Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20171130 : co

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20171130

brock who's upstairs, he says a bailiff apparently came out with a ma nilly-colored package envelope of some sort. that is new because we haven't seen much movement here over the past couple of days as we're on the fourth full day of deliberations. of course there were two halfdays before the holiday weekend. and prosecutors have made the argument that jose inez garcia zarate intended to kill her. on the other side of the coin. you have the defense team claiming the shooting was accidental and that the bullet that killed steinle ricochetted off the pier in san francisco before striking her in the back. now sfrafrs zarate goes, he faces a murder charge and two weapons related charges. the way this is going to work today. the media will be notified with a 30 minute notice if that verdict comes down, but i want to point out that if court is closed tomorrow, these jury deliberations will go into next week. live in san francisco, pete saratas, nbc bay area news. >> we will continue to follow the deliberations and bring you that verdict as soon as it comes down. we will break into this newscast or regularly scheduled programming. also, download our nbc bay area app because we had send a push alert as soon as there is a decision. now to breaking national news. new calls for a congressman who was accused of sexual misconduct to step down. >> also the u.s. secretary of state may be out of a job. both breaking within the past couple of hours. scott mcgrew is watching it all, scott. >> we'll start with tillerson, that continues to be a developing story as we speak, marcus. the word from washington is president trump will replace rex tillerson with mike pompeo who is currently the director of the cia. tillerson has been marginalized at the trump white house. normally secretary of state very visible, very important american on the world stage. trump recently told fox news it's me who matterings because i make the foreign policy. meanwhile, house minority leader nancy pelosi has said embattled michigan congressman john conyers should step down of yet another accusation of sexual improprie impropriety. >> the allegations against congressman conyers as we have learned more since sunday are serious, disappointing and very credible. it's very sad. the brave women are owed justice. i pray for congressman conyers and wish them well. however congressman conyers should resign. >> now at almost exactly the same time, congressman conyers was admitted into the hospital for what's described as a stress-related illness. a man employed by the conyer's family held an impromptu press conference on a detroit street and said among other things, this -- >> it's not up to nancy pelosi. nancy pelosi did not elect the congressman, and she sure as hell won't be the one to tell the congressman to leave. that decision will be completely up to the congressman he has not thought about that because he's thinking that, he's thinking about getting well. >> that we heard with others, the questioning of financial motivation of some of the women involved asking why it took so long to come forward. there's one note i want to make. it's a bit fuzzy too to some of these news agencies who he is exactly. is he the congressman spokesperson or not. washington office says he's not, he's a political consultant to conyers' wife, but he is certainly speaking as if he speaks for the congressman. >> who is again in the hospital. >> as far as we know, conyers not stepping down. >> dealing with that scott, i don't know if any of you saw it at home, conyers' accusers appeared on the "today" show today. >> i want everyone to know it was serious. i did it three years ago, and congressman conyers came out and called me a liar, basically. so i'm here to say that i'm not a liar. >> she says that she did not come forward at the time because she feared she would lose her job. after that developing story about matt lauer and his termination. >> more women are coming forward with accusations. this morning, lauer releasing a statement that says in part, there are no words to express my sorrow and regret for the pain i have caused others by words and actions. to the people i have hurt, i am truly sorry. as i am writing this, i realize the depth of the damage and disappointment i left behind at home and nbc. some of what is being said about me is untrue or mischaracterized, but there is enough truth in these stories to make me feel embarrassed and ashamed. i regret that my shame is now shared by the people i cherish dearly. nbc's stephanie goff has more. >> reporter: this morning, the national reckoning over sexual harassment in the workplace hits home. as new allegations against matt lauer surface overnight. nbc news can report two additional women came forward accusing lauer of inappropriate sexual behavior after it was announced he was leaving the "today" show. a woman told the "new york times" unanimously she was sexual assaulted by the anchor in 2001 in his office. variety magazine published a report based on a two-month investigation describing the pattern of alleged sexual misconduct by lauer. three unnamed women telling the magazine, lauer sexually harassed them. their accounts variety said corroborated by friends or colleagues. the magazine also reporting several women say they made complaints to nbc executives which they allege fell