Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20150120 : co

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20150120

internet free community college, to help the middle class. paid for with $300 billion in tax hikes on the rich. >> middle class families are paying their capital gains taxes and we believe everybody else should too. >> joni ernst is giving tonight's republican response. here she is practicing. republicans say they're listening to the president for signs of compromise. >> if the president is ready to play offense, we urge him to join the new congress and play offense on behalf of the american people. >> the american people are hopeful, but stuck. in today's new poll, nearly half say they're satisfied with the economy, the most in a decade. president obama's approval rating is up 46%. his best in more than a year. almost half like how he's handling the economy. just over a quarter of americans see their own personal finances getting better. most say they're in the middle no better no worse. >> there's work yet to be done. that's what he wants to talk about tonight. >> while the president focuses on tax relief americans in our poll say the number one goal should be creating jobs. republicans here say that's exactly what they're doing, pushing jobs with the keystone pipeline. our new poll shows that the public favors the approval of that pipeline by a 2 to 1 margin. they'll debate it here again today before the president speaks tonight. tracie potts, nbc news washington. >> nbc bay area will air the state of the union live. our coverage begins at 6:00 tonight, but be sure to tune in early at 5:00 for today's local news. >> other news investigators in sunny dale looking for an armed man who held up a 7-eleven. take a look at the surveillance video. the owner showed up at 8:30 last night. a man comes into the store and showed a gun. he did not pull the gun, but he did mand money. the clerk emptied two cash registers and the gunman took off. nobody hurt. the owner told us this is the second time the store has been robbed in the past three years. >> police are telling homeowners in atherton to lock up after some strange run-ins over the weekend. the first incident happened on sutherland drive when a man was spotted looking into the windows of a home. a new minutes later, police were dispatched to neerbd mesa court after reports of a man lurking on another property. investigators released these sketches of what is believed to be the same man. people in the neighborhood are being extra cautious. >> sure that my husband knows that he can't leave any doors open and the garage door and all that. so we have to be more careful, obviously. >> other residents have complained about finding their doors unlocked even finding stolen keys in the front door dead bolts. >> we have new details on a water rescue in the south bay. two boaters got stuck because of the low tide. a men low fire airboat picked the man up around 10:30 last night after a coast guard helicopter spotted them near coyote creek in fremont. they did have the cell phone and they used it to call for help around 6:30 and then they dropped the phone in the water. rescuers searched for an hour and a half before calling the coast guard to help. this marks the second rescue in these waters in a little more than 24 hours. the problem is these boats are getting caught in an unusually low tide. >> dropping the phone like that. that would be my luck. >> two men tied to the beating death of a popular tennis instructor could enter a plea in court today. last month, 24-year-old oleg died three weeks after a fight outside the patio bar on emerson street in palto alto. this man, though is the man who dealt that deadly punch. police say his head hit the ground after he was punched. now this man is facing involuntary manslaughter charges for throwing that punch. another is accused of driving the car that nearly hit officers had the group tried to leave the scene. both of those men are due in court today. two others are said to be involved. >> the two men accused of a violent attack inside a bathroom at levi's stadium are also expected to appear before the judge. the brothers are expected to enter pleas today. the men accused of attacking two men during a 49ers game in october caught on camera. police say this attack was unprovoked. one of the victims faces a lifetime of injury. >> ten stanford students are getting ready for a court day after bringing traffic to a halt. they blocked all westbound traffic for about two hours. protesters cited the martin luther king jr. holiday saying they wanted to bring attention to racial injustice and global inequality. they detained 68 people. most of them either students or men members of the stanford community. almost all were released although ten ended up in jail. >> passengers of two delta flights got the scare of their lifetime on the tarmac in new york last night. authorities say someone called in bomb threats, forcing them to evacuate their planes. this is video from a passenger onboard one of those flights. police say they got two anonymous calls saying there was a bomb onboard delta flight 468. turns out there were two flights numbered 468. one of them left sfo, landing in new york around 8:00 eastern time. the other was on the tarmac heading overseas. >> there is a bomb threat directed towards our plane. and then they went to a different part of the terminal and we got on buses and waited there for a while. >> passengers stayed there long enough for police and bomb sniffing dogs to search the plane, but no bomb was found on either plane. >> bay area hospitals taking extra precautions as the flu season ramps up. some hospitals are asking visitors to wear masks and wash their hands. others not letting anyone under 16 beyond the waiting area. doctors say we should all take precautions to prevent the spread of flu, including coughing into your arm, washing your hands, and getting your flu shot. >> the measles outbreak linked to disney land has doubled in size since last week. now 52 confirmed cases of measles tied to people who visited either disneyland or california adventure between december 17th and the 20th. 45 of those cases are here in california. now, although measles is highly contagious, experts say this is also by parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. fiverential pockets where the vaccine refusal rate rose between 2010 and 2012 including one in alameda county has been a hotbed. alameda county has four of the state's measle outbreaks. mexican officials have confirmed one measles case in a 22-month-old child, an unvaccinated girl who went to disney land in december. >> the future of candlestick park or more accurately its demise, will be the focus of a meeting today in san francisco. the contractor had initially planned to implode the stadium, but last week we found out it will not end with a bang but piece by piece. his permit only allows them to dismantle it. people living near candlestick support that slow demolition for health reasons. today's meeting will focus on the demolition plan which is expected to start any day now. >> new at 11:00, it is showoff day for the san jose earthquakes new stadium. the vip tour starts in less than 30 minutes. >> even more vip is bob redell because he's there early and got a preview. how is it looking? >> good morning to you, scott and kris. two months to go to their home opener against the chicago fire the san jose earthquakes new stadium here in the south bay, by all appearances, is complete. yes, obviously, their new turf their new field still needs to be striped. there are still workers here working on different items, but again, once it is complete the south bay will be seeing its second brand new state of the art sporting venue in just under a year. you had levi's last year and then in march, march 22nd opening day, this brand new $100 million venue that seats 18,000 fans. now, what makes this unique to other venues in their league? take a look over here. you have these club seats that go right up to the field. on the south end over there, you see that section with the railing. that's their so-called supporter section. that's where its first come first serve for the rowdiest of fans the hooligans, if you will, and if you do a 180 and are looking north, you're looking at see that redwood, that comes from hanger rer r one at the field. that's what they're saying is the largest outdoor bar in north america. you've got the tv screens just above it on the backside a smaller tv screen because on the backside the large grassy area is the fan zone. this is a very intimate setting. we just spoke with the midfielder who thinks that this larger crowd, several thousand larger than their current venue will infigerate the team and their level of play. >> having a stadium and having a larger fan base here will have almost 18,000 people and that in itself will bring so much more energy. it will help out, and it will help us as players. >> how does it help you? >> it's the 12th man, so to speak. you never want to disappoint fans on a field like this. >> even though the normal fans won't be able to walk on the field, you might notice that it's new just by the way the play is going to be, especially on the first few games. >> some fields are too hard some can be too soft and having this never been played on before, it should be you know perfect. >> is that good? >> that's a very good thing. that's a very good thing. the ball will roll as opposed to bouncing. so it will help the standard of play. it will be better on your feet less pressure on your feet so it will be easier to run around and you can run for longer. >> scott and kris i want you to take a look at the 18,000 seats at the new stadium. there's different patterns. you have different shades of blue, you have a couple reds there on the south end. all of these are put together to create a pattern, a so-called code. when you break the code it will give you a message. you want to know the message? >> no. >> do