Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20160310 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20160310

rain with help from technology. >> they have a web camera whereby we can actually visually online monitor them, for the most part. then we have alerts that will let us know the minute it rises a little bit too high fr our tastes. >> reporter: in sonoma county crews are on call for the weekend. officials say they don't expect scenes like this from earlier this year anticipating the russian river will get close but won't crest. the most important thing to remember when a big storm is headed your way is just to be prepared. here in marin county you can see live updates from web cams on the water levels as well as get other important storm information. reporting live in san anselmo, i'm kim yonenaka. this red-tagged apartment building in pacifica escaping its fate for another day. it will remain standing for at least another week, in fact. crews were set to demolish this building tomorrow, but with more rain headed our way, that work has been postponed. it has been teetering on the edge of this cliff for years now. don't forget you can track all this incoming rain on your smartphones. download the nbc bay area app. it is free. two days since the derailment into the alameda creek. less than 20 minutes ago we were there as inspectors began the slow process of moving that damaged train car from fremont back to stockton for more inspection and investigation. michelle roberts is live in fremont. passengers felt minor delays but i bet they were more than a little curious going through that stretch. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely minor delay, but the most people we talked to said they weren't really worried about it although glad that everybody is recovering from that accident. the train that was involved took off here from that train yard about a half hour ago heading to stockton. it will be a long ride tonight. i'm told it will take about five hours to get there because they'll be taking extra precautions and going very slow. today crews made repairs and made sure it will be strong enough for the ride. the union pacific says an engineer is on site. today a spokesperson said it's unlikely mud slide sensors will be installed because this is the first event in two decades in that spot. ace, 40 own who owns the train the track, welcomes safety technology. >> i think it would be a great benefit anywhere along the tracks where there could be a potential slide. you know, again, we work with u.p. on that. safety is our priority. anything we can implement with enhanced security and safety would be great. >> according to ace, ridership was just slightly down today. minor delays to allow for slowing past the scene. and they are encouraging any passengers who lost personal items on board during the accident to contact their stockton office where they do have a lost and found set up. reporting live if fremont tonight, i'm michelle roberts, nbc bay area news. we do have new surveillance video of the man suspected in the deadly shooting on a crowded b.a.r.t. train at the west oakland b.a.r.t. station. oakland police are looking at this video and they're hoping that people who see it might recognize something about this man, even the way he walks. the video was taken the night of the murder in early january. the suspect shot and killed carlos romero. the two men got into an argument on board a bus and that fight spilled over on to the b.a.r.t. train. a bay area family is heartbroken and outraged tonight after their disabled loved one was wrongfully arrested, then died while in custody. melvin stubbs, an amputee with health issues, was arrested in connection with his wife's death. it turns out she died of natural causes. jodi hernandez is at police headquarters. >> reporter: jessica, oakland police say they had ample evidence to arrest melvin stubbs, but tonight his family says they don't buy pitp. >> there's nothing that can justify this, not in any way whatsoever. >> reporter: he says there's no excuse for what led to his brother-in-law's death. 65-year-old melvin stubbs, an amputee with severe health issues, died in custody saturday afternoon hours after being arrested on suspicion of murdering his wife. the coroner now says terry cameron died of meningitis. >> it's a crime what they did to that man. 65 years old, one leg. taking him out on a stretcher. taking him from place to place. ends up in santa rita, then he's dead. >> officers arrested mr. stubbs because they had evidence that suggested that he was the person responsible for murder. >> reporter: oakland police lieutenant roland holmgren says when they got to the apartment, there were signs of the struggle. the woman was dead on the floor with a pillow over her face with stubbs lying beside her with scratch on him. stubbs was cleared by a doctor before they brought him to the police department where he was interviewed for two hours, showing no signs of being seriously sick. >> he said that they'd got into a fight and that she had tried to choke him in some particular manner. i'm not going to get into great detail. then she just got tired and fell unconscious. >> reporter: police say stubbs was