Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20161021 : comp

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20161021

bay area, all of this between 101 and san carlos. the reason, an rv camper spewing flames. >> nbc's bay area, joining us live from san carlos, laura. >> as you can see behind me, traffic is run ng both directions. all lanes were opened around 8:00 tonight. earlier it was about as bad as it gets. >> the worst jam upper traffic incident i have seen. >> reporter: ever? >> yeah, don livingston describing traffic along the 101 and him and others stuck in the traffic jam. >> it is absolutely crazy. >> reporter: from our chopper, you can see traffic at a standstill. one of busiest highways in the bay shuts down in both directions during the peek of rush hour after a rocket sparked an rv fire. >> it is commute fire, everybody is trying to get home and you know this happens. >> reporter: chp says the driver were carrying the rocket back from the show. aaron shields works near by and heard what happened. >> i can kind of hear an explosion. >> reporter: a big concern of the propane tank half full in the rv. >>. >> we did not know what we had. we had to make sure everybody was safe. >> drivers had no choice but to wait it out. some sat on the edge and others held hands and danced and played ball until the highway opened up. >> reporter: two people and two dogs inside the rv made it out safely, police say the case is underinvestigation. as of now, no one has been cited. laura malpert, nbc, bay area news. >> it was quite the mess. laura, thank you. a young boy is fighting for his life after a car crashing in san ramon. the driver plowed into a pole. the four-year-old was flown to the children's hospital oakland with a serious head injury. two young kids and the driver were also taken to the ambulance. >> investigators are trying to figure out what happened. scary moment at the san francisco scape park. the bomb squad was called out at the soma state park. crews eventually determined the device was not an explosive. this comes after another scare in san francisco earlier today when the bomb squad again called investigators car parked under 101 and i-80. this happens around 11:00. a suspicious note that was left on the car included the word "bomb." >> after a three hour long investigation, the bomb squad determined the car did not pose any threat for public safety. it is a long road for a police officer shot in the head. officer kevin down was moved to a rehab facility tonight to treat his paralysis. jean elle is live tonight. >> reporter: officer down is especially trained for that situation. he never had a chance to talk. in this drive way as he got out of@ñ=s patrol car. >> dozens o f people at a community meeting with police wanted to know how officer down is doing. chief tony chaplain read from a family's statement. >> he's paralyzed in his right leg. he's gained usage of his right arm. >> a security guard called police friday night after pepper spraying a man he described as comb combat i've. he shot officer down with th this.22 caliber, as down got out of his patrol car. police found the pacific native hours later. he went down and they reassessed to stop fire. they then attacked and moved back and waited for special operation bureau to come in. >> he died on sunday. >> nancy ruban hopes the meeting is the first of many. >> there needs to be a lot more dialogue in our community. most of the communities are feeling a sense of post-traumatic stress. our kids heard the gunfire and saw that people running through and heard the grenades and etcetera, that's very traumatic. >> some say they feel neglected by the department. >> many wants to know how to help mentally ill people before they turn violