Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20171117 : comp

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20171117

why we've been picking up so much whether, it's only moving at 6.7 miles per hour, so the system was able to add the totals up, over an inch and a half in san francisco. nearly an inch in san jose and 2 to 4 1/2 inches in the santa cruz mountains. my time line shows this starts to move out by 3:00 a.m. a colder start tomorrow at 48. stick around at 11:19 tonight we'll let you know how wet it will be for thanksgiving week. >> heavy snow in the sierra, too. chain requirement still in effect on 80 heading up to tahoe and reno. as jeff mention it had next storm is around the corner, you can follow÷d his updates@jeff ranieri. >> a four alarm fire ripping through a senior living community near philadelphia. this is in west chester. 20 people have been taken to a hospital, many of them are senior citizens. no word of any deaths or what sparked these flames. we'll keep you posted as more details come in. i have to do something pretty risky and gusty. >> gusty for sure. speaking out for the first time since his wild escape and capture, a mental ward inmate deemed a psychopath killer jet setted to the area from hawaii. he was captured yesterday, three days after he escaped from a mental facility in honolulu. he's behind bars and is chatting. sergio quintana joins us with his story. >> reporter: he is chatting. he was very open about why he decided to orchestrate his elaborate escape. he was able to make it from hawaii here to san jose international airport completely undetected but he didn't want to talk about any possible help he may have got. randall saito's red inmate jumper is a change from the pink jacket, shirt and hat he was wearing in taxicab video taken during his escape on sunday. >> the reason i did what i did is because i've been trying to apply for conditional release from the state hospital and they keep denying me. >> they describe him as a homicidal psycho path he was acquitted of the murder of sandra yamashiro. he admits to killing her. >> it was after years of stance abuse, three years of decline into substance abuse. >> he believes he is no longer a threat. >> i can live in the community without doing drugs and without hurting anyone and proving to them without a doubt -- without a doubt -- >> during the interview he said he does not deserve forgiveness from his victim's family. >> the family has every right to take my life in response to what i did, but no one else. >> reporter: he was able to pull off a complicated escape including fake id's and hidden cash for plane tickets but he didn't want to talk about who helped him. nbc bay area news. >> a south bay chiropractor seen here arrested for sexual assault. he's accused of inappropriately touching a patient during an adjustment. the alleged incident happened in september at his business. investigators believe there may be other victims. if you have any information, you're urged to call the police. key wee found. the black lab who ran after the car he was in smashed into a house, he was one of nine dogs out to the trip to the park who ended up having a wild adventure. jean elle is live with more on the situation. >> reporter: jessica, kiwi took off when the truck he was riding in slammed into this house. you can see the damage. a dog walker who came out to help look for kiwi tells us he was found a short time ago hiding on someone's porch in this neighborhood. tonight he is back with a relieved owner after an emotional search. >> kiwi! >> reporter: a distraught dog owner and dog walkers spread out looking for kiwi. >> he's probably traumatized and scared. it's a very good chance that he could be at somebody's garage, in somebody's yard. >> he took off after this accident. a dog walker was behind the wheel with a child and nine dogs inside her truck. it was double parked and then came rolling down the street. >> it just started free falling, like i guess the parking brake wasn't on, it went down, hit his trees, smashed into it and then it started going downhill, all the way until it hit there. >> witnesses say the driver seemed confused after the accident. emergency crews took her and a child to the hospital to be checked out. the impact of the crash popped the truck's shell in the bed leaving nine dogs free to take off. meantime, firefighters called the numbers on dog tags. >> one of the dogs is mine. >> as worried pet owners came and got their pets at the scene. jean elle nbc bay area news. >> a safeway employee is in the hospital after he was stabbed by a robbery suspect. it happened just after 4:00 p.m. in berkeley. they say the employee spotted the shoplifter and chased the suspect. there was a fight, and that's when he was stabbed. the suspect did get away. a warning from police about a series of robberies near the cal campus. these crimes might be connected because the one thing the suspects are targeting. cheryl hurd is in berkeley for us with the new details. >> reporter: the robbers seem to be going after college students walking alone in the dark. this is what they're going after, backpacks and cell phones. >> it makes me feel unsafe, definitely. >> reporter: a feeling shared by many students who got an alert telling them that there have been a series of robberies near campus. >> the series has been two people that are waiting or following nearby, the pedestrians, and actually just coming right up to them and attempting to steal their backpacks and cell phones. >> reporter: police say the robberies started november 9th, the last one reported on the 14th. >> i was glad for the description they gave, because it kind of showed that there was a very clear pattern that these criminals are going after. >> reporter: police say they are going after people walking alone on the north side of campus. two robberies taking place on spruce and virginia. another one on le-conte avenue. >> a couple instances they had a gun or put their hans underneath their sweatshirt looking like they had a gun. >> the suspect work in pairs, 18 to 25 years old. police are asking college students to be aware of their surroundings. >> if you think someone is trying to hurt you, maybe holler