Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20131012 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20131012

i really don't think about it anymore. i'm getting old, anyway. so it seems like a long way off. >> reporter: he's right. whatever happens, it won't be quick, so south bay baseball fans, be patient. >> they have to be patient. it's going to take a while. litigation does take a while, but this is an important step along the way. >> reporter: we also reached out to oakland mayor who responded with a statement saying she and oakland would rather not talk about lawsuits but rather the two possible sites they've chosen in oakland where they want to build a new stadium to how the a's. in san jose, scott budman, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, scott. developing news out of oakland. b.a.r.t. and its unions continue to try to hammer o out a deal. movement is the operative word coming out of negotiations today. last night just as the cooling off period expired, the union pushed its possible strike to midnight sunday. nbc bay area ease jodi hernandez is live outside the building where the talks are ongoing tonight. >> reporter: jessica, we all hoped it would be over by now, but it is not. b.a.r.t. and its union spent yet another day inside this building at the bargaining table. both sides now say they are willing to negotiate through the weekend to get a deal. a strike may be on hold for now, but not for long. >> spiexciting. jumping for joy. >> reporter: that's how commuters felt this morning to see b.a.r.t. trains rolling after the unions agreed to hold off on a strike a few more days to try to reach a deal. >> i'm very relieved. instead of having to ride in traffic, and drive a car. i'm 699 years old. i'd much rather read my book on the train. >> reporter: commuters shouldn't get too comfortable. a strike is still looming. if b.a.r.t. and its unions don't agree on a contract by midnight on sunday, workers could hit the picket line monday morning. >> our members don't want a strike. our members are the ones that interact directly with the men members of the public. we want to do everything we can to make sure everything is running. this is people taking care of their families and paying their bills. >> reporter: there are signs of hope. b.a.r.t.'s general manager is now at the bargaining table, and lawmakers are there, too. trying to keep talks on track. >> the elements are here today between the two parties, all the high-ranking officials to get an agreement. the mix is here to get an agreement today if it can be achieved. >> if you're going to hit places where you don't agree, but keep moving because we don't need a strike. we need fairness. we need the employees feeling good. we need b.a.r.t. management feeling good. and that's what we're here for, to keep that up. >> reporter: meanwhile, riders are left to once again hold their breath and make alternate commute plans for next week. >> oh, my goodness. that means catching the long buses. being late for work. and missing buses a lot. i hope there's no strike. >> reporter: now, it's unclear how long two sides will be at the bargaining table tonight. last word, b.a.r.t. had not yet put forward its last best offer. assemblywoman nancy skinner says both sides appear to be making some movement, moving out of their comfort zone and closer together, but she says they are not there yet. they have two more days to get there. reporting live in oakland, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> okay, jodi, thank you. i think it's safe to say everyone is hoping for a resolution here. we continue our coverage on our webse. there you can sign up for our e-mail and text alerts which will go out in the event of a strike or a resolution. you can also check traffic and alternate transportation. that's on a bomb scare in richmond that led to the evacuation of hundreds of people turned out to be a false alarm. now, the chaos started when the frank hagel federal building received a suspicious package from china. when staff x-rayed it, they spotted wires attached to an object. that prompted them to call in the bomb squad. it cleared everyone from the building including nearby buildings that were within 500 yards. the contents turned out just to be flashlights. in the court of public opinion, the republicans are losing the battle. americans are blaming the gop for this partial government shutdown. tonight the republicans are responding eager to make a deal. nbc's steve handelsman has the latest from capitol hill. >> reporter: with speaker john boehner now talking one deal to avoid default and re-open government, senate gop lawmakers went to the white house to discuss that with president obama. >> he may not want to call it a negotiation. that's what i would call it. and i do view that as progress. >> reporter: democrats are demanding a long-term deal. >> we cannot have a situation where the debt ceiling is extended as part of a budget negotiation process for only six weeks which would put us right back in the same position that we're in now. >> reporter: and after 11 days of partial government 53% of the public blames the gop in congress. in the new nbc news poll. prompting a republican reboot. >> there's no sense dwelling on the past. mistakes have been made. >> reporter: captain keith colburn was on capitol hill. his both, "the wizard" of the discovery channel's "the deadliest