Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20160921 : co

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20160921

>> reporter: no, they are not willing to make that connection just yet. but they say they are taking it step by step. and right now the u.s. coast guard is taking samples to determine the source of that sheen. >> we're not being told it's an oil slick from a spill. so there are no containment efforts being taken yet. that's not to say we want it to spread. it's not like it's an oil slick over the water that they can put containment around. >> reporter: the vallejo fire department is working with the coast guard to determine the source of the mile long sheen across north san pablo bay. es unclear whether the smell is what sent several dozen people to local hospitals with respiratory problems last night. >> can't breathe. eyes watering. dizziness. gna nauseating. >> you could smell it by 780 and i-80. i thought my truck rear end blew up because it smelled so bad. when i i came to the water front i had to roll my windows up. >> reporter: the ferry service canceled two ferries this morning that usually carry around 300 passengers each. >> when you hear the horn, that means you have a minute. i was rushing to see if i could catch this one and avoid 80 altogether. now i don't know if they're going to send a bus or what. >> reporter: the ferry spokesperson said they stopped the ferries because they didn't want to spread the sheen around. at about 8:00 the coast guard said it was okay to run the ferries so they all should be operating now. reporting live in vallejo. >> here is another view of the slick in the san pablo bay right now. we have crews following the investigation and also following the cleanup. our investigative unit is looking through records to find out where the oil may have come from. we'll post updates through the day and have full reports on nbc bay area news at 5:00. >> the berkeley police chief has just resigned. the mayor's gave no reason why michael meehan resigned. he has led the department since 2009. berkeley officers reportedly questioned his leadership. the rank and file apparently aired out frustrations in a new department survey. the new acting chief will be andrew greenwood. until now he has been the captain of the investigations division at the department. turning to your microclimate forecast and cooler temperatures today as we are one day, officially, away from the start of fall. the heat will soon return. a look at a backed up bay bridge toll plaza. we start off with sprinkles today but it made way for beautiful shine. >> clear skies for the most part. all of that activity is starting to clear away from the region. we woke up, as you mentioned, to some green on the radar. a lot of the activity didn't amount to much. just enough to get the ground wet and to notice it. here was a viewer, peter, from berkeley. sent in this shot of rain drops on his porch. he said he heard a sound this morning he hadn't heard in a long time. in california. yes. rain. there you can see. beautiful! we didn't see much but it's because of the system to our north. as skies clear tonight, it will be a chilly night. we're talking temperatures by 6:00 this evening. widespread in the 60s. by 9:00, most of us will be back into the 50s. tomorrow we start the day in our inland valleys, livermore, close to 50 degrees after the past two mornings starting close to 70. you'll notice the chill when you send the kids to school tomorrow. we'll talk more about the first day of fall beginning tomorrow in a bit. it's been a tense 24 hours in charlotte, north carolina, where angry protesters confronted police after a police officer shot and killed a black man there. police say that man had a weapon and that they have the evidence on the video to prove that. but the victim's family says that the only thing he was holding was a book. nbc's chris clackum is in charlotte with the latest on this developing story. >> reporter: good day. both charlotte's police chief and mayor are in panic that t the -- emphatic that the man killed was armed. a 43-year-old black man was fatally shot by police at an apartment complex. >> all officers, 10-4. one suspect down. >> reporter: authorities say officers were trying to serve a warrant to a different man tuesday afternoon when they encountered keith lamont scott, who they say was armed. >> as they engaged him, he was armed with a handgun that we found on the scene as well. made some imminent threat to them. because of that each one of our officers fired rounds at the subject, shooting him. >> reporter: news of scott's death spread quickly, sparking protests near the site of the shooting. demonstrators faced off with police, wearing riot gear. clashing with officers. members of scott's family told local news outlets that he was not armed. >> he didn't have no gun. he wasn't messing with nobody. they jumped out their truck, they said hands up. he got a gun. he got a gun. pow pow pow pow. that's it. >> reporter: officials say at least a dozen officers suffered non-life-threatening injuries during the protest. the police officer who shot scott was identified tuesday night as brent lee vinson, the two-year veteran of the department who is also african-american, is on administrative leave pending an investigation. in charlotte, north carolina, chris clackum, nbc news. >> the fbi is looking for these two men captured on camera touching that bomb that was left in chelsea, new york, on saturday. the release was just out from the fbi the last couple of hours. the fbi says the man saw a piece of luggage on the sidewalk and removed the improvised explosive device that was inside and then left with just the luggage. the device, which was found wrapped in a plastic bag by a neighbor, did not detonate. just in, a convicted murderer has been sentenced to death for the killing of an 8-year-old girl. in 2013 darnell williams shot a girl who was at a sleepover at her friend's home in oakland. williams was trying to get revenge for a friend's death and thought the target was inside the home. jurors recommended capital punishment. the search continues for a driver who hit a man with his suv in san jose and left him in the street to die. san jose police say that that driver hit 37-year-old nathan martinez just after midnight on monday by phelps high school. if you were in the area and saw something, call police. he's the 29th person to die after being hit by a car or truck in san jose this year. in oakland, a story to make any parent say that with a toddler things happen so fast. a boy was hit by a transit bus as he dashed away from his family and into the street after a ball. he died on impact outside a home in east oakland. the boy's aunt tells nbc bay area that the family was watching the toddler as he chased the ball into the street. police are now going over witness statements, statements from the bus driver and video from cameras inside and outside that bus. >> we see the mother of the child pick -- pick the kid up, and we see her holding him in her arms. see people on the bus crying. we saw the bus driver walk over. he was parked here in front of us. he was crying. he had a panic attack. >> the operator has been with the transit agency since 2011. an oakland police captain started a go fund me page to try to help this family. it's raised more than $4,000 already. we did put a link to that page on funeral services this morning for this little boy who was killed by a suspected drunk driver. it happened friday night when his mother's car ran out of gas on interstate 680 in san ramon. an suv plowed into the car killing 3-year-old elijah dunn. the suspect was a 39-year-old wife of an alameda county sheriff's deputy. it's not the first time she has been charged with driving while impaired. she was arrested for dui in pleasanton in june. her children were in the car. a judge reportedly refused to break up criminal charges against the man accused of murdering sierra lamar. defense attorneys asked for a separate trials. the judge yesterday denied the request yesterday, and all four cases will be linked in a single trial. jury selection is scheduled to start next month. sigh of relief for many in the east bay after police catch a break in a violent attempted kidnapping case. the suspect has been arrested. the 43-year-old was released from parole in orange county in july. for unknown reasons he drove north and on the morning of july 28th he tried to drag a 23-year-old woman into his car in san leandro. a good samaritan fought him off but he got away. >> he abandoned his vehicle in east oakland and got onto an airplane. >> the break in the case finally came from a business owner near the oakland airport who saw the suspect's abandoned car and they found evidence linking him to the attempted kidnapping. ultimately u.s. marshals arrested him in orange county. mark zuckerberg and his wife make a big announcement. we've been dying to know, what is it? scott mcgrew is tracking all those developments. summer games might be coming back to california. the reason los angeles has a better shot at the 2024 olympics. this is bob redell. nine arabians. one professional horse whisperer and another