Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20141014 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20141014

emergency medical services director michael petrie says his team is also looking into whether to get isolation pods like this that can be used to help prevent the spread of infection. and that's not all. >> we also instituted new screening questions. every patient is going to be asked whether they have a fever. and if they do, we're going to ask if they've been to the three countries that have ebola predominantly. >> reporter: concerns are growing after dallas health care worker nina pham practiced the virus while treating an ebola patient when died last week. doctors are still trying to pinpoint how the 26-year-old contracted the virus. >> we're particularly concerned with that third process. taking off the isolation personal protective equipment. because if it is contaminated, there's a possibility that a worker will contaminate themselves and become infected in that process. >> reporter: petrie says while we learn more about how the virus is transmitted, santa clara county is working to make sure we have a plan, protocols, and protective gear in case ebola makes it to the bay area. the county is also working to develop a plan to safely transport ebola patients from one hospital to another. u.s. airports, especially on the east coast, are stepping up their fight. this was the scene in boston's logan airport today. a hazmat team meta flight -- met a flight from dubai because of reports five passengers were sick. none had been to west africa but they were all taken to the hospital for evaluations in isolation. stay with us for continuing coverage of this outbreak. coming up later in this newscast we'll have the latest on that nurse in dallas. tracking a developing story now. frightened passengers back on the ground after a plane headed from sfo to dallas was rerouted back to sfo an hour into that flight when as you can see there a section of the superior cabin started to break apart at the seam. nbc bay area's nannette miranda at sfo. that plane did arrive safely with no issues. >> reporter: no one was hurt, welcome news. american airlines says the cause of the cabin pressurization problem was probably a blown air duct, forcing that plane to come back to sfo for an emergency landing. this is cell phone video from passenger james wilson who was spending the week in laguna racing. side wall panels popped open exposing insulation. people were scared because unusual noises were heard as the boeing 757 ascented. american airlines flight 2293 was headed to dallas after 1:00 today. people started screaming and getting worried when they saw the cracks. he thinks it was 30 minutes into the flight when they were around the nevada state line that a pilot went to look at the damage and decided to come back. much to the relief of passengers. >> everyone was wondering, like we're not going to stay in this airport. it's still making noise and whistliwhi whistli whistling. they came and peeled back the panels and checked for daylight. they said, we're okay for now, we're going to keep going. and nobody wanted to stay on the plane. >> reporter: but as i mentioned the plane -- the pilot decided to come back. no one was injured. it landed back at sfo about 2:30 but scary moments. some passengers i'm told pulled out the emergency instructions out of their seat pockets just in case. wilson says it was a full flight, so lots of passengers stuck here in san francisco for the night. american will put them up for the night in a hotel. that jet was taken out of service and a replacement is coming in the morning is those passengers can go back to texas. targeted. if you recognize the customer wearing that baseball cap, morgan hill police want to hear from you. investigators released this photo through facebook saying the man used a stolen credit card to purchase a huge flat-screen tv from target. morgan hill police say anyone with helpful information can contact them through facebook as well. there's a new high-tech push by one peninsula city to crack down on crime. leaders in san carlos are meeting to discuss buying two automated license plate readers which can be mounted on a police car or put on an entrance or exit to a freeway, using images taken by high-speed cameras which are scanned through a database of wanted vehicles. the cost for each is about $35,0 $35,000. the mayor fears authorities may be stepping their bounds in arbitrarily tracking the movement of individuals. the stock market losing streak continues. the sell-off today sent the dow plunging more than 200 points and the nasdaq falling more than 60 points. the market has been in a tailspin since last week because of fears of a global growth slow-down. today's steep drop comes weeks after investors were celebrating the market's record highs. some unhappy customers. tesla is taking some heat. tesla stock closed down more than 5% today. as the company deals with some angry customers and it started last week. you might recall when tesla unveiled a dual wheel drive car that comes standard with new auto pilot features. dozens of drivers who just bought teslas are frustrated their cars don't have those upgrades. the older model s cars don't even have the hardware that would allow them to get the upgrade. some drivers have signed a petition to try to get the upgrades. in the mission a different kind of real estate, this time it's a soccer field. video showing neighborhood kids scoring off with tech employees has gone viral and protests are planned for thursday. the video shows adults and kids arguing at a soccer field in san francisco's mission district. adults say they had a right to the field because they had a permit they'd paid for. the kids wouldn't budge. tension escalating in a part of the city rattled by animosity between low-income residents and growing population of high-paid techies. the latino democratic club is planning to rally saying it opposes the permit program that allows public fields to go to those who can pay. take a look, are these two guys, the burglars that attacked a 14-pound pomeranian inside his home. new video of the suspect san jose police believe are behind a brutal burglary. police say the new images are paying off and could be the key to cracking the case. nbc bay area's michelle roberts spoke to the owner of that dog. how that is little pomeranian doing? >> reporter: he's doing okay. he's home from the vet. but still not in really good shape. the burglars ignored this sign, beware of dog. they broke in on friday and attacked a 14-pound animal. take a closer look. police are trying to track down these two men. investigators believe on friday they burglarized a home on culpepper drive in san jose and brutally attacked the family dog boba. >> he probably had a couple of libs of water but we couldn't see the wounds in his mouth because he was so injured. >> reporter: his home was ransacked on friday morning. around the same time a neighbor's surveillance camera caught two men walking down the street with a suitcase. police have identified one of the men in the video as 18-year-old josiah johnson who is still on the loose. tony took cell phone video of the gruesome scene the thieves left behind. bloody footprints throughout the house. >> the first thing was, where's the dog? >> reporter: the 14-pound pommer rain man mix was found bleeding and hiding behind furniture. >> nightmare come true. >> reporter: tony says his family doesn't feel safe anymore and they're considering moving. >> hopefully they'll catch both of the guys to resolve this case. >> reporter: the vet bill was over $1,000. tony says friends, family, even strangers pitched in to help cover that cost. coming up, the pressure is building underneath us. we're overdue for a big earthquake. we'll show you which fault lines are primed for movement. good evening. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. live in san francisco where the dream force conference is getting kicked off today. we're going to talk more about how they're hoping to give back to the community in just a few minutes. plus details on an ever-changing weather forecast that includes rain. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. a teenager on the peninsula has been arrested for dui and vehicular manslaughter. 19-year-old miguel torres veered off the road, hit a power pole, and then killed a pedestrian in palo alto this morning. it happened just after 6:00 a.m. police say the victim was killed as he was walking on east bayshore road a few blocks from that ikea store along 101. a witness tells us he thinks the tragedy will haunt the driver, the teenager, for years. >> something he's going to have to live with for the rest of his life. it's tough. it's tough to drive like that and then a bad decision that somebody else paid the ultimate price for. >> east bayshore road has been closed throughout the day as workers try to clear the scene and replace the damaged power pole. the victim, the man who died, his name has not been released. we know the name of the fisherman who was swept into the ocean at the marin head lands during a high surf advisory yesterday. the marin county sheriff's office says the man, 61-year-old jimmy choo of san francisco, was fishing near another man when a wave overtook both of them. the other man was able to reach nearby rocks and was rescued by the coast guard. first responders could not get to choo in time. cal trans is working all week to clean up a homeless camp in san jose. earlier today employees started the cleanup at the selection of coleman. cal trans officials say it's routine and people leaving near the camp were told to clear out by the end of the day. homeless advocates say they don't have any other place to go. >> it's a travesty that they have nowhere to go. it breaks my heart. because you want to just take them in and provide for them and solve all of their problems. but it's just impossible. >> homeless advocates say there's a shelter shortage and interim housing crisis in the area which is further hurting the homeless community. people who live nearby are welcome to participate in the cleanup calling the camp dangerous and a major community concern. the fire at a home his camp is being blamed for stopping bart trains and spreading heavy black smoke. across the east bay. the delay started just before 8:00 a.m. between the san leandro bayfair and hayward stations. firefighters say a tent at the homeless camp caught fire and spread. the fire halted service between the stations for nearly