Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20130108 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20130108

but the coast guard says nothing is leaking from. it did offload fuel in martinez before heading out to sea this morning. the coast guard says the pilot and ship's captain will be tested for drugs and alcohol. the pilot onboard has been a pilot in san francisco since 2005. he says the man did pass an alcohol test and results of a drug test will take some time. the coast guard also says no one onboard this ship was injured and at this point they're trying to figure out why this oil tanker hit the bay bridge. reporting live on treasure island, jean elle, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. it was foggy. that is one of the things they'll look at especially since today's accident brought back memories of the foggy bridge crash five years ago involving a container ship that crash led to an environmental disaster for the bay area. the ship spilled 53,000 gallons of oil into the bay closing local beaches and killing thousands of birds and other wildlife. the owner of the tanker ultimately paid out $44 million to help fund the cleanup and $10 million in fines. an ntsb investigation found the pilot was impaired at the time by prescription drugs. he served ten months behind bars and had miss pilot's license revoked. if you want more information including close-up photos of the damage done today, logon to our website, it's all there on the home page. it's a legal move that does not sit well with most of the victims' families. a judge ruled the man at the center of the mass shooting is not competent to stand trial. we bring in kimberly tere who was in the courtroom for the hearing and joins us with more on the decision and why this is not the end of the story. >> reporter: one family member who did not want to be identified spoke to us off camera. he was really upset. he said goh was can haonfident h to killed his loved one and six others and should be competent enough to stand trial. he went on to say he's disappoint disappointed with the judge's decision and wants to see goh tried. but as it stands now, that will take some time. he's an accused mass shooter prosecutors say opened fire inside a small christian college killing seven people last april after a bitter dispute over tuition. but today a judge decided he won't be tried for the shooting at oikos university, at least not yet. instead one goh will be sent to a psychiatric facility until he regains competence to stand trial. >> he is a deeply troubled man. he's locked up in shame and remorse and sadness. he's not eat iing. he's not taking good care of himself. i think he's significantly mentally ill and he needs help. >> reporter: his attorney raised concerns about his mental health and two reports from psychiatrists have validated those concerns. after interviewing goh, watching his taped confession to police and reviewing police reports, both doctors say the 43-year-old is a paranoid schizophrenic and needs treatment. >> i just want to make sure it's understood this is a temporary suspension of proceedings in this case. this is not about him trying to avoid responsibility or him trying to get out of this. i mean, he has confessed to these crimes and accepted responsibility. this is really about his present mental status and the constitution demands that he be confident and able to understand and rationally participate in the proceedings, and right now he can't do that. >> reporter: the court is expected to decide where goh will be placed at the end of the month. once he is at the treatment facility, which his attorney says will like ly be napa state hospital, the court will receive progress reports. goh's attorney says the hope is through therapy and medication his mental health will be restored so he can be tried. goh does not appear to show any emotion during today's hearing. his next scheduled appearance in court is january 28th. live in oakland, kimberly tere, nbc bay area news. >> kimberly, thank you. coming up at 6:30, not just guns but the bullets. a proposed new safeguard by a bay area assembly woman is to help curb the violence. that story just ahead at 6:30. new details on an officer involved shooting in walnut creek that left a hairstylist dead. during a news conference this afternoon the city's chief of police say anthony bent jr. was holding a ten-inch chef knife when police killed him. the incident began with a 911 call for a woman who said a man was being attacked inside an apartment. when officers arrived they say no one answered the door so they forced their way in. that's when they ran into banta. >> nancy was described as extremely agitated and he refused all commands given to him by the officers. officers ordered mr. banta to drop the knife several times. banta, mr. banta suddenly charged down the stairs towards the officers with the knife in his hand. >> that's when the chief says his officers fired in self-defense. >> the other two people inside the apartment believed he was going to kill or injure them. detectives are still waiting results from the toxicology test. today a hand-picked evidence response