Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20141210 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20141210

that is a flash flood watch in the entire bay area. if you live near a creek, river or stream, you need to watch that closely and winds could top 30 miles an hour, that will bring us power outages and downed trees and a blizzard warning now in the sierra. we're going to get it, it's going to get here quite heavy and strong. >> see you soon. some people in the south bay aren't taking any chances with this upcoming storm. they are hauling in the sandbags and hauling out debris from storm drains. we go live to san jose where many people shifted in high gear today. marianne. >> reporter: they certainly did. if you take a look at this pallet, just an hour ago, this paletlet was full and now it's already empty. many people say because of the storm last week, they were caught unaware and now they want to be better prepared. benjamin ochoa needs sandbags, a lot of them and fast. with the storm thursday expected to dump 4 inches of rain in the south bay, he wants to make sure his house stays dry. >> we have a drain that's broken. since we haven't got it fixed yet, we're just going to prepare for it so it doesn't flood the house. >> san jose city crews are preparing, too, clearing out catch basins they removed this truckload of debris that could have clogged city storm drains and this is just the beginning. >> we will be deploying crews starting tomorrow night at our pump stations to pump them down, create extra capacity to pump stations for the incoming water. >> at the san jose international airport, they're getting ready to mop up the terminal to prevent slips. >> we want to make sure there's no flooding, so will sandbag that have been brought in today, clearing drains. >> and you may want to do some prevention of your own to prepare for wind gusts of more than 50 miles an hour, otherwise your candy canes could end up decorating your neighbors' lawn miles away. you can come here to 1444 mabrey road san jose and the sandbags are free. >> other cities also offering sandbags. thanks so much. up in san francisco city leaders are turning to resident for help cleaning out the storm drains. crews have been pmaking their rounds cleaning out 2,300 catch basins. they're asking the public to pitch in. city officials are asking people to stay indoors when the storm moves in. >> please stay off the streets in you can, avoid big puddles. doesn't walk through water if you don't know what it is. there may be do you understand pow -- downed power lines so just be safe. you can find out more on your smartphone, go straight to the weather page and then you can put in your zip code to get the weather in your neighborhood. you'll see aprlerts about high winds and flooding. >> has uber been taking customers to a ride when it comes to safety? the san francisco d.a. thinks so. the ride sharing service is being accused of deceiving customers and more. >> reporter: the d.a. is accusing uber of false advertising and overcharging customers, especially when it comes to rides to the airport. on its web site, uber claims to offer the safest rides on the road. today san francisco district attorney george gasgone says that doesn't hold up. >> they give people a false sense of security when deciding whether to get in a stranger's car. >> today they teamed up to file a lawsuit against the ride sharing giant. the client claims every driver undergoes rigorous background check. gasgone says that's not the case unless every driver is fingerprinted. the suit also accuses uber of fraud, saying customers were charged a $4 airport fee, alleging the money was being pocketed by the driver instead of going to sfo. >> we're asking for restitution of all sfo airport fees, tolls paid by uber consumers on trips that uber driver did not actually pay the san francisco airport. >> reporter: following the announcement, uber released a statement saying "uber is an integral, safe and established part of the economic ecosystem. we will continue to engage in discussions with the district attorney." >> you should not just jump in blindly bleaching you're totally protected. clearly you're not. >> and the ride sharing company lyft was facing similar accusations. that company will pay $500,000 in penalties. michelle roberts, nbc bay area news. >> the family of a 6-year-old girl killed by an uber driver talked today about learning that that driver will face charges. sophia lu was walking in a san francisco crosswalk with her mother and her brother when she was hit on new year's eve. the driver will be charged with charges of vehicular manslaughter. he was driving for uber. >> she's a happy girl. the company are really, really bad, you know. the system so bad. the driver was driving and at the same time driving on the phone. >> the company has not commented on the latest charges but says they should not be liable because the driver was not carrying a passenger at the time of the accident. >> more bad news for uber. the company is facing heavy backlash from cities all over the world. the city of oregon is suing to stop uber from operating there. overseas courts in thailand, spain and the netherlands ruled that uber stop operating immediately because of unregistered drivers. >> santa clara leaders have approved a living wage of $19.06 an hour that will take effect next july and require every company that does business with the county to pay at least that an hour. >> students at