Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20240621 : comp

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20240621

despite the dismal numbers the doctors say that you should still get it. bay area's peggy bunker says that it has been especially mas ti. >> it is especially nasty for those who took the doctor's advice and listened to us they went out and got the shot and they still got the flu. >> reporter: for the mother with the child just over a year-old, it is a scary dying know is sis. >> i learned that even though he got the flu shot he came down with the flu. >> reporter: 18-month-old ryder was diagnosed with the flu after a quick test at the doctor's office. the gamble on which strain to fight is a losing hand with the flu shot protecting less than one one-third of americans. >> what they say is that it is providing 30% of coverage. a good two-thirds of the strains are not covered. >> the estimates are lower than we would have hoped, but not completely unexpected with the mismatched viruses circulating. >> how does it happen? >> they are looking at the flu about nine months to 12 months ago, and what is happening in asia, and they are trying to estimate from that what strains will come out of that part of the world and will infect us in the winter. so they started to make the flu vaccine way back in the wintertime wintertime. >>. >> reporter: and now, people taking tamiflu are only effective at the first symptoms and now little ryder is hoping that it will work. >> and when the flu shot does not work it is upsetting. >> reporter: and now, of course, the flu season're in california has not peaked yet, so it is time to get outt there to get the flu shot and if you are wondering why you would do that the doctor says there are other strains that are still doing a good job here and the bay area doctors are seeing the strain that is not being effective against the a but the p b-b-strain it s. >> and peggy says that doctors are saying to go ahead to get it, and it takes two weeks for it to kick in and the peak season is a couple of weeks from now. and get a flu shot every year, because it will wear off and the strain changes annually. >> and it is the worst breakout of the measles in over ten years. and one outbreak is the happiest place on earth. officials said that six new caseskt connected to the disneyland theme park. and a significant number of the people were not vaccinated and either opted out or were too young to get the shots. nin the early stages, measles can be mistaken for a bad coal. you can get a fever and then symptoms of a cold and then a rash. it is contagious. >> and b.a.r.t. is warning rider s about a potential shutdown of a station. they say that police and b.a.r.t. is ready for any service disruption. this is why, because the protesters are scheduling a are rally at the montgomery street station. the police say they can rally as long as they follow the rules. >> we support the right for you to express your rights and that is why we have a program which allows for program to protest outside of the fair gates. but if you are there within the fare gates not desiring to travel, you are going to be charged. >> and those who are found to be disturbing the disrupting the train will be fined and possibly arrested. and now, look at this two people are almost hit by a train. that red car there, it got stuck on the tracks in burlinggate at the height of the commute at 6:00 p.m. the driver made a right turn and accidentally turned on to the tracks right off of broadway. a witness who tweeted the photo said that a woman and child were in the car, but they managed to escape without any injury. the car was pushed 300 feet after being hit by that train. caltrans is still running 90 minutes behind schedule. >> and a nightclub is facing consequences after a security breach at a chris brown party. five people were injured at the fiesta nightclub saturday. no arrest, and the nightclub owner was give anne 60-day suspension of his entertainment permit and his alcohol license was suspended for 60 days as wel well there. were problems for the r&b singer as well as the judge suspended his probation because he left l.a. county for his event. and he failed to complete his service hours. and now, more details a about shooting that e left a man this critical condition. at 1:30 this afternoon an officer spot ed ated a man acting suspiciously and when the officer approached him, he pulled out a semi au toautomatic gun, and that is when he was shot, and they found bags of meth and marijuana at the scene. >> and they don't want him near the school and so now, parents are speaking out to relocate san jose's college prep. all of the students will be forced to another location which is a quarter of the size. it is also several miles away. the families say that the move would hurt the progress they have made since the charter school open ded in 2006. >> they are taking like a step back instead of moving