catch" cannot head back to alaska until regulators get back to issuing permits. >> i'm a small businessman in a big ocean with big bills. i need to go fishing. >> reporter: but tea party senator ted cruz urged no deal to re-open government until obama care gets killed. >> in my view, the house of representatives needs to keep doing what it's been doing which is standing strong. >> reporter: but the anti-cruz reaction is stronger. in his own party. >> ted cruz, what he did here was lead a party into a dead end with no strategy. >> reporter: now the republican strategy is to make a deal. i'm steve handelsman, nbc news, capitol hill. now, in spite of that government shutdown, plenty of folks are still getting out to use bay area's national parklands. barriers and closed signs greeted visitors at san francisco's ft. bunson but hasn't stopped people from parking on the road and walk in. some say the shutdown hasn't really been an inconvenience to them at all. >> the difficulty of parking keeps out the bad users, but we're only getting the good users now so the park, there's much less poo around, much less garbage around. it's been fantastic, actually. i could get used to this. >> spokesperson for the national park city says it is technically closed but says the park service doesn't have the resources to keep people out, so it's just turning a blind eye. well, starbucks is trying to jolt the government into getting back up and running. >> here's the plan. it's a three-day campaign. it's under way for customers to sign a petition. it encourages congress to pass a budget and get federal workers back on the job. the petition appears in today's "usa today," "new york times," "wall street journal" and the "washington post." starbucks is ask its customers to sign the ads and bring them into their local starbuckss store over the weekend. ceo howard schultz says he'll share the petition with washington leaders. one of the men accused of shooting and killing a little girl in oakland was formally charged in court today. alleged gang member 27-year-old joseph carroll is facing murder charges for death of 8-year-old alashia caradin. shots were fired through front door of that apartment. she was killed and two other children and a woman injured. police say the attack was likely revenge for killing of carroll's cousin in berkeley earlier that day. a drug trafficking investigation ended with a big bust in the east bay. here's some of what was found. federal agents and police swarmed homes in hayward, san larenzo and san leandro. they seized $4 million worth of marijuana plants. police say suspects were stealing electrical power to grow the marijuana in many of the homes. still ahead at 6:00, the san francisco police officer on the wrong side of the law. we'll tell you what he's accused of. the bold prediction that sent shares of a bay area solar company soaring today. and how easy is it? we follow a bay area family through the process of signing up for obama care through covered california. and a new law for limousines after five women were killed in that limo fire on san mateo bridge back in may. and good evening. i'm jeff ranieri in the nbc bay area weather center. cool, crisp breeze across most of the bay for today, not too bad. a live look at oakland. it's looking excellent at this hour. we'll have more on your weekend forecast and will that fog will roll in and roll out, coming up in a few mns. the tables are turned for a san francisco police sergeant. he's accused of drinking and driving. crashing into a parked car. and then taking off. thomas hayman was off duty when he was driving near 12th avenue and lawton streets in the inner sunset neighborhood. this happened tuesday night. neighbors heard a loud crash and called police. when officers arrived, they found a trail of debris and hayman at his home about a block away on moroga street. he's now on paid leave while internal affairs investigates. five months after a deadly limo fire on the san mateo bridge killed five women, governor brown signed a bill to increase limo safety. the bill requires more exits for passengers. investigators say during the fire, flames kept the women from using the exit in the rear of the limo. the bill also requires limo operators to give passengers instructions on safety features before departing. the new rules take effect july 2015 for all new limousines but has a 2 1/2 year phase-in period for all other limousines. supporters of stricter gun laws were disappointed today. the governor vetoed an effort to categorize semiautomatic rifles with detachable magazines as illegal assault weapons. several law enforcement leaders helped promote the bill. governor brown also said he doesn't believe it would reduce criminal activity. he also voted for a bill allowing oakland to draft stricter gun laws. then he vetoed san francisco's attempt -- excuse me, he vetoed the oakland bill and veto san francisco's attempt to ban gun shows. 16,000 and counting, how many people signed up for health insurance on covered california. the state's way to access obama care. it's still a fraction of people eligible. many people are just confused about the process and whether it will really benefit them. nbc bay area's marianne favro joins us live at the bay area's flea market in san jose. it will make it easier to answer people's questions, marianne. >> reporter: you're right, jess. people are setting up right now for the health fair tomorrow. you'll be able to come here and get free health screenings including free cholesterol tests. one of the other things you'll be able to do is sit down with a enroll in an find out what you affordable care plan with covered california. today we were with one south bay man who learned just how much he could save. this is the auto repair shop in milpitas. he pays $90 $950 a month to insure himself, his wife, through kaiser. he's coming here to health trust in san jose to get help finding out. he was stunned to learn through covered california, he can get a similar kaiser plan for his family for $400 less. that's $5,000 a year. >> just a middle class family. $5,000 is a lot of money. >> reporter: he hopes the extra savings will help him afford to provide insurance for his four employees who currently have none. >> it's better for them and better for me because i can hire more people because a lot of people don't want to work for you because you have no benefits. >> reporter: at toton doe is supervisor for the program, he hopes more people will make appointments to get help getting covered. >> i think the biggest confusion is, do i qualify, do i have to apply for it, what do i need to show to be able to apply for it? >> reporter: ricky says taking the first step has been eye opening and is encouraged he and his children will be able to keep the same kaiser doctors only pay much less. the health trust, a non-profit group that helps low-income families gain access to health care, is putting on this fair. nbc bay area is partnering with the trust. tomorrow you'll be able to come out here and watch the nbc bay area special on obama care. reporting live in san jose, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> the address of that flea market fair, 1590 bariester road in san jose. learn more about getting health care and also be free and low-cost health screenings at the health fair. the event, again, is saturday and sunday. the time, from 11:00 to 4:00. a programming note to pass along. tomorrow at 6:30 p.m., join us for our covered california special. jessica and i, janelle wang will walk you through the registration process, show you what an average california family of four can expect to pay and answer some of those frequently asked questions. again, that's tomorrow evening at 6:30. the poorer the community, the higher the odds of toxic waste being dumped in your neighborhood. that's what critics are saying tonight after state regulators recently allowed the expansion of hazardous waste dumping, in the central valley. today's protest outside cal epa in sacramento comes after a new report shows problems with manages state regulators and the permitting process. >> we want toxic sites in our communities cleaned up safely and promptly. a lot of these toxic sites from this area, to the bay area, to all across the state, linger for decades without being cleaned up, were not cleaned up properly. >> the person in charge of the state regulators acknowledged there is an equity issue here. the department has proposed cutting the amount of toxic waste dumped here in california by half within 12 years. newly passed legislation makes it easier for small urban farms to sprout up in bay area cities. san francisco assemblyman a authored the law giving tax breaks to property owners who allow their land to be used for urban farming. the idea is to allow farms like san francisco's little city gardens to make use of lands that would otherwise be vacant. landowners would pay reduced property taxes in exchange for using their land for farming for at least five years. >> i think officially recognizes an important conversation, and the potential in the relationship between property owners who are either stalled or waiting to develop, and farmers who are looking for pieces of land to farm, you know, whether it's for a couple years or more. >> the bill was recently signed into law by governor brown. however, individual counties will have to create local ordinances in order for it to take effect. >> i'm growing tomatoes and avoca avocados. >> we've been hearing about that. >> let's bring -- >> farmer. >> i hear a lot of laughter here. >> two lime trees. >> nice. >> yeah. little bit of fruit on them, too. >> good start. >> big farmer here. well, you have your hands full. lots going on in your world, too, jessica. satellite, radar picture. we have a storm system off to the north in washington. also oregon with some rainfall there. we're not going to get any rainfall for us, but it is helping to beef up that marine layer at the coastline. today, pretty strong here throughout point rays to santa cr cruz. that was responsible for those cooler temperatures we saw today. san francisco, getting up to 58. san rafael, 67. notice the heat in the interior valleys. we had an awesome day in livermore, 76. 74 in santa teresa. let's take you outside to the high definition camera network. it's hazy in foster city. we have an inversion layer setting up across the bay area keeping it hazy and dew points are also higher at the coastline with our marine layer at 950 feet. as we head throughout tonight, that coastal fog is staying put. so let's get a look at what that's going to do for your forecast. as we head throughout tomorrow, we'll have 70 degrees in san francisco. sunny skies. santa barbara with 69. down to los angeles, 68. san diego, also expecting 68 as well. and clear skies. on your three-day forecast, temperatures as we head throughout this weekend will stay in the upper 70s to about 80 degrees. 