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Down, and tonight fire crews are making sure hot spots dont flare up, and agents from the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms and explosives are also on scene assisting in the investigation to try to figure out what caused the blaze. We saw this whole thing was ablaze. Reporter Joyce Thompson woke to a raging fire. A couple feet away. Reporter from her balcony, she saw the fivealarm blaze spread across an apartment site near lake mar writ. The worst thing i have ever seen in my entire life. Reporter cell phone video shows how close the flames came, forcing evacuations and collapsing scaffolding that pierced the windshields of this parked car. Im so glad nobody was hurt. Reporter fire Officials Say its unclear how the fire dwbeg, but say security guards called the fire in. They were there as security for the building. Reporter the 41unit development was 80 completed, and according to city records, valued at of 6 million. Thompson had watched the construction in fear. I just thought about it a couple weeks ago. I said, if this catches on fire, im in a world of hurt. Reporter and earlier today, we did speak with the owner of the now destroyed property. He calls this fire a horrible tragedy. Reporting live in oakland tonight, im elyce kirchner. Our Investigative Unit also working the story as elyce just mentioned, it was a 6 million project. Weve also learned the owner got a Building Permit in june of last year for a fivestory building with 41 units. Upon completion, it was supposed to be about 39,000 square feet. The fire was largely contained to the construction site. The damage did stretch and spread into the surrounding neighborhood. Nbc bay areas robert handa joins us from a make shift Emergency Center near the burn area. Robert, this was terrifying for so many people around the area. Reporter thats right. We are just a few blocks away from the fire outside the Emergency Center that was set up earlier to help those who need assistance in big ways and small ways. The fire damage to a building hit as hard as the Oakland Apartments on lester avenue provide devastating images in the light of day. And mainly because the building was vacant foreign no elevation, some next door neighbors who fled homes for safety were not so fortunate. We heard get out, get out, get out. And we wake up and grab my phone, and we come outside, we come in the door, fire was like this. Reporter this mans family one of a half dozen who sought help with the red cross at the Emergency Center. People at the red cross, that gets them emotional support. And thats really what matters. Reporter and comfort and aid also provided by the nearby buddhist charity group. We provide food to them, because they dont have food. And this morning, we give blankets. Reporter three or four neighboring families suffered enough damage to seek temporary shelter or housing. Property owners and insurance companies, its time to start the long, meticulous process of assessing damage. Meaning you cannot just say, well, im just going to replace that wall. It doesnt work that way. We have 500 square feet of drywall. So you have 5 8. You specify every detail on that report. Reporter but for those affected by the fire, none of those evaluations can take place until it gets cleaned up. Combined with the ongoing investigation, its going to be a long, painstaking process. Live in oakland, robert handa, nbc bay area news. Okay, thank you, robert. Todays fire just the latest in a series of destructive fires throughout the bay area. The most recent, this one in emeryville last july. The sixalarm fire ripped through a fivestory apartment building, also under construction. Two years ago, this fire torched a highrise complex in the mission bay neighborhood. And in the south bay, fire broke out at santana row when it was under construction in 2002. That blaze did more than 100 million in damage. And the embers sparked new fires half a mile away. The cause of that fire could never be determined. Another live look at the chopper again. You can see the inside of the building is gutted. Lots of destruction there right now. There are some fire crews onsite, making sure nothing else comes up. This whole area looks abandoned because of this construction site here. Obviously, more investigation will be happening in the next few days to figure out exactly what went wrong. Our coverage of this mornings destructive fire continues online. Nbcbayarea. Com. You can find a slide show of those images, as well as ongoing updates about the investigation. When it happened two years ago, Police Called it one of the most brutal killings they had ever seen. Now two men have been arrested for that beating death of a disabled homeless man in San Francisco. 