Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20141113 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20141113

he realized that was in violation of city policy. >> reporter: his actions may violate police department policy which prohibit seeking or accepting gra duties not accorded private citizens. >> the duty manual says that we will -- in our official capacity in our position, we will not seek tickets. again, this law enforcement appreciation was an invitation by the 49ers. >> reporter: the san jose independent police auditor says the duty manual is clear. >> officers cannot accept things as gifts or discounts or gra duties unless everybody gets them. >> reporter: an investigation is looming. >> our office has received a complaint from a member of the public pertaining to chief escolev and 49er tickets. >> reporter: now at this point it's not clear if police internal affairs will be handling the chief's situation and we have also learned that the city's gift ordinance is now being reviewed by city officials. let's switch gears, talk about our weather. here it comes. the rain will blanket a lot of the bay area later this evening. this is a live look now in downtown san jose. let's bring in our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri who's tracking our changes. >> a cold front right now is about 150 miles offshore. and we're not going to see any rainfall pick up until that cold front crosses california. so again, that's where we get the uplift in the atmosphere. we do think that is going to begin to happen the next three to six hours. right now it's spreading high clouds across the bay. so let's take you to the initial timeline on this. you'll see at 7:00 we may get some showers along the northern coastline. and then as we head throughout 9:00, 11:00, a few scattered areas of showers begin to develop with likely some of the heavier areas of rainfall moving in in the overnight hours. we'll track this storm system through its entirety coming up. this will be the first of what we think are potentially several systems coming our way. we're looking at a second, third, and possibly a fourth. four systems in about an 11-day period. whether we get .1 or .25 inches from each storm, it will help that rainfall season. we're running a deficit, san jose 62% of form. normal. a tragic new turn tonight in the search for a missing san francisco tech worker. the family of daniel ha says his body was found floating in the bay. while it's not clear how he died, his family is adamant that he didn't take his own life. mark matthews is live in the marina at the site where the coast guard made that discovery. no definitive word from the medical examiner? >> reporter: no, jessica, not yet. but we are just at the edge of the bay here. and within sight of where the coast guard recovered the body yesterday about 7:00 in the morning. at that time, there was the thought that it might be the missing 26-year-old. and today, the family officially called off the search. the announcement came from dan ha's younger brother joseph. >> while the face and body were indistinguishable, the clothes, wall wallet, contents, and phone matched dan's personal belongings. >> reporter: the 2086 solved ware developer last seen rushing out of his south of market apartment on halloween, a day after he went home early from work complaining of headache. >> we have no reason to believe that this was a suicide. dan has never indicated any intention of harming himself. >> reporter: the family is waiting on the medical examiner to try and determine a cause of death. while they thanked the dozens of friend who helped pass out flyers during the search, joseph ha seth the family believes the san francisco police could have done better. >> we did receive lots of leads. we have been following up on leads. >> reporter: a spokesman for the police department said an investigator had worked overtime on the case. as the family concluded its meeting with reporters this afternoon, daniel ha's father thanked the police and all of those who participated in the search, ending with this tearful plea. >> pray for us in this time of sorrow and shock. >> reporter: this friday, there will be a memorial service. it will be at st. matthew's lutheran church in the mission district. the public is invited. in the south bay, they're still waiting for a trial date in the high-profile sierra lamar case. the morgan hill teen was kidnapped and killed two years ago. her family and the suspect were back in court today but the case against garcia torres was postponed yet again. late february is now the new date. according to investigators, there is dna evidence that links garcia torres to the 15-year-old girl. lamar was last seen walking to school in morgan hill in 2012. her body was never found. warnings not heeded and it may have led to the death of a baby gorilla. the sign at the gorilla habitat has a message for keepers," keep your hand on the stop button at all times." last friday, though, 16-month-old gorilla darted under