Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20130129 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20130129

five expelled students may end up facing a much bigger issue, correct, jodi? >> reporter: they certainly may. vallejo police confirm they are now investigating the allegations. they're preparing to interview everyone involved to try to determine if what took place here warrants criminal charges. >> they're horrible. they feel terrible. but i also think they've learned a good lesson which, i think, is how this whole thing should have been handled. we don't need to throw them out of school. >> reporter: tom said he's been in contact and while he feels they have been handled too harshly, the boys' troubles may be far from over. >> they have to do their investigation, find out what, in fact, the truth is. they have to be able to talk to the accusers. >> reporter: legal analysts say they aren't surprised to learn vallejo police are now launching their own investigation to figure out exactly what happened and whether or not it was criminal. >> the minute i found out about it, boom, i raised a red flag. >> reporter: the head coach, who was fired after bringing the allegations to light, says jayvee players said varsity players used genitalia to haze them. in a letter to principal documenting the claim, he wrote, if true, the allegations amount to sexual assault. legal analysts agree. >> if it's true, from what i under the facts to be for the boys to do and subject those young men, the junior varsity people, to what they subjected them to, is it sexual battery? absolutely. there's no question about it. it is sexual battery. >> reporter: of course that will be up to vallejo police to determine. they say they do not know how long their investigation will take. meanwhile, the sacramento diocese, which oversees this school says they welcome the police investigation and plan to fully cooperate. they also say they are offering counseling to all six of the victims and their families. reporting live in vallejo, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, jodi. the drivers who turned an east bay freeway into a sideshow venue in the middle of the day. a look at the evidence left behind. you can see tire marks after several drivers decided to begin doing burnouts on northbound 880 near the coliseum. this not happening for several minutes cars spun and circled blocking all lanes of northbound 880 while other spectators just recorded the chaos on their phone. the video ultimate ly surfaced n youtube. chp investigators say the act was so brazen and dangerous that the community has a responsibility to let anyone know it cannot happen again. >> the airport, hospital, people need to get to places, both way of the freeway blocked. it's extremely important people don't think it's fun, that it's not funny. you have a lot of people who have affected that day and it absolutely is not okay. >> not okay and illegal. they hope they can identify those license plates. here we go. super bowl week has officially begun and that means the quest for six is on. more than 5,000 credentialed media members are in the big easy and that includes about 25 of our nbc comcast people. jim kozimor kicks off our coverage. if you have a seat next to you, i'll get on the red eye tonight. what have you got? raj, i'm going to do my best to make it happen. you ought to do the same. let's talk about not just football but something called chemistry. in sports it's very important. in football some teams have it. some teams don't. but there's little question this version of the 49ers hoping for their sixth super bowl crown, they have chemistry. it comes especially at the line backing corps of that defensive unit. in fact, let's focus in on a couple of those guys. we'll call them patrick willis and navarro bauman. they've become a powerful 1-2 p punch in the line backing korm and their play is strengthening by learning from each other. bauman commented on the special relationship between the two. >> me and pat's relationship is very brotherly like. we do pretty much any and everything together, you know, whether we have any problems or whether it's something good. we have success. we enjoy playing with each other. you know, and i think we both push each other every single day. we don't get complacent with anything that we receive or accomplish. we always just trying to do better and make sure we can make our team better. >> and the 49ers came to new orleans on sunday, the baltimore ravens touched down in new orleans. this afternoon to begin their final preparation for super bowl xlvii and upon arrival their head coach john harbaugh spoke with the media and he told everyone what this trip means to his team. >> this is pretty cool. this is pretty exciting. we're excited to be here. we're thrilled to be here. on behalf of the baltimore ravens, the entire organization, the city, the greater baltimore area, maryland. ravens fans everywhere, we're proud to be participants in the sup super bowl. we'll do our best to play our best in this game. >> so both teams in town. now we'll have to wait until sunday for super bowl xlvii. coming up later on in the 6:00, we're going to have the streets of the crescent city. that's coming up later on in sports. and, raj, i'm going to work on that extra ticket for you. from the banks of the mississippi, i'm jim kozimor. >> and jessica. >> don't forget about me! don't leave me out of this. >> no, no. just one ticket. just one ticket, no, no, no. >> i'll fight raj for it. thank you, jim. okay, there's a new super bowl bet that ensures someone is going to be crabby after the game. dianne feinstein and boxer have waged a -- senators will send along crab, napa wine and northern california cheeses if the niners lose. maryland senators would be on the hook for crab cakes, cookies and beer if the niners win. >> okay. this is from the we're not surprised department, apparently the number 7 jersey isn't just lucky for the 49ers, it's creating some big wins. a website reports colin kaepernick's jersey has been the best-selling thankful envelope jersey nationwide, not just here in northern california but nationwide in the past two weeks. those super bowl ads already appearing on your computer, or anything else you're on. why companies aren't waiting until sunday to show their high-priced commercials n. about ten minutes our business and tech reporter scott budman breaks down the logic behind revealing those ads early online. we are your best source for 49ers coverage. we have more journalists on the ground in new orleans than any other local station. you can catch our coverage on air in every one of our newscasts throughout the day and, of course, on our website, from the current niners to a new legal problem for a former 49er, harris, facing nine years in pridz on for allegedly beating up his ex-boyfriend. th 30-year-old harris pled not guilty to felony domestic violence and assault charges. harris got into a fight with his ex-boyfriend in august. harris' attorney confirming this with us this afternoon, that his client was acting in self-defen self-defense. harris played for stanford and was the first-round draft pick for the 49ers in 2003. he also played for the raiders. the state of the city is pretty good. that's the message mayor ed lee delivered today. he spoke before a large crowd in the bayview. college track is an educational program that helps students for underserved communities reach their goals. lee said over the past year, unemployment has dropped in san francisco to 6.5%, down from 9.6% when he first took office. he said there are more jobs in construction and green tech and san francisco remains a top tourist destination. >> from the sunset to the mission to right here in the bayview, we're witnessing a rebirth of local manufacturing, fashion and artisan that bear the label made in san francisco. yes. >> he's excited. he talks about the city's points of prayed and, yes, that new cruiseship terminal, the america's cup, the world champion giants and perhaps the super bowl champion 49ers. he's accused of carrying out a deadly shooting rampage, but before he goes to trial, he's going to spend time at napa state hospital. a judge ruled one goh will receive treatment for schizophrenia. the judge decide d goh was currently incompetent to stand trial. the court will now receive a progress report every 90 days until goh is deemed competent to stand trial. prosecutors say he planned the shooting rampage after a tuition dispute with oikos school officials. seven people were killed on the campus. still ahead at 6:00, you might call it the meyer effect. the new evidence that a new ceo has brought new hope to yahoo! why investors are optimistic. also -- >> reporter: one of the most powerful people in the country comes to speak to hundreds, supreme court sonia sotomayor. what she had to say and the emotional response she got here coming up. and it was a lesson this teen won't forget anytime soon. the decision that sent this suv flying off the santa cruz wharf. and good evening. i'm jeff ranieri in the nbc bay area weather center. temperatures dropping into the 40s in the north bay. napa at 49 degrees. we'll talk about the wind and some problems it's creating now and also when a few rare january 70s return in just a few minutes. quite a catch. it wasn't a fish, but something much bigger being pulled out of the water in santa cruz. today, it happened today, it was a father/son driving lesson that went horribly wrong. nbc bay area's kris sanchez joins us from santa cruz to explain how the family car ended up in the ocean. kris? >> reporter: hi there, raj. we caught up with the father and the son here at the wharf today. dad says they're not ready to talk but seeing that boy's face was heartbreaking. he looked completely unsettled. this is how much of the railing he took out as he plunged the family suv over this fence and down into the chilly waters sinking about 15 feet. dozens of people watch as a massive