team converged on a farm east of stockton where federal investigators expect to find more victims of the so-called speed-free killer. the fbi is now leading the excavation of an old well located on a farm outside of lynn deny. the site is near another abandoned well where four bodies were found nearly a year ago. authorities believe those bodies are linked to herzog and wesley sherman time. herzog committed suicide while sherm shermantine is on pin row. >> a combination of efforts, a collaboration of investigative techniques the fbi has been using the last five or six months, information that's been supplied to the fbi by our local and state law enforcement organizations and, of course, interviews we've had with them. >> investigators say it will take about three weeks to hand sift through about 50 feet of soil. >> oakland's first homicide victim of the year is a teenaged boy. police say he was shot and killed around 1:00 this afternoon while sitting in a parked car. this happened at a parking lot near the intersection of hagen berger and hamilton. detectives are not releasing the boy's age or name. last year particularly violent in oakland, as you've heard, 131 people killed. that's the highest yearly homicide rate in oakland since 2006. tonight sfrap san fran police continue to search for a man who they say poured gasoline on his girlfriend and then set her on fire. police say 22-year-old dexter oliver attacked his girlfriend yesterday near the intersection of hols ter and jennings in the city's bayview district. police describe oliveras 5'10", 155 pounds with a distinct haircut that includes the lightning bolt cut into one side of his hair and a fish design on the other. 25-year-old star lemar remains in critical condition at a san francisco hospital. she has severe burns to her face and chest. family members say oliver became enraged when lamar broke up their relationship. >> in the south bay two suspects are under arrest tonight after an incident triggered an order. near south king road and ocala avenue was on lockdown until 1:10 this afternoon. that lockdown started after reports someone spotted several men in a cardiss playing a gun. when police caught up with the men, they took off leading to a house to house search near the school. ultimately the two were arrested but no gun was ever found. well, game on. the national hockey league is now scrambling to come up with a revised schedule for the san jose sharks and the rest of the league. a new deal will finally end the 113-day lockout after hundreds of canceled games, you can imagine the players are ready to go. and so the business owners in downtown san jose who depend on teal fever to keep them in the black. let's bring in kris sanchez who joins us live from the shark tank. it's nice to see that building lit up again, kris. >> reporter: it is very nice and, raj, there are a lot of exciting events listed on the marquee. not just the sharks yet. the nhl is having a bit of a time trying to come up with the schedule. >> it feels like the season will start. >> reporter: in the sharks' locker room for the first time since last season. he spent the lockout playing in finland. >> i live in san jose. this is home for me. >> reporter: the head coach and some of the sharks players waited out the 113-day lockout here in san jose. can coach said he heard from very disappointed fans and knows what the team has to do in this very short season. >> to win as many games as possible and earn their loyalty back. there's not much we can say except apologize for the length of time. >> the players lost income but so did the local economy. according to the city of san jose, the sharks organization creates about $1.3 million in direct economic impact. add to that $38 million in sharks related spending outside the shark tank. >> reporter: joe says he feeds about 14 of the sharks every game day and he says it will be good to have them back. even if he is mad at them. he jokes but a lot of downtown businesses depend on sharks teal to stay in the black. >> we don't survive on the sharks but a lot do. >> reporter: lady gaga's first home game may not be until january 31st against the boston bruins. they are ready to play. >> reporte you have to win. they are ready to play before their hometown crowd but they may not get the chance until january 31st. of course that is subject to change as the nhl works out the kinks in the schedule. must be a tough job. in san jose, kris sanchez, nbc bay area news. gun supporters have long said that an armed society but what do the numbers show? ahead at 6:00, gun sales have soared. are the newly armed americans really reducing crime? a new study, what does our reality check find? >> reporter: i'm damian trujillo live in mountain view. after the murder, police say they finally have a killer. that's coming up. and a drunken joy ride ends in destruction. take a look. what investigators believe is behind this dramatic scene in the south bay. >> and i'm jeff ranieri in the weather center. low to mid-50s across a lot of the east bay right now on your monday and we're going to have details on fog that will be developing for tonight and tomorrow. dense