Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20160617 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20160617

then the two lay flowers at a memorial. president obama spent much of his remarks talking about assault weapons. >> the notion that the answer to this tragedy would be to make sure that more people in a nightclub are similarly armed to the killer defies common sense. >> now the president said that he hopes congress will do the right thing by keeping guns out of the wrong hands. >> the shooting killed six comcast nbc universal employees and injured two others. they worked at the universal orlando resorts theme parks and the telemundo station. the company is donating $1 million to the one orlando fund that would help the victim's families. comcast nbc universal is the parent company of nbc news. the investigation in orlando is being watched closely and tracked in the east bay by congressman eric swalwell. >> what was missed and what did friends and family members see around him that could have been passed on to law enforcement and if his wife knew about this plot well, she's going to be going to jail. >> as we reported, his wife's family is from rodeo. the congressman says it's shocking that no law bars those on the terror watch list from buying guns. he also supports banning assault weapons. our coverage continues on "nightly news." find out who the gunman was texting as the victims tried to escape the massacre. lester holt joins us at 5:30. a somber sight in the south bay as they transferred the body to the funeral home. motorcycle officers shut down traffic on highway 17 as the fallen officer's body travelled from san jose to los gatos. nbc bay area's damian trujillo is live at san jose police headquarters where a memorial for the officer continues to grow. >> reporter: peggy, it's been a steady stream of people here to pay their respects to officer mike catherman and as you mentioned, a sea of police cars from across the bay area were in the south bay. the red and blue lights lit up hamilton and on the highway 17 overpass, campbell police officers stood at attention, saluting a man who gave his life for the badge. >> and as a brother and sister who loses a life, we respect that and we want to be a part of it and we want to honor the family and fellow loved ones. >> the officer's family was saluted as they arrived to claim his body. officer katherman was on duty when his motorcycle collided with a minivan on tuesday. the investigation is ongoing and the driver of the minivan is cooperating. along the route of the funeral home, drivers and pedestrians stopped to get a glimpse of the motorcade. janet yost was one of them. >> this is the worst nightmare of any wife of a first responder. >> jan set married to a firefighter. it's a nightmare, when you say good-bye to your loved one, you always assume you will see them at the end of the day and this is the reality that sometimes bad things happen. >> reporter: officer katherman is the second san jose police officer to be killed in the line of duty in just over a year. the widow of mike johnson, the last officer to die in the line of duty, she is reaching out to the widow of officer mike katherman to lend her support. the families were friends. i'm damian trujillo, nbc bay area news. the police sex scandal in oakland might get each worse as the city looks for another police chief. they'll have to replace the picture of the police chief on the walls. yesterday the mayor hired the interim chief who lasted five days on the job. as for the sex scandal, the alameda county district attorney says a d.a. inspector who is a former oakland police commander has now been placed on administrative leave after being tied to the scandal. some city leaders say it's time for the feds to take control of this embattled police departments. >> based on where we are today and what i know, i think it may be a time to have the complete oversight. >> he learned there will be more big shake-ups within the city next week. the sex scandals based on the claims by a teenage prostitute who says she slept with more than 20 police officers from various bay area departments. coming back to the bay area, but this time as a presumptive democratic nominee, hillary clinton will speak at a luncheon in san francisco on june 29th. tickets for the luncheon range between $1,000. >> are you ready? we could have another big party in the bay area tonight or if they lose it would be a big letdown. >> glass half full. >> one year ago the warriors beat the cavs in game six to win the nba championship. tonight the same thing could happen again and the warriors hope to have it wrapped up during game five and they lost at home on monday night with a painful loss forcing tonight's game, game six, in cleveland. tip-off is about an hour away and oracle arena is filling up fast with all of the fans who were there for the big viewing party. we'll get to the oracle in just a minute, but first, let's go across the country to cleveland where we are joined by nbc's colin rush. >> for the second straight year and will the cavs become the third team in nba history to force a game seven after trailing 3-1? a warriors win in the draymond green