tow truck drags this four runner from the chilly waters of the bay and back on to the santa cruz wharf. almost no witnesses around 10:30 this morning as the 16-year-old still learning to drive made what could have been a deadly mistake for him, his father, and the family dog. >> the son has a permit and was practicing driving. and accidentally hit the accelerator rather than the brake. >> reporter: the father and his son swam to a kayak landing on their own. their dog wesley swam to shore. now because the accident happened right across from the lifeguard headquarters, marine rescue swimmers were ready to help right away. though christian did not want to talk with us, we could tell by his face and that of his son that this was the scare of a lifetime. >> the other one is not sure which one they got out. you can see that the windshield is damaged so they could have easily gotten out of the windshield. >> reporter: something like this happens every three or four years. the christians were lucky. last time an elderly couple did not survive. so, again, father, son, and to go wesley, are all going to be okay. the suv is a different story. it's probably going to be a total loss since it was submerged in salt water for four hours. by the way, we did ask of the environmental impact of the vehicle going into the bay and it's expected to be minimal because it will dilute in so much water. >> that is quite an experience. thank you, kris. a so-called sleeper wave, the third time it's happened this year. a woman and her friend were on the beach at shelter cove when a large wave swept her into the ocean. the body of the 32-year-old woman was found after about 45 minutes. her was also swept away but it managed to swim back to shore. visitors will be careful with those large waves. a man was killed on new year's day when a wave caught his dog and he went out to rescue it and then in november a couple drowned and their teenaged son disappeared trying to save their dog when it was pulled into the ocean. >> two firefighters ended up in the hospital with minor injuries and a home suffered major damage after a fire broke out in east san hjose this afternoon. the fire started around noon on holly drive. 11 people were living inside the single story home. six adults and five children. the red cross has stepped in helping them find temporary home. >> some people are calling it the mayer effect, delivering profits and bringing good news to investors. our which is and tech reporter scott budman joins us with your money and more tonight. >> reporter: we'll start with yahoo! it's in a better place than we've seen in a long time. mayer is getting the credit for that delivering a quarterly report that came in ahead of wall street expectations and while admitting yahoo! still has a ways to go before truly competing with the likes of g g google bringing the profit numbers in high enough to bring some investors back into the fold. revenue growing for the first time in four years. yahoo! shares up about 3% in after hours trading. but if you want to talk real money, let's talk super bowl ad time, something like $127,000 a second during the game. why can't we see the ads now? because the companies making them want to get social. this ad for mercedes featuring a good looking model and a car in there somewhere will likely cost $8 million for a minute of airtime during the super bowl. now mercedes really wants to you watch it during the game so why is it posting the ad for free online a week ahead of time? >> you can potentially double the amount of people that saw your commercial, you save $4 million. >> reporter: we visited san jose-based three marketeers to see how the super bowl game has changed when it comes to ads. yes, the companies still expect us to watch tv, but that's only part of it now. >> it's part of a much larger plan. that campaign involves online, involves social media. it involves contact as well as, you know, the actual event itself. >> reporter: and that's the default now? >> the triple crown. >> reporter: for example, because awudi has to compete wih mercedes and other companies, it wants you to remember its ad and its brand beyond the tv set. if you get social with a product through youtube or facebook, maybe you'll be more likely to think about it when you're shopping for a soft drink or a snack. ♪ gangnam style >> reporter: even psy is getting into the act thanks to a company hoping his huge online following will transfer to television. >> the big part about advertising is branding and awareness and trying to create that association with your brand. much more than having them watch a commercial. you want them involved. >> reporter: and companies are willing to take a risk that you'll be more involved by seeing their ads over and over again before and after the game itse itself. remember, this comes from youtube advertisements that ran online before the super bowl were seen six times as often as ads that ran only after the super bowl. so you can expect what's happening this year to be the start of the trend. raj? >> thank you, scott. >>. >> reporter: you bet. let's check in with jeff ranieri. it's monday. we're starting the workweek. >> we have some awesome weather. look ahead here as we head throughout the upcoming week. right now we are tracking rainfall up into washington and also or are or. no rainfall from this for us. however, that cloud cover is increatesing here across parts of the north bay and, you know, a lot of northernc california fr that matter and, also, the temperature contrast from that storm up to the north and also the drier conditions off to the south is creating quite a bit of wind here, 30 to 40 miles an hour gusting at the coast kicking up wave heights between 10 to 12 feet. high surf advisory in effect. do advise some caution. warmest spot, santa rosa at 63, the coolest los gatos 52. take you outside of that sky camera network in san francisco. an awesome sunset tonight that mid level cloud cover is moving on over for tonight and that will keep a few areas just slig slightly warmer as we head into tomorrow morning. a look at those highs here as we head throughout tuesday's forecast. a bit of cloud cover and then by the midday hours some haze, some sunshine. temperatures in the mid-50s. then by 4:00 p.m. warmest spots in the interior valley with conditions expected to pop up to the low 60s. stay dry as we head throughout tuesday, wednesday, and also on thursday and even on thursday's forecast, a few 70s possible here for the interior valleys with plenty of upper 60s. if you happen to be heading to the super bowl and maybe you don't have a ticket you about you want to go there and do some prepartying, the party will be out in the dome. temperatures in the low to mid-60s with all systems clear weather. we should note for our, what is it, the hugest team in the bay area heading out to the super bowl from our station, a chance of thunderstorms tomorrow so bring your umbrellas, guys. >> thanks, jeff. >> thank you, jeff. okay. would a few seconds' notice save lives? a push for an earl earthquake warning system. >> and who is trying to evict the smallest members of an east bay community. why these garden gnomes are sparking outrage in oakland. save the gnomes. pg&e are facing off with residents. the fixtures have brought smiles but they say they could be a hazard and need to be removed. dozens of the tiny painted gnomes have popped up all over  oakland. perhaps you've seen them, many atrachd to fences and power pol poles. pg&e is concerned the screws holding the gnomes in place will compromise the structural integrity of those poles. they also fear it could prompt others to create other things and they say the gnomes bring joy to passersby and prompt gnomes hunts throughout the city. pg&e has been flooded with calls wanting to see the gnomes saved. pg&e tweeted it was trying to find them a new home. >> we don't know who that resident is but he or she is extremely wealthy. a sprawling estate has sold for more than $117 million. it is believed to be the second highest price ever paid for a home in the united states. the house sold in 2005 is nearly 9,000 square feet. very nice looking. it sits on nine acres and the pool house alone is the size of an average home. whoever it is, i'd like to get to know them. >> so quaint. still to come at 6:00, a profound shift in a controversial issue, the boy scouts of america poised to make a huge change on what's been a controversial policy. >> reporter: and i'm janelle wang. one of the deadliest nightclub fires in world history. in iran, a monkey launched into space. they say they have the video to prove it next in "world tonig . tonight." also ahead, last call for alcohol. san francisco's mayor calls for the city bars to limit alcohol sales on super bowl sunday. find out if bar owners are willing to play along. four people have been arrested after one of the deadliest nightclub fires in history. nbc bay area's janelle wang is here with the latest around our world tonight. police have arrested two members of the band and two of the club's owners. they have not been charged with anything yet but police want to question them to figure out what happened. the fire started in the early morning hours on sunday at the kiss nightclub in brazil. it's believed the fire ignited when the band launched its pyrotechnics show. within seconds it turned into a raging inferno. many of the people killed either died from smoke inhalation or being trampled to death trying to escape using the club's only main exit. more than 100 club goers were hurt. 30 are in serious condition tonight. the club's operating license had expired but was in the process of being renewed. today families buried over 100 of the victims. over in egypt five days have left 50 people dead. mohamed morsi offered to meet with the main opposition group to resolve their differences. that offer was immediately rejected. the group says it won't meet until president morrissey cancels a newly approved constitution and