fog advisory in effect. i'll have your forecast coming up in a few minutes. it's a very cold case but it was cracked. mountain view police announcing today they have cracked a suspect in a decades old murder. damian trujillo joins us. how did they finally find him? >> reporter: police say the body of jermaine was dumped behind this safeway store here in mountain view. the d.a. says dna led them to the suspected killer. detectives from the police department drove to the fresno area and arrested daniel garcia. they say in 1985 garcia strangled a woman and dumped her body behind this safeway store. the case remained closed until the pd began examining evidence under the fingernails of the victim. the dna under those matched those of garcia according to police. the d.a. asked for a no bail warrant for garcia, but the judge this afternoon set bail at $2 million. the prosecutor says that the arrest shows the law enforcement commitment to victims' families. >> anyone out there who commit add heinous crime whether it was in 1965, 1975 or last year, we don't forget about the victims. every day that's what we come to work for. the police officers working these cases, the investigators, the criminalists in our unit. >> reporter: the d.a.'s office reopened its cold case unit only back in 2010, and so that is being credited with helping make the arrest of this 22-year-old homicide here in the city of mountain view. neither family members for the victim or the suspect were in court today and the prosecutor says because she fought back, the victim was able to lead prosecutors to the suspected killers. live in mountain view, i'm damian trujillo. police are searching for three suspects who stole a pet grooming van and crashed it into a south san jose business. the driver lost control of the shopping center and crashed into a smoke shop. happening around 6:30 this morning. the suspect then took off on foot, abandoning the van, moments after the crash. >> they were partying inside the van. they had alcohol. probably a dui and that probably contributed to them losing control of the van and running into a business here. >> police found 12 packs of beer, evidence that could help identify them. the crash caused major damage to the store. luckily, though, it was early so no one was inside. >> in the east bay an suv injured four people during the lunch hour at a livermore restaurant today. take a look. police saying the driver thought the vehicle was in reverse and then hit the gas. that's when he plowed through the italian cafe on north livermore avenue. the suv managed to travel all the way through the dining room and out the other side hitting four of the 17 people in the restaurant, the most severe injury was a broken leg. the driver was not injured. well, back to work. state lawmakers returned to the capitol and to some very big changes. california is in better financial shape than they last adjourned. for the firts time in more than a century, democrats hold two-thirds majorities in the assembly and the senate. that super majority gives them the ability to pass new legislation without support from republicans. observers say that's likely to mean fewer deadline problems and passing the state budget. ten people who lost their homes to wrongful foreclosures could get part of a new $8.5 billion settlement. jpmorgan, bank of america, and wells fargo are three of the ten banks and mortgage companies that agreed to pay the multibillion dollar settlement to homeowners. under the agreement up to $3.8 million people whose homes were foreclosed on between 2009 and 2010 could receive anywhere from $1,000 to $125,000. let's bring in our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri, and this is where it gets interesti interesting. i believe we might have some snow in the lower levels of the bay area. >> yeah, that's exactly right. down to about 1,000 feet. more on that coming up, guys. take a look at the highs for today. the warmest weather in the south bay with 62 in santa teresa. 58 in san jose and up to the north bay we had 62 there as well and just in case you missed it in our 5:00 show, look at this sunset we captured. and also this picture coming in from 0 our crew on treasure island looking back to san francisco and that sunset actually sent off by some of the dirt particles in the atmosphere. we had moderate levels and as the sun sets it reflects. if if you suffer from allergies, we'll have some nice sun sets coming our way tomorrow. unhealthy levels in the south bay with a winter spare the air alert in effect for tuesday, so once again if you suffer from respiratory problems or allergies, it's going to be a tough go for you there this on tuesday. all right. let's take you outside to our sky camera network and what you're going to be able to see is, of course, traffic moving right along. mainly clear conditions in the south bay with some of that haze and up to san francisco nothing in the way of fog right now but we are going to get more dense fog as we head throughout tomorrow morning. let's get you back in here. the storm track with all the rainfall is still several hundred miles off to the north. we're going to be under the