evaluated by a second doctor before being booked into the santa rita jail where he was found unconscious less than two hours later. police now acknowledge stubbs did not kill his wife but stand by their actions. stubbs' loved ones are outraged. police say they extend their condolences to stubbs' family but his loved ones say they are now looking for an attorney. reporting live in oakland, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against cal's law school dean. he's accused of sexual harassment. this is dean sujit choudry. she claims that he hugged, kissed and touched her when she complained to the school last year he admitted to wrong doing not only against his assistant but other women as well. he was docked 10% of his salary for one year. today the schoolsujit choudry will be taking an extended leave of absence. happening now, mourners are paying their final respects to former first lady nancy rag gunn. i want to show you a live picture of her casket at the ronald reagan presidential library. you can see thousands of people have been making their way to california. mrs. reagan will lie in repose until 7:00 a.m. and then tomorrow 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. he' she'll be laid next to her husband. i'm chuck coppola live in san francisco where a war is being fought over this piece of land behind me. there maybe, however, a peaceful resolution coming up along about our story. i'm robert handa where a man says he's suing his parent for alexed sexual abuse. how the life he dreamed of turned into a nightmare. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri with our recent rain. the drought has made some headway going from severe levels down to moderate. we're tracking another storm system on the way. we'll have detail on this in about ten minutes. a barricade of lumber, plants and debris. take a look at this. what if this was your neighbor? neighbors do say this is a mess in front of a san francisco home. and it's not just an eyesore. it's a health hazard as well. neighbors say junk at this home have been filing up for years. they tried to get the homeowner to clean it up. but now they've got their fight taken to the city. chuck is live there in glen park. you can see why neighbors here have concerns. >> reporter: you know, the reason why this situation has gone on so long as it has, they say, is because of bureaucracy. city departments such as the public health department or the city building inspections, they can issue vital noticeolation n to enforce them they have to pay money for the city attorney to fight them. in this particular situation behind me, that simply hasn't happened. the house on just avenue is barricaded behind a wall of trees. some living, some hanging as if from a noose. boxes and lumber. >> the amount of wood and other debris especially in the backyard, you know, i worry about what happens if one night something sparks. >> reporter: and having plants is not the issue. he can have as many plants as he has, it's the garbage that he accumulates behind the plants. it's very hard to see how the housing inspectors can't see that. >> reporter: after climbing over boards with nails, we found the owner tamir martyr in his backyard. he says the lumber is for a retaining wall he hopes to build and privacy. >> i did it to create a screen. >> reporter: it's more than a screen or barricade. it's a war between neighbors. >> this is a living plant, they killed it. i leave it here, what is this? >> reporter: you're leaving these here as a protest. >> somewhat. >> reporter: do you like this home the way it is today? >> i don't like it at all. i don't like it to a degree. >> reporter: what would you like t to be? what do you wish it could become? >> not a desert like this right now because if you come over to cut on this side just to make me jump out of my skin. >> reporter: city health and building inspectors come and go, but so far no action. >> even if the city attorney sees and is well aware of an extremely dangerous or problematic code violation, if the department does not request the city attorney to file suit, the city attorney simply can't do it. >> reporter: next tuesday, however, the city's litigation committee will meet at the department of building inspection and may resolve this matter. the owner told me he wants to resolve this matter and will be at that meeting. as for the supervisor, he's proposing legislation to make it easier for city departments to enforce city codes. reporting live in san francisco, chuck coppola, nbc bay area news. racist graffiti on a school district office. a hateful message has a san leandro community on edge. we've blurred out the words. police say the racial slur was discovered monday morning on a san leandro school district office. the graffiti painted across the staff entrance. police say they're taking the crime seriously. the entire san leandro school district has been notified and an extensive investigation is under way to track down whoever painted that graffiti. he's calling his childhood a nightmare. a young man suing the couple who adopted him for what he said was years of sexual abuse. now that couple is facing criminal charges. the young man spoke about it all today and he suing for