we want to know? >> you can't ruin the surprise. >> go ahead. >> i wouldn't know how to figure this out. i can barely open the luggage lock on my combination lock there. >> by the way, that first game march 22nd opener versus the chicago fire already sold out to the general public. if you want tickets, the team is telling me you have to sign up for a season package. >> wow, that's good. listen, nobody is surprised by that. the earthquakes certain very popular in the south bay. >> fabulous. i want to go back to the code. so nobody solved it? like the adobe building that kind of code? >> it's kind of like that without the spinning circles, mind you. the president of the organization is behind this code. i don't know if they're going to be releasing clues or if it's kind of one of those, you have to be a mensa and look at it and all of a sudden it says whatever it's going to say. >> well only in silicon valley. >> love it. >> thank you much. well up next at 11:00, a big box office smash, but one seen in american sniper not silting real well with audiences. >> plus get ready to playo pay more to park at b.a.r.t. stations. >> and waiting for the skies to clear. a little more sunshine now in san francisco, as we await a chance of breaking some temperature records as we finish off the week. a look at your microclimate forecast when we come back. well we had a good start to the markets, but they turned lower this morning on lower oil prices. if you watch netflix, it's up about a half a percent. >> a little later in the newscast, we're going to introduce you to two child actors from san jose who are in this past weekend's big movie "american sniper" and they do a great job. that said there is one terrible actor. fans complaining about the baby which, kris if you look carefully, is clearly a doll. now, this is listed as the second fastest trending clip on youtube. watch bradley cooper move the arm here to make it look slightly more authentic. my casual poll says parents spot the doll immediately. non'parents can't spot it quite as quickly. >> france is trying to get real life videos off the internet. the president said he and the chancellor of germany will start pressuring content companies like youtube to remove videos like this that may promote terrorism. youtube already has such rules in place, but france is threatening legal action. >> we're waiting to hear from lucy coe who is waiting to announce if she'll approve a settlement between silicon valley workers and management. after they were found agreeing to keep employees' pay low. what is startling about the papers is how explicit some of the e-mails were saying they entered what they must have known was an illegal agreement, in one case saying let's not write that down so it's not used against us later. >> infolks at lock heedheed martin are gathering around this. a satellite is going to launch tonight on the back of a rocket in florida this afternoon, 4:30 our time. it's going to deliver mobile phone and data connections to soldiers on the battlefield. google reportedly thinking of investing in spacex. elon musk's company plans to launch small satellites to bring the internet to more places in the world. >> you may recall richard branson announced something similar for his company, he would work with one web to create more than 600 satellites to deliver internet. branson and one web really have an advantage over google in that they have the rights to the radio spectrum. >> i need you to lower your voice because we're going to wake the baby. >> the doll? >> the baby. looks almost as real doesn't it? >> just about. >> given the fact that we shoot tv in hd i just i'm shocked that anybody would think -- >> where he gives it away is where he sets the baby in the cradle and the head stays the same. >> he doesn't have kids of his own yet. >> probably didn't know. >> b.a.r.t. riders it is going to cost you more to park at several stations. they're hiking fees by 50 cents at 15 different stations. the raises will take advantage in bay fair freminute, pittsburg, bay point, and richmond hills. you're going to dig for coins as well as union city and walnut creek. >> next monday parking fees will increase by 50 cents at 13 other stations. we'll give them to you then. >> more trouble, meanwhile, for online apartment rental company air bnb, this time in new york. a hearing set for tonight, and several residents are expected to testify that illegal rentals have been driving out tenants and hurting living conditions. air bnb allows people to list their apartments to travels looking for a place to stay. >> san francisco just passed a new law regulating air bnb rentals and it goes into effect february 1st. the restrekts rentals to permanent residents and limited entire home rentals to just 90 days a year. people who want to rent out rooms will have to register with the city, and if renters want toalist their homes on a site like that the city will notify the landlord first. >> metering lights will be kept on on highway 85 until 11:00 a.m. now. >> that's a plan for new lights along the big stretch of highway 85. caltrans said it will run the metering lights between 280 and 101 from 6:00 to 11:00 a.m. that goal is to ease some of the congestion in the area which has been increasingly heavy in that spot. the new metering lights will turn on southbound for afternoon commuters tomorrow. the extended morning hours for northbound drivers will start january 28th. and if you have ideas on how to improve expressways in the santa clara county tonight is your chance to be heard. county leaders are holding one in a series of meetings about the expressway plan 2014 project. the plan will address long range expressway maintenance and improvement for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists as well. it's expected to be complete in june. tonight's meeting will feature plans for lawrence xrexway along with san tomas expressway. it will be held at the west valley branch library in san jose. >> my car has that green sticker, one of the best investments ever. it's awesome. >> i offered to go with him somewhere so we can carpool, he said i don't need to. >> i'll take you anytime. and rob. >> that would be nice on a day like today. the sun is starting to break out. partly cloudy skies. but that fog really thick still, hanging on around san jose overcast conditions. 54 around san jose. san francisco, fog back toward the golden gate bridge. 54. and one more spot for you, as we show you the east bay there in oakland. 50 degrees, and visibility at times was less than a quarter mile for your morning commute. now things improving, but still, two and a hoofl miles for the hazy conditions around oakland and san francisco and san jose into sunnyvale now, starting to see the sun break through the clouds. the fog forecast for you as we move through the afternoon, will eventually see hazy sunshine all around the bay area but again, for places around the north bay, may still see some patches of fog into the early evening and tonight, more low clouds forming. maybe not as wide spread for tomorrow morning. we'll start to see on wednesday a little bit of a north wind which will help to warm up the north bay and temperatures will start to climb up as we head to thursday and friday. we just passed the high time of the day, around 10:00 this morning. we'll have one more day of the theastnomical high tides over king tides for tomorrow, but in the meantime this evening, another unusual low tide coming in around 5:00. so for tomorrow morning, almost the 7-foot high tide at 10:46 in the morning. localized beach issues could continue as the king tide will be around for another 24 to 36 hours and then we'll see the high tides and low tides equalizing out as we go through the second half of the week. temperatures for today as the haze continues to break up low 60s around san jose. closer to 60 or low 60s also for san francisco. and for the north bay today, low to mid 60s. though i think tomorrow we'll have a chance at getting into upper 60s. much warmer in the seven-day forecast toward the end of the week, and the trivalley, temperatures in the low 60s for today. the second half of the week a bit of a change in the forecast especially come friday and saturday. look at these temperatures. low to mid 70s. getting into the weekend, including san francisco as those winds turn offshore. what that should mean is less fog to start the day. we'll be starting the days warmer and a lot of sunshine for the afternoon. mid 70s for the forecast. this weekend especially for the south bay and north bay, we have the chance if we can get to the low 70s to break records for record warm high temperatures for this time of year. no sign of rain. hope by this time next week we could get rain back in the forecast, in the meantime the temperatures continuing to climb as we move to the weekend. back to you. >> beautiful. >> 70 degrees in january. >> i'll take it. >> we'll take it. >> still to come oakland putting the future of its professional sports in the hands of the teams themselves. we'll explain coming up next. welcome back. oakland city council members today are expected to back a new game plan to redevelop the coliseum complex. the new oakland mayor, libby schaaf, is proposing extending the current negotiating agreement with developers. that's to allow time for both the raiders and the a's to pitch proposals to develop that land. a new coliseum city prajict may include at least one new stadium, homes and businesses as well. alameda county supervisors must also agree on the plan. >> the giants meanwhile, expected to introduce us to the team's new outfielder today. >> he signs a one-year deal last week. most recently played for the kansas city royals playing in the outfield during the world series. giants broadcaster mike kruko described ayolky as a guy who can put the bat on the ball and add to rallies. >> and speaking of the world series the three giants world championship trophies yes, three of them wim tour today, and they'll