influence of high pressure. that's actually going to bring us a little bit of warming as we head throughout tomorrow. temperatures five to ten degrees above where we should be for this time of the year. and then as we head throughout the middle part of the week we are going to talk about major cooling coming our way. as far as tomorrow morning goes, though, with temperatures dropping again into the 30s, we'll have some dense fog to watch out for. you want to use the low beams and keep plenty of distance between you and the car in front of you. so fog to start, sunshine by the midday and afternoon hours. temperatures in the upper 50s and low 60s and when did that low snow get here? look at this. by thursday we could see it down to about 1,000 feet. we'll have more later on in the show. >> the popular class of drugs that could be now used to prevent another debilitating disease. >> and it's a date. the supreme court announces when they'll hear arguments on california's banned same sex marriage. >> and an app avalanche. the milestone for apple. [ crickets chirping ] [ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ] we now know when the nation's high court will take up a case challengingc california' ban on same sex marriage. today the supreme court announced it would hear arguments march 26th meaning a decision could be expected in june. back in 2008 california voted to prove marriage is only between a man and a woman. two same sex couples appealed and the 9th circuit struck it down. if the supreme court agrees same sex marriage could begin statewide within days of that decision. however, the supreme court refused to get involved in the stem cell debate. since the justices declined to hear an appeal, the funding of embryonic stem cell research will continue. they complained the work relies on destroying human embrembryos. the apepellate court threw out the lawsuit. they now hope it can help some day treat spinal cord injuries, parkinson's disease and other into yo neurological ailments. maybe you yourself have bought an app and apple is marking a new milestone. users have now downloaded more than 40 billion apps and nearly half of those were just last year alone. december broke records, too, with over 2 billion downloads. the app store opened way back in 2008. >> all that time ago. and i still have yet to come up with an app. still ahead, the investigative unit asks why a south bay school district violated federal law intended to protect kids from sex abuse. and the new details about a man suspected of gunning down 12 people at a colorado movie theater. >> reporter: i'm marianne favro, a controversial gun shop is now open and selling weapons. some say it's the wrong business at the wrong time. i'll have more on the response from the community coming up. some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. the recent mass shootings in colorado and kconnecticut have people calling for new gun control laws nationwide. now an east bay lawmakers says she believes one key may be better regulation of the sale of bullets. nbc bay area's marianne favro joins us in our newsroom with more on this newly proposed california bullet bill. >> reporter: raj this would make sweeping changes to help prevent criminals from stockpiling bullets and require everyone to jump through a lot more hoops first. the massacre in newtown and other mass shootings have prompted a call for big changes to help curb gun violence and today a california legislator is answering that call with a proposal to put stricter regulationses on ammunition sales in california. >> when 2,800 californians were killed last year due to gunfire and it was the bullets that killed them, buying bullets should not be easy. buying deadly bullets should receive the same scrutiny as the purchase of guns. >> reporter: today assembly member nancy skinner unveiled assembly bill 48 to more closely regulate ammunition sales requiring bullet buyers to show i.d. it would require ammo dealers to be licensed, and it would require ammo sellers to report all sales to the department of justice. ken james supports the tighter restrictions. >> bullets you can go into any store and buy bullets and the sale is not recorded. >> reporter: as a new bill aids to curb gun and ammunition sales across the state, some are questioning why this new gun shop is now open for business. templar sports open and employees say sales have been steady. that's what scares this mother of two. >> it's just the timing. given everything that's happened in connecticut, it makes you pause and question the timing and what the screening process was through the town council. >> reporter: we talked to one customer who didn't want to be on camera. he says he's glad to see the gun store open in his town and has no concerns about its impact on the community. >> this it gun shop has a high-priced premium compared to other gun shops in the area. it's not a place you're going to want to go if you're up to no good. >> reporter: whether your focus is on bullets, guns or gun shops, the debate will continue. the so-called bullet ban would ban kits that convert clips into high capacity