Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20170817 : comp

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20170817

deportation here in the bay area. this won't be last. this new political climate is prompting debate about our immigration process and causing heart ache for a lot of local families. we've been following the emotional journey of mario mendoza sanchez including a last-minute intervention by senator dianne feinstein. within 20 minutes, she'll take off for mexico city. jean elle joins us time where you spent i'm with the family tonight. >> reporter: raj, what an emotional night here at the airport. a bay area mother and father saying good-bye to their three daughters. and everything else they know and love. >> this is a moment i hoped that has never came. >> reporter: after years of trying to achieve legal status, the fight is over. mario mendoza sanchez and her husband leave their home in oakland behind and check in at sfo for a flight to mexico, saying good-bye to the united states and their three daughters. >> it's hard. i wish i don't have to leave my kids behind, but i really like to follow the law. >> reporter: the oncology nurse and truck driver are following an immigration deportation order starting over in mexico with their son. leaving three daughters behind. >> always have my support even if it's i'm not here for them to see when they come home from school. for them to stick up about their frustrations. i'm always on the other side of the phone and i will deal with them. >> reporter: difficult words for a daughter to accept. >> what scares me the most, i don't know when they're going to be back. i just want us to be together. >> mendoza sanchez says she and her family will continue to pursue everts to be reunited legally here in the united states. reporting live at sfo, jean elle i. >> a very difficult night indeed. channeling anger into action. tonight in charlottesville, a powerful but peaceful gathering one march by many peers but also by hope. that vigil being held in the midst of a new firestorm today for president trump after the impromptu news conference where he appeared to defend white supremacists. tonight the criticism is coming from all corners. to charlottlesville trt: 1:46 =anim= ♪ let it shine, let it shine >> a time to mourn, a time to reflect and a time to heal. tonight, thousands gathered for a candlelight vigil at the university of virginia. it was a peaceful gathering. a stark contrast from the violence that erupted saturday. 250 miles away, the streets of philadelphia flooded with protesters this evening. their message? finley is charlottesville. organizers say white supremacy is not just a "the southern thing." earlier in iowa, a state that helped put president trump in the white house a march against hate and against some of the very groups the president seemed to defend following that deadly violence in charlottesville. >> i think there's blame on both sides. >> reporter: from some in the president's own party outrage. >> this is terrible. the president of the united states needs to condemn these kind of hate groups. >> reporter: the president's team did that today. >> in no way can we accept apologize for, racism, bigotry, hatred. >> there's simply no place for that in our public discourse. >> it is a dishonor to our country's veterans to allow the nazis and the white supremacists to go unchallenged. >> reporter: facing a full scale rebellion by the very ceos he once called colleagues can, president trump announced on twitter today he's disbanding two of his business councils. the president trying to get ahead of a mass etch oh dus. eight of the leaders previously announced they were out because of the president's reaction to charlottesville. hundreds of people gathered to honor heather heyer killed in saturday's protest. family and friends remembered the 32-year-old legal assistant as kind, compassionate and strong willed. her vowed her daughter's death would not be in vain. an ohio man is accused of his car to intentionally drive into that group. here at home, the alt-right might be silences. the rally planned for august 26th at krissy feed still needs formal approval from the national park service. late this evening, the person responsible for issuing a permit to allow the patriot prayer protest released the statement. it says in part, our highest priority is to insure public safety while honoring our obligation to uphold one of our nation's most cherished constitutional rights, the first anticipate right to freedom of speech. earlier today senator feinstein sent a sharply worded letter to the superintendent of the national park service and said the event is provocation. sewerly to lead to violence. house minority leader nancy at the pel says she doesn't want that permit issued. a final decision should come within seven business days. civil roadblocks in berkeley, an august 27th alt-right event is being organized but the mayor says it's not welcome. >> honestly, if they sought a permit, i would say that should be denied because we know that they, they're not here for free speech. they're here for violent provocation. >> just into our news roop, his side of the story. within the past 30 minutes, we received a statement from coal white. that's the young man from clayton at that rally in charlottesville over the weekend. white also worked at top dog in berkeley but resigned this week pep says he's been mischaracterized and went to charlottesville last weekend to meet with other conservatives