be in vallejo so people can take pictures. the viewing starts at 4:00 and you can take a picture with the trophy. tomorrow morning, the trophies will be loaded onto a plane and go to new york city where they're shared with fans there. >> you may recognize some of the paper people there. >> the seahawks may be streeling all the headlines these days another seattle team is about to change the way we see baseball. >> the seattle mariners baseball team replaced all its stadium lights with l.e.d. so they emit a more natural light, they say. researchers say in other sports arebas, l.e.d. was easier on the eye, it produces crisp, true colors. it will save the organization about 60% on its electricity bulb. the bulbs will likely out last safeco field iticide. no world on if other stadiums plan to follow suit. when we switched to mostly l.e.d.s, it took the temperature of the studio down by 10 degrees. >> used to feel like summer here every day. >> still to come closer to solving a mystery. what wild' life officials are doing to try to figure out what that goo is that's causing dozens of birds to die. life officials are doing to try to figure out what that goo is that's causing dozens of birds to die. life officials are doing to try to figure out what that goo is that's causing dozens of birds to die. ♪ ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ stay fisand wildlife could shed new light on a mysterious substance covering seabirds. >> stephanie shows us how the groups tend to treat a grewing number of birds since the stuff was first spotted. >> good morning. volunteers for days have been coming to hot spots like the place here alameda shoreline, to rescue sick birds. you can see there's a large presence of birds and ducks here in the water. now heading into day five as these volunteers are finally getting help from the state which is set to begin testing the mysterious substance in its lab today. we were standing just a few feet from a dead bird also coated in the substance yesterday on the hayward shoreline. crews with the rescue center and wildlife emergency services have rescued about 250 birds. they say 50 others have died mostly from hypothermia because it strips them of their feathers. state fish and wildlife officials are set to start an investigation into where this substance came from and who might be behind it. >> there's no smelly residue on your gloves or anything but it is kind of tacky to the touch. it gets kind of sticky. >> we need to find out what killed them, why it killed them and if there is a responsible party, is what our language is then yeah, absolutely. we will bill them and seek reimbursement and criminal charges if it gets dothat level. >> this is the second contaminated surf schooner found by crews in just two days and taken to a mobile rehab facility at the east bay regional shoreline in hayward. volunteers have taken most birds to the international bird rescue center in solano county where they have been washed with vinegar, baking soda and then hydrated. they're going to perform necropsies of the birds and try to determine what the sticky substance is. it could be a couple days to a few days before we get a definitive answer. in alameda, stephanie chuang. >> thank you. developing news. japanese leaders vowing to save the lives of two hostages being held by isis militants. in an online video released this morning, two extremists claiming to be with isis threatened to kill hostages in orest jump chutes suits. the group is asking for $200 million in the next 72 hours. the two hostages have been identified as a self-described military contractor and a freelance journalist. >> president obama will touch on terror and taxes tonight as he delivers his next to last state of the union address, and he will outline his agenda for the first time before a republican-led congress. peter alexander reports. >> my fellow americans -- >> when president obama lays out his to-do list tonight, much of it may be wishful thinking facing a republican led congress. he's previewed several policy changes, plus pays sick leave, community college tuition as well as tax hikes for the rich and cuts for the middle class. and he'll surely hit that familiar refrain. >> about the state of our union. the state of our union is strong. it's strong. getting stronger. >> our new poll just out overnight shows more americans are now satisfied with the economy that at any time in the last decade. the president mfs job approval has improved to 46%, with nearly half of americans approving of his handling of the economy, the most since his first year in office. if the president had a stiff wind in his face for most of 2014 our pollsters say he now has a slight breeze at his back. still, that doesn't guarantee a massive audience. 52 million tubed in in 2009 but just 33 million last year. which may be why the president is turning to youtube stars for preand post speech interviews. >> president obama is going to have a conversation with me. >> including a teen style guru who danced her way to stardom, and a comedian who is partial to the color green. >> the potus. the president of the united states. >> and nbc bay area will air the state of union address live here. our coverage begins at 6:00 p.m. tune in early at 5:00 so we can give you the local news. >> improving relations with cuba no doubt going to be one of the issues highlighted tonight by mr. obama in the state of the union. gabe gutierrez reports from havana on recent developments. >> the mood here in havana is hopeful, and many cubans we spoke with said they welcome this thaw in u.s.-cuban relations. >> most of the majority felt that president castro and president obama have done the right thing. >> overall, i think it will improve the quality of cubans all together. >> the u.s. delegation that visited here met with cuba's foreign minister but not with president castro. the foreign minister said this communist country is open to greater ties with the united states. to highlight that, the obama administration has invietted american contractor alan gross, the prisoner that cuba freed last month, to the state of the union address tonight and is supposed to sit near the first lady, but essential top republicans including house speaker john boehner have invited their own guests to the state of the union. prominent opponents to the cast castro government. a diplomat is scheduled to visit havana to discuss opening a u.s. embassy here. she would be the highest ranking state department official to visit this country in almost forty years. >> downtown chicago may be known for wild nightlife, but there's a lot of night wildlife. >> john yang said 9 million people live in chicago but so too, do an estimated 2 million coyotes. >> they often turn up in sandwich shops. coyotes are right at home in the concrete jungle of chicago. as seen in this first of its kind national geographic critter cam, they even learned to wait for traffic before crossing the street. >> they wouldn't be able to live down here if they didn't learn which roads are most dangerous, which ones aren't and how doo you use traffic lights. >> with the help of a gps tracking collar researchers discovered that the home of the chicago bears was also the home of 7 coyotes. so a coyote raised family here? >> a pair of coyotes, male and female raised five pups in this small little gap. >> the cameras also captured coyotes searching for food. this lucky guy came across a pile of kibble. for almost 15 years, researchers have trapped, tagged and tracked nearly 900 coyotes in the chicago area. this is one coyote's wanderings in just two months last year. since the 1990s, the coyotes numbers have gone up ten fold leading the kids to increasingly eye urban real estate. >> the young leave their parents and they have to find new territories, and so that's why have been progressing from the suburbs to downtown. >> and they're not just bears fans. in 2012 these two were spotted outside wrigley field. >> i have a little dog. i don't want coyotes out here. >> while their country cousins are active during the day, chicago coyotes are almost completely nocturnal to avoid human contact. just one of the many ways they have adapted to urban life much to the surprise of scientists. >> no one thought they could live down here. no one. >> amazing. >> up next no snow no problem. how sierra resorts are getting around the lack of snow. >> and we're starting to see the skies clear in and around san jose. temperatures today in the 60s, but the microclimate forecast shows 70s for the weekend. >> pretty amazing. the whole ride has been incredible. i mean what a blessing. >> acting on the big screen alongside hollywood heavyweights how two kids little kids from the south bay, helped make the film "american sniper" a box office success. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ ♪ green giant ♪ for the iraq war drama "american sniper." it grossed $90 million. six oscar nominations as well. >> while it stars bradley cooper, there are two little 66-year-olds from san jose who play a key part in the movie, scene stealers i would say. ian talked to them about their big debut. >> it's a typical monday night for 6-year-old twins aidan and madeleine mcgraw, drawing and then foosball with friends. but for their age, they have much different lives than their peers. they have jobs as actors. >> you like acting? >> yes. >> i love acting. >> then five minutes with them and you'll be able to tell. >> when your're on set -- >> i love it. >> the pair is excited because they just stepped onto a massive stage, playing different parts in the new film "american sniper" here's them at the new york premiere last month. the movie just released last friday. it's a true story of chris kyle the most lethal sniper in u.s. history, he's played bine bradley cooper. aidan and madeleine play his kids. >> i got to meet bradley cooper and i also got to meet -- >> colin and jackie were proud the kids were part of this movie, not just because of the superstar lineup but because colin and several of his family members are veterans. >> a lot of people know the story and how important the story is and kind of what his book was about and taking care of veterans. so it was just a really special thing. >> even though the twins are just 6, they know all about the oscars and were excited to hear the film is up for best picture. >> i love that trophy. >> they won't make it to the uskers, but they help the film does well. their parents say the acting career is going to pay future college expenses and right now that career is off to a good start. >> it's been pretty amazing, the whole ride has been incredible. i mean what a blessing. >> in san jose, ian cole nbc bay area news. >> pretty cute. >> yes, they are. >> if you're sitting down while you're watching us you might want to stand up. >> new research that sitting for too long elevates our risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. they combined studies on sitting and found that people who sat for fewer than eight hours each day were 14% more likely to be hospitalized. experts recommend monitoring your sitting time. stand up and take a walk around occasionally and a cigarette break doesn't help. >> no. >> we're just coming off a long haul way weekend, it would have been a perfect time for a ski trip. >> as david tells us there's one problem. there's almost no snow at tahoe ski resorts. >> on the sugar bowl today, skiers and snowboarders described conditions as this. >> a little icy, a little slushy stuckey, no powder. >> a little icy. rocky. >> people on the slopes say the early morning snow is hard and icy. but by late afternoon, it's slushy and wet. for a few hours in the middle of the day, however, the surface is just right. >> it is spring skiing in january. >> wendy shows the nicks and scrapes on the bottom of her skis and said she wished she had brought along another older pair today. >> these are not your rock skis? >> not my rock skis. no these are handmade swiss. heidi skis. >> how do you know when you have hit a rock? >> you feel it. you feel it a lot. it slows you down kind of thrusts you forward. >> signs at the base of the chair lifts ss warned skiers to stay on grooved trails where they still have a solid base thanks to a couple early season storms and some manmade snow on top of that. >> what percentage of your terrain is open? >> right now, about 80%, 85% of the terrain is open. >> away from the resort, the lack of snow is more dramatic. on the left the snow pack one month ago, and on the right, how much is covered today. >> will you be back? >> sure. >> even if there are no more storms? >> hopefully, there are more storms. we need storms. >> last year was not very good either. >> no, really bad. >> so hmm, all right. let's check in with rob and see if he can do anything about it. >> the latest by the percentages not so good. northern sierra 41% of average. central sierra only 33%, and 34% in the southern sierra. we got a lot of rain around december but those snow totals were high up above 6,000 feet for a lot of the storms. now, we have gone dry for mostly most of the month, and not adding to it. short term no real changes in the sierra. for the bay area the best rain we have been able to produce is the mist and drizzle, with the of the low clouds. starting to see hazy sunshine break out. 54 at san francisco. you see san jose 54 right 93. still some low clouds around the south bay and other locations around the bay area including san francisco. patchy fog near marin county. currently 54 degrees. partly cloudy right now. not a lot of wind but that is subject to change later this week as the winds turn offshore. that's going to allow the temperatures to climb. right now, chilly in oakland. 52 degrees. not much sunshine right there right now. we will see hazy sunshine around the east bay and the trivalley later on. visibility still down to 2.5 to 5 miles. those are the hazy conditions from san francisco to oakland. three miles visibility in concord and livermore, which is better than the visibility this morning. as we head into tonight, we expect patchy fog to form but the coverage of the fog over the next few mornings should be less and less as we go through the week. as high pressure builds in we'll see a quicker burnoff which will set us up for a warmer finish to the week. today similar to yesterday. highs in the low 60s around san jose. upper 50s to 60 from pacifica over to san francisco, and into the north bay and trivalley today, highs in the low to mid 60s. fremont, close to 60 degrees. what's going to begin to break up the low clouds sooner and set the stage for warmer temperatures is this ridge of high pressure building back across northern california. for now, the storm track and the sierra snow is cascades snow. that jet stream is too far to the north and it's going to move further to the north as the high builds in offshore winds develop, and as the air warms and dries, gets compressed to sea level, you see the rain to the north, but the air drying to the coast by santa cruz on saturday, may have a chance of mid to upper 70s for the weekend. so not only are we talking about no rain or snow for the weekend, but we could be breaking records for high temperatures. this time of year records would mean low to mid 70s and starting as early as friday for san jose could get close to 70. saturday into sunday sunday looks to be the warmest day of the next five to seven. you see even san francisco has a chance to get into the low 70s. no matter where you are in the bay area this weekend, we expect to see the temperatures in the 70s. mid 70s in the warmest spots around the north bay, trivalley, and south bay. next best hope for seeing rain and snow but this time next week, we may see the ridge begin to break down. hopefully we can end the month of january with some rain and snow coming back in. things hold up the way they are right now, though we would be the all-time driest january. a record we set just last year. we really could use rain and snow. hopefully we'll see changes early next week. back to you. >> thank you, rob. >> still to come if you are looking for ways to eat healthier in 2015 we show you how to swap in nutritional options for some of those unhealthy foods. putting off that new year's diet it's not too late. >> mike takes a look at making a few changes in your ingredients could make a big difference on your waistline. >> it is 2015 and i would say probably 99% of the people watching now have told themselves it's a new yer. i want to lose weight. yp going to get in shape this year. >> we're eager because we look at this year but let's try to do it so it lasts all year. >> and what you eat matters just as much as exercising. recipe rehab chef vicky shows ali a replacement for the calorie loaded whipped cream. >> this looks like creamy deliciousness. >> that's exactly what it is. this is full-fat cream. next to it is pureed cashews. cashews are full of calcium, protein protein. they're a good fat for you. >> she added vanilla to sweelen it up. >> it's so good. >> i could eat the bowl. >> i could put that on a piece of pie. i guess that would defeat the purpose. >> if that's not enough there's a substitute for table sugar, kouk nut sugar. >> i made a simple yellow cake and you can't taste the difference and it's delicious and good for you. >> can you swap it with any type of sugar, can i put it in mymorning? >> absolutely. you're still maintaining a lot of nutrients. >> she also showed a healthier way to do pasta. >> i used zucchini. this is a raw version. i like to make this and saute it in coconut oil, shallots and garlic. >> maybe put cashew cream in it like an alfredo. >> you're on it. >> i'm learning so much. >> you can also make luasagna with it. >> we're going to have liquid amino acid spray. >> let's take you back to chem class for a second. they're essentially for our survival. they're building blocks for protein. i basically use this for all of my salt needs. i will marinade chicken with it i will use it in salad dressing in soup. >> it's only 6% sodium and you can substitute it for soy sauce when you're enjoying sushi. >> it has a soy flavor so you're not missing out on the saltiness that we all desire. >> all right, thanks mike. >> we'll be right back. release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. (humming) oh yeah. (humming) they're magically delicious. ha! very funny, kyle. well san francisco's restaurant week has gone to the dogs. >> yeah restaurant week usually gives diners an opportunity to experience the city's culinary landscape. today, some dog owners gathered to celebrate the new california law that allows man's best friend to eat in downtown outside areas. they have brench with their furry fans at planet organic cafe. >> allows our dog family to dine with us, whether it's brunch, breakfast, dinner in outdoor spaces at restaurants. >> diners will be able to see some lunch and dinner menus at more than 100 restaurants during restaurant week. prices start at $25. kicks off tomorrow runs through the 30th. >> dogs don't keep it too organic. >> yeah, the dogs don't like the organic. >> thanks so much for joining us. our next newscast is tonight at 5:00. rob, nice having you here. >> it was. >> and nice to see the sun come out. it took all morning for the fog to break out. >> no 6:00 newscast because of the state of the union, but 5:00 we'll have a preview and you can watch the state of the union right here. >> bye. . >> we're live in five four three, two, one. >> oh welcome back to "hollywood live." i'm kit hoover. billy is in new york today in for hoda as he fills in with kathie lee. a tall drink of water. >> that color is incredible on you. >> i'll pull it down. >> i'm a fan. >> your hair. >> i learned how to do this on youtube. i'm not even kidding. i watched videos because i had no idea how guys got that look, and now i can do it. ? you're a tall guy, so you have the extra height with the hair. i don't know if