magazines. marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> all right, thank you, marianne. continuing on the subject, it turns out gun sales have been soaring for years, but does owning your own gun help actually reduce crime? an eye raising report by "the sacramento bee" found californians have purchased millions of guns over the last decade. at the same time gun related injuries and deaths have dropped. in tonight's reality check, sam brock goes behind the numbers to see if there's really a relationship between increased gun ownership and lower crime. >> jessica, it's an argument that has been made for years now. it's come back to light in newtown, armed with well intentions and everybody is safe, so the logic goes. inc california we had our lowes homicide rate in 45 years in 2011. gun sales reached a 20-year high. while the two statements are 100% fact, they hard ly tell th entire picture. as you probably know, firearm sales across the country have spiked. the trend that's been playing out in california the last three years where sales have been climbing but over the last decade it turns out californians have purchased fewer guns than they did in the decade prior to that. according to the doj california averaged 406,000 gun sales annually between 2002 and 2011 compared with 452,000 guns sold each year 1892. and when were the banner years for gun sales? take a look at that. california peaked in 1993 when the homicide rate was 1 it.9%. the second highest year on the list, when the homicide rate dipped to 4.8%. and the third highest year in 1994. some 600,000 weapons and saw a homicide rate of 11.5%. so what do these numbers tell us? that the crime rates have been dropping over time in california regardless of gun sales. the total amount of violent crime is down in california like it is for the rest of the country. but here is one final telling he fact of the homicides committed in this state the last ten years, every year the percentage committed by firearms is between 71% and 74%. guns might make it safer and crime is down in california but there is no hard statistical data that proves one of these statements directly links to the other. sam brock, nbc bay area news. back to you. >> okay, sam, thank you. new details about the mass shooting in kcolorado. relaxed and detached. those are some of the details emerging describing james holm moments after police say he opened fire in that packed colorado movie theater. his preliminary hearing got under way today. officers held back tears as they recounted the horror of that day inside the aurora, colorado, movie theater. 12 people died. 70 others were injured. they said he was very relaxed after the shooting and told them his apartment was bobby rapid. he faces the death penalty. president obama appears ready for battle after appointing a republican to be the next defense secretary. the president has nominated former republican senator chuck hagel l. ironically the biggest opposition may come from hagel's own party. several republicans are attacking hagel for criticizing the iraq war, opposing sanctions against iran and making comments that some describe as being anti-israeli. the entire defense secretary leon panetta has praised him as a decorated war veteran who was well qualified for the defense job. >> secretary of state hillary clinton returned to the state department today. it's her first time back at work since early last month. that's when she suffered a concussion and ultimately a blood clot in her head that required hospitalization. clinton will leave her post after president obama's inauguration later this month. the president has nominated senator john kerry to replace her. still ahead, how could it happen? the investigative unit asks why a south bay school district violated federal law intended to protect kids from sex abuse. and i'm jeff ranieri in the nbc bay area weather center. temperatures dropping again to the low to mid-30s tonight. that will help fog to form. we'll have your full forecast coming up and our chance of some very rare low bay area snow in just a few minutes. [ fingers tapping ] [ rain pattering ] [ heels clicking ] [ female announcer ] yoplait light tastes great now... ♪ ...and feels great later 20 delicious flavors of yoplait light, now at 90 calories each. yoplait, it is so good! a new study finds that hpv related cancers are on the rise despite protecting against sexually transmitted infections, the american cancer society's latest data shows -- girls under 17 received all three doses of the vaccine. more effort is needed to increase the number of girls being vaccinated. the report found that overall cancer death rates in the u.s. are continuing to decline. people who take beta block ers to combat high blood pressure may be fighting dementia or alzheimer's disease at the same time. they studied 800 deceased elderly men. those who took them had fewer brain abnormalities. they also had significantly less brain shrinkage than those who had not taken beta blockers. high blood pressure is a strong risk factor. we're also now learning how a father's mental health is linked to his child in utero. high stress levels and expectant fathers can let to emotional