67yearold ty lan was kicked to death almost two years ago while he slept in the financial district. This is Surveillance Video of that attack. Sfpd says it has arrested now joseph stall from idaho and david peters from stockton after matching their dna to this crime. Both men are 2 is years old and charged with murder and robbery. We have more updates now in the sex scandal which has rocked several east Bay Police Departments and sheriffs agencies. The first report this weekend, the city of richmond is firing three more Police Officers linked to the scandal. Previously, richmond intended to terminate one officer. All four are accused of exploiting a teenager. She has filed games cleanse three Police Agencies seeking 1 100 million in damages. The mayor says, quote, these appropriate corrective actions will ensure that richmond does its part to address the rash of Improper Conduct seen in Police Departments across the bay area. Position 2016 now. Later this evening, nbc nightly news will report the fbi is investigating democratic republicans and the republican and president ial campaigns. Nbc news has learned the gop probe is examining Donald Trumps former campaign manager, Paul Manafort and his ties to russia. Meanwhile, donald trump hit hard on Hillary Clintons emails today. The fbi director says more were found on a laptop belonging to top aide, huma abedin and her estranged husband. We can be sure that what is in those emails is absolutely devastating. Why in the world the fbi would decide to jump into an election with no evidence of any wrongdoing with just days to go. Todays nbc new survey amongy poll shows it has been unchanged. A tech billionaire who is outspoken about his support of donald trump. Today paypal founder and hightech venture cap lalist peter thiel explains why hes giving 125 million to the campaign. Thiel says change is needed when it comes to business, health care and defense. No matter how crazy this election seems, it is less crazy than the condition of our country. Thiel admits, he was upset by trumps comments regarding women released earlier this month, calling them eblgs extremely inappropriate but doubts trump would speak the same way today. Coming up tonight, our business and tech reporter, scott budman talks about how thiels comments have brought attention to silicon valley. A big blockade of an oil pipeline in north dakota came to San Francisco today. Protesters chained themselves together to block the citi bank office on sutter street. Mark matthews joins us from San Francisco at this protest. Mark, what is the bank saying about this . Reporter were in front of the citigroup building here on sutter street. And this afternoon, city group declined our request for comment, either on the protest or on their involvement in financing the Dakota Access pine line. Pipeline. A crowd of around 50 gathered outside the citibank offices this morning, calling for citibank to stop financing the Dakota Access pipeline. The Obama Administration has asked the construction on the pipeline be halted for the time being. The pipe from the north Dakota Oil Field to illinois was originally going to cross the Missouri River near bismarck. But concerns that an oil spill could pollute the capital citys Drinking Water resulted in the pipeline being moved to within a half mile of the Standing Rock sioux reservation. I wish i could be on the front lines. Reporter she is a member of the northern Cheyenne Tribe taking part in the dakota blockade. Its not about the greed, its about the water. Reporter San Francisco Police Arrested a dozen of the protesters who refused to leave the citibank lobby. Including uc berkeley grad student, adrian wilson. Well, it isnt much when you think about what people in north dakota are facing, having their water poisoned, seeing their way of life destroyed. Reporter San Francisco police praised the protesters for remaining peaceful. Theyre ax exercising their First Amendment right, however they cant do it on private property without being subject to arrest. So thats what were doing today. Reporter and in fact, the protesters were only handcuffed for about as long as it took to move them outside. And then the handcuffs came off, they were given citations, tickets, and they were released. And they got what they wanted. Publicity about that pipeline. Reporting from San Francisco, mark matthews, nbc bay area news. So is it too tall for the neighborhood . The fight over growth in the south bay and what it could mean for the future of a once popular mall. The city in santa clara is demanding answers and budget documents from the 49ers to find out how taxpayer money was spent at levis. Coming up, the response from the team and when they say the documents will be there. Im meteorologist jeff ranieri. Rain coming in the north bay. Bring your umbrella in marin, napa and sonoma county. Were tracking it on your halloween night and details of dry drier weather ahead. New details tonht ithe fight over howillionsf taayer dolls are bei spent new details in the fight over how millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent at levis stadium. Today the 49ers are responding after the mayor of santa clara came out to say the team isnt complying with the contract. Michelle roberts joins us live from levis stadium and i know you spoke to the team president. Reporter yes. Just a couple hours ago, they said they had plans to submit some of the documents to the city tonight. But they did say they needed more time to compile all of the information that was requested. I did speak to the mayor of santa clara, just about 15 minutes ago. She says as of 5 00, they didnt have anything from the team today. Its unfortunate that the city of santa clara and the 49ers have kboen to this point. I think the citizens deserve more. Reporter 49ers president al guido says the team is complying with the contract