damages. >> reporter: well, that's right. here at this san jose law office, the young man, the alleged victim, described a life of constant sexual abuse that started when he was a very young adopted child. dennis flynn is a 23-year-old man suing his adoptive parents who he says forced him into life as a child sex slafb. at the alexander law group office he described a horrific childhood. he was taken from a russian orphanage and adopted by ralph flynn, and his wife caroline flynn. but dennis says life at the los gatos home turned into years of constant and, as his lawsuit states, outrageous, grotesque and painful acts of sexual abuse. >> it started once maybe three times a month to almost every day. >> reporter: denis says the alleged abuse eventually led to two sheriff's office investigations ultimately in january, the parents were charged with 44 criminal counts. they have pleaded not guilty. the parents have also put their home up for sale, which means denis is seeking personal justice and millions of dollars in damages. >> there's no settlement offer that they could make that would be worthwhile. we're going to take every penny they own. >> they told me that what they did was right, what they did was out of love, and i had to relearn what love really is. >> reporter: now, the civil lawsuit will have to wait until the criminal case proceeds. we're told that davis' attorney says they don't expect to take any civil action against the county or the sheriff's office. the adoptive mother, caroline, is free on bail and the father, ralph, is still being held on $2.5 million bail. he declined our request for an interview. live in san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. a fire ravaged hot springs resort in lake county is making plans to reopen. harbin hot springs said the clothing optional resort may begin taking customers late this summer. this is what it looked like after september's valley fire. it destroyed much of the facility in middletown. but the hot and cold springs remain intact. the owners say resort patrons may have to run it temporarily but they admit the project will take a few years to have it up to speed. raw sewage is again flowing into people's homes. homeowner on albonita way said sewage was spilling into his living room. they've been dealing with the mess since the sewer line clogged on saturday. >> i was like, how is it again? i don't think it can get any worse. >> reporter: it's a disgusting problem. they expect that employees of sewer rat plumbing cut a hole in the main line and didn't repair it correctly. the storm pushed rocks into the line and clogged it. the company has not returned our calls. they have to be concerned there's another storm rolling in our direction. how strong will this system be? >> it really is going to be in the moderate level here as we head throughout thursday. the friday storm system will be stronger. you can see back here behind me that first storm system in view right now. but then check out how quickly that next storm is located. so not much of a break in between these systems. specifically for tomorrow morning, what you want to notice is the north bay and san francisco, the best chance of rainfall first off where that commute is in the low 50s, but down here across the south bay likely a drier commute and 51 as the rainfall would not have reached you just yet. you can see again specifically marin, napa, sonoma counties down to san francisco, 9:00 on thursday morning. those hefbier pockets of rain, then eventually by the afternoon we get this rainfall pushing to the south. it starts to weaken, but what i really want you to pay attention to is morgan hill and south san jose. you can see the rainfall will have a hard time getting there tomorrow afternoon. as we advanced this into the evening hours, look at that. morgan hill likely not a whole lot in the way of rainfall, nor for san jose at this point. so while the southern areas may get missed out from that rainfall on thursday, as we head through friday we'll see a reinforcing shot of wet weather from that second storm, and this is going to be the best chance to pick up accumulations coming our way. by friday evening, we'll begin to clear on out. how much rainfall with the thursday and friday system in let's get a look at those rainfall totals. you can see there will be that stark contrast in san jose we had that harder time getting rainfall. about an inch there. once you go north of orinda and san francisco, 1 1/2 inches and then plus, then right up into santa rosa, that's where the jackpot total could be approaching 3 inches. with that heavier rainfall expected in the north bay, we are tracking those river levels. that's what i want to take you to next. the russian river at guerneville. right now it's running at 15 feet. by friday, 31 feet. flood stage is 32. so you're going to have to watch it real closely there in guerneville. you guys are experts at it up there. note the water will be running high and then it decreases down to 25 feet. as we take you into the micro climate forecast for thursday, again, remember for the south bay morgan hill may entirely get missed out from this system. san jose will have the chance of rain and 66. a better chance of rain here through the