Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20240622 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20240622

live look outside at the 101 freeway, moving pretty well right now as you can see in both directions. you don't often see that these days. >> look at it a little longer. >> right. it's enjoyable to see that. this could change next week. why drivers could be dealing with a real traffic nightmare. good evening to you. thank you for joining us. i'm peggy bunker. >> i'm terry mcsweeney. weekend traffic can be unbearable in the bay area but next weekend could be down right maddening. several reasons for that star-studded reasons. we're along highway 101 in the south bay. chuck. >> reporter: well, good afternoon, terry. it may be a good couple days to take b.a.r.t. cal tran or work from home if you have that option friday afternoon. as highway patrols and local police departments brace for several motorcades beginning friday. that's when president obama arrives in the bay area after his last visit here in february. he'll be speaking at the u.s. conference of mayors in downtown san francisco, then attended fund-raisers at two private homes in the city. the event is to raise money for the democratic national committee and democratic congressional campaign committee. and as the president leaves the bay area on saturday former secretary of state, senator and first lady hillary clinton arrives for a brunch reception in the city's mission district to raise money for her presidential bid. she declared her candidacy april 12th and was here in the bay area just last month. attendeeses who raised the most money will be rewarded with seats on various clinton campaign finance committees. and if that isn't enough if the nba finals go to seven games, that's right game seven is in oakland friday at can 6:00 p.m. we'll have many reasons to stay off the roads, if you can help it. reporting live along 101, i'm chuck copa la nbc bay area news. >> thanks. a former camp supervisor facing child pornography and molestation charges apparently exaggerated his qualifications to get the job at a south bay camp. according to contra costa times, he started as an intern at wall don west science camp in 2013 before he was hired on as staff. the santa clara county office of education confirms it does not check references for nonpermanent staff applicants who prove themselves as volunteers. they're now looking into that policy and procedures. he remains in jail after his may 7th arrest. stopped by storms. the american woman on a mission to row across the pacific ocean ended her attempt this weekend because of bad weather. sonja baumstein left from choshi japan, a week ago but yesterday had to send out a distress signal and was rescued off the japanese coast. we talked to her about her hopes and fears. >> i have really high hopes for what's about to happen. i'm afraid of losing my boat. that's one. because i've spent three years of my life creating this thing. >> it's not clear if the boat was damaged. you can see it's not your usual row boat. the vessel was special in that every 30 minutes it would send data to scientists. the 6,000 mile journey would have taken until late september to complete. no woman has yet rode solo across the pacific. severe flooding in the capital of the former soviet republic of georgia has killed at least 12 people today and set off a game hunt across the city for escaped zoo animals. nbc's kelly cobiella reports on the damage and danger caused by the flooding. we should warn you, some of the video may be graphic to viewers. >> reporter: the floodwaters rose so fast overnight, people say all they could do was run. the city is covered in mud and debris today, and to make matters worse, rescuers are having to be on guard against zoo animals, tigers and bears. wolves. as they look for survivors. it's a safari on city streets. a hippo looking for food. a bear with nowhere else to climb. and on georgian television a big cat, clearly stunned and covered in mud is roaming free. dangerous floods from the river wash over the capital, filling the streets with mud and debris destroying zoo enclosures like this one for the bears. this woman said the floods came so fast she ran. in 20 years, i've never seen anything like it. local officials said the damage is in the millions of dollars. the city is warning residents to stay away from the mud-filled streets while the zoo animals are hunted down. there were six lions, six tigers, three bears, and 18 wolves at the zoo. more than 30 animals escaped. >> we couldn't rescue all of them, unfortunately, and is special forces had to kill them very unfortunately. >> reporter: some captured like this hippo cornered shot with a tranquilizer dart, and moved to a safe place. a zoo spokesperson says it's difficult to know how many of the animals are still alive and roaming the city. they're trying to save as many as they can. three zoo staffers were killed in those floods overnight, and the