Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20170520 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20170520

of the sentate intelligence committee. the hearing is will be after congress ) memorial day recess. comey is expected to testify about his involvment in the investigation into potential ties between the trump campaign and russia. today, the new york times reported that mr. trump made controversial remark about comey -- after he fired him. we )ll have those details... plus another notable development from the white house... in just a few minutes. =janelle/cu= terrified shoppers after a bold smash and grab robbery and gunfire at an east bay costco =vo= here )s a look at the scene from nbc bay area )s skyranger. as you can see, police blocked off access to the store. comey as seen from nbc bay area sky ranger as you can see yellow stap police blocked off access to the warehouse. it at afternoon in the cost coin danville. this is the second smash and grab robbery at this location just the past ten days. nbc robert manned aifr live at the store with more. a lot of people around at the. lunchtime. >> reporter: that's right. although things have finally calmed down here at the cost costory but the robbery shook up some witnesses we talked to who find themselves close to the actual robbery and gunfire. >> the gunshot fired during the robbery at the cost cofortunately did do physical harm but did emotional women including this woman who fell trying to get out of the way process of she is being treated for shock. it started shortly after noon when two individuals in masks and hoodies headed to the jewelry section. >> i heard a crash a i turned around and saw a hammer and hitting the jewelry case. i hit the floor i guess he ran out. >> that's when the gunshots started one witness we asked we not show her was walking in and saw the suspects running by shooting at employees. >> she shot again another shot was fired when he got in the car as they turned and drove by me which i froze. i couldn't get out of the way. there was a cost coemployee chasing him and he shot again. barely missing that employee. >> how close were the shots to you? zbloo >> too close. >> police and witnesses say they fled in a camry with paper license plates no reports police are saying they are seeing if there is a connection between the similar robbery earlier. >> robert thank you. >> with the heat comes a life saving reminder about leaving dogs orchids in the car. a good samaritan prompted a dog rescue in concord a woman spot add dog and nine puppies inside a hot car on wednesday she immediately 911 animal control took the jobs. ufrlts two of the puppies died. investigators arrested the man identified as the dog's caretaker. he faces charges of animal cruelty and endangerment. if you think today is hot wait until tomorrow. barbecue swimming or just a movie to stay cool. still sweltering in the east bay and south bay. a few cities in the 90s. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. jeff heat here and possible flooding in the sierra. >> a whole lot happening today at warm as 92 in morgan hill walnut creek 91. stanford 91. san francisco in the mission even up to the 78. it's going to go even warmer as we head through saturday. early preview show how fast things heat up 7:00 a.m. 65 degree was the sunny skies by 11:00 a.m. up to 77. then we'll be approaching record heat once we hit 4:00 p.m. and 94 degrees. and again we want you to be prepared if you're headed up to lake tahoe also a warming up there a brand new issued flood watch turbthe northern syria down through the central syria this weekend through weekend through tuesday. if you have a house creek there near creek river or stream. next full microclimate update in 15 minutes. >> sew you shortly you can also track the heat by downloading free nbc bay area app. you can get forecast tailored to your specific neighborhood. >> now the latest on the political coverage. another whirlwind day on while nbc in news confirmed a current white house official is considered a significant person of interest in the russian investigation. nbc's blaine alexander joins us live from washington. blaine all happening while president trump is on his first official overseas trip. >> reporter: yes janelle this undoubtedly could not come really at a worse more inconvenient time for the white house. as you know of course for weeks the white house has really been trying to shift the focus wush away this russia investigation and shift the focus back to the president's agenda. and they were hoping to use this trip as a pivot point to do that. but again within minutes of the president going wheels up on air force 1 the two headlines coming out putting the focus back on the russia investigation. president trump wheels up for his first trip abroad just as two major major headlines breaking back at home "the new york times" reporting during the oval office meeting with two russian diplomats last week president trump called fired fbi director james comey a nut job adding firing him the day before would likely ease pressure on the russia investigation. >> the white house not denying "the new york times" oorl but pointing pack to leaks. >> as first reported by the "washington post" and confirmedpy nbc news a current white house official is considered a significant person of interest. the post reporting now the investigation into russia and