and behavioral by the time a child reaches the age of 3. age, smoking, or alcohol use, and the mother's mental health. doctors say identifying those problems in the father can help them treat their children from potential problems earlier in life. >> jeff is here with a couple of days' forecast. warmed up by the afternoon but this morning -- like the goodyear tire man. >> and i was going to say when you cite exactly what the temperature is at an exact time of day, what was it? >> 38 degrees at 10:30 in the morning. >> when she does that, it is cold outside, folks. take a look outside at the oakland waterfront right now. it looks chilly from the cam. the old and dense fog and low bay area snow in the forecast in a few minutes. next in sports, two stanford stars deciding to take their tal emts to the next level, plus, the 49ers meeting up with the mighty green bay packers this saturday. find out how san francisco plans to step up their game when they face one of the best in the business in aaron rodgers. whatever you're in the mood for, sizzler's endless salad bar has over 50 delicious choices. soups, salads, appetizers, and more starting at $8.99 for lunch. sizzler. where fresh is fun. secondhand smoke affects unch. everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it. a south bay teacher charged with sexually abusing five of the students at an elementary school. while that teacher awaits trial, the investigative unit has uncovered the school district violated a federal law. a law set up to protect students in situations just like this. investigative reporter first exposed them ignoring title 9 last month. now we show you this is one of them and that has prompted parents of one of the alleged victims to speak out for the first time. >> she loves to read. it's her favorite thing to do. >> reporter: a mother's love for her child felt in her words. >> translator: she is an adorable, pretty child. very quiet. >> reporter: a tie so strong, her greatest pain witnessing her little girl suffer. >> translator: it's bad. >> reporter: their daughter went to elementary school in jose, now known across the bay area, as a school with secrets. >> translator: it is very difficult to describe how much damage this has done, but i would like to say the first thing lost is trust. you lose trust in teachers, and you just don't know who to trust. >> reporter: police identified their daughter as one of the five children sexually assaulted at school by teacher craig chandler. the alleged abuse came to light after another parent called police. a jury convicted the school's principal last month, failing to report the alfwalegations to police. we uncovered a federal law was also violated by the school district. one that's supposed to be enforce enforced by the department of education. the law requires schools have policy in place and a trained coordinator to handle abuse complaints. the coordinator's contact information must be made public. we found at the time of the allegations he evergreen elem t elementary school district wasn't following this law. do you believe that some of these children would not be victims right now if the school district had simply followed the law? >> without a doubt. >> no doubt in my mind. >> bob allard are bay area attorneys separately representing alleged victims in civil caseses against evergreen and chandler. we showed them what we uncovered. >> had they paid attention to that, we wouldn't be sitting here today. >> reporter: the principal testified in her trial she reported the alleged abuse to the district, namely human resources director carol schmidt and was told to handle it on her own. schmidt then testified she had not received any training on how to handle child sexual abuse in 17 years. but according to the district schmidt is the title 9 coordinator. >> in this instance the information was conveyed to a title 9 coordinator and the appropriate action was not taken, far from it. >> reporter: a tigtle 9 coordinator with no training and no knowledge how to process these serious allegations, plus, her contact information wasn't published online. that is until we told them about the requirement. the website is now updated to include contact information for title 9 coordinator. >> it was a colossal failure not to conduct an adequate investigation when it had complaints in its hands involving young children. >> reporter: noreen farrell is with equal rights advocates. she filed a request from evergreen asking for proof following title 9. she is still waiting for answers, and so are we. for the past two months, the district has dodged our questions. >> i'm with nbc bay area. >> reporter: we met with the souped kathy gomez outside her office. we've been trying to get in contact with you for more than a month now. >> right. and i think i directed you to our attorney. >> reporter: yes, and he's not answered any of our questions. >> i'm sure he will. >> reporter: well, again, we have not had any of our questions answered. why can't you answer simple questions about what your policy is and whether or not anyone has been trained on title 9? >> he will answer those questions for you. >> reporter: do you