forward. like, and they are not helping them like they should -- the students shouldn't even go through this. >> well, the parents wa ss want the school board to put it to a vote, and the parents say it is a overall plan to move several facilities, because of the expiring leases and expiring bond money. and now a follow-up of a 24-hour makeover. take a look. last night, a mess and tonight, all cleaned up. someone has swept away the dirt and the debris from the streets of kentucky place in san jose's almarock neighborhood. this is after we told you about the neighbors talking about the weeds and the leaves from gardening left sitting on the curbs for months and were afraid to walk at night because of the broken lights. and there was part of a safety test to dump 50 million gallons of drinking water as part of a safety program. this is equivalent to nearly 3 million shower ss. the crystal springs dam on the peninsula has been upgraded with new valves and it needed to be tested in case of an emergency. >> this emergency draw-down valves are used for heavy flooding or if if we need to reduce the reservoir level to reduce and control flooding downstream. >> less than a mile from that dam, technicians with the u.s. geological creek survey monitored it as the information gathered may be used in the next big storm. and new at 11:00, they are back on firm ground after a historic climb at yosemite and what they had to say. a map has to stand up saying enough is enough. >> and the film on the life of martin luther king and a grass roots campaign to get more students to see "selma" and it takes 20 minutes a day, the activity that could add years to your life. sfli 'm meteorologist e jeff ma neri, and we are upon or thing activity off to the north and some heavy pockets of activity to the north. a turn point in history that most kids don't know anything about, a about, and that is why there is a push to have kids see "selma" and the president is holding a screening tomorrow night. and century theaters is showing the movie for free. >> yes, that is right. middle school students can see the movie "selma" for free. and that is the idea of #sellma for students. >> he started the civil rights movement. >> he wrote i have a dream. >> and the dream that is portrayed this the big screen in the movie "sellma." >> we must march. we must stand up. >> reporter: a movie about civil rights movement, and history and something that most middle schoolchildren don't have anything about. >> i thought it was about an indian dude. >> reporter: elijah corpus saw it with his friends. he has seen him in the history weeks, but he had not learned about sellma. >> and that is a problem, and that is why they believe that every student should see this movie. >> for this generation, it is removed, but it is important or the them to understand what is behind the movement. >> reporter: this is called #selma for students. they are partnering with businessmen and women around the country to raise thousands of dollars for 7th, 8th, and 9th grader s can graders can see selma for free at participating theaters. >> our goal in the bay area is between now and martin luther king day, january 19th, is to see as many people in to see the movie. >> reporter: the movement started with 10,000 students in bay area to see the movie. and this young man said it may not be his first choice to see, but it will give him a good history lesson of what his parents went through. >> and it is like the same predicament of what it was back then if we don't learn. >> reporter: all middle school students have to do is to show an id and go to the theater. if you want more information go to our website nbc bay and click on the link selma for students. thank you, cheryl. and it may have the presidential seal of approval but it was snubbed by the oscars. all of the 20 nominees for the oscars are white. that hasn't happened in 20 year ss years. >> it with was not a goods year for diversity as for the final selection by the akdcademy. >> it is an issue in hollywood, because they don't make enough movies for women or people of color. >> and last year the best pick picture was "12 years a slave" where the lead actress won with best actress. and responding to the the controversy, the president of the academy said that the movies with were very competitive. and now, jesse jackson is asking for dr. martin luther king to be honored as a paid holiday. this is because many companies are being criticized for lack of diversity. google yahoo! and twitter give their employees the day off paid but apple and microsoft do not. apple says they are encouraging their employees to day off to volunteer as a way to honor dr. king. and now, two separate baby boy s boys were born on highway 24 in the east bay. maybe it is improbable but two mothers gave birth to baby boys two days apart. the pirs ift one happen ded near the acc ashgsalaini exit, and another birth to today. >> reporter: today, these proud parents can