zoo director calls this all an unbelievable tragedy. back to you. work begins tomorrow on a bridge damaged during an earthquake in napa last month. you can see the damage in the video. the oakville bridge has been shut down since damaged in may's 4.1 magnitude quake. it was already a plan in place to demolish the bridge. the quake sped up the time line. initially expected to take more than two years but now the goal is to have a new bridge opened by new year's day. b.a.r.t. is up and running on schedule through the east bay. it was closed for maintenance work and system upgrades between the fruitvale and coliseum stations over the weekend. this has been going on and off all year. b.a.r.t. representatives say they're work is not done in the east bay. they're going to start working on an area of track between west oakland and the transbay tube. that work starts sometime over the next couple months. thousands of people broke out the tie dyed shirts and headed to the haight-ashbury neighborhood. this kicked off this morning, featuring 11 bands, playing on two music stages. there were also hundreds of vendors selling everything from psychedelic arts -- terry loves that -- >> i do. >> to soy candles. also more than roughly 50,000 people expected to attend outdoor events which generates hundreds of millions of dollars annually for the city. >> just checking it out -- i could watch this video -- i love the outfits. fantastic. >> a good time. still to come two convicted murderers still missing. why police still believe they may not be far from the prison. ask and also the soda ads must now come with a warning about your health if you choose to drink them. will they really ban people from drinking the sugary beverages? we investigate in tonight's "reality check." a much cooler finish to the weekend. 69 in san jose and temperatures in the 70s inland out towards bless anton. big drop of temperatures to start the week. but next weekend's forecast coming in quite hot for parts of the bay area. those changes ahead in your micro climate forecast as we come right back. (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. prison escapees in new york state expanded this weekend, to 800 the search for two prison escapees in new york state expanded this weekend to 800 people. but despite the road blocks the door to door checks and deep searches in the woods, david sweat and matt remain at large. they believe the two prisoners are in the area and has people who live nearby on edge. >> it's abandoned railroad track right around the corner from me. i'm right across the church with open sightings across from the cemetery and i'm not taking any chances. >> of course, a lot of people including governor andrew cuomo, talking about prison worker joyce mitchell. she allegedly helped get tools to the two men. she promised -- he promised she will be fully prosecuted for her role in the escape. local schools will remain open tomorrow, but with a police presence. we're learning new details about the man responsible for a violent assault against dallas police. james bullwear planted pipe bombs outside police headquarters this weekend, rammed a patrol car and led officers on a chase before being killed. according to investigators and family members, he has a history of violence. two years ago, he was accused of choking his mother, and then fleeing to an east texas town. schools there were put on lockdown after he talked about carrying out shootings at schools and churches. bullware's father says his son was furious at police because he blamed them because he lost could custody of his child. coming up a crusade against sugary drinks in the bay. >> i'm sam brock. this week san francisco made a national splash, slapping the national drink industry with required warning labels. but do warning labels actually work, and more specifically when do they work? "reality check" is coming up next. and "jurassic world" killing it at the box office. it is a hit. what would it really cost to run a theme park with actual dinosaurs. >> if you were thinking about doing that we have the answer. >> we have the answer on how much that will cost you, after this. life's super scary sounds. and sneaking in without moving the bed. life's super scary sounds. and sneaking in without moving the bed. the soccer soap opera continues..... with what could be the soccer soap opera continues with what could be another stunning announcement from fifa president sepp blatter. he is reportedly reconsidering his resignation from the soccer governing body. can you believe this? he announced his resignation earlier this month amid corruption allegations. officials warned blatter not to go back on his promise to resign. and "jurassic world" is devouring box office records. this weekend, the movie had the highest global opener of all-time. $511.8 million brought in in theaters. that is apparently the movie everyone is going to see. >> my son saw it. >> yeah? >> loved it. thumbs up from my son. >> we'll