one in training. what could go wrong? we're live at cavalia here in san jose, coming up. all right. activity on the markets today. the feds open market committee met and signalled there will likely be a rate hike before the end of 2016 but not this month, by means the markets rose. the s&p has risen 13 points. nasdaq up 27. >> a few moments ago dr. priscilla chan took the stage in san francisco to talk about the next step for the foundation that she runs with her husband, mark zuckerberg. >> they'll poor more money into fighting disease. >> that's right. they're just announcing this as we speak. dr. priscilla chan is on stage in san francisco speaking. moments ago she announced that the chan-zuckerberg foundation would create a separate science wing to fight disease and that they would pour $3 billion into it. to remind you mark zuckerberg has said he'll give away his entire fortune throughout his life. how will they fight disease? literally, what what we're hearing from dr. chan who is a pediatrician, they'll try to end disease. no reason not to think big. sam, you mentioned the fed decision on interest rates as well this morning. no rate hike. though, as you point out, the fed does say a rate hike -- reasons for a rate hike has strengthened. bottom line, they kicked the can down the road. tesla will roll out a software update to its cars tonight. it the make the self-driving software better. elon musk says the software would have prevented the crash in florida. there is also a feature we did not expect. musk tells us there will be a maximum temperature feature that prevents the inside of a parked tesla from getting too hot, presumably by turning on the air-conditioning to protect kids. kris and sam, a clever idea. at this point a little fuzzy on how it's going to work exactly, but we'll wait for that announcement. lots of different billionaires all over silicon valley keeping kids safe this morning. >> listen, a lot of parents are -- have their ears perked up for that one. some people in florence, arizona, might be asking siri, what's that facility going up outside the desert town. she says, mystery solved. apple is building a 300-acre solar facility which was a secret for weeks. a builder had to sign a non-disclosure agreement until the truth emerged yesterday. the plant will help to power an apple facility in nearby mesa, arizona. apple also plans to provide surplus power to the local grid. we're also learning more about the money this morning. donald trump is facing new troubles on how money from his charity was spent. several reports claim that donald trump's used his foundation's money to pay his legal bills. trump's campaign says the story is peppered with inaccuracies and omissions. >> it's clearly unethical to use charitable dollars to pay for expenses that one ought to be paying for out of their own pocket. >> trump and pence rally in ohio. pence, his running mate. meantime, clinton's economic speech in florida today will focus on more jobs for people with disabilities. if it seems like you are seeing more campaign ads from hillary clinton on tv, you are. nbc news reports clinton and the groups supporting her are outspending donald trump's campaign by a margin of 5 to 1. so while team clinton has spent more than $150 million on ads, donald trump and his backers have spent less than $34 million. los angeles chances of hosting the 2024 games are looking a lot better today. the mayor sarome people say the withdraw their bid because it would be irresponsible to pursue because they're barely able to get their trash picked up. the international olympic committee will decide on the host city sometime next september. paris and budapest are also hoping to win the games. los angeles last hosted the games in 1932 and 1984. it's been called a horse show, 3-d movie and cirque du soleil combined into one. it's cavalia odysseo. >> that's where we find nbc bay area's bob redell. you were in the middle of the action circled by horses the last time we saw you. what are you seeing now? >> reporter: we're underneath this enormous tent. 125 feet in height. it's amazing to think this is underneath that space. you have an 8400-square foot wide movie screen, 10,000 tons of sand and dirt. it takes up the space about the size of a football field. you're looking at adrian with nine arabian horses. there are 65 horses in the show. 48 humans. including a horse whisper. elyce. >> good morning. >> i've been watching you guys out there. i don't see something the horses are seeing. they're seeing your commands. how do you do it? >> the horses are trained to respond to their name and some cues that we give with the voice, and also by the way we are moving. for example, if i go backwards, they should come to me. >> it's also your posture. >> took. like the way i turn my shoulders and move my arms. >> so it's very subtle. >> yes. >> we underestimate how smart they are to pick up on these cues. >> they're pretty smart. >> it's been a childhood dream of mine to become a horse whisperer. is it possible for me to achieve this dream? >> of course. >> let's try it. >> elise wanted -- you were going to become a lawyer. you made the obvious connection. okay. [ audio difficulties ] >> i'm a good reporter. good reporter. you're so pretty. >> we're having a hard time hearing bob redell. the microphone is clipping in and out but we see you're doing a good job keeping the horses in line. >> we just found out the horses respond to voice commands. so will they respond to bob's commands. we'll find out right now. >> stay a little bit behind me. >> our technology is unfortunately not responding to -- >> he's getting them to run around in a circle. as she mentioned, they're very smart and they are very sensitive. so bob doesn't have to yell at the horses like he does at us. just kidding. no! bob is a good sport. they'll try to maybe change the microphone up and see if we can go back to him later on. it's probably a good thing they'll be under the tent. it's going to be cool this evening. >> 40s for the inland valleys tonight. fall at 7:21 in the morning tomorrow. this afternoon we'll be watching temperatures fall because of this system that's moving out. brought some drizzle and sprinkles this morning. as i was driving on my break, big fat drops fell on my windshield. even in san jose we got some showers. light stuff. towards southern california, the remnants of hurricane payne. now a tropical depression. good news all in all. temperatures will continue to cool as we head through the rest of the 24 hours. you can see we have the clouds this morning. we're starting to clear out from ocean beach this morning. that's going to be the trend heading towards the next couple of hours. look how cool we are compared to this time yesterday. 10 degrees cooler in livermore. 5 degrees cooler even in san francisco. and temperatures are still comfortable. we are talking 69 degrees in liv livermore. yesterday at this time 79 degrees. in san francisco 58. 69 right now in san jose. later this afternoon, really comfortable temperatures. nothing like we saw just about 48 hours ago. back to 79 degrees for mountainview. 78 for san jose today. we'll manage a few low 80s for places like walnut creek and pleasanton. in the next forecast, as we move forward as we get into fall, we have something to warn you about. we are talking about the potential of red flag fire warnings. this goes in place tonight -- this afternoon really, at 3:00 this afternoon, for monterey and tahoe. we still have the fire burning in monterey. the soberanes fire. this thing will continue to dive south. as it does, the winds around it will come out of the north and northwest, so you get the counterclockwise rotation which pulls in chilly air from the north from the gulf of alaska. temperatures in the 40s tonight for the inland valleys. tomorrow, comfortable. nice day. you won't need the shorts and sun screen like we've had over the past couple of days. good idea to apply a little sun screen each morning before you go outside. definitely not going to be sweltering heat. san francisco will see cooler temperatures tomorrow. more cloud cover for the first day of fall. but temperatures rebound this weekend. if you're trying to squeeze in a few last days at the pool or beach, looks good for you. >> one last weekend of summer love. coming up. santa clara's swim center needs a multi-million dollar makeover, but where will the money come from? we're tweeting updates on our top story. the oil slick in san pablo bay. authorities are not confirming if the oil slick is the cause of the smell. also, it may be time to move. on our website you'll find fights that a three-foot-long python that a chicago woman found in her bathroom. it's the fourth time she says that a snake has invaded her apartment. more news coming up next. park leaders are giving the green light to a new parking lot at a very, very popular and scenic bay area hiking spot. >> the days of spending hours looking for that spot. could be over eventually. east bay regional park district approved a 300 parking lot for the preserve in fremont. it will cost more than $6 million and is scheduled to open in early 2020. the current lot only fits about 40 