on deaf ears. late wednesday night, nbc news responded in a statement, we can say unequivocally that prior to monday night, current nbc news management was never made aware of any complaints about matt lauer's conduct. >> this is a sad morning here at "today" and nbc news. >> the announcement came just moments before the "today" show went live on wednesday. natalie morales showing support for lauer's accuser. >> it is about the courage, the story today is the courage of a colleague who did come forward. >> reporter: nbc news fired lauer roughly 24 hours after a female employee made an allegation of inappropriate sexual behavior monday night. the lawyer for the accuser had this to say in part, i am awed of the courage my client showed to be the first to raise a complaint and to do so without making any demands, other than asking the company do the right thing. in a statement nbc news chairman andy lack shared few specifics, but wrote it represented after serious review a clear violation of our company's standards. while it is the first complaint about his behavior in the over 20 years he's been at nbc news, we were also presented with reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident. >> coming up from sochi -- >> reporter: nbc confirms the behavior began at the 2014 olympic games in cho she. and continued after that. >> again, stephanie goff reporting. our coverage of the story continues online. read nbc's full statement on our website, along with the statement from the lawyer of the woman who came forward. you heard a brief part of it, but it's all at right now turning to your weather, another cool start to the day. >> yeah, certainly chilly one. do you still need a jacket if you're heading out to lunch? we look live at the bay bridge. back it up a little bit there, but do you need the jacket as a back-up is what i was going to say. >> yeah, you know, i think you might need a light sweater if you're not, you know, used to the cooler temperatures, like my, i carry one just in case, but the temperatures are warming up already and the peninsula will add 58 degrees. 68 for the tri-valley. now we did start in those 30s and those 40s much of what we forecasted and we're expecting to keep that trend through the end of the workweek, san francisco right now at 60 degrees, look at how beautiful and clear it is out there. north bay had 56 degrees, overall the temperatures are comfortable, if you're heading out in the next couple of hours, yes, we are expecting to see the clear skies, but we have changes on the way as we head towards the weekend and it's talk about that rain chance. there is an update on what we can look forward to. i will break down the details coming up in just a bit, back to you. >> thanks so much. new at 11:00, gilroy police say there were no arrest after the first homicide of the year. it happened wednesday afternoon. officers found a 32-year-old man shot outside his home in a neighborhood near sixth and monterrey. he died at the hospital. witnesses tell police that he was in a screaming match with another man before the shooting. police have not yet calling that person a suspect. happening today, man accused of driving drunk and killing four people in a deadly wreck in san pablo over the weekend is due in court. >> we're also learning new information about another deadly crash in the east bay. another passenger in a wreck in livermore last week died. both cases authorities say the drivers who caused those wrecks had previous run-ins with the law. chris sanchez has a look at what's being done to crack down on the repeat offenders. >> reporter: the memorial here at this crash site in livermore is likely to grow now that we know a second young woman died as a result of this crash. the question of why this driver was behind the wheel. 26-year-old lauren davis was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving and officers that night said they found alcohol in that vehicle. we checked her driving records and they show she was arrested for driving under the influence twice before and most recently in may. we checked court records for the driver that caused this crash that killed four the same weekend. fred lowe has prior convictions for driving under the influence and today he will face a judge on four counts of murder, dui charges, and other charges. now yesterday, i spoke with madd, mothers against drunk driving which is pushing for better enforcement because they say that those repeat offenders are deadly on the roadways. >> for multiple -- first time offenders, there are crashes that do occur, but mainly really want to track and watch those multiple offenders because they're 70% times more likely to injure or kill somebody on the roadways. >> reporter: i surveys penalties and found that madd gives california 3.5 out of 5 stars. california ranked number one in insurance rate increases for dui drivers. six the severity of driver's license suspensions, but look at this, california only ranked 31st in the nation in terms of prevention measures. in 2019, ignition interlock pilot laws will expand statewide, though not as a punishment, rather than as an incentive for drivers who want to get their licenses back. now the california highway patrol tells us that over the thanksgiving holiday weekend during that maximum enforcement saturation patrol period, they arrested 186 drivers for driving drunk. but clearly, they didn't get to everybody. in livermore, kris sanchez, today in the bay. still ahead, good news if you're flying american airlines in december. the pilots stepping up after the major schedule snafu, but that problem isn't fixed. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. right now. it surpassed the 24-thousand mark just after 6:30 this morning. and taking a look at the opening bell at the new york stock exchange right now where the dow is up 309 points. the dow hit a record high right now, surpassed the 24,000 mark just after 6:30 no morning. higher price stocks have a bigger influence in the dow's movement stocks like apple, walmart, and united health group that contributed 148 points alone. well this afternoon, some relief for american airline passengers planning to head home for the holidays. >> there were thousands of flights without scheduled pilots. you kind of need those. new at 11:00, the airline says pilots are stepping up. so the number is now down to only a few hundred. the scheduling glitch allowed too many pilots their requested time off between december 17th and the 31st. here's how the union initially reacted. >> frankly all these passengers and flight crew in limbo. we have pilots and flight crews who are depending on a reliable schedule just as our passengers certainly are. >> american is paying pilots 150% of their hourly pay just to cover the shortage. alaska airlines is taking action after mark zuckerberg's sister says she was harassed on a flight. the company said in part, we have launched a full investigation and have for both the accused passengers travel privileges pending the outcome of that investigation. we have zero tolerance for any type of sexual misconduct that creates an unsafe environment for our guests and our crew members. now the company says it contacted randy zuckerberg who posted a letter about the incident on facebook. she writes in part that the man sitting next to her began making inappropriate and sexual remarks. zuckerberg says she asked flight attendants to help, but they busted aside and told her to go to the back of the plane if she feels uncomfortable. parents, we have a warning to tell you about about recalls. this is a risk of mold exposure and toys r us has taken about 6,000 clay craft kits off of the shelves. that recall involves totally me clay craft kits sold at toys r us and babies r us. it poetzs a risk of respiratory and other infections. they have received three reports of mold in the clay but no injuries reported. wisconsin girl creating a stir on her middle school campus. her design is one of 20 finalists chosen in this year's doodle for google contest. each year google selects one of the finalists to appear on the hot page. others also received some rewards. sixth grader bailey kelly says she was floored to even be considered. >> my reaction was so, 20 people in the u.s. who've had billions and billions of people and i was one of them? awesome! >> google number, she may be a little off on her calculation, but she was excited and for good reason. her doodle was cool. it was inspired by the name mind craft. they plan to select the winning doodle next week. >> i hope she wins. i can only imagine what she'll say if she win zplps exactly. >> i love her personality. it's so super outgoing. and it's a good day to go outdoors. >> go outdoors, create your own doodles outside, might be a good time to put down our smart phones, i think, whenever i see nice, clear skies, i try to get outside and go on a walk. it is so nice out there. look at this walnut creek from using our weather underground cameras, beautiful shot of half-moon bay, it looks so gorgeous out there, i hope this inspires you to take advantage of the day because our temperatures are starting to warm up a little bit more. we did start in the 30s and the 40s, but now look at san francisco, comfortably in the 60 degree mark, oakland, 57, hayward, 58, san jose, 59 degrees, and the temperature trend shows a pretty good climb into the 60s and if you notice, not a cloud in sight. now we are seeing a couple of high clouds in the area for some spots. san francisco, not so much. we will climb into those 50s and 60s as well. and then our microclimate highs, well, we are expecting comfortable weather again. now we do have a couple of chajs on the way. we were monitoring and tracking that system that was supposed to make it's arrival as early as saturday morning, but judging by some of the models, it looks like now the majority of that rain will be holding off and as that rain holds off, well the most we're going to see is a little bit of cloud cover. quick look at that future cast. we've been enjoying nice clear skies. then we can't expect to see what seems to be some snow as we head in towards the weekend pattern. also looking good out there. let's take a quick check of the next seven days of the forecast because we do have a couple of changes ahead. now overall, we are expecting some breezy conditions as we head into saturday, we'll see a slight drop in those temperatures we're talking upper 50s by friday though, the biggest change is going to be a little bit of some cloud cover earlier on. now we've been enjoying the drying conditions thanks to high pressure. that's been dominating in our forecast, but as we begin to see that trough just sitting off to the north on saturday and sunday, if you notice, our highs, they're only going to stay in the upper 50s, not just for san francisco, but also for inland areas. then our lows, again, we're