saying in part i want to make it clear that i am not a white extremist nor was i ever. though people with such beliefs were obviously present. assuming those were the beliefs of the entire crowd is uninformed and irresponsible. >> johnny ray mon det ta who was scheduled to speak in charlottesville may be out of a job. there are reports tonight he's no longer employed at a san francisco electric company. he wouldn't comment on his job. but said he would soon be issuing a statement. protests at the doorstep of the alameda keep the sheriff over a retreat of a controversial white leader. the department insyss it was a mistake made while doing research on that speaker. tonight though demonstrators say they want the department to somehow prove it. nbc bay area's sergio quintana joins us live in oakland. what kind of proof do they expect to get? >> that controversial retweet was on monday. operator of the alameda county sheriff's department said he even tried to get an i.t. person to try to help him delete that he retweet. well, this group just filed a records request to get any kind of proof of that. during the demonstration, one of the organizers handed an envelope to a deputy standing guard on the front steps inside the envelope, a public records request. >> we wanted to find out how that happened, why it happened and we need information. we need accountability from this department into this is the controversial retweet from the official sheriff's handle from monday night. it was of white nationalist leader richard spencer's twitter feed, a live news conference about charlottesville. a short time later another message saying it was an accidental retweet and another saying they were trying to take it down. >> of course they need to find information about them. we're concerned about the way it happened and moreover, the fact that this department has a history of opposing the immigrant community. >> reporter: before the retweet incident, organizers called a demonstration calling greg ahearn to task for his support of jeff sessions. >> what kind of correspondence has the sheriff been having with the trump administration and with anti-immigrant forces? we want to uncover the truth. >> this group is pushing for senate bill 54, the california values act. if passed it would restrict local law enforcement agencies from communicating with immigration and customs enforcement agents. >> reporter: the alameda county sheriff's department will have ten business days to respond to this public records request. reporting live in oakland, sergio quintana, nbc bay area news. new at 11:00, if you were driving past the shell refinery you probably saw flames shooting into the air. company tells us the refinery had an equipment issue so a safety flare was triggered. flaring is a safety device used to burn off excess gas that occurs as it tries to return back to normal operation prfz federal agents are now joining the investigation into that deadly fire. 10-year-old linda van seen here was killed when flames tore through a san jose mobile home yesterday. her best friend and her friend's uncle were also killed. a memorial tonight is growing at the site of that fire inside the golden wheel mobile hope park right off 880. cell phone video shows that scene right when happened. it was part of our breaking news consequently last night. neighbors heard a loud pop and in less than ten minutes, that home was gone. >> the lady who saw it, she was in great shock when she heard the boom sound. she looked up to her window and saw a man engulfed in fire who was collapsing. > atf agents are now on site as well as an accelerant sniffing dog. tense moments in oakland today as i.c.e. agents were met with a group of protesters. agents greeted with boos and chants of shame from the community. happened just north of downtown. witnesses say at least two the undocumented immigrants from guatemala were taken into custody. i.c.e. officials wouldn't explain why they were there. but eckelund police did say the federal agents were looking for suspects in an alleged human tracking ring targeting juveniles. still ahead at 11:00, if a professor tries to date one of his students, should he continue teaching? there's some concern tonight on a bay area campus. >> plus, it's the moment of impact. watch carefully as a semi slams into a traffic barrier. what happened to the driver inside that semi? i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. a cool 66 in san jose right now. things are warming up tomorrow. my forecast in ten minutes. >> and did you get lucky? do we have a winner? the numbers were drawn for one of the biggest powerball jackpots ever. we'll let you know if anyone cashed in. ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. caught on camera, watch this video. it shows the exact moment right there when that semi slammed into a traffic barrier and goes skidding along a kansas highway. you saw the truck just burst into flames. trapping the driver inside. almost hard to believe, but some good samaritans rushed into help and miraculously the driver suffered only minor injuries. >> back here in the bay area, a candlelight memorial to honor the life of a local musician. candles and flowers lined the glorious kingdom baptist church in oakland. family and friends remember david deporous as passionate about music and a kind soul. his father says the outpouring of support has been tremendous. >> it's beyond my wildest dreams to see how my son is being honored. it's desperately desperately sad. it's a constant reminder of the fact that my son is gone. but the fact that he's being remembered by this community and embraced so wonderfully as a father, i couldn't be happier. >> a little bit of solace for that father there. he was killed earlier this month while trying to recover his music from a thief on a laptop. there's a $15,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest. a new clue to help find a killer. watch that video. it's surveillance video. san jose police say the man seen with that hoodie is waned in a deadly stabbing that happened back in june. police found a 63 years man found stabbed to death. he later died at the hospital but that man is considered a suspect. back to school with a heavy dose of controversy. next week classes begin at san jose state. a professor will be back in the classroom. last year he was punished by the university for sexually harassing one of his fee may students. robert honda has the bitter reaction from campus. >> reporter: today it's a low key atmosphere on the campus with staff getting ready for classes next week and also in a low key manner, the college released this internal memo obtained by nbc bay area stating counselor education professor will kern in the fall. aptigar's return is already causing a stir. he had been on paid leave after a school investigation concludeds he sexually harassed a student when he inquired if she was single and wanted to date. but the school did not take that action till after the mercury news revealed he was still on job five months after the investigation. dr. jason laker, a professor in the same department, sued the school related to this issue. >> i'm shocked. appalled, disgusted. scared, upset. worried pore our students. embarrassed for my employer. >> students we talked to had mixed reactions but some instructors told us they had to take a lot of extra training this summer on appropriate conduct. >> it seems like they are stepping up the hr response to this with a lot of emphasis on student teacher interactions in those workshops. >> dr. lake ser not swayed. >> i think that any fact member found by their own investigatory have committed sexual harassment shouldn't be in the classroom at all or on the campus. >> robert honda, nbc bay area news. >> there are tough news for early morning b.a.r.t. comirts. the agency is considering pushing back start times. it needs to accommodate long needed repairs. trains start rolling at 5:00 a.m. instead of 4:00. critical upgrades were approved by voters in november as part of a $3.5 million bond. b.a.r.t. says it is looking at other options like a bus bridge to try to accommodate early morning commuters. >> if you're watching us right now, that means you probably didn't win. the big jackpot is getting even bigger. that's because no one matched all the winning numbers in tonight's winning powerball drawing. did we enter? >> we're going to now. >> we're still in the game. saturday's jackpot now soars to $510 million. check those tickets closely. just in case. while no one matched all the numbers, some came close. those numbers 9, 15, 43, 60, 64, and the powerball is 4. so you're saying we still have a chance then? >> now we get in the game. tomorrow, i will pool our money and we'll get it. >> how about a combination of my seven-day forecast numbers. >> jeff. >> 70s and low 80s? >> 50s. >> let's do it. >> all right. as we head throughout this week, temperatures will be warming up the next three days. luckily no 100s. i keep repeating that because it has been so hot this summer. i want to start off tonight with a unique look at the fog. i took the current model and put it on loop so you can see where the fog is most numerous mainly up into the north bay and the immediate coastline. a lot less cloud cover at this hour. i think it's going to start us off with more sunshine tomorrow morning even down towards the south bay with 63. the fog on the peninsula and coast, 59. partly sunny for the tri-valley and 61. for san francisco, we have a little bit of drizzle to start and 57. as we look at your microclimate forecast for tomorrow, nice day even though temperatures warm up, it still looks good in morgan hill with 86 degrees. downtown san jose with 84. wind out of the northwest at 12. for the east bay, the hottest from antioch to livermore over to pleasanton and up to walnut creek. it will feel like low 90s in the sun. looking at air temperature in the upper 80s. out there in oakland with some of the best weather and 75. over towards the peninsula, half moon bay 66. san francisco 65, and then a warmer 69 for the mission and throughout the north bay, 56 at pt. reyes and 84 expected in novato. we're good for trend to continue like this for the next two days because high pressure stays in just about the same spot to keep that warmer air inland and that fog is going to continue right at the immediate coastline. no sign of rainfall here over the next two weeks either. you'll see on the forecast, we are dry in san francisco with temperatures in the 60s as we look ahead towards this upcoming weekend, also into early next week. for the inland valleys, how about this for those powerball numbers. a mix of 50s, 60s, also 80s coming your way. overall upper 80s into saturday. then we'll start to cool off of early next week. we've been talking about the eclipse a lot. i showed this to you last night. so many of you are interested in the eclipse, 9:01 on monday to 11:37 in the morning is the window when this happens. the. >> p.j.: time is 10:15 in the morning on monday when the bay area experiences the 75% eclipse. it's considered partial for us. that green line in the center of the green is where it will be in totality 100% eclipse. a lot of stuff happening. maybe if we align the numbers right, all that good stuff, it's going to work out for us. >> you're in charn of the numbers. >> we the glasses. they're all sold out. >> the money we're going to win, too. >> they're all sold out. >> if we win, we can buy enough for all the viewers. >> thanks, jeff. up next, why police are so anxious to track down this masked man. >> and we have jimmy. >> hey, guys, katie homlmes is y guest tonight. music from shania twain and common. batteries for the galaxy note four are being >> happening now, more bad news for samsung. 