possible trump campaign ties is getting bigger. >> we understand the investigation in russian meddling in the 2016 investigation is escalating. subpoenas and potentially interview requests in the coming weeks. >> the president as he leaves washington reeling from a tumult use weak n. will be strongly protecting american interests that's what i like to do. >> this is the most important trip a president has taken in a long time. he has to show despite what's going been going on withes russia investigation that he is in charge. >> today on capitol hill house members were briefed on the federal investigation into russia and possible trump campaign ties. now in the hands of a special counsel appointed by deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. with ongoing questions at home president trump now going to strengthen u.s. standing abroad. >> ever since abrupt firing last week calls have been growing louder and louder for former fisher director james comey to come to capitol hill and tell his story tell his side of the story. he is going to answer the calls we have learned again he is going to be testifying in an open hearing sometime after memorial day. janelle. >> a lot of is on thank you blank. >> stay with nbc bay area for continuing coverage of the nightly news has multiple reports tonight including the impact the investigation may have on president trump's visit across the middle east and europe. lester holt joins us at 5:30. that flight to paradies got dicey a developing story out of lax. two military jets has to escort a honolulu bound flight after a man tried to break into the cockpit. here video from a passenger onboard that american airlines flight showing the man getting arrested .passenger not yet identified set off an alarm when he tried pushing through that cockpit door. the man seemed to be intoxicated and said that he tried to go through the door to look for food. passengers and crew members helped subdue him. the plane did land safelily late today. the suspect has since been released. well a tense day at san jose elementary school. the janitor found a suspicious pack and on kfrpz. part of the breaking news story to a touring doolg tootd's show. someone place add bottle full with some kind of liquid and suspicious writing inside of a backpack. >> at this point all i can say it's highly suspicious and it did have nitro glycerin on it we're taking it seriously. >> police are testing that liquid inside. investigators searched the rest of campus before clearing the scene around 11:00 a.m. runners walkers and streakers expect all of them this sunday at san francisco hosts annual bay to breakers race. organizers and police making preparations known for outrageous cost tombs and some nudity once again there will be a full ban on alcohol. there will also be more than 1,000 portable toilets lines the race course in hopes of keeping runners and expect tarts from ruining lawns many police will be in full force to make sure everybody enjoys the day safely. >> we're having a uniform presence all throughout the race course as well as you know along area that is might be troublesome on the race course. >> organizers expect about 50,000 people to participate this sunday. now take a look at this year's course. it winds down howard then up hey street hill, along the pan handle through golden gate park and ends right there at ocean beach. justice for jordy, the young man stabbed an east bay nine-year-old to death as he slept in his bed learned his sentence jodi hernandez i'll have the emotional reaction coming up. i'm scott budman got hardware to help you pret your data amid word and another cyberattack could arrive this weekend. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri sunny skies at the eye beaches i'll let i know how warm and who reaches 96 degrees. forecast in less than ten minutes. killed by a family friend. today -- the family of that little boy -- was in court -- r well two years ago their son was killed by a family friend. today the family of that little boy was in court for the sentencing. 9-year-old jordy alm grchlt ren was stabbed to death as he slept in the bed. killer is the friend of his older brother this teenager was sentenced today 30 years to life. nbc jodi hernandez in court for the emotional hearing and joins us in evening from martin easy. >> raj and it was emotional his family had a chance to speak out in court today. they say jordy was the heart of their family and they'll never be the same. >> there are no winners. there aren't. you know just healing you know for the defendant's family and our family. >> clutching the neckless her little boy made her his mother says it's finally time to move forward. a judge sentenced the young man who savagely killed jordy in 2015 to 30 years to live in prison. 