half an hour at the height of the morning commute. the pressure is building. troubling news from the usgs about our local earthquake fault system. a new survey finds four northern california faults are overdue for major seismic events. that means earthquake. perhaps one that's larger than the 1989 loma prieta quake which coincidentally the 25th anniversary of that quake is this friday. in a new study, geologists say they're seeing no creep on four key fault lines. you see the map here. no creep means no pressure is being released. and that means those faults have an increased risk of producing earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.8 or higher. the areas with the greatest concern really in the east bay. the green valley, rogers creek, hayward, and calaveras faults. the world's largest software conference is under way in san francisco. more than 150,000 people expected to attend. dream force over the next four days. it's organized by sales force, a bay area-based tech company. >> jeff ranieri is in san francisco right now. this is part tech conference and part big week-long party. >> yeah, it really is. i'm not even sure still how i got in behind the gates. once they find out how much i like to party they may take that pass away. we'll see how that goes. yes, we're here at dream force. it's all part of sales force initiative to get business folks together to help to innovate and to also propel their lives to a more successful mission. and it's also a little bit of a good time and also about giving back. we do want to bring in dan with sales force. awesome event, it's just getting kicked off, there's a lot going on. >> there is. thanks for joining us at dream force. this is a great opportunity. as you know, sales force is really about giving back as well. a core part of our culture is to give back to our communities. here at dream force, we want to focus on dream force gives. we're focusing on three things this week as well as a great event. we're focusing on fighting hunger. we're focusing on helping children and spotting veterans. it's a really exciting time for us and we really appreciate all of our 135,000 attendees coming out today. >> it's going to be a great time. i know you wanted to talk about the veterans. >> sure, absolutely. so in addition to raising cans we're going to provide 3 million meals to fighting hunger. we're focusing on supporting veterans. an initiative, vet force, veterans can get employed, get training, get certified, and our customers can also find vets to fire and get them employed at sales force. it's a great opportunity for them and our customers. >> thank you so much. we appreciate you coming out definitely. >> come out and enjoy. >> weather throughout the next 24 hours, we're going to be under some drastic changes as you can see. after some hot weather this weekend, it's already beginning to cool down and quickly. right now 63 in san francisco, the fog beginning to move in. plenty of sunshine across the south bay and 79 degrees. and at we head throughout tomorrow's forecast it is not going to be hot. no way, no how. what you're going to find is temperatures are going to stay cool in san francisco with 65 degrees. areas of drizzle at the coast in the morning. a few breaks of sun through the day. by the evening hours, a few areas of scattered showers. as you'll see in our three-day forecast, we will see clouds build as well for the south bay. temperatures in the 70s for the peninsula. mainly 60s. the best chance overall for rain across the entire bay area is not going to come until friday or saturday. so if you are headed out to the dream force conference or anywhere throughout the bay area, we've got some clouds coming in and mainly some cooler weather, at least throughout the next three days or so. so sales force is putting on the dream force conference right now. if you don't have a registration ticket, you don't have a pass. here's a little secret, raj and jess. you can get close enough to the gates and you can hear all the awesome music that's happening inside. who knows, maybe somehow you'll get in. >> so that's the cheapie way to get the information. i remember that from high school. >> jeff ranieri and bruno mars doing sales force. mark matthews and the giants getting ready for a wild week of baseball. giants flew back to san francisco today after last night's gut-wrenching loss in st. louis. we're used to this torture. >> torture is the way we like it. mark matthews at at&t park. this is the hottest ticket in town. boy, they are ready there at the ballpark. >> reporter: they are. the giants are back in town. they were practicing today. they're all tied up and there is excitement in the air. the park looks great. two rows of red and white bunting encircle the stadium walls, the main gate, ready to welcome the faithful. boxes of postseason gear unpacked at the dugout store. everyone here a giants fan except for mike ahn of pasadena. >> i would have loved to have seen the giants/dodgers championship. >> but the dodgers lost. >> yeah. >> lost. >> yeah, i understand. >> they're home now. >> reporter: now that that's cleared up the grounds crew is preparing the infield. the cardinals practiced today then the giants, pretty much like always, except an edge that isn't here in the regular season. >> there's always a sizzle in the air. you see the bunting around the ballpark. everybody says there's an air of exit that you can't have during the regular season because the stakes are so high. >> reporter: the stakes are high. the fans at the ballpark can second-guess the manager but rarely get a chance to ask him directly, until today. we asked folks at the dugout store what they would like to ask manager bruce bochy. most asked about last night's choice of relief pitchers, specifically hunter strickland, who can throw a 99-mile-an-hour fastball. it has a tendency to leave the park at 120 miles an hour going the other way. >> great pitcher, but giving up four, you know? >> strickland's fast but if it's flat, you've got to change your pitches. >> i know he feels awful about giving up another home run. but we may have to tweak things. but, you know. this kid's still going to be part of our sixth, seventh inning. >> reporter: strickland is still in it. bochy says that lincecum is ready to go. and i asked tim hudson who's going to pitch tomorrow how he feels about the ballpark. he said, you know, when the fans get going and the place is really rocking, it's sort of a pick me up. like a cup of coffee. think about that the next time you're sipping your espresso. reporting from at&t park, mark matthews, nbc bay area news. another drink, a fierce battle bubbling over the ballot box over what you drink. political analyst talking soda tax next. netflix wants to give subscribers the clearest picture available. but of course it's going to cost you. we'll tell you how much. the usual debate scene takes a back seat. get ready for a bus tour. mayoral candidates dave tore kezzy and sam ricardo are rolling through the streets talking about education, immigration, and public safety. the ride ends later tonight with a community forum at a san jose church. two bay area cities have a ballot proposal that would tax sugary carbonated soft drinks. can they pass? our political analyst weighs in. larry, we've been down the sugary road before. >> look, there's been nothing public polling here, no public polling on either measure. history would suggest these are uphill battles. san francisco's proposition e would add a 2 cent per ounce price to the soda, carbonated soft drinks. because the proposal would earmark the funds for a particular use, children's public nutrition programs, it requires a two-thirds vote. berkeley's measure d proposes a 1 cent per ounce tax on sugar-contained carbonated beverages. the funds would go into the city's general fund because revenues there aren't earmarked for any specific use. that proposal, of course, then requires a simple majority. >> the word tax alone is hard to swalt low for most people. >> yeah, to begin with, a tax increase is always an uphill battle. that's the first problem. second, a couple of proposed tax increases on people for something they like? and that adds to the anxiety. third, the no side, if you will, is organized by the american beverage association. they've created a coalition that includes unions, the san francisco building trades council, gay groups. wow, that's quite a combination. projecting really a widespread opposition. and fourth, look, the facts here, the american beverage association has already spent, get this jessica, $7.7 million in san francisco alone in a campaign certain to top $10 million by november. in becomely by the way, the american beverage association spent already $1.7 million. proponents haven't come close to matching these numbers in either city. >> clearly with all this money being spent there isn't a good history for taxing soda. >> no. the last few years the american beverage association has led the way to defeat about 30 issues. proposals like these in several states and cities. but they dropped the ball recently in mexico on a new tax there. revenue dropped dramatically. the american beverage association doesn't want similar losses here. you know, that said, i've got to tell you, the berkeley proposal's got a shot. it's got a shot with only a 1 cent tax and a reform-minded voting stat. with those two we just might see history made. >> berkeley does go its own way. thank you very much. i'm robert honda live in san jose. coming up, police officers may soon be forced to work mandatory overtime. we'll show you the surprising way the department is looking for ideas for its plan. also, a nurse on the front lines in the fight against ebola has gone from caregiver to patient. we have new details on how she contracted the deadly virus. right now at 6:30, a new proposal that is not sitting well with san jose's rank and file. only on nbc tonight, the police department now considering what many think is a drastic strategy to deal with its staffing shortage. mandatory overtime. nbc bay area's robert honda joins us from police headquarters. a lot of officers upset about this and they're blaming police academy turnout. >> reporter: jessica, as you know, mandatory overtime is all about numbers. the number of officers needed to cover patrols, the number of academy cadets needed to help. right now all those numbers are bad. the san jose police department has lost hundreds of officers to resignation or retirement in the past few years. and it has led to various