10,000 bares for the galaxy note 4 are being recalled because there's a risk of overheating that could lead to fires. that story for you on our website. this is the new comfort food. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. . we're following breaking news in oak land. police remain on the scene of this. this is a multicar crash that sent at least six people to the hospital. it happened about 9:00 p.m. near 55th and international boulevard. that's right across the street from the quaker oats factory. we're not sure what led to the crash and no word yet on the extent of injuries. also new at 11:00, does this man look familiar? vaccaville police need your help in finding this man. they say he used the gun to rob an arco gas station last friday. he has a noticeable tattoo on his right arm there. you can see the tattoo and the gun. he's about six feet tall and thin. >> mark zuckerberg posted a message today about the violence in charlottesville. he told his 95 million followers that we aren't born to hate each other and that we have a responsibility to do what we can. he also says that facebook about take downy posts that promotes hate crimes or any act of terrorism. earlier in the day, a facebook spokesperson says the company banned the facebook instagram accounts of a white nashist who attended the rally in charlottesville. a far right demonstration to support a fired google employee has been canceled. it was supposed to happen saturday to protest the firing of that google engineer who wrote a memo about the lack of diversity and equality. google saying women were not prepared to be tech in the tech business. they received threats from what they describe as the alt left terror groups. plan to demonstrate till police stepped in. the sheriff's office, santa clara county sheriff said she won't allow hate or racism to permeate her county or agency. >> the giants are coming back to at&t park. there's been a big change there prompted by lady gaga. we'll show you. ♪ ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 subaru outback models. now through august 31. at at&t park. do you see it there? in the outfield. the lady gaga concertage just a few days ago. the giants are back home tomorrow night to take on the phillies. you can watch right here on nbc bay area. don't worry, there will be grass. >> the concert stage tore up the outfield. it looks nice. >> the giants were happy to get out of miami today. >> usually people love miami. it's been that type of season for the giants. stanton did not hit a home run. snapping his sixth game hr streak. the bad news though, the ageless ichiro suzuki with an rbi single in the fifth inning. the marlins cruise to an 8-1 victory over the giants. at the coliseum this afternoon, the athletics closing out a homestand against the royals. this was a back breaker for the a's. the royals take the lead in the ninth inning. alex gordon is the hero. kc wins, 7-6. the a's are off who houston for a weekend series. >> a mad dash for glasses ahead of that highly anticipated event. you know what we're talking about. ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. okay. it is the big buzz. it's dangerous also to look up at the sun. what are we all going to do on monday for that eclipse? everyone needs special glasses. it's a big problem. they're sold out at most bay area stores. even sold out on amazon. so we present you the this. cell phone video of a mad rush at the chabot space and science center in oakland to buy these special solar eclipse glasses. eeven ran out today but will have glasses available for visitors plaping to watch the eclipse from chabot on monday. many people will be watching the eclipse on monday. some students will be busy taking part in a rare science experiment. han so say state students will be on the oregon coast as the eclipse travels across the u.s. and heading up to oregon friday. >> so if you don't get the glasses then don't look at it. >> we have to look at it. >> no, you could hurt your eyes. >> do that thing on the paper in leaptory. >> we'll see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- katie holmes, marc maron, musigu

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Miami , Florida , United States , Charlottesville , Virginia , New York , Oakland , California , Washington , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , Oregon , San Francisco , Berkeley , Iowa , Halfmoon Bay , Houston , Texas , Ohio , South Korea , Han , Mario Mendoza Sanchez , Richard Spencer , Mendoza Sanchez , Robert Honda , Jessica Aguirre , Alex Gordon , Dianne Feinstein , Marc Maron , Katie Holmes , Johnny Ray , Shania Twain , Sergio Quintana , Isaac Hou , Heather Heyer , Jason Laker ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20170817 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20170817