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20150120 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11AM 20150120

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internet free community college, to help the middle class. paid for with $300 billion in tax hikes on the rich. >> middle class families are paying their capital gains taxes and we believe everybody else should too. >> joni ernst is giving tonight's republican response. here she is practicing. republicans say they're listening to the president for signs of compromise. >> if the president is ready to play offense, we urge him to join the new congress and play offense on behalf of the american people. >> the american people are hopeful, but stuck. in today's new poll, nearly half say they're satisfied with the economy, the most in a decade. president obama's approval rating is up 46%. his best in more than a year. almost half like how he's handling the economy. just over a quarter of americans see their own personal finances getting better. most say they're in the middle no better no worse. >> there's work yet to be done. that's what he wants to talk about tonight. >> while the president focuses on tax relief americans in our poll say the number one goal should be creating jobs. republicans here say that's exactly what they're doing, pushing jobs with the keystone pipeline. our new poll shows that the public favors the approval of that pipeline by a 2 to 1 margin. they'll debate it here again today before the president speaks tonight. tracie potts, nbc news washington. >> nbc bay area will air the state of the union live. our coverage begins at 6:00 tonight, but be sure to tune in early at 5:00 for today's local news. >> other news investigators in sunny dale looking for an armed man who held up a 7-eleven. take a look at the surveillance video. the owner showed up at 8:30 last night. a man comes into the store and showed a gun. he did not pull the gun, but he did mand money. the clerk emptied two cash registers and the gunman took off. nobody hurt. the owner told us this is the second time the store has been robbed in the past three years. >> police are telling homeowners in atherton to lock up after some strange run-ins over the weekend. the first incident happened on sutherland drive when a man was spotted looking into the windows of a home. a new minutes later, police were dispatched to neerbd mesa court after reports of a man lurking on another property. investigators released these sketches of what is believed to be the same man. people in the neighborhood are being extra cautious. >> sure that my husband knows that he can't leave any doors open and the garage door and all that. so we have to be more careful, obviously. >> other residents have complained about finding their doors unlocked even finding stolen keys in the front door dead bolts. >> we have new details on a water rescue in the south bay. two boaters got stuck because of the low tide. a men low fire airboat picked the man up around 10:30 last night after a coast guard helicopter spotted them near coyote creek in fremont. they did have the cell phone and they used it to call for help around 6:30 and then they dropped the phone in the water. rescuers searched for an hour and a half before calling the coast guard to help. this marks the second rescue in these waters in a little more than 24 hours. the problem is these boats are getting caught in an unusually low tide. >> dropping the phone like that. that would be my luck. >> two men tied to the beating death of a popular tennis instructor could enter a plea in court today. last month, 24-year-old oleg died three weeks after a fight outside the patio bar on emerson street in palto alto. this man, though is the man who dealt that deadly punch. police say his head hit the ground after he was punched. now this man is facing involuntary manslaughter charges for throwing that punch. another is accused of driving the car that nearly hit officers had the group tried to leave the scene. both of those men are due in court today. two others are said to be involved. >> the two men accused of a violent attack inside a bathroom at levi's stadium are also expected to appear before the judge. the brothers are expected to enter pleas today. the men accused of attacking two men during a 49ers game in october caught on camera. police say this attack was unprovoked. one of the victims faces a lifetime of injury. >> ten stanford students are getting ready for a court day after bringing traffic to a halt. they blocked all westbound traffic for about two hours. protesters cited the martin luther king jr. holiday saying they wanted to bring attention to racial injustice and global inequality. they detained 68 people. most of them either students or men members of the stanford community. almost all were released although ten ended up in jail. >> passengers of two delta flights got the scare of their lifetime on the tarmac in new york last night. authorities say someone called in bomb threats, forcing them to evacuate their planes. this is video from a passenger onboard one of those flights. police say they got two anonymous calls saying there was a bomb onboard delta flight 468. turns out there were two flights numbered 468. one of them left sfo, landing in new york around 8:00 eastern time. the other was on the tarmac heading overseas. >> there is a bomb threat directed towards our plane. and then they went to a different part of the terminal and we got on buses and waited there for a while. >> passengers stayed there long enough for police and bomb sniffing dogs to search the plane, but no bomb was found on either plane. >> bay area hospitals taking extra precautions as the flu season ramps up. some hospitals are asking visitors to wear masks and wash their hands. others not letting anyone under 16 beyond the waiting area. doctors say we should all take precautions to prevent the spread of flu, including coughing into your arm, washing your hands, and getting your flu shot. >> the measles outbreak linked to disney land has doubled in size since last week. now 52 confirmed cases of measles tied to people who visited either disneyland or california adventure between december 17th and the 20th. 45 of those cases are here in california. now, although measles is highly contagious, experts say this is also by parents who refuse to vaccinate their children. fiverential pockets where the vaccine refusal rate rose between 2010 and 2012 including one in alameda county has been a hotbed. alameda county has four of the state's measle outbreaks. mexican officials have confirmed one measles case in a 22-month-old child, an unvaccinated girl who went to disney land in december. >> the future of candlestick park or more accurately its demise, will be the focus of a meeting today in san francisco. the contractor had initially planned to implode the stadium, but last week we found out it will not end with a bang but piece by piece. his permit only allows them to dismantle it. people living near candlestick support that slow demolition for health reasons. today's meeting will focus on the demolition plan which is expected to start any day now. >> new at 11:00, it is showoff day for the san jose earthquakes new stadium. the vip tour starts in less than 30 minutes. >> even more vip is bob redell because he's there early and got a preview. how is it looking? >> good morning to you, scott and kris. two months to go to their home opener against the chicago fire the san jose earthquakes new stadium here in the south bay, by all appearances, is complete. yes, obviously, their new turf their new field still needs to be striped. there are still workers here working on different items, but again, once it is complete the south bay will be seeing its second brand new state of the art sporting venue in just under a year. you had levi's last year and then in march, march 22nd opening day, this brand new $100 million venue that seats 18,000 fans. now, what makes this unique to other venues in their league? take a look over here. you have these club seats that go right up to the field. on the south end over there, you see that section with the railing. that's their so-called supporter section. that's where its first come first serve for the rowdiest of fans the hooligans, if you will, and if you do a 180 and are looking north, you're looking at see that redwood, that comes from hanger rer r one at the field. that's what they're saying is the largest outdoor bar in north america. you've got the tv screens just above it on the backside a smaller tv screen because on the backside the large grassy area is the fan zone. this is a very intimate setting. we just spoke with the midfielder who thinks that this larger crowd, several thousand larger than their current venue will infigerate the team and their level of play. >> having a stadium and having a larger fan base here will have almost 18,000 people and that in itself will bring so much more energy. it will help out, and it will help us as players. >> how does it help you? >> it's the 12th man, so to speak. you never want to disappoint fans on a field like this. >> even though the normal fans won't be able to walk on the field, you might notice that it's new just by the way the play is going to be, especially on the first few games. >> some fields are too hard some can be too soft and having this never been played on before, it should be you know perfect. >> is that good? >> that's a very good thing. that's a very good thing. the ball will roll as opposed to bouncing. so it will help the standard of play. it will be better on your feet less pressure on your feet so it will be easier to run around and you can run for longer. >> scott and kris i want you to take a look at the 18,000 seats at the new stadium. there's different patterns. you have different shades of blue, you have a couple reds there on the south end. all of these are put together to create a pattern, a so-called code. when you break the code it will give you a message. you want to know the message? >> no. >> do