one of the largest high schools in the state staged a walkout today with solidarity with protesters marching against the grand jury decisions. thousands left class around 2:00 this afternoon, headed to the union city police department where they staged a so-called die-in. organizers say they want it see the demilitarization of the police force and abuses by the criminal justice system addressed. that demonstration followed another night of unrest in the east bay. thousands of people hit the streets squaring off police in berkeley and then shutting down interstate 80 in both directions in emeryville. jody hernandez? >> reporter: the city council cancelled its meeting tonight saying it couldn't accommodate all of the people that were expected to attend, including the protesters. instead the city, as you can see, has blocked off the street in front of the police department as they gear up for yet another protest. cindy shows us the staples in her head, the aftermath of injuries she said she suffered at the hands of berkeley police during weekend protests. >> when i knelt down to help up another woman who had fallen. i looked over my shoulder and saw a police had raised his baton. and when i ducked, he connected with the back of my head. >> reporter: but this minister in training at the berkeley school of religion hasn't let it stop her. she and her friends protested again last night. some of her friends were arrested on interstate 80. >> we wanted to show people that they could really make a difference just by being there and being peaceful and causing disruptions in ways that doesn't destroy other people's property. >> reporter: but the chp says not everyone was peaceful. they arrested 221 people last night. some, they say, were quite hostile. >> the crowd lately has chosen to be aggressive. aggressive means they've been kicking, biting, spitting. >> reporter: the protest brought interstate 80 to a standstill for close to an hour. this woman was in labor and stuck in the middle of the protest. police were able to get her to the hospital where 8 pound camilla was born. >> think of all the other people being impacted. >> you can see martin luther king, jr. way has been barricaded off between center street and addison street. we understand about 75 protesters have gathered but have not begun marching. but police say they are ready if they head this way. reporting live in berkeley, jdid hernandez, nbc news. >> richmond's brass was on board with the program a year ago. they say the department's patrol officers should be outfitted with body cameras by mid-january. department of justice grants financed that body camera equipment. >> still ahead, leading the way. the move san jose is poised to move tonight that is expected to generate big bucks. >> and the person who caused a big traffic jack in the south bay. a strange alleged attack on a deputy. >> i hear one of the flight attendants come back and say she's having a baby. >> yup, bean on board. an eye opener on board a flight when a woman goes into labor. a woman who caused an all-night traffic jam in san jose is facing more charges. after being taken in custody, police say she attacked an officer. robert? >> reporter: well, it was a strange incident that took place around this interchange here at interstate 680. the events became even more bizarre when she finally surrendered. police say the woman who went out on the edge of this overpass had threatened suicide and for about nine hours police tried to talk her down while motorists and people in the area waited helplessly. >> i've never felt so much road rage in my life. i was very angry. >> i live a block in from city hall and we were completely landlocked. >> reporter: police say they understand the frustration but point out safety of everyone involved is a higher priority than inconvenience. >> we did after a long time talk her off that bridge and we're very happy that nobody was injured at that point. >> reporter: but sources tell nbc bay area that the woman bit a correctional deputy while being booked, possibly severing the officer's finger. the new information had some people confused but some told us they still felt sorry for her, though the traffic disruption tested that sympathy. >> definitely tried to pull them down sooner and not have so much of a traffic jam and close off so much of a busy freeway. >> reporter: the police and sheriff's department are not discussing the woman's mental state. she remains under observation in custody in jail tonight. >> thank you, robert. placing a tax on your place, san jose poised to legal ice airbnb rentals the same way san francisco did. they plan to tack on a 10% tax. the tax would generate about $150,000 a year for the city of san jose. the meeting takes place about an hour from now. >> more trouble from san jose's huge homeless encampment. our cameras were at the jungle as the fire broke out today. this is the third fire since the camp was cleared out last thursday. the city is trying to relocate the 300 homeless, but many are reportedly still sleeping outdoors. >> music and free food samples made the opening of san jose owes newest food market more of an festival. the whole food is downtown so it skews more urban. >> we have a lot of foot traffic coming up. weep also want to give the easy shopping experience so the customers come in and grab something and go. and also the big families can fill their baskets up and fill their fridge for a week. >> it's the first store with a fresh brewery. the