cars. neighbors complain that usually hikers end up filling up streets around their homes as they look for available spots. from michael phelps to natalie coughlin and mark spitz to santa clara international swim center has hosted and trained olympic champions for decades. now it needs a little champion of its own. it needs a makeover. so where are the multi-million dollars going to come from? nbc bay area's ian cole has more. >> reporter: for decades santa clara has been known as a swimming capital. >> before there was a silicon valley, there was santa clara swim club. >> reporter: the international swim center was world class when it was built back in the '60s. athletes who trained here have earned 71 olympic medals. but now the facility is aging. >> everything is shot. it cannot be fixed. it needs to be redone. >> reporter: members of the silicon valley aquatics initiative are working to build a new multi-million-dollar swimming complex including an aquatics stadium and international swimming hall of fame. >> it will make santa clara better and influence the lives of the citizens here. >> reporter: tonight the santa clara city council approved initial plans to include a community rec center, a theater and three to four-story parking garage, which drew the attention of nearby schools. >> we're very, very concerned about this parking garage. it is literally 17 feet from here to there from our play ground to this garage. >> reporter: that may be amen d amended. the biggest question now is is how and who will pay the nearly $185 million for the overall project. >> you know, it is a little daunting. >> reporter: city and project leaders meet next month to talk finances. otherwise, the construction may not even get off the blocks. in santa clara, ian cole, nbc bay area news. all right. next at 11:00, did a background check fail? hired and then arrested just weeks later. a co-worker reported seeing that led to the ongoing investigation. today a view at tailgate dating. i am sticking my audience height man in a below-freezing cr cryo chamber. a bay area camp counselor is accused of molesting three young girls and the ymca says it thoroughly checks its staff members. federal agents say that counselor had a criminal past. >> the sfpd says there could be more victims as well. >> reporter: from ymca camp counselor to wanted man. the u.s. marshals service arrested 24-year-old evan blanch charred in arizona. he is a accused of fondling three girls under the age of 15 while he washinged at the embark derra ymca. >> you never think of the staff because you think they hire someone reliable. >> reporter: he is also accused of sending sexually explicit videos of the girls and trying to get them to do the same. this man says his 12 and 14-year-old kids attended summer camp where blanchard worked for nine weeks. he is hoping they never met him. >> i tell my kids weird people are out there. i watch out for you as much as i can but you also need to watch out for yourself and tell me what's going on. >> reporter: the "y" says a counselor called police when another voiced concern about blanchard. they say safety of the kids is paramount. it does not allow staff to be alone with campers. has a no outside contact policy and does background checks. the marshal's service says he has an extensive criminal history that includes weapons arrests out of california. parents are relieved someone spoke up. >> there is only so much a counselor could have screened a counselor from doing that. maybe he snuck under the screening process and someone will see something or speak up. i would, if i were the counselor. >> that was jean elle reporting. the ymca says it's cooperating with police. detectives are asking, if there are any other victims, please come forward. also following breaking news in the south bay. this is video from outside charter school in morgan -- of morgan hill. police put that school on lockdown as they investigate reports of shots being fired. again, the school is on lockdown, but we have no reports of injuries at this point. we know that the s.w.a.t. team for san jose police is responding to the scene. robert handa is monitoring and we'll bring you details as we get them. 600 students at that charter school. >> it's on monterey and bailey. new details at 11:30 emerging in a court hearing about three drifters accused of killing two people last year. one of the drifters has already confessed and will testify against the another two. they are accused of shooting stephen carter last october. police say three days before they shot and killed a canadian tourist inside golden gate park. one told the detectives it was another drifter who actually pulled the trigger. her cell mate in the marin county jail said it was she confessed that it was her boyfriend who did the killing. >> she stated she was protecting lampley. she loved him. and that was the only family she had left and she would do anything for him. >> the preliminary hearing will take about a week. the latest murder investigation in san jose has detectives baffled. a man was found shot on lone bluff way near los lagos golf course in front of a home. neighbors say it all happened in a matter of moments. >> three gunshots. maybe two. but it was all close together. after that it was really quiet. no screaming. no cars. >> police say they do not have any leads at this point. this is the city's 36th homicide of the year. a san bruno man pleaded not guilty to animal cruelty charges in case of abuse that led to the death of a small dog. he is accused of intentionally scalding his girlfriend's small dog with hot water in april. the couple chose not to seek treatment for the dog after more than a week. the dog died after arriving at an emergency clinic. it suffered third degree burns over 40% of its body. >> 11 names are on short lites for san francisco's chief of police. it's narrowed down from 60 applicants. one of the names on the list is acting police chief tony ch chaplin. he as appointed after the acting chief resigned. the list will be whittled down to three candidates and those candidates will be presented to mayor lee in the next month. a day of subpoena ands denials in connection with san francisco's millennium tower, the building that's sinking. yesterday developers of the $350 million building spoke out for the first time. they're putting the blame on someone else. jodie hernandez has more about the legal action taken by san francisco's attorney. >> the building is still totally safe. >> reporter: for the first time the developers of the sinking millennium tower are facing the cameras. insisting they're not to blame for the 58-story luxury condo tower's sinking problem. >> we did this building the right way. >> reporter: but today san francisco's city attorney, dennis herrera, issued a subpoena demanding millennium partners turn over all information disclosed to condo owners. i have serious concerns that the disclosures required by state law did not contain information about the settling of the property and did not accurately inform the purchasers of the more than 400 units of the conditions of the property. he says. >> give us the dewatering data so we know what it happening at 301 mission. >> reporter: the developers say the transbay joint towers authority, the entity behind the center under construction next door, should be the ones handing over the information. they say the transbay project has caused the water levels under the millennium tower to drop a staggering 20 feet and claims that's what has led the tower to sink some 16 inches. >> if you dig a 60-foot hole and de-water for six years and drop the water table by 20 feet on a major high-rise structure, you're going to cause a problem. >> reporter: tonight homeowners and tenants say they are tired of the finger pointing. they want the city to get to the bottom of it. >> it's very scary, you know. i was around the '89 earthquake, i definitely don't want to be here if that happens again. >> that was jodie hernandez reporting. we tried to contact the transbay joint powers authority directly but they did not respond. as for the information the city attorney wants tower developers say a subpoena wasn't needed but they'll turn the information over. they have 14 days to do so. the new millennium tower still has a lot of condos available. they're not cheap. we did some house hunting by way of red fin and found that prices for the condos have also sunk. one unit originally listed at $2.2 million is now 2.1 million. another is going for $3.6 million. it is now $400,000 less than it was a few days ago. a link to the story at for more images of the condos for sale and details on the recent price drop. our coverage continues on our website. click on the top story box to watch exclusive stories at also learning more about a u.s. military spy plane that crashed killing one of the two pilots on board. this happened yesterday near sacramento. the plane took off from beale air force base and then got into trouble. the pilots ejected from the plane before the crash, but only one of them survived. the so-called u-2 dragon lady went down. b.a.r.t. is giving folks in the east bay chance to check out the e-b.a.r.t. diesel train. it