we want to know? >> you can't ruin the surprise. >> go ahead. >> i wouldn't know how to figure this out. i can barely open the luggage lock on my combination lock there. >> by the way, that first game march 22nd opener versus the chicago fire already sold out to the general public. if you want tickets, the team is telling me you have to sign up for a season package. >> wow, that's good. listen, nobody is surprised by that. the earthquakes certain very popular in the south bay. >> fabulous. i want to go back to the code. so nobody solved it? like the adobe building that kind of code? >> it's kind of like that without the spinning circles, mind you. the president of the organization is behind this code. i don't know if they're going to be releasing clues or if it's kind of one of those, you have to be a mensa and look at it and all of a sudden it says whatever it's going to say. >> well only in silicon valley. >> love it. >> thank you much. well up next at 11:00, a big box office smash, but one seen in american sniper not silting real well with audiences. >> plus get ready to playo pay more to park at b.a.r.t. stations. >> and waiting for the skies to clear. a little more sunshine now in san francisco, as we await a chance of breaking some temperature records as we finish off the week. a look at your microclimate forecast when we come back. well we had a good start to the markets, but they turned lower this morning on lower oil prices. if you watch netflix, it's up about a half a percent. >> a little later in the newscast, we're going to introduce you to two child actors from san jose who are in this past weekend's big movie "american sniper" and they do a great job. that said there is one terrible actor. fans complaining about the baby which, kris if you look carefully, is clearly a doll. now, this is listed as the second fastest trending clip on youtube. watch bradley cooper move the arm here to make it look slightly more authentic. my casual poll says parents spot the doll immediately. non'parents can't spot it quite as quickly. >> france is trying to get real life videos off the internet. the president said he and the chancellor of germany will start pressuring content companies like youtube to remove videos like this that may promote terrorism. youtube already has such rules in place, but france is threatening legal action. >> we're waiting to hear from lucy coe who is waiting to announce if she'll approve a settlement between silicon valley workers and management. after they were found agreeing to keep employees' pay low. what is startling about the papers is how explicit some of the e-mails were saying they entered what they must have known was an illegal agreement, in one case saying let's not write that down so it's not used against us later. >> infolks at lock heedheed martin are gathering around this. a satellite is going to launch tonight on the back of a rocket in florida this afternoon, 4:30 our time. it's going to deliver mobile phone and data connections to soldiers on the battlefield. google reportedly thinking of investing in spacex. elon musk's company plans to launch small satellites to bring the internet to more places in the world. >> you may recall richard branson announced something similar for his company, he would work with one web to create more than 600 satellites to deliver internet. branson and one web really have an advantage over google in that they have the rights to the radio spectrum. >> i need you to lower your voice because we're going to wake the baby. >> the doll? >> the baby. looks almost as real doesn't it? >> just about. >> given the fact that we shoot tv in hd i just i'm shocked that anybody would think -- >> where he gives it away is where he sets the baby in the cradle and the head stays the same. >> he doesn't have kids of his own yet. >> probably didn't know. >> b.a.r.t. riders it is going to cost you more to park at several stations. they're hiking fees by 50 cents at 15 different stations. the raises will take advantage in bay fair freminute, pittsburg, bay point, and richmond hills. you're going to dig for coins as well as union city and walnut creek. >> next monday parking fees will increase by 50 cents at 13 other stations. we'll give them to you then. >> more trouble, meanwhile, for online apartment rental company air bnb, this time in new york. a hearing set for tonight, and several residents are expected to testify that illegal rentals have been driving out tenants and hurting living conditions. air bnb allows people to list their apartments to travels looking for a place to stay. >> san francisco just passed a new law regulating air bnb rentals and it goes into effect february 1st. the restrekts rentals to permanent residents and limited entire home rentals to just 90 days a year. people who want to rent out rooms will have to register with the city, and if renters want toalist their homes on a site like that the city will notify the landlord first. >> metering lights will be kept on on highway 85 until 11:00 a.m. now. >> that's a plan for new lights along the big stretch of highway 85. caltrans said it will run the metering lights between 280 and 101 from 6:00 to 11:00 a.m. that goal is to ease some of the congestion in the area which has been increasingly heavy in that spot. the new metering lights will turn on southbound for afternoon commuters tomorrow. the extended morning hours for northbound drivers will start january 28th. and if you have ideas on how to improve expressways in the santa clara county tonight is your chance to be heard. county leaders are holding one in a series of meetings about the expressway plan 2014 project. the plan will address long range expressway maintenance and improvement for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists as well. it's expected to be complete in june. tonight's meeting will feature plans for lawrence xrexway along with san tomas expressway. it will be held at the west valley branch library in san jose. >> my car has that green sticker, one of the best investments ever. it's awesome. >> i offered to go with him somewhere so we can carpool, he said i don't need to. >> i'll take you anytime. and rob. >> that would be nice on a day like today. the sun is starting to break out. partly cloudy skies. but that fog really thick still, hanging on around san jose overcast conditions. 54 around san jose. san francisco, fog back toward the golden gate bridge. 54. and one more spot for you, as we show you the east bay there in oakland. 50 degrees, and visibility at times was less than a quarter mile for your morning commute. now things improving, but still, two and a hoofl miles for the hazy conditions around oakland and san francisco and san jose into sunnyvale now, starting to see the sun break through the clouds. the fog forecast for you as we move through the afternoon, will eventually see hazy sunshine all around the bay area but again, for places around the north bay, may still see some patches of fog into the early evening and tonight, more low clouds forming. maybe not as wide spread for tomorrow morning. we'll start to see on wednesday a little bit of a north wind which will help to warm up the north bay and temperatures will start to climb up as we head to thursday and friday. we just passed the high time of the day, around 10:00 this morning. we'll have one more day of the theastnomical high tides over king tides for tomorrow, but in the meantime this evening, another unusual low tide coming in around 5:00. so for tomorrow morning, almost the 7-foot high tide at 10:46 in the morning. localized beach issues could continue as the king tide will be around for another 24 to 36 hours and then we'll see the high tides and low tides equalizing out as we go through the second half of the week. temperatures for today as the haze continues to break up low 60s around san jose. closer to 60 or low 60s also for san francisco. and for the north bay today, low to mid 60s. though i think tomorrow we'll have a chance at getting into upper 60s. much warmer in the seven-day forecast toward the end of the week, and the trivalley, temperatures in the low 60s for today. the second half of the week a bit of a change in the forecast especially come friday and saturday. look at these temperatures. low to mid 70s. getting into the weekend, including san francisco as those winds turn offshore. what that should mean is less fog to start the day. we'll be starting the days warmer and a lot of sunshine for the afternoon. mid 70s for the forecast. this weekend especially for the south bay and north bay, we have the chance if we can get to the low 70s to break records for record warm high temperatures for this time of year. no sign of rain. hope by this time next week we could get rain back in the forecast, in the meantime the temperatures continuing to climb as we move to the weekend. back to you. >> beautiful. >> 70 degrees in january. >> i'll take it. >> we'll take it. >> still to come oakland putting the future of its professional sports in the hands of the teams themselves. we'll explain coming up next. welcome back. oakland city council members today are expected to back a new game plan to redevelop the coliseum complex. the new oakland mayor, libby schaaf, is proposing extending the current negotiating agreement with developers. that's to allow time for both the raiders and the a's to pitch proposals to develop that land. a new coliseum city prajict may include at least one new stadium, homes and businesses as well. alameda county supervisors must also agree on the plan. >> the giants meanwhile, expected to introduce us to the team's new outfielder today. >> he signs a one-year deal last week. most recently played for the kansas city royals playing in the outfield during the world series. giants broadcaster mike kruko described ayolky as a guy who can put the bat on the ball and add to rallies. >> and speaking of the world series the three giants world championship trophies yes, three of them wim tour today, and they'll be