60s at the coastline. monday, columbus day, a slight warmup. not a whole lot. we go for 8 0 degrees there and also see the coastal areas warm up a little bit with low 70s. if you're ready for fall football action, we've got you covered. take a look at this. cardinals and 49ers going at it this sunday at candlestick park. 1:25. temperatures stay on the cool side with the onshore flow and cloud cover. if you're heading out to candlestick, you know the drill. bring the jacket with you because it's going to be definitely a brisk one out there. as we head into sunday's forecast. so looking pretty good here. not only for sunday, but even for a lot of next week. coming up in that full seven-day forecast, we'll detail how warm things will get as we head throughout the mid part of next week. >> thank you, jeff. still ahead at 6:00, charges leveled against miss universe after a visit to the taj mahal. plus -- >> what i'm trying to do is dig through those layers of theology and doctrine, dogma, legend, myth and try to get to the man, you know, that lived 2,000 years ago. >> jesus, the jews and islam. we sit down with author reza aslan. the san jose product talks about the controversy about his new bestselling book. new at 6:00, a red hot day for a bay area solar company. san mateo based solarcity, it will nearly double next year. it sent chairs of the company, whose chairman is elon musk. the shares went up by nearly 20%. solarcity installs solar systems on roofs. her title may be miss universe. she's not welcome on the premises of the taj mahal. at least not when shooting a commercial. >> it turns out commercial activity is banned at the taj mahal. 21-year-old olivia culpo was part of a footwear shoot at there this week. accusing her of violating the country's heritage act which could come with a jail sentence of up to two years and a fine. culpo who's now back in the u.s. tonight told her hometown paper she didn't want to take part in the shoot but was directed to participate. experts say unless she apologizes and destroys the footage, she will likely face some sort of punishment. chemical weapons watch dog is the winner of this year's nobel peace prize. the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons was awarded the peace prize today. since 1997, opcw as it's referred to enforced by the geneva convention to rid the world of chemical weapons. the group is on the groundr syria right now. >> committee said, and i quote, recent events in syria, chemical weapons have been put to use have underlined the need to enhance the efforts to do away with such weapons. >> opcw was overseeing the elimination of 82% of the world's declared stockpile of chemical weapons. many people expected malala yousafzai to get the award, the pakistani teenager who survived an asa sassassination attempt b taliban for advocating right for education for girls. >> she's still considered a hero. coming up next -- >> reporter: a tool to help parents or scare them. the story of how one company says it will protect children and families from sex offenders. why critics are calling this exploitation. and palo alto is buzzing. why facebook boss mark zuckerberg bought up his neighbor's home. i'm janelle wang. a top general in charge of america's nuclear missile arsenal is fired. also a missed opportunity? a new report reveals nsa leaker edward snowden has been caught before trying to steal secret files, but a security clearance was never pulled. it's all next in "world tonight." protecting parents or preying on their fears? a central coast based company says it can help keep your family safe with a new service. one of the tools includes alerting you where sex offenders lives and when one moves into your neighborhood. it comes with a price. stephanie joins us in san francisco this evening. a lot of this information is already out there for free online. what's the business plan for this company? >> reporter: that's the question tonight, raj. i did get this e-mail this morning from the company name. you can't see the subject line but it reads child predator warning. an attention grabber for sure. i called the company, spoke with a man who identified himself as a supervisor and said this is a tool for parents to help protect their families. marc klaas, whose daughter, polly, was kidnapped and killed 20 years ago this month calls what this company is doing as exploitation. the first thing you see is a statistic. 750,000 registered sex offenders in the u.s. over a map of the country, drowning in red. the company, kidslivesafe, boasts the easeiest and best way to find sex offenders and alert parents should a sex offender move into their neighborhood. a company supervisor who only wanted to be identified as tom referred to it as a peace of mind insurance product. >> of course it frustrates me. of course it does. >> reporter: marc klaas, it's ten steps backwards in his 20-year mission to empower parents with the right information since losing his own daughter, polly. >> this is a fear-fabased websi exploiting some of the worst tragedies any of us have ever encountered in our lives for profit. >> reporter: he tried using the site which claims it would take seconds to locate sex offenders in his area. after a search bar loaded, no results. it required an e-mail and payment of $1 for a trial