20-year-old william schultz jordy's best friend stabbed the discovery bay boy while he was in bid while schultz was at the house for a sleepover. >> it's kind of bitter wet we still don't have our son. >> schultz's mother spoke at the sentencing recounting how she desperately tried onto get help for mental illness but dismissed as a hister kal ma'am while he didn't speak in court she says it will haunt him forever. his attorney says he is sorry. >> he has told me that he is extremely remorseful for what he did to his second family. >> jordy's family says the joy the boy brought them has gotten them through the tragedy and their grateful schultz will pay for his crimes. >> weaver been able to stay strong and keep our heads upkeep smiling and so in the end, like, he didn't win. >> jordy's father told schultz that he doesn't feel hatred toward him instead he chose to focus on the light that jordy represents. schultz's attorney says she plans to appeal. reporting live in martin easy, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> heart breaking thank you jodi. we have continuing coverage now the hazing scandal that threaten as local high school football program. since last november weaver been following the allegation that is freshman members of the football team were hazed students have been suspended. parents have appealed at least one student reants reinstated in march the coach resigned over plans to to engage scrutiny of the program. the parents say if there is not a new coach by june there will be no team. several offers have been made but in candidates accepted. unfortunately it is spreading three more schools now dealing with the virus outbreak here are the new numbers we have. more than 420 students have now gotten sick at 17 different schools within the san jose unified district. the outbreak started early may around may 4th. an elementary school hardest hit no new cases of illnessing pl the bug impacts students a hort time between one and two days. brace yourselves and watch your data as computers around the world recover from a giant cyberattack another one could be on the way. our business rohrer scott budman is here to tell us who you to protect ourselves. >> here are the sheemds against a randomware take. a thumb drive and a hard drive you can find it for about $70 each will back up trieft data you won't have to pay hackers a ransom so get it back. spectra networks is bearing down for aftershock .the san jose cybersecurity company says even as wannacry fades another attack could be coming. >> the odds of somebody taking advantage of this and unleashing the next ransomware with strong. >> the security companies tell us it's likely a large scale attack that will dwarf the recent ransomware attack. >> for heavens sake patch your system back up your data. if you have backed your data up then at least you know you have minimized the ultimate at a damage it's going to do. >> the the first thing i try to fudge figure out is what happened is what type of attack it in. >> in miranda is ready we caught up had him outside best buy where people say they're buying hard drives to back up trieft data. >> are you doing that. >> of course. of course because if that does happen ransom warthe one thing i can think about it restore data. wipe out the hard drive. restore it. make sure you update to the latest software. good to go. >> good to go at least for now. >> we've seen so many of these cyberattacks recent. insurance companies are selling cyberinsurance you pay for it like any other insurance policy if you're attacked you the company helps you rebuild data maybe reism you for the online ransom payment a. >> thank you scott. the water again turned off at the damage spillway of the obviousle reservoir florida clears the way for construction crews to move in and begin repairing them in february you might recall lrp there were a lot of evacuations as the spillway treatened to fail. crews will work through the day and night to stabilize and rebuild the damaged structure in time for next winter's rain. okay let's take you outside. live view in from sky ranger ocean beach and san francisco. >> gorgeous. that is the place to be right now. if you want to cool down right. we should watch this the negligence rest of the news cast mess merizing. >> i'm lost in that. >> take it away jeff talk us through the picture. >> we do have great weather coming our way just as advertised some hotter 90s. but it's not going to be that hot everywhere. so a little bit of relief if you're not a fan of the heat. >> and it's all due to high pressure. the heat that is. that's staying with us definitely for saturday, sunday and possibly even into monday. i want to put things on pause just for a second process seems like common sense but as temperatures move into the 90s there is a few heat tips we want to you keep in mind so you're prepared as things warm up. remember to stay hydrated wear the spf 30 on or higher takes frequent breaks if you're outside a lot. don't forget the hot car danger. the inside of a car can go 30 degrees than the outside temperatures. so of course remember the little kids and also your pets. as we head through tomorrow morning we can expect mostly clear start here across the bay area. few clouds near the peninsula and 57 mild start in the tri valley with 63. also some early clouds for san francisco. but not totally foggy. that's the good news. and 54 degrees in the north bay also expecting 56. the heat tomorrow going torg up another 3 to 6 degrees. as you see in the microclimate forecast 90s expected across the south bay put us as 92 in downtown san jose also 93 in morgan hill notice humidity low keeping fire danger up. for the east bay as hot as 96 degrees in concord. again that's where you need to watch out. remember the heat safety tips. 92 in plesanton also 87 in hayward. the peninsula here is where some relief is coming in if you're in palo alto at 919 too hot head over to half moon bay great beach weather and 68 degrees san francisco 70s. 76 in the mission. closer to the bay and also the ocean you'll see numbers will be shaved down a few degrees low 70s from the outer sunset back in the embarcadero and the north bay anywhere from 67 at point reyes to 90 back in napa. san francisco again might be the spot to be this weekend with those low to mid-70s. see tufrmts drop into the 60s through next week and also the continued dry weather looks fantastic. but, again if you're headed to san francisco especially on sunday you're here visiting to bay to breakers couldn't have asked for better race weather. 