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deportation here in the bay area. this won't be last. this new political climate is prompting debate about our immigration process and causing heart ache for a lot of local families. we've been following the emotional journey of mario mendoza sanchez including a last-minute intervention by senator dianne feinstein. within 20 minutes, she'll take off for mexico city. jean elle joins us time where you spent i'm with the family tonight. >> reporter: raj, what an emotional night here at the airport. a bay area mother and father saying good-bye to their three daughters. and everything else they know and love. >> this is a moment i hoped that has never came. >> reporter: after years of trying to achieve legal status, the fight is over. mario mendoza sanchez and her husband leave their home in oakland behind and check in at sfo for a flight to mexico, saying good-bye to the united states and their three daughters. >> it's hard. i wish i don't have to leave my kids behind, but i really like to follow the law. >> reporter: the oncology nurse and truck driver are following an immigration deportation order starting over in mexico with their son. leaving three daughters behind. >> always have my support even if it's i'm not here for them to see when they come home from school. for them to stick up about their frustrations. i'm always on the other side of the phone and i will deal with them. >> reporter: difficult words for a daughter to accept. >> what scares me the most, i don't know when they're going to be back. i just want us to be together. >> mendoza sanchez says she and her family will continue to pursue everts to be reunited legally here in the united states. reporting live at sfo, jean elle i. >> a very difficult night indeed. channeling anger into action. tonight in charlottesville, a powerful but peaceful gathering one march by many peers but also by hope. that vigil being held in the midst of a new firestorm today for president trump after the impromptu news conference where he appeared to defend white supremacists. tonight the criticism is coming from all corners. to charlottlesville trt: 1:46 =anim= ♪ let it shine, let it shine >> a time to mourn, a time to reflect and a time to heal. tonight, thousands gathered for a candlelight vigil at the university of virginia. it was a peaceful gathering. a stark contrast from the violence that erupted saturday. 250 miles away, the streets of philadelphia flooded with protesters this evening. their message? finley is charlottesville. organizers say white supremacy is not just a "the southern thing." earlier in iowa, a state that helped put president trump in the white house a march against hate and against some of the very groups the president seemed to defend following that deadly violence in charlottesville. >> i think there's blame on both sides. >> reporter: from some in the president's own party outrage. >> this is terrible. the president of the united states needs to condemn these kind of hate groups. >> reporter: the president's team did that today. >> in no way can we accept apologize for, racism, bigotry, hatred. >> there's simply no place for that in our public discourse. >> it is a dishonor to our country's veterans to allow the nazis and the white supremacists to go unchallenged. >> reporter: facing a full scale rebellion by the very ceos he once called colleagues can, president trump announced on twitter today he's disbanding two of his business councils. the president trying to get ahead of a mass etch oh dus. eight of the leaders previously announced they were out because of the president's reaction to charlottesville. hundreds of people gathered to honor heather heyer killed in saturday's protest. family and friends remembered the 32-year-old legal assistant as kind, compassionate and strong willed. her vowed her daughter's death would not be in vain. an ohio man is accused of his car to intentionally drive into that group. here at home, the alt-right might be silences. the rally planned for august 26th at krissy feed still needs formal approval from the national park service. late this evening, the person responsible for issuing a permit to allow the patriot prayer protest released the statement. it says in part, our highest priority is to insure public safety while honoring our obligation to uphold one of our nation's most cherished constitutional rights, the first anticipate right to freedom of speech. earlier today senator feinstein sent a sharply worded letter to the superintendent of the national park service and said the event is provocation. sewerly to lead to violence. house minority leader nancy at the pel says she doesn't want that permit issued. a final decision should come within seven business days. civil roadblocks in berkeley, an august 27th alt-right event is being organized but the mayor says it's not welcome. >> honestly, if they sought a permit, i would say that should be denied because we know that they, they're not here for free speech. they're here for violent provocation. >> just into our news roop, his side of the story. within the past 30 minutes, we received a statement from coal white. that's the young man from clayton at that rally in charlottesville over the weekend. white also worked at top dog in berkeley but resigned this week pep says he's been mischaracterized and went to charlottesville last weekend to meet with other conservatives