drama can be put to rest. draymond saying yesterday his absence cost this team a closeout victory in game five and plain and simple he needs to be a better teammate. the cavs will look for an opportunity to bait him again and he's wary of that. >> going into game six, will my patience be tested or will it not? it's a hard enough challenge trying to win a game in the nba finals and then you talk about the challenge of winning on the road. that challenge doubles and triples. so that's going to always be my focus to do whatever it takes to help my team win this game. >> reporter: minus andrew bogut, they'll all need to be at their best to win tonight. coming up at 6:00, the bay area couple looking for some deja vu for game six. in cleveland, colin resch, nbc bay area. >> where is the big party tonight? >> wherever cheryl is. thousands of the screaming fans are there and the excitement, cheryl, is building. >> reporter: of course, the party is here because i'm here, right? do you think the warriors are nervous in cleveland? the fans pouring into oracle tonight are on edge. game six and the warriors could clinch the championship tonight. this arena is the loudest in the league which begs the question who puts the roar in oracle? it's the fans, of course, that put on this show. a staff of 80 to 120 people make it happen even at game day or watch parties like tonight you have fireworks, warrior dancers and a deejay known nationwide. >> deejay b sharp plays during time-outs and we'll have another source of music coming from our control room and on those time outs we'll come to an upbeat track and then the dancing will come out and do a sideline and perform on the floor and we'll go to the crowd shots of energetic fans and get a shot of the fans going to the jumbotron. >> just in case you missed it. his name is brett yamaguchi and yes, he is related to kristi yamaguchi. that's her brother. it's going to be a party tonight and in fab will do a halftime show and he is a bay area rapper, well known and everyone here is hoping and praying for a win. reporting live at the oracle, i'm cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. >> it's empty now, but in about an hour that place will be picked. kristi yamaguchi has the medal and brett yamaguchi has the ring. we'll share them online and on air. six people killed and several others badly injured. i'm elise kisher in live in berkeley. how people are remembering those killed when a balcony collapsed here one year ago today. also ahead, by passing the typical path of a young college graduate, the young woman who will mack you bay area proud with her plan for a long march for success. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. we'll show you the one spot that did manage to pick up hotter weather. details in a few minutes. it's now been a year since a berkeley balcony failed. killing six ople, and injing sevenmore. it has now been a year since a berkeley balcony failed killing six people and injuring seven more. today tributes and memorials are taking place from berkeley to ireland, that is the home of five of those victims. nbc bay area's elise kirschner near the site of the collapse and the a memorial is still there tonight. >> reporter: it is. this memorial was put here a short time after the deadly accident happened one year ago here today. all day long we've seen a steady stream of people coming lighting candles, delivering flowers and remembering those killed. >> my heart is just, like, pumping. >> reporter: a deadly balcony collapse in berkeley. one year ago today the news spread fast. >> all over facebook and everything, and our friends that i loved. >> reporter: in all six people were killed and others were badly injured when the fifth floor balcony it buckled and fell below. >> i was shocked and i couldn't believe that it happened especially because everyone was here and it was such a tight community. >> much like these three irish students, most of those killed were in berkeley on a work exchange program and the support beams had rotted out just years after being built. in march, the d.a. announced that no criminal manslaughter charges will be filed over any individual or company. >> we've said there is a problem here and they've taken steps to make a change. >> the berkeley mayor says the city has increased inspection and requires that new construction meet a higher safety standard. >> it's a horrible tragedy that may turn out to be in the long run with the benefit of other people can prevent it from occurring in the future. >> back here live late this afternoon, a close friend of the victim came here and we spoke with her and she tells us what she remembers from this day one year ago today. hear from her coming up at 6:00. for now, we are live in bushiery tonight. i'm elise kirchner, nbc bay area news. a challenge to find an unbiased jury. opening case will begin tomorrow and this is all because of the san bruno pipeline explosion six years ago. the pg&e natural gas line killed eight people and destroyed 38 homes on the peninsula. the utility faces 12 separate charges involving pipeline safety including shoddy record keeping and failing to properly inspect its gas lines. there's