60s to start the race and clear skies. sunshine as we head through the afternoon and mid-70s. the interior valleys again hottest day looks to be on sunday at 96 degrees. check it out start to see temperatures cool down once we hit next thursday dropping substantially down to 77 degrees. it looks great. i see that chopper shot back behind me. >> we're looking at it right now. >> that's why we live in the bay area. >> a lot of people on the water this weekend thanks jeff. >> thanks jeff. still ahead breaking way the new push to make california its own country. stay tuned. in san mateo -- its the "bay area maker faire. we have a sneak happening now a lot of big events. this weekend. in san mateo it's the bay area maker fair. we have a sneak peek of massive fighting robert should capture a lot of attention we post-ed the video on the twitter paid. police releasing new information about a man who attempted to rob an 11-year-old boy near san francisco elementary school. that story also on the twitter feed. back in a moment. nobody told me to expect it. intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes. it's not likely to go away on its own. it took my most honest friend to help me do something about it. she told me premarin vaginal cream can help. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ♪ ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. =vo= members of t the fight to make california a separate nation is once again gaining traction members of the california freedom coalition submitted a proposal to the state today. the group says the initiatest won't necessarily result in the state separating from the country but asks for the governor to negotiate for more autonomy essentially making california a nation within a nation. the second attempt to remove california from the u.s. since president trump was elected six months ago. plan accordingly where are you watching the game tomorrow 90 the warrior in san antonio tonight getting ready for game three. here is the deal. you probably already know this the warriors have a 2-0 series lead that means the spurs desperately need a win. they need the leonard back. what you're looking at here the warrior shoot around a light practice in san antonio. colin resch is traveling with the warriors will join us from san antonio during the 6:00 newscasts. we have update and amber alert next where the suspect may be head wg the 1-year-old son. that's next. [ whistles ] internet speeds 20x faster. at&t fiber sounds amazing. wait a sec, i'm not done yet. less than 12% of at&t homes actually qualify. huh... hold on. everyone else gets our other, slower internet speeds. but no one reads this stuff anyway. except for the old guy with the binoculars. huh... we got ourselves a reader. don't be fooled by at&t. xfinity delivers the fastest speeds to the most homes. breaking news we first reported at the top of this newscast. we continue to track the breaking news we first reported at the top of the newscast. talking about the amber alert for a missing 21 month old boy abducted by his father. we just learned police believe that that father has taken the boy and they are driving down interstate 5 south. so toward l.a. they might be in a toyota controla, a tan controla. we do have crews in san francisco along the peninsula and of course stayedwood crews in the nbc affiliates to track new leads. if you've been on the freeway you might have noticed the amber alerts on the billboards. we'll bring you the latest on the 6:00 newscasts. >> if you see them call 911 toorg at the beautiful ending shot with the forecast of the golden gate bridge clear skies. >> i can talk about with my voice and we can enjoy the pictures. >> low 90s this weekend for the interior valleys. and we'll see the hottest sunday with 96 degrees increased fire danger if you're not a fan of 90s head to the coastline mix of 60s and also 70s. not lasting take a look no 100 back down to the 70s later next week. >> on this note we will leave you tonight thanks for joining us. as a reminder lester holt is next with nightly news. >> hope to see you back at 6:00. bye folks. enjoy the weekend. tonight, brand-new bombshells. a report that president trump told the russians that comey was quote a nut job. and firing him took the pressure off the russia investigation. the white house not denying it. and another report that the probe has reached a current senior white house official close to the president. a significant person of interest. pleading guilty, anthony weiner breaks down as he admits sexting a minor. how much time he could face as huma abedin files for divorce. cyber insurance, as hikers strike, a new way to lock in protection. kill them all, what investigators say the times square driver told them about mowing down a crowd as shocking new video emerges. and the end of an era for the greatest show on earth. "nightly news" begins right now.

