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much welcome snow in the sierra. big-time changes. >> thank you, jeff. the latest in the abuse case played out in a san francisco courtroom. the newly elected sheriff entered a not guilty charges that he physically abused his wife, a former soap opera actress. i know there was a court order on whether she would be able to see him. has that been resolved? >> reporter: it has. it was high drama. the matter just wrapped up within the last couple of minutes. things got really emotional as the sheriff's wife got up and pleaded with her not to keep her family apart. now, sheriff ross had been ordered to stay away from his son and his -- his 2-year-old son and his wife since his arrest on friday. he pleaded not guilty to all three misdemeanor charges, including domestic violence, child endangerment, and the real issue that causes so much drama and discussion barred from seeing his young wife and son. the prosecutor said absolutely pointing out and showing her neighbor her bruises and today she says she does not feel that she is in any danger and she said i'm not afraid of my husband at all. her son is waking up in the middle of the night asking for daddy. she said, quote, i promise you tomorrow you will see daddy. he broke down in tears as his wife spoke but despite the owe motions, the judge kept that stay away order in tact ordering him to have absolutely no contact with his wife and son. friends seemed stunned. >> it's incomprehensible to me that the district attorney would be insisting on keeping this family apart when they have wanted to be together and have been together. >> it's very common for domestic violence survivors, even if they have been abused, to not want there to be a criminal against their partner. >> reporter: again, this wrapped up within the last couple of minutes. the judge kept that stay away order in tact so the sheriff can have no contact with his wife or son for the time being. he was also ordered to turn over his three weapons. apparently he's already turned them over to the sheriff's department but now they must be turned over to the police department. now, i had to leave the courtroom as this was all wrapping up. i got a phone call from my photographer who said that she came out and talked to reporters. you can imagine that she's expressing her disappointment. they both broke down in court. jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> we'll wait for that interview ahead at 6:00 as well. he went the wrong way and caused a traffic headache in san francisco. a man crashed his suv inside a muni tunnel. the tunnel is for trains, not cars. scott mitchell was likely drunk when he drove his car inside the tunnel before finally crashing. muni service helped get the tracks off the track. he was simply driving out of control. >> he was doing like 40 miles an hour so we try to chase him down, holler, he didn't stop. we look again, don't see him anymore and we don't see where he went and he was two blocks into the subway. and he was pretty stuck jammed in the wall. to state budget cuts to home elt care for the elderly in southern california, a federal district judge says yes, the judge issued a court order that will continue blocking the state and federal government from blocking in-home services in california by 20% or $100 million. in-home service programs, including house cleaning for the elderly and the disabled. supposed to get cut january 21st, the union groups sued. the judge issued a temporary restraining order to keep the law from taking effect. today she extended that order, a move some say is a blessing. >> there is some movement but i need assistance with some daily tasks and really this is going to be for the rest of my life because i was able to get help, eat, go to school, get a b.a., have a full-time job right now, live in my own apartment, things like that. >> today's ruling will stay unless a higher federal court decides to reverse it. >> governor jerry brown is on the move canvassing southern california and among his many stops, the governor was talking to business leaders. he said californians paid more in 2009 and 2010 than they would pay if they approved his plan in november. he said those who make more than $250,000 a year and boost the sales income tax by half a cent. the increases would generate $600,000 over the next year and provide more funding. >> for more information and more analysis, click on the website n silicon's biggest companies are opening their books. the santa clara chip making company, intel, says that lap toll sales helped them sell chips and shares moving a bit after hours trading. google investors, on the other hand, are severaling farching f as they earned lower than expected. google also in the news for another reason. we're going to tell you why employees are so happy a little bit later in this newscast. okay. the countdown, the kickoff continues. we're now three days away from the nfc championship game. the road to the super bowl goes through the day area. for a team that hasn't been this deep in the playoffs since forest gump, the 49ers seem to be very relaxed and confident. we bring in mindy. good evening to you. they don't dare say this publicly. behind closed doors this team is very confident, aren't they? >> oh, no. they are very confident, publicly as well. they prepare a lot and work very hard all season. they are confident going into this game. they say that's one of the reasons that they are in this position in the first place. the one question that comes up often is the 49ers gave insight into that. they were preparing for the nfc game and didn't know which game they were going to face. during the packers the giants game, craig romance was going back and forth so much that he would run into the film room and tell everyone, switch