Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20160614 : co

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20160614

the horror as it happened to them this weekend. nbc reporter orlando.sao joins ufrom ==take pkg== outcue:..nbc news trt:1:37 . >> i want everybody to know that the lgbt community will not be defeated. we will not give into fear. >> reporter: police identified the final victim overnight and today hospital officials gaves an update. >> no patients have succumbed to their injuries since the initial nine patients who came to us at the time of the shooting. >> reporter: and we're hearing from survivors. tony guerrero tells nbc the he omar mateen tried blending with the crowd. >> like he was a victim, also. >> reporter: pulse club owner sat down with matt lauer. she started the club after her brother died of aids naming it pulse to go with the rhythm of the heart. >> has on to do with your heart. >> reporter: a heartbeat mateen gave his last. >> two of my friends went to the fbi and spoke with them. >> reporter: the fbi is also looking at the mateen show of support for extremism and possible tears to terror groups. meanwhile a heartbroken community is holding on to each other to get through. and we got an update from the hospital. 27 people still being treated. six of them in icu. the president will be here thursday to pay respects to victims. sarah rosario, nbc news. the president spoke just moments ago, he updated the american but about our fight against isis. he says there has been more than 13,000 air strikes, but he also warned america about the danger of donald trump. >> we now have proposals from the presumptive nominee nominee for president of the united states to bar all muslims from immigrating to america. >> the president added anti-muslim rhetoric from the presumptive republican nominee is not the american we want. he also added the u.s. was founded on religious freedom and there should be no religious test to become a citizen. fortunately here in the bay area, we have been seeing lots of signs of solidarity since the early morning sunday the attack. today local business leaders are coming together to say enough is enough. sharon katsuda has that. >> reporter: they will start including the lgbt community in its business outreach program. >> this is indeed historic, inclusion is what it is. >> reporter: the group of business and community leaders showed solidarity with orlando's lgbt community. the vta made the decision recently to include lgbt and disabled veteran businesses in contract opportunities. >> we've always had a program for small minority women owned and now with the incorporation of lgbt, they can compete for large infrastructure project, one being the $4.6 billion b.a.r.t. project. >> reporter: the group says it's time to stop the madness and focus on making the community stronger. >> i think it strengthens our resolve that we have to continue did doing things like this. we have to get to a space where we are totally accepted in society. >> reporter: and these contracts could include work on high speed rail and other construction projects throughout the bay area. reporting live in san jose, shar katsuda. >> and if you're wondering what you can help the vehicle tims, there is a tab on our site marked help pulse shooting. hackers have breached the democratic national committee's commuter network. the sophisticated russian group which has previously targeted the white house had access to the community's internal communications. and it seems they were after something very specific and that was the dnc's opposition research unit which is tasked with gathering information on republican opponents. director of national intelligence james clapper washed last month that foreign a hackers were likely aiming to target u.s. presidential candidates. trial of a santa cruz teen accused of killing his 8-year-old fabe will not take police under next winter. adrian gonzalez pleaded not guilty to murder in the violent death last july. he was 15 at the time. he'll be tried as an adult. investigators found the girl's body in a recycling bin. gonzalez is also accused of sexual assault. his trial date has been set for february 21, 2017. south bay homeowner assessing the damage after a truck slammed into his home again. he says this has happened at least 19 times where a vehicle has left the road and hit his proposal. his home hit four times. >> put my car, park it right here to prevent my house from getting hit, but didn't do any good because the guy in the truck head my car and pushed it into the garage. >> if it wasn't for his car blocki blocking, i think it would have came to my house. the driver was pretty intoxicated. it seemed like he was drinking obviously a huge amount. >> the driver of the truck has been arrested, but condititrary what that gentleman said, police have not said what charges he may face. family's dog is dead after a today raj fire. firefighters put this photo out of the aftermath on twitter. officials say the fire started around 6:30 this morning and they had it knocked down in less than 20 minutes, but it was too late. firefighters were not able to save one dog, however they did save another. no one was hurt. >> the sex scandal that rocked the oakland police department has hit other agencies and includes more allegations that more officers had sex with the woman while she was underage. >> stephanie trank, you confirmed the unit is trying to talk about the woman at the center of the scandal. >> reporter: yeah, good morning. i just got another update from the captain who says investigators are trying to speak with that woman sometime this week. the internal affairs unit opened up a formal investigation after getting specific names and information of possible officers involved. she also just told me that some of those officers do hold rank here at the richmond police department, though she said she doesn't know how many officers have been accused. meantime the now 18-year-old woman tells nbc bay area she's had sex with 28 officers from several agencies, a number greater than what she previously told other media outlets. she said 14 with oakland police officers. we've learned a fifth officer is now on paided a m ed a miadmini leave. two others resigned and the police chief suddenly resigned last week. the allegations do get worse. she said she was underage when she had sex with three oakland police officers and sheriff deputy. the department says we take the allegation we seriously. she also extended her accusations to include police officers in livermore and stock land and alameda department. the daughter of a police dispatcher, she said in exchange for the sex, officers gave her confidential information including continues on scheduled prostitution stings. the officers here at richmond have not been placed on administrative leave. it's really business as usual according to captain french who says there is so far nothing to prove that anything illegal happened, that the investigation is very early on and they're going to wait to see if there are any developments. but again, very early staple s this investigation. stephanie chuang, nbc news. this morning federal appeals court upheld rules that require internet providers to treat all web traffic equally. they confirmed an earlier decision by the fcc. they say an internet service is similar to a public utility and internet providers should not be allowed to slow or block data. some republicans and internet providers disagree and we should point out that this tv station is owned by comcast, which is an internet service roy provider. up next, new war of words on the campaign trail as donald trump bans the "washington post" from covering his events. and plus concerns about attack the pride celebration in san francisco. and a lot of sunshine, comfortable temperatures for now. but we are still on that roller coaster with the warm-ups and co cooldowns. scott donald trump's birthday today. welcome back. sort of a rough day on the markets, a rough road if you will. jay leno's he garage and jay leno ringing the bell. dow down 114, nasdaq losing 25. for what it's worth, it is donald trump's birthday today. we know what he doesn't want, a sub description to the "washington post." the trump campaign has pulled the "washington post" credentials. not just barring it from one event, but from all events. something never done by a serious presidential candidate. trump says the "post" is unfair. the "washington post" ran a headline that said mr. trump had accused the president of being complicit in the terrorist attack in orlando, which is one way of interpreting mr. trump's statement. trump said on fox news either the president doesn't understand terrorism or, quote, gets it better than anyone understands, that the president has something else in mind he said. amazon will have to pay a huge fine for shipping a single box. in that box, dream cleaner, a $350,000 fine. the cleaner leaked on to the hands of freight workers