peninsula. we're looking at 62 in san mateo, san francisco low 60s wet and also cool. for the north bay, east bay and tri-valley, no doubt heaviest rainfall tomorrow up into napa, santa rosa and mill valley micro climates. and for the east bay, fremont at 66. as we round out the rainfall coming our way, not only the chance of rain onned this but again a system on friday, then we'll see a small break on saturday morning, another chance of scattered rain by saturday evening and then also on sunday evening the possibility of rain as well. so four different systems coming our way over the next five days. looks like our totals will range from 1 1/2 to about 4 inches. >> thank you so much. coming up next at 5:00, an armed robbery does not go as planned. what one bold move a clerk made to scare them away. another state lawmakerants to tn california. this haseen triedt least seven other times but fled happening now another state lawmaker wants to attack sugary drinks in california. this has been tried before but has failed every time. we're tweeting about that now. and the prisoner known for his good looks is out of jail and looking to start a modeling career. this just in, the ace train derailment that happened near sunol, the alameda county fire department just releasing these pictures from inside the derailed car. they showed the first responders investigating after the passengers had been cleared out. it takes a moment here as you look at it to realize that they're actually walking on the windows here as they inspect the car, this is because the car flipped on its side. nine people were hurt in the crash monday night. incredibly no one was killed. fighting back. a store clerk is recovering tonight after he fought off two armed robbers. police say the two men had dwuned when they rushed into the shop on locust street last night. the clerk picked up a bat and began swinging it at the gunmen. they did shoot the clerk in the arm when he began to fight them off. the robbers eventually got away and that clerk is expected to be ok. the irs has been warning people against tax scammers but two tech companies apparently didn't get the message. fraudsters tricked snapchat and seagate two turning over w-2 form. this is part of a phishing scam that makes them think that payroll department is requesting the information. the irs sent an alert last week to warn companies about this fake e-mails. they've seen 400% increase in the scams but would not say how many companies have been victimized. $148,000 a year, that's how much you need to make in order to comfortably buy a home in san francisco. mortgage company recently crunched the numbers. you put down 20% then make mortgage payments on a median priced home. they look into big cities across the country and san francisco was the most expensive by far. san diego also pretty expensive at a salary of $103,000 a year. in new york you need to make about 87 grand. compare that to $35 35,000 you d need in st. louis. >> some would say even that's difficult. a joyful reunion between a dog and her puppies. breaking news out of san leand leandro. police just announced they made an arrest. that hateful message left on the school district office, they've made an arrest. we don't know who it is right now, but we'll have full coverage coming up for you at 6:00. also at 6:00, a story you'll see only on nbc bay area. apple versus the fbi. an interview with the lawyer that's representing the tech giant in the dispute of the locked iphone. from scared to death to jumping for joy. that's how a dog separated from her young puppies reacted after being reunited. there she is. the marin humane society said the owner recently dropped the mommy off. but they discovered they recently had puppies. they called the owner and convinced the person to surrender the puppies. the mommy dog had been scared. when her puppies arrived, happiness. >> that's so great. >> her demeanor completely changed. look at her babies. >> look at that. >> that is so cute. >> if you ever thought it was okay to separate a mom from her puppies. look, happy, happen. >> until they're teenagers. >> that made my day. >> good to see that. breaking news tonight. a deadly flood emergency. tens of millions in the path. evacuations understood way right now. high-water rescues and the national guard have been deployed. going for a knockout. donald trump is looking to take out his rivals once and for all as pressure mounts on marco rubio. what he's telling us exclusively. plus, the bernie sanders shocker. high anxiety. how is a man wanted for attempted murder able to fly across the country taken down by the secret service at the white house. thousands fooled by callers claiming to be the irs demanding money. wait until you see what happens when we call back. the fifth beatle is gone. the man who turned a liverpool bar band