the door as it was closing and that door crushed her. the zookeeper did not activate the top stut bstop button in ti. what's not clear is why and whether they violated zoo protocol. the door does not have automatic stop sensors such as those found on garage doors. the zoo has hired a wildlife expert to investigate the death. suspended state senator leland yee is on the fastrak to trial. a federal judge in san francisco made that decision today. nbc bay area broke the story in april when yee was indicted with corruption charges. he's linked to former chinatown gangster raymond shrimp boy chow. today the judge said he'd keep them in separate courtrooms. >> confirmed that leland yee and raymond chow will not go to trial together. and that is because they had nothing to do with each other as far as any criminal conduct. >> 27 others have also been charmed and will face their day in court after yee's trial early next year. only on nbc, poor grades. a new report card on bay area schools reveals many are continuing to underperform. but it's not all bad news. some schools in poor neighborhoods are finding a way to excel. the report called innovate public schools looks at data over the last tive years. damian trujillo is live at russo mcintyre school at san jose, a less affluent neighborhood school that's doing well. >> reporter: it's considered a rising star because of how well kids are doing on test scores and in reading, math, and in science. in fact, the authors of this study suggest that those who are underperforming should look at the model here and emulate it. the model seems simple enough at russo mcintee at san jose. >> identify basic rules for creating. >> reporter: set high standards and expectations for everyone, including parents, teachers, students, administrators. >> at the end of the day, it's about the team. right? and i think that's one of the great findings when we look at the different components and the different elements in our schools. >> reporter: and it's the team concept that's helped this school and several others in the alum rock district. examples of accountability, underperforming teachers and administrators have been moved over asked to leave and advised to perhaps seek other careers. >> there are no excuses for students not doing well. >> reporter: the study looked at what are referred to as high-needs schools in san mateo and santa clara counties. schools in poor neighborhoods. the report's authors say poverty and language deficiencies are common in alum rock but the district seems to use those as an asset, not a barrier. >> when you have to overcome some things that other students don't need to deal with, really, just in reality, isn't that much more powerful when you're able to compete and to say we're doing it? >> reporter: the report suggests other schools and districts that make up the low 28 on its list should adopt the same mentality, one of accountability and no excuses. >> make sure that it's implemented quickly. the students can't wait. >> reporter: james lick high school is on the list of persistently low-performing schools. >> i'm shocked that you actually think -- you know, the paper, i'm really shock the. >> reporter: the report says only 31% of students at james lick are reading at grade level. the superintendent of the east side union high school district, chris funk, took issue with the data in this report. he says the report is outdated, is using old antiquated data. he says that this information is irrelevant. he suggests that the schools be judged on the number of dropouts in those schools and also the number of graduates and the number of students who are attending college out of those schools. the family of a san leandro ninth grader hit and killed during a police chase is dealing with their loss tonight. i'm jodi hernandez in san leandro where a candlelight vigil is under way as police search for the driver. unexpected gift. how this big rig crash turned into a windfall for a local charity. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. doesn't look too stormy in the san francisco camera right now. cloud cover is increasing with currently 62 degrees or our storm system is getting closer. we'll talk about when this rainfall right here will reach us in just a few minutes. desperate for answers. tonight a break in the case. while a san leandro family is in mourning police might be closing in on a hit-and-run driver. the driver hit and killed 14-year-old ivan cruz. police say they found a car matching the description of the suspect's car. jodi hernandez joins us in san leandro where a candlelight visible jill just got under way. >>. >> reporter: friends and family of 14-year-old ivan cruz have gathered along east 14th street. there's a crowd gathered here. this is where that boy was struck and killed about this time last night. tonight the driver is still on the loose. while ivan's loved ones are grief-stricken. >> he was so caring with me. he was sweet. protective. helpful. >> reporter: that's how lydia ortiz describes the son she'll never see again. 