saying in part i want to make it clear that i am not a white extremist nor was i ever. though people with such beliefs were obviously present. assuming those were the beliefs of the entire crowd is uninformed and irresponsible. >> johnny ray mon det ta who was scheduled to speak in charlottesville may be out of a job. there are reports tonight he's no longer employed at a san francisco electric company. he wouldn't comment on his job. but said he would soon be issuing a statement. protests at the doorstep of the alameda keep the sheriff over a retreat of a controversial white leader. the department insyss it was a mistake made while doing research on that speaker. tonight though demonstrators say they want the department to somehow prove it. nbc bay area's sergio quintana joins us live in oakland. what kind of proof do they expect to get? >> that controversial retweet was on monday. operator of the alameda county sheriff's department said he even tried to get an i.t. person to try to help him delete that he retweet. well, this group just filed a records request to get any kind of proof of that. during the demonstration, one of the organizers handed an envelope to a deputy standing guard on the front steps inside the envelope, a public records request. >> we wanted to find out how that happened, why it happened and we need information. we need accountability from this department into this is the controversial retweet from the official sheriff's handle from monday night. it was of white nationalist leader richard spencer's twitter feed, a live news conference about charlottesville. a short time later another message saying it was an accidental retweet and another saying they were trying to take it down. >> of course they need to find information about them. we're concerned about the way it happened and moreover, the fact that this department has a history of opposing the immigrant community. >> reporter: before the retweet incident, organizers called a demonstration calling greg ahearn to task for his support of jeff sessions. >> what kind of correspondence has the sheriff been having with the trump administration and with anti-immigrant forces? we want to uncover the truth. >> this group is pushing for senate bill 54, the california values act. if passed it would restrict local law enforcement agencies from communicating with immigration and customs enforcement agents. >> reporter: the alameda county sheriff's department will have ten business days to respond to this public records request. reporting live in oakland, sergio quintana, nbc bay area news. new at 11:00, if you were driving past the shell refinery you probably saw flames shooting into the air. company tells us the refinery had an equipment issue so a safety flare was triggered. flaring is a safety device used to burn off excess gas that occurs as it tries to return back to normal operation prfz federal agents are now joining the investigation into that deadly fire. 10-year-old linda van seen here was killed when flames tore through a san jose mobile home yesterday. her best friend and her friend's uncle were also killed. a memorial tonight is growing at the site of that fire inside the golden wheel mobile hope park right off 880. cell phone video shows that scene right when happened. it was part of our breaking news consequently last night. neighbors heard a loud pop and in less than ten minutes, that home was gone. >> the lady who saw it, she was in great shock when she heard the boom sound. she looked up to her window and saw a man engulfed in fire who was collapsing. > atf agents are now on site as well as an accelerant sniffing dog. tense moments in oakland today as i.c.e. agents were met with a group of protesters. agents greeted with boos and chants of shame from the community. happened just north of downtown. witnesses say at least two the undocumented immigrants from guatemala were taken into custody. i.c.e. officials wouldn't explain why they were there. but eckelund police did say the federal agents were looking for suspects in an alleged human tracking ring targeting juveniles. still ahead at 11:00, if a professor tries to date one of his students, should he continue teaching? there's some concern tonight on a bay area campus. >> plus, it's the moment of impact. watch carefully as a semi slams into a traffic barrier. what happened to the driver inside that semi? i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. a cool 66 in san jose right now. things are warming up tomorrow. my forecast in ten minutes. >> and did you get lucky? do we have a winner? the numbers were drawn for one of the biggest powerball jackpots ever. we'll let you know if anyone cashed in. ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. caught on camera, watch this video. it shows the exact moment right there when that semi slammed into a traffic barrier and goes skidding along a kansas highway. you saw the truck just burst into flames. trapping the driver inside. almost hard to believe, but some good samaritans rushed into help and miraculously the driver suffered only minor injuries. >> back here in the bay area, a candlelight memorial to honor the life of a local musician. candles and flowers lined the glorious kingdom baptist church in oakland. family and friends remember david deporous as passionate about music and a kind soul. his father says the outpouring of support has been tremendous. >> it's beyond my wildest dreams to see how my son is being honored. it's desperately desperately sad. it's a