and the faa was improperly labeled and improperly packaged. this this man wants to create a silicon valley stock market. he's well known for his book the lean startup. used to be a stock market here. it's now a business center. and now back to our coverage of the orlando tragedy. apple ceo tim cook led a moment of silence at his conference in san francisco, this was yesterday. as the audience hushed, cook wipe away a tear from his eye calling sunday's attack a senseless act of terrorism and hate. meanwhile there is a growing memorial in the castro district for the victims in orlando. san francisco's pride celebration later this month, and it could be dramatically different this year. and some parts of that celebration may not happen at all. terry mcsweeney shows us how the orlando tragedy is shaping pride in dell castro. >> reporter: gunfire last year at civic center plaza, a man shot in the arm. that victim's attorney wants the violence to stop. >> it's unfathomable that you would have no security and people can walk in with weapons. >> reporter: the lawsuit cites numerous cases of violence in recent years in calling for the same type of security seen at the super bowl celebration this year. >> if people come trying to shoot up the event like what almost happened in los angeles and unfortunately happened in orlando, people who can address the situation. >> there is a special place in hell for personal injury attorneys who want to use terror attack events to try to get media attention to line their pockets and client's pocket with money. >> reporter: the lawsuit does request at least $10 million for the victim, but he says first they want security. >> this is not a closed event like going into oracle arena. this is a big giant public event. sfpd always takes good precautions. it's a safe event. >> reporter: at this tell armpo memorial, support for more security. >> it's always a good thing. >> it's necessary and unfortunate, but we do have to protect our community. >> reporter: terry mcsweeney, nbc bay area news. agents from the fbi and jeffersonville removed -- police removed materials from the home of james wesley howell on monday. howell is the man caught on his way to the l.a. gay pride parade with weapons and explosive material. police have not said what they removed from his home. the 20-year-old is being held on bond for petition of firearms and emproceeds advised about ploes s explosive device and high capacity magazines. police retracted an earlier statement that howell intend to do harm, but he's still in trouble for the weapons. lane adjustment on the golden gate bridge will change slightly. a live look at the span at this noontime hour. because summer commute has a tendency as to tato start a lit earlier, this will start at 4:00 instead of 4:30. southbound direction goes down to two lanes. that adjust chlt alment also enf hour earlier. the district will only do laned justments tuesday through friday, so really pay attention as you're driving over. water leaders may soon ease drought restrictions for some 2 million customers. district members meet tonight to discuss allowing more water usage for instance lawn watering will be allowed three days a week up from the current two days allowed. it's too late if for my lawn. just a feefield of brown. >> a source of pride. you don't have to worry about it anymore. and we could actually have a little bit of rain in the forecast especially in the north bay, but it's very little bit. we'll talk about that in a second. let's get a live look outside as we see all of the clear sky there. yes, there you go, there are those brown hills and a few bushes there sticking out. but we will have more of this mostly dry weather in the forecast. here is a live look now from belvedere. and a beautiful shot of the city skyline. as we go to the next couple of day, get used to this, more sun and temperatures in the mid-60s, warming up in the east bay and san francisco at 63 degrees. as we zoom into get a closer look at the mort btat the northe at 64, 71 napa and santa rose at 68. as we break it down for san jose going hour by hour, low 70s for the next several hours and during that evening commute, a few more clouds mixing in. and also into this evening, we'll be at 60 degrees at 9:00. if you're going out to the as game, it will be a nice one. 63 degrees at first pitch. and temperatures going back into the upper 50s by the end of the game. and right across the bay we have the giants game. hopefully they can do what they did last night. they scored 11 points. we will have temperatures that will be perfect for being out there at at&t park. the next co changes. here is this area of low pressure that gives us the onshore flow and as it moves closer by the middle of the week, we could start ato see showers moving in. most of that over north bay and then it fizzles out. some of the models show the potential of about some trace amounts of rain for most of the bay area right along the coast. and in the north bay, up to possibly 0.2 in santa rose. over the next three day, temperatures will be in the 60s and 70s. no major changes once again with our temperature feeling comfortable. and low 60s in san francisco in the north bay, high of 75 degrees for today. and we'll bring it back to 68 on thursday with that chance of rain. heading into the weekend, our forecast starts to heat up once again. so we're in for pretty of the same pattern with some fairly mild temperatures through the week. and then it gets hot for the weekend. friday not looking bad with temperatures in the 60s and 70s on saturday, south bay up to 82. and then it jumps up to 90 on sunday. we'll also have some 90s in the north bay. we could get very close in the tri-valley. so our temperatures will feel definitely more like summertime. you cca make plans for the pool beach or staying in the air conditioning. i'll have another look at the microclimate forecast coming up a little later. coming up, the oakland as pride night could not unify people better than now. we'll show you how you can join in. but first, happening now, developments are emerging by the minute on the orlando terrorism act. michelle roberts is on the ground sifting through new information and she's tweeting out reaction now. plus on, we've compiled the personal stories of the victims. this goes out to every backyard hero. for all the effort you put into making the perfect barbecue, there's only one grill that's engineered and designed with the same kind of passion, weber. available at the home depot. demolition of the historic arrive ar riviera hotel went sort of as planned. charges go off and then lights go out. somebody turned them off or they failed. either way, someone is probably in really big trouble in las vegas this morning. things are quiet now at the oracle arena. cavaliers just dismantled the dubs last night. so hopes of a second straight championship on hold at least temp rare loraril temporarily. >> they have to wrap it up. losing bogut probably didn't help. cooperate keep up with th cavs. they take game five. fans were pretty bummed draymond green wasn't in the game. >> tray mondraymond should have the game. >> wouldn't be right to win it without you anyway. so you'll get back on the court. >> he was at a suite a few yards away at the coliseum and joined by marshawn lynch. warriors lead 3 games to 2. game six scheduled thursday in cleveland. green will play and i'll be tired on friday morning yet again. we'll get into the spirit of pride with the return of a popular idea. >> as bringing pride night back to the coliseum for tonight's game against the rangers. usf basketball coach and former stanford standout will throw out the first pitch. game time 7:05. the as held their first ever pride night last year. one 9-year-old boy is swimming his way into the record books. james savage trying to swim to alcatraz from san francisco and back. >> he would become the youngest person ever to do that swim to the rock. he's from fresno and he's been training at a central valley reservoir for months. his swimming coach will be swimming alongside him and his mom will follow along in a ka k kayak. >> and i can't get my son to bring in the trash. new details emerging from orlando. what the wife of the gunman says happened just days before the shooting. ==kris 2shot== right now at 11:30... wecontinu developments coming out of orlando... a city still in shock after the biggest shooting in u-s hisry thousawe continue to track w developments out of orlando, a city still in shock after what is the biggest shooting in u.s. history. 