14-year-old ivan cruz was struck and killed by a reckless driver being chased by sheriff's deputies. as he rode his scooter through a crosswalk last night. >> he was my life. my world. he was everything for me. >> reporter: investigators say deputies canceled the chase when the suspect started driving into oncoming traffic but it was too late. >> it's very difficult for those deputies, let me tell you. you sign up for this business to help people. and then a 14-year-old gets killed. it's heartbreaking. >> reporter: witnesses say the boy and his friends were following the rules of the road, using the crosswalk, when the chase spun out of control. >> we want to see change. but -- but, you know, what's happened already happened. and -- it's just -- it's really unfair. >> he killed my son. he kill mid sed my son, my only >> reporter: you can see this candlelig candlelight vigil is under way. ivan's friends, classmates, neighbors are out here. police appear to be making some progress in their investigation. they tell me they found a car matching the suspect's description. the description of the suspect's car. abandoned off of i-880 in fremont last night. they are currently searching through that car looking for evidence. they say they are determined to find the person responsible. he was a wanted man. tonight we're learning more about the suspect shot and killed by menlo park police. police say jerry methaneny is the main suspect in several break-ins in san mateo and santa clara counties. he was spotted by a worker who remembered his description. officers say methaneny pulled out a gun during a foot chase and officers opened fire. this is menlo park's first officer-involved shooting in nearly eight years. live pictures in oakland. violent crime is going down across the country. but according to the fbi, not in oakland. the latest numbers from the fbi paint the picture of a violent is plagued by murders, rapes and aggravated assaults. that makes oakland the second most dangerous city in the united states, according to the fbi. that's behind detroit, memphis, and st. louis. the if it comes to your inbox don't open it. an e-mail scam investigators say claiming to be about neighborhood safety. it tells people a child predator has moved in and it provides a link to learn more about that person. when you click on it, malware downloads onto your computer and steals log-ins, passwords and credit card numbers. >> appealing to you to safeguard your safety, your child's saf y safety. that's why it's dangerous. >> the public is never notified of sex offenders moving into neighborhoods. costco's loss, a food bank's gain. a truck carrying 20,000 frozen turkeys overturned on an off-ramp in san ramon. it was headed for a costco distribution center. but the stores can't sell spilled food even when the birds are still protected by cardboard boxes. the health inspector was called in to determine the cargo was really safe and then it was headed to the alameda county food bank. administrators say it's a crazy coincidence that they get these turkeys just as they're kicking off their holiday food drive. >> yeah, please don't wait until an accident tells you that it's time to give to the food bank. give to your area food bank. >> reporter: the food bank will be sharing the tour kith with east bay homeless shelters during this holiday season. >> big silver lining to that big rig crash. a couple of hours away from rain? >> yes, and drought in place, any chance of rain, i know everybody feels it. when is it going to get here? down to the hour, minute, second. it is closer now. you can see our approaching storm system. cold front is just offshore. some rain returns here near eureka, point arena. for us mainly dry. high clouds spreading across. there's indication we've got a little drizzle near san francisco. nothing heavy at the current moment. we'll see that pick up in intensity over the next eight hours. sky camera network, cloudy skies, temperatures in the 60s. by all accounts a nice early evening. as we head throughout tomorrow's forecast, again that change is coming. it looks as if early commuters will have that best possibility of rainfall from the south bay right on up into the north bay. we're talking about from 3:00 a.m. to about 7:00 a.m. after that, by the afternoon, we'll get some sun in here and temperatures will stay on the cooler side in the 60s. what happens beyond that forecast for thursday? looks like a drier trend at the moment. friday, saturday, sunday in the south bay we've got mostly sunny to sunny skies. temperatures in the upper 60s. and also in the peninsula. no real speed bumps coming throughout that weekend forecast. the same for san francisco with even sunny skies on sunday. north bay, east shore, and tri-valley. you can see this dry weather trend continues. even for the tri-valley which of course is typically our hot spot no matter what time of the year. we're looking at 70 degrees. but don't worry. if you've been listening we still