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Fremont , California , United States , New York , Middletown , San Anselmo , Alameda County , Lake County , Oakland , Russian River , San Leandro , West Oakland , Glen Park , San Diego , Stockton , Russia , Reunion , San Francisco , Marin County , Los Gatos , Pacifica , Sonoma County , Morgan Hill , Mill Valley , Alameda Creek , Russian , Marco Rubio , Melvin Stubbs , Jose Robert , Ronald Reagan , Jodi Hernandez , Jeff Ranieri , Leandro , Carlos Romero , Chuck Coppola , Napa Sonoma , Napa Santa Rosa , Roland Holmgren , Dennis Flynn , Terry Cameron , Santa Rita , Michelle Roberts , Ralph Flynn , Bernie Sanders , Caroline Flynn ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20160310 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 5 20160310

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rain with help from technology. >> they have a web camera whereby we can actually visually online monitor them, for the most part. then we have alerts that will let us know the minute it rises a little bit too high fr our tastes. >> reporter: in sonoma county crews are on call for the weekend. officials say they don't expect scenes like this from earlier this year anticipating the russian river will get close but won't crest. the most important thing to remember when a big storm is headed your way is just to be prepared. here in marin county you can see live updates from web cams on the water levels as well as get other important storm information. reporting live in san anselmo, i'm kim yonenaka. this red-tagged apartment building in pacifica escaping its fate for another day. it will remain standing for at least another week, in fact. crews were set to demolish this building tomorrow, but with more rain headed our way, that work has been postponed. it has been teetering on the edge of this cliff for years now. don't forget you can track all this incoming rain on your smartphones. download the nbc bay area app. it is free. two days since the derailment into the alameda creek. less than 20 minutes ago we were there as inspectors began the slow process of moving that damaged train car from fremont back to stockton for more inspection and investigation. michelle roberts is live in fremont. passengers felt minor delays but i bet they were more than a little curious going through that stretch. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely minor delay, but the most people we talked to said they weren't really worried about it although glad that everybody is recovering from that accident. the train that was involved took off here from that train yard about a half hour ago heading to stockton. it will be a long ride tonight. i'm told it will take about five hours to get there because they'll be taking extra precautions and going very slow. today crews made repairs and made sure it will be strong enough for the ride. the union pacific says an engineer is on site. today a spokesperson said it's unlikely mud slide sensors will be installed because this is the first event in two decades in that spot. ace, 40 own who owns the train the track, welcomes safety technology. >> i think it would be a great benefit anywhere along the tracks where there could be a potential slide. you know, again, we work with u.p. on that. safety is our priority. anything we can implement with enhanced security and safety would be great. >> according to ace, ridership was just slightly down today. minor delays to allow for slowing past the scene. and they are encouraging any passengers who lost personal items on board during the accident to contact their stockton office where they do have a lost and found set up. reporting live if fremont tonight, i'm michelle roberts, nbc bay area news. we do have new surveillance video of the man suspected in the deadly shooting on a crowded b.a.r.t. train at the west oakland b.a.r.t. station. oakland police are looking at this video and they're hoping that people who see it might recognize something about this man, even the way he walks. the video was taken the night of the murder in early january. the suspect shot and killed carlos romero. the two men got into an argument on board a bus and that fight spilled over on to the b.a.r.t. train. a bay area family is heartbroken and outraged tonight after their disabled loved one was wrongfully arrested, then died while in custody. melvin stubbs, an amputee with health issues, was arrested in connection with his wife's death. it turns out she died of natural causes. jodi hernandez is at police headquarters. >> reporter: jessica, oakland police say they had ample evidence to arrest melvin stubbs, but tonight his family says they don't buy pitp. >> there's nothing that can justify this, not in any way whatsoever. >> reporter: he says there's no excuse for what led to his brother-in-law's death. 