resolves the current government. morsi has declared a state of emergency in several cities and impose add curfew. protesters plan to organize rallies every night. tonight a sign the u.s. is growing increasingly concerned about its extremists in africa. they are planning to establish a drone base in northwest africa to conduct unarmed surveillance. the base would most likely be in niger east of somali where frieench troops are fighting al qaeda militants who are trying to take over the country. meantime the french have taken control of timbuktu airport 0, the biggest victory since the invasion against islamist militants 17 days ago. the prime suspect behind the terrorist attacks back in a guantanamo bay courtroom. the start of a four-day pretrial hearing where all sides are discussing how the men could be tried in a way that is fair and transparent. a judge is also deciding if u.s. agents illegally subjected the men to torture in order to get a confession. two of the six suspects including mastermind shaikh mohammed, staged a silent protest today that delayed the hearings for a bit. and space monkey. iran claims to have successfully rocket launched a monkey 70 miles into space and back. it's another step toward the country's goal of sending astronauts. the u.s. worries technology for iran's space program is being used to develop long-range missiles with nuclear warheads. and that's the latest world headlines. jessica, back to you. >> it could be the most significant immigration reform effort in years. a bipartisan group of senators has unveiled sweeping legislation designed to create a path for citizenship for millions of undocumented workers. >> are for the first time ever there's more political risk in opposing immigration reform than in supporting it. >> this is consistent with our k country's tradition of being a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants. >> now this measure calls for improved border security and addresses visa overstay. the legislation allows for more guest workers. green cards awarded to immigrants who have obtained advanced degrees in universities especially in tech areas. and as for most skilled workers it would allow them to enter the country for hard-to-fill jobs in areas like agriculture. the proposal is being praised by the white house. sonia sotomayor made history as the third woman to become a supreme court justice and the first latina. she brought her compelling story to the bay area. it was a hot ticket in town. the commonwealth club was sold out immediately. how was it, stephanie? >> reporter: raj, it was inspiring and so many people inspired by the story they cut class to be here. some middle school and high school students saying they could not miss this opportunity. others even teared up after meeting her. this after she shared her personal story. a standing ovation and applause kicked off what would be a frank conversation with supreme court justice sonia sotomayor as she spoke about her memoir "my beloved world." >> i had a friend who wanted to name it wise latina and i said no. >> reporter: she spoke slowly but with spit fire wit. >> i actually thought about stanford but you were too far away. >> reporter: sotomayor hit on every aspect of her life from growing up with diabetes to defending her brother on the playground. >> i may have beaten up some people but i would never cry uncle. >> reporter: she attributed her success to many things including affirmative action which she says helped get her into princeton an institution that began to admit women two years before she got there. >> but i was given the chance to get to the start of the race, and it changed my life. >> reporter: a life that began a new chapter more than three years ago as a judge in the highest court in the country. >> no matter how good, someone is going to feel there's an injustice. >> reporter: hundreds came to listen to her and get her book signed. the power of introducing his 8-year-old daughter and friend to such a figure. >> they don't come out very often in public, so it's a real special opportunity for these two girls. >> reporter: an opportunity to hear from someone who defied the odds of a modest beginning. >> i've had so many people help me. >> reporter: she was very open as she is in her book about her personal details in her life from dealing with juvenile d diabetes to beating up people on the playground to defend her brother, her family, believing in witchcraft. she says she wants people to gain strength from her not as an icon but as a real person. what she didn't talk about was any hot button issue like immigration reform and that was expected. sotomayor is preparing for her second book signing tonight at a redwood city bookstore. that event also sold out. for now live in san francisco, nbc bay area news. after more than 100 years the boy scouts of america now says it is considering opening the door to gay scouts and leaders. in a statement today the organization says it's considering removing the restrictions involving sexual orientation. the move, if approved, would allow local scout charters to decide whether to allow gay scouts to join the ranks. many in the lgb community say it's the news they've been waiting for. >> we are really excited because it's such an important step forward both supporting scouts and also leaders that we know there are gay, bi-sexual, transgender scouts and they deserve certainly the same opportunity for leadership development as any other scout. >> back in 2000 the u.s. supreme court ruled in a 5-4 decision that a boy scout had a constitutional right to maintain a policy that banned gays. so can we predict our next earthqua earthquake? an earthquake early warning system for california based on recent scientific breakthroughs. democratic state senator padilla from southern california unveiled the legislation today. the mit grad's proposal, all the recent release after cal tech study that found a major quake that would rattle from the bay area is a real possibility. padilla wants to build on existing technology to process data from sensors statewide. the enhanced early warning system would detect the strength and movement of a quake and warn residents up to 60 seconds before the earthquake hit. >> i think a lot of people have a stake in an early warning system, energy utilities that may need to power down power plants, nuclear and otherwise. to minimum maze the risk of damage. >> near burbank, padilla says a fully developed early warning system could make a huge difference in how we all react to major quakes. >> tonight the consumer watchdog group is calling on the state public utilities commission to reverse a key ruling regarding the pipeline explosion. they want to stop pg&e to stop charging for faulty and dangerous pipeline. after investigators found poor safety issues prior to the explosion, pg&e has a responsibility to pay for its own mistakes. pg&e is set to replace 50 miles of pipeline and turn says they are using rate hikes to raise $214 million. they want testing of existing pipes mandated before any rate hikes can be applied. is your drive to work threatening your life? still ahead, the curious link between your commute time and your health. and it seems everyone wants to bet on that big game. find out how a local amusement park is getting in on the super bowl action. and good evening. i'm jeff ranieri in the weather center. we're tracking that forecast over the next 24 hours. we expect 40s, a little bit of cloud cover and the temperatures warming up into the low 60s inland on tuesday. air quality not too bad. we'll talk about warming temps and 70s. in health matters tonight, a new study finds people who drive to work every day packed on a little more weight than their colleagues even if they work out. an australian study compared people who got at least two and a half hours of weekly exercise, researchers found car commuters like the ones driving right now gained an average of 4 pounds over four years, one pound more than people who got to work another way. people who work out regularly and never drove to work didn't gain any weight at all. the decision to let us work from home. >> that would be fun. everybody hosting super bowl parties on sunday, that's what we're targeting. >> this sunday, no matter whether you're here or new orleans, the weather is going to be the same pretty much in both locations, maybe more humidity down there in new orleans. right now we do look at clear skies across the golden gate bridge. we'll talk about when the 70s return coming up. jeff, i can promise you a lot more humidity down here in new orleans. the 49ers spent their first full day in the big easy, and it's been the talk of the media. we have a lot of information for you like this. 49ers head coach jim harbaugh named his team most valuable player for the 2012 season. i'll tell you who that is straight ahead from the xfinity sports desk. no matter who wins super bowl sunday, san francisco is hoping that 49ers fans will keep their cool. the city is hoping it to prevent some of the same type of violence that followed the world sear ies win. as joe rosato jr. finds out, does that plan include a ban on hard alcohol? >> reporter: are the 18th and mission didn't look quite like this the october night the giants won the 2012 world series. hundreds of revelers took to the streets lighting fires and smashing cars. >> it's kind of crazy, people outside shooting, partying, breaking windows. >> colin kaepernick, what a day. >> reporter: now that the 49ers are in the super bowl win or lose, the same mayhem is on tap. >> a whole lot of stuff going on. once they get alcohol in their system. >> reporter: mayor ed lee agrees. he suggested safety may best be served if hard alcohol isn't. his office has since clarified lee wasn't calling for a ban on hard alcohol but merely suggesting restaurants and bars exercise responsibility, a point echoed today by the police department. >> these restaurants, these bars are responsible, and they don't want to