complex was built green. it's brought 150 new jobs to the area and it's not finished hiring yet. >> whiplash tonight for east bay mud as they grapple with the arrival of a storm and ongoing drought. the utility is asking customers to conserve more waerkts 15% instead of 10%. also, it is preparing to buy water from the federal government, up to $16 million worth. that money will be paid with a surcharge to customers of up to 14% depending how much water it buys. >> we're going to see buckets of water falling from the sky over the next 48 hours. our meteorologist is here with more of the timing. this is going to be a very powerful storm. >> it looks like a very strong punch of at least 24 hours of heavy rainfall and gusty winds. we have cloud cover approaching the bay area right now. our storm system is well out here, several hundred miles. when that gets here, things are going to ramp up and quickly. right now no rainfall, temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s and as we head throughout tomorrow, we are going to begin to see some changes. 95% of the bay area is going to stay dry. but up into san francisco, we'll see drizzle beginning. once again, we'll stay dry in the south bay, the peninsula and also for the tri-valley as we head throughout your wednesday. so when is that rainfall you keep hearing about finally going to get here? as we head throughout wednesday at 7:00 p.m., rain fault developing into the north bay, likely through about 11:30. we probably won't see those measurable totals until about 5:00 a.m. on thursday. i want too keep show ug this so you are ready for the storm system as it moves in. we'll see not only heavy rain fall thursday at 9 a.m. and likely in into the early afternoon into san jose. normally the storm hits the north bay, by the time it gets to san jose it's broken up. but check out the orange and yellow, that's where our flooding concern is coming from, this long-duration event. watch the colors intensify and check out the wind speeds by 8:00 p.m., about 25 miles per hour in san jose and 31 in san francisco. keep in mind these are wind guests but check this out. by thursday it ramps up into the 30 mile-an-hour category for most of the bay area and by 8:00 in the morning we could likely have wind gusts as high as 43 miles an hour, and 36 in san jose. those are the kind of winds that could bring power outages and downed trees. we'll talk more about the storm system and have another recap of our top concerns in about ten minutes. >> we'll see you then, jeff. coming up, baby's first flight. a mid-flight surprise that greeted some local flyers. >> and a bombshell report that the cia performed torture and lied about it. that's coming up. the joe montana development at santa clara will not be ready in time for the big game. it won't even break ground until after the super bowl. montana had planned to have the $400 million project up and running by the time levi stadium opened this past summer. obviously that didn't happen. it will include a passive hotel, sports bar and retail complex. >> talk about a surprise in the skies when a passenger on board a flight leaving san francisco goes into labor. >> scott budman is here with what happened next. >> usually baby on board refers to a car. this morning it referred to a baby being born on an airborne plane. not long after leaving san francisco, southwest flight 623 turned into an airborne maternity ward as passenger charl charl charlie reeve tweeted a passenger just delivered a baby. >> an emergency room nurse was also on board and she helped with what witnesses and southwest are calling a successful mid-air delivery, a first for just about everyone involved. >> no, no, in fact i asked the flight attendant if she's ever gone through something like that. she said, no, it's something they talk about in the train bug not something you ever expect to use. that was her first time, too. >> southwest on its web site has advice about flying while pregnant, but in-flight delivery, that's always a surprise. the flight originally bound for phoenix made an emergency landing in los angeles. about two hours later, the remaining 111 passengers, who did not become parents today, flew on to phoenix. we're told the family is all well. >> happy ending. >> we got a sneak peak at the new kaiser permanente building. it replace as 50-year-old hospital that sits right next door. it features special procedure suites where patients get a more focused treatment. the suites also feature the get well network where patients have flat screen tv at the foot of the bed, can order movies on demand, surf the internet, send e-mails, learn about their care giver and what their schedule is for the day. >> we're improving, innovating through quality service and innovation, making state-of-the-art hospital for both the community here at redwood city and redwood, california. >> still ahead, an end of the year present for investors, a blockbuster ipo set to debut this week and it's from right here in the bay area. >> we are tracking when the rain will arrive. also -- >> the cia's actions a decade ago are a stain on our values and on our history. >> dianne feinstein says more brutal and less effective. what we're learning about the cia tactics and what a former cia agent from the bay area sense about the concept of torture. a major storm barrelling toward the bay area at this hour. everything from trees and power lines are at risk. chief neurologist jeff rannieri is tracking them for