constant reminder of the fact that my son is gone. but the fact that he's being remembered by this community and embraced so wonderfully as a father, i couldn't be happier. >> a little bit of solace for that father there. he was killed earlier this month while trying to recover his music from a thief on a laptop. there's a $15,000 reward for any information leading to an arrest. a new clue to help find a killer. watch that video. it's surveillance video. san jose police say the man seen with that hoodie is waned in a deadly stabbing that happened back in june. police found a 63 years man found stabbed to death. he later died at the hospital but that man is considered a suspect. back to school with a heavy dose of controversy. next week classes begin at san jose state. a professor will be back in the classroom. last year he was punished by the university for sexually harassing one of his fee may students. robert honda has the bitter reaction from campus. >> reporter: today it's a low key atmosphere on the campus with staff getting ready for classes next week and also in a low key manner, the college released this internal memo obtained by nbc bay area stating counselor education professor will kern in the fall. aptigar's return is already causing a stir. he had been on paid leave after a school investigation concludeds he sexually harassed a student when he inquired if she was single and wanted to date. but the school did not take that action till after the mercury news revealed he was still on job five months after the investigation. dr. jason laker, a professor in the same department, sued the school related to this issue. >> i'm shocked. appalled, disgusted. scared, upset. worried pore our students. embarrassed for my employer. >> students we talked to had mixed reactions but some instructors told us they had to take a lot of extra training this summer on appropriate conduct. >> it seems like they are stepping up the hr response to this with a lot of emphasis on student teacher interactions in those workshops. >> dr. lake ser not swayed. >> i think that any fact member found by their own investigatory have committed sexual harassment shouldn't be in the classroom at all or on the campus. >> robert honda, nbc bay area news. >> there are tough news for early morning b.a.r.t. comirts. the agency is considering pushing back start times. it needs to accommodate long needed repairs. trains start rolling at 5:00 a.m. instead of 4:00. critical upgrades were approved by voters in november as part of a $3.5 million bond. b.a.r.t. says it is looking at other options like a bus bridge to try to accommodate early morning commuters. >> if you're watching us right now, that means you probably didn't win. the big jackpot is getting even bigger. that's because no one matched all the winning numbers in tonight's winning powerball drawing. did we enter? >> we're going to now. >> we're still in the game. saturday's jackpot now soars to $510 million. check those tickets closely. just in case. while no one matched all the numbers, some came close. those numbers 9, 15, 43, 60, 64, and the powerball is 4. so you're saying we still have a chance then? >> now we get in the game. tomorrow, i will pool our money and we'll get it. >> how about a combination of my seven-day forecast numbers. >> jeff. >> 70s and low 80s? >> 50s. >> let's do it. >> all right. as we head throughout this week, temperatures will be warming up the next three days. luckily no 100s. i keep repeating that because it has been so hot this summer. i want to start off tonight with a unique look at the fog. i took the current model and put it on loop so you can see where the fog is most numerous mainly up into the north bay and the immediate coastline. a lot less cloud cover at this hour. i think it's going to start us off with more sunshine tomorrow morning even down towards the south bay with 63. the fog on the peninsula and coast, 59. partly sunny for the tri-valley and 61. for san francisco, we have a little bit of drizzle to start and 57. as we look at your microclimate forecast for tomorrow, nice day even though temperatures warm up, it still looks good in morgan hill with 86 degrees. downtown san jose with 84. wind out of the northwest at 12. for the east bay, the hottest from antioch to livermore over to pleasanton and up to walnut creek. it will feel like low 90s in the sun. looking at air temperature in the upper 80s. out there in oakland with some of the best weather and 75. over towards the peninsula, half moon bay 66. san francisco 65, and then a warmer 69 for the mission and throughout the north bay, 56 at pt. reyes and 84 expected in novato. we're good for trend to continue like this for the next two days because high pressure stays in just about the same spot to keep that warmer air inland and that fog is going to continue right at the immediate coastline. no sign of rainfall here over the next two weeks either. you'll see on the forecast, we are dry in san francisco with temperatures in the 60s as we look ahead towards this upcoming weekend, also into early next week. for the inland valleys, how about this for those powerball numbers. a mix of 50s, 60s, also 80s coming your way. overall upper 80s into saturday. then we'll start to cool off of early next week. we've been talking about the eclipse a lot. i showed this to you last night. so many of you are interested in the eclipse, 9:01 on monday to 11:37 in the morning is the window when this happens. the. >> p.j.: time is 10:15 in the morning on monday when the bay area experiences the 75% eclipse. it's considered partial for us. that green line in the center of the green is where it will be in totality 100% eclipse. a lot of stuff happening. maybe if we align the numbers right, all that good stuff, it's going to work out for us. >> you're in charn of the numbers. >> we the glasses. they're all sold out. >> the money we're going to win, too. >> they're all sold out. >> if we win, we can buy enough for all the viewers. >> thanks, jeff. up next, why police are so anxious to track down this masked man. >> and we have jimmy. >> hey, guys, katie homlmes is y guest tonight. music from shania twain and common. batteries for the galaxy note four are being >> happening now, more bad news for samsung. 