expecting to drop down into the 30s and the 40s overnight. even as we head into next week, we might even get below freezing tampas, especially for the higher elevation areas. now looking ahead towards monday, tuesday, and wednesday, our highs do remain in the upper 60s for some parts of inland areas, but it looks like we are on task for a much more comfortable weather pattern ahead. which is going to leave us with very seasonable, fall-like temperatures, a lot like what we've been enjoying this week. but remember as we head into saturday and sunday. you don't to want cancel major plans. it's not going to be a washout, we're expecting that rain to really pick up to the north and couple people on facebook and twitter ask me what can i expect for the weekend? we were monitoring that rain. and it looks like it's going to stay off towards oregon. for now, go out and enjoy all of that sunshine. i'll send things back to you. >> weren't you just timing that? >> we were. okay. well coming up if you love weddings, the countdown to the royal wedding continues. the reason you'll see more prince harry and megan markell starting tomorrow. but first happening now, after jim neighbors has died at the age of 87. you remember him, he was gogh her pile on the andy griffith show. for decades he performed back home in indiana for the start of the indy 500. nhr0 a follow-up for you. leaders are now reportedly asking santa clara county for more time. stanford wants to add thousands of new housing units and three million by the year 2035. according to to the weekly, leaders in both cities want an additional 60 days to review a recent environmental impact report. stanford calls the request unwanted. and surge pricing could be coming to every parking meeter in san francisco. a vote is scheduled for this coming tuesday. we've been telling you about this proposal each of the cities 30,000 meters would be subject to hourly rates that vary depending on the demand. officials say the goal is to increase the availability of coveted city parking spaces. a live look at the oakland coliseum. happening later this morning, the authority will look at the future there with and without the raiders. raiders still on schedule to move to las vegas in 2020, commissioners today will discuss updated timelines on the team's departure, but that's not all. the commission will also have to discuss the warrior's move from oracle arena to san francisco and the a's possible move to a new stadium. continuie ining coverage of royal engagement. prince harry and megan markell. >> engagement since the engagement. life as a working royal. nbc's kelly cobia reports from kensington palace. >> reporter: the palace said megan mark sl giving up her charitable causing to help harry. and that begins tomorrow with a couple of very first royal engagements. just one of the big change facing megan markell as she joins the royal family. she now has around the clock security protection and she also is neighbors to a future king. prince william speaking out. >> well, very excited. and delighted for them both. and wishing them all the happiness in this very pleasant time. >> reporter: megan markell facing more scrutiny from the british press. there is speculation about her half siblings, about her former husband, and her father and whether he will walk her down the aisle. but first thing's first, that big royal engagement in nottingham england tomorrow, all eyes on the future princess. kelly kobia, nbc news, london. >> let the chaos begin. it's a celebration. we'll look at it that way. nbc bay area responds has handled several complaints about leather furniture. >> yeah, so if you're doing holiday shopping, including looking for new leather furniture, consumer investigator chris kamara has a reminder that not all leather is created equally. >> shoppers can't just assume a label that will reads leather is 100% leather. there is no federal standards. bonded leather for example is sometimes just 25% leather. so before you spend a whole bunch of money on new furniture, what it's really made of. >> if you have a consumer tip for chris, call us, 888-996-tips or go online to nbc bay -welcome back -live look in san francisco welcome back everyone. taking a live look outside overlooking san francisco, a nice clear day. you see some fog there in the distance. making for a very nice thursday afternoon. >> well now to the latest developments on the escalating tensions with north korea. newly released images showing kim jong-un rejoicing at this week's missile launch. the company claims to have tested the missile and said it was capable of reaching the entire continental united states. >> and russia accused the u.s. of deliberately provoking north korea. bill kneely reports from south korea. >> reporter: the north korean's missile crisis comes from moscow with russian's weighing in. russia not only borders north korea, but used to be an ally of pooung i can't think, and mr. labrov is accusing the united states of deliberately provoking pyongyang. they hold with south korea are designed to make north korea lose control and make another desperate move. and he's saying that the united states should be great and it aims of what it really wants from north korea. nick kentucky haley, the u.s. ambassador of the u.n. said this at an emergency meeting of the u.n. >> the continuing development of these missile systems demands that countries further isolate the kim regime. so today, we call on