will connect antioch to the last station on the line and offer the same fare collection used at other stations. it showed off the trains in june. public tours begin at 5:00 tonight at b.a.r.t.'s militants facili maintenance facility in antioch. volunteers from chevron and the open landscape committee are working to restore the oakland fire storm memorial garden in advance of next month's 25th anniversary of the october 1991 oakland hills fire. 3,000 homes were destroyed and 25 people died in the fire. coming up, the best places to live and where the bay area stands on the list. plus -- the state refuses to register a brand-new car. i am consumer investigator chris ch chmura. nbc bay area responds next. you can see clear skies behind me. we'll talk about the forecast for your wednesday and get you into the first day of fall, which begins tomorrow. temperatures going up for the weekend. we'll be back to explain. into the first day of fall, nbc bay area responds to an east bay man who hit a roadblock when he was trying to register his new car. >> investigator chris chmura is here with the story. >> reporter: he moved here and brought with him his new mazda 6. when he went to the dmv in california to register the car, the dmv told him he couldn't because it didn't meet california's emission standards. he was forced to consider selling the car and take a $9,000 loss. but before he did that, he reached out to us. it's a good thing he did. california has have tight emissions laws and residents can't buy cars from other states that don't pass our emissions standards. but people who move here from other states are allowed to bring they are cars with them. a spokesman said he didn't know what went wrong when kumar tried to register his car. the dmv says it regrets the error. he told us, i am really thankful to nbc. if you have a consumer complaint call us at 1-888-996-tips or log onto once there, click the yellow submit tips bar. share your documents, photos and video to to help us investigate your case. tomorrow morning. fighting for a new phone when the water resistant feature doesn't hold water. columbia, miles an houraryl magazine named it the best place to live in the u.s. is columbia really better than san ramon. fremont was 46. here is what gives columbia an edge. the median home price is $310,000 more than it is here, right. half a million dollars less than san ramon and fremont. >> what you were saying earlier was it's about time that fremont starts feeling the love. fremont is feeling the love today. >> the weather is effect there today. >> even in san ramon. you were talking about how it snows in maryland. you could go to fargo, north dakota. it has to be about for than just how much it is to buy a house. let's make the connection here and talk about some weather. showers earlier on the radar. a lot of this has moved out of the bay area. we did see decent sprinkles this morning. you may have noticed on your morning commute and getting to work and school. a lot of the activity pushed to the east. we have tropical moisture bringing rain and showers this morning. here is the time lapse. you see from ocean beach, good news this morning. atmosphere cleared out after hazy skies the past few days. better air quality, and temperatures cooling off. in fact, 10 degrees cooler than we were yesterday in livermore. two degrees cooler in san jose from yesterday and 5 degrees cooler in san francisco. we leaves us very wbl. 60s. and not even 70 yet across most of the bay area. still dealing with comfortable weather as you step outside. this afternoon we won't see the sweltering heat like we saw two days ago. today in oakland, 69 years. 82 degrees in walnut creek. 65 in san francisco. and 78 in san jose today. yes, very comfortable. but enjoy it. today. because tomorrow temperatures will go back up as we head towards the weekend. to note tonight, it will be chilly tonight. skies clear out by 6:00 and you'll notice all of the bay area with the exception of the tri-valley will be into the 60s. by 9:00. back into the 50s. to start the day tomorrow, places like livermore and san jose that have been in the 60s, close to 70 degrees the past few mornings, will be closer to 40 degrees. so it will be chilly once you get out there tomorrow morning. now, the trough is going to continue to slide in. that's the reason for the cooling and also the reason for the winds that will pick up later on this afternoon. red flag fire warnings posted for monterey and tahoe because the winds are expected to pick up and dry air -- cold air is drier so it doesn't contain much moisture so the humidity levels fall off into the overnight hours into tomorrow. so will the temperatures. rebounding for the weekend. if you're trying to squeeze in the last final beach days, the weekend looks pretty good. we never said the bay area didn't have weather. we do. coming up, generating change instead of profit. >> i don't feel things anymore. i am a cheerleader, fund-raiser, advoca advocate. the incredible milestone for a silicon valley tech pioneer. ♪ grocery shoppers of america! take your o organics baby carrots. take your eggs. even your o organics chips. and join the organic movement. organic food is no longer just for the privileged few. now everyone can afford to go organic. o organics, exclusively at safeway. we are used to big numbers here in the silicon valley, wouldn't you say? so $10 million, not a big deal. >> maybe not by tech deal standards. but we're talking about 10 million books. now, that is a big deal. garvin thomas is here with today's "bay area proud." jim says he wanted to be an engineer because he wanted to build things and solve problems. well, jim says he doesn't build things anymore, but solving problems, well, some call him the godfather of doing that. with technology. >> reporter: the concept of using technology to solve the world's problems is a popular one these days. in fact, they hold whole conferences about it in san francisco and thousands attend. >> we need this much capital to get it going. >> reporter: when he first had the idea, though, he could have held his convention in a phone booth. if you are old enough to know what that technology looked like. >> i would say i was in the wilderness for ten years. my friends were like, jim, you could make billions selling dog food over the internet. i am like, i don't want to sell dog food over the internet. >> reporter: he was an undergraduate at cal tech in the 1970s studying to be a rocket scientist when he had what he calls his one good idea. developing character recognition technology that would help make books more widely accessible to the visually impaired. it took a few years and a few detours to get it off the ground. but when jim did -- >> it quickly became successful. more than any other tech venture i've started compared what the initial expectations. >> reporter: he's spent the decade since extolling the virtues of using tech for social benefit. he founded bene tech, providing software to do-gooders around the world to help them do more good. and that one good idea of jim's? well, that became bookshare. and this month, celebrated an impressive milestone. delivery of its 10 millionth e-book for people with difficulty reading standard print. 10 million. sounds like a lot, though to jim it's just a beginning. >> i think of that 10 millionth book as a down payment on how we're going to help the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the long term who all need access to books for education, employment, or just being a more full member of society. >> one reason bookshare was able to reach 10 million downloads is they have a lot of books to begin with. there are more than 400,000 books available on their site. garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. wow. pretty amazing. empowerment. also makes me feel bad about not doing my summer reading back in the day in high school. >> what about now? >> now i have access. we'll be right back. all right. check this out. a familiar face from nbc's late-night popped up in an unlikely place in idaho corn maze. that's the tonight show's host jimmy fallon. it's comprised of 20 acres and a million ears of corn. the farm owner says the whole process takes a couple of months. it's ready for this friday's corn maze and pumpkin festival. >> would love to get to ride up in the helicopter. fall here technically. >> in about 24 hours we'll be the first full day of fall tomorrow. temperatures will be back into the 40s and 50s tomorrow. 70s for tomorrow. >> i can't wait. thank you so much. see you tomorrow! ♪ stand by, everyone. we're live in five, four, three, two, one. >> apparently the reason they're getting divorced is she talked about fight club and he specifically asked her not to do that. >> rule number one, natalie, do not discuss fight club. no surprise all the late night people having a field day with brangelina split. welcome to "access hollywood live." >> oh. i did not like tis. "the new york post" headline today. jenifer aniston laughing, having the last laugh, brangelina. >> i did laugh. >> you did laugh. >> to be fair. our guests are laughing. >> laughing. think it's funny? >> mark paul goss her and sterli.