49 lives lost, dozens more people still in the hospital following that attack at a bar. >> this morning a major development, nbc news reported it learned that the current wife of gunman omar mateen told the fbi she drove him to the pulse night club on a prior occasion and then tried to talk him out of conducting an attack. >> sarah rosario is live in orlando with these new developments on how the shooter's wife has been connected to all of this and i would imagine that you have people out there that are talking about this, are they in as disbelief as we are? >> reporter: well, it's day three of investigations here at pulse night club, and as you can see behind me, it's still very active. police bringing in a tent earlier this morning to method he c icily go through evidence inside that tent. as you mentioned about the gunman's wife, today law enforcement sources telling us that the gunman's wife told the fbi she tried to convince her husband not to carry out any type of attack. now the fbi is looking into new claims about the gunman that he frequented this club fairly often and also that he was on several gay dating apps. as we go to video now, regular club goers have told the fbi that a 29-year-old gunman omar mateen was seen at the night club at least a dozen times. the fbi also looking in to his show of support for extremism and possible ties to terror groups. in a press conference this afternoon, president obama was pushing back against criticism for not using the term radical islamic terrorist. and he said there is no proof that a foreign terrorist group directed that attack. as far as victims of this massacre, all of them have been identified, the hospital officials at the hospital tell us that 27 people are being treated. six of them are in icu. now, president obama is expected to be here on thursday to show his support to the victims and to stand in solidarity with the people here in orlando. >> seems like we have almost two messages going here. one is the possibility of islamic terrorism, the other are these brand new revelations that maybe he attended this club over and over and in fact may have gone out on some kind of date using social media. >> reporter: right. so getting to those two points, that is in stark contrast to what you may remember the gunman's father said about his son just right after the shooting saying that his son may have been motivated by this attack after seeing two men kissing in miami. so again, what we're learning today is in stark contrast to what the father is saying. as far as the president, he's in response to trump's proposal for a ban on muslims entering the country here. the president giving a blistering attack on trump sawing the san bernardino shooter and also the shooter involved here at pulse night club on sunday early in the morning over the weekend saying that they were both american. so this ban on muz lips wouhim. >> mike: limbs muz lips would have had for affect on this. and we're getting more information about omar mateen. a former high school classmate remembers mateen immediately made light of the september 11th attacks. he declined to be interviewed on camera but said, quote, on 9/11, he was getting on the bus and mateen was making sounds like plane acting like he was a plane like he would hit a building. former co-worker says mateen was angry and unstable and threatening at times. daniel gilroy worked with mateen as a security guard in a gated community in port st. lucie, florida. >> he said so many times i want to kill all these n gs, is, he that all the time. >> referring to -- >> black people. >> gilroy reported mateen to supervisors, but when mateen started harassing him, he quit. he now says he wishes he had done more and feels partly responsible for what happened in orlando. the gunman's father, an afghan immigrant, continues to speak out about his son. we were talking about him earlier. in a series of interviews, seddique mateen has blamed pakistan for alledgedly funding radical groups. he has a following on youtube where he host as show and speaks favorably about the taliban. he has denounced that former support and says he was shocked by his son's actions. >> everybody is shocked especially his wife. she cannot talk even. >> seddique mateen traveled to washington as recently as april to try to lobby against pakistan. >> you mentioned mateen's wife. she has been staying with his father up until this point. owners of pulse night club promise that the club will always continue to be the heartbeat of orlando. >> we just have to move forward and find a way to keep their hearts beatinged a keep our spirit alive and not let somebody take this away from us. >> that was barbara poma speaking with the today o"today. she learned of the attack in frantic phone calls from the bar's manager. learning more about mateen and what he was doing up into the months leading to the massacre and the place he picked to carry out that attack. according to senior law enforcement officials, investigators are reviewing all aspects of his travel including one to disney world earlier this year. >> what winnow e know is that h attacked a night club, a so-called soft target. here is joe fryer. >> reporter: before gunman omar mateen scouted his target pulse night club, senior lauw endorsement officials say he visited disney world, but possible it was simply a social visit. >> very unsettling. feel a little sick to my stomach knowing that. >> reporter: disney released a statement in the wake of the weekend attack, unfortunately, we've all been living in a world of uncertainty and we have increased our security americas across our properties adding such visible safe guards as magnetometers, additional k-9 units and law enforcement officers on site as well as less visible systems that employees state-of-the-art security technologies. >> we will enjoy ourselves. >> reporter: fbi officials say they are also looking in to claims mateen visited pulse night club before the attack. like many, pulse had no milgts detectors making it a so-called soft target. from that orlando night club to schools, churches and temples, movie theaters, marathons, christmas parties, airports and restaurants, protecting soft targets can be a challenge. >> we constantly have to balance our privacies, our civil liberties and freedom with security and people need to be aware, they need to be alert, but they can't be afraid. >> across the country people are on heightened alert. in washington advice i tors to a pride event were padded down and in california, officers arrested a man headed to a guy pride parade, his car filled with weapons. they are asking people to say if you see anything suspicious, or seems to test security with false alarms. >> it's the little things that law enforcement officers do that stop a lot of mass murder. a little interview, a little surveillance, a little tip from the wife that said he beat me or the father that said he was enraged would i snlged by seeine park. >> our coverage continues online at if you're wondering what you can do, how you can help the victims of the shooting or fair families, you can click on the tab on the upper right hand corner help #pulse shooting. we have photos of three more people wanted by san jose police in connection with the assault at a donald trump rally. police are looking for these men. they ask for the public's help. police say the men attend that had trump rally in downtown san jose earlier this year and then committed various acts of violence against trump supporters. it was certainly a violent scene. so far nine people have been arrested at that rally or for that rally. all on assault related charges. some of those are minor. police are looking for a tooflg total of eight more suspects. police who robbed stores several times now behind bars. police arrested kevin dale burton from pittsburg. over the last few months, he stole more than $100,000 in steiner clothing, purses and accessories. and he now faces multiple charges of robbery, burglary and assault. he worked with at least two other suspects, but they're still at large. possible break in a murder case in a san francisco construction site that happened last friday. investigators may know the motive. sources say the suspect, a 23-year-old los angeles woman, fatally stabbed a female construction worker because she was denied access to the site's porta potty. they say she's linked to an identical stabbing over the same issue at a tenderloin construction sait a weite a wee earlier. a young frenchman attacked two police officials in a paris suburb. french authorities are calling the deadly attack on the officials a terrorist attack. bill neely has more from france. >> reporter: a suburban street where last night a senior french police commander was brutally attacked outside his home. a man stabbing him multiple times. the killer then entered the house, taking hostage the officer's partner who also worked for the police and their 3-year-old son. after negotiations failed say officials, s.w.a.t. teams stormed the house and shot the killer. they also found the body of the woman. the 3-year-old was unharmed. a senior french police source told nbc news the killer was larossi abballa, who was 25 and known to french intelligence as a radical. he'd served six months in jail for membership of a jihadedi network. president hollande says it's an act of terrorism. with the threat very high. the paris prosecutor says