all nations to cut off all ties with north korea. >> reporter: russia has dejected that saying already sanctions of all kinds haven't worked in the past or north korea and won't work in the future. and just to add fuel to the fire, north korea also facing another taunt from president trump. president trump calling kim jong-un not just lil rocketman again, but a sad little puppy. the president trump adding to the war of words. back to you. new at 11:00, senator john mccain now says he plans to support the republican tax proposal. president trump hit the road yesterday to promote that plan. in missouri, he promoted the bill not as tax reform, but rather tax cuts. >> a typical family of four earning $75,000 as an example will see their taxes go down by as much as $2,000. that's a lot. >> reporter: dove into the plan on average americans will save $1300 under the plan in 2019. but only 20% of total tax savings will go to workers making $87,000 or less. 60% of total savings will go to people earning $150,000 and more. that number gets even better in ten years. 90% of total savings under this bill will go to high earnings by 2027. newly released body camera video shows just how hectic things became against president trump. now that protest took place august 22nd in phoenix. police have now released about 30 hours of footage. this is after the aclu sued to have the video released. phoenix police are now investigating the conduct of some officers who shot pepper balls that night to dispense some of the crowd. now the chief there says he argues about police action saying that they were lawfully in that response. and new video now showing an accused serial killer making his initial court appearance in florida. judge ordered that 24-year-old howell donaldson be held without bond until his next hearing on tuesday. police say he killed four people randomly, all within a seven block radius. they arrested him on tuesday after a tip from a mcdonald's co-worker. if convicted, donaldson could face the death penalty. one of the inmates who escaped from a court house will go before a judge today. police call john bichbs last week at a san leandro hotel. he and another had been on the run since a coordinated escape earlier this month. they were originally arrested for robbing a sunny valley verizon store. well this morning, san francisco police officer continues his recovery from a traumatic brain injury. this happened in the line of duty. hundreds attended a police officer, he was on his bike. last month when a fleeing suspect's car hit him. officers say that he thinks about him every day. >> it's a reminder when i go in and suit up that -- set up to help the family. happening today: the next step in a new connection for cyclists and walkers in )east palo alto. ) crews will break ground on a highway 101 overpass. it starts at clark avenue and east bayshore. it will end at newell road. you )re looking at renderings of the project - provided to us that starts a clark avenue in east bay sure. these are renderings of the art project provided by the city. officials say they expect that work to finish in 2019. follow-up for you this morning, a go fund me account has been set up for an elderly couple whose apartment was damaged this -- in this gas explosion as you're seeing right there. now this happened on monday morning along mission street. now that couple and their 43-year-old son are looking for a new place to live while their unit is being repaired. their car and belongings all ruined during that explosion. their son who was deaf was at home at the time of the explosion. he got out of the building when he started to feel the vibrations. no one was injured. now san francisco city lead verse called for hearing on that gas leak. crews are working to clear thousands of homes devastated by the north bay fires, but survivors suffer a second shot when it comes time to rebuild. >> it could, vickie wen learned what residents aren't paying for now may cost more time and money later. homeowners were told the government clean-up would be billed to their insurance and they wouldn't have to pay for it, but signing up means they also have to allow crews to take out their foundations. the state says they're toxic and structurally unsound. but critics say it's a one size fits all approach that doesn't work for everyone. welcome back. well, happening now, lava from bali's volcano continues to flow into a nearby village. mud flow of volcanic material and water quickly formed it's own path in the village located about five miles from the volcano. residents left for a safer place, but in the meantime, bali's airport has since reopened after wind blew away some of that ash. continuing coverage this morning on the search for a missing florida teenager. >> nbc's kerry sanders reports the search sex up and downing after the 17-year-old was spotted hundreds of miles away in north carolina. >> reporter: this morning, deputies say new surveillance pictures show caitlin and ryan rodriguez, a 27-year-old soccer coach at her high school together and on the run. >> none of this fits with the young daughter that you know? >> no, it does not. >> reporter: can you make sense of it? >> no, i really can't. i don't know what brought this on. >> reporter: detectives believe the sighting showed the two are working their way north from florida. first spotted overnight sunday in st. mary's georgia, at an atm where the teenager used her debit card to withdraw $200. at 7:30 a.m., their car turned up in a gas station in south carolina. it's about this time when caitlin's parents wake up, discover her missing and their nightmare begins. >> i can't fathom. i just don't know, it's breaking my heart. >> reporter: 9:00 a.m., caitlin and ryan rodriguez are sighted at another gas station in st. george, south carolina. by now they're frantic. deputies called to their home and immediately start investigating. sunday afternoon, the two are spotted again at a pawnshop in fayetteville, north carolina, investigators not revealing what was pawned. >> we don't feel that she's endangered at this point. >> reporter: gone for four days, the family says caitlin has never been out of contact with them for this long. >> feels like an eternity. >> reporter: caitlin's brother chandler nearly in tears, just wants his big sister home again. >> i miss having someone to talk to. so, just give me a call if you can't give anyone aels call. please. >> reporter: deputies here say they believe somebody now in the public may spot these two and call police, bringing this to a safe conclusion. kerry sanders, nbc news, columbia county, florida. >> you see the anguish of that family. palo alto leaders considering projects to reduce safety. the four crossings run directly through cal train tracks with no underpass or overpass. city council members met yesterday to consider two new studies on diverting cars, bikes, and pedestrians. the palo alto weekly reports say that later sticking point is coming up with a funding to give those construction costs. happening today, it is the national christmas lighting in washington, d.c. this is video from last year's ceremony with then president obama and former first family. kathie lee gifford and dean cain will host the ceremony. president trump and melania trump will participate in the lighting of the christmas mystery. there will be several musical performances including one from the beach boys. well this morning, one of the tallest christmas trees in the bay area is now shining. >> yeah, 555 california street was lit up. really beautiful. did you see it? our own raj was the emcee. ronny also showed up, hoping to raise $172,000 for the north bay fire victims. >> right now, there are a lot of people in north bay that are looking for hope or looking for faith. we have to provide it. that's our role. >> that's what you love about the bay area, the giving spirit. another legend, you recognize that guy, yep, joe montanas was also there. if you aren't familiar with the tree, it's actually decorated with 200,000 lights. it was gorgeous. if you're buying a live christmas tree this year, make sure you watch out for the unwanted pests like these you see right there on your screen. ugh. experts say you need to keep an eye out for those because they actually feet on plant sap. now make sure you check your tree regularly from top to bottom. all the way down to the trunk. find bugs, vacuum the insects with an attachment and remove from your home. also do not use insect sprays on christmas tree because they are flammable. happening today, a chance for you to help out good old st. nick. san francisco post office asking to help go through letters. write some of the responses to help him out. he's very busy, kids. kids, you should be in school right now. this continues every tuesday and thursday until. >> the home school kids. >> yeah, yeah. there you have it. and i did make mention of this earlier in the show that i was actually one of those little santa hats. >> the helpers. >> when i was an avid program in high school and somebody heard me say it this morning. oh, avid. there you go. >> very cool. >> there you go. yeah, but i hope you two get a chance to go outside once you get out of work. you haven't been out there -- >> yeah, exactly. >> our dinner hour technically your lunch hour, we're up bright and early. not even bright, just early. it's not sunny out there when we get to work. now the peninsula now at 58 degrees, the south bay 59, it's starting to be fairly mild out there. and we are seeing a couple of high clouds. and yes, even just a little bit of some haze in san francisco, but it's going to fair out to be a very gorgeous day, very similar to what we have been seeing the past couple of days. and the marker climber highs for today. in san jose, it's going to be about two to three degrees warmer than what we've seen. cool, but milder in some spots. slightly warmer. milpitas, high of 63 for the east bay, oakland, a high of 62 degrees, and if you notice, kind of a trend, we're talking mid-50s, upper 60s for some inland spots and along the peninsula, we're talking upper 50s, lower 60s for half-moon bay. san francisco, similar conditions as well, outer sunset, a high of 60. em bark dare row also taking to the 60s and even for the north bay. we've got a nice spread. 