be excited to be back out there. >> reporter: while his stance on the national anthem will continue, this will be the first time this season he'll open himself for another criticism, his play on the field. >> it's been about a year since live game action, so i'm itching to get out there. >> he does have a lot on his plate and part of that is knowing people do support him in terms of where he is and people's reaction to what he's do trying to do is very misunderstood. he has a clear vision and i support that. >> i'm excited to be back out there. i'm ready to go, ready to be back out there with my teammates and get this win this sunday. i'm ready. >> we need this win. so, hopefully he puts us in a good place to go out there and get it. >> reporter: colin resch, nbc bay area. well, fresh off their gut wrenching exit from the playoffs, the giants are firing two coaches. today, the front office execs laid out their plans for next season. including two coaches that will be let go. >> we have every commitment for 2017 to return to a championship caliber club. resources will be spended as necessary to get us there. >> all right. those two coaches let go, roberto kelly and bill hayes and a home-grown option may be the solution for filling their expected void in left field. a lot of questions as we go into the off season. just watching the highlights and the low lites, gut wrenching. >> he left the game because they were ahead and didn't find out until later. that must have been a blow. thanks for joining us at 6:00. we'll see you this evening. all of this with the global warming and the - a lot of it's a hoax. it's a hoax. it'll get cooler. it'll get warmer. it's called weather. we need some global warming! we need leaders who get it. so that we can move away from coal and oil to clean energy. i'm tom steyer. if you want to do something about climate change, you can. please. register and vote. nextgen california action committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. when legalizing safe, responsible adult use of marijuana, the most important question is how? by voting yes on prop 64: adults 21 and over could only purchase marijuana at licensed marijuana businesses. and prop 64 bans advertising directed at kids... requires strict product labeling... child-proof packaging... and bans edibles that appeal to children. smart provisions to safeguard our families. learn more about the safeguards at the trump breaks her silence. his new accusers come forward now on "extra." ♪ extra, extra! days of our lives actress speaks out about that explosive leaked trump video. >> do you accept his apology. >> as an avalanche of women make new stunning accusations. >> he was like an octopus. >> trump fires back. >> they're pure fiction and outright lies. >> and the

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