it made with the city of santa clara. If it has not been managed properly, they need to send us a new voice and we will pay it, just like every other bill. Reporter he was referring to this independent audit presented to the city council last week. The auditor found it is possible taxpayer money was used to pay for Public Safety costs at nfl events. Which is illegal under santa clara city law. And because some budget documents have been withheld by the team, the audit also found the city may be eligible to receive more revenue from events like the taylor swift concert. Is it supposed to be 2 million or 10 million the city of santa clara is receiving from the stadium . We dont know until we see the underlying financial documents, which they have failed to provide for twoandahalf years. Santa clara mayor, lisa gilmore, says the city is prepared to take over management of levis stadium if the 49ers and Sporting Authority dont supply the handful of budget documents. If they owe us money, they will have to pay us back, or well take the strong legal steps to make sure they do. Reporter the 49ers say all of the requested documents would be completed this week, and submitted by friday. Reporting live in santa clara, im michelle roberts, nbc bay area news. Thank you, michelle. Another postponement in the sierra lamar case. Lamar disappeared in morgan hill four years ago. Garcia is accused of murdering her and hiding her body, yet to be found. He is linked to her disappearance. But now attorneys claim lamar was a runaway. They claim she wrote about it in a notebook but prosecutors say it is not her handwriting. They claim the notebook was taken from lamars School Locker after she disappeared. And said its a prank. Today the judge postponed ruling on the notebook until next month. Back to our election coverage. Eight days away, but so many of us are voting early. Just like San Francisco mayor, ed lee and wife anita, posing for pictures. And, of course, followed by a lot of tv news crews as they slowly made their way to the Citys Department of elections. Afterwards, mayor lee proudly pointed to his there it is, i voted sticker on his lapel. Like so many bay area cities, cupertino, the mall virtually abandoned. At the center of the debate, whether approving the measure would open the door to massive homes that could reach four stories. Damian trujillo joins us. This is a wellknown and huge piece of land. Whats the issue . Reporter raj, opponents of measure c put up this 45foot crane here in cupertino. They say it illustrates the no on c, and what four stories looks like. They say homes this high would be allowed if measure c passes, and that was has the other side crying foul. At the center of the debate is the old mall, virtually abandoned. A developer wants housing, office space and some retail. Measure c would halt that project. We would like to see a combination of entertainment, retail and dining. Reporter and housing that isnt rentals says steven scharf, also a candidate. Opponents say this boom illustrates a flaw in measure c. They claim, if approved, it would allow homes as high as 45 feet to be built in residential neighborhoods. Just an unintended consequence of that. Measure c, if passed, will also allow homes to be built up to four stories and small, lowlevel residential communities in this town. Its just not true. Reporter measure c backers say opponents are misinterpreting the ballot language, and trying to scare voters. Just eight days before the election. Now Code Enforcement showed up today and told the no on c folks they would have to take down the sign or face a fine. Well, the sign is still up. Well get into that tonight at can have. Live in cupertino, damian trujillo. As this election nears, check out our nonpartisan voters edge guide. Its very helpful. Put in your zip code and learn about the issues and candidates specific to where you live. Okay. Lets talk about it. Halloween. Little rainy, but its okay. Were going to power through. Yeah. You know, most importantly, for the little ones, its been dry so far. And for 75 of the bay area, were continuing with the dry weather outside right now. I do want to start off on the microclimate forecast with a look at the doppler radar. And i would love to see this totally dry, but cant do nothing to slow down mother nature. Storm system actually speeded up a few hours, so thats why the north bay currently is getting some rainfall here from marin, napa into sonoma counties. I want to zoom in and get a closer look. Not heavy rainfall, but light to moderate pockets and extends through fairfield and also down towards vallejo and closer to berkeley and oakland, as well. Its going to move off from the west, back here throughout the east as we continue throughout tonight. So heres my time line for all of you trick or treaters. Scattered chance of showers really begins to increase for the entire bay area by 8 00 tonight with 59 degrees. 