us. >> we're looking at the storm track and intensity. you want to follow the red color. that's the center the storm. it's a very large area of upper low pressure that's going to pass right over california, all of this against a major uplift in the atmosphere that's going to set off these problems we think we're going to be finding. the first one is a flash flood watch near the entire bay area. if you live near a river or creek, you want to watch that on thursday, especially when the storm is expected to get hit. we expected napa and at the south bay it's the guadalupe river we'll be following. the second major concern will be high winds. it's not just for one section at the coastline. the entire bay area under a high wind warning. winds likely gusting around 40 miles an hour. that will bring us downed power lines and trees where winds could top 50 miles an hour. the third and very serious concern would be anyone trying to head up to the sierra wednesday night, thursday, there will be whiteout conditions as 2 to 3 feet of snow is likely with this storm system. here's a few simple storm tips. i was out doing this this weekend myself. you a you want to clean out the storm drains and make sure the culverts are clean. you want to bring loose items indoors. if you're in a flood-prone area, they're offering sandbags, it can hurt to take a couple of those. >> very good advice. thanks, jeff. can you learn what you need about the storm on your phone at our nbc bay area weather site. can you also see alerts about high winds, flooding and power outages. >> new details of the cia's so-called enhanced interrogation techniques are coming to light tonight. we're learning they were more brutal and more extensive than the agency may have portrayed. mark matthews has been looking into the long-awaited senate intelligence report on the cia's interrogation techniques. he joins us from san francisco with local connections. >> there are a number of them. the biggest is senator dianne feinstein. she pushed for this report, it is her report, it was commissioned by her committee and we'd like to start with showing you a reenactment of a waterboarding. the senate report describes waterboarding as a series of near drownings, saying it was employed more often than the cia has previously admitted. the report also detailed sleep deprivation for up to a week, so-called rectal feedings, beatings and death threats. dianne feinstein pushed for it to be released. >> history will judge us by our willingness to face an ugly truth and say never again. >> reporter: it was just months after the september 11th attacks that u.c. berkeley professor yu penned a series of writings. >> my opinion is they went over the line a lot of times. simply waterboarding one detainee 183 times, it's gone way beyond the intention of this program. >> and that is not really the crux of the issue, says baer. >> more important than that, was it effective? i have seen nothing so far of solid evidence that torture saved lives, and that's really the question we should be asking ourselves. >> reporter: in the senate some republicans are defending the cia. >> while there is no doubt that there were indeed moments during the cia detention and interrogation program where interrogators exceeded the authorized limits, such instances were relatively few and far between. >> reporter: today secretary of defense chuck hagel ordered the minute on high alert to deal with any potential fallout from the release of the report. robert baer says that's probably an overreaction. he says those who want to harm the united states are far more motivated by drone attacks. reporting from san francisco, mark matthew, nbc bay area news. >> and today federal prosecutors said they have no intention of reopening the case, which has been closed since 2012, stating that no new information came from today's report. >> in washington the house and senate are expected to adopt a final spending agreement this week. the massive $1.1 trillion government spending bill prevents a shutdown like the one last year and also funds most of the government through next september. the agreement delay as fight over president obama's new immigration policy until next year. >> death penalty on the table for a man who could face that for the shooting death of a northern california deputy. prosecutors announced today what they're seeking. the couple are accused of killing two deputies and trying to murder two other people. it happened during a violent rampage. >> u.s. stocks had a mixed day after a major dip yesterday. the dow fell because of nerves over a slowing chinese economy and 13% drop in the greek market. but the market closed higher today. a report shoud that small business optimism rose last month to its highest level in eight years. one week makes a big difference for san francisco's lending club. it's raised the new price for its upcoming ipo. this week the company values it at $12 to $14 a share. >> the korean airline executive who allegedly went nuts over notice has resigned. heather cho got upset after a flight attendant served her macadamia nuts in a bag, rather than on a plate. he demanded the crew chief be removed from the plane. cho is vice president of airline and daughter of the airline as ceo. the airline has since apologized. >> still ahead, no more getting stranded. we're going to tell you about the late-night public transportation service that will soon roll out. >> and a powerful storm forcing hundreds of flight to be