have any problems themselves so they'll be gauging when someone has had too much to drink and cut them off. >> reporter: but inside a bar opened in the mission district since 1858, the mere suggestion of banning hard alcohol was a sore subject for owner joseph irving. >> obviously overindulgence or c consumption is a problem but the argument that alcohol is the root of all evil goes back to what we've been fighting since prohibition. >> reporter: one of most popular searches on yahoo! today. while irving bristles at the thought, bartenders do have a responsibility to police their customers. >> we are licensed by the state of california to serve alcohol and as a function that have license we are expect ed every minute that we are open to be diligent about that service. >> reporter: on super bowl su y sunday they plan to station hundreds in hot spots like the mission north beach. quite sure the party will only be just beginning when the last down is played. joe rosato jr., nbc bay area news. >> drink responsibly. for people betting on the super bowl, even the amusement park, six flags is betting its sister park in baltimore. a special link to the vallejo park. the coach provided the new roller coaster last year. take a look. about the most emotion you're going to get from harbaugh. the losing park will send the other park a food basket with local treats and put up a flag at the park entrance congratulating the winning team. >> do they have to eat the fruit basket before they go on the ride? is that part of the bet? >> that looked like a fun ride. >> i'm getting dizzy. >> is it roller coaster weather? >> well, yeah. it's going to be great here the next couple of days. a lot of sunshine if you will be heading out to the theme parks across the bay area. heading out to the water, the next 24 hours we have very high wind waves. winds gusting 30 to 40 miles an hour. a small craft advisory, a high surf advisory continuing as we head throughout the next 24 hours. here is the thing, though, that northwesterly wind for today anywhere from five to ten miles an hour helped to warm temperatures up into the upper 50s and also a few low 60s in the north bay. let's take you outside to that live hd sky camera network. a lot of traffic. the good news if you're traveling tonight, no rain drops expected so that will help your commute and then up to the north, you're going to be able to see that wind that we talked about creating those waves 10 to 12 feet really shaking around the camera there as the bay bridge back there in the distance, both hands on the wheel if you're heading near the coastline for tonight or tomorrow. next 48 hours we do have rainfall up here in washington and oregon. that's going to continue to skate on by. we're not going to get any activity in terms of rainfall from that. here comes high pressure building offshore. it's going to get stronger here tuesday, wednesday, thursday, potentially producing some weather that's going to feel more like april mid spring than what we're currently at. still stuck in winter. temperatures by the end of the week in the 60s with even a few potential 70s. air quality is also going to continue to decline here as we head through each and every day. so who could have the best chance of maybe some shorts weather coming in the forecast? let's get a look. by thursday that's when the heat should be topping out and for the santa cruz mountains the offshore winds, the strongest for you, santa cruz 70, los gatos 69. of the zone of the warmest weather. the east bay and north bay likely not as warm but you'll definitely see the temperatures going up. tonight 35 in santa rosa. 35 in napa. a few areas of isolated patchy frost likely but we should stay above the freezing mark here, temperatures in the low 40s for the south bay. hazy sunshine. numbers going up a little bit. upper 50s to low 60s. for the east bay, we'll stay cool as the wind blows. 58 in the castro valley. 58 in alameda. 57 in san francisco and 63 in santa rosa. sunny weather here tuesday, wednesday, and also on thursday. by this weekend we know the 49ers, of course, in new orleans, for the super bowl. we are going to have some dry weather back here for all of the celebrations happening back in the city and the weather in new orleans is going to be very similar during the game with 50s, a little bit more humidity but no rainfall expected. >> thank you, jeff. >> no problem. let's get to sports. jim kozimor doesn't have to worry about his hair in new orleans so who cares about the humidity? >> no, exactly. my goodness. i am drenched in humidity. you could wring me out there's so much humidity going on. yikes almighty. a little super bowl xlvii. they spent the day talking to immedia media, casually getting ready and having team meetings, but when you have something to say, jim harbaugh says it big. you need a team most valuable player for the season. though he didn't have much production, the team mvp is alden smith. here is what alden smith had to say about the end of his year. >> i'm getting double-teamed a lot, triple-teamed and the quarterback is getting the ball up. the other thing that's really cool, if i'm not making a play, there's been times i'm getting double-teamed and the sack comes by somebody else. >> voted as our most valuable player, i think that speaks volumes for the impact he had on our team. you don't have the sacks there, that low hanging fruit for people to see. the thing alden is doing game in and game out. >> he's been dominant. every time he's in there, he's been dominant coming off the edge. he's been dominant stopping the run. he helps our team win a lot of games. so i definitely think he's up there for the mvp as well. last year he had 14 sacks. this year everybody questioned could he be an every down linebacker and he showed it. >> he's always doing his job. you know, i think that's pretty much the mvp always doing his job. you don't have to say too much to him and he's always producing. you know when we need a good play, he's able to produce that. i think he's very worthy of that award. >> you have guys that are on the team that are all-stars that made pro bowls consecutively. vernon davis, frank gore, man, i can go on. i come in and get the mvp. it means a lot. >> so ready for sunday and super bowl xlvii? you might as well spend the week in this great, unique town 0, the crescent city, new orleans. we are finding out the unique joys you'll find right down there. i juggle on the street to save for college. >> reporter: you juggle on the street. what does that mean? >> i try and convince people to stand around and watch what i do. i have the clubs and these knifes that i do right here. and basically it all leads up to me getting a sucker to lie down underneath me while i juggle knifes over them. >> reporter: a sucker. how often do those guys walk around here? >> if you want to do it right now -- >> reporter: do i look like a sucker? >> i think you look like someone who will go along with it. we'll get to the sucker part. >> reporter: how often do you drop them? >> nine times out of ten it goes all right. i got it nine times today and they've gone perfectly well. on the count of three, one, two, three. how are you feeling down there? >> reporter: i don't feel good. i don't feel good. >> all right. now is the part i have to stop. now i want to say this is the hardest part of the show because i don't always get to do this so i don't get to practice very much so hopefully this goes well and we're going to do it right now. >> whew. >> reporter: wow. >> that's my show. i hope you enjoy it. >> reporter: good work. thank you for not killing me. >> all right. the new man on the team. that's why he got that assignment. let's move on 0. all that alex smith did to lose his job was to suffer through a concussion in a game against the st. louis rams. many players want to turn their back on the team in that situation but not alex, he has earned the praise of his head coach. >> another person really to credit colin's success because he has helped coach colin. he's been right there at his side sitting in the meetings every day. and he coaches colin now more than i do, and that speaks volumes for the kind of person and teammate that alex smith is. >> the golden state warriors continue their road trip and a return from andrew coming up at 11:00 tonight, we'll show you him getting a start as the warriors took on the raptors and it was interesting watching ahmed fareed from that report with the juggling knifes. usually in our newsroom, guys, when we see knifes, they're being shoved into someone's back. reporting from new orleans, i'm jim kozimor. >> and at midnight tonight jim will be juggling the knifes and poor ahmed will be on the ground. >> don't say that. >> we're back in a moment. >> that's not how jim is. coming up tonight at 11:00 she was abducted as a teen and sold for sex here in the bay area. now she is telling her story and it's a story that experts say sadly is all too common. that's tonight after a new episode of "deception." >> thanks for joining us here at 6:00. have a great evening. we hope to see you at 11:00. [captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] captioned by the national captioning institute >> now on "extra." >> where are we, sofia? >> at the s.a.g. red carpet, mario. >> big night. >> like a kid in a candy store. >> busting with the ball wins. >> am i wearing a toupee? no. >> there was a rumor that taylor swift was after you. >> on the night actors celebrating acting. >> this is one of the awards that all actors revere. >> from anne hathaway's confession about her new husband. >> i am making you cry. >> to sofia's crazy phone call. and the stars doing the super bowl shuffle. >> that is like this. >> then the hillary and what rauch show. >> i consider her a close friend. >> their interview about 2016. the new jonbenet shocker, why her parents were nearly spited but never charged in her beth. the new york senator demanding an apology from beyonce. the lipsing scandal.