the man had pledged allegiance to isis three weeks ago and at his home police found knives and a list of targets including police, journalists and rappers. he struck just a day after the massacre in orlando. investigators will try to establish if he was inspired by that attack and if he was a lone wolf or directed from overseas. the killer posted a 12 minute video on facebook and heeded the isis call to kill unbelievers at home with their families. this appears to be the work of just one man, just like orlando. so difficult to predict. so difficult to prevent in the future. back to you. still ahead, a potentially life saving reminder. >> a new feature being rolled out by general motors to prevent hot car tragedy. ==kris//take vo== and temperatures are comfortable now, but we have a little rain and heat in the microclimate forecast. more coming up. prevent child deaths in hot cars. g-m's new ar general motors unveiled the first of its kind feature to help prevent child deaths in hot cars. gm's new rear seat reminder system monitors the rear door, if they open and close within 10 minutes of starting the vehicle or open while the vehicle is running, the vehicle will sound a chime when the ignition is turned off. it will alsos can pl s cadispla reminding the driver to check the rear seat. the system will first debut as a standard feature on the 2017 gma suv. meanwhile kids are not getting enough sleep. sleep experts say there is increasing evidence poor sleep affects learning and memory and can raise the risk of a variety of health problems. the american academy of sleep medicine released new sleep guidelines for kids. in one 24 hour baby, babies 12 to 16, toddlers 11 to 14, preschoolers 10 to 13, elementary school kids should get between 9 and 12 hours. and teenagers 8 to 10. theres advise against taking electronic guys including ipads and what not into the bedroom with you. those are a lot of hours. >> that is. >> so in other words, i think bottom line is your kids should get a lot more sleep than you probably think they should. >> yes. after thursday because they will want to watch the warriors. friday night, then she should -- well that's the weekend. i don't know when they will get more sleep. >> i'm still glad that my son takes really long naps. >> you're so lucky. >> mine does, too, and he's 22. >> that's always good. it will be a nice -- we'll have nice weather for the next couple day as. and then we get ready for some changes. we'll be turning the air conditioners back on. here is a live look at the golden gate bridge and we're looking at mostly sunny skies. beautiful weather for the rest of the day. and then here is another view from the outer sun set. we have clear skies all across the coast. so into the next couple of days, there will be some changes here as we get a look at some of those current temperatures now in the north bay, 68 degrees, it's 65 gledegrees in the east and south bay. as we get a closer look at that 67 degrees, but at 68 downtown, 72 degrees in willow glenn and morgan hill at 69. going hour by hour, our temperatures will go from the upper 60s to low 70s. a mix of sun and clouds in the tri-valley. and we see the temperatures going from the 70s and dipping back into the 50s later on this evening. so it will be another cool one as the clouds roll back in. the winds also helping us feel very nice and onshore flow at about 15 to 20 miles per hour, but look at the coast, half moon bay still very gusty there. even into the midnight hour with those gusts coming in at about 25 to possibly over 30 miles an hour. we'll have the same thing again early tomorrow. so look at all the meek crow climates. we'll be in the low 70s. 66 degrees in san mateo today, some 60s and 70s. we're actually slightly cooler than average. and if you're going out to the as game later on this evening at the coliseum, low 60s to start, a mix of sun and clouds. and then more clouds by the end of the game. pretty of the same thing on the other side of the bay in san francisco. still some gusty winds up to 20 miles per hour coming in from the northwest. we should start to see the clouds moving in there a little bit sooner. in the forecast, we'll still have some mostly cloudy skies for the morning hours and then sunshine during the day as this area of low pressure sits just offshore. as that moves in, we use see scattered rain on thursday, but it looks like much of that kind of fizzles out as it moves south of san francisco and the best chance of rain will be in the north bay but something we'll be watching, an unusual pattern for the middle of june to have even a slight chance of rain when we will have the potential of up to a quarter of an inch in santa rose. and be maybe about a tenth of an inch napa. elsewhere, very hit or miss but you could still have a little bit of some traceable rain for the coastal areas and also for the tri-valley. but looking ahead to the weekend, we go from 60s and 70s to the 80s before the inland valley saturday p. and then sunday, a couple spots could be hitting the low 90s. up to 90 degrees in the north bay as well as the south bay, san francisco will see a high of 72 degrees. and i'll have another quick look at the forecast coming up a little bit later. another massacre, another gun debate. the fight to ban the guns used by the shooter coming up next. ==kris//2 shot== one reason the number of ded was so horrifyingly high in orlando has to do with one of e guns thatas used an ar-15-style gun. one reason the number of dead was so horrifyingly high in 0er8d h orlando had to do with the fact that it was an ar style weapon. it's been used more than a dozen times in mass murders here in the united states. >> it's extremely popular, nra says it's the most popular rifle and favorite target practice at gun ranges. tom costello reports. >> reporter: it is powerful and precise. and like any gun, deadly. the bullets that tore through the pulse night club in orlando came from an ar-15 style weapon, now itself a target. >> they're designed to kill as many people as poll. it is not a hunting gun, it is not a gun that needs to be if our streets. >> reporter: but the ar-15 is also one of america'sguns used hunting and target shooting. >> it just put in another magazine and i'm ready. >> reporter: katie hires is a former police officer who teaches gun safety, but bullets used in an ar-15 are usually smaller than the bullets in a .45 kal caliber handgun. >> so i can use more damage using a hand gush gn. this is from the .45, the 223 from the bottom the target here. >> reporter: what with make it so deadly is that it can hold much more amammunition. >> f30, 60, 100 the same at buying a bread in the u.s. >> reporter: selling for $250 to $2,000 each, ar-15 sales took off after the assault weapons ban was lifted in 2004. today americans own 5 to 10 million of them. but they have also been used in at least 14 mass murders including aurora, sandy hook, roseburg, oregon, san bernardino, santa monica and now orlando. just six states restrict or prohibit will them. earl curtis owns blue ridge arsenal in virginia where buyers must show three forms of i.d. and pass a background check. do you ever have someone come in who you think i don't think a person should be buying a weapon like this? >> yes. we turn down people all 9 time. all the time. we say i'm sorry, but we can't sell and you weapon. >> reporter: in florida, omar mateen had to wait three days to legally purchase and that gun, but there was no waiting for the ar-15. >> that is worth remembering in newtown in orlando and san bernardino, all those were legal guns. or bought legally. >> and those kinds of guns were used also in aurora and at sandy hook, as well. by the way, earlier we heard a press conference with some of the doctors that treated those wounded and they say the wounds are just different, that the damage that those ar-15s do make it a lot harder to stop the bleeding. well, on that note, we will be right back. i don't know about you, but i've been putting up the umbrella, taking it down. up and down. >> you still have do that. right around 5:00 when that wind kicks in, that is what we will see again today. it will still be pretty gusty and a mix of sun and clouds. mostly sunny skies. highs are starting out in the 60s and low 70s. 75 in the north bay. and san francisco a high of 65 degrees. >> so glad to be back to cool. >> for now. >> have a great day. we'll see you soon. /anim happening now: ==halfslab== just posted to our websi. ♪ this goes out to every backyard hero. for all the effort you put into making the perfect barbecue, there's only one grill that's engineered and designed with the same kind of passion, weber. available at the home depot. ♪ ♪ 49 tolls, one for each victim of the thousands united in orlando for an emotional vigil to honor and pay tribute to those taken. welcome to "access hollywood live." bryan safi is sitting beside me this morning. when i look at these pictures,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20160614 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20160614