cancelled. >> change your move by changing your walk. the steps you need to take. bart is launching a one-year pilot program to extend their all-night service between san francisco and the east bay. bart won't run later but an expanded bus unit will get the riders to their stops. it will add new stops to the 16 and 24th street bus station. >> take a good look at a man and a woman in this video. they were caught on camera walking into a condo complex on 5th avenue in san mateo back in october. police say once they made it inside, they broke into several cars. officers have been on the lookout for these two since but haven't been able to track them down. they're hoping you know who they are and that you call them. >> you know that spring in your step when you feel good? volunteers in a study were given ale a list of negative words and then walked on a tread mill. those who walked in a happy mood remembered more of those words from that list that was given. >> rain, downpour. >> stand up straight, get excited. we do have some side effects from that wet weather. of course we'll be tracking the rather benign conditions but we'll talk about the heavier rain and flooding potential in just a minute. >> plus the duchess and the kings, lebron james learned a royal lesson. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] follow your joy to a celebration like no other. start your new orleans holiday at the duke and duchess of cambridge are wrapping up their three-day visit to the u.s. tonight. they had a packed day, including attending this center for disadvantaged children. >> chris, a very, si exciting d for the couple who just left the met. >> the weather has finally cleared up. it poured all day here today but that did not slow down the duke and duchess of cambridge, as they paid their respects to the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and visited several other charities that are important to them. under somber skies, the duke and duchess of cambridge made a somber visit to new york's 9/11 museum and memorial. the royal couple braved the heavy rain and looked at a reflecting pool where one of the great towers once stood. great britain lost 67 souls on that day and they placed a memorial. in it a handwritten note "in sorrowful memory of those who died on the 11th september." inside the museum the couple paused to look at the exhibits. two tridents from the world trade center, te exterior, the remains of a fire truck and watched videos of some of the victims. the duchess said how moving she found the memorial to be. the couple spent about a half hour in the museum. later they visited a partnership with the city kids foundation. the duke and duchess chatted with the teens and watched a presentation there celebrating creative contributions to the creative arts in the city. and what would a visit be without a visit to empire state building? and again just about three, fourmenfour minutes ago the duke and duchess of cambridge came down the stairs from the metropolitan. they are headed back to great britain after little more than a two days. they were here at the met for a gala celebrating the anniversary of their university, which is where they first met and fell in love. >> the cleveland cavalier was posing for a photograph after last night's game against the mets. see what happened there? he put his arm on the future queen's shoulder. that's a no-no according to british etiquette. a spokesperson for the royal family says there was no breach of protocol, not a big deal. as for william, he just kind of looked the other way and looked at those little jerseys they gave him for the baby. >> for little prince george. >> unfortunately a break in the weather right now in new york so the royal couple can hopefully flight out tonight without any delays. a nor'easter is hitting the east coast. the winter storm is bringing snow, heavy rains and icy conditions. the storm will linger in the northeast for several days. flight delays and cancellations already reported. >> we're going to probably see a lot of cancellations ourselves, just because of this storm we're going to be receiving. general ranieri joins us. we'll have powerful rain wednesday to thursday which will likely impact our airports as well. >> the tarmac will have a hard time dealing with the wind. if you know anyone arriving or trying to leave the bay area on thursday, it will be tough. a huge tap of moisture feeding into california right now and the thing that's going to make this storm system different from so many storm systems we've seen overs past 12 months is the core of the storm offshore is going to move right on top of california. then the other thing is this powerful tap of pacific moisture that's going to feed into it. it's going to be a like a nonstop, full engine for this storm system to run on. there's going to be plenty of gasoline, so to speak, for this to keep churning out quite a bit of rainfall. we'll get you into the timeline here. this is going to be the storm day. you can do -- we have 6 expected in san jose, cloudy skies at the coast line, san francisco mainly a dry day, 64 second right across the arena. we'll take you to the north bay, east bay and tri-valley. santa rosa is going to have the best chance of getting any kind of rainfall tomorrow. that's because the storm is going to enter from the north first and then move off to the south. also mostly cloudy skies in livermore. let's get to the goods in the storm timeline. we'll begin to see the initial