not know those answers? do you not know those answers? for educators to stick their heads in the sand about sexual abuse of minors and title 9 is a real problem. it's why the parents of a little girl hope their words, their pain inspire change. >> translator: i would like to ask that they pay attention and follow these laws because it can have a terrible he can on the life of a family when a tragedy happens. >> reporter: don't you think parents deserve to know? for the investigative unit, nbc bay area news. now two weeks after that conversation with the superintendent we received an e-mail from attorney mark davis. it includes generic information about the title but fails to address our questions. he does say the district's title 9 coordinators are trained but didn't provide any documentation that we requested to support that. davis also wrote, quote, i do not believe the issues involving the situation necessarily involve title 9 issues. rather they involve allegations of harassment and child abuse. now if you have a tip for our investigative unit give us a call or send us an e-mail at let's bring in jeff ranieri. we had a beautiful sunset tonight, didn't we? it was awesome though the pollution is at moderate levels it did provide for some incredible weather. you can go to our facebook page. i think it's up over 100 likes. see if you like it and click it. we don't have any rainfall but as we head throughout this week we are going to get this more active not only with rain but also snow up across the sierra, speaking of which we're still doing incredible at the ski resorts. if you headed up the past weekend or going this weekend anywhere from 48 hinch snow bas to 96 inch snow base at kirkwood putting our snowpack at 129% of normal, so we're doing great in that department. now here is the other thing not only snow for the sierra but looking at potentially a dusting of snow across the bay area as we head throughout thursday, not expecting the valley floor but elevations as low as 130 feet. mission peak in the east bay, also skyline boulevard, if you travel on that by thursday, we could have snowfall here. not a lot of moisture with it, this next storm system, but, again, a dusting could happen here very low as we head throughout thursday. current numbers, it's cold out here. live to the hd sky camera network and what you will find is that haze trapped in the lower levels that provided those awesome sun sets is visible in the center of your screen. it is mainly clear. let's take you up to the bay and right now into oakland and what you're going to find here is traffic moving along clearly and we also have a little bit of cloud cover moving on in. what we're going to find as we continue throughout the night is high pressure building offshore. that's going to keep the coldest air of the week at bay at least for another 36 hours before we really start to see those temperatures plummet. high pressure immediately offshore will warm temperatures up tomorrow, on tuesday, with that brief warming that will have us from five to ten degrees above our averages with mainly 60s back for the east bay and also the south bay. enjoy it because it's going to be going quick ly. as we head throughout wednesday, temperatures are going to drop five to ten degrees and you're going to need not only one or two layers but several layers as you head out not only for the morning hours but also the afternoon. we're going to start with 34 up into santa rosa. 32 in napa. 35 in concord. 40 in gilroy and also 39 in san jose and with temperatures cooling off this much, it's going to squeeze out any available moisture in the atmosphere. that's why we do have this dense fog advisory in effect for tomorrow morning. for the east bay, south bay and peninsula, use those low beams and keep that travel distance with that traveler out ahead of you as visibility could go down to a quarter mile and/or less. by tuesday by the afternoon the sunshine in here with low to mid-60s in the north bay. 64 in san rafael. 63 along the creek. 64 in livermore. expecting 62 in san jose. on your three-day forecast that brief warming on tuesday, mostly sunny by the afternoon. mid-60s and temperatures dropped ten degrees by wednesday with mid-50s. showers main ly to the north. as we head throughout thursday, snow as low as 1,000 feet. we're not going to see too much rain from it. daytime highs in the low 50s. this upcoming weekend, dry weather and sunshine for saturday and a chance of a shower as we head throughout sunday. so winter stays on the seven-day forecast with that 15-degree temperature drop by thursday and, again, snow levels down to about 1,000 feet. yes. get excited for it. >> it's going to be nice. thank you, jeff. let's go to sports. you know who was really excited this week? >> henry. he has tickets. you got him tickets. you are so good. >> henry, save me. >> really? i didn't hear about this. i didn't know. >> i'll get them to you next monday. >> don't believe raj. wr yeah, next monday. great. thank you, raj. the 49ers certainly have their work cut out for them this saturday at candlestick park, not only has green bay won 10 of their last 12 games but they have