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the horror as it happened to them this weekend. nbc reporter orlando.sao joins ufrom ==take pkg== outcue:..nbc news trt:1:37 . >> i want everybody to know that the lgbt community will not be defeated. we will not give into fear. >> reporter: police identified the final victim overnight and today hospital officials gaves an update. >> no patients have succumbed to their injuries since the initial nine patients who came to us at the time of the shooting. >> reporter: and we're hearing from survivors. tony guerrero tells nbc the he omar mateen tried blending with the crowd. >> like he was a victim, also. >> reporter: pulse club owner sat down with matt lauer. she started the club after her brother died of aids naming it pulse to go with the rhythm of the heart. >> has on to do with your heart. >> reporter: a heartbeat mateen gave his last. >> two of my friends went to the fbi and spoke with them. >> reporter: the fbi is also looking at the mateen show of support for extremism and possible tears to terror groups. meanwhile a heartbroken community is holding on to each other to get through. and we got an update from the hospital. 27 people still being treated. six of them in icu. the president will be here thursday to pay respects to victims. sarah rosario, nbc news. the president spoke just moments ago, he updated the american but about our fight against isis. he says there has been more than 13,000 air strikes, but he also warned america about the danger of donald trump. >> we now have proposals from the presumptive nominee nominee for president of the united states to bar all muslims from immigrating to america. >> the president added anti-muslim rhetoric from the presumptive republican nominee is not the american we want. he also added the u.s. was founded on religious freedom and there should be no religious test to become a citizen. fortunately here in the bay area, we have been seeing lots of signs of solidarity since the early morning sunday the attack. today local business leaders are coming together to say enough is enough. sharon katsuda has that. >> reporter: they will start including the lgbt community in its business outreach program. >> this is indeed historic, inclusion is what it is. >> reporter: the group of business and community leaders showed solidarity with orlando's lgbt community. the vta made the decision recently to include lgbt and disabled veteran businesses in contract opportunities. >> we've always had a program for small minority women owned and now with the incorporation of lgbt, they can compete for large infrastructure project, one being the $4.6 billion b.a.r.t. project. >> reporter: the group says it's time to stop the madness and focus on making the community stronger. >> i think it strengthens our resolve that we have to continue did doing things like this. we have to get to a space where we are totally accepted in society. >> reporter: and these contracts could include work on high speed rail and other construction projects throughout the bay area. reporting live in san jose, shar katsuda. >> and if you're wondering what you can help the vehicle tims, there is a tab on our site marked help pulse shooting. hackers have breached the democratic national committee's commuter network. the sophisticated russian group which has previously targeted the white house had access to the community's internal communications. and it seems they were after something very specific and that was the dnc's opposition research unit which is tasked with gathering information on republican opponents. director of national intelligence james clapper washed last month that foreign a hackers were likely aiming to target u.s. presidential candidates. trial of a santa cruz teen accused of killing his 8-year-old fabe will not take police under next winter. adrian gonzalez pleaded not guilty to murder in the violent death last july. he was 15 at the time. he'll be tried as an adult. investigators found the girl's body in a recycling bin. gonzalez is also accused of sexual assault. his trial date has been set for february 21, 2017. south bay homeowner assessing the damage after a truck slammed into his home again. he says this has happened at least 19 times where a vehicle has left the road and hit his proposal. his home hit four times. >> put my car, park it right here to prevent my house from getting hit, but didn't do any good because the guy in the truck head my car and pushed it into the garage. >> if it wasn't for his car blocki blocking, i think it would have came to my house. the driver was pretty intoxicated. it seemed like he was drinking obviously a huge amount. >> the driver of the truck has been arrested, but condititrary what that gentleman said, police have not said what charges he may face. family's dog is dead after a today raj fire. firefighters put this photo out of the aftermath on twitter. officials say the fire started around 6:30 this morning and they had it knocked down in less than 20 minutes, but it was too late. firefighters were not able to save one dog, however they did save another. no one was hurt. >> the sex scandal that rocked the oakland police department has hit other agencies and includes more allegations that more officers had sex with the woman while she was underage. >> stephanie trank, you confirmed the unit is trying to talk about the woman at the center of the scandal. >> reporter: yeah, good morning. i just got another update from the captain who says investigators are trying to speak with that woman sometime this week. the internal affairs unit opened up a formal investigation after getting specific names and information of possible officers involved. she also just told me that some of those officers do hold rank here at the richmond police department, though she said she doesn't know how many officers have been accused. meantime the now 18-year-old woman tells nbc bay area she's had sex with 28 officers from several agencies, a number greater than what she previously told other media outlets. she said 14 with oakland police officers. we've learned a fifth officer is now on paided a m ed a miadmini leave. two others resigned and the police chief suddenly resigned last week. the allegations do get worse. she said she was underage when she had sex with three oakland police officers and sheriff deputy. the department says we take the allegation we seriously. she also extended her accusations to include police officers in livermore and stock land and alameda department. the daughter of a police dispatcher, she said in exchange for the sex, officers gave her confidential information including continues on scheduled prostitution stings. the officers here at richmond have not been placed on administrative leave. it's really business as usual according to captain french who says there is so far nothing to prove that anything illegal happened, that the investigation is very early on and they're going to wait to see if there are any developments. but again, very early staple s this investigation. stephanie chuang, nbc news. this morning federal appeals court upheld rules that require internet providers to treat all web traffic equally. they confirmed an earlier decision by the fcc. they say an internet service is similar to a public utility and internet providers should not be allowed to slow or block data. some republicans and internet providers disagree and we should point out that this tv station is owned by comcast, which is an internet service roy provider. up next, new war of words on the campaign trail as donald trump bans the "washington post" from covering his events. and plus concerns about attack the pride celebration in san francisco. and a lot of sunshine, comfortable temperatures for now. but we are still on that roller coaster with the warm-ups and co cooldowns. scott donald trump's birthday today. welcome back. sort of a rough day on the markets, a rough road if you will. jay leno's he garage and jay leno ringing the bell. dow down 114, nasdaq losing 25. for what it's worth, it is donald trump's birthday today. we know what he doesn't want, a sub description to the "washington post." the trump campaign has pulled the "washington post" credentials. not just barring it from one event, but from all events. something never done by a serious presidential candidate. trump says the "post" is unfair. the "washington post" ran a headline that said mr. trump had accused the president of being complicit in the terrorist attack in orlando, which is one way of interpreting mr. trump's statement. trump said on fox news either the president doesn't understand terrorism or, quote, gets it better than anyone understands, that the president has something else in mind he said. amazon will have to pay a huge fine for shipping a single box. in that box, dream cleaner, a $350,000 fine. the cleaner leaked on to the hands of freight workers and