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Mission District , Crescent City , Australia , Niger , Oakland , Iran , Redwood City , Brazil , Napa State Hospital , Bayview , Oregon , Washington , District Of Columbia , Mississippi , Jordan , San Francisco , Los Gatos , Burbank , Egypt , Castro Valley , Princeton , Sacramento , Maryland , Santa Cruz Mountains , Somalia , North Beach , Jersey , France , Australian , America , French , Somali , Joseph Irving , Patrick Willis , Edd Goh , Jim Harbaugh , Alex Smith , Janelle Wang , Malden Smith , Jeff Ranieri , Dianne Feinstein , Jodi Hernandez , Ahmed Fareed , Al Alden Smith , Al Qaeda , Frank Gore , Kris Sanchez , Vernon Davis , Navarro Bauman , John Harbaugh , Mohamed Morsi , Shaikh Mohammed , Anne Hathaway , Sonia Sotomayor ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20130129

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five expelled students may end up facing a much bigger issue, correct, jodi? >> reporter: they certainly may. vallejo police confirm they are now investigating the allegations. they're preparing to interview everyone involved to try to determine if what took place here warrants criminal charges. >> they're horrible. they feel terrible. but i also think they've learned a good lesson which, i think, is how this whole thing should have been handled. we don't need to throw them out of school. >> reporter: tom said he's been in contact and while he feels they have been handled too harshly, the boys' troubles may be far from over. >> they have to do their investigation, find out what, in fact, the truth is. they have to be able to talk to the accusers. >> reporter: legal analysts say they aren't surprised to learn vallejo police are now launching their own investigation to figure out exactly what happened and whether or not it was criminal. >> the minute i found out about it, boom, i raised a red flag. >> reporter: the head coach, who was fired after bringing the allegations to light, says jayvee players said varsity players used genitalia to haze them. in a letter to principal documenting the claim, he wrote, if true, the allegations amount to sexual assault. legal analysts agree. >> if it's true, from what i under the facts to be for the boys to do and subject those young men, the junior varsity people, to what they subjected them to, is it sexual battery? absolutely. there's no question about it. it is sexual battery. >> reporter: of course that will be up to vallejo police to determine. they say they do not know how long their investigation will take. meanwhile, the sacramento diocese, which oversees this school says they welcome the police investigation and plan to fully cooperate. they also say they are offering counseling to all six of the victims and their families. reporting live in vallejo, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, jodi. the drivers who turned an east bay freeway into a sideshow venue in the middle of the day. a look at the evidence left behind. you can see tire marks after several drivers decided to begin doing burnouts on northbound 880 near the coliseum. this not happening for several minutes cars spun and circled blocking all lanes of northbound 880 while other spectators just recorded the chaos on their phone. the video ultimate ly surfaced n youtube. chp investigators say the act was so brazen and dangerous that the community has a responsibility to let anyone know it cannot happen again. >> the airport, hospital, people need to get to places, both way of the freeway blocked. it's extremely important people don't think it's fun, that it's not funny. you have a lot of people who have affected that day and it absolutely is not okay. >> not okay and illegal. they hope they can identify those license plates. here we go. super bowl week has officially begun and that means the quest for six is on. more than 5,000 credentialed media members are in the big easy and that includes about 25 of our nbc comcast people. jim kozimor kicks off our coverage. if you have a seat next to you, i'll get on the red eye tonight. what have you got? raj, i'm going to do my best to make it happen. you ought to do the same. let's talk about not just football but something called chemistry. in sports it's very important. in football some teams have it. some teams don't. but there's little question this version of the 49ers hoping for their sixth super bowl crown, they have chemistry. it comes especially at the line backing corps of that defensive unit. in fact, let's focus in on a couple of those guys. we'll call them patrick willis and navarro bauman. they've become a powerful 1-2 p punch in the line backing korm and their play is strengthening by learning from each other. bauman commented on the special relationship between the two. >> me and pat's relationship is very brotherly like. we do pretty much any and everything together, you know, whether we have any problems or whether it's something good. we have success. we enjoy playing with each other. you know, and i think we both push each other every single day. we don't get complacent with anything that we receive or accomplish. we always just trying to do better and make sure we can make our team better. >> and the 49ers came to new orleans on sunday, the baltimore ravens touched down in new orleans. this afternoon to begin their final preparation for super bowl xlvii and upon arrival their head coach john harbaugh spoke with the media and he told everyone what this trip means to his team. >> this is pretty cool. this is pretty exciting. we're excited to be here. we're thrilled to be here. on behalf of the baltimore ravens, the entire organization, the city, the greater baltimore area, maryland. ravens fans everywhere, we're proud to be participants in the sup super bowl. we'll do our best to play our best in this game. >> so both teams in town. now we'll have to wait until sunday for super bowl xlvii. coming up later on in the 6:00, we're going to have the streets of the crescent city. that's coming up later on in sports. and, raj, i'm going to work on that extra ticket for you. from the banks of the mississippi, i'm jim kozimor. >> and jessica. >> don't forget about me! don't leave me out of this. >> no, no. just one ticket. just one ticket, no, no, no. >> i'll fight raj for it. thank you, jim. okay, there's a new super bowl bet that ensures someone is going to be crabby after the game. dianne feinstein and boxer have waged a -- senators will send along crab, napa wine and northern california cheeses if the niners lose. maryland senators would be on the hook for crab cakes, cookies and beer if the niners win. >> okay. this is from the we're not surprised department, apparently the number 7 jersey isn't just lucky for the 49ers, it's creating some big wins. a website reports colin kaepernick's jersey has been the best-selling thankful envelope jersey nationwide, not just here in northern california but nationwide in the past two weeks. those super bowl ads already appearing on your computer, or anything else you're on. why companies aren't waiting until sunday to show their high-priced commercials n. about ten minutes our business and tech reporter scott budman breaks down the logic behind revealing those ads early online. we are your best source for 49ers coverage. we have more journalists on the ground in new orleans than any other local station. you can catch our coverage on air in every one of our newscasts throughout the day and, of course, on our website, from the current niners to a new legal problem for a former 49er, harris, facing nine years in pridz on for allegedly beating up his ex-boyfriend. th 30-year-old harris pled not guilty to felony domestic violence and assault charges. harris got into a fight with his ex-boyfriend in august. harris' attorney confirming this with us this afternoon, that his client was acting in self-defen self-defense. harris played for stanford and was the first-round draft pick for the 49ers in 2003. he also played for the raiders. the state of the city is pretty good. that's the message mayor ed lee delivered today. he spoke before a large crowd in the bayview. college track is an educational program that helps students for underserved communities reach their goals. lee said over the past year, unemployment has dropped in san francisco to 6.5%, down from 9.6% when he first took office. he said there are more jobs in construction and green tech and san francisco remains a top tourist destination. >> from the sunset to the mission to right here in the bayview, we're witnessing a rebirth of local manufacturing, fashion and artisan that bear the label made in san francisco. yes. >> he's excited. he talks about the city's points of prayed and, yes, that new cruiseship terminal, the america's cup, the world champion giants and perhaps the super bowl champion 49ers. he's accused of carrying out a deadly shooting rampage, but before he goes to trial, he's going to spend time at napa state hospital. a judge ruled one goh will receive treatment for schizophrenia. the judge decide d goh was currently incompetent to stand trial. the court will now receive a progress report every 90 days until goh is deemed competent to stand trial. prosecutors say he planned the shooting rampage after a tuition dispute with oikos school officials. seven people were killed on the campus. still ahead at 6:00, you might call it the meyer effect. the new evidence that a new ceo has brought new hope to yahoo! why investors are optimistic. also -- >> reporter: one of the most powerful people in the country comes to speak to hundreds, supreme court sonia sotomayor. what she had to say and the emotional response she got here coming up. and it was a lesson this teen won't forget anytime soon. the decision that sent this suv flying off the santa cruz wharf. and good evening. i'm jeff ranieri in the nbc bay area weather center. temperatures dropping into the 40s in the north bay. napa at 49 degrees. we'll talk about the wind and some problems it's creating now and also when a few rare january 70s return in just a few minutes. quite a catch. it wasn't a fish, but something much bigger being pulled out of the water in santa cruz. today, it happened