have changes coming our way next week. but there's one big problem. this area of high pressure keeps building in after each and every storm system. so we have our storms tonight and tomorrow. high pressure reinserts itself across the pacific. so once this breaks down we think we'll get rid of at least our intermediate problem and we'll get storm systems back out here. the problem is forecast models don't like it when high pressure moves in and out. so it's been all over the place the past couple of daze. we do think we're going to get more rainfall next week, possibly on wednesday, friday, and also on next saturday. what we're really watching for is this atmospheric river of moisture. a tap of moisture from the south that likely could juice up some of these storms. so again, more rain on the way for tonight and early tomorrow. and also next week. we're just going to have to closely watch that as we head throughout the next ten-day pattern. coming up, their family name is sin anonymous with film-making. the wife of francis ford coppola takes her turn in the spot light. san francisco police prepare to answer to the public what exactly are they planning to do with that new drone? live at nasa ames in mountain view, coming up, find out how nasa scientists contributed to the first spacecraft in history to ever land on a comet. there's a legacy at raley's about having the best meat and the best produce. it's my job to start a new legacy, the best wine beer and spirits. we travel all over california and the world to find all sorts of new craft spirits, craft beers, small production wines. ♪ brews from mendocino, and the finest wines from around the world. at raley's, we're really into craft, so we enjoy and are excited about carrying those products in the store. ♪ share your ideas, tell us on facebook. a follow-up on that virgin galactic spaceship crash. new insight into how one pilot managed to survive. federal investigators have interviewed the surviving pilot. he escaped the breakup of the rocket plane over the mojave desert. he says he didn't realize the copilot had prematurely unlocked the aircraft's re-entry braking system. as the aircraft began to break apart he unbuckled his seat belt which automatically deployed his parachute. unfortunately, the copilot was killed. the ntsb estimates its full investigation will take at least a year. tonight as we speak, there is some remarkable news in space. that is just some of the cheering worldwide. 25 years' worth of planning. it's been a 10-year journey to catch up to that comet and now perhaps a lifetime worth of learning. a robot is currently perched on a comet hurtling through space. marianne favro joins from us nasa ames in mountain view. this isn't science fiction anymore. it is real life. >> reporter: it is reality, raj. and this reality has a california connection. nasa scientists with the jet propulsion lab in pasadena developed three different instruments that are on board that lander. >> so you're sitting on the surface talking to us right now. >> reporter: it's been called buffett boldest space missions in history, 20 years in the making. scientists followed this comet, which is now 300 million miles from earth, and launched a lander on it today, marking the first time in history a spacecraft landed on a comet. >> all right! >> reporter: in oakland, dozens watched in wonder. >> so it seemed like, yeah, actually land on a comet in reality -- it blows my mind. >> reporter: michael kaufmann, chair of the physics and astronomy department at san jose state, says the mission is inspiring students. >> i think it's a tremendously big deal. from a scientific point of view it gives us direct information about the conditions that existed in our early solar system when the sun and the planets were forming. >> reporter: yes, there were glitches. >> the anchoring harpoons apparently did not fire. so the lander is not anchored to the surface. >> reporter: still, scientists consider this incredible voyage to the final frontier a success in space. in case you were wondering, the temperature right now on that comet is 90 degrees below zero. still ahead, drastic action. the president makes a landmark climate deal. but there are already threats to reject it. a google outage. the issue that left some parts of the internet ad-free for a short period of time today. san jose, tonight there's debate. privacy versus protection. coming up hear what the police say about a drone they like to use in emergency situations. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] follow your joy to a celebration like no other. start your new orleans holiday at fight over surveillance and how much leeway police have in the name of safety. at the center of the debate, drones. do the public want them, should cops have free rein to use them? all on tap in a meeting with the department. michelle roberts joins us now with why some are hoping that drone stays grounded. >> reporter: the police department hasn't used the drone yet and they've had it since january. currently there are no restrictions on what it can be used for. that's what the meeting is about tonight. the public will have a chance to weigh in before any decisions are made. the century new 660 hasn't taken flight in san jose yet. the police department bought it with homeland security grant money back in january. >> a drone can be a very invasive form of surveillance. it can be anywhere, it can be very quiet, it can record conversations or images that people expect to be private. >> reporter: chris connolly with aclu says technology is outpacing laws that he believes should be passed to regulate the use of drones. today on the san francisco city hall steps he asked elected officials for transparency. >> there is not the kind of democratic process that we expect from our elected officials and law enforcement agencies around the use of surveillance technology. >> reporter: tonight the technology will be the topic of debate at a public meeting set up by the san jose police department. >> in order for us to move forward, we have to have clear policies and procedures on how we're going to go ahead and utilize that device. >> reporter: albert morales says it would ol be used during emergency situations. in some cases he says a clear picture from above could be the difference between life and death. >> if you have a situation, say in a park where there's rough terrain and you're trying to save a life where you can't get in there by foot. >> reporter: while some people in san jose welcome the technology, others fear the tool will be abused. >> who knows what they're going to use it for, learning more than what they should know or find useful. >> reporter: police in l.a. and kern countys have use of a drone. aclu is trying to pass statewide regulation. >> drones are changing the way we watch extreme sports and take selfies as well. one of the biggest consumer dronemakers bgi unveiled its high-end model today. inspire 1 outfitted with four propellers and a hi-def camera. it can be controlled by tablet or smartphone. engineers have used the drone to film surfers in santa cruz hovering 20 feet above waves. president obama continues his asia-pacific tour. he's in myanmar after several days in china. janelle wang joins us with his big announcement on cleaning up the air. >> the president announced an ambitious plan today to cut greenhouse gases. republicans were quick to pounce calling it unrealistic. president obama arrived in myanmar today for another asian summit. it's his second visit to this country where he will meet with the president and the country's pro-democracy leader and nobel peace prize winner aung san suu kyi. president obama arrived from china where he and president xi jinping announced a world climate deal pledging to drastically put greenhouse gas emissions the next 10 to 15 years. >> it will help improve public health, it will grow our economy, it will create jobs, it will strengthen our energy security, it will put both our nations on a path to a low-carbon economy. >> reporter: republicans were quick to criticize as they and lawmakers returned to capitol hill for the first day of the lame tuck session saying tougher regulations would raise utility rates and cut jobs. california was actually first to break ground with china when it came to protecting the environment. last year, governor brown and china's climate leaders signed an agreement to work together on mitigating carbon emissions. back in china on the last day of the apec summit, one more awkward moment. in a rare joint news conference, a "new york times" reporter asked president xi why some journalists were being denied visas to work in china. president xi seemed to initially dismiss the question, prompting a look from president obama. a short time later, answered the question by saying it's the media's own doing. >> media outlets need to obey china's laws and regulations. >> reporter: including not writing stories which criticize the chinese government or evil secrets it believes could endanger the country. china says foreign journalists have violated those laws. as for president obama, he will spent two more days in myanmar before traveling to australia for the g-20 summit. the timing of the president's china trip is no accident according to nbc news' political analyst. >> doing a climate deal before the election wouldn't have gone over well in arkansas, louisiana, some of these states. well action democrats are gone now. and he is worried that he doesn't want his presidency to be seen as he didn't do enough on climate. >> chuck todd's new book on the presidency entitled "the stranger," referring to president obama's outsider status before moving into the white house. in the heart of our wine country is one of the movie world's biggest names. francis ford coppola. while the director made films his wife was also immersed in her own creative vision. >> i've just always had the urge to make things ever since i was a little kid. my father was ar artist, there was art in my home. >> reporter: there are few people who have lived as artful a life as eleanor coppola. >> i find something that fascinates me and i follow it. >> reporter: the wife of film director fan francis ford cop po coppola. >> she's also a wonderful artist. >> little by little i began to sort of make these circle drawings. >> reporter: for 50 years she's made art in hotel rooms, film sets, and her napa valley studio. >> i've traveled to all of francis' locations. in those cases i've taken some smaller works and tried to keep making things. i cast this piece in bronze. >> reporter: this we'll in the smoke valley museum, coppola will revisit her artful past with a retrospective of her 50 years in art. >> it's chronicling my artwork from the '60s through last week. >> reporter: it's an eclectic stroll through a life immersed in creativity. >> inspired by some fences that we have on the property. >> she's worked in many media r. film, water coloring, drawing. >> reporter: there are clothes she's designed, pictures she's taken, nature she's soaked up. >> i'm very appreciative of living in the napa valley. i realized this just enormous drama in nature. >> reporter: coppola, who's made documentaries about her family's films, began making her own short films in the '70s. >> here's a house standing like a sculpture. then it would move to its new location and i documented that. >> reporter: of all the pieces the most personal is an staelgs called "the circle of memory." a room of straw bales modeled after ancient gathering places where people would remember the dead. >> it's a place to reflect and commemorate and appreciate people that we've lost. >> reporter: coppola's own son, john carlo coppola, died in a boating accident in 1986. >> i had this unusual emotional experience of feeling connected to all the mothers, all the parents in history who had ever lost a child. >> reporter: in a way, the exhibit is a testament to a mother, a wife, a filmmaker, even a winemaker, who somehow found the terrain to carve her own path. coming up, high drama over lower manhattan. the bold rescue for a pair of window washers way up high. actually, cash is not the only way. >> the holiday shopping season is here. we look at the safest ways to pay for gifts and avoid hackers in the process. open only a weak and already a nail biting rescue in new york today after two window washers were stuck 68 stories high outside the new 1 world trade center. that's more than 1,100 feet in the air. when the cables of the scaffolding snapped, leaving them dangling at a 75-degree angle for an hour, they were calm. firefighters cut through a glass window and pulled them into the building to safety. workers not hurt but they were taken to a local hospital to get checked out and chill out. it's a big money outage. blank spaces instead of ads. there was something missing online today. did you notice? google's online advertising service, double click for publishers, went down for about an hour. today's outage affected more than 55,000 websites, including time, forbes, and buzz deed. the cost estimated most of than $1 million. you trub is trying to hit the right notes with a new music service. users can listen to entiral pull bums from many art tests for free. youtube is testing what it calls its music key service next week. users will be able to save on songs. the busiest man in our news room is jeff ranieri. multiple storms coming. >> it's been kind of a head-banger. because next week the forecast models have some of the storms on and then off again. we're going to sort all the details out. most importantly, that rain on the way for tonight and also tomorrow. airlifted to safety. where these bay area dogs are headed and why this trip is going to save their lives. have you checked your e-mail? home depot is notifying more than 53 million customers their e-mail addresses may have been stolen by hackers. home depot as you might know is america's largest home improvement chain. this computer hack is even larger than target's security breach last year. home depot says hackers stole information through malware installed on the self checkout systems. all these online hacks, is it changing the way you shop? new information shows half of holiday shoppers plan to use cash this year to avoid these security breaches. >> in "reality check" sam brock looks at what poses the biggest threat to shoppers as we head into this holiday season. >> reporter: in the spirit of the holidays, consumers are flashing plastic and racking up cash. but the bills might not scare you as much as the recent string of credit card breaches at major retailers. >> it's target. they're all over the country. it should be a safe place to go. >> reporter: targetgate 2013 rocked shoppers. so did home depot, neiman marcus, michael's, to name a few. what's changed in cyber security between last holiday season and this one? the truth is, not much. >> there's very little congress can do beyond say, you have to keep up to this standard. because they can't predict the attack of the