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20160921 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20160921

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>> reporter: no, they are not willing to make that connection just yet. but they say they are taking it step by step. and right now the u.s. coast guard is taking samples to determine the source of that sheen. >> we're not being told it's an oil slick from a spill. so there are no containment efforts being taken yet. that's not to say we want it to spread. it's not like it's an oil slick over the water that they can put containment around. >> reporter: the vallejo fire department is working with the coast guard to determine the source of the mile long sheen across north san pablo bay. es unclear whether the smell is what sent several dozen people to local hospitals with respiratory problems last night. >> can't breathe. eyes watering. dizziness. gna nauseating. >> you could smell it by 780 and i-80. i thought my truck rear end blew up because it smelled so bad. when i i came to the water front i had to roll my windows up. >> reporter: the ferry service canceled two ferries this morning that usually carry around 300 passengers each. >> when you hear the horn, that means you have a minute. i was rushing to see if i could catch this one and avoid 80 altogether. now i don't know if they're going to send a bus or what. >> reporter: the ferry spokesperson said they stopped the ferries because they didn't want to spread the sheen around. at about 8:00 the coast guard said it was okay to run the ferries so they all should be operating now. reporting live in vallejo. >> here is another view of the slick in the san pablo bay right now. we have crews following the investigation and also following the cleanup. our investigative unit is looking through records to find out where the oil may have come from. we'll post updates through the day and have full reports on nbc bay area news at 5:00. >> the berkeley police chief has just resigned. the mayor's gave no reason why michael meehan resigned. he has led the department since 2009. berkeley officers reportedly questioned his leadership. the rank and file apparently aired out frustrations in a new department survey. the new acting chief will be andrew greenwood. until now he has been the captain of the investigations division at the department. turning to your microclimate forecast and cooler temperatures today as we are one day, officially, away from the start of fall. the heat will soon return. a look at a backed up bay bridge toll plaza. we start off with sprinkles today but it made way for beautiful shine. >> clear skies for the most part. all of that activity is starting to clear away from the region. we woke up, as you mentioned, to some green on the radar. a lot of the activity didn't amount to much. just enough to get the ground wet and to notice it. here was a viewer, peter, from berkeley. sent in this shot of rain drops on his porch. he said he heard a sound this morning he hadn't heard in a long time. in california. yes. rain. there you can see. beautiful! we didn't see much but it's because of the system to our north. as skies clear tonight, it will be a chilly night. we're talking temperatures by 6:00 this evening. widespread in the 60s. by 9:00, most of us will be back into the 50s. tomorrow we start the day in our inland valleys, livermore, close to 50 degrees after the past two mornings starting close to 70. you'll notice the chill when you send the kids to school tomorrow. we'll talk more about the first day of fall beginning tomorrow in a bit. it's been a tense 24 hours in charlotte, north carolina, where angry protesters confronted police after a police officer shot and killed a black man there. police say that man had a weapon and that they have the evidence on the video to prove that. but the victim's family says that the only thing he was holding was a book. nbc's chris clackum is in charlotte with the latest on this developing story. >> reporter: good day. both charlotte's police chief and mayor are in panic that t the -- emphatic that the man killed was armed. a 43-year-old black man was fatally shot by police at an apartment complex. >> all officers, 10-4. one suspect down. >> reporter: authorities say officers were trying to serve a warrant to a different man tuesday afternoon when they encountered keith lamont scott, who they say was armed. >> as they engaged him, he was armed with a handgun that we found on the scene as well. made some imminent threat to them. because of that each one of our officers fired rounds at the subject, shooting him. >> reporter: news of scott's death spread quickly, sparking protests near the site of the shooting. demonstrators faced off with police, wearing riot gear. clashing with officers. members of scott's family told local news outlets that he was not armed. >> he didn't have no gun. he wasn't messing with nobody. they jumped out their truck, they said hands up. he got a gun. he got a gun. pow pow pow pow. that's it. >> reporter: officials say at least a dozen officers suffered non-life-threatening injuries during the protest. the police officer who shot scott was identified tuesday night as brent lee vinson, the two-year veteran of the department who is also african-american, is on administrative leave pending an investigation. in charlotte, north carolina, chris clackum, nbc news. >> the fbi is looking for these two men captured on camera touching that bomb that was left in chelsea, new york, on saturday. the release was just out from the fbi the last couple of hours. the fbi says the man saw a piece of luggage on the sidewalk and removed the improvised explosive device that was inside and then left with just the luggage. the device, which was found wrapped in a plastic bag by a neighbor, did not detonate. just in, a convicted murderer has been sentenced to death for the killing of an 8-year-old girl. in 2013 darnell williams shot a girl who was at a sleepover at her friend's home in oakland. williams was trying to get revenge for a friend's death and thought the target was inside the home. jurors recommended capital punishment. the search continues for a driver who hit a man with his suv in san jose and left him in the street to die. san jose police say that that driver hit 37-year-old nathan martinez just after midnight on monday by phelps high school. if you were in the area and saw something, call police. he's the 29th person to die after being hit by a car or truck in san jose this year. in oakland, a story to make any parent say that with a toddler things happen so fast. a boy was hit by a transit bus as he dashed away from his family and into the street after a ball. he died on impact outside a home in east oakland. the boy's aunt tells nbc bay area that the family was watching the toddler as he chased the ball into the street. police are now going over witness statements, statements from the bus driver and video from cameras inside and outside that bus. >> we see the mother of the child pick -- pick the kid up, and we see her holding him in her arms. see people on the bus crying. we saw the bus driver walk over. he was parked here in front of us. he was crying. he had a panic attack. >> the operator has been with the transit agency since 2011. an oakland police captain started a go fund me page to try to help this family. it's raised more than $4,000 already. we did put a link to that page on funeral services this morning for this little boy who was killed by a suspected drunk driver. it happened friday night when his mother's car ran out of gas on interstate 680 in san ramon. an suv plowed into the car killing 3-year-old elijah dunn. the suspect was a 39-year-old wife of an alameda county sheriff's deputy. it's not the first time she has been charged with driving while impaired. she was arrested for dui in pleasanton in june. her children were in the car. a judge reportedly refused to break up criminal charges against the man accused of murdering sierra lamar. defense attorneys asked for a separate trials. the judge yesterday denied the request yesterday, and all four cases will be linked in a single trial. jury selection is scheduled to start next month. sigh of relief for many in the east bay after police catch a break in a violent attempted kidnapping case. the suspect has been arrested. the 43-year-old was released from parole in orange county in july. for unknown reasons he drove north and on the morning of july 28th he tried to drag a 23-year-old woman into his car in san leandro. a good samaritan fought him off but he got away. >> he abandoned his vehicle in east oakland and got onto an airplane. >> the break in the case finally came from a business owner near the oakland airport who saw the suspect's abandoned car and they found evidence linking him to the attempted kidnapping. ultimately u.s. marshals arrested him in orange county. mark zuckerberg and his wife make a big announcement. we've been dying to know, what is it? scott mcgrew is tracking all those developments. summer games might be coming back to california. the reason los angeles has a better shot at the 2024 olympics. this is bob redell. nine arabians. one professional horse