back to the giants room because giants were going to win this game but in watching that game film, both of these teams are much different than those that faced each other november 13. >> before then and since then we've seen all sorts of different approaches. so they are very game-plan specific and we have to be ready for everything really. >> the ability to create turnovers and get the turnover has been the key to our success. like dante's hit on the goal line, set the tone, set the tempo for what we're going to do and take the points off the board. as long as we have guys flying around, linebackers, d-line, we stand a pretty good chance of winning the game. it's all about turnover ratio and taking points off the board. >> reporter: and another big factor in sunday's game that will be different than the first time these teams met, raj, is the wet weather. head coach absolutely giddy that it's raining because they will have two days to practice in it before tuesday's game. there will be advantages and disadvantages when there's a muddy field but both teams have to play in these circumstances so it simply comes down to which team prepares and plays better. >> thanks a lot, mindy. now, if you and your family have 49ers fever and want to spread it around, we can help you go viral. check out this photograph. it's a cute 49ers fan. she proves it's never too early to cheer on your team. she's so cute. >> she's tiny. >> send us pictures to our home page at still ahead at 5:00, another gop candidate drops out of the race. why politics makes strange bedfellows. i.t. workers that need a hall pass in order to try and help. it's a story to make you bay area proud. believe it, those are two of the 49ers star players karaoke-style. good afternoon, i'm jeff ranieri. we're tracking three systems inraoving in tonight into the south bay. temperaturesinn in i the 40s. we'll have the time line on our three systems coming up in just a few minutes. [ man ] it's big. responds in a moment's notice. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. aladdin became the biggest in bail by treating people right. no one has lower prices, is faster or more professional than aladdin. that's why more people turn to aladdin than anyone. aladdin bail bonds. bigger because we're better. turning now to decision 2012, newt gingrich's second wife says that gingrich asked her to carry on in a marriage with who is now his third wife. rick perry dropped out just hours before the gop debate. steve handelsman is in columbia. now it's anybody's race. >> reporter: well, you cannot imagine a day more influential than this day and it's not over. marianne gingrich goes on tv in about three hours to provide the details, i'm sure gingrich supporters here in south carolina would call them the gruesome details about how she will say he in the 1990s asked her for her permission to have a girlfriend named callista who would go on to be his third wife. and then there's the resurgence of gingrich as a candidate and then maybe the biggest event, the dropout, at least here in south carolina, the dropping out of rick perry. here's how he put it today and who he endorsed. >> i am suspending my campaign and endorsing newt gingrich for president of the united states. i believe newt is a conservative visionary who can transform our country. >> one of several pieces of very bad news for the south carolina front-runner, though in the latest nbcmarist poll, his gap over newt gingrich is shrinking and that's mitt romney. because mitt romney is in the lead here and won in new hampshire and thought he won in iowa but narrowly lost the rick santorum because the conservative republican vote was split. the fewer the candidates, the less the split. and now romney is concerned that voters in this state, which is so influential now, are going to coalesce aroun gingrich, especially now with a perry endorsement. >> all right. thank you very much. stay tuned for "nightly news" with brian williams immediately following this newscast right at 5:30. let's turn our attention back over to our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri. you've been in that room crunching all the numbers. >> this first system moves in and is getting us know with recent rainfall across the bay area. we're not looking at any heavy rainfall. just like to moderate showers. we've now had 32 days without rainfall but the spell is broken. petaluma, novato, temperatures into the 40s. winds sustained at 18, gusting into the low 20s. and talk about extremely slick roads, i wouldn't be surprised if chp issues advisories out here with the dry weather lasting for so long. a lot of oils getting brought up on the roadway right now. scattered showers down here in the south bay with winds anywhere from 15 to 20 miles per hour. it's cold as the rain comes down. 48 in santa cruz. 49 in santa rosa. as we head throughout tonight, we're not going to see numbers budge too much with the cloud cover overhead. here's what we have for you. tomorrow morning, a few isolated showers. a break in between system when the second and stronger storm starts and also wind and ahead we're looking at another system into this weekend. let's get you the latest. this storm system right now across the bay area. we still have three to four hours of moisture left with this before we'll under go a little bit of a break and then that next storm system lining up here offshore and that looks a lot more potent for us across the bay area for tomorrow. so as we look for that to move in throughout friday, we do think we could even see winds ramp up, somewhere between 15 to 20 miles per hour in the evening hours as the frontal boundary crosses throughout northern california. temperatures in the 50s with once again windy periods on friday. then as we head throughout saturday we'll keep an isolated