subscription. cancel within a week, and that $1 turns into $30 for the service. >> this is offensive now. >> reporter: he says all 50 states provide this information for free through meagan's law. >> it will drill it down, give you pictures and tell you what crimes the characters committed and where they live. >> reporter: tom says kidslivesafe doesn't claim to solve all the problems but does give parents an advantage arming them with the right information an and tools in protecting their children. for parents like nato green, the need to protect his 5-year-old twin girls from the evils of the world is all consuming. >> as a parent, i'll do anything to keep my children safe, but i feel like there's -- increasing my level of panic isn't going to help that. >> reporter: the supervisor at kidslivesafe likens this service to a carwash that you can wash your car for free, but people like to pay for a service because they want to get it all done in one place and maybe more effectively. there's one thing both the company and marc klaas agree on, there's a lot of information out there that a lot of parents should be taking advantage of. live in san francisco, nbc bay area use. >> thank you, stephanie. day 11 of the partial government shutdown. and for the first time, some real progress on capitol hill. >> nbc bay area's janelle wang joins us with our "world tonight." >> raj and jessica, senate republicans got their turn. they met with president obama at the white house for about 90 minutes. after that meeting, a few republicans said they are hopeful that a short-term deal will be made to re-open the government and raise the debt ceiling. but tea party republican senator ted cruz was also at that meeting and remains defiant urging his party not to budge and insisting that obama care be defunded completely. fellow republican senator lindsey graham said that won't happen. >> i think you'll see something come out of the house in the next 24 hours to re-open the entire government. that will have changes to obama care that will not destroy the program. it will make it better. i hope the president will accept these gestures from the house ae when get this behind us in the next 48 hours. >> the white house agreed that today's meeting was constructive. americans, though, still bitter. the latest nbc/"wall street journal" poll shows 60% of americans would fire every single member of congress if they could. secretary of state john kerry is overseas dealing with foreign affairs. he made a surprise visit to afghanistan today meeting with president hamid karzai to discuss a contentious security agreement. kerry wants to continue a limited u.s. presence in afghanistan after the nato-led mission ends next year. president karzai says the deal can wait until after his country's presidential elections next april. but kerry wants a deal by the end of this month. no longer trusted. a top commander with the u.s. air force has been fired for misbehaving. major general michael kerry has been removed as commander of the 20th air force. he oversaw america's nuclear arsenal but the air force says his removal had nothing to do with the security of the missiles nor did it have anything to do with sexual misconduct, adultery or drug use. a military source says it stems from a business trip where alcohol was involved. there were red flags. a new report says nsa leaker edward snowden tried to break into classified computer files years ago when he was working as a technician for the cia in 2009. his supervisor wrote a derogatory report in his personnel file noting a change in his behavior and work habits including trying to access files he wasn't authorized to access. four years later, snowden leaked thousands of classified documents about the government's domestic surveillance programs while working as a contractor for the nsa. the 30-year-old fled to russia where the country has given him temporary asylum for one year. it's happened again. a boat off the coast of italy has capsized. the italian navy was able to rescue the majority of the 250 people onboard, but about 30 are dead. just last week, more than 300 migrants drowned when their boat sank. also off the coast of italy. italian police arrested a tunisian man suspected of being the driver of that boat. thousands of migrants from africa and the middle east cross the mediterranean sea to seek a better life in europe and tragically some don't make it. that is your "world tonight." a wild police chase wound its way through a major college campus in los angeles. police chased the driver through the university of southern california, passing the l.a. coliseum, while the football team was playing. check it out. see how the police finally stopped the driver using a pit maneuver. it looked like the driver was going to surrender but then he faked it and took off again. the driver eventually hit a dead end on campus where he left the car and ran. the male suspect believed to be the driver was arrested. the chase started all the way in culver city. police have not said why they were chasing the driver to begin with. two bank robberies 30 minutes apart have police asking the public for help tonight. san francisco police said a robber walked into a bank on front street about 1:00 p.m. yesterday demanding money and claiming to have a gun. 30 minutes later at another bank, about three blocks away, a man gave a teller a note also demanding money. police say the description