10,000 bares for the galaxy note 4 are being recalled because there's a risk of overheating that could lead to fires. that story for you on our website. this is the new comfort food. grown right here in california, with absolutely no antibiotics ever. a better way to grow, a better way to eat. and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. . we're following breaking news in oak land. police remain on the scene of this. this is a multicar crash that sent at least six people to the hospital. it happened about 9:00 p.m. near 55th and international boulevard. that's right across the street from the quaker oats factory. we're not sure what led to the crash and no word yet on the extent of injuries. also new at 11:00, does this man look familiar? vaccaville police need your help in finding this man. they say he used the gun to rob an arco gas station last friday. he has a noticeable tattoo on his right arm there. you can see the tattoo and the gun. he's about six feet tall and thin. >> mark zuckerberg posted a message today about the violence in charlottesville. he told his 95 million followers that we aren't born to hate each other and that we have a responsibility to do what we can. he also says that facebook about take downy posts that promotes hate crimes or any act of terrorism. earlier in the day, a facebook spokesperson says the company banned the facebook instagram accounts of a white nashist who attended the rally in charlottesville. a far right demonstration to support a fired google employee has been canceled. it was supposed to happen saturday to protest the firing of that google engineer who wrote a memo about the lack of diversity and equality. google saying women were not prepared to be tech in the tech business. they received threats from what they describe as the alt left terror groups. plan to demonstrate till police stepped in. the sheriff's office, santa clara county sheriff said she won't allow hate or racism to permeate her county or agency. >> the giants are coming back to at&t park. there's been a big change there prompted by lady gaga. we'll show you. ♪ ♪ hey, is this our turn? honey...our turn? yeah, we go left right here. (woman vo) great adventures are still out there. we'll find them in our subaru outback. (avo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. get 0% apr financing for 63 months on all new 2017 subaru outback models. now through august 31. at at&t park. do you see it there? in the outfield. the lady gaga concertage just a few days ago. the giants are back home tomorrow night to take on the phillies. you can watch right here on nbc bay area. don't worry, there will be grass. >> the concert stage tore up the outfield. it looks nice. >> the giants were happy to get out of miami today. >> usually people love miami. it's been that type of season for the giants. stanton did not hit a home run. snapping his sixth game hr streak. the bad news though, the ageless ichiro suzuki with an rbi single in the fifth inning. the marlins cruise to an 8-1 victory over the giants. at the coliseum this afternoon, the athletics closing out a homestand against the royals. this was a back breaker for the a's. the royals take the lead in the ninth inning. alex gordon is the hero. kc wins, 7-6. the a's are off who houston for a weekend series. >> a mad dash for glasses ahead of that highly anticipated event. you know what we're talking about. ♪ ♪ isaac hou has mastered gravity defying moves to amaze his audience. great show. here you go. now he's added a new routine. making depositing a check seem so effortless. easy to use chase technology, for whatever you're trying to master. isaac, are you ready? yeah. chase. so you can. okay. it is the big buzz. it's dangerous also to look up at the sun. what are we all going to do on monday for that eclipse? everyone needs special glasses. it's a big problem. they're sold out at most bay area stores. even sold out on amazon. so we present you the this. cell phone video of a mad rush at the chabot space and science center in oakland to buy these special solar eclipse glasses. eeven ran out today but will have glasses available for visitors plaping to watch the eclipse from chabot on monday. many people will be watching the eclipse on monday. some students will be busy taking part in a rare science experiment. han so say state students will be on the oregon coast as the eclipse travels across the u.s. and heading up to oregon friday. >> so if you don't get the glasses then don't look at it. >> we have to look at it. >> no, you could hurt your eyes. >> do that thing on the paper in leaptory. >> we'll see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- katie holmes, marc maron, musigu

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