chance of thunderstorms in the forecast. so let's get you through tomorrow. we'll start off cloudy here from santa rosa to livermore and then santa cruz cruz. 5:00 p.m., moderate rain. 7:00 p.m. we see it pack up across parts of the north bay and peninsula. overall rainfall totals, an inch here for the north bay and about half an inch for the east and the south bay. this much needed rainfall could produce some areas of ponding on the roadways, maybe even isolated roadway flooding as we head into friday evening. then that third system on sunday looks to produce unfortunately a chance of rainfall there for the 49ers. wait, one more thing. we've needed that snowfall across lake tahoe. we could see anywhere from 6 to 10 inches in that area on saturday. for tonight, numbers staying in the 40s. it's going to be cold with some of that rain but not nearly as cold as it was this week. mid-50s tomorrow with the storm system by the afternoon and seven-day forecast we'll find once again rain lasting all the way into sunday's forecast at this point, guys. >> active seven-day forecast. >> i know. we went from nothing to a lot. > ut we need it, as you mentioned. >> we're back in a moment with our bay area proud series. ng have you heard it yet? flares a new phrase called born digital. if you have a kid and a computer, you know exactly what we're talking about. garmin thomas garvin thomas is here. we both have young kids. their skills are baffling, aren't sne. >> put an ipad in front of them and they know immediately what to do. if you've ever had to call halfway around the world for tech support. it's schools saving money by doing the opposite of outsourcing. kids sourcing, in this case. >> what looks different about brush-tailed penguins? >> pacific valley mart school is just like any other school in the state. looking to maintain standards in the days of shrinking budgets in at least one area, though, they have figured out an ingeneous way of doing more with less, as in the less older set. >> i'm 10 years old and i'm in fifth grade. >> reporter: he's just one member of valley morris mouse squad. teacher has a problem, who do they call? >> they call the mouse squad. >> reporter: these kids are in effect the i.t. team for the school. >> it's actually pretty amazing because they teach you stuff and you can't imagine them teaching you. >> i'm like, i'm on top of the world. >> boys and girls, if you can come on in. >> reporter: the mouse squad is actually 100 squads scattered around california. >> who checked your e-mails last night? and then the squad's faculty adviser. >> there's so many teachers, they are wonderful teachers but technology is not their thing so they might not really know how the printer is working and may freak out. the mouse squad comes and they are like, oh, and they are really receptive to that. >> reporter: there is just one paid i.t. person for their entire district. so without the squad's help, maintenance would be deferred, repairs delayed. she says without the squad's help a few years ago, working on upgrades, computers in the schools lab would have been hopelessly out of date. >> so that was free years ago and they are still living. we got to extend their life and we don't have to spend money to do that. >> reporter: of course, the goal of this extracurricular activity is to do more than just help with the school's bottom line. it also foster's social skills, like teamwork and education, things that the future i.t. professionals will need when one day it's time to turn pro. >> i have some passions in life and i have to say that technology is what i want to explore when i go farther than middle school. >> for the record, his other passions in life aside from technology are music and steak. >> steak? >> and steak. >> those are three good diverse subjects. but it's true, you have to turn to the kids for help all the time. >> yes. >> thank you. >> we're back in a moment. stay with us. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles in 3 days is-- is huge. if my mom can fight and beat breast cancer, i can walk 60 miles. you just put one foot in front of the other, and you know that you're walking for such a great cause that you just keep going. (man) that you have all these people coming together for one common goal. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) the fund-raising was the easiest part. people were very giving. complete strangers wanting to help. if i can do this, you definitely can do this. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. (woman) and it has to end, but it starts with us. i knew someday i was gonna do this walk. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. we can do this. you can do this. we can all do this together. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. okay. with the big game just days away. >> do you like the singer adel snechlt. >> i do. >> the two big stars as you've never seen them before. ♪ i heard that you settled down ♪ ♪ that you found a girl and you're married now ♪ >> what will these two singers be wearing? here's a look at what they will be wearing if they win sunday's game. at 6:00, we'll show you what will happen if they don't win, though. i wonder if adele will join them? maybe she can come and sing with them? >> they weren't that bad. >> the local team wins and everyone is dancing and singing printing. that's going to do it for us. we'll be back at 6:00. next.

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United States , California , New Hampshire , South Carolina , Petaluma , San Francisco , Iowa , Californians , Scott Mitchell , Brian Williams , Garmin Thomas , Rick Santorum , Steve Handelsman , Jeff Ranieri , Jodi Hernandez , Santa Clara , Santa Cruz , Newt Gingrich , Rick Perry , Jerry Brown ,

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