the faa was improperly labeled and improperly packaged. this this man wants to create a silicon valley stock market. he's well known for his book the lean startup. used to be a stock market here. it's now a business center. and now back to our coverage of the orlando tragedy. apple ceo tim cook led a moment of silence at his conference in san francisco, this was yesterday. as the audience hushed, cook wipe away a tear from his eye calling sunday's attack a senseless act of terrorism and hate. meanwhile there is a growing memorial in the castro district for the victims in orlando. san francisco's pride celebration later this month, and it could be dramatically different this year. and some parts of that celebration may not happen at all. terry mcsweeney shows us how the orlando tragedy is shaping pride in dell castro. >> reporter: gunfire last year at civic center plaza, a man shot in the arm. that victim's attorney wants the violence to stop. >> it's unfathomable that you would have no security and people can walk in with weapons. >> reporter: the lawsuit cites numerous cases of violence in recent years in calling for the same type of security seen at the super bowl celebration this year. >> if people come trying to shoot up the event like what almost happened in los angeles and unfortunately happened in orlando, people who can address the situation. >> there is a special place in hell for personal injury attorneys who want to use terror attack events to try to get media attention to line their pockets and client's pocket with money. >> reporter: the lawsuit does request at least $10 million for the victim, but he says first they want security. >> this is not a closed event like going into oracle arena. this is a big giant public event. sfpd always takes good precautions. it's a safe event. >> reporter: at this tell armpo memorial, support for more security. >> it's always a good thing. >> it's necessary and unfortunate, but we do have to protect our community. >> reporter: terry mcsweeney, nbc bay area news. agents from the fbi and jeffersonville removed -- police removed materials from the home of james wesley howell on monday. howell is the man caught on his way to the l.a. gay pride parade with weapons and explosive material. police have not said what they removed from his home. the 20-year-old is being held on bond for petition of firearms and emproceeds advised about ploes s explosive device and high capacity magazines. police retracted an earlier statement that howell intend to do harm, but he's still in trouble for the weapons. lane adjustment on the golden gate bridge will change slightly. a live look at the span at this noontime hour. because summer commute has a tendency as to tato start a lit earlier, this will start at 4:00 instead of 4:30. southbound direction goes down to two lanes. that adjust chlt alment also enf hour earlier. the district will only do laned justments tuesday through friday, so really pay attention as you're driving over. water leaders may soon ease drought restrictions for some 2 million customers. district members meet tonight to discuss allowing more water usage for instance lawn watering will be allowed three days a week up from the current two days allowed. it's too late if for my lawn. just a feefield of brown. >> a source of pride. you don't have to worry about it anymore. and we could actually have a little bit of rain in the forecast especially in the north bay, but it's very little bit. we'll talk about that in a second. let's get a live look outside as we see all of the clear sky there. yes, there you go, there are those brown hills and a few bushes there sticking out. but we will have more of this mostly dry weather in the forecast. here is a live look now from belvedere. and a beautiful shot of the city skyline. as we go to the next couple of day, get used to this, more sun and temperatures in the mid-60s, warming up in the east bay and san francisco at 63 degrees. as we zoom into get a closer look at the mort btat the northe at 64, 71 napa and santa rose at 68. as we break it down for san jose going hour by hour, low 70s for the next several hours and during that evening commute, a few more clouds mixing in. and also into this evening, we'll be at 60 degrees at 9:00. if you're going out to the as game, it will be a nice one. 63 degrees at first pitch. and temperatures going back into the upper 50s by the end of the game. and right across the bay we have the giants game. hopefully they can do what they did last night. they scored 11 points. we will have temperatures that will be perfect for being out there at at&t park. the next co changes. here is this area of low pressure that gives us the onshore flow and as it moves closer by the middle of the week, we could start ato see showers moving in. most of that over north bay and then it fizzles out. some of the models show the potential of about some trace amounts of rain for most of the bay area right along the coast. and in the north bay, up to possibly 0.2 in santa rose. over the next three day, temperatures will be in the 60s and 70s. no major changes once again with our temperature feeling comfortable. and low 60s in san francisco in the north bay, high of 75 degrees for today. and we'll bring it back to 68 on thursday with that chance of rain. heading into the weekend, our forecast starts to heat up once again. so we're in for pretty of the same pattern with some fairly mild temperatures through the week. and then it gets hot for the weekend. friday not looking bad with temperatures in the 60s and 70s on saturday, south bay up to 82. and then it jumps up to 90 on sunday. we'll also have some 90s in the north bay. we could get very close in the tri-valley. so our temperatures will feel definitely more like summertime. you cca make plans for the pool beach or staying in the air conditioning. i'll have another look at the microclimate forecast coming up a little later. coming up, the oakland as pride night could not unify people better than now. we'll show you how you can join in. but first, happening now, developments are emerging by the minute on the orlando terrorism act. michelle roberts is on the ground sifting through new information and she's tweeting out reaction now. plus on, we've compiled the personal stories of the victims. this goes out to every backyard hero. for all the effort you put into making the perfect barbecue, there's only one grill that's engineered and designed with the same kind of passion, weber. available at the home depot. demolition of the historic arrive ar riviera hotel went sort of as planned. charges go off and then lights go out. somebody turned them off or they failed. either way, someone is probably in really big trouble in las vegas this morning. things are quiet now at the oracle arena. cavaliers just dismantled the dubs last night. so hopes of a second straight championship on hold at least temp rare loraril temporarily. >> they have to wrap it up. losing bogut probably didn't help. cooperate keep up with th cavs. they take game five. fans were pretty bummed draymond green wasn't in the game. >> tray mondraymond should have the game. >> wouldn't be right to win it without you anyway. so you'll get back on the court. >> he was at a suite a few yards away at the coliseum and joined by marshawn lynch. warriors lead 3 games to 2. game six scheduled thursday in cleveland. green will play and i'll be tired on friday morning yet again. we'll get into the spirit of pride with the return of a popular idea. >> as bringing pride night back to the coliseum for tonight's game against the rangers. usf basketball coach and former stanford standout will throw out the first pitch. game time 7:05. the as held their first ever pride night last year. one 9-year-old boy is swimming his way into the record books. james savage trying to swim to alcatraz from san francisco and back. >> he would become the youngest person ever to do that swim to the rock. he's from fresno and he's been training at a central valley reservoir for months. his swimming coach will be swimming alongside him and his mom will follow along in a ka k kayak. >> and i can't get my son to bring in the trash. new details emerging from orlando. what the wife of the gunman says happened just days before the shooting. ==kris 2shot== right now at 11:30... wecontinu developments coming out of orlando... a city still in shock after the biggest shooting in u-s hisry thousawe continue to track w developments out of orlando, a city still in shock after what is the biggest shooting in u.s. history. 