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20170520 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20170520

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of the sentate intelligence committee. the hearing is will be after congress ) memorial day recess. comey is expected to testify about his involvment in the investigation into potential ties between the trump campaign and russia. today, the new york times reported that mr. trump made controversial remark about comey -- after he fired him. we )ll have those details... plus another notable development from the white house... in just a few minutes. =janelle/cu= terrified shoppers after a bold smash and grab robbery and gunfire at an east bay costco =vo= here )s a look at the scene from nbc bay area )s skyranger. as you can see, police blocked off access to the store. comey as seen from nbc bay area sky ranger as you can see yellow stap police blocked off access to the warehouse. it at afternoon in the cost coin danville. this is the second smash and grab robbery at this location just the past ten days. nbc robert manned aifr live at the store with more. a lot of people around at the. lunchtime. >> reporter: that's right. although things have finally calmed down here at the cost costory but the robbery shook up some witnesses we talked to who find themselves close to the actual robbery and gunfire. >> the gunshot fired during the robbery at the cost cofortunately did do physical harm but did emotional women including this woman who fell trying to get out of the way process of she is being treated for shock. it started shortly after noon when two individuals in masks and hoodies headed to the jewelry section. >> i heard a crash a i turned around and saw a hammer and hitting the jewelry case. i hit the floor i guess he ran out. >> that's when the gunshots started one witness we asked we not show her was walking in and saw the suspects running by shooting at employees. >> she shot again another shot was fired when he got in the car as they turned and drove by me which i froze. i couldn't get out of the way. there was a cost coemployee chasing him and he shot again. barely missing that employee. >> how close were the shots to you? zbloo >> too close. >> police and witnesses say they fled in a camry with paper license plates no reports police are saying they are seeing if there is a connection between the similar robbery earlier. >> robert thank you. >> with the heat comes a life saving reminder about leaving dogs orchids in the car. a good samaritan prompted a dog rescue in concord a woman spot add dog and nine puppies inside a hot car on wednesday she immediately 911 animal control took the jobs. ufrlts two of the puppies died. investigators arrested the man identified as the dog's caretaker. he faces charges of animal cruelty and endangerment. if you think today is hot wait until tomorrow. barbecue swimming or just a movie to stay cool. still sweltering in the east bay and south bay. a few cities in the 90s. chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. jeff heat here and possible flooding in the sierra. >> a whole lot happening today at warm as 92 in morgan hill walnut creek 91. stanford 91. san francisco in the mission even up to the 78. it's going to go even warmer as we head through saturday. early preview show how fast things heat up 7:00 a.m. 65 degree was the sunny skies by 11:00 a.m. up to 77. then we'll be approaching record heat once we hit 4:00 p.m. and 94 degrees. and again we want you to be prepared if you're headed up to lake tahoe also a warming up there a brand new issued flood watch turbthe northern syria down through the central syria this weekend through weekend through tuesday. if you have a house creek there near creek river or stream. next full microclimate update in 15 minutes. >> sew you shortly you can also track the heat by downloading free nbc bay area app. you can get forecast tailored to your specific neighborhood. >> now the latest on the political coverage. another whirlwind day on while nbc in news confirmed a current white house official is considered a significant person of interest in the russian investigation. nbc's blaine alexander joins us live from washington. blaine all happening while president trump is on his first official overseas trip. >> reporter: yes janelle this undoubtedly could not come really at a worse more inconvenient time for the white house. as you know of course for weeks the white house has really been trying to shift the focus wush away this russia investigation and shift the focus back to the president's agenda. and they were hoping to use this trip as a pivot point to do that. but again within minutes of the president going wheels up on air force 1 the two headlines coming out putting the focus back on the russia investigation. president trump wheels up for his first trip abroad just as two major major headlines breaking back at home "the new york times" reporting during the oval office meeting with two russian diplomats last week president trump called fired fbi director james comey a nut job adding firing him the day before would likely ease pressure on the russia investigation. >> the white house not denying "the new york times" oorl but pointing pack to leaks. >> as first reported by the "washington post" and confirmedpy nbc news a current white house official is considered a significant person of interest. the post reporting now the investigation into russia