bad guys. they can't say, you have to protect your customers against future attacks that we don't know -- we won't understand how they man nest. >> reporter: cyber security expert cal kline says all breaches are not created equal. jpmorgan chase involved personal e-mail information getting out, not financial material or credit cards. but if you're worried about where you shop and card numbers getting stolen, banks generally assume the liability for fraudulent charges. instead, he counters, it's consumers doling out precious information through cleverly constructed scams that actually poses the gravest threat over the holidays. >> be mindful what was you click on. you know, if something is asking you for information that it shouldn't be don't give it away. spend time reading every e-mail before you submit information. >> reporter: so-called data breaches come in all shapes and sizes and ultimately the greatest concern to your holiday shopping september hackers but how much you share and read and download during your hunt. okay, if you want to know who let the dogs out, the answer is -- oakland. it shelter is so full that these chihuahuas and dachshunds are escaping doggie death row and they're headed out on an airplane going to washington state and canada, places where there aren't enough little dogs. canadian and american rescue groups arranged the airlift with help of a retired surgeon and his airplane. volunteer families will foster the dogs until they find permanent loving homes. alabama roker will attempt to break a guinness world record. the popular weatherman from the today show is calling it roker-thon, attempting a 34-hour shift nonstop of forecasting, trying to break the previous record of 33 hours set by a norwegian weather caster last month. he's not doing this for just the record. he's raising money for the uso. roker-thon starts at 6:55. that's nine minutes from now. ends at 5:00 a.m. on friday. you can watch our live stream of his roker-thon on our website,, and tune in tomorrow to our morning show "today in the bay" where we will chat with al roker forecasting live, part of his 34-hour shift. >> great for al. i'm going to start a campaign. ranieri-thon! >> four strong minutes right now. >> i love you, jessica, all right. take a look here, you can see our approaching storm system is getting closer. we've got rainfall out ahead of it. we'll take a look at the radar. not a lot happening. a few spotfy showers near san francisco. but there is more getting picked up here off to the north. so it's always a good idea to sample that to see what could be coming our way. you'll notice a lot of this is not heavy rainfall. some pockets of moderate. we're looking at about .04 inches per hour. that's light to moderate showers occurring now. that's pretty much what we're going to be dealing with across the bay area. ahead of that storm, temperatures in the 60s. we got 56 across the east shore. we'll check the tri-valley as well. we have cloud cover there. right now 61 degrees. so the colder temperatures have moved in. the cloud cover is here. we're just now waiting on the rainfall. and on the forecast models this is really right spot-on down to the hour. so that's great news, at least fare our planning for tonight. we know there's not going to be huge variances in the forecast model. by 10:00, spotty areas of showers develop. as we have been hinting at the core of the storm system, at least the cold front, will start to sweep across at 2:00 a.m. with more of this widespread area of rainfall. yes, those in san jose, you do look to get some rain. you've always been on the bottom cusp of every storm system that's moved in. but it's going to be coming your way as well. the only difference we've seen from yesterday to today is the fact that some of these showers mayling area little bit longer. for the morning commute at 7:00 a.m., likely still slick spots on the roadways. we could hold on to a struggling shower here by 11:00. but after that, we'll see things clear out across the bay area. overall rainfall totals not impressive. but we'll take anything to keep that fire danger lowered and add to the rain bucket. a lot of the bay area is at about 50% of average. we'll pick up about .1 inch in san jose. .13 in palo alto. livermore not the highest number with .08. santa rosa .34 expected after this storm system. that's an estimate, our best guess right now. skis for a lot of the bay letter ar rain for the early morning hours. bit afternoon we expect some sun in san jose and 68. san francisco also getting in on sunshine bit afternoon and 65 degrees. for the north bay, east bay, and tri-valley, heading up to napa, 68. for oakland, 65. tri-valley we'll keep numbers primarily in the upper 60s. weather trend does have drier weather here as we head throughout thursday afternoon, friday, saturday, also sunday and monday's forecast. you're probably asking, okay, what happened to these other storm systems we have been hinting at? they're still in the mix. looks hike this major pattern