today, it was a father/son driving lesson that went horribly wrong. nbc bay area's kris sanchez joins us from santa cruz to explain how the family car ended up in the ocean. kris? >> reporter: hi there, raj. we caught up with the father and the son here at the wharf today. dad says they're not ready to talk but seeing that boy's face was heartbreaking. he looked completely unsettled. this is how much of the railing he took out as he plunged the family suv over this fence and down into the chilly waters sinking about 15 feet. dozens of people watch as a massive tow truck drags this four runner from the chilly waters of the bay and back on to the santa cruz wharf. almost no witnesses around 10:30 this morning as the 16-year-old still learning to drive made what could have been a deadly mistake for him, his father, and the family dog. >> the son has a permit and was practicing driving. and accidentally hit the accelerator rather than the brake. >> reporter: the father and his son swam to a kayak landing on their own. their dog wesley swam to shore. now because the accident happened right across from the lifeguard headquarters, marine rescue swimmers were ready to help right away. though christian did not want to talk with us, we could tell by his face and that of his son that this was the scare of a lifetime. >> the other one is not sure which one they got out. you can see that the windshield is damaged so they could have easily gotten out of the windshield. >> reporter: something like this happens every three or four years. the christians were lucky. last time an elderly couple did not survive. so, again, father, son, and to go wesley, are all going to be okay. the suv is a different story. it's probably going to be a total loss since it was submerged in salt water for four hours. by the way, we did ask of the environmental impact of the vehicle going into the bay and it's expected to be minimal because it will dilute in so much water. >> that is quite an experience. thank you, kris. a so-called sleeper wave, the third time it's happened this year. a woman and her friend were on the beach at shelter cove when a large wave swept her into the ocean. the body of the 32-year-old woman was found after about 45 minutes. her was also swept away but it managed to swim back to shore. visitors will be careful with those large waves. a man was killed on new year's day when a wave caught his dog and he went out to rescue it and then in november a couple drowned and their teenaged son disappeared trying to save their dog when it was pulled into the ocean. >> two firefighters ended up in the hospital with minor injuries and a home suffered major damage after a fire broke out in east san hjose this afternoon. the fire started around noon on holly drive. 11 people were living inside the single story home. six adults and five children. the red cross has stepped in helping them find temporary home. >> some people are calling it the mayer effect, delivering profits and bringing good news to investors. our which is and tech reporter scott budman joins us with your money and more tonight. >> reporter: we'll start with yahoo! it's in a better place than we've seen in a long time. mayer is getting the credit for that delivering a quarterly report that came in ahead of wall street expectations and while admitting yahoo! still has a ways to go before truly competing with the likes of g g google bringing the profit numbers in high enough to bring some investors back into the fold. revenue growing for the first time in four years. yahoo! shares up about 3% in after hours trading. but if you want to talk real money, let's talk super bowl ad time, something like $127,000 a second during the game. why can't we see the ads now? because the companies making them want to get social. this ad for mercedes featuring a good looking model and a car in there somewhere will likely cost $8 million for a minute of airtime during the super bowl. now mercedes really wants to you watch it during the game so why is it posting the ad for free online a week ahead of time? >> you can potentially double the amount of people that saw your commercial, you save $4 million. >> reporter: we visited san jose-based three marketeers to see how the super bowl game has changed when it comes to ads. yes, the companies still expect us to watch tv, but that's only part of it now. >> it's part of a much larger plan. that campaign involves online, involves social media. it involves contact as well as, you know, the actual event itself. >> reporter: and that's the default now? >> the triple crown. >> reporter: for example, because awudi has to compete wih mercedes and other companies, it wants you to remember its ad and its brand beyond the tv set. if you get social with a product through youtube or facebook, maybe you'll be more likely to think about it when you're shopping for a soft drink or a snack. ♪ gangnam style >> reporter: even psy is getting into the act thanks to a company hoping his huge online following will transfer to television. >> the big part about advertising is branding and awareness and trying to create that association with your brand. much more than having them watch a commercial. you want them involved. >> reporter: and companies are willing to take a risk that you'll be more involved by seeing their ads over and over again before and after the game itse itself. remember, this comes from youtube advertisements that ran online before the super bowl were seen six times as often as ads that ran only after the super bowl. so you can expect what's happening this year to be the start of the trend. raj? >> thank you, scott. >>. >> reporter: you bet. let's check in with jeff ranieri. it's monday. we're starting the workweek. >> we have some awesome weather. look ahead here as we head throughout the upcoming week. right now we are tracking rainfall up into washington and also or are or. no rainfall from this for us. however, that cloud cover is increatesing here across parts of the north bay and, you know, a lot of northernc california fr that matter and, also, the temperature contrast from that storm up to the north and also the drier conditions off to the south is creating quite a bit of wind here, 30 to 40 miles an hour gusting at the coast kicking up wave heights between 10 to 12 feet. high surf advisory in effect. do advise some caution. warmest spot, santa rosa at 63, the coolest los gatos 52. take you outside of that sky camera network in san francisco. an awesome sunset tonight that mid level cloud cover is moving on over for tonight and that will keep a few areas just slig slightly warmer as we head into tomorrow morning. a look at those highs here as we head throughout tuesday's forecast. a bit of cloud cover and then by the midday hours some haze, some sunshine. temperatures in the mid-50s. then by 4:00 p.m. warmest spots in the interior valley with conditions expected to pop up to the low 60s. stay dry as we head throughout tuesday, wednesday, and also on thursday and even on thursday's forecast, a few 70s possible here for the interior valleys with plenty of upper 60s. if you happen to be heading to the super bowl and maybe you don't have a ticket you about you want to go there and do some prepartying, the party will be out in the dome. temperatures in the low to mid-60s with all systems clear weather. we should note for our, what is it, the hugest team in the bay area heading out to the super bowl from our station, a chance of thunderstorms tomorrow so bring your umbrellas, guys. >> thanks, jeff. >> thank you, jeff. okay. would a few seconds' notice save lives? a push for an earl earthquake warning system. >> and who is trying to evict the smallest members of an east bay community. why these garden gnomes are sparking outrage in oakland. save the gnomes. pg&e are facing off with residents. the fixtures have brought smiles but they say they could be a hazard and need to be removed. dozens of the tiny painted gnomes have popped up all over  oakland. perhaps you've seen them, many atrachd to fences and power pol poles. pg&e is concerned the screws holding the gnomes in place will compromise the structural integrity of those poles. they also fear it could prompt others to create other things and they say the gnomes bring joy to passersby and prompt gnomes hunts throughout the city. pg&e has been flooded with calls wanting to see the gnomes saved. pg&e tweeted it was trying to find them a new home. >> we don't know who that resident is but he or she is extremely wealthy. a sprawling estate has sold for more than $117 million. it is believed to be the second highest price ever paid for a home in the united states. the house sold in 2005 is nearly 9,000 square feet. very nice looking. it sits on nine acres and the pool house alone is the size of an average home. whoever it is, i'd like to get to know them. >> so quaint. still to come at 6:00, a profound shift in a controversial issue, the boy scouts of america poised to make a huge change on what's been a controversial policy. >> reporter: and i'm janelle wang. one of the deadliest nightclub fires in world history. in iran, a monkey launched into space. they say they have the video to prove it next in "world tonig . tonight." also ahead, last call for alcohol. san francisco's mayor calls for the city bars to limit alcohol sales on super bowl sunday. find out if bar owners are willing to play along. four people have been arrested after one of the deadliest nightclub fires in history. nbc bay area's janelle wang is here with the latest around our world tonight. police have arrested two members of the band and two of the club's owners. they have not been charged with anything yet but police want to question them to figure out what happened. the fire started in the early morning hours on sunday at the kiss nightclub in brazil. it's believed the fire ignited when the band launched its pyrotechnics show. within seconds it turned into a raging inferno. many of the people killed either died from smoke inhalation or being trampled to death trying to escape using the club's only main exit. more than 100 club goers were hurt. 30 are in serious condition tonight. the club's operating license had expired