of the suspects are similar. a man in his 50s. but they don't know if it's the same person carried out both crimes. sheriff investigators today released surveillance photos of an armed robbery the at a walmart store, september 23rd. that suspect loaded a shopping cart with goods and presented it to a clerk as returned items. clerk actually went ahead, gave him a gift card for the amount. when he tried to leave the store, security officers stopped him which is when they saw him brandish a handgun. anyone with information about that man is asked to contact the napa sheriffs department. coming up next, a south bay school cancels halloween festivi festivities. we'll tell you why and what one mom is doing about it. controversial author reza aslan opens up about jesus, his struggle with religion and his ties to the bay area. the exclusive interview just ahead. wide array of colors across the bay area as the sun sets. we'll take you out to the live hd sky camera network. looking incredible across palo alto. i'm chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. we'll talk more about your cold mornings and how low it will go for saturday, coming up if a few minutes. a halloween scare of sorts. the principal at hayes elementary canceled this year's halloween parade saying it took too much time away from learning. a move that has some parents horrified. teachers say the costumes and fun is a distraction. parents say it's a tradition. leading one mom to create a petition on to try to convince the administration to change its mind. teachers we spoke to this morning say parents should be petitioning for the arts, science and p.e. programs that have been cut instead. >> sense of community, unity. it builds the children's self-esteem. and, you know, walking in the parade. it builds their social skills. in being in the classroom. so i would not even consider it being a nonacademic day. i would feel like it's a real life-to-life day. >> mom goes on to tell us she's working with the san jose council member to put together a halloween event for the school community that would take place off campus after hours. well, here's a story. another story getting a lot of buzz. what's the old phrase? good fences make good neighbors. not for facebook boss mark zuckerberg. the social media billionaire shelled out more than $30 million to buy four homes, neighboring his own home in palo alto. here's the exclamation. zuckerberg didn't do it to kick out the neighbors. he was preventing a developer from building a mcmansion and capitalizing on the fact that it would be next door to the facebook co-founder. zuckerberg paid well above what the homes are worth and is leasing those homes back to the owners. >> like winning the lotto for those people. isn't it? >> he knocks on your door and gives you a lot of money. let's turn things over to brodie brazil from the comcast sportsnet newsroom. >> i'm still stunned by that story. i don't moe tknow how to lead iy sports seglememensegment. the a's season ended. oakland's front office has not stopped working. their top priority, locking up key pieces to the puzzle for next season. which one of those plays will come first? the warriors get ready to take flight but not just across our country. golden state racking up major frequent flier miles with this trip. we'll tell you where they're going and why, coming up next on nbc bay area. a religious study scholar who happens to be muslim has written a book about jesus. academically speaking this is not a big deal, however, it's become a big deal. his controversial interview on fox went viral and his book sales skyrocketed. he's now sharing his story about jesus, the jews and islam with us. tonight, "the interview" with san jose product reza aslan. >> this is home for me still. this will always be home, no matter where i go. >> reporter: home might be where his heart is, but his book and the controversy surrounding it is playing out on a national level. >> so you're suggesting basically the new testament is fiction? >> no. what i'm saying is the new testament is myth. >> reporter: 41-year-old reza aslan embraces the debate about jesus but debate that catapulted his book to the top of the bestseller list wasn't about jesus. it was about him. >> now, i want to be clear, you're a muslim, so why did you write a book about the founder of christianity? >> well, to be clear, i'm a scholar of religions with four degrees, including one in the new testament, and fluency in biblical greek who has been studying the origins of christianity for two decades who also just happens to be a muslim. >> reporter: fox's lauren green kept pressing while aslan kept his composure. >> again, i mean, i know that we mentioned this three times now, i'm not sure what my faith happens to do with my 20 years of academic study of the new testament. fox news has spun anti-muslim sentiment in this country into ratings gold. this is what they do. i would be lying if i said i didn't expect that they would have, you know, one or two questions attacking me, you know, for writing this book because i just happen to be a muslim. >> a lot of people, like it or not, probably have those thoughts. why is a muslim writing about christian issues? >> yeah, well, first of all, i have to remind people, this isn't a book about christianity because jesus wasn't a christian. jesus was a jew. this secondly, i totally get that. there's a lot of anti-muslim