for help. >> reporter: that happened twice. motorists driving by seeing the robbery in progress and the robbers ran away. if you happen to have surveillance video, contact berkeley police. nearly two dozen cars broken into overnight in the forest hills neighborhood. a good portion of those happened in the ucsf housing facility. cars using plastic wrap and blankets to cover the smashed windows, 21 cars hit by burglars. tesla rolling out two new rides. an electric semitruck. and a roadster. the truck is powered by a huge battery which lasts 500 miles. it's capable of hauling 80,000 pounds. the star of the show, the return of the roadster. ceo e lan musk saying it can go 0 to 60 in 1.9 seconds. >> the new tesla roadster will be the fastest production car ever made period. >> a lot of people thrilled about this. tonight's event was down in l.a.. tesla will begin production in 2019. no prices were announced tonight. still ahead a wild ride down 880. a viral video that caught the attention of police. the label says one thing, but the potency of pot could mean something else entirely. so what happens when we send the same marijuana to different labs? i'm liz wagner, the results of our investigation up next. showers lingering on the doppler radar, when it gets out of here and what it looks like for your thanksgiving week and when the best chance of rain will be. rush? in just a few weeks, recreational marijuana use will be legal here in okay. are you ready for the green rush in just a few weeks? recreational marijuana use will be legal in california. >> a lot of new rules in place. sellers will be required to test their pot so customers know what they're buying. but are the testing labs altering the results. a lot of people are raising a red flag hoping regulators will notice and take action. here's investigative reporter liz wagner. >> they call into question the integrity of the pot testing industry. they're calling into question some of the labs already after an nbc bay area experiment. we ran our own test on marijuana testing labs. >> i'm going to pour it into our boiling pot. >> patrick give frif fit is get ready to open up shop. he's turning pot into potent oil for vaping cartridges and edibles. >> that will be the final product we put on our shefls. >> it's rich in thc, the more thc it has, the more it's worth. so he admits he's fudged the numbers with the help of testing labs. were you putting products out with a certain thc percentage, knowing it wasn't that percentage? >> yes. >> he says it's the only way to compete. he's revealing this dirty secret, hoping it will change. >> if we're not happy with numbers from one lab we go to  our situation and get the numbers. >> isn't that lying and fraud? >> yes, that would be lying and fraud. >> several states require sellers to test their pot for thc along with pesticides and mold. like sellers labs also stand to make a lot of money. and he says some are boosting numbers to boost business. >> these companies rely totally on marijuana income. so if you're not happy and you leave, where rels they going to get business from. >> these two say their company has been asked to inflate its findings. labs. >> in almost every statefiede operate in, we have had someone approach us and say what would it take to get these numbers changed. >> his response is go find another lab and apparently they did. an independent lab analyzed test data and found labs that returned the highest thc numbers got the most business. the state suspended three labs. >> we have a lab in alaska, and we're seeing labs coming in, not failing people, elevating potency levels and grabbing market share. >> do you fear it will happen here in california. >> it will absolutely happen in california. >> new state regulations will force labs to show they have proper equipment and quality controls. but they can't all come into compliance overnight. we decided to test themhxñ ourselves to see how far they have to go. >> we'll weigh it at 1 gram. >> with help we ran an experc t experime experiment. he mixed this batch, poured samples and packaged them up. then our producer hand delivered the samples to labs across the state. >> one down, nine to go. >> we drove from the bay area to the san diego and back, hitting 10 different labs. the first came back with a thc level of 66%, the next 80%. and here are the rest. remember the samples came from the same batch of extract. experts say some variation is normal but it ranged from 64 to 83%, nearly a 20-point spread. >> would the numbersa would b off that your alarm bells start ringing. >> 8 to 10% i get concerned. >> soon lab testing will be mandatory and right now they say sellers are sending their own samples to lab to figure out who they want to work with. >> are they lab shopping? >> absolutely they are. >> lawyerry ajax is chief of the cannabis control. at the first ever meeting, she told us they plan to audit labs to make sure they're returning accurate data. and they're confident they can verify thc results. >> we'll have the ability to do testing and do it with a contracted lab with the state of california. she says they hope to figure that out in a few months but sellers and scientists warn strong oversight can't happen soon enough. >> everybody knows there are going to be some bad actor labs that are going to chaet and i think the mechanisms will be there to catch them. hopefully they get implemented quickly. >> we found labs gave different test results for the same product. the extract worker sent oil to the same labs we visited to see his results and how they differed from us, head to our website. >> if you have a story for liz or anyone else in the investigative unit you can call them 888-996-tips or send them an e-mail at investigate. i thought we were in the clear, but then we saw cheryl hurd in berkeley it's raining there. >> yes, it's continuing to push in some showers at this hour. eventually we do have some sunshine coming back to the mix. looking at your weather right now. i want to take you to the source of all of this rainfall. it stretches some 2,500 miles long. it's known as the pineapple express as many of you know it, the moisture back towards hawaii. so that joined with our slow moving storm system to pump up these rainfall totals. that rain is on average from one inch to two inches to the lower elevations and we did get some four inch readings as well. i posted all of them on twitter. you can see the last leg moving through san francisco and berkeley. behind that you can see how much dryer it is. so this is the last part of this. and i think we're going to see it dryout, once we hit the morning commute. 