and possible trump campaign ties is getting bigger. >> we understand the investigation in russian meddling in the 2016 investigation is escalating. subpoenas and potentially interview requests in the coming weeks. >> the president as he leaves washington reeling from a tumult use weak n. will be strongly protecting american interests that's what i like to do. >> this is the most important trip a president has taken in a long time. he has to show despite what's going been going on withes russia investigation that he is in charge. >> today on capitol hill house members were briefed on the federal investigation into russia and possible trump campaign ties. now in the hands of a special counsel appointed by deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. with ongoing questions at home president trump now going to strengthen u.s. standing abroad. >> ever since abrupt firing last week calls have been growing louder and louder for former fisher director james comey to come to capitol hill and tell his story tell his side of the story. he is going to answer the calls we have learned again he is going to be testifying in an open hearing sometime after memorial day. janelle. >> a lot of is on thank you blank. >> stay with nbc bay area for continuing coverage of the nightly news has multiple reports tonight including the impact the investigation may have on president trump's visit across the middle east and europe. lester holt joins us at 5:30. that flight to paradies got dicey a developing story out of lax. two military jets has to escort a honolulu bound flight after a man tried to break into the cockpit. here video from a passenger onboard that american airlines flight showing the man getting arrested .passenger not yet identified set off an alarm when he tried pushing through that cockpit door. the man seemed to be intoxicated and said that he tried to go through the door to look for food. passengers and crew members helped subdue him. the plane did land safelily late today. the suspect has since been released. well a tense day at san jose elementary school. the janitor found a suspicious pack and on kfrpz. part of the breaking news story to a touring doolg tootd's show. someone place add bottle full with some kind of liquid and suspicious writing inside of a backpack. >> at this point all i can say it's highly suspicious and it did have nitro glycerin on it we're taking it seriously. >> police are testing that liquid inside. investigators searched the rest of campus before clearing the scene around 11:00 a.m. runners walkers and streakers expect all of them this sunday at san francisco hosts annual bay to breakers race. organizers and police making preparations known for outrageous cost tombs and some nudity once again there will be a full ban on alcohol. there will also be more than 1,000 portable toilets lines the race course in hopes of keeping runners and expect tarts from ruining lawns many police will be in full force to make sure everybody enjoys the day safely. >> we're having a uniform presence all throughout the race course as well as you know along area that is might be troublesome on the race course. >> organizers expect about 50,000 people to participate this sunday. now take a look at this year's course. it winds down howard then up hey street hill, along the pan handle through golden gate park and ends right there at ocean beach. justice for jordy, the young man stabbed an east bay nine-year-old to death as he slept in his bed learned his sentence jodi hernandez i'll have the emotional reaction coming up. i'm scott budman got hardware to help you pret your data amid word and another cyberattack could arrive this weekend. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri sunny skies at the eye beaches i'll let i know how warm and who reaches 96 degrees. forecast in less than ten minutes. killed by a family friend. today -- the family of that little boy -- was in court -- r well two years ago their son was killed by a family friend. today the family of that little boy was in court for the sentencing. 9-year-old jordy alm grchlt ren was stabbed to death as he slept in the bed. killer is the friend of his older brother this teenager was sentenced today 30 years to life. nbc jodi hernandez in court for the emotional hearing and joins us in evening from martin easy. >> raj and it was emotional his family had a chance to speak out in court today. they say jordy was the heart of their family and they'll never be the same. >> there are no winners. there aren't. you know just healing you know for the defendant's family and our family. >> clutching the neckless her little boy made her his mother says it's finally time to move forward. a judge sentenced the young man who savagely killed jordy in 2015 to 30 years to live in prison. 