bias in this country. at the same time, i do want to emphasize that there are hundreds of books about islam and mohammed out there written by christians. and many of them actually get a pretty prime spot on fox news. >> in neterms of the book now. you read the bible. we learn about jesus, spiritu spiritually, holistically as a christ. your book is about what happened to him in that era. >> what i'm trying to do is dig through the theology, doctrine, dogma, myth and try to get to the man, you know, that lived 2,000 years ago. it's not an easy enterprise. it's one that people have been trying to do, scholars have been doing this for 200 years. for a scholar to say, for instance, jesus wasn't born in beth le for a scholar to say, for instance, jesus wasn't born in beth lhem is obvious. nobody even bats an eye. a layreader, if you say jesus wasn't born in bethlehem, well, their heads explode. this is the first time anyone has said such a thing. >> your own personal journey, you come here when you're a kid to the bay area, you're a muslim, convert to chriss chan christianity. how come? why change? >> we came to the united states in the early '80s. this was not a great time to be muslim in the u.s. >> is it a good time now? >> it's not much better i suppose. this was the height of the iran hostage crisis. when you're a kid, immigrant, and growing up, you want to fit in. and so i did everything i could to kind of separate myself from my culture, my heritage. my religion. >> santa clara true to your heart, still close to your heart now? >> absolutely. santa clara university made me who i am today. no just aacademically, but i mie that as a human being. it was the jesuits who taught me to understand who jesus was. it was the jesuits who encouraged me to go back to islam. it was the jesuits who taught me that the core principle of social justice and that everything that i do, no matter what it is, in my teaching, in my writing, in my activism, is focused on the central message of jesus', which is reversal of the social order. the notion that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. that's still the prevailing sentiment that i live by. >> the great university, but come back to the bay area some point to teach? >> hey, listen, if somebody at cal is watching this or stanford, and you've got an opening, i can be lured back to the bay area. i love it here. >> he wants to come home. it's also worth noting he's parried to jessica jackly, co-founder of the international microlending site. see the story along with our other high-profile interviews on offer website, >> fascinating interview. let's turn things over to jeff ranieri. >> i'm the official weekend ambassador. i know. i'll take that, though. we do have a great forecast coming our way throughout saturday and also sunday. marine layer and fog. all the way up here from santa rosa down toward santa cruz today. about 1,000 feet. with that onshore flow at the current moment staying steady anywhere from 10 to 15 miles per hour, wind out of the west around san francisco and oakland, we will see the fog stay in place over the next 12 hours. in fact, it was all about the onshore flow, keeping temperatures below average. san francisco today just 58. where you should be right at about 70 this time of the year. eventually we'll get warmer weather in at the coastline but that's not going to be happening for tomorrow. with with that cloud cover staying put, from 11:00 p.m. tonight through 11:00 a.m. tomorrow, it's going to stay on the cold side. just 59 before the lunch hour tomorrow. for the inland areas, we'll stay with the clear skies. also sunny conditions. it will be on the mild side with conditions in the upper 60s. live sky camera network tonight looks like this. if you're stuck in the office all day, you're getting ready for a night out on the town. do prepare for the fog in san francisco. that official sunset this evening was at 6:37. down here across oakland, if you're going to see a break in the clouds tonight, early on, look for that moon in the first quarter phase. and it will be 51% full at this point. let's go ahead and get a look at our fog factor forecast. i do think for tomorrow some of the worst of the low cloud cover will be at the immediate coastline, also for our north bay counties. then by the afternoon hours, look at this. a lot of sunshine coming on back here from san francisco back to the interior valleys. so eventually we will get some sun in here. temperatures, overall, the coldest up in the north bay with mid 40s there. we'll go at 50 in san jose. also 49 in the valley to start. otherwise, for daytime highs on saturday, a decent rebound. the south bay, 75 in san jose. 73 in morgan hill. also 73 in palo alto. the east bay, mid 70s from walnut creek back to livermore, also pleasanton. 66 in san francisco. 71 in sonoma. 