the reigning nfl mvp, aaron rodgers, under center. the question is, how do you stop them? >> reporter: the 49ers defense got its first real look at aaron rodgers on film early monday afternoon. the players realize the quarterback they face this saturday is not the same one they beat in green bay back on september 9th. this quarterback is a much, much better one. >> a little bit more comfortable in the pocket. he's making a lot more plays and he's one of the most familiar quarterbacks in the nfl, so he did he ha definitely has improved from week one. >> aaron rodgers does a great job using the kcadence and also disguising things and stuff like that and looking at safeties and cornerbacks, also. for us, we just have to have our discipline and stay on top of those guys and make it as hard as we can for him. >> reporter: rodgers has not run an interception in his last five games and tied an nfl postseason record by completing a pass to ten different receivers in the packers' win over minnesota. that's more than twice the number of receivers rodgers hit in the loss to san francisco. >> there's an anticipation that they're not going to play us exactly the way they did the first time around. individually there are quite a few matchups, most of the matchups that were the same. >> reporter: those could include the 49ers defensive backs covering the same receivers like the one mainly responsible for randall cobb. >> i wasn't mentally prepared. see what is coming up the back. that's kind of tough giving them the space that he needed to run option routes. if it came to us now, i know how to prepare myself for it. >> i think the same thing. throw the ball. we're going to have to go out there and play. >> the defense sacked rodgers three times, held him to more than 20 yards and intercepted him once in the september win over the packers to make his job -- saturday the defensive backs say they need to keep their eyes on their receivers and let the players up front get to rodgers. in santa clara mindy bock, nbc bay area news. thank you, mindy. once again comcast sports net bay area the best place. tomorrow we will be airing colin kaepernick and willis' press conferences at 11:50 live reports. sports net central and former niner joins us at 6:30 to break down this weekend's monumental matchup. by the way, the guys on the farm could use a couple of tight ends. they decided to forego his final year of eligibility and declare for the 2013 nfl draft. he led the team in receptions, receiving yards and touchdowns. he's also a potential first-round pick. also his teammate announced to enter the draft early. speaking of college football, a big one going on, alabama and notre dame. battling it out for college football supremacy in the bcs national championship game, not much of a battle right now, alabama is leading 21-0 as they approach the halftime. that will do it for now. jessica, thank you so much. raj, thank you for the tickets? >> you shoulhave seen how quickly he was on. gone right away. >> i got you a bunch, i'm telling you. as we say good-bye, we were right on it. it took three minutes total which is, what, 180 seconds, to sell out. ticket sales, in three minutes, they sold out for that game against the packers. saturday night 5:00 p.m. kickoff against green bay from candlestick. >> you were fast. you are good. 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(woman) it's just been an amazing, amazing journey. i love these people. ♪ and it's beautiful chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. tonight at 11:00 can those papers in a case challenging corporate law and car-pool rules. plus, it happens here in the bay area means what goes on before the food hits your table. we'll take you inside the laboratory that's all about taste, that's after the premier of "deception." i know it sounds like intrigue, deception. >> tonight it's going to get cold. tomorrow morning we'll wake up colder. it will be dropping down into the 20s. by thursday, a little bit of rainfall and maybe some low snow dusting some of the elevations at about 1,000 feet. that will be some big news if you're up at twin peaks and get a snowflake or two on thursday. >> ready for it. thanks, jeff. >> what's this tonight, "deception"? >> so you at 11:00. >> now on "extra" -- jimmy kimmel sounds off on letterman's tv tell-all. >> what did you think about letterman calling leno -- >> the most insecure person. >> let the new late-night wars begin. maria and renee with jimmy hours before he moved his show head to head with jay and dave. >> mario, i'm kidnapping your women for the day. plus, jimmy's aunt goes off on lindsay. >> oh, my god, if you were my daughter -- >> all-new "extra" panel taking sides on the front page headlines. lindsay's mom sporting a black eye. her shocking new claims michael beat and sexually assaulted her when lindsay was a little girl. now trending, bieber caught on camera smoking pot? >> should he just have come out and said hey, i got stung? >> josh brolin's mugshot from his new year's bust. >> josh brolin's mugshot from his new year's bust. >> i'm unarresting josh brolin.

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