10 00, still some on again off again rain at times. And for midnight, a lot of the adults heading out to parties want to watch out for the wet roadways as temperatures drop down to 53. So, again, nothing like the storm systems we have seen over the past week or so. But certainly some wet weather tonight. As far as tomorrows forecast goes, not a super soggy commute. But still a chance here of some showers for the north bay. San francisco, east bay and the south bay. It will start off colder, take note in the north bay, down to as low as 44 degrees to begin. So on that microclimate forecast, i do think well stay below average and on the chillier side tomorrow for the highs. Things will be drying out, partly cloudy sky expected to build in across the south bay. That will put us at 68 in san jose. For the peninsula, slight chance of a shower into about the noon hour for Half Moon Bay and 62. And back here at palo alto, 67. San francisco, low to mid 60s. For the north bay, east bay and tri valley, widespread mid to upper 60s. No matter where youre headed, temperatures really feel very similar all across the bay. For the tri valley, livermore, 69. East bay, 68 in fremont. And for the north bay, 65 in santa rosa. Well begin to undergo changes once we hit wednesday, thursday and friday. This area of High Pressure builds in, sends the storm track up to the north. It will give us sunnier and certainly dryer weather. We dont have to worry or feel too guilty about the dry weather this week. Check this out. Santa rosa, 377 of normal for our remain. San jose now even 205 . So lets take you to that sevenday forecast. And you can see the dry weather we expect over the next several days. And maybe a spotty shower by this upcoming sunday morning. Well see the same scenario for the interior valleys. Warmer this week but certainly not hot. Up to 75 by fridays forecast. Look, if i could push this rain back tonight, i would. But, you know, a little bit wet in the north bay. Wet goblin, dry goblin, adds to the whole adds to it, right . Exactly. A little bit of runny makeup. Makes it creepier. Twiker, snccs, kit kat . 2006. Im a kit kat girl. Reeses Peanut Butter cup. How a District Attorney is forcing my pillow to change the way it sells its products. A historyaking vicry formcdonal happening now, historymaking victory for mcdonalds employees. The company will pay 4 million to hundreds of workers for cheating them out of wages. Its the first time mcdonalds is paying for violations at a franchise store. Also a man killed early this morning in concord by a car was hit by a police car right after while he was lying in the middle of the road. Police say the patrol car was driving to an unrelated incident. A fire racethrough ts bar inred. Firefighrs sath fire raced through a bar in redwood city this morning. Firefighters say the flames broke out on el camino at 4 30 in the morning. The fire started in the back of the building. Police shut down el camino in both directions while firefighters battled the blaze. Its still unclear what sparked the fire, but luckily no one was hurt. A big fine for a popular pillow company. That company is called my pillow. My pillow sells bedding products, which it claims will rusin some nia and even my grains. Today the District Attorney announced she along with nine other District Attorneys offices reached an agreement with the company. My pillow will pay nearly 1 million in penalties and another 100,000 to charity without admitting liability. The company is now prohibited from making those false claims in the future. Back in a moment. Jessail tonight at si a creepf remember this guy . Hes the drug company big shot who raised the price of a lifesaving pill by five thousand percent. Said he wished hed raised it more. Prop sixtyone targets drug company pricegouging to save lives. The drug price relief act will save californians nearly a billion dollars a year. Join the California Nurses Association and aarp and vote yes on sixtyone. The drug giants wont like it. And hell hate it. Coming up tonight at 6 00, a creepy discovery just in time for halloween. This is a cave dweller and its californias newest milli paid species. Find out where it was discovered and why skin Scientists Say it is pretty special tonight at can have. 21 million to spare . If so, you can buy San Franciscos most expensive home on the market. It has just been sold. Built in 1901, this Pacific Heights man shun is, as you can see, very victorian on the outside, but sleek and modern inside. Tech billionaire, kyle vogt, paid more than 21 million, making it San Franciscos most expensive home sale of the year. Vogt has sold two billiondollar startups and one of them purchased by general motors. So if youve got 21 million, that is a gorgeous house. If youre throwing a halloween party, im available. We should go trick or treating there tonight. He probably gets out the big candy bars. Le lester holt is next. See you at 6 00. Byebye. Tonight, campaign cliffhanger. Eight days to go, the fbi review now under way into clinton aide huma abedins emails. How quickly can they get it done . Tonight the fbi director under fire and a surprise in our brandnew poll. Nbc news exclusive. Law enforcement sources say the fbi has been conducting a preliminary inquiry of Donald Trumps former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, and his business ties overseas. Voice of a killer. For the first time, we hear chilling 911 calls made by the orlando gunman, during the deadliest mass shooting in modern american history. And fatal distraction. Snapchat video from inside a car going 115 miles an hour minutes before slamming into a minivan, killing a mother and her

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