laugh about the wild ride yesterday. they felt that bayby gabriel would arrive in a few hours, and they started to head for the hospital at walnut creek at 7:05. >> my water broke on the way, and maybe five to eight minutes in. >> reporter: things started happening fast. and morning traffic on the san pablo dam road was not moving. >> it was stop dead traffic, and i hit the shoulder. >> reporter: he made it on to highway 24 and the gps telling him how much longer the drive would take. >> i was counting down, can you wait this long this long and basically getting the information from the source. >> reporter: they didn't make it. he pull ded over near the a krshgsccalani exit, and the passenger seat turned into a birthing seat. and i i looked down and she was crowning. i could see the little head and it was freezing on the highway. and i mean, we had big rigs passing by p and all kinds of cars obviously. >> reporter: in all of the chaos, dad caught gabriel and caught him in a pillowcase and warmed him up on mom's shirt. >> he took the reins and i could not be more happy. >> reporter: and that car is part of the grow ging family. >> i can't get rid of that car. it is going to be his car. >> can't get rid of it ever for sure. and now, dad did take some picture s pictures and he is going to provide the exact moment of the birth, and they will show that it happened by taking it to the county county. and the other baby that was worn at the 680 interchange is doing well. they said that the dad pulled to the right shoulder as his wife delivered a healthy little boy and the chp went on to congratulate the parents. good story to tell. >> if you are pregnant, do not drive on 24 unless you want to the accelerate the delivery. jeff? >> well, we have a super storm getting closer to us, and we cannot get the heavy rainfall near us at the bay area. all we are getting is cloud cover from the north bay the south bay and all we can do is to zoom in and put a stop on the radar. and what i want to do is to take you off to the north. if you put a loop on the radar, as it advances, you will see the direction that the rainfall is trend ing trending, and you can see that it is continually moving here across eureka towards reading as well. you will see that we are going to be hit by the rainfall tonight, and residual showers and take you outside of the skywork and temperatures in the 50s with plenty of widespread cloud cover and 52 in the south bay and 52 in the east bay and for tomorrow morning this is the start of the cooler side and north bay, 44 degrees, and the thing that you want to notice is the two areas that will start out with the possibility of showers in san francisco in the form of drizzle and a chance of showers in the north bay as well. the big problem in the forecast for all of january as we have been talking about is the fact that we vhave not had any rainfall all because of the high pressure sitting a tough the south. it is a big shield sitting right on top of california and any kind of storm systems that look to try to get close, they will break up as they get close. so the storm we are tracking, as it advances closer, we won't get any huge rainfall, and it is going to to break apart, and sending the rainfall to the north. as farr as the rain chances go tomorrow, it is going to be pleek. spotty showers at 9:30 in the morn, and maybe in the morin or the napa or the sonoma counties a trace to 0.05 of an inch. for saturday, it is not looking overly wet, but with the storm track to the north, we may see a little spotty activity and maybe that is going to continue into sunday morning so friday and saturday and right into sunday morning a slight chance of showers up to the north bay and after that they will be clearing out that weekend. take you into the microclimate forecast as we head into friday and for most of it into the bay area varying cloud cover. in san jose a few clouds and breaks in the afternoon. 67 in los gatos, and palo alto, 64 and pacifica 61. in terms of the rainfall, once again, the possibility of showers along the san francisco peninsula with the marina and for esthill, and the east bay and tri valley the best chance of showers is right here to the north bay and napa and santa rosa and for the overall trend to san jose and friday and saturday and sunday the chance for showers is san francisco for friday an saturday atd this point. hopefully some rainfall in february because otherwise it is dry all of the way to end of january. >> okay. the fingers crossed and we will do the rain dance. thank you, jeff. well a family wait eded for three years for the stolen dog to come home, and we will show you the heartfelt reunion coming up. >> and we have jimmy. >> and kevin hart is here for slap chat, and megan treanor, and we will have that on next. take a look. you know what this is? it is one of the cameras around the a area and it is a bird watching its own reflection. >> and simple and free to ward off diabetes doctors