65-year-old melvin stubbs, an amputee with severe health issues, died in custody saturday afternoon hours after being arrested on suspicion of murdering his wife. the coroner now says terry cameron died of meningitis. >> it's a crime what they did to that man. 65 years old, one leg. taking him out on a stretcher. taking him from place to place. ends up in santa rita, then he's dead. >> officers arrested mr. stubbs because they had evidence that suggested that he was the person responsible for murder. >> reporter: oakland police lieutenant roland holmgren says when they got to the apartment, there were signs of the struggle. the woman was dead on the floor with a pillow over her face with stubbs lying beside her with scratch on him. stubbs was cleared by a doctor before they brought him to the police department where he was interviewed for two hours, showing no signs of being seriously sick. >> he said that they'd got into a fight and that she had tried to choke him in some particular manner. i'm not going to get into great detail. then she just got tired and fell unconscious. >> reporter: police say stubbs was evaluated by a second doctor before being booked into the santa rita jail where he was found unconscious less than two hours later. police now acknowledge stubbs did not kill his wife but stand by their actions. stubbs' loved ones are outraged. police say they extend their condolences to stubbs' family but his loved ones say they are now looking for an attorney. reporting live in oakland, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against cal's law school dean. he's accused of sexual harassment. this is dean sujit choudry. she claims that he hugged, kissed and touched her when she complained to the school last year he admitted to wrong doing not only against his assistant but other women as well. he was docked 10% of his salary for one year. today the schoolsujit choudry will be taking an extended leave of absence. happening now, mourners are paying their final respects to former first lady nancy rag gunn. i want to show you a live picture of her casket at the ronald reagan presidential library. you can see thousands of people have been making their way to california. mrs. reagan will lie in repose until 7:00 a.m. and then tomorrow 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. he' she'll be laid next to her husband. i'm chuck coppola live in san francisco where a war is being fought over this piece of land behind me. there maybe, however, a peaceful resolution coming up along about our story. i'm robert handa where a man says he's suing his parent for alexed sexual abuse. how the life he dreamed of turned into a nightmare. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri with our recent rain. the drought has made some headway going from severe levels down to moderate. we're tracking another storm system on the way. we'll have detail on this in about ten minutes. a barricade of lumber, plants and debris. take a look at this. what if this was your neighbor? neighbors do say this is a mess in front of a san francisco home. and it's not just an eyesore. it's a health hazard as well. neighbors say junk at this home have been filing up for years. they tried to get the homeowner to clean it up. but now they've got their fight taken to the city. chuck is live there in glen park. you can see why neighbors here have concerns. >> reporter: you know, the reason why this situation has gone on so long as it has, they say, is because of bureaucracy. city departments such as the public health department or the city building inspections, they can issue vital noticeolation n to enforce them they have to pay money for the city attorney to fight them. in this particular situation behind me, that simply hasn't happened. the house on just avenue is barricaded behind a wall of trees. some living, some hanging as if from a noose. boxes and lumber. >> the amount of wood and other debris especially in the backyard, you know, i worry about what happens if one night something sparks. >> reporter: and having plants is not the issue. he can have as many plants as he has, it's the garbage that he accumulates behind the plants. it's very hard to see how the housing inspectors can't see that. >> reporter: after climbing over boards with nails, we found the owner tamir martyr in his backyard. he says the lumber is for a retaining wall he hopes to build and privacy. >> i did it to create a screen. >> reporter: it's more than a screen or barricade. it's a war between neighbors. >> this is a living plant, they killed it. i leave it here, what is this? >> reporter: you're leaving these here as a protest. >> somewhat. >> reporter: do you like this home the way it is today? >> i don't like it at all. i don't like it to a degree. >> reporter: what would you like t to be? what do you wish it could become? >> not a desert like this right now because if you come over to cut on this side just to make me jump out of my skin. >> reporter: city health and building inspectors come and go, but so far no action. >> even if the city attorney sees and is well aware of an extremely dangerous or problematic code violation, if the department does not request the city attorney to file suit, the city attorney simply can't do it. >> reporter: next tuesday, however, the city's litigation committee will meet at the department of building inspection and may resolve this matter. the owner told me he wants to resolve this matter and will be at that meeting. as for the supervisor, he's proposing legislation to make it easier for city departments to enforce city codes. reporting live in san francisco, chuck coppola, nbc bay area news. racist graffiti on a school district office. a hateful message has a san leandro community on edge. we've blurred out the words. police say the racial slur was discovered monday morning on a san leandro school district office. the graffiti painted across the staff entrance. police say they're taking the crime seriously. the entire san leandro school district