also an obstruction of justice charge for lying to investigators. jury selection took much of the day. our reporter was in court and will join us next hour with more details. the pictures are certainly everywhere these days. graduation season is upon us and college graduates must make their decisions what paths their lives will take once they're in school. it's 4,000 miles of a path. >> garvin thomas joins us with tonight's bay area proud. >> sarah marble says that while she's had members of her family in the military, she wasn't raised in a military family. it's why it surprises her a little bit that that is what she's chosen for her future right after she does something for others, that is, first. >> at santa clara university this past week, 1,250 members of the class of 2016 walked across the stage to receive their diploma. >> for one graduate, though, those few short steps were just the start of many, many more. >> i just kind of want to go out and feel like i've done really big, you know? sarah marble is heading out this week on one very long march. the length of california, from the mexican to canadian borders along the pacific crest trail. why? well, the 21-year-old says she has no intention of waiting until she's older to give back to society because, sarah says, she's already gotten so much. >> all i have done is been taking from society, you know? just going to school. in school you are really just a leech on your parents or for me, the military. >> the military helped pay sarah's way through college as part of the rotc program and while sarah admits she joined just for the money, she's become a fan of the mission. her career goal is now to one day be an army doctor. >> it's why she has chosen to hike the trail not just for a personal challenge, but as a fund-raiser for a worthwhile cause. . travis mills is one of five quadriplegic amputees from the iraq and afghanistan war. he started a foundation for wounded warriors and is raising money to open a rehabilitation center for them and their families, raising even just a couple of dollars per mile, sarah believes, will make the lonely stretches on the trail easier to endure. >> every mile i go i can say what is this $2.50 going to? is it feeding somebody lunch, is it buying a piece of equipment or a whole month worth of hiking. think about what you can do for that. sarah is aware this is far from the typical path. she's also confident it's the right path for her. you mentioned sarah mention $2.50 per mile and she's up to $3, which means she would have raised more than $8,000 for the travis mills foundation when she's done. sarah expects that number, though, to rise. garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, garvin. we turn things over to meteorologist jeff ranieri. i heard rain. >> a nice weekend shaping up. today we did have rain in the forecast, but there was only one spot that did manage to pick up a little bit of activity. we were hard pressed to find any big time totals. we didn't expect a lot and it was even less than expected, so that's what the one location where we did see a tenth of an inch of rain today. ten times your daily average in june which is usually .01 of an inch and good news for you up there, but for a lot of the bay area, that rain line stayed too far to the north to give you rainfall in san francisco. so a lot of us, we got missed by this one and we are trending closer to summer in the next few days. it's pretty typical weather in the bay area. also some of the measurable rainfall and the temperatures are milder and currently 73 across the peninsula and east bay at 76, but notice this where we do have the clouds in place and also the cooler wind. temperatures in the 60s and a bit of that ocean breeze in san francisco and puts it at 65 and with spotty rain in the north bay, 63 degrees. through tomorrow morning's forecast, we do have fog and patchy drizzle coming back for the peninsula and also san francisco, and it will start with 50s across the board. in terms of our microclimate forecast for tomorrow, we are going to see numbers warm up anywhere from 3 to six degrees and that will put the south bay in the low 80s and slightly above average. for the peninsula warming up in palo alto at 78. san francisco, we can't get into the 70s just yet as we'll have widespread 60s. for the east bay and the trivalley we'll have more low 80s for liver more and really the best weather tomorrow right here across oakland and 73 degrees and for the north bay, looking beautiful in napa with also temperatures in the upper 70s. we have the area of low pressure that didn't give us comfortable weather throughout this week and that will move on out as we head tomorrow night and building in its place will be the area of high pressure from the south and that will help to import some hotter air from the south and as you'll see in the scrolling seven-day forecast that will give us a dramatic increase. some areas will be going up 15 to 20 degrees. i want to show you more of the temperature trend to get you prepared for this much hotter weather coming your way. as you'll be able to see here, all we will do is pick up walnut creek and while we'll average 79, we'll go up to 91 degrees