shifts in scheduling and staff rotations. now nbc bay area has learned the top brass is asking all department members for input on a proposed plan for mandatory overtime. cops we talked to, including poa officers, are upset. >> every member of the department will have to work on their days off and have to come in and do a ten-hour shift, several ten-hour shifts a month. i haven't seen the final plan so i don't know how many hours yet. >> you may work days, now you're working midnight shifts because you don't have a choice. it's very difficult to plan events and time with your family and your kids. >> reporter: the survey says the preliminary plan is a supplement voluntary so-called pay car shifts on patrols and a rotating shift called flex car all with mandatory overtime for all full-duty officers. the police union says the upcoming academy class of 22 new cadets and one holdover is the smallest class ever and a big factor in the new plan. >> our officers are looking at this and going, you guys can't make this work, you're just going to pressure us a little bit more. and each time you do that, you break someone's last straw and that's another officer who puts in an application and goes somewhere else. >> reporter: the police department acknowledges it is lag for ways to develop some plan for mandatory overtime because of an expected surge in retirements. officials say right now they're still collecting input and will have more to say when the survey is completed october 20th. let talk a little bit about mandatory overtime in san jose. it's not just police. back in august we reported how san jose emergency dispatchers are already working mandatory overtime in the face of low staffing levels there. each worker asked to log 36 hours of overtime a month. dispatchers said even with everyone working extra hours, response times were being impacted. a distinctly shaggy suspect is the target of a warning and a search by campbell police. detectives say the older man with long gray hair and a beard exposed himself to a woman outside of the safe way store on hamilton avenue last month. the woman described him as possibly being homeless and wearing a green army jacket. she told campbell police the man followed her as she walked and then ran off when she entered that safe way on hamilton. a little girl in michigan may be the latest victim of the enterovirus d-68. 21-month-old madeline reid died on friday. doctors say she'd been battling the enterovirus d-68 when her heart failed. lab tests will have to confirm if the virus was directly responsible for madeline's death and five others. >> those investigations are still under way. but i must say, at the top of the list of possibilities is that this enterovirus may have produced those illnesses. >> the numbers are sobering. take a look at this map. nearly 700 people have been infected in 46 different states. most of the victims are kids. there is good news. doctors believe the number of cases is reducing. house leaders are looking at the protocol for working with ebola patients after a nurse in dallas tested positive for that deadly virus. that nurse had been caring for thomas eric duncan, the liberian man who died from the disease last week. chris pa loan is live with more of the developing story and these protocols getting a lot of attention now.ollone is live wi of the developing story and these protocols getting a lot of attention now. >> reporter: state and federal officials are per plexed with how this health care worker came down with ebola. they're looking at protective gear doctors and nurses wear, trying to figure whether anything safer can be done. monday a cleanup crew that specializes in hazardous materials worked to decontaminate a dallas apartment. a close family friend confirmed to nbc nauz the woman is nina pham, a did nurse at texas presbyterian hospital, diagnosed with ebola over the weekend. >> i feel awful. that a health care worker became infected in the care of an ebola patient. she was there trying to help the first patient survive. and now she has become infected. >> reporter: the centers for disease control says a breach of protocol led to the first person to person ebola transmission in the united states. and it's leading top health officials to examine every aspect of working with ebola patients. >> we have to rethink the way we address ebola infection control. because even a single infection is unacceptable. >> our prayers and our thoughts go towards the nurse and her family. >> reporter: missionary nancy writebol survived an ebola infection she contracted while working in liberia. she says wearing protective garb is important when working with ebola patients but how a nurse or doctor takes off that garb is just as important. >> it's possible that when you come out of a unit that as you take off your gloves, you might even touch your face. >> reporter: writebol urges americans to have compassion for ebola victims. >> i think that, you know, all of us need to have a respectful fear of ebola. it's serious. it is serious. but a panic? because we have these cases? i don't think it's right or good. >> reporter: despite several airport ebola scares over the past week, no other cases of the deadly disease have been confirmed. not very long ago we learned that that victim, nina pham, received a blood transfusion from dr. kent brantly, ebola survivor. he also donated blood to that 43 lance nbc cameraman, ashoka mukpo. we've been told mukpo's health has taken a turn for the much better. he's back tweeting today. live in dallas, chris pollone, nbc bay area news. in other head lines, gay rights groups tonight are hailing what they call a seismic shift by the catholic church. halfway through this vatican meeting on family life, the bishops said homosexuals have gifts to offer the church and that their partnerships deserve support. the report however stated gay marriage was not possible. >> we must respect the dignity of every person. >> the family life report called for new perspectives on other hot topic issues within the church such as birth control and divorce. conservatives in the church have already called this. the this report a betrayal. leave your wallet at home. when apple will roll out its new payment system. live in emeryville, gas prices across the bay area are dropping. how low will they go? i'll have all the details and what's responsible for the price fall. insurance companies are spending millions of dollars trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. unexpected detour for morning commuters in san francisco's financial district. our fsn chopper overhead. the side of that building literally fell onto the roadway. the debris closed two lanes near the intersection of pine and montgomery streets. firefighters say the building was in the middle of a demolition. city building inspectors are trying to determine why that side of that building came crashing down. the cost of netflix is going up again. the tv and movie streaming company is raising the cost for their 4k program to almost $12 a month. the format offers roughly four times the resolution of current hi-def tvs which means shows like "house of cards" will seem even clearer on the screen. the price change only applies to those who are new to the 4k hi-def subscription. as soon as this week shoppers may be able to use iphone tts pay. apple reportedly set to roll out its apple pay system, maybe as early as saturday. the system works through iphone fingerprint scanners that will talk to a cash register. initially apple pay is rolling out at only particular locations like walgreen's, macy's, mcdonald's. if you don't have an iphone 6 you won't be able to use it. apple so far is not commenting on the report. for many people, especially in the silicon valley, this report is disheartening. qualified minorities aren't being hired. top universities are graduating blacks and hispanics in science and engineering programs but leading tech companies aren't hiring them as often. that's the findings of an analysis in the "usa today." it found the seven leading silicon valley tech firms, just 2% are black, 3% are hispanic. experts say the minority graduation rates are twice those numbers. let's head back out to san francisco. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is jamming over a dream force, getting ready did do a little gig there. >> huge party tonight at the dream force conference. while there's a lot of fun there's a lot of partying and some of the best business minds are coming together. they're also doing a lot to help the community. we'll tell you how they're hoping and your forecast in a few minutes. got a tip for nbc bay area's investigative unit? call 888-996-tips. or e-mail [email protected]. it's getting a little less painful at the pickup. gas prices have plummeted an average of 20 cents a gallon over the last month and estimates the price will continue to fall into the holiday soap. the big question is how low will they actually go? you're surprised when the price is low. >> reporter: analysts are now predicting that we may see prices below $3 around christmas time. prices of course we have not seen in quite some time. and to be very honest with you, prices that we will likely not see here in the bay area since we are typically higher than the national average when it comes to gas costs. the drivers we talked to say they are very happy with any break they can get. >> this thing gets about 10 miles a gallon. that adds up every week. >> reporter: for most drivers, price matters. >> i checked out my gas buddy. this is where to go. >> $3.29? >> that's pretty good. that's real good. >> reporter: this pleasanton gas station was packed today. a stark contrast to its neighbor across the street, charging 46 cents more per gallon. >> cost of living, gas prices. it's unbelievable. >> reporter: this weekend drivers got a major break as part of its grand opening, the grass station charged just under $3 a gallon. >> we were coming by from church. saw the sign. $2.99 a gallon. wondered what the problem was. thought it was a mistake. >> we came here, yeah. that's a great price. nobody even comes close. >> reporter: the promotion is over now, but drivers are still getting a break at the pump. aaa says the last month, prices have dropped 16 to 20 cents per gallon across the bay area. >> if we don't have any major storm throughout the winter, and barring any unforeseen geopolitical situation, we should see the gas prices continue to descend. >> reporter: according to some analysts, prices could plummet another 30% by christmas. >> yeah, that's nice. nice christmas present for everyone. >> reporter: according to aaa there are a few reasons for the drop, including a stable supply of u.s. crude oil, fewer drivers on the road, and also refineries switching over to the winter blend which is less expensive for them to produce. kimberly terry, nbc bay area news. >> we'll take it, thank you. here's a look at some of the gas prices. it's dropped about 20 cents. in san francisco a gallon of regular unleaded is about $3.74. east bay, $3.62. south bay, $3.60. looks like we're going to get great weather for the tech world's largest conference dream force. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is in san francisco gearing up for the big concert too. >> fog rolled in just in time. a lot of folks visiting here. music playing behind me. it's not only about innovative business minds coming together to help to further not only their career but their business's career. to become a lot more successful. they also have three key initiatives they're helping to push. that is children, veterans, and also giving back and helping in a food fund raiser. they've got cans out here where you can help drop off a can. one of the main things is helping those veterans. we've got mark bono out here. you are a former marine, we're happy to have you here. how did sales force and dream force help you? >> what sales force and dream force has helped me with is to become a software admin, developer, and consultant with sales force. >> being a veteran, sometimes it's hard to get back into the workforce. would it have been possible for you without their help? >> to get in the technology industry is very competitive. what sales force has done is allowed us to be in a space where we can now get jobs and be put in these opportunities out there in a space where there's more demand than supply of admins and developers. >> if it wasn't for dream force and what they're doing for veterans, do you think you'd be able to be in this position and to have such a great career ahead of you? >> absolutely not. without sales force i definitely wouldn't be here right now. with dream force and these opportunities that present themselves, it's unlimited. especially for us veterans. >> all right, mark, thank you so much. very honored to be next to you. a marine. we really appreciate all your hard work out there in the field. so you can go to for more information. not only on how to help donate in their food drive but help get involved maybe in the veteran program as well. let's get a look at the weather forecast as we head throughout tonight and beyond. what you're going to be able to find is temperatures are a lot cooler. 72 degrees in san jose tomorrow. a chance of showers in san francisco. and if you are headed out to san francisco, dream force and says force are going to have a bruno mars concert at civic center. it's not open to the immediate public but if you get close enough you'll hear the action and the noise. temperatures in the 60s. let's get into the rest of the weather forecast and we're still going to have sunshine for tomorrow. the biggest thing most of you will have will be cooling temperatures. down into the 60s and the 70s. best chance of showers would be in san francisco and also the north bay. you can see on the future cast as we head throughout 11:00 p.m. on tuesday, we'll see a zone of scattered showers move down. then as we head throughout wednesday's forecast, we'll also see a slight chance of showers into the morning hours. it's not a major storm but just be prepared for a little bit of rain there tuesday night and wednesday. then a second storm system this week as we head throughout friday's forecast. we'll go ahead and get a look at the rest of the week. again it's all about that cooler weather, a chance of showers late tuesday and wednesday, a chance of rain by friday and saturday as well. we don't want to forget the san francisco giants nlcs game three cardinals and giants go at it. we're going to have temperatures in the 60s for that first pitch. all right, it is a incredible conference down here. dream force is happening. are you all having fun near tonight all of these ladies back here behind me, raj and jess, assure me that even if you don't have tickets to come into this, you can be inspired by coming near this and kind of getting connected to businesspeople yourself. it can happen. >> good idea. >> just coming near the concert. >> listen to some music, it's a whole evening. let's move on. did you see the game last night? if you didn't, forget about it. the giants are back in san francisco tonight getting ready for three straight games at at&t park. we'll check in with the players next. hey john check it out. whoa! yeah i was testing to see if we really can turn any device in your house into a tv and the tablet worked just fine but i wanted to see if the phone will work as well. so i shrunk sharon. every channel's live just like on tv but it's my phone. it's genius. shh! i'm watching tv. tiny sharon is mean. i'm right here. watch any channel live on any device around your home. the x1 entertainment operating system only from xfinity. comcast sports net studios, i was telling jess cat giants have them where they want them. >> you know what they do. i mean, they've got a chance to wrap this thing up at home. two ways to look at the nlcs from a giants perspective. as the series moves to at&t park tomorrow. the g-men left the gateway city with a split which is the goal, or the giants let game two slip away and should have a commanding 2-0 advantage. regardless of how you see it, the orange and black now have home field advantage and could realistically wrap up this series without it even going back to st. louis. ahmed fareed has more as the g-men turn to tim hudson in game three. >> when the giants signed tim hudson in the offseason he brought a lot of leadership, veteran experience. but he did not necessarily bring a lot of postseason experience. and as far as the lcs, in either american or national league, game three will be his first time in the lcs. >> you know, i just try to talk to some of the young guys about didn't take these opportunities for granted. next thing you know, you'll be 16 years in the league and have never gotten past the first round. you know, so it's -- it's exciting for me to finally be here. i know a lot of these guys in this locker room have tasted that champagne and have had that success. you know, it's just something i'm still looking for. i'm really heeager for the seri to get going and to pitch tomorrow and hopefully get on to that next step, which is that goal of winning the world series. >> as far as the offense goes, it apearce to be a struggle for the giants in the postseason so far. of their last ten runs, two of have scored on sac flies, two on groundouts, two on wild pitches, one on a walk, three on hits. >> i think there's probably always room for improvement for every team. but the way we're playing right now, we're putting a lot of pressure on the other team. when you do that, you create your own chances to score runs. that's what we've been able to do. >> we've proven that even with injuries, guys were able to step in and fill in and obviously -- maybe not to the full potential what was we lost but do what's needed to help the team get the wins and the same thing, if something was to happen to anybody on our team right now, i would feel very confident with any of our guys coming off the bench fill in and doing the job. >> ahmed fareed, nbc bay area news. despite what appeared to be a series-ending injury last night, cards catcher yad yes, sir molina made the red birds flight to san francisco and could actually play in game three tomorrow. molina strained his left oblique muscle in the sixth inning but will remain on the active roster, listed as day to day. a's bench coach chip hale getting his shot in major league baseball. the 49-year-old named as the seventh manager in arizona diamondbacks history today, replacing kirk gibson, who was fired with three games remaining during the regular season. hale spent the last three seasons under bob melvin. 49ers in action tonight as we speak, monday night football. right now they trail the st. louis rams 14-10 at the half. highlights coming up at 11:00. >> is geraud nervous about the giants game? >> no, doesn't seem nervous at all. confident. >> you know what? this series is going the exact way the giants win all their type of postseason games. really from 2010 to 2012 to right now. i mean, it's the formula. >> part of the charm. that's the way we like it. thank you, geraud. for a full half hour of bay area sports, "sports net central" on comcast sports net bay area tonight at 10:30. >> it's part what was we do around here. at 11:00, we have new questions about the radiation cleanup at hunters point after we've obtained an internal e-mail and report. we investigate tonight at 11:00 after "the black list." pardon my pun. oh my gourd. a new north americaned. set at the annual half moon bay pumpkin weigh-off. 2,058 pounds, the first one-ton pumpkin in half moon bay history. the napa man who grew it is taking home a cash prize of $13,000 which he says is really going to come in useful in napa. >> i don't have plans. you know, i've got a chim 93 to fix from the earthquake. >> really? >> yeah. so -- this is meant to be, god gave us these. >> mr. hockley said like previous winners he is going to share the seeds from his monster pumpkin with his fellow competitive pumpkin farmers. >> oh my gourd? >> oh my gourd. >> that's great he's using that money for the chimney. ♪shining, shimmering, splendid ♪tell me, princess, now when did♪ ♪you last let your heart decide♪ ♪a whole new world welcome to aulani, travel and leisure winner for top family hotel in the u.s. for special offers, visit or call your travel agent. face to face for the first time since tori stole her husband. >> now on extra. extra. tori spelling and the woman whose marriage she destroyed. >> i mean he's a total nob but he's your nob now. >> 8 years after dean cheated what his ex wants to say to tori's face today. >> george and amal moments after taking their vows. the intimate never before seen candids from their italian i dos. >> mario's exclusive with taylor swift. >> you look beautiful as always. >> thank you, you look beautiful as always.