say that walking can save your life. a cambridge university study said that walking can add years to your life. the study followed more than 300,000 european men and women over a 12-year span. they say that lack of exercise kills twice as many people as obesity and found that a 20-minute walk would reduce a person's risk of death by 30%. >> everyone inspired by the project, and encouraged them to find their own dawn wall because what is interesting about this project is that itt has elements that everyone can relate to. it is a big dream, and it takes a lot of hard work to make it happen. >> even if you don't climb, go face your own personal challenge is the message from the rock stars, the two climbers who conquer the dawn wall, one of the hardest in the world. as they plan the climbing adventure, it is now inspiring millions of people around the world. nice to have them back down here where we are. >> yes. i bet it is not for long though. >> and now, we will have more on the 49ers new coach and what exactly he said today. okay. gerard is here and it is a long news conference and at times rambling, but we are all glass half if full here with rexwards to the new 49ers' coach. >> yes you have to be and this is a new experience for jim tomsula because he was a head coach for nfl europe in 2006 and different than with being the head coach of the red and gold. the new 49ers head coach jim tomsula has been with the organization since 2007, but evident in today's introductory press conference, he seemed out of the element in the top role. of course, the football games are not won or lost in the press conference, but without a doubt, work to do in the terms for coach to be the face of the organization. bringing the 49ers back from the 8-8 season, trent ballky will also play a role. >> no one man does it by himself, and it is in the strength of everybody around him. >> in the organizational perspective perspective, there are things that we have to do better and that i have to do better, all right. it is not about one individual. but this is about the team. >> this is our pick. you know that is the most important thing. it is our pick as the san francisco 49ers. >> wa what the coach does have in his favor is that the players like him and respect him and will play hard for him. he prides himself in being a relationship builder and the squad is giving the selection a solid endorsement. >> it is exciting to have somebody that you know for me personally, and i have been with him for four years now. and, it is great to have him be a father figure for me, myself, and, you know continue. >> and have a great relationship with him and talk to him about anything, and also one of the coaches who keeps the spirit high. it is a great opportunity for him. >> now, quarterback colin kaepernick spoke out about the new quarterback, and this came out, and quote, i'm excited that coach tomsula is going to be the head coach and he is a tremendous guy and he is going to help us win. he is upbeat and fun to be around. i can't wait to get a playbook in my hand, end quote. all right. opener of the seven-game homestand for the san jose sharks. in the first period brendan dillon blasted a shot to tyler ken kennedy with the right place and the right time and 1-0 for the team in teal. and then patrick marleau believes he has the goal, and the play under review, ta and puck crosses the line. it is indeed a goal. 2-0, sharks. and san jose goes on the win, 3-0. and they snap a three-game losing streak and they will host calgary saturday night. we have more coming up after the break. ♪i can show you the world♪ ♪shining, shimmering, splendid♪ ♪tell me, princess, now when did♪ ♪you last let your heart decide♪ ♪a whole new world♪ welcome to aulani, travel and leisure winner for top family hotel in the u.s. for special offers visit or call your travel agent. how about this. they had lost hope but three years after their dog was stolen, they finally got the call they had hoped for. their dog had been found. she had a microchip and when she showed up at the shelter, they call d called the family. today, the happy reunion and they say that she is going to get a lot of love and treats of course, and they say that they won't let her out of their sight. >> the kids were so happy and super cute. good for hanna. >> good night. >> have a good day tomorrow. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- kevin hart. jay baruchel.

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United States , New York , Los Gatos , California , Rockefeller Center , San Francisco Peninsula , Kentucky , Pacifica , Sonoma , Hollywood , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , United Kingdom , Yosemite , Reunion , San Francisco , Americans , Jimmy Fallon , Tyler Ken Kennedy , Brendan Dillon , Jeff Ma Neri , Martin Luther King , Kevin Hart , Megan Treanor , Jesse Jackson , Patrick Marleau , A Chris Brown ,

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