whisperer and another one in training. what could go wrong? we're live at cavalia here in san jose, coming up. all right. activity on the markets today. the feds open market committee met and signalled there will likely be a rate hike before the end of 2016 but not this month, by means the markets rose. the s&p has risen 13 points. nasdaq up 27. >> a few moments ago dr. priscilla chan took the stage in san francisco to talk about the next step for the foundation that she runs with her husband, mark zuckerberg. >> they'll poor more money into fighting disease. >> that's right. they're just announcing this as we speak. dr. priscilla chan is on stage in san francisco speaking. moments ago she announced that the chan-zuckerberg foundation would create a separate science wing to fight disease and that they would pour $3 billion into it. to remind you mark zuckerberg has said he'll give away his entire fortune throughout his life. how will they fight disease? literally, what what we're hearing from dr. chan who is a pediatrician, they'll try to end disease. no reason not to think big. sam, you mentioned the fed decision on interest rates as well this morning. no rate hike. though, as you point out, the fed does say a rate hike -- reasons for a rate hike has strengthened. bottom line, they kicked the can down the road. tesla will roll out a software update to its cars tonight. it the make the self-driving software better. elon musk says the software would have prevented the crash in florida. there is also a feature we did not expect. musk tells us there will be a maximum temperature feature that prevents the inside of a parked tesla from getting too hot, presumably by turning on the air-conditioning to protect kids. kris and sam, a clever idea. at this point a little fuzzy on how it's going to work exactly, but we'll wait for that announcement. lots of different billionaires all over silicon valley keeping kids safe this morning. >> listen, a lot of parents are -- have their ears perked up for that one. some people in florence, arizona, might be asking siri, what's that facility going up outside the desert town. she says, mystery solved. apple is building a 300-acre solar facility which was a secret for weeks. a builder had to sign a non-disclosure agreement until the truth emerged yesterday. the plant will help to power an apple facility in nearby mesa, arizona. apple also plans to provide surplus power to the local grid. we're also learning more about the money this morning. donald trump is facing new troubles on how money from his charity was spent. several reports claim that donald trump's used his foundation's money to pay his legal bills. trump's campaign says the story is peppered with inaccuracies and omissions. >> it's clearly unethical to use charitable dollars to pay for expenses that one ought to be paying for out of their own pocket. >> trump and pence rally in ohio. pence, his running mate. meantime, clinton's economic speech in florida today will focus on more jobs for people with disabilities. if it seems like you are seeing more campaign ads from hillary clinton on tv, you are. nbc news reports clinton and the groups supporting her are outspending donald trump's campaign by a margin of 5 to 1. so while team clinton has spent more than $150 million on ads, donald trump and his backers have spent less than $34 million. los angeles chances of hosting the 2024 games are looking a lot better today. the mayor sarome people say the withdraw their bid because it would be irresponsible to pursue because they're barely able to get their trash picked up. the international olympic committee will decide on the host city sometime next september. paris and budapest are also hoping to win the games. los angeles last hosted the games in 1932 and 1984. it's been called a horse show, 3-d movie and cirque du soleil combined into one. it's cavalia odysseo. >> that's where we find nbc bay area's bob redell. you were in the middle of the action circled by horses the last time we saw you. what are you seeing now? >> reporter: we're underneath this enormous tent. 125 feet in height. it's amazing to think this is underneath that space. you have an 8400-square foot wide movie screen, 10,000 tons of sand and dirt. it takes up the space about the size of a football field. you're looking at adrian with nine arabian horses. there are 65 horses in the show. 48 humans. including a horse whisper. elyce. >> good morning. >> i've been watching you guys out there. i don't see something the horses are seeing. they're seeing your commands. how do you do it? >> the horses are trained to respond to their name and some cues that we give with the voice, and also by the way we are moving. for example, if i go backwards, they should come to me. >> it's also your posture. >> took. like the way i turn my shoulders and move my arms. >> so it's very subtle. >> yes. >> we underestimate how smart they are to pick up on these cues. >> they're pretty smart. >> it's been a childhood dream of mine to become a horse whisperer. is it possible for me to achieve this dream? >> of course. >> let's try it. >> elise wanted -- you were going to become a lawyer. you made the obvious connection. okay. [ audio difficulties ] >> i'm a good reporter. good reporter. you're so pretty. >> we're having a hard time hearing bob redell. the microphone is clipping in and out but we see you're doing a good job keeping the horses in line. >> we just found out the horses respond to voice commands. so will they respond to bob's commands. we'll find out right now. >> stay a little bit behind me. >> our technology is unfortunately not responding to -- >> he's getting them to run around in a circle. as she mentioned, they're very smart and they are very sensitive. so bob doesn't have to yell at the horses like he does at us. just kidding. no! bob is a good sport. they'll try to maybe change the microphone up and see if we can go back to him later on. it's probably a good thing they'll be under the tent. it's going to be cool this evening. >> 40s for the inland valleys tonight. fall at 7:21 in the morning tomorrow. this afternoon we'll be watching temperatures fall because of this system that's moving out. brought some drizzle and sprinkles this morning. as i was driving on my break, big fat drops fell on my windshield. even in san jose we got some showers. light stuff. towards southern california, the remnants of hurricane payne. now a tropical depression. good news all in all. temperatures will continue to cool as we head through the rest of the 24 hours. you can see we have the clouds this morning. we're starting to clear out from ocean beach this morning. that's going to be the trend heading towards the next couple of hours. look how cool we are compared to this time yesterday. 10 degrees cooler in livermore. 5 degrees cooler even in san francisco. and temperatures are still comfortable. we are talking 69 degrees in liv livermore. yesterday at this time 79 degrees. in san francisco 58. 69 right now in san jose. later this afternoon, really comfortable temperatures. nothing like we saw just about 48 hours ago. back to 79 degrees for mountainview. 78 for san jose today. we'll manage a few low 80s for places like walnut creek and pleasanton. in the next forecast, as we move forward as we get into fall, we have something to warn you about. we are talking about the potential of red flag fire warnings. this goes in place tonight -- this afternoon really, at 3:00 this afternoon, for monterey and tahoe. we still have the fire burning in monterey. the soberanes fire. this thing will continue to dive south. as it does, the winds around it will come out of the north and northwest, so you get the counterclockwise rotation which pulls in chilly air from the north from the gulf of alaska. temperatures in the 40s tonight for the inland valleys. tomorrow, comfortable. nice day. you won't need the shorts and sun screen like we've had over the past couple of days. good idea to apply a little sun screen each morning before you go outside. definitely not going to be sweltering heat. san francisco will see cooler temperatures tomorrow. more cloud cover for the first day of fall. but temperatures rebound this weekend. if you're trying to squeeze in a few last days at the pool or beach, looks good for you. >> one last weekend of summer love. coming up. santa clara's swim center needs a multi-million dollar makeover, but where will the money come from? we're tweeting updates on our top story. the oil slick in san pablo bay. authorities are not confirming if the oil slick is the cause of the smell. also, it may be time to move. on our website you'll find fights that a three-foot-long python that a chicago woman found in her bathroom. it's the fourth time she says that a snake has invaded her apartment. more news coming up next. park leaders are giving the green light to a new parking lot at a very, very popular and scenic bay area hiking spot. >> the days of spending hours looking for that spot. could be over eventually. east bay regional park district approved a 300 parking lot for the preserve in fremont. it will cost more than $6 million and is scheduled to open in early 2020. the current lot only fits about 40 