has been notified and an extensive investigation is under way to track down whoever painted that graffiti. he's calling his childhood a nightmare. a young man suing the couple who adopted him for what he said was years of sexual abuse. now that couple is facing criminal charges. the young man spoke about it all today and he suing for damages. >> reporter: well, that's right. here at this san jose law office, the young man, the alleged victim, described a life of constant sexual abuse that started when he was a very young adopted child. dennis flynn is a 23-year-old man suing his adoptive parents who he says forced him into life as a child sex slafb. at the alexander law group office he described a horrific childhood. he was taken from a russian orphanage and adopted by ralph flynn, and his wife caroline flynn. but dennis says life at the los gatos home turned into years of constant and, as his lawsuit states, outrageous, grotesque and painful acts of sexual abuse. >> it started once maybe three times a month to almost every day. >> reporter: denis says the alleged abuse eventually led to two sheriff's office investigations ultimately in january, the parents were charged with 44 criminal counts. they have pleaded not guilty. the parents have also put their home up for sale, which means denis is seeking personal justice and millions of dollars in damages. >> there's no settlement offer that they could make that would be worthwhile. we're going to take every penny they own. >> they told me that what they did was right, what they did was out of love, and i had to relearn what love really is. >> reporter: now, the civil lawsuit will have to wait until the criminal case proceeds. we're told that davis' attorney says they don't expect to take any civil action against the county or the sheriff's office. the adoptive mother, caroline, is free on bail and the father, ralph, is still being held on $2.5 million bail. he declined our request for an interview. live in san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. a fire ravaged hot springs resort in lake county is making plans to reopen. harbin hot springs said the clothing optional resort may begin taking customers late this summer. this is what it looked like after september's valley fire. it destroyed much of the facility in middletown. but the hot and cold springs remain intact. the owners say resort patrons may have to run it temporarily but they admit the project will take a few years to have it up to speed. raw sewage is again flowing into people's homes. homeowner on albonita way said sewage was spilling into his living room. they've been dealing with the mess since the sewer line clogged on saturday. >> i was like, how is it again? i don't think it can get any worse. >> reporter: it's a disgusting problem. they expect that employees of sewer rat plumbing cut a hole in the main line and didn't repair it correctly. the storm pushed rocks into the line and clogged it. the company has not returned our calls. they have to be concerned there's another storm rolling in our direction. how strong will this system be? >> it really is going to be in the moderate level here as we head throughout thursday. the friday storm system will be stronger. you can see back here behind me that first storm system in view right now. but then check out how quickly that next storm is located. so not much of a break in between these systems. specifically for tomorrow morning, what you want to notice is the north bay and san francisco, the best chance of rainfall first off where that commute is in the low 50s, but down here across the south bay likely a drier commute and 51 as the rainfall would not have reached you just yet. you can see again specifically marin, napa, sonoma counties down to san francisco, 9:00 on thursday morning. those hefbier pockets of rain, then eventually by the afternoon we get this rainfall pushing to the south. it starts to weaken, but what i really want you to pay attention to is morgan hill and south san jose. you can see the rainfall will have a hard time getting there tomorrow afternoon. as we advanced this into the evening hours, look at that. morgan hill likely not a whole lot in the way of rainfall, nor for san jose at this point. so while the southern areas may get missed out from that rainfall on thursday, as we head through friday we'll see a reinforcing shot of wet weather from that second storm, and this is going to be the best chance to pick up accumulations coming our way. by friday evening, we'll begin to clear on out. how much rainfall with the thursday and friday system in let's get a look at those rainfall totals. you can see there will be that stark contrast in san jose we had that harder time getting rainfall. about an inch there. once you go north of orinda and san francisco, 1 1/2 inches and then plus, then right up into santa rosa, that's where the jackpot total could be approaching 3 inches. with that heavier rainfall expected in the north bay, we are tracking those river levels. that's what i want to take you to next. the russian river at guerneville. right now it's running at 15 feet. by friday, 31 feet. flood stage is 32. so you're going to have to watch it real closely there in guerneville. you