in vallejo so people can take pictures. the viewing starts at 4:00 and you can take a picture with the trophy. tomorrow morning, the trophies will be loaded onto a plane and go to new york city where they're shared with fans there. >> you may recognize some of the paper people there. >> the seahawks may be streeling all the headlines these days another seattle team is about to change the way we see baseball. >> the seattle mariners baseball team replaced all its stadium lights with l.e.d. so they emit a more natural light, they say. researchers say in other sports arebas, l.e.d. was easier on the eye, it produces crisp, true colors. it will save the organization about 60% on its electricity bulb. the bulbs will likely out last safeco field iticide. no world on if other stadiums plan to follow suit. when we switched to mostly l.e.d.s, it took the temperature of the studio down by 10 degrees. >> used to feel like summer here every day. >> still to come closer to solving a mystery. what wild' life officials are doing to try to figure out what that goo is that's causing dozens of birds to die. life officials are doing to try to figure out what that goo is that's causing dozens of birds to die. life officials are doing to try to figure out what that goo is that's causing dozens of birds to die. ♪ ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ stay fisand wildlife could shed new light on a mysterious substance covering seabirds. >> stephanie shows us how the groups tend to treat a grewing number of birds since the stuff was first spotted. >> good morning. volunteers for days have been coming to hot spots like the place here alameda shoreline, to rescue sick birds. you can see there's a large presence of birds and ducks here in the water. now heading into day five as these volunteers are finally getting help from the state which is set to begin testing the mysterious substance in its lab today. we were standing just a few feet from a dead bird also coated in the substance yesterday on the hayward shoreline. crews with the rescue center and wildlife emergency services have rescued about 250 birds. they say 50 others have died mostly from hypothermia because it strips them of their feathers. state fish and wildlife officials are set to start an investigation into where this substance came from and who might be behind it. >> there's no smelly residue on your gloves or anything but it is kind of tacky to the touch. it gets kind of sticky. >> we need to find out what killed them, why it killed them and if there is a responsible party, is what our language is then yeah, absolutely. we will bill them and seek reimbursement and criminal charges if it gets dothat level. >> this is the second contaminated surf schooner found by crews in just two days and taken to a mobile rehab facility at the east bay regional shoreline in hayward. volunteers have taken most birds to the international bird rescue center in solano county where they have been washed with vinegar, baking soda and then hydrated. they're going to perform necropsies of the birds and try to determine what the sticky substance is. it could be a couple days to a few days before we get a definitive answer. in alameda, stephanie chuang. >> thank you. developing news. japanese leaders vowing to save the lives of two hostages being held by isis militants. in an online video released this morning, two extremists claiming to be with isis threatened to kill hostages in orest jump chutes suits. the group is asking for $200 million in the next 72 hours. the two hostages have been identified as a self-described military contractor and a freelance journalist. >> president obama will touch on terror and taxes tonight as he delivers his next to last state of the union address, and he will outline his agenda for the first time before a republican-led congress. peter alexander reports. >> my fellow americans -- >> when president obama lays out his to-do list tonight, much of it may be wishful thinking facing a republican led congress. he's previewed several policy changes, plus pays sick leave, community college tuition as well as tax hikes for the rich and cuts for the middle class. and he'll surely hit that familiar refrain. >> about the state of our union. the state of our union is strong. it's strong. getting stronger. >> our new poll just out overnight shows more americans are now satisfied with the economy that at any time in the last decade. the president mfs job approval has improved to 46%, with nearly half of americans approving of his handling of the economy, the most since his first year in office. if the president had a stiff wind in his face for most of 2014 our pollsters say he now has a slight breeze at his back. still, that doesn't guarantee a massive audience. 52 million tubed in in 2009 but just 33 million last year. which may be why the president is turning to youtube stars for preand post speech interviews. >> president obama is going to have a conversation with me. >> including a teen style guru who danced her way to stardom, and a comedian who is partial to the color green. >> the potus. the president of the united states. >> and nbc bay area will air the state of union address live here. our coverage begins at 6:00 p.m. tune in early at 5:00 so we can give you the local news. >> improving relations with cuba no doubt going to be one of the issues highlighted tonight by mr. obama in the state of the union. gabe gutierrez reports from havana on recent developments. >> the mood here in havana is hopeful, and many cubans we spoke with said they welcome this thaw in u.s.-cuban relations. >> most of the majority felt that president castro and president obama have done the right thing. >> overall, i think it will improve the quality of cubans all together. >> the u.s. delegation that visited here met with cuba's foreign minister but not with president castro. the foreign minister said this communist country is open to greater ties with the united states. to highlight that, the obama administration has invietted american contractor alan gross, the prisoner that cuba freed last month, to the state of the union address tonight and is supposed to sit near the first lady, but essential top republicans including house speaker john boehner have invited their own guests to the state of the union. prominent opponents to the cast castro government. a diplomat is scheduled to visit havana to discuss opening a u.s. embassy here. she would be the highest ranking state department official to visit this country in almost forty years. >> downtown chicago may be known for wild nightlife, but there's a lot of night wildlife. >> john yang said 9 million people live in chicago but so too, do an estimated 2 million coyotes. >> they often turn up in sandwich shops. coyotes are right at home in the concrete jungle of chicago. as seen in this first of its kind national geographic critter cam, they even learned to wait for traffic before crossing the street. >> they wouldn't be able to live down here if they didn't learn which roads are most dangerous, which ones aren't and how doo you use traffic lights. >> with the help of a gps tracking collar researchers discovered that the home of the chicago bears was also the home of 7 coyotes. so a coyote raised family here? >> a pair of coyotes, male and female raised five pups in this small little gap. >> the cameras also captured coyotes searching for food. this lucky guy came across a pile of kibble. for almost 15 years, researchers have trapped, tagged and tracked nearly 900 coyotes in the chicago area. this is one coyote's wanderings in just two months last year. since the 1990s, the coyotes numbers have gone up ten fold leading the kids to increasingly eye urban real estate. >> the young leave their parents and they have to find new territories, and so that's why have been progressing from the suburbs to downtown. >> and they're not just bears fans. in 2012 these two were spotted outside wrigley field. >> i have a little dog. i don't want coyotes out here. >> while their country cousins are active during the day, chicago coyotes are almost completely nocturnal to avoid human contact. just one of the many ways they have adapted to urban life much to the surprise of scientists. >> no one thought they could live down here. no one. >> amazing. >> up next no snow no problem. how sierra resorts are getting around the lack of snow. >> and we're starting to see the skies clear in and around san jose. temperatures today in the 60s, but the microclimate forecast shows 70s for the weekend. >> pretty amazing. the whole ride has been incredible. i mean what a blessing. >> acting on the big screen alongside hollywood heavyweights how two kids little kids from the south bay, helped make the film "american sniper" a box office success. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ ♪ green giant ♪ for the iraq war drama "american sniper." it grossed $90 million. six oscar nominations as well. >> while it stars bradley cooper, there are two little 66-year-olds from san jose who play a key part in the movie, scene stealers i would say. ian talked to them about their big debut. >> it's a typical monday night for 6-year-old twins aidan and madeleine mcgraw, drawing and then foosball with friends. but for their age, they have much different lives than their peers. they have jobs as actors. >> you like acting? >> yes. >> i love acting. >> then five minutes with them and you'll be able to tell. >> when your're on set -- >> i love it. >> the pair is excited because they just stepped onto a massive stage, playing different parts in the new film "american sniper" here's them at the new york premiere last month. the movie just released last friday. it's a true story of chris kyle the most lethal sniper in u.s. history, he's played bine bradley cooper. aidan and madeleine play his kids. >> i got to meet bradley cooper and i also got to meet -- >> colin and jackie were proud the kids were part of this movie, not just because of the superstar lineup but because colin and several of his family members are veterans. >> a lot of people know the story and how important the story is and kind of what his book was about and taking care of veterans. so it was just a really special thing. >> even though the twins are just 6, they know all about the oscars and were excited to hear the film is up for best picture. >> i love that trophy. >> they won't make it to the uskers, but they help the film does well. their parents say the acting career is going to pay future college expenses and right now that career is off to a good start. >> it's been pretty amazing, the whole ride has been incredible. i mean what a blessing. >> in san jose, ian cole nbc bay area news. >> pretty cute. >> yes, they are. >> if you're sitting down while you're watching us you might want to stand up. >> new research that sitting for too long elevates our risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. they combined studies on sitting and found that people who sat for fewer than eight hours each day were 14% more likely to be hospitalized. experts recommend monitoring your sitting time. stand up and take a walk around occasionally and a cigarette break doesn't help. >> no. >> we're just coming off a long haul way weekend, it would have been a perfect time for a ski trip. >> as david tells us there's one problem. there's almost no snow at tahoe ski resorts. >> on the sugar bowl today, skiers and snowboarders described conditions as this. >> a little icy, a little slushy stuckey, no powder. >> a little icy. rocky. >> people on the slopes say the early morning snow is hard and icy. but by late afternoon, it's slushy and wet. for a few hours in the middle of the day, however, the surface is just right. >> it is spring skiing in january. >> wendy shows the nicks and scrapes on the bottom of her skis and said she wished she had brought along another older pair today. >> these are not your rock skis? >> not my rock skis. no these are handmade swiss. heidi skis. >> how do you know when you have hit a rock? >> you feel it. you feel it a lot. it slows you down kind of thrusts you forward. >> signs at the base of the chair lifts ss warned skiers to stay on grooved trails where they still have a solid base thanks to a couple early season storms and some manmade snow on top of that. >> what percentage of your terrain is open? >> right now, about 80%, 85% of the terrain is open. >> away from the resort, the lack of snow is more dramatic. on the left the snow pack one month ago, and on the right, how much is covered today. >> will you be back? >> sure. >> even if there are no more storms? >> hopefully, there are more storms. we need storms. >> last year was not very good either. >> no, really bad. >> so hmm, all right. let's check in with rob and see if he can do anything about it. >> the latest by the percentages not so good. northern sierra 41% of average. central sierra only 33%, and 34% in the southern sierra. we got a lot of rain around december but those snow totals were high up above 6,000 feet for a lot of the storms. now, we have gone dry for mostly most of the month, and not adding to it. short term no real changes in the sierra. for the bay area the best rain we have been able to produce is the mist and drizzle, with the of the low clouds. starting to see hazy sunshine break out. 54 at san francisco. you see san jose 54 right 93. still some low clouds around the south bay and other locations around the bay area including san francisco. patchy fog near marin county. currently 54 degrees. partly cloudy right now. not a lot of wind but that is subject to change later this week as the winds turn offshore. that's going to allow the temperatures to climb. right now, chilly in oakland. 52 degrees. not much sunshine right there right now. we will see hazy sunshine around the east bay and the trivalley later on. visibility still down to 2.5 to 5 miles. those are the hazy conditions from san francisco to oakland. three miles visibility in concord and livermore, which is better than the visibility this morning. as we head into tonight, we expect patchy fog to form but the coverage of the fog over the next few mornings should be less and less as we go through the week. as high pressure builds in we'll see a quicker burnoff which will set us up for a warmer finish to the week. today similar to yesterday. highs in the low 60s around san jose. upper 50s to 60 from pacifica over to san francisco, and into the north bay and trivalley today, highs in the low to mid 60s. fremont, close to 60 degrees. what's going to begin to break up the low clouds sooner and set the stage for warmer temperatures is this ridge of high pressure building back across northern california. for now, the storm track and the sierra snow is cascades snow. that jet stream is too far to the north and it's going to move further to the north as the high builds in offshore winds develop, and as the air warms and dries, gets compressed to sea level, you see the rain to the north, but the air drying to the coast by santa cruz on saturday, may have a chance of mid to upper 70s for the weekend. so not only are we talking about no rain or snow for the weekend, but we could be breaking records for high temperatures. this time of year records would mean low to mid 70s and starting as early as friday for san jose could get close to 70. saturday into sunday sunday looks to be the warmest day of the next five to seven. you see even san francisco has a chance to get into the low 70s. no matter where you are in the bay area this weekend, we expect to see the temperatures in the 70s. mid 70s in the warmest spots around the north bay, trivalley, and south bay. next best hope for seeing rain and snow but this time next week, we may see the ridge begin to break down. hopefully we can end the month of january with some rain and snow coming back in. things hold up the way they are right now, though we would be the all-time driest january. a record we set just last year. we really could use rain and snow. hopefully we'll see changes early next week. back to you. >> thank you, rob. >> still to come if you are looking for ways to eat healthier in 2015 we show you how to swap in nutritional options for some of those unhealthy foods. putting off that new year's diet it's not too late. >> mike takes a look at making a few changes in your ingredients could make a big difference on your waistline. >> it is 2015 and i would say probably 99% of the people watching now have told themselves it's a new yer. i want to lose weight. yp going to get in shape this year. >> we're eager because we look at this year but let's try to do it so it lasts all year. >> and what you eat matters just as much as exercising. recipe rehab chef vicky shows ali a replacement for the calorie loaded whipped cream. >> this looks like creamy deliciousness. >> that's exactly what it is. this is full-fat cream. next to it is pureed cashews. cashews are full of calcium, protein protein. they're a good fat for you. >> she added vanilla to sweelen it up. >> it's so good. >> i could eat the bowl. >> i could put that on a piece of pie. i guess that would defeat the purpose. >> if that's not enough there's a substitute for table sugar, kouk nut sugar. >> i made a simple yellow cake and you can't taste the difference and it's delicious and good for you. >> can you swap it with any type of sugar, can i put it in mymorning? >> absolutely. you're still maintaining a lot of nutrients. >> she also showed a healthier way to do pasta. >> i used zucchini. this is a raw version. i like to make this and saute it in coconut oil, shallots and garlic. >> maybe put cashew cream in it like an alfredo. >> you're on it. >> i'm learning so much. >> you can also make luasagna with it. >> we're going to have liquid amino acid spray. >> let's take you back to chem class for a second. they're essentially for our survival. they're building blocks for protein. i basically use this for all of my salt needs. i will marinade chicken with it i will use it in salad dressing in soup. >> it's only 6% sodium and you can substitute it for soy sauce when you're enjoying sushi. >> it has a soy flavor so you're not missing out on the saltiness that we all desire. >> all right, thanks mike. >> we'll be right back. release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. (humming) oh yeah. (humming) they're magically delicious. ha! very funny, kyle. well san francisco's restaurant week has gone to the dogs. >> yeah restaurant week usually gives diners an opportunity to experience the city's culinary landscape. today, some dog owners gathered to celebrate the new california law that allows man's best friend to eat in downtown outside areas. they have brench with their furry fans at planet organic cafe. >> allows our dog family to dine with us, whether it's brunch, breakfast, dinner in outdoor spaces at restaurants. >> diners will be able to see some lunch and dinner menus at more than 100 restaurants during restaurant week. prices start at $25. kicks off tomorrow runs through the 30th. >> dogs don't keep it too organic. >> yeah, the dogs don't like the organic. >> thanks so much for joining us. our next newscast is tonight at 5:00. rob, nice having you here. >> it was. >> and nice to see the sun come out. it took all morning for the fog to break out. >> no 6:00 newscast because of the state of the union, but 5:00 we'll have a preview and you can watch the state of the union right here. >> bye. . >> we're live in five four three, two, one. >> oh welcome back to "hollywood live." i'm kit hoover. billy is in new york today in for hoda as he fills in with kathie lee. a tall drink of water. >> that color is incredible on you. >> i'll pull it down. >> i'm a fan. >> your hair. >> i learned how to do this on youtube. i'm not even kidding. i watched videos because i had no idea how guys got that look, and now i can do it. ? you're a tall guy, so you have the extra height with the hair. i don't know if

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