cars. neighbors complain that usually hikers end up filling up streets around their homes as they look for available spots. from michael phelps to natalie coughlin and mark spitz to santa clara international swim center has hosted and trained olympic champions for decades. now it needs a little champion of its own. it needs a makeover. so where are the multi-million dollars going to come from? nbc bay area's ian cole has more. >> reporter: for decades santa clara has been known as a swimming capital. >> before there was a silicon valley, there was santa clara swim club. >> reporter: the international swim center was world class when it was built back in the '60s. athletes who trained here have earned 71 olympic medals. but now the facility is aging. >> everything is shot. it cannot be fixed. it needs to be redone. >> reporter: members of the silicon valley aquatics initiative are working to build a new multi-million-dollar swimming complex including an aquatics stadium and international swimming hall of fame. >> it will make santa clara better and influence the lives of the citizens here. >> reporter: tonight the santa clara city council approved initial plans to include a community rec center, a theater and three to four-story parking garage, which drew the attention of nearby schools. >> we're very, very concerned about this parking garage. it is literally 17 feet from here to there from our play ground to this garage. >> reporter: that may be amen d amended. the biggest question now is is how and who will pay the nearly $185 million for the overall project. >> you know, it is a little daunting. >> reporter: city and project leaders meet next month to talk finances. otherwise, the construction may not even get off the blocks. in santa clara, ian cole, nbc bay area news. all right. next at 11:00, did a background check fail? hired and then arrested just weeks later. a co-worker reported seeing that led to the ongoing investigation. today a view at tailgate dating. i am sticking my audience height man in a below-freezing cr cryo chamber. a bay area camp counselor is accused of molesting three young girls and the ymca says it thoroughly checks its staff members. federal agents say that counselor had a criminal past. >> the sfpd says there could be more victims as well. >> reporter: from ymca camp counselor to wanted man. the u.s. marshals service arrested 24-year-old evan blanch charred in arizona. he is a accused of fondling three girls under the age of 15 while he washinged at the embark derra ymca. >> you never think of the staff because you think they hire someone reliable. >> reporter: he is also accused of sending sexually explicit videos of the girls and trying to get them to do the same. this man says his 12 and 14-year-old kids attended summer camp where blanchard worked for nine weeks. he is hoping they never met him. >> i tell my kids weird people are out there. i watch out for you as much as i can but you also need to watch out for yourself and tell me what's going on. >> reporter: the "y" says a counselor called police when another voiced concern about blanchard. they say safety of the kids is paramount. it does not allow staff to be alone with campers. has a no outside contact policy and does background checks. the marshal's service says he has an extensive criminal history that includes weapons arrests out of california. parents are relieved someone spoke up. >> there is only so much a counselor could have screened a counselor from doing that. maybe he snuck under the screening process and someone will see something or speak up. i would, if i were the counselor. >> that was jean elle reporting. the ymca says it's cooperating with police. detectives are asking, if there are any other victims, please come forward. also following breaking news in the south bay. this is video from outside charter school in morgan -- of morgan hill. police put that school on lockdown as they investigate reports of shots being fired. again, the school is on lockdown, but we have no reports of injuries at this point. we know that the s.w.a.t. team for san jose police is responding to the scene. robert handa is monitoring and we'll bring you details as we get them. 600 students at that charter school. >> it's on monterey and bailey. new details at 11:30 emerging in a court hearing about three drifters accused of killing two people last year. one of the drifters has already confessed and will testify against the another two. they are accused of shooting stephen carter last october. police say three days before they shot and killed a canadian tourist inside golden gate park. one told the detectives it was another drifter who actually pulled the trigger. her cell mate in the marin county jail said it was she confessed that it was her boyfriend who did the killing. >> she stated she was protecting lampley. she loved him. and that was the only family she had left and she would do anything for him. >> the preliminary hearing will take about a week. the latest murder investigation in san jose has detectives baffled. a man was found shot on lone bluff way near los lagos golf course in front of a home. neighbors say it all happened in a matter of moments. >> three gunshots. maybe two. but it was all close together. after that it was really quiet. no screaming. no cars. >> police say they do not have any leads at this point. this is the city's 36th homicide of the year. a san bruno man pleaded not guilty to animal cruelty charges in case of abuse that led to the death of a small dog. he is accused of intentionally scalding his girlfriend's small dog with hot water in april. the couple chose not to seek treatment for the dog after more than a week. the dog died after arriving at an emergency clinic. it suffered third degree burns over 40% of its body. >> 11 names are on short lites for san francisco's chief of police. it's narrowed down from 60 applicants. one of the names on the list is acting police chief tony ch chaplin. he as appointed after the acting chief resigned. the list will be whittled down to three candidates and those candidates will be presented to mayor lee in the next month. a day of subpoena ands denials in connection with san francisco's millennium tower, the building that's sinking. yesterday developers of the $350 million building spoke out for the first time. they're putting the blame on someone else. jodie hernandez has more about the legal action taken by san francisco's attorney. >> the building is still totally safe. >> reporter: for the first time the developers of the sinking millennium tower are facing the cameras. insisting they're not to blame for the 58-story luxury condo tower's sinking problem. >> we did this building the right way. >> reporter: but today san francisco's city attorney, dennis herrera, issued a subpoena demanding millennium partners turn over all information disclosed to condo owners. i have serious concerns that the disclosures required by state law did not contain information about the settling of the property and did not accurately inform the purchasers of the more than 400 units of the conditions of the property. he says. >> give us the dewatering data so we know what it happening at 301 mission. >> reporter: the developers say the transbay joint towers authority, the entity behind the center under construction next door, should be the ones handing over the information. they say the transbay project has caused the water levels under the millennium tower to drop a staggering 20 feet and claims that's what has led the tower to sink some 16 inches. >> if you dig a 60-foot hole and de-water for six years and drop the water table by 20 feet on a major high-rise structure, you're going to cause a problem. >> reporter: tonight homeowners and tenants say they are tired of the finger pointing. they want the city to get to the bottom of it. >> it's very scary, you know. i was around the '89 earthquake, i definitely don't want to be here if that happens again. >> that was jodie hernandez reporting. we tried to contact the transbay joint powers authority directly but they did not respond. as for the information the city attorney wants tower developers say a subpoena wasn't needed but they'll turn the information over. they have 14 days to do so. the new millennium tower still has a lot of condos available. they're not cheap. we did some house hunting by way of red fin and found that prices for the condos have also sunk. one unit originally listed at $2.2 million is now 2.1 million. another is going for $3.6 million. it is now $400,000 less than it was a few days ago. a link to the story at for more images of the condos for sale and details on the recent price drop. our coverage continues on our website. click on the top story box to watch exclusive stories at also learning more about a u.s. military spy plane that crashed killing one of the two pilots on board. this happened yesterday near sacramento. the plane took off from beale air force base and then got into trouble. the pilots ejected from the plane before the crash, but only one of them survived. the so-called u-2 dragon lady went down. b.a.r.t. is giving folks in the east bay chance to check out the e-b.a.r.t. diesel train. it will connect antioch to the