guys are experts at it up there. note the water will be running high and then it decreases down to 25 feet. as we take you into the micro climate forecast for thursday, again, remember for the south bay morgan hill may entirely get missed out from this system. san jose will have the chance of rain and 66. a better chance of rain here through the peninsula. we're looking at 62 in san mateo, san francisco low 60s wet and also cool. for the north bay, east bay and tri-valley, no doubt heaviest rainfall tomorrow up into napa, santa rosa and mill valley micro climates. and for the east bay, fremont at 66. as we round out the rainfall coming our way, not only the chance of rain onned this but again a system on friday, then we'll see a small break on saturday morning, another chance of scattered rain by saturday evening and then also on sunday evening the possibility of rain as well. so four different systems coming our way over the next five days. looks like our totals will range from 1 1/2 to about 4 inches. >> thank you so much. coming up next at 5:00, an armed robbery does not go as planned. what one bold move a clerk made to scare them away. another state lawmakerants to tn california. this haseen triedt least seven other times but fled happening now another state lawmaker wants to attack sugary drinks in california. this has been tried before but has failed every time. we're tweeting about that now. and the prisoner known for his good looks is out of jail and looking to start a modeling career. this just in, the ace train derailment that happened near sunol, the alameda county fire department just releasing these pictures from inside the derailed car. they showed the first responders investigating after the passengers had been cleared out. it takes a moment here as you look at it to realize that they're actually walking on the windows here as they inspect the car, this is because the car flipped on its side. nine people were hurt in the crash monday night. incredibly no one was killed. fighting back. a store clerk is recovering tonight after he fought off two armed robbers. police say the two men had dwuned when they rushed into the shop on locust street last night. the clerk picked up a bat and began swinging it at the gunmen. they did shoot the clerk in the arm when he began to fight them off. the robbers eventually got away and that clerk is expected to be ok. the irs has been warning people against tax scammers but two tech companies apparently didn't get the message. fraudsters tricked snapchat and seagate two turning over w-2 form. this is part of a phishing scam that makes them think that payroll department is requesting the information. the irs sent an alert last week to warn companies about this fake e-mails. they've seen 400% increase in the scams but would not say how many companies have been victimized. $148,000 a year, that's how much you need to make in order to comfortably buy a home in san francisco. mortgage company recently crunched the numbers. you put down 20% then make mortgage payments on a median priced home. they look into big cities across the country and san francisco was the most expensive by far. san diego also pretty expensive at a salary of $103,000 a year. in new york you need to make about 87 grand. compare that to $35 35,000 you d need in st. louis. >> some would say even that's difficult. a joyful reunion between a dog and her puppies. breaking news out of san leand leandro. police just announced they made an arrest. that hateful message left on the school district office, they've made an arrest. we don't know who it is right now, but we'll have full coverage coming up for you at 6:00. also at 6:00, a story you'll see only on nbc bay area. apple versus the fbi. an interview with the lawyer that's representing the tech giant in the dispute of the locked iphone. from scared to death to jumping for joy. that's how a dog separated from her young puppies reacted after being reunited. there she is. the marin humane society said the owner recently dropped the mommy off. but they discovered they recently had puppies. they called the owner and convinced the person to surrender the puppies. the mommy dog had been scared. when her puppies arrived, happiness. >> that's so great. >> her demeanor completely changed. look at her babies. >> look at that. >> that is so cute. >> if you ever thought it was okay to separate a mom from her puppies. look, happy, happen. >> until they're teenagers. >> that made my day. >> good to see that. breaking news tonight. a deadly flood emergency. tens of millions in the path. evacuations understood way right now. high-water rescues and the national guard have been deployed. going for a knockout. donald trump is looking to take out his rivals once and for all as pressure mounts on marco rubio. what he's telling us exclusively. plus, the bernie sanders shocker. high anxiety. how is a man wanted for attempted murder able to fly across the country taken down by the secret service at the white house. thousands fooled by callers claiming to be the irs demanding money. wait until you see what happens when we call back. the fifth beatle is gone. the man who turned a liverpool bar band

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