49 lives lost, dozens more people still in the hospital following that attack at a bar. >> this morning a major development, nbc news reported it learned that the current wife of gunman omar mateen told the fbi she drove him to the pulse night club on a prior occasion and then tried to talk him out of conducting an attack. >> sarah rosario is live in orlando with these new developments on how the shooter's wife has been connected to all of this and i would imagine that you have people out there that are talking about this, are they in as disbelief as we are? >> reporter: well, it's day three of investigations here at pulse night club, and as you can see behind me, it's still very active. police bringing in a tent earlier this morning to method he c icily go through evidence inside that tent. as you mentioned about the gunman's wife, today law enforcement sources telling us that the gunman's wife told the fbi she tried to convince her husband not to carry out any type of attack. now the fbi is looking into new claims about the gunman that he frequented this club fairly often and also that he was on several gay dating apps. as we go to video now, regular club goers have told the fbi that a 29-year-old gunman omar mateen was seen at the night club at least a dozen times. the fbi also looking in to his show of support for extremism and possible ties to terror groups. in a press conference this afternoon, president obama was pushing back against criticism for not using the term radical islamic terrorist. and he said there is no proof that a foreign terrorist group directed that attack. as far as victims of this massacre, all of them have been identified, the hospital officials at the hospital tell us that 27 people are being treated. six of them are in icu. now, president obama is expected to be here on thursday to show his support to the victims and to stand in solidarity with the people here in orlando. >> seems like we have almost two messages going here. one is the possibility of islamic terrorism, the other are these brand new revelations that maybe he attended this club over and over and in fact may have gone out on some kind of date using social media. >> reporter: right. so getting to those two points, that is in stark contrast to what you may remember the gunman's father said about his son just right after the shooting saying that his son may have been motivated by this attack after seeing two men kissing in miami. so again, what we're learning today is in stark contrast to what the father is saying. as far as the president, he's in response to trump's proposal for a ban on muslims entering the country here. the president giving a blistering attack on trump sawing the san bernardino shooter and also the shooter involved here at pulse night club on sunday early in the morning over the weekend saying that they were both american. so this ban on muz lips wouhim. >> mike: limbs muz lips would have had for affect on this. and we're getting more information about omar mateen. a former high school classmate remembers mateen immediately made light of the september 11th attacks. he declined to be interviewed on camera but said, quote, on 9/11, he was getting on the bus and mateen was making sounds like plane acting like he was a plane like he would hit a building. former co-worker says mateen was angry and unstable and threatening at times. daniel gilroy worked with mateen as a security guard in a gated community in port st. lucie, florida. >> he said so many times i want to kill all these n gs, is, he that all the time. >> referring to -- >> black people. >> gilroy reported mateen to supervisors, but when mateen started harassing him, he quit. he now says he wishes he had done more and feels partly responsible for what happened in orlando. the gunman's father, an afghan immigrant, continues to speak out about his son. we were talking about him earlier. in a series of interviews, seddique mateen has blamed pakistan for alledgedly funding radical groups. he has a following on youtube where he host as show and speaks favorably about the taliban. he has denounced that former support and says he was shocked by his son's actions. >> everybody is shocked especially his wife. she cannot talk even. >> seddique mateen traveled to washington as recently as april to try to lobby against pakistan. >> you mentioned mateen's wife. she has been staying with his father up until this point. owners of pulse night club promise that the club will always continue to be the heartbeat of orlando. >> we just have to move forward and find a way to keep their hearts beatinged a keep our spirit alive and not let somebody take this away from us. >> that was barbara poma speaking with the today o"today. she learned of the attack in frantic phone calls from the bar's manager. learning more about mateen and what he was doing up into the months leading to the massacre and the place he picked to carry out that attack. according to senior law enforcement officials, investigators are reviewing all aspects of his travel including one to disney world earlier this year. >> what winnow e know is that h attacked a night club, a so-called soft target. here is joe fryer. >> reporter: before gunman omar mateen scouted his target pulse night club, senior lauw endorsement officials say he visited disney world, but possible it was simply a social visit. >> very unsettling. feel a little sick to my stomach knowing that. >> reporter: disney released a statement in the wake of the weekend attack, unfortunately, we've all been living in a world of uncertainty and we have increased our security americas across our properties adding such visible safe guards as magnetometers, additional k-9 units and law enforcement officers on site as well as less visible systems that employees state-of-the-art security technologies. >> we will enjoy ourselves. >> reporter: fbi officials say they are also looking in to claims mateen visited pulse night club before the attack. like many, pulse had no milgts detectors making it a so-called soft target. from that orlando night club to schools, churches and temples, movie theaters, marathons, christmas parties, airports and restaurants, protecting soft targets can be a challenge. >> we constantly have to balance our privacies, our civil liberties and freedom with security and people need to be aware, they need to be alert, but they can't be afraid. >> across the country people are on heightened alert. in washington advice i tors to a pride event were padded down and in california, officers arrested a man headed to a guy pride parade, his car filled with weapons. they are asking people to say if you see anything suspicious, or seems to test security with false alarms. >> it's the little things that law enforcement officers do that stop a lot of mass murder. a little interview, a little surveillance, a little tip from the wife that said he beat me or the father that said he was enraged would i snlged by seeine park. >> our coverage continues online at if you're wondering what you can do, how you can help the victims of the shooting or fair families, you can click on the tab on the upper right hand corner help #pulse shooting. we have photos of three more people wanted by san jose police in connection with the assault at a donald trump rally. police are looking for these men. they ask for the public's help. police say the men attend that had trump rally in downtown san jose earlier this year and then committed various acts of violence against trump supporters. it was certainly a violent scene. so far nine people have been arrested at that rally or for that rally. all on assault related charges. some of those are minor. police are looking for a tooflg total of eight more suspects. police who robbed stores several times now behind bars. police arrested kevin dale burton from pittsburg. over the last few months, he stole more than $100,000 in steiner clothing, purses and accessories. and he now faces multiple charges of robbery, burglary and assault. he worked with at least two other suspects, but they're still at large. possible break in a murder case in a san francisco construction site that happened last friday. investigators may know the motive. sources say the suspect, a 23-year-old los angeles woman, fatally stabbed a female construction worker because she was denied access to the site's porta potty. they say she's linked to an identical stabbing over the same issue at a tenderloin construction sait a weite a wee earlier. a young frenchman attacked two police officials in a paris suburb. french authorities are calling the deadly attack on the officials a terrorist attack. bill neely has more from france. >> reporter: a suburban street where last night a senior french police commander was brutally attacked outside his home. a man stabbing him multiple times. the killer then entered the house, taking hostage the officer's partner who also worked for the police and their 3-year-old son. after negotiations failed say officials, s.w.a.t. teams stormed the house and shot the killer. they also found the body of the woman. the 3-year-old was unharmed. a senior french police source told nbc news the killer was larossi abballa, who was 25 and known to french intelligence as a radical. he'd served six months in jail for membership of a jihadedi network. president hollande says it's an act of terrorism. with the threat very high. the paris prosecutor says the