67 expected in oakland. looking for something to do this weekend? we've got you covered in the south bay with halloween just around the corner. we know the corn mazes and pumpkin patches are getting going. kisds, this one's for you. tomorrow, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the spina farms pumpkin patch will be happening. temperatures in the low 70s. clear skies. looks great throughout san jose. seven-day forecast, the sunny weather stays with us for columbus day. clear throughout tuesday and wednesday. slight warmup with temperatures in low 80s. we've done it again in the weather department. saturday and sunday looks very stellar. just remember that light jacket if you're headed to the coastline. >> great time to go to the pumpkin patch. good idea. >> thank you, jeff. let's get to sports. bring in brodie brazil from comcast sportsnet newsroom. he's off the ice, freshly shaven and talking baseball. >> no alcohol even necessary for this next story. we're talking about the dreaded sports hangover. billy beane, the general manager has it. a's fans, you likely have it, too, for the second straight playoffs in a row. a beyond expectation regular season was followed up by a below expectation post season. our kate longworth spent this day in oakland looking for cures for another sobering experience. >> sucks. today's a tough day. i mean, you know, last year we were on a cloud. it was disappointing last year, too, but not like this because we expected this year to go farther. >> reporter: it went from sunny to gray. overnight in oakland. gone are the screaming fans waving gold towels. as the playoff adrenaline leaves a hollowness at the coliseum. and the a's are forced to pack up and bid farewell to a season they feel is ending too soon. >> we knew we had the ability to beat all these teams in the post season. i mean, you look back at, you know, 4-3 record against those guys on the season. won three games out of four at their place. >> the only person who doesn't have that feeling are the 25 guys who win it at the end of the season. >> reporter: identical endings to the 2012 and 2013 seasons have only left athletics hungry for more in 2014. and while the majority of these players are set to return, the status of the a's current all-star pitchers are unknown. both bartolo colon and grant balfour hit free agency. >> we had three great years from grant. we signed him. he came into oakland as a january sign and he was sort of a good setup, middle reliever. and, you know, by the end of his last two years, he was closing and he was making the all-star game. >> he's put himself in a position to be a free agent this year, so in his work over his time here will suggest he's going to get nice offers. we hope to bring him back potentially. if that's the case, great. if not, we wish him the best. >> reporter: i followed up with bob melvin asking him if he believes the team is equipped for success for the long haul. he told me without hesitation, absolutely. but only time will tell. for now, this is the final day the coliseum will serve as home to baseball in the 2013 season. as the raiders take over full time. in oakland, i'm kate longworth, nbc bay area news. >> kate, thanks for that. priority number one for th a's is bringing back coco crisp. the 2014 option for $7.5 million. the 33-year-old hit .261 this past season with 22 homers for the a's out in center field. let's switch gears to basketball. warriors are heading out on a very long road trip to china. it's all part of the nba's global games in promoting the league's brand. executive board member jerry west says it's so much more than the actual contest, itself. >> these people know everything about our players in the nba, and particularly with the young up and coming team like the warriors have, there's no question. there's no question in my mind that the most important thing is to show these people respect. go over there and play as hard as you can and show them what we're trying to accomplish here with the warriors. i do believe it's a unique opportunity for our players to two there and establish identity, put themselves up over other players who have been there before. we leave you with football news. kp kansas city chiefs fans will attempt to break the world roar. the last park was set on september 16th when the seattle seahawks beat the 49ers. 136.6 december beibels is what e to beat. these are ear plugs and what i'll be wearing for the game. >> thanks, bo are you ready for a test drive? tesla motors will open its newest store in palo alto tomorrow. it's on el camino riyal in charleston. visitors will be able to go and take the model s. for a drive and get a look at the upcoming crossover model x. tonight at 11:00, a b.a.r.t. strike is planned for monday morning. if there's no deal reached by this weekend. we'll have a live update on the ongoing negotiations. that's tonight at 11:00 after an all new "dateline." jeff ranieri, final look at the weekend. >> fog building in the at the coastline. chilly if you're headed to sf for tonight. the seven-day forecast, it stays mild inland. upper 70s to near 80s. take the jacket at the koechtline. temperatures remaining in the 60s throughout the next 48 hours. >> great. >> it is friday night. thanks for joining us. have a great night. >> bye-bye. michael douglas' bombshell new interview. why he concealed the truth about his cancer, now on "extra." michael's cancer coverup. >> he said, let's just say it's throat cancer. we don't want to say it's tongue cancer. i said, why is that? >> why the true diagnosis was much worse. and what catherine and the kids knew. miley's new dis-and-tell about her broken engagement to liam. >> the last time you were here, i threw you an engagement party. >> do you want your money back? >> i want my money back. plus, kelly clarkson on trash tweeting miley. >> people did not think it was funny. i did. now trending, kris jenner's new interview about her marriage

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