8:00 in the morning, sunny skiee returning and you should not need those brumbrellas. with the clear skies coming in, the temperatures are going to drop, for the north bay we're down to my number one chill at 45, san francisco a few clouds and 52 degrees. as we head throughout the day for tomorrow, like i said earlier we're putting it on cruise control. sunny skies, a breeze, 64 in downtown san jose, throughout the east bay, 63 in ante yok, 66 in oakland. sunny skies in redwood city. and the outer sun set 59. throughout the north bay, 63 in santa rosa, 65 for sonoma. let's spend time on the extended forecast. i know a lot of us this time of year have things coming our way. saturday we are dry, sunday dry most of the day. but the chance of rain starts to approach by 10:00 p.m. better chance of ourzcy next ra monday. we're looking at a tenth to maybe a half inch. then showers next tuesday, wednesday and thursday. now we're going to watch next tuesday through thursday super closely. we have several disturbances moving into the pacific northwest. if that rain line moves more to the south we could be talking about a lot more rainfall. notice how the temperatures start to warm up next week. it's going to be milder weather moving in again. so we have lots of chances next week. i think only the concern right now would be monday at this mont. la-nina has moved in, that's an influence of what we saw today. >> saturday is the food drive and the big game, cal and stanford at stanford stadium. up next, check it out. a wild bore, and he's on a leash. the story behind this unusual visitor to a local animal control office. >> and we have jimmy. >> tim mcgraw is here and we have chance the rapper. do not change the channel. happening now, we have an update on the five-alarm fire at a senior living center near philadelphia more than 140 senior citizens had to evacuate. some forced into the bitter cold in their wheelchairs or wrapped in blankets. no word on any deaths but we do know so far 20 people have been hurt. back in a moment. while you sleep, our team will be on the streets - surveying damage - after "pounding rain" in parts of the bay. and it )s not over yet! kari times out (another storm heading our way. join us tomorrow on )today in the bay ) - 4:30 to . good morning, it )s 7:26... what was she drinking -- and what was she thinking? tonight, an investigation into new at 11:00, what was she drinking and what was she thinking? tonight investigation into this viral video. it appears to show snapchats of a young woman drinking from a bottle of alcohol while driving around the bay area in the middle of the night. she drove through 880 in oakland, and in fremont. she's reportedly a student at stack state. the university is commenting. the police are searching for her. hold the dip. trader joe's isg( recalling di they're being taken off shelves and destroyed. they could be contaminated with listeria. no illnesses have been reported. a first for san francisco animal control. they're taking care of a wild bore. that's him. the people that found him said he was little but he grew and grew. officers say the sanctuary have offered to take him. having a wild bore as a pet is illegal, by the way. back in a moment with the big show down in a moment. the warriors versus the celtics. we'll show you what happened. at stanford health care, we can now repair complex aortic aneurysms without invasive surgery. if we can do that, imagine what we can do for varicose veins. and if we can precisely treat eye cancer with minimal damage to the rest of the eye, imagine what we can do for glaucoma, even cataracts. if we can use dna to diagnose the rarest of diseases, imagine what we can do for the conditions that affect us all. imagine what we can do for you. the two best teams in the nba... the warriors and the celtics.... okay it almost seemed like a playoff game tonight. the two best teams in the nba. >> a lot of cheering in the news room and all over the bay area. the celtics in the bay area. what a game, back and forth the warriors were running early, kd with a big slam there. the warriors had a 17 point lead but they blew it. the celtics go on a 19 point run capped off by jason tatum. one last chance for the warriors they have an inbound for kd, turn around jump shot he misses it -- watch it here, he was oft the mark. warriors lose 92 to 88. celtics have won 14 straight games and have the best record in the nba. a frustrating night in the shark tank. the sharks scored twice but they didn't. both goals were overturned. the florida panthers come in to san jose and win 2-0. that can't happen. but it did. >> but it did. upnext he's been busy. the san jose police officer who solved a lot of crimes. ♪ when you have doctors working as a team for your health, you get the care you need to help you thrive. ♪ visit to learn more. kaiser permanente. thrive. ♪ beyond. the san jose police foundation held its )major finally tonight, honoring officers who have gone abov!h$5c beyond. the san jose police foundation holding its award ceremony tonight. among those recognized officer javier acosta. >> in this area of san jose, it was plagued with just tons of burglaries. took it upon ourselves to take some action and put a handle on this. >> job well done. mcing tonight's ceremony that's our own reporter. he did a great job. they raise funds for police equipment not covered in the city's annual budget. congratulations to all the officers honored tonight. so tomorrow should be clearer. >> it should be. the morning commute, 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. we dry out. maybe more rain on monday. we made it to friday. >> almost >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- chance the rapper -- tim mcgraw and faith hill.

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