rainfall drop down by 11:30. by 5:00 a.m., we'll see heavier areas of rain develop in marin, knapp and sonoma counties. with the core of the storm moving on top of the bay area, it looks like it will keep its strength toward san francisco, back toward the east bay as well and likely hold on to its strength down toward the south bay. you can see quite a bit of now, this is definitely worth noting on all forecast models at 6:49, there is not one forecast model showing dry conditions. they're all showing heavy rains and gusty winds. we have not seen a forecast this certain for a strong time we could see isolated amounts of 3 to 5 inches. for the east bay down to san jose, at least 1 1/2 inches. we may see some of the higher elevations get up to 4 inches and from the santa cruz mountains anything from 3 to 6 inches. one of our major concerns is a flash flooding for the entire bay area. if you live near a creek or bay, it's not time to go and try out a canoe you got a few months ago. the water can sweep you away. high wind warning for the entire bay area as well. winds that could guest as much as. >> your winds will pop to 70 miles an hour, limiting visibility. the storm day will be on thursday and we'll have much-needed drying in the forecast by saturday and sunday. we'll continue to track the storm and any changes in that timeline. of course any time at we have a great new app, check it out. type in nbc bay area and you can download that. >> keep us in the loop when you take pictures. when the storm rolls in on wednesday night, be sure to take pictures and send them to us. we'll be right back with sports. an update to our earlier story, the one about the baby being born midnight on a southwest airline planes. southwest just had an interview with one of the flight attendants on board when the baby was born. >> it was amazing. everybody was -- all the passengers were awesome. everybody was clapping. >> the plane made an emergency landing in l.a. mom and baby are told to be doing well. >> let's get to sport. we're going to start off with some baseball. looks like the giants are the underdog in securing a pitcher. >> yeah. the underdog is over, too. it's done, jessica and janelle. you know, the giants were trying to tread up the river on this one. jon webster with ties to theo epstein at the cubs and also the boston red sox where he won two titles. but the wait is over and the results are not good. gm bobby evans confirming the giants are now out of the race for the lefty. and lester called to inform assistant gm bobby evans he would not be coming to the giants. evans said "we did not receive a rose." and he had a quip for finishing second. he said "we finished first in the most important area." >> over to the 49ers where bowman has been activated to the 53-man roster. he's yet to play while he recovers from reconstructive knee surgery. the move is a very positive step in the right direction. >> just taking it day by day. whenever the coaches say i can, it would be a modified practice. it wouldn't be full out. that's how i would like it. but i'll take my time and take it slow and try to get back to where i was. >> the big man was questionable against the rockets due to right knee tendinitis. he played just a few minutes of the first quarter in last night's 102-86 victory in minnesota. visibly limped and was seen grabbing at the knee before heading to the bench. sharks back on the home ice at sap center this evening, where they've won their last three games, hosting edmonton. coming off a loss against the oilers in edmonton after the oilers had dropped 11 straight prior to beating the sharks. >> you just played them so you know what to expect. so you come prepared to play every day. you come prepared to win. you want to win. sometimes that doesn't happen but tonight we won a bounceback from sunday night's effort. >> if we play the best hockey that we can, then i believe we can win every night no matter who the opponent is. but we've got to focus on getting our game back to where it needs to be. all aspects of our game we need to play better. >> finally a big night for mad-bum. the honors bestowed upon the athlete that best symbolizes in character and performance the ideals of sportsmanship. joe montana, michael jordan and muhammed ali just a few of the previous recipients. tough luck for the giants in the jon lester sweepstakes. they were really battling against it. the relationships he had with the other team are probably too much for the g-men to overcome. >> watch sportsnet central at 10:30. >> a live picture at berkeley where another night of protests are under way near berkeley city hall. it looks like they've begun their march. we'll keep an eye on the situation. hopefully nothing like last night when they shut down interstate 80 in both directions. we'll be following this all night and on our web site, hope to see you at 11:00. brand new couple shocker. kate hudson cancels her wedding. >> is she already moving on with derek hough, now on "extra." "extra." kate hudson's rumored hookup with "dancing with the stars" derek hough. "extra" uncovers new includes about the new relationship. >> he's a dream boat. >> was this sexy late night dance the beginning of the end of her engagement? now trending the reality star murder-suicide rocking hollywood today. then sarah palin unfiltered. >> i'm not wired to sit down and shut up. >> in her element going all mama grizzly about her family's

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