have to check it out. "jurassic world" also a big hit. turns out building and running dinosaur theme parks is not too cheap. >> i didn't think it would be. fandango recently released a video, calculating how much money it would take to create something like "jurassic park." and the grand total, $23.4 billion. $23.4 billion. that includes more than $10 billion to buy the islands, to house the park and the dinosaur breeding area. >> yeah the trexs. >> more than $210 million to clone and care for all those dinos. of course if you actually clone those prehistoric beasts wow -- they can't do it. this, of course does not include the cost of liability insurance, which might be prohibitive. >> and the fact that the people who are really super interested in dinosaurs are usually between 4 and 10. and this would terrify them. >> kids save your money. nickles and dimes. adds up to dollars. >> right. >> meteorologist rob mayeda is here. sounds pricey. >> all the reasons why you shouldn't do that. haven't you seen the movie? you don't want to see that. right now we're looking at some low clouds around the bay area and kind of an interesting start to the day around heeldsburg. low clouds to start the day and around lunch time breaking out to sunshine. mid 70s around 2:00 after the cloudy start. san jose 69. and pleasanton 69 degrees. that's a big change. saturday afternoon at this time we were seeing 90s. the sea breezy relyally taking hold. there's the warriors flag over downtown san francisco, 64 degrees. look at the camera bouncing around. all the low clouds we call it ocean air conditioning when you get the stratus surge into the bay, and winds 10 to 20 miles per hour, like we see right now. that will take the low cloud cover across san francisco and shove it all the way into the amount mont pass by tomorrow morning, waking up to drizzly skies. and then around 8:00 can 9:00 beginning to break out of clouds. sunshine inland and continued cloudy and cool along the coast. the week ahead starting off fairly mild. but next weekend, temperatures really going to begin to climb once again. mid 50s for most of us tomorrow morning. low clouds into the tri valley too, as the sea breeze is quite strong overnight. and you'll see the temperatures during the day tomorrow running pretty mild. look at livermore and san jose here at the bottom of the screen. by lunch time low 70s. so fairly mild day in store for san jose tomorrow. close to 78 degrees. mid 80s around los gatos. you can see fran staying fairly cool with temperatures into the 60s. north bay, highs in the mid 70s around santa rosa and napa. 70 in san rafael pleasanton temperatures in the mid 80s tomorrow. and temperatures in the south bay from the upper 70s and low 80s climbing towards wednesday. mid 80s in the forecast there. you see the north bay and tri valley warm up into the 90s by wednesday. so some interesting weather in store as we go through the next few days. first, a warmup as we finish the week. and watching perhaps what happens with this moisture from what will be left over from tropical storm carlos. right now winds at 70 miles per hour may strengthen briefly as it approaches puerto vallarta within the next 24 to 36 hours briefly as a category 1 storm, tracking inland across mexico not likely to bring moisture to supply any chance of showers. instead we see high pressure begin to strengthen and build back across california. now the thinking is by next sunday, temperatures are going to climb on up. so the next weekend outlook, which summer officially gets started next sunday and right on college, look at the temperatures next saturday 80s to low 90s inland and quite likely mid 90s in the forecast for the south bay, tri valley and north bay. so it's been a cooler finish to this weekend. but next weekend, looks like the heat is coming back for the valleys. back to you. >> all right, rob. thank you. it was a victory that really didn't taste so sweet. san francisco supervisors passing a first of its kind measure. >> it calls for a warning label on sugary drink ads. and sam brock is asking if it will keep people from buying soda. >> in years past, efforts to clamp down on the sugary drink industry have sort of fizzled out. >> these drinks are making our community less healthy. >> but this week the san francisco board of supervisors finally succeeded where others failed. passing meaningful change. or did they? >> it's a really good first step. yeah it doesn't quite go far enough. but it can do and there is room to grow as well. >> reporter: john de la-cruz is an expert who applauds san francisco for being the first government to experiment with warning labels. let's look at what it does and doesn't do. it doesn't apply to the product itself. the bottles and cans from big manufacturers ask and thousands of other sugary beverages. they'll still look exactly the same. it does apply to ads, like those on bill boards which must say warning, drinking beverages with added sugars