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emergency medical services director michael petrie says his team is also looking into whether to get isolation pods like this that can be used to help prevent the spread of infection. and that's not all. >> we also instituted new screening questions. every patient is going to be asked whether they have a fever. and if they do, we're going to ask if they've been to the three countries that have ebola predominantly. >> reporter: concerns are growing after dallas health care worker nina pham practiced the virus while treating an ebola patient when died last week. doctors are still trying to pinpoint how the 26-year-old contracted the virus. >> we're particularly concerned with that third process. taking off the isolation personal protective equipment. because if it is contaminated, there's a possibility that a worker will contaminate themselves and become infected in that process. >> reporter: petrie says while we learn more about how the virus is transmitted, santa clara county is working to make sure we have a plan, protocols, and protective gear in case ebola makes it to the bay area. the county is also working to develop a plan to safely transport ebola patients from one hospital to another. u.s. airports, especially on the east coast, are stepping up their fight. this was the scene in boston's logan airport today. a hazmat team meta flight -- met a flight from dubai because of reports five passengers were sick. none had been to west africa but they were all taken to the hospital for evaluations in isolation. stay with us for continuing coverage of this outbreak. coming up later in this newscast we'll have the latest on that nurse in dallas. tracking a developing story now. frightened passengers back on the ground after a plane headed from sfo to dallas was rerouted back to sfo an hour into that flight when as you can see there a section of the superior cabin started to break apart at the seam. nbc bay area's nannette miranda at sfo. that plane did arrive safely with no issues. >> reporter: no one was hurt, welcome news. american airlines says the cause of the cabin pressurization problem was probably a blown air duct, forcing that plane to come back to sfo for an emergency landing. this is cell phone video from passenger james wilson who was spending the week in laguna racing. side wall panels popped open exposing insulation. people were scared because unusual noises were heard as the boeing 757 ascented. american airlines flight 2293 was headed to dallas after 1:00 today. people started screaming and getting worried when they saw the cracks. he thinks it was 30 minutes into the flight when they were around the nevada state line that a pilot went to look at the damage and decided to come back. much to the relief of passengers. >> everyone was wondering, like we're not going to stay in this airport. it's still making noise and whistliwhi whistli whistling. they came and peeled back the panels and checked for daylight. they said, we're okay for now, we're going to keep going. and nobody wanted to stay on the plane. >> reporter: but as i mentioned the plane -- the pilot decided to come back. no one was injured. it landed back at sfo about 2:30 but scary moments. some passengers i'm told pulled out the emergency instructions out of their seat pockets just in case. wilson says it was a full flight, so lots of passengers stuck here in san francisco for the night. american will put them up for the night in a hotel. that jet was taken out of service and a replacement is coming in the morning is those passengers can go back to texas. targeted. if you recognize the customer wearing that baseball cap, morgan hill police want to hear from you. investigators released this photo through facebook saying the man used a stolen credit card to purchase a huge flat-screen tv from target. morgan hill police say anyone with helpful information can contact them through facebook as well. there's a new high-tech push by one peninsula city to crack down on crime. leaders in san carlos are meeting to discuss buying two automated license plate readers which can be mounted on a police car or put on an entrance or exit to a freeway, using images taken by high-speed cameras which are scanned through a database of wanted vehicles. the cost for each is about $35,0 $35,000. the mayor fears authorities may be stepping their bounds in arbitrarily tracking the movement of individuals. the stock market losing streak continues. the sell-off today sent the dow plunging more than 200 points and the nasdaq falling more than 60 points. the market has been in a tailspin since last week because of fears of a global growth slow-down. today's steep drop comes weeks after investors were celebrating the market's record highs. some unhappy customers. tesla is taking some heat. tesla stock closed down more than 5% today. as the company deals with some angry customers and it started last week. you might recall when tesla unveiled a dual wheel drive car that comes standard with new auto pilot features. dozens of drivers who just bought teslas are frustrated their cars don't have those upgrades. the older model s cars don't even have the hardware that would allow them to get the upgrade. some drivers have signed a petition to try to get the upgrades. in the mission a different kind of real estate, this time it's a soccer field. video showing neighborhood kids scoring off with tech employees has gone viral and protests are planned for thursday. the video shows adults and kids arguing at a soccer field in san francisco's mission district. adults say they had a right to the field because they had a permit they'd paid for. the kids wouldn't budge. tension escalating in a part of the city rattled by animosity between low-income residents and growing population of high-paid techies. the latino democratic club is planning to rally saying it opposes the permit program that allows public fields to go to those who can pay. take a look, are these two guys, the burglars that attacked a 14-pound pomeranian inside his home. new video of the suspect san jose police believe are behind a brutal burglary. police say the new images are paying off and could be the key to cracking the case. nbc bay area's michelle roberts spoke to the owner of that dog. how that is little pomeranian doing? >> reporter: he's doing okay. he's home from the vet. but still not in really good shape. the burglars ignored this sign, beware of dog. they broke in on friday and attacked a 14-pound animal. take a closer look. police are trying to track down these two men. investigators believe on friday they burglarized a home on culpepper drive in san jose and brutally attacked the family dog boba. >> he probably had a couple of libs of water but we couldn't see the wounds in his mouth because he was so injured. >> reporter: his home was ransacked on friday morning. around the same time a neighbor's surveillance camera caught two men walking down the street with a suitcase. police have identified one of the men in the video as 18-year-old josiah johnson who is still on the loose. tony took cell phone video of the gruesome scene the thieves left behind. bloody footprints throughout the house. >> the first thing was, where's the dog? >> reporter: the 14-pound pommer rain man mix was found bleeding and hiding behind furniture. >> nightmare come true. >> reporter: tony says his family doesn't feel safe anymore and they're considering moving. >> hopefully they'll catch both of the guys to resolve this case. >> reporter: the vet bill was over $1,000. tony says friends, family, even strangers pitched in to help cover that cost. coming up, the pressure is building underneath us. we're overdue for a big earthquake. we'll show you which fault lines are primed for movement. good evening. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. live in san francisco where the dream force conference is getting kicked off today. we're going to talk more about how they're hoping to give back to the community in just a few minutes. plus details on an ever-changing weather forecast that includes rain. can't say thank you enough. you have made my life special by being apart of it. (everyone) cheers! glad you made it buddy. thanks for inviting me. thanks again my friends. for everything, for all your help. through all life's milestones, our trusted advisors are with you every step of the way. congratulations! thanks for helping me plan for my retirement. you should come celebrate with us. i'd be honored. plan for your goals with advisors you know and trust. so you can celebrate today and feel confident about tomorrow. chase. so you can. a teenager on the peninsula has been arrested for dui and vehicular manslaughter. 19-year-old miguel torres veered off the road, hit a power pole, and then killed a pedestrian in palo alto this morning. it happened just after 6:00 a.m. police say the victim was killed as he was walking on east bayshore road a few blocks from that ikea store along 101. a witness tells us he thinks the tragedy will haunt the driver, the teenager, for years. >> something he's going to have to live with for the rest of his life. it's tough. it's tough to drive like that and then a bad decision that somebody else paid the ultimate price for. >> east bayshore road has been closed throughout the day as workers try to clear the scene and replace the damaged power pole. the victim, the man who died, his name has not been released. we know the name of the fisherman who was swept into the ocean at the marin head lands during a high surf advisory yesterday. the marin county sheriff's office says the man, 61-year-old jimmy choo of san francisco, was fishing near another man when a wave overtook both of them. the other man was able to reach nearby rocks and was rescued by the coast guard. first responders could not get to choo in time. cal trans is working all week to clean up a homeless camp in san jose. earlier today employees started the cleanup at the selection of coleman. cal trans officials say it's routine and people leaving near the camp were told to clear out by the end of the day. homeless advocates say they don't have any other place to go. >> it's a travesty that they have nowhere to go. it breaks my heart. because you want to just take them in and provide for them and solve all of their problems. but it's just impossible. >> homeless advocates say there's a shelter shortage and interim housing crisis in the area which is further hurting the homeless community. people who live nearby are welcome to participate in the cleanup calling the camp dangerous and a major community concern. the fire at a home his camp is being blamed for stopping bart trains and spreading heavy black smoke. across the east bay. the delay started just