last station on the line and offer the same fare collection used at other stations. it showed off the trains in june. public tours begin at 5:00 tonight at b.a.r.t.'s militants facili maintenance facility in antioch. volunteers from chevron and the open landscape committee are working to restore the oakland fire storm memorial garden in advance of next month's 25th anniversary of the october 1991 oakland hills fire. 3,000 homes were destroyed and 25 people died in the fire. coming up, the best places to live and where the bay area stands on the list. plus -- the state refuses to register a brand-new car. i am consumer investigator chris ch chmura. nbc bay area responds next. you can see clear skies behind me. we'll talk about the forecast for your wednesday and get you into the first day of fall, which begins tomorrow. temperatures going up for the weekend. we'll be back to explain. into the first day of fall, nbc bay area responds to an east bay man who hit a roadblock when he was trying to register his new car. >> investigator chris chmura is here with the story. >> reporter: he moved here and brought with him his new mazda 6. when he went to the dmv in california to register the car, the dmv told him he couldn't because it didn't meet california's emission standards. he was forced to consider selling the car and take a $9,000 loss. but before he did that, he reached out to us. it's a good thing he did. california has have tight emissions laws and residents can't buy cars from other states that don't pass our emissions standards. but people who move here from other states are allowed to bring they are cars with them. a spokesman said he didn't know what went wrong when kumar tried to register his car. the dmv says it regrets the error. he told us, i am really thankful to nbc. if you have a consumer complaint call us at 1-888-996-tips or log onto once there, click the yellow submit tips bar. share your documents, photos and video to to help us investigate your case. tomorrow morning. fighting for a new phone when the water resistant feature doesn't hold water. columbia, miles an houraryl magazine named it the best place to live in the u.s. is columbia really better than san ramon. fremont was 46. here is what gives columbia an edge. the median home price is $310,000 more than it is here, right. half a million dollars less than san ramon and fremont. >> what you were saying earlier was it's about time that fremont starts feeling the love. fremont is feeling the love today. >> the weather is effect there today. >> even in san ramon. you were talking about how it snows in maryland. you could go to fargo, north dakota. it has to be about for than just how much it is to buy a house. let's make the connection here and talk about some weather. showers earlier on the radar. a lot of this has moved out of the bay area. we did see decent sprinkles this morning. you may have noticed on your morning commute and getting to work and school. a lot of the activity pushed to the east. we have tropical moisture bringing rain and showers this morning. here is the time lapse. you see from ocean beach, good news this morning. atmosphere cleared out after hazy skies the past few days. better air quality, and temperatures cooling off. in fact, 10 degrees cooler than we were yesterday in livermore. two degrees cooler in san jose from yesterday and 5 degrees cooler in san francisco. we leaves us very wbl. 60s. and not even 70 yet across most of the bay area. still dealing with comfortable weather as you step outside. this afternoon we won't see the sweltering heat like we saw two days ago. today in oakland, 69 years. 82 degrees in walnut creek. 65 in san francisco. and 78 in san jose today. yes, very comfortable. but enjoy it. today. because tomorrow temperatures will go back up as we head towards the weekend. to note tonight, it will be chilly tonight. skies clear out by 6:00 and you'll notice all of the bay area with the exception of the tri-valley will be into the 60s. by 9:00. back into the 50s. to start the day tomorrow, places like livermore and san jose that have been in the 60s, close to 70 degrees the past few mornings, will be closer to 40 degrees. so it will be chilly once you get out there tomorrow morning. now, the trough is going to continue to slide in. that's the reason for the cooling and also the reason for the winds that will pick up later on this afternoon. red flag fire warnings posted for monterey and tahoe because the winds are expected to pick up and dry air -- cold air is drier so it doesn't contain much moisture so the humidity levels fall off into the overnight hours into tomorrow. so will the temperatures. rebounding for the weekend. if you're trying to squeeze in the last final beach days, the weekend looks pretty good. we never said the bay area didn't have weather. we do. coming up, generating change instead of profit. >> i don't feel things anymore. i am a cheerleader, fund-raiser, advoca advocate. the incredible milestone for a silicon valley tech pioneer. ♪ grocery shoppers of america! take your o organics baby carrots. take your eggs. even your o organics chips. and join the organic movement. organic food is no longer just for the privileged few. now everyone can afford to go organic. o organics, exclusively at safeway. we are used to big numbers here in the silicon valley, wouldn't you say? so $10 million, not a big deal. >> maybe not by tech deal standards. but we're talking about 10 million books. now, that is a big deal. garvin thomas is here with today's "bay area proud." jim says he wanted to be an engineer because he wanted to build things and solve problems. well, jim says he doesn't build things anymore, but solving problems, well, some call him the godfather of doing that. with technology. >> reporter: the concept of using technology to solve the world's problems is a popular one these days. in fact, they hold whole conferences about it in san francisco and thousands attend. >> we need this much capital to get it going. >> reporter: when he first had the idea, though, he could have held his convention in a phone booth. if you are old enough to know what that technology looked like. >> i would say i was in the wilderness for ten years. my friends were like, jim, you could make billions selling dog food over the internet. i am like, i don't want to sell dog food over the internet. >> reporter: he was an undergraduate at cal tech in the 1970s studying to be a rocket scientist when he had what he calls his one good idea. developing character recognition technology that would help make books more widely accessible to the visually impaired. it took a few years and a few detours to get it off the ground. but when jim did -- >> it quickly became successful. more than any other tech venture i've started compared what the initial expectations. >> reporter: he's spent the decade since extolling the virtues of using tech for social benefit. he founded bene tech, providing software to do-gooders around the world to help them do more good. and that one good idea of jim's? well, that became bookshare. and this month, celebrated an impressive milestone. delivery of its 10 millionth e-book for people with difficulty reading standard print. 10 million. sounds like a lot, though to jim it's just a beginning. >> i think of that 10 millionth book as a down payment on how we're going to help the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the long term who all need access to books for education, employment, or just being a more full member of society. >> one reason bookshare was able to reach 10 million downloads is they have a lot of books to begin with. there are more than 400,000 books available on their site. garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. wow. pretty amazing. empowerment. also makes me feel bad about not doing my summer reading back in the day in high school. >> what about now? >> now i have access. we'll be right back. all right. check this out. a familiar face from nbc's late-night popped up in an unlikely place in idaho corn maze. that's the tonight show's host jimmy fallon. it's comprised of 20 acres and a million ears of corn. the farm owner says the whole process takes a couple of months. it's ready for this friday's corn maze and pumpkin festival. >> would love to get to ride up in the helicopter. fall here technically. >> in about 24 hours we'll be the first full day of fall tomorrow. temperatures will be back into the 40s and 50s tomorrow. 70s for tomorrow. >> i can't wait. thank you so much. see you tomorrow! ♪ stand by, everyone. we're live in five, four, three, two, one. >> apparently the reason they're getting divorced is she talked about fight club and he specifically asked her not to do that. >> rule number one, natalie, do not discuss fight club. no surprise all the late night people having a field day with brangelina split. welcome to "access hollywood live." >> oh. i did not like tis. "the new york post" headline today. jenifer aniston laughing, having the last laugh, brangelina. >> i did laugh. >> you did laugh. >> to be fair. our guests are laughing. >> laughing. think it's funny? >> mark paul goss her and sterli.

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