57 for point rays. santa rosa, high of 64 and nova toe, 66. we've been monitoring the system. very far up north, here it is, and this is expected to trail in on saturday, but if you notice, the majority of that system is actually an oregon and it looks like it's going to stay that way. we were seeing the chance of that possibly, you know, kind of bringing some rain to the bay area, but for now, if i show you ahead at our future cast, you can see saturday at around 6:00 a.m. one thing that's for sure going to be noticeable is a lot of cloud cover. we do still get a chance of seeing light showers in the far north bay, maybe even in santa rosa, napa, and anything possibly north of the golden gate bridge has a chance of seeing showers. another thing you're going to notice on the future cast where you see the white and the blue hues. that's snow. so if you have plans to head to lake tahoe, i want to take you through that. now sunday's forecast, if you look, once that system kind of moves off, what remains is pretty much nice, clear skies as we head into sunday. overall though, if you're heading out to lake tahoe, look how beautiful it is up there, 44 degrees, gorgeous shot looking like a postcard. so let's talk about that snow forecast. here's a quick check of the models and if you look, we do have a couple of inches where you see kind of timetable right here with the colors. about three to six inches with maybe even a little bit more of the higher elevation areas. please make sure to check your road conditions, you don't to want get stuck in bad weather. especially lip because it looks like the winds might also kick up. now friday and saturday, couple of changes coming. not really expecting too much rain from the system, however, you're also going to notice a drop in the temperatures. for some it might have been a slightly warmer than they're used to this week. and then monday, tuesday, and wednesday, you notice, you return with the dry weather pattern. so this high pressure, really keeping things nice and seasonal for us. back to you. >> yeah, looks good. coming up, making lunch less lonely. the act of kindness that's putting a group of lunch ladies in the headlines today. day. the state kremlin palace in moscow will host the 2018 fifa world cup draw. welcome back. soccer fans friday is a big day, the state kremlin palace in moscow will host the 2018 fifa world cup draw. it'll determine the groupings of qualified national teams. u.s. didn't make the cut. you can watch the draw on her sister station telemundo 48 tomorrow morning at 6:30. new federal rules, school lunches are getting failing great from health expert. unveiled the new rules that allowed cool schools to skip whole grains, salty food and sweetened milk. critics say that the new rules put too much priority on budgeting and less on the nutritional value. here's a story that may make you smile, lunch lailds noticed a little girl eating alone. so as maria reports, they did something to cheer her up. >> reporter: at woodland elementary, the people in blue are as constant as the trumoo in the cafeteria where food and friends meet. >> it's not really i'm playing a role. they are my friends. >> reporter: cindy, cafeteria manager. so when a little friend is down -- >> oh, it breaks your heart. it breaks your heart to see them sad. >> reporter: a girl was having a bad day. >> she wanted -- she wanted to sit by herself. so we allowed that. >> reporter: only for so long. i sat there, i talked to her. just rested my hand on her shoulder to just let her know that we cared. >> reporter: we as in michelle miller. >> we don't like to see a kid sit by themselves. >> couple days later her teacher came to us and said, i don't know what happened, but you reached her. and she is a totally different child. >> we all care. and i think she knows that each one of us care about her in our own way. >> reporter: as they do for all 400 and some kids. >> and they're mine. >> reporter: at woodland. >> some people think it's a thankless job, by a hug, a pat on the back. >> that gratification is instant. you see it in every smile, in every tear, in every kid that's waiting for you out there in the cafeteria. it's not a job. >> r when you're constantly a friend. >> it's great for the ego. because i need them as much as they need me. >> that's so sweet. one of my favorite things stood volunteer as lunch lady at my kids school. >> love and caring for someone can do a lot. >> handing out snacks. everybody likes snacks. we'll be right back. we have some video to share out of central china. cameras captured pair of giant pandas enjoyed before we go, we have video to share out of central china. cameras captured a pair of giant pan das enjoying playing in the snow this week in the forest. yeah, isn't that adorable? >> i want to do that. >> first snowfall of the season in the area. you can do that, marcus, head off to tahoe. >> and roll around. snow one stop me. >> is it going to snow all day on sunday there? >> it looks like the system is going to come zboo into play on saturday night and sunday morning. that's going to be marcus with all of the snow that falls this weekend. that's for sure. i still need to head up there. i got to follow in laura's footsteps. >> are you you kidding me? >> we should, yeah, but remember to check those road conditions first because it is going to be breezy to windy, and as you know, typically with any system, when it gets windy up in the mountains, that can make for new issues. comfortable outside. go enjoy it. >> there you go, follow in the snow shoe tracks. >> good exercise out there. thanks for joining us. see you tomorrow morning. >> at 40s 30. we need to be ready for whatever weather may come our way. my name's scott strenfel and i'm a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we're monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we're building a better california. sfx: tsfx: feet shufflingc life can change in an instant. be covered when it does... ...with a health 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