before 8:00 a.m. between the san leandro bayfair and hayward stations. firefighters say a tent at the homeless camp caught fire and spread. the fire halted service between the stations for nearly half an hour at the height of the morning commute. the pressure is building. troubling news from the usgs about our local earthquake fault system. a new survey finds four northern california faults are overdue for major seismic events. that means earthquake. perhaps one that's larger than the 1989 loma prieta quake which coincidentally the 25th anniversary of that quake is this friday. in a new study, geologists say they're seeing no creep on four key fault lines. you see the map here. no creep means no pressure is being released. and that means those faults have an increased risk of producing earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.8 or higher. the areas with the greatest concern really in the east bay. the green valley, rogers creek, hayward, and calaveras faults. the world's largest software conference is under way in san francisco. more than 150,000 people expected to attend. dream force over the next four days. it's organized by sales force, a bay area-based tech company. >> jeff ranieri is in san francisco right now. this is part tech conference and part big week-long party. >> yeah, it really is. i'm not even sure still how i got in behind the gates. once they find out how much i like to party they may take that pass away. we'll see how that goes. yes, we're here at dream force. it's all part of sales force initiative to get business folks together to help to innovate and to also propel their lives to a more successful mission. and it's also a little bit of a good time and also about giving back. we do want to bring in dan with sales force. awesome event, it's just getting kicked off, there's a lot going on. >> there is. thanks for joining us at dream force. this is a great opportunity. as you know, sales force is really about giving back as well. a core part of our culture is to give back to our communities. here at dream force, we want to focus on dream force gives. we're focusing on three things this week as well as a great event. we're focusing on fighting hunger. we're focusing on helping children and spotting veterans. it's a really exciting time for us and we really appreciate all of our 135,000 attendees coming out today. >> it's going to be a great time. i know you wanted to talk about the veterans. >> sure, absolutely. so in addition to raising cans we're going to provide 3 million meals to fighting hunger. we're focusing on supporting veterans. an initiative, vet force, veterans can get employed, get training, get certified, and our customers can also find vets to fire and get them employed at sales force. it's a great opportunity for them and our customers. >> thank you so much. we appreciate you coming out definitely. >> come out and enjoy. >> weather throughout the next 24 hours, we're going to be under some drastic changes as you can see. after some hot weather this weekend, it's already beginning to cool down and quickly. right now 63 in san francisco, the fog beginning to move in. plenty of sunshine across the south bay and 79 degrees. and at we head throughout tomorrow's forecast it is not going to be hot. no way, no how. what you're going to find is temperatures are going to stay cool in san francisco with 65 degrees. areas of drizzle at the coast in the morning. a few breaks of sun through the day. by the evening hours, a few areas of scattered showers. as you'll see in our three-day forecast, we will see clouds build as well for the south bay. temperatures in the 70s for the peninsula. mainly 60s. the best chance overall for rain across the entire bay area is not going to come until friday or saturday. so if you are headed out to the dream force conference or anywhere throughout the bay area, we've got some clouds coming in and mainly some cooler weather, at least throughout the next three days or so. so sales force is putting on the dream force conference right now. if you don't have a registration ticket, you don't have a pass. here's a little secret, raj and jess. you can get close enough to the gates and you can hear all the awesome music that's happening inside. who knows, maybe somehow you'll get in. >> so that's the cheapie way to get the information. i remember that from high school. >> jeff ranieri and bruno mars doing sales force. mark matthews and the giants getting ready for a wild week of baseball. giants flew back to san francisco today after last night's gut-wrenching loss in st. louis. we're used to this torture. >> torture is the way we like it. mark matthews at at&t park. this is the hottest ticket in town. boy, they are ready there at the ballpark. >> reporter: they are. the giants are back in town. they were practicing today. they're all tied up and there is excitement in the air. the park looks great. two rows of red and white bunting encircle the stadium walls, the main gate, ready to welcome the faithful. boxes of postseason gear unpacked at the dugout store. everyone here a giants fan except for mike ahn of pasadena. >> i would have loved to have seen the giants/dodgers championship. >> but the dodgers lost. >> yeah. >> lost. >> yeah, i understand. >> they're home now. >> reporter: now that that's cleared up the grounds crew is preparing the infield. the cardinals practiced today then the giants, pretty much like always, except an edge that isn't here in the regular season. >> there's always a sizzle in the air. you see the bunting around the ballpark. everybody says there's an air of exit that you can't have during the regular season because the stakes are so high. >> reporter: the stakes are high. the fans at the ballpark can second-guess the manager but rarely get a chance to ask him directly, until today. we asked folks at the dugout store what they would like to ask manager bruce bochy. most asked about last night's choice of relief pitchers, specifically hunter strickland, who can throw a 99-mile-an-hour fastball. it has a tendency to leave the park at 120 miles an hour going the other way. >> great pitcher, but giving up four, you know? >> strickland's fast but if it's flat, you've got to change your pitches. >> i know he feels awful about giving up another home run. but we may have to tweak things. but, you know. this kid's still going to be part of our sixth, seventh inning. >> reporter: strickland is still in it. bochy says that lincecum is ready to go. and i asked tim hudson who's going to pitch tomorrow how he feels about the ballpark. he said, you know, when the fans get going and the place is really rocking, it's sort of a pick me up. like a cup of coffee. think about that the next time you're sipping your espresso. reporting from at&t park, mark matthews, nbc bay area news. another drink, a fierce battle bubbling over the ballot box over what you drink. political analyst talking soda tax next. netflix wants to give subscribers the clearest picture available. but of course it's going to cost you. we'll tell you how much. the usual debate scene takes a back seat. get ready for a bus tour. mayoral candidates dave tore kezzy and sam ricardo are rolling through the streets talking about education, immigration, and public safety. the ride ends later tonight with a community forum at a san jose church. two bay area cities have a ballot proposal that would tax sugary carbonated soft drinks. can they pass? our political analyst weighs in. larry, we've been down the sugary road before. >> look, there's been nothing public polling here, no public polling on either measure. history would suggest these are uphill battles. san francisco's proposition e would add a 2 cent per ounce price to the soda, carbonated soft drinks. because the proposal would earmark the funds for a particular use, children's public nutrition programs, it requires a two-thirds vote. berkeley's measure d proposes a 1 cent per ounce tax on sugar-contained carbonated beverages. the funds would go into the city's general fund because revenues there aren't earmarked for any specific use. that proposal, of course, then requires a simple majority. >> the word tax alone is hard to swalt low for most people. >> yeah, to begin with, a tax increase is always an uphill battle. that's the first problem. second, a couple of proposed tax increases on people for something they like? and that adds to the anxiety. third, the no side, if you will, is organized by the american beverage association. they've created a coalition that includes unions, the san francisco building trades council, gay groups. wow, that's quite a combination. projecting really a widespread opposition. and fourth, look, the facts here, the american beverage association has already spent, get this jessica, $7.7 million in san francisco alone in a campaign certain to top $10 million by november. in becomely by the way, the american beverage association spent already $1.7 million. proponents haven't come close to matching these numbers in either city. >> clearly with all this money being spent there isn't a good history for taxing soda. >> no. the last few years the american beverage association has led the way to defeat about 30 issues. proposals like these in several states and cities. but they dropped the ball recently in mexico on a new tax there. revenue dropped dramatically. the american beverage association doesn't want similar losses here. you know, that said, i've got to tell you, the berkeley proposal's got a shot. it's got a shot with only a 1 cent tax and a reform-minded voting stat. with those two we just might see history made. >> berkeley does go its own way. thank you very much. i'm robert honda live in san jose. coming up, police officers may soon be forced to work mandatory overtime. we'll show you the surprising way the department is looking for ideas for its plan. also, a nurse on the front lines in the fight against ebola has gone from caregiver to patient. we have new details on how she contracted the deadly virus. right now at 6:30, a new proposal that is not sitting well with san jose's rank and file. only on nbc tonight, the police department now considering what many think is a drastic strategy to deal with its staffing shortage. mandatory overtime. nbc bay area's robert honda joins us from police headquarters. a lot of officers upset about this and they're blaming police academy turnout. >> reporter: jessica, as you know, mandatory overtime is all about numbers. the number of officers needed to cover patrols, the number of academy cadets needed