man had pledged allegiance to isis three weeks ago and at his home police found knives and a list of targets including police, journalists and rappers. he struck just a day after the massacre in orlando. investigators will try to establish if he was inspired by that attack and if he was a lone wolf or directed from overseas. the killer posted a 12 minute video on facebook and heeded the isis call to kill unbelievers at home with their families. this appears to be the work of just one man, just like orlando. so difficult to predict. so difficult to prevent in the future. back to you. still ahead, a potentially life saving reminder. >> a new feature being rolled out by general motors to prevent hot car tragedy. ==kris//take vo== and temperatures are comfortable now, but we have a little rain and heat in the microclimate forecast. more coming up. prevent child deaths in hot cars. g-m's new ar general motors unveiled the first of its kind feature to help prevent child deaths in hot cars. gm's new rear seat reminder system monitors the rear door, if they open and close within 10 minutes of starting the vehicle or open while the vehicle is running, the vehicle will sound a chime when the ignition is turned off. it will alsos can pl s cadispla reminding the driver to check the rear seat. the system will first debut as a standard feature on the 2017 gma suv. meanwhile kids are not getting enough sleep. sleep experts say there is increasing evidence poor sleep affects learning and memory and can raise the risk of a variety of health problems. the american academy of sleep medicine released new sleep guidelines for kids. in one 24 hour baby, babies 12 to 16, toddlers 11 to 14, preschoolers 10 to 13, elementary school kids should get between 9 and 12 hours. and teenagers 8 to 10. theres advise against taking electronic guys including ipads and what not into the bedroom with you. those are a lot of hours. >> that is. >> so in other words, i think bottom line is your kids should get a lot more sleep than you probably think they should. >> yes. after thursday because they will want to watch the warriors. friday night, then she should -- well that's the weekend. i don't know when they will get more sleep. >> i'm still glad that my son takes really long naps. >> you're so lucky. >> mine does, too, and he's 22. >> that's always good. it will be a nice -- we'll have nice weather for the next couple day as. and then we get ready for some changes. we'll be turning the air conditioners back on. here is a live look at the golden gate bridge and we're looking at mostly sunny skies. beautiful weather for the rest of the day. and then here is another view from the outer sun set. we have clear skies all across the coast. so into the next couple of days, there will be some changes here as we get a look at some of those current temperatures now in the north bay, 68 degrees, it's 65 gledegrees in the east and south bay. as we get a closer look at that 67 degrees, but at 68 downtown, 72 degrees in willow glenn and morgan hill at 69. going hour by hour, our temperatures will go from the upper 60s to low 70s. a mix of sun and clouds in the tri-valley. and we see the temperatures going from the 70s and dipping back into the 50s later on this evening. so it will be another cool one as the clouds roll back in. the winds also helping us feel very nice and onshore flow at about 15 to 20 miles per hour, but look at the coast, half moon bay still very gusty there. even into the midnight hour with those gusts coming in at about 25 to possibly over 30 miles an hour. we'll have the same thing again early tomorrow. so look at all the meek crow climates. we'll be in the low 70s. 66 degrees in san mateo today, some 60s and 70s. we're actually slightly cooler than average. and if you're going out to the as game later on this evening at the coliseum, low 60s to start, a mix of sun and clouds. and then more clouds by the end of the game. pretty of the same thing on the other side of the bay in san francisco. still some gusty winds up to 20 miles per hour coming in from the northwest. we should start to see the clouds moving in there a little bit sooner. in the forecast, we'll still have some mostly cloudy skies for the morning hours and then sunshine during the day as this area of low pressure sits just offshore. as that moves in, we use see scattered rain on thursday, but it looks like much of that kind of fizzles out as it moves south of san francisco and the best chance of rain will be in the north bay but something we'll be watching, an unusual pattern for the middle of june to have even a slight chance of rain when we will have the potential of up to a quarter of an inch in santa rose. and be maybe about a tenth of an inch napa. elsewhere, very hit or miss but you could still have a little bit of some traceable rain for the coastal areas and also for the tri-valley. but looking ahead to the weekend, we go from 60s and 70s to the 80s before the inland valley saturday p. and then sunday, a couple spots could be hitting the low 90s. up to 90 degrees in the north bay as well as the south bay, san francisco will see a high of 72 degrees. and i'll have another quick look at the forecast coming up a little bit later. another massacre, another gun debate. the fight to ban the guns used by the shooter coming up next. ==kris//2 shot== one reason the number of ded was so horrifyingly high in orlando has to do with one of e guns thatas used an ar-15-style gun. one reason the number of dead was so horrifyingly high in 0er8d h orlando had to do with the fact that it was an ar style weapon. it's been used more than a dozen times in mass murders here in the united states. >> it's extremely popular, nra says it's the most popular rifle and favorite target practice at gun ranges. tom costello reports. >> reporter: it is powerful and precise. and like any gun, deadly. the bullets that tore through the pulse night club in orlando came from an ar-15 style weapon, now itself a target. >> they're designed to kill as many people as poll. it is not a hunting gun, it is not a gun that needs to be if our streets. >> reporter: but the ar-15 is also one of america'sguns used hunting and target shooting. >> it just put in another magazine and i'm ready. >> reporter: katie hires is a former police officer who teaches gun safety, but bullets used in an ar-15 are usually smaller than the bullets in a .45 kal caliber handgun. >> so i can use more damage using a hand gush gn. this is from the .45, the 223 from the bottom the target here. >> reporter: what with make it so deadly is that it can hold much more amammunition. >> f30, 60, 100 the same at buying a bread in the u.s. >> reporter: selling for $250 to $2,000 each, ar-15 sales took off after the assault weapons ban was lifted in 2004. today americans own 5 to 10 million of them. but they have also been used in at least 14 mass murders including aurora, sandy hook, roseburg, oregon, san bernardino, santa monica and now orlando. just six states restrict or prohibit will them. earl curtis owns blue ridge arsenal in virginia where buyers must show three forms of i.d. and pass a background check. do you ever have someone come in who you think i don't think a person should be buying a weapon like this? >> yes. we turn down people all 9 time. all the time. we say i'm sorry, but we can't sell and you weapon. >> reporter: in florida, omar mateen had to wait three days to legally purchase and that gun, but there was no waiting for the ar-15. >> that is worth remembering in newtown in orlando and san bernardino, all those were legal guns. or bought legally. >> and those kinds of guns were used also in aurora and at sandy hook, as well. by the way, earlier we heard a press conference with some of the doctors that treated those wounded and they say the wounds are just different, that the damage that those ar-15s do make it a lot harder to stop the bleeding. well, on that note, we will be right back. i don't know about you, but i've been putting up the umbrella, taking it down. up and down. >> you still have do that. right around 5:00 when that wind kicks in, that is what we will see again today. it will still be pretty gusty and a mix of sun and clouds. mostly sunny skies. highs are starting out in the 60s and low 70s. 75 in the north bay. and san francisco a high of 65 degrees. >> so glad to be back to cool. >> for now. >> have a great day. we'll see you soon. /anim happening now: ==halfslab== just posted to our websi. ♪ this goes out to every backyard hero. for all the effort you put into making the perfect barbecue, there's only one grill that's engineered and designed with the same kind of passion, weber. available at the home depot. ♪ ♪ 49 tolls, one for each victim of the thousands united in orlando for an emotional vigil to honor and pay tribute to those taken. welcome to "access hollywood live." bryan safi is sitting beside me this morning. when i look at these pictures,

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