and three days in a row, and by tuesday, 96. a nearly 20 degrees above our average. so watch out for this building heat as we head throughout the back half of the weekend. in terms of the rest of the bay area. how is it going to look on sunday as those temperatures begin to rise? you can see in the south bay it's going up to 90 degrees, and the peninsula, 82. san francisco, 71 and right throughout the north bay, temperatures in the upper 80s. let's move on to the next thing and that is that hotter weather as we head throughout father's day on sunday. peggy and raj, we'll have more coming up at 6:00 p.m. >> thank you very much. still ahead at 5:00, stanford scientists create chemotherapy missiles and how this new approach could change cancer treatments. ==reveal== the "sherpa" wildfire burning in santa barbara county has grown to 2-square miles. the fire was fueled by strong winds overnight. happening now on the homepage, the sherpa fire has now grown to two square miles. the fire was fueled by strong winds overnight and part of a major freeway closed overnight and evacuations there do remain in effect and trending on twitter, tupac shakur is being remembered and he would turn 45 today. more news coming up after the break. two separate shootings in san francisco...just a block apart.. ==vo== this happened in the mission... just two separate shootings in san francisco just a block apart. this happened in the mission district. after 2:00 a.m. a man opened fire on a car which was parked on 17th street between mission and valencia. the bullets hit two people inside of that car and both are now in critical condition. then around 9:00 a.m., another person was shot just about a block away. there have been four shootings in the mission in the past four days. >> local immigration authorities appears to have made an impact. >> when do we want it? >> now f. >> activists rallied outside the federal building yesterday are celebrating tonight and they say that i.c.e. heard them and released berto martinez. he was in custody for two weeks and facing deportation partly for receiving a dui last year. his partner of 11 years said it was traumatic when agents removed martinez from their home. he compared it to a kidnapping. martinez still faces immigration review, but today authorities did allow him to go free until his case is heard. it could be a big advance in the treatment of cancer and it's coming from stanford. researchers on campus call it guided chemotherapy missiles. they target cancer cells without injuring healthy cells. the development is big because it could mark a dramatic improvement in chemotherapy. the scientists think the new treatment could help reduce the weakness and other side effects that patients often face during traditional chemo. coming up next, the presidential getaway to yosemite. the celebration that drew the family to the legendary park. nbc bay area responds. ==anim===take vo=despite being t callist" -- aan jose m's phone is tonight at 6:00, nbc bay area responds. despite being on the do not call list, a san jose man's phone is still ringing off the hook. our consumer investigator gives him some tips that can help a lot of us. that story and more coming up on our 6:00 newscast. president obama and the first family arriving in california tomorrow for a visit that will combine a little bit of work with a little bit of fun. after arriving in the central valley, the first family will tour yosemite on saturday as part of a trip to show case the 100th anniversary of the national park service. the president visited other national parks over the course of his presidency. this weekend's journey will include a stop at the carls bad caverns in new mexico. >> good weather for great pict. >> thanks for joining us at 5:00. lester holt is next with "nightly news." >> we'll see you at 6:00. nbc news has learned he was texting his wife and posting on social media during the massacre. also a new firestorm explodes as president obama meets with victims' families. john mccain says the president's actions led to the attack. warning signs. with disney under fire, what we found around disney parks. and tonight a father who says a gator chased his son at disney last year. shock waves. a rising star lawmaker. a young mother of two killed in a brutal ambush. what reports say the suspect shouted during the attack. was he set off by a fight that has divided a nation? and sweet controversy. the first major american city to okay a tax on everything from soda to juice. a lot of families about to pay more.

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Stanford , California , United States , Mission District , Canada , Alameda County , Oakland , Afghanistan , Valencia , Carabobo , Venezuela , Central Valley , New Mexico , San Francisco , Santa Clara University , Berkeley , San Bruno , Iraq , Santa Barbara County , Ireland , Canadian , Irish , American , Jorge Quintana , Brett Yamaguchi , Lester Holt , Mike Johnson , Los Damian Trujillo , Cleveland Colin Resch , Janet Yost , Eric Swalwell , Jeff Ranieri , Garvin Thomas , Tupac Shakur , Elise Kirschner , Kristi Yamaguchi , Hillary Clinton , John Mccain ,

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