to help. right now all those numbers are bad. the san jose police department has lost hundreds of officers to resignation or retirement in the past few years. and it has led to various shifts in scheduling and staff rotations. now nbc bay area has learned the top brass is asking all department members for input on a proposed plan for mandatory overtime. cops we talked to, including poa officers, are upset. >> every member of the department will have to work on their days off and have to come in and do a ten-hour shift, several ten-hour shifts a month. i haven't seen the final plan so i don't know how many hours yet. >> you may work days, now you're working midnight shifts because you don't have a choice. it's very difficult to plan events and time with your family and your kids. >> reporter: the survey says the preliminary plan is a supplement voluntary so-called pay car shifts on patrols and a rotating shift called flex car all with mandatory overtime for all full-duty officers. the police union says the upcoming academy class of 22 new cadets and one holdover is the smallest class ever and a big factor in the new plan. >> our officers are looking at this and going, you guys can't make this work, you're just going to pressure us a little bit more. and each time you do that, you break someone's last straw and that's another officer who puts in an application and goes somewhere else. >> reporter: the police department acknowledges it is lag for ways to develop some plan for mandatory overtime because of an expected surge in retirements. officials say right now they're still collecting input and will have more to say when the survey is completed october 20th. let talk a little bit about mandatory overtime in san jose. it's not just police. back in august we reported how san jose emergency dispatchers are already working mandatory overtime in the face of low staffing levels there. each worker asked to log 36 hours of overtime a month. dispatchers said even with everyone working extra hours, response times were being impacted. a distinctly shaggy suspect is the target of a warning and a search by campbell police. detectives say the older man with long gray hair and a beard exposed himself to a woman outside of the safe way store on hamilton avenue last month. the woman described him as possibly being homeless and wearing a green army jacket. she told campbell police the man followed her as she walked and then ran off when she entered that safe way on hamilton. a little girl in michigan may be the latest victim of the enterovirus d-68. 21-month-old madeline reid died on friday. doctors say she'd been battling the enterovirus d-68 when her heart failed. lab tests will have to confirm if the virus was directly responsible for madeline's death and five others. >> those investigations are still under way. but i must say, at the top of the list of possibilities is that this enterovirus may have produced those illnesses. >> the numbers are sobering. take a look at this map. nearly 700 people have been infected in 46 different states. most of the victims are kids. there is good news. doctors believe the number of cases is reducing. house leaders are looking at the protocol for working with ebola patients after a nurse in dallas tested positive for that deadly virus. that nurse had been caring for thomas eric duncan, the liberian man who died from the disease last week. chris pa loan is live with more of the developing story and these protocols getting a lot of attention now.ollone is live wi of the developing story and these protocols getting a lot of attention now. >> reporter: state and federal officials are per plexed with how this health care worker came down with ebola. they're looking at protective gear doctors and nurses wear, trying to figure whether anything safer can be done. monday a cleanup crew that specializes in hazardous materials worked to decontaminate a dallas apartment. a close family friend confirmed to nbc nauz the woman is nina pham, a did nurse at texas presbyterian hospital, diagnosed with ebola over the weekend. >> i feel awful. that a health care worker became infected in the care of an ebola patient. she was there trying to help the first patient survive. and now she has become infected. >> reporter: the centers for disease control says a breach of protocol led to the first person to person ebola transmission in the united states. and it's leading top health officials to examine every aspect of working with ebola patients. >> we have to rethink the way we address ebola infection control. because even a single infection is unacceptable. >> our prayers and our thoughts go towards the nurse and her family. >> reporter: missionary nancy writebol survived an ebola infection she contracted while working in liberia. she says wearing protective garb is important when working with ebola patients but how a nurse or doctor takes off that garb is just as important. >> it's possible that when you come out of a unit that as you take off your gloves, you might even touch your face. >> reporter: writebol urges americans to have compassion for ebola victims. >> i think that, you know, all of us need to have a respectful fear of ebola. it's serious. it is serious. but a panic? because we have these cases? i don't think it's right or good. >> reporter: despite several airport ebola scares over the past week, no other cases of the deadly disease have been confirmed. not very long ago we learned that that victim, nina pham, received a blood transfusion from dr. kent brantly, ebola survivor. he also donated blood to that 43 lance nbc cameraman, ashoka mukpo. we've been told mukpo's health has taken a turn for the much better. he's back tweeting today. live in dallas, chris pollone, nbc bay area news. in other head lines, gay rights groups tonight are hailing what they call a seismic shift by the catholic church. halfway through this vatican meeting on family life, the bishops said homosexuals have gifts to offer the church and that their partnerships deserve support. the report however stated gay marriage was not possible. >> we must respect the dignity of every person. >> the family life report called for new perspectives on other hot topic issues within the church such as birth control and divorce. conservatives in the church have already called this. the this report a betrayal. leave your wallet at home. when apple will roll out its new payment system. live in emeryville, gas prices across the bay area are dropping. how low will they go? i'll have all the details and what's responsible for the price fall. insurance companies are spending millions of dollars trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. unexpected detour for morning commuters in san francisco's financial district. our fsn chopper overhead. the side of that building literally fell onto the roadway. the debris closed two lanes near the intersection of pine and montgomery streets. firefighters say the building was in the middle of a demolition. city building inspectors are trying to determine why that side of that building came crashing down. the cost of netflix is going up again. the tv and movie streaming company is raising the cost for their 4k program to almost $12 a month. the format offers roughly four times the resolution of current hi-def tvs which means shows like "house of cards" will seem even clearer on the screen. the price change only applies to those who are new to the 4k hi-def subscription. as soon as this week shoppers may be able to use iphone tts pay. apple reportedly set to roll out its apple pay system, maybe as early as saturday. the system works through iphone fingerprint scanners that will talk to a cash register. initially apple pay is rolling out at only particular locations like walgreen's, macy's, mcdonald's. if you don't have an iphone 6 you won't be able to use it. apple so far is not commenting on the report. for many people, especially in the silicon valley, this report is disheartening. qualified minorities aren't being hired. top universities are graduating blacks and hispanics in science and engineering programs but leading tech companies aren't hiring them as often. that's the findings of an analysis in the "usa today." it found the seven leading silicon valley tech firms, just 2% are black, 3% are hispanic. experts say the minority graduation rates are twice those numbers. let's head back out to san francisco. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is jamming over a dream force, getting ready did do a little gig there. >> huge party tonight at the dream force conference. while there's a lot of fun there's a lot of partying and some of the best business minds are coming together. they're also doing a lot to help the community. we'll tell you how they're hoping and your forecast in a few minutes. got a tip for nbc bay area's investigative unit? call 888-996-tips. or e-mail it's getting a little less painful at the pickup. gas prices have plummeted an average of 20 cents a gallon over the last month and estimates the price will continue to fall into the holiday soap. the big question is how low will they actually go? you're surprised when the price is low. >> reporter: analysts are now predicting that we may see prices below $3 around christmas time. prices of course we have not seen in quite some time. and to be very honest with you, prices that we will likely not see here in the bay area since we are typically higher than the national average when it comes to gas costs. the drivers we talked to say they are very happy with any break they can get. >> this thing gets about 10 miles a gallon. that adds up every week. >> reporter: for most drivers, price matters. >> i checked out my gas buddy. this is where to go. >> $3.29? >> that's pretty good. that's real good. >> reporter: this pleasanton gas station was packed today. a stark contrast to its neighbor across the street, charging 46 cents more per gallon. >> cost of living, gas prices. it's unbelievable. >> reporter: this weekend drivers got a major break as part of its grand opening, the grass station charged just under $3 a gallon. >> we were coming by from church. saw the sign. $2.99 a gallon. wondered what the problem was. thought it was a mistake. >> we came here, yeah. that's a great price. nobody even comes close. >> reporter: the promotion is over now, but drivers are still getting a break at the pump. aaa says the last month, prices have dropped 16 to 20 cents per gallon across the bay area. >> if we don't have any major storm throughout the winter, and barring any unforeseen geopolitical situation, we should see the gas prices continue to descend. >> reporter: according to some analysts, prices could plummet another 30% by christmas. >> yeah, that's nice. nice christmas present for everyone. >> reporter: according to aaa there are a few reasons for the drop, including a stable supply of u.s. crude oil, fewer drivers on the road, and also refineries switching over to the winter blend which is less expensive for them to produce. kimberly terry, nbc bay area news. >> we'll take it, thank you. here's a look at some of the gas prices. it's dropped about 20 cents. in san francisco a gallon of regular unleaded is about $3.74. east bay, $3.62. south bay, $3.60. looks like we're going to get great weather for the tech world's largest conference dream force. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri is in san francisco gearing up for the big concert too. >> fog rolled in just in time. a lot of folks visiting here. music playing behind me. it's not only about innovative business minds coming together to help to further not only their career but their business's career. to become a lot more successful. they also have three key initiatives they're helping to push. that is children, veterans, and also giving back and helping in a food fund raiser. they've got cans out here where you can help drop off a can. one of the main things is helping those veterans. we've got mark bono out here. you are a former marine, we're happy to have you here. how did sales force and dream force help you? >> what sales force and dream force has helped me with is to become a software admin, developer, and consultant with sales force. >> being a veteran, sometimes it's hard to get back into the workforce. would it have been possible for you without their help? >> to get in the technology industry is very competitive. what sales force has done is allowed us to be in a space where we can now get jobs and be put in these opportunities out there in a space where there's more demand than supply of admins and developers. >> if it wasn't for dream force and what they're doing for veterans, do you think you'd be able to be in this position and to have such a great career ahead of you? >> absolutely not. without sales force i definitely wouldn't be here right now. with dream force and these opportunities that present themselves, it's unlimited. especially for us veterans. >> all right, mark, thank you so much. very honored to be next to you. a marine. we really appreciate all your hard work out there in the field. so you can go to for more information. not only on how to help donate in their food drive but help get involved maybe in the veteran program as well. let's get a look at the weather forecast as we head throughout tonight and beyond. what you're going to be able to find is temperatures are a lot cooler. 72 degrees in san jose tomorrow. a chance of showers in san francisco. and if you are headed out to san francisco, dream force and says force are going to have a bruno mars concert at civic center. it's not open to the immediate public but if you get close enough you'll hear the action and the noise. temperatures in the 60s. let's get into the rest of the weather forecast and we're still going to have sunshine for tomorrow. the biggest thing most of you will have will be cooling temperatures. down into the 60s and the 70s. best chance of showers would be in san francisco and also the north bay. you can see on the future cast as we head throughout 11:00 p.m. on tuesday, we'll see a zone of scattered showers move down. then as we head throughout wednesday's forecast, we'll also see a slight chance of showers into the morning hours. it's not a major storm but just be prepared for a little bit of rain there tuesday night and wednesday. then a second storm system this week as we head throughout friday's forecast. we'll go ahead and get a look at the rest of the week. again it's all about that cooler weather, a chance of showers late tuesday and wednesday, a chance of rain by friday and saturday as well. we don't want to forget the san francisco giants nlcs game three cardinals and giants go at it. we're going to have temperatures in the 60s for that first pitch. all right, it is a incredible conference down here. dream force is happening. are you all having fun near tonight all of these ladies back here behind me, raj and jess, assure me that even if you don't have tickets to come into this, you can be inspired by coming near this and kind of getting connected to businesspeople yourself. it can happen. >> good idea. >> just coming near the concert. >> listen to some music, it's a whole evening. let's move on. did you see the game last night? if you didn't, forget about it. the giants are back in san francisco tonight getting ready for three straight games at at&t park. we'll check in with the players next. hey john check it out. whoa! yeah i was testing to see if we really can turn any device in your house into a tv and the tablet worked just fine but i wanted to see if the phone will work as well. so i shrunk sharon. every channel's live just like on tv but it's my phone. it's genius. shh! i'm watching tv. tiny sharon is mean. i'm right here. watch any channel live on any device around your home. the x1 entertainment operating system only from xfinity. comcast sports net studios, i was telling jess cat giants have them where they want them. >> you know what they do. i mean, they've got a chance to wrap this thing up at home. two ways to look at the nlcs from a giants perspective. as the series moves to at&t park tomorrow. the g-men left the gateway city with a split which is the goal, or the giants let game two slip away and should have a commanding 2-0 advantage. regardless of how you see it, the orange and black now have home field advantage and could realistically wrap up this series without it even going back to st. louis. ahmed fareed has more as the g-men turn to tim hudson in game three. >> when the giants signed tim hudson in the offseason he brought a lot of leadership, veteran experience. but he did not necessarily bring a lot of postseason experience. and as far as the lcs, in either american or national league, game three will be his first time in the lcs. >> you know, i just try to talk to some of the young guys about didn't take these opportunities for granted. next thing you know, you'll be 16 years in the league and have never gotten past the first round. you know, so it's -- it's exciting for me to finally be here. i know a lot of these guys in this locker room have tasted that champagne and have had that success. you know, it's just something i'm still looking for. i'm really heeager for the seri to get going and to pitch tomorrow and hopefully get on to that next step, which is that goal of winning the world series. >> as far as the offense goes, it apearce to be a struggle for the giants in the postseason so far. of their last ten runs, two of have scored on sac flies, two on groundouts, two on wild pitches, one on a walk, three on hits. >> i think there's probably always room for improvement for every team. but the way we're playing right now, we're putting a lot of pressure on the other team. when you do that, you create your own chances to score runs. that's what we've been able to do. >> we've proven that even with injuries, guys were able to step in and fill in and obviously -- maybe not to the full potential what was we lost but do what's needed to help the team get the wins and the same thing, if something was to happen to anybody on our team right now, i would feel very confident with any of our guys coming off the bench fill in and doing the job. >> ahmed fareed, nbc bay area news. despite what appeared to be a series-ending injury last night, cards catcher yad yes, sir molina made the red birds flight to san francisco and could actually play in game three tomorrow. molina strained his left oblique muscle in the sixth inning but will remain on the active roster, listed as day to day. a's bench coach chip hale getting his shot in major league baseball. the 49-year-old named as the seventh manager in arizona diamondbacks history today, replacing kirk gibson, who was fired with three games remaining during the regular season. hale spent the last three seasons under bob melvin. 49ers in action tonight as we speak, monday night football. right now they trail the st. louis rams 14-10 at the half. highlights coming up at 11:00. >> is geraud nervous about the giants game? >> no, doesn't seem nervous at all. confident. >> you know what? this series is going the exact way the giants win all their type of postseason games. really from 2010 to 2012 to right now. i mean, it's the formula. >> part of the charm. that's the way we like it. thank you, geraud. for a full half hour of bay area sports, "sports net central" on comcast sports net bay area tonight at 10:30. >> it's part what was we do around here. at 11:00, we have new questions about the radiation cleanup at hunters point after we've obtained an internal e-mail and report. we investigate tonight at 11:00 after "the black list." pardon my pun. oh my gourd. a new north americaned. set at the annual half moon bay pumpkin weigh-off. 2,058 pounds, the first one-ton pumpkin in half moon bay history. the napa man who grew it is taking home a cash prize of $13,000 which he says is really going to come in useful in napa. >> i don't have plans. you know, i've got a chim 93 to fix from the earthquake. >> really? >> yeah. so -- this is meant to be, god gave us these. >> mr. hockley said like previous winners he is going to share the seeds from his monster pumpkin with his fellow competitive pumpkin farmers. >> oh my gourd? >> oh my gourd. >> that's great he's using that money for the chimney. ♪shining, shimmering, splendid ♪tell me, princess, now when did♪ ♪you last let your heart decide♪ ♪a whole new world welcome to aulani, travel and leisure winner for top family hotel in the u.s. for special offers, visit or call your travel agent. face to face for the first time since tori stole her husband. >> now on extra. extra. tori spelling and the woman whose marriage she destroyed. >> i mean he's a total nob but he's your nob now. >> 8 years after dean cheated what his ex wants to say to tori's face today. >> george and amal moments after taking their vows. the intimate never before seen candids from their italian i dos. >> mario's exclusive with taylor swift. >> you look beautiful as always. >> thank you, you look beautiful as always.

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