20-year-old william schultz jordy's best friend stabbed the discovery bay boy while he was in bid while schultz was at the house for a sleepover. >> it's kind of bitter wet we still don't have our son. >> schultz's mother spoke at the sentencing recounting how she desperately tried onto get help for mental illness but dismissed as a hister kal ma'am while he didn't speak in court she says it will haunt him forever. his attorney says he is sorry. >> he has told me that he is extremely remorseful for what he did to his second family. >> jordy's family says the joy the boy brought them has gotten them through the tragedy and their grateful schultz will pay for his crimes. >> weaver been able to stay strong and keep our heads upkeep smiling and so in the end, like, he didn't win. >> jordy's father told schultz that he doesn't feel hatred toward him instead he chose to focus on the light that jordy represents. schultz's attorney says she plans to appeal. reporting live in martin easy, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> heart breaking thank you jodi. we have continuing coverage now the hazing scandal that threaten as local high school football program. since last november weaver been following the allegation that is freshman members of the football team were hazed students have been suspended. parents have appealed at least one student reants reinstated in march the coach resigned over plans to to engage scrutiny of the program. the parents say if there is not a new coach by june there will be no team. several offers have been made but in candidates accepted. unfortunately it is spreading three more schools now dealing with the virus outbreak here are the new numbers we have. more than 420 students have now gotten sick at 17 different schools within the san jose unified district. the outbreak started early may around may 4th. an elementary school hardest hit no new cases of illnessing pl the bug impacts students a hort time between one and two days. brace yourselves and watch your data as computers around the world recover from a giant cyberattack another one could be on the way. our business rohrer scott budman is here to tell us who you to protect ourselves. >> here are the sheemds against a randomware take. a thumb drive and a hard drive you can find it for about $70 each will back up trieft data you won't have to pay hackers a ransom so get it back. spectra networks is bearing down for aftershock .the san jose cybersecurity company says even as wannacry fades another attack could be coming. >> the odds of somebody taking advantage of this and unleashing the next ransomware with strong. >> the security companies tell us it's likely a large scale attack that will dwarf the recent ransomware attack. >> for heavens sake patch your system back up your data. if you have backed your data up then at least you know you have minimized the ultimate at a damage it's going to do. >> the the first thing i try to fudge figure out is what happened is what type of attack it in. >> in miranda is ready we caught up had him outside best buy where people say they're buying hard drives to back up trieft data. >> are you doing that. >> of course. of course because if that does happen ransom warthe one thing i can think about it restore data. wipe out the hard drive. restore it. make sure you update to the latest software. good to go. >> good to go at least for now. >> we've seen so many of these cyberattacks recent. insurance companies are selling cyberinsurance you pay for it like any other insurance policy if you're attacked you the company helps you rebuild data maybe reism you for the online ransom payment a. >> thank you scott. the water again turned off at the damage spillway of the obviousle reservoir florida clears the way for construction crews to move in and begin repairing them in february you might recall lrp there were a lot of evacuations as the spillway treatened to fail. crews will work through the day and night to stabilize and rebuild the damaged structure in time for next winter's rain. okay let's take you outside. live view in from sky ranger ocean beach and san francisco. >> gorgeous. that is the place to be right now. if you want to cool down right. we should watch this the negligence rest of the news cast mess merizing. >> i'm lost in that. >> take it away jeff talk us through the picture. >> we do have great weather coming our way just as advertised some hotter 90s. but it's not going to be that hot everywhere. so a little bit of relief if you're not a fan of the heat. >> and it's all due to high pressure. the heat that is. that's staying with us definitely for saturday, sunday and possibly even into monday. i want to put things on pause just for a second process seems like common sense but as temperatures move into the 90s there is a few heat tips we want to you keep in mind so you're prepared as things warm up. remember to stay hydrated wear the spf 30 on or higher takes frequent breaks if you're outside a lot. don't forget the hot car danger. the inside of a car can go 30 degrees than the outside temperatures. so of course remember the little kids and also your pets. as we head through tomorrow morning we can expect mostly clear start here across the bay area. few clouds near the peninsula and 57 mild start in the tri valley with 63. also some early clouds for san francisco. but not totally foggy. that's the good news. and 54 degrees in the north bay also expecting 56. the heat tomorrow going torg up another 3 to 6 degrees. as you see in the microclimate forecast 90s expected across the south bay put us as 92 in downtown san jose also 93 in morgan hill notice humidity low keeping fire danger up. for the east bay as hot as 96 degrees in concord. again that's where you need to watch out. remember the heat safety tips. 92 in plesanton also 87 in hayward. the peninsula here is where some relief is coming in if you're in palo alto at 919 too hot head over to half moon bay great beach weather and 68 degrees san francisco 70s. 76 in the mission. closer to the bay and also the ocean you'll see numbers will be shaved down a few degrees low 70s from the outer sunset back in the embarcadero and the north bay anywhere from 67 at point reyes to 90 back in napa. san francisco again might be the spot to be this weekend with those low to mid-70s. see tufrmts drop into the 60s through next week and also the continued dry weather looks fantastic. but, again if you're headed to san francisco especially on sunday you're here visiting to bay to breakers couldn't have asked for better race weather. 