contributes to obesity obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. it will take up 20% of the ad space. de la-cruz says that's not as effective as on the product. >> on the product it tends to have most impact. that was shown through the tobacco example. >> my name is brett and i used to smoke. >> cigarette warnings not only come on boxes, but also come packaged in the form of these cdc tv ads and educational campaigns. de la cruz says the approach used over decades is the reason the smoking rate eventually fell from almost 25% in 1997 to lower than 18% today. >> all the research done on the effectiveness of warning labels on advertisements and products et cetera is not inconclusive but pretty inconclusive. >> the bottom line is what san francisco did this week is really the first step in a longer process, because the most successful campaigns, like those discouraging smoking or drunk driving, build up over years, and use grass roots strategies generally centered on education in schools. can san francisco execute a similar approach? the rest of the country is watching to see. i'm sam brock. that's this edition of "reality check." back to you. >> highlighting the health issues of soda for sure. i know the warriors probably not downing the coke. >> no. >> and the pepsi and sprite. >> he would take it out of their hand. >> stick with water. >> absolutely. but i think the fans around oracle like red bull. >> very good. >> of course game five of the nba finals going on. we also have a little day baseball today. the diamondbacks have made themselves right at home at at&t. the giants looking to avoid being swept by arizona. and after being shut out on saturday the a's bounce back. highlights coming up. leave early go roam sleep in sleep out star gaze dream big wander more care less beat sunrise chase sunset do it all. on us. get your first month's payment plus five years wear and tear coverage. make the most of summer... with volvo. game 5 of the nba finals well thank goodness for game five of the nba finals. it will make those who saw today's giants game quickly forget it ever happened. errors in double plays gave the giants their eighth straight loss at home. the last time that happened 1993. if you still have the stomach for it here are the highlights. of course the diamondbacks had an opportunity to sweep the giants at home. kris heston on the hill in the jam in the top of the fifth with the bases loaded. chris owing over the glove of maxwell, two runs score. bases loaded now in the bottom of the ninth. arizona up 4-0. only one out for the giants. buster posey in to pinch hit. but unfortunately, he grounds into the giants' fifth double play of the day. san francisco also had three errors. arizona wins 4-0. maybe this guy can knock some sense into the team. a's looking to avoid the sweep in anaheim and always a good sign when sonny gray is on the hill. amazing. kyle co bitsa, he can take a sweet, as well. gray struck out nine allowed just one earned run in 7 2/3 innings with the bases loaded. eric sew guard sense this to right, two runs scored. three rbi on the day but a's offense getting it done they win big. 8-1 the final. and dray montana green in game five of the nba finals absolutely pacing the warriors now. has 010 of their 14 points. golden state leading 14-11 with 4:15 left in the first quarter. so a very good one there. so i think i'm going get going, and i'll see you guys back here. >> what are you going to do? >> what are you up to? >> i don't know i don't know. maybe we'll have great highlights from the warriors tonight all night long. we'll have all your highlights and reaction from oracle. >> looking forward to it. absolutely mindy. thank you so much. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at checking with rob mayeda right now. changes coming this way. >> cooler changes. to finish up the weekend now, san bernardino mountain socked with low clouds. 64 in san francisco. tomorrow tri valley looking at temperatures around livermore, pleasanton mid 80s. 70s in san jose. next weekend, heat is on officially moving into summer next sunday. mid the 90s seem to be in reach. >> good timing. "nbc nightly news" is next. more local news on nbc bay area at 6:00. >> hope to see you then. on this sunday night, getaway plan. stunning details about the alleged accomplice of two escaped prisoners, including claims the three planned to go on the run together. nightmare flight. passengers stranded for more than 20 hours in a cold military barracks after their plane is diverted, but with little explanation. on the loose, tigers, bears, even a hio, take to the streets. after raging floodwaters destroy a zoo. and a recipe for success. a school bus that offers a movable feast for kids in need. "nightly news" begins now. >> this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. substituting tonight, carl quintanilla. good evening, day nine of the search for

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