change will happen next week. it's just the computers are having a tough time nailing this down. it's going to be day by day we'll update you on what we think is our best guess. by next wednesday, a storm system moves in. by friday, a third one. by next sunday, possibly a fourth storm. so these are the early projections. right now my confidence level weather center a 60% possibility of this happening. it's better than 50%. until this goes up to 100% chance hopefully soon. it's looking pretty good it's going to happen. good news. >> we'll be waiting anxiously, thanks. the hunt for the panda. pablo sandoval may be down to two teams. does that include the giants? also, is barry zito making a comeback? geraud moncure joins us from comcast sports net studios. >> we're talking 49ers. and that linebacker situation which has been a little unstable. 49ers linebacker navorro bowman keeping fingers crossed as his 2014 season could be hanging in the balance of an mri today on his surgically repaired left knee. the linebacker reportedly tomtd espn amendment ed worter he's having knee pain. if the mri shows no structural damage bowman could return to the practice field on tuesday, the final day he can actually return and be eligible to play this season. the welcome sight of number 99 on the practice field today as aldon smith returned. the quickness and wing span truly missed by the 49ers defense. despite watching the first nine games the red and gold are confident the linebacker can come back and make plays as soon as this sunday. >> he's a freak of nature on the field. huge component to our defense. very happy to have him back. >> he did participate in training camp. 11 weeks ago. refer back to last year, he missed five weeks and was able to come back and play snaps. his first week back. so good question. we'll see. take it day by day. >> he is going to be a huge boost probably on sunday. all right, with brooklyn in the house tomorrow, a night off for the ws to regroup after that thumping by the world champion spurs last night. tim duncan and san antonio's veterans set the tone with the six-point lead at the break. and kept the heat on, forcing 19 warrior turnovers, leading to run-outs as oakland looked from the perimeter. spurs never let the ws get up and down, find an offensive rhythm, or involve the crowd. >> this team i think thrives a little bit on chaos. you know, the frenzy of oracle when the crowd gets going and we start knocking down threes. it's fun. and i think the team enjoys that. but what goes with that sometimes is some decision-making, some risk-taking that maybe is too much. the pursuit of pablo reportedly down to just two teams according to baseball insider ken rosenthal. the boston red sox are seeking a face-to-face meeting with sandoval and his representation. the panda in search of a six-year deal with the giants still the front-runner, according to rosenthal. former giants pitcher barry zito made $7 million this past season without even putting on a uniform. but according to his agent scott boras via tweet the lefty will attempt to make a major league roster with a comeback next season at the young age of 36. finally the cy young award winner's name on the a.l. side, cleveland's corey kluber, edged out felix hernandez of the mariners and clayton kershaw. madison bumgarner finished back and forth. but you know what i'm sure mad bum's pretty good with the way the postseason turned out. >> barry zito might be making a comeback? wow. for 30 minutes including zito's story watch "sports net central" on comcast sports net bay area, tonight at 10:30 -- >> you're too excited about the roker-thon. you're overwhelmed. it hasn't started yet but these are the behind the scenes preps. are you green with envy? >> oh, well. if you want to go to the bathroom and eat? >> this is tmi. we'll find out those things. he'll be raising money so it's great. how many hours is he going straight? >> 34 straight hours of forecasting. al roker, a live fooetd feed, doing it for charity. >> he better mention the west coast, that's all i'm saying. >> we have weather happening now! watch us by the way on our web cast, your future cast shows some area of rainfall beginning to develop. a few cars by 10:00 p.m.. the heaviest in the overnight hours. more coming up at 11:00 p.m. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] get your taste of the season, at raley's, bel air, and nob hill. kim kardashian's shocking naked booty shot that nearly broke the internet. did she or did she not get butt implants? >> now on "extra." full moon fever. kim k. bearing her larger than life behind. balancing a champagne glass. >> are you happy with your picture of your butt? >> the backlash today. >> just because you can do it doesn't mean you should. >> then her butt through the years. does this lost photo proof she paid for her junk in the trunk? >> guess how much it's reportedly insured for. >> $10 million? >> keep going. breaking couples news. mark

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