60s to start the race and clear skies. sunshine as we head through the afternoon and mid-70s. the interior valleys again hottest day looks to be on sunday at 96 degrees. check it out start to see temperatures cool down once we hit next thursday dropping substantially down to 77 degrees. it looks great. i see that chopper shot back behind me. >> we're looking at it right now. >> that's why we live in the bay area. >> a lot of people on the water this weekend thanks jeff. >> thanks jeff. still ahead breaking way the new push to make california its own country. stay tuned. in san mateo -- its the "bay area maker faire. we have a sneak happening now a lot of big events. this weekend. in san mateo it's the bay area maker fair. we have a sneak peek of massive fighting robert should capture a lot of attention we post-ed the video on the twitter paid. police releasing new information about a man who attempted to rob an 11-year-old boy near san francisco elementary school. that story also on the twitter feed. back in a moment. nobody told me to expect it. intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes. it's not likely to go away on its own. it took my most honest friend to help me do something about it. she told me premarin vaginal cream can help. it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think you're pregnant. side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. ♪ ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. =vo= members of t the fight to make california a separate nation is once again gaining traction members of the california freedom coalition submitted a proposal to the state today. the group says the initiatest won't necessarily result in the state separating from the country but asks for the governor to negotiate for more autonomy essentially making california a nation within a nation. the second attempt to remove california from the u.s. since president trump was elected six months ago. plan accordingly where are you watching the game tomorrow 90 the warrior in san antonio tonight getting ready for game three. here is the deal. you probably already know this the warriors have a 2-0 series lead that means the spurs desperately need a win. they need the leonard back. what you're looking at here the warrior shoot around a light practice in san antonio. colin resch is traveling with the warriors will join us from san antonio during the 6:00 newscasts. we have update and amber alert next where the suspect may be head wg the 1-year-old son. that's next. [ whistles ] internet speeds 20x faster. at&t fiber sounds amazing. wait a sec, i'm not done yet. less than 12% of at&t homes actually qualify. huh... hold on. everyone else gets our other, slower internet speeds. but no one reads this stuff anyway. except for the old guy with the binoculars. huh... we got ourselves a reader. don't be fooled by at&t. xfinity delivers the fastest speeds to the most homes. breaking news we first reported at the top of this newscast. we continue to track the breaking news we first reported at the top of the newscast. talking about the amber alert for a missing 21 month old boy abducted by his father. we just learned police believe that that father has taken the boy and they are driving down interstate 5 south. so toward l.a. they might be in a toyota controla, a tan controla. we do have crews in san francisco along the peninsula and of course stayedwood crews in the nbc affiliates to track new leads. if you've been on the freeway you might have noticed the amber alerts on the billboards. we'll bring you the latest on the 6:00 newscasts. >> if you see them call 911 toorg at the beautiful ending shot with the forecast of the golden gate bridge clear skies. >> i can talk about with my voice and we can enjoy the pictures. >> low 90s this weekend for the interior valleys. and we'll see the hottest sunday with 96 degrees increased fire danger if you're not a fan of 90s head to the coastline mix of 60s and also 70s. not lasting take a look no 100 back down to the 70s later next week. >> on this note we will leave you tonight thanks for joining us. as a reminder lester holt is next with nightly news. >> hope to see you back at 6:00. bye folks. enjoy the weekend. tonight, brand-new bombshells. a report that president trump told the russians that comey was quote a nut job. and firing him took the pressure off the russia investigation. the white house not denying it. and another report that the probe has reached a current senior white house official close to the president. a significant person of interest. pleading guilty, anthony weiner breaks down as he admits sexting a minor. how much time he could face as huma abedin files for divorce. cyber insurance, as hikers strike, a new way to lock in protection. kill them all, what investigators say the times square driver told them about mowing down a crowd as shocking new video emerges. and the end of an era for the greatest show on earth. "nightly news" begins right now.

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