but was in the process of being renewed. today families buried over 100 of the victims. over in egypt five days have left 50 people dead. mohamed morsi offered to meet with the main opposition group to resolve their differences. that offer was immediately rejected. the group says it won't meet until president morrissey cancels a newly approved constitution and resolves the current government. morsi has declared a state of emergency in several cities and impose add curfew. protesters plan to organize rallies every night. tonight a sign the u.s. is growing increasingly concerned about its extremists in africa. they are planning to establish a drone base in northwest africa to conduct unarmed surveillance. the base would most likely be in niger east of somali where frieench troops are fighting al qaeda militants who are trying to take over the country. meantime the french have taken control of timbuktu airport 0, the biggest victory since the invasion against islamist militants 17 days ago. the prime suspect behind the terrorist attacks back in a guantanamo bay courtroom. the start of a four-day pretrial hearing where all sides are discussing how the men could be tried in a way that is fair and transparent. a judge is also deciding if u.s. agents illegally subjected the men to torture in order to get a confession. two of the six suspects including mastermind shaikh mohammed, staged a silent protest today that delayed the hearings for a bit. and space monkey. iran claims to have successfully rocket launched a monkey 70 miles into space and back. it's another step toward the country's goal of sending astronauts. the u.s. worries technology for iran's space program is being used to develop long-range missiles with nuclear warheads. and that's the latest world headlines. jessica, back to you. >> it could be the most significant immigration reform effort in years. a bipartisan group of senators has unveiled sweeping legislation designed to create a path for citizenship for millions of undocumented workers. >> are for the first time ever there's more political risk in opposing immigration reform than in supporting it. >> this is consistent with our k country's tradition of being a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants. >> now this measure calls for improved border security and addresses visa overstay. the legislation allows for more guest workers. green cards awarded to immigrants who have obtained advanced degrees in universities especially in tech areas. and as for most skilled workers it would allow them to enter the country for hard-to-fill jobs in areas like agriculture. the proposal is being praised by the white house. sonia sotomayor made history as the third woman to become a supreme court justice and the first latina. she brought her compelling story to the bay area. it was a hot ticket in town. the commonwealth club was sold out immediately. how was it, stephanie? >> reporter: raj, it was inspiring and so many people inspired by the story they cut class to be here. some middle school and high school students saying they could not miss this opportunity. others even teared up after meeting her. this after she shared her personal story. a standing ovation and applause kicked off what would be a frank conversation with supreme court justice sonia sotomayor as she spoke about her memoir "my beloved world." >> i had a friend who wanted to name it wise latina and i said no. >> reporter: she spoke slowly but with spit fire wit. >> i actually thought about stanford but you were too far away. >> reporter: sotomayor hit on every aspect of her life from growing up with diabetes to defending her brother on the playground. >> i may have beaten up some people but i would never cry uncle. >> reporter: she attributed her success to many things including affirmative action which she says helped get her into princeton an institution that began to admit women two years before she got there. >> but i was given the chance to get to the start of the race, and it changed my life. >> reporter: a life that began a new chapter more than three years ago as a judge in the highest court in the country. >> no matter how good, someone is going to feel there's an injustice. >> reporter: hundreds came to listen to her and get her book signed. the power of introducing his 8-year-old daughter and friend to such a figure. >> they don't come out very often in public, so it's a real special opportunity for these two girls. >> reporter: an opportunity to hear from someone who defied the odds of a modest beginning. >> i've had so many people help me. >> reporter: she was very open as she is in her book about her personal details in her life from dealing with juvenile d diabetes to beating up people on the playground to defend her brother, her family, believing in witchcraft. she says she wants people to gain strength from her not as an icon but as a real person. what she didn't talk about was any hot button issue like immigration reform and that was expected. sotomayor is preparing for her second book signing tonight at a redwood city bookstore. that event also sold out. for now live in san francisco, nbc bay area news. after more than 100 years the boy scouts of america now says it is considering opening the door to gay scouts and leaders. in a statement today the organization says it's considering removing the restrictions involving sexual orientation. the move, if approved, would allow local scout charters to decide whether to allow gay scouts to join the ranks. many in the lgb community say it's the news they've been waiting for. >> we are really excited because it's such an important step forward both supporting scouts and also leaders that we know there are gay, bi-sexual, transgender scouts and they deserve certainly the same opportunity for leadership development as any other scout. >> back in 2000 the u.s. supreme court ruled in a 5-4 decision that a boy scout had a constitutional right to maintain a policy that banned gays. so can we predict our next earthqua earthquake? an earthquake early warning system for california based on recent scientific breakthroughs. democratic state senator padilla from southern california unveiled the legislation today. the mit grad's proposal, all the recent release after cal tech study that found a major quake that would rattle from the bay area is a real possibility. padilla wants to build on existing technology to process data from sensors statewide. the enhanced early warning system would detect the strength and movement of a quake and warn residents up to 60 seconds before the earthquake hit. >> i think a lot of people have a stake in an early warning system, energy utilities that may need to power down power plants, nuclear and otherwise. to minimum maze the risk of damage. >> near burbank, padilla says a fully developed early warning system could make a huge difference in how we all react to major quakes. >> tonight the consumer watchdog group is calling on the state public utilities commission to reverse a key ruling regarding the pipeline explosion. they want to stop pg&e to stop charging for faulty and dangerous pipeline. after investigators found poor safety issues prior to the explosion, pg&e has a responsibility to pay for its own mistakes. pg&e is set to replace 50 miles of pipeline and turn says they are using rate hikes to raise $214 million. they want testing of existing pipes mandated before any rate hikes can be applied. is your drive to work threatening your life? still ahead, the curious link between your commute time and your health. and it seems everyone wants to bet on that big game. find out how a local amusement park is getting in on the super bowl action. and good evening. i'm jeff ranieri in the weather center. we're tracking that forecast over the next 24 hours. we expect 40s, a little bit of cloud cover and the temperatures warming up into the low 60s inland on tuesday. air quality not too bad. we'll talk about warming temps and 70s. in health matters tonight, a new study finds people who drive to work every day packed on a little more weight than their colleagues even if they work out. an australian study compared people who got at least two and a half hours of weekly exercise, researchers found car commuters like the ones driving right now gained an average of 4 pounds over four years, one pound more than people who got to work another way. people who work out regularly and never drove to work didn't gain any weight at all. the decision to let us work from home. >> that would be fun. everybody hosting super bowl parties on sunday, that's what we're targeting. >> this sunday, no matter whether you're here or new orleans, the weather is going to be the same pretty much in both locations, maybe more humidity down there in new orleans. right now we do look at clear skies across the golden gate bridge. we'll talk about when the 70s return coming up. jeff, i can promise you a lot more humidity down here in new orleans. the 49ers spent their first full day in the big easy, and it's been the talk of the media. we have a lot of information for you like this. 49ers head coach jim harbaugh named his team most valuable player for the 2012 season. i'll tell you who that is straight ahead from the xfinity sports desk. no matter who wins super bowl sunday, san francisco is hoping that 49ers fans will keep their cool. the city is hoping it to prevent some of the same type of violence that followed the world sear ies win. as joe rosato jr. finds out, does that plan include a ban on hard alcohol? >> reporter: are the 18th and mission didn't look quite like this the october night the giants won the 2012 world series. hundreds of revelers took to the streets lighting fires and smashing cars. >> it's kind of crazy, people outside shooting, partying, breaking windows. >> colin kaepernick, what a day. >> reporter: now that the 49ers are in the super bowl win or lose, the same mayhem is on tap. >> a whole lot of stuff going on. once they get alcohol in their system. >> reporter: mayor ed lee agrees. he suggested safety may best be served if hard alcohol isn't. his office has since clarified lee wasn't calling for a ban on hard alcohol but merely suggesting restaurants and bars exercise responsibility, a point echoed today by the police department. >> these restaurants, these bars are responsible, and they don't want to have any problems themselves so they'll be gauging when someone has had too much to drink and cut them off. >> reporter: but inside a bar opened in the mission district since 1858, the mere suggestion of banning hard alcohol was a sore subject for owner joseph irving. >> obviously overindulgence or c consumption is a problem but the argument that alcohol is the root of all evil goes back to what we've been fighting since prohibition. >> reporter: one of most popular searches on yahoo! today. while irving bristles at the thought, bartenders do have a responsibility to police their customers. >> we are licensed by the state of california to serve alcohol and as a function that have license we are expect ed every minute that we are open to be diligent about that service. >> reporter: on super bowl su y sunday they plan to station hundreds in hot spots like the mission north beach. quite sure the party will only be just beginning when the last down is played. joe rosato jr., nbc bay area news. >> drink responsibly. for people betting on the super bowl, even the amusement park, six flags is betting its sister park in baltimore. a special link to the vallejo park. the coach provided the new roller coaster last year. take a look. about the most emotion you're going to get from harbaugh. the losing park will send the other park a food basket with local treats and put up a flag at the park entrance congratulating the winning team. >> do they have to eat the fruit basket before they go on the ride? is that part of the bet? >> that looked like a fun ride. >> i'm getting dizzy. >> is it roller coaster weather? >> well, yeah. it's going to be great here the next couple of days. a lot of sunshine if you will be heading out to the theme parks across the bay area. heading out to the water, the next 24 hours we have very high wind waves. winds gusting 30 to 40 miles an hour. a small craft advisory, a high surf advisory continuing as we head throughout the next 24 hours. here is the thing, though, that northwesterly wind for today anywhere from five to ten miles an hour helped to warm temperatures up into the upper 50s and also a few low 60s in the north bay. let's take you outside to that live hd sky camera network. a lot of traffic. the good news if you're traveling tonight, no rain drops expected so that will help your commute and then up to the north, you're going to be able to see that wind that we talked about creating those waves 10 to 12 feet really shaking around the camera there as the bay bridge back there in the distance, both hands on the wheel if you're heading near the coastline for tonight or tomorrow. next 48 hours we do have rainfall up here in washington and oregon. that's going to continue to skate on by. we're not going to get any activity in terms of rainfall from that. here comes high pressure building offshore. it's going to get stronger here tuesday, wednesday, thursday, potentially producing some weather that's going to feel more like april mid spring than what we're currently at. still stuck in winter. temperatures by the end of the week in the 60s with even a few potential 70s. air quality is also going to continue to decline here as we head through each and every day. so who could have the best chance of maybe some shorts weather coming in the forecast? let's get a look. by thursday that's when the heat should be topping out and for the santa cruz mountains the offshore winds, the strongest for you, santa cruz 70, los gatos 69. of the zone of the warmest weather. the east bay and north bay likely not as warm but you'll definitely see the temperatures going up. tonight 35 in santa rosa. 35 in napa. a few areas of isolated patchy frost likely but we should stay above the freezing mark here, temperatures in the low 40s for the south bay. hazy sunshine. numbers going up a little bit. upper 50s to low 60s. for the east bay, we'll stay cool as the wind blows. 58 in the castro valley. 58 in alameda. 57 in san francisco and 63 in santa rosa. sunny weather here tuesday, wednesday, and also on thursday. by this weekend we know the 49ers, of course, in new orleans, for the super bowl. we are going to have some dry weather back here for all of the celebrations happening back in the city and the weather in new orleans is going to be very similar during the game with 50s, a little bit more humidity but no rainfall expected. >> thank you, jeff. >> no problem. let's get to sports. jim kozimor doesn't have to worry about his hair in new orleans so who cares about the humidity? >> no, exactly. my goodness. i am drenched in humidity. you could wring me out there's so much humidity going on. yikes almighty. a little super bowl xlvii. they spent the day talking to immedia media, casually getting ready and having team meetings, but when you have something to say, jim harbaugh says it big. you need a team most valuable player for the season. though he didn't have much production, the team mvp is alden smith. here is what alden smith had to say about the end of his year. >> i'm getting double-teamed a lot, triple-teamed and the quarterback is getting the ball up. the other thing that's really cool, if i'm not making a play, there's been times i'm getting double-teamed and the sack comes by somebody else. >> voted as our most valuable player, i think that speaks volumes for the impact he had on our team. you don't have the sacks there, that low hanging fruit for people to see. the thing alden is doing game in and game out. >> he's been dominant. every time he's in there, he's been dominant coming off the edge. he's been dominant stopping the run. he helps our team win a lot of games. so i definitely think he's up there for the mvp as well. last year he had 14 sacks. this year everybody questioned could he be an every down linebacker and he showed it. >> he's always doing his job. you know, i think that's pretty much the mvp always doing his job. you don't have to say too much to him and he's always producing. you know when we need a good play, he's able to produce that. i think he's very worthy of that award. >> you have guys that are on the team that are all-stars that made pro bowls consecutively. vernon davis, frank gore, man, i can go on. i come in and get the mvp. it means a lot. >> so ready for sunday and super bowl xlvii? you might as well spend the week in this great, unique town 0, the crescent city, new orleans. we are finding out the unique joys you'll find right down there. i juggle on the street to save for college. >> reporter: you juggle on the street. what does that mean? >> i try and convince people to stand around and watch what i do. i have the clubs and these knifes that i do right here. and basically it all leads up to me getting a sucker to lie down underneath me while i juggle knifes over them. >> reporter: a sucker. how often do those guys walk around here? >> if you want to do it right now -- >> reporter: do i look like a sucker? >> i think you look like someone who will go along with it. we'll get to the sucker part. >> reporter: how often do you drop them? >> nine times out of ten it goes all right. i got it nine times today and they've gone perfectly well. on the count of three, one, two, three. how are you feeling down there? >> reporter: i don't feel good. i don't feel good. >> all right. now is the part i have to stop. now i want to say this is the hardest part of the show because i don't always get to do this so i don't get to practice very much so hopefully this goes well and we're going to do it right now. >> whew. >> reporter: wow. >> that's my show. i hope you enjoy it. >> reporter: good work. thank you for not killing me. >> all right. the new man on the team. that's why he got that assignment. let's move on 0. all that alex smith did to lose his job was to suffer through a concussion in a game against the st. louis rams. many players want to turn their back on the team in that situation but not alex, he has earned the praise of his head coach. >> another person really to credit colin's success because he has helped coach colin. he's been right there at his side sitting in the meetings every day. and he coaches colin now more than i do, and that speaks volumes for the kind of person and teammate that alex smith is. >> the golden state warriors continue their road trip and a return from andrew coming up at 11:00 tonight, we'll show you him getting a start as the warriors took on the raptors and it was interesting watching ahmed fareed from that report with the juggling knifes. usually in our newsroom, guys, when we see knifes, they're being shoved into someone's back. reporting from new orleans, i'm jim kozimor. >> and at midnight tonight jim will be juggling the knifes and poor ahmed will be on the ground. >> don't say that. >> we're back in a moment. >> that's not how jim is. coming up tonight at 11:00 she was abducted as a teen and sold for sex here in the bay area. now she is telling her story and it's a story that experts say sadly is all too common. that's tonight after a new episode of "deception." >> thanks for joining us here at 6:00. have a great evening. we hope to see you at 11:00. [captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] captioned by the national captioning institute >> now on "extra." >> where are we, sofia? >> at the s.a.g. red carpet, mario. >> big night. >> like a kid in a candy store. >> busting with the ball wins. >> am i wearing a toupee? no. >> there was a rumor that taylor swift was after you. >> on the night actors celebrating acting. >> this is one of the awards that all actors revere. >> from anne hathaway's confession about her new husband. >> i am making you cry. >> to sofia's crazy phone call. and the stars doing the super bowl shuffle. >> that is like this. >> then the hillary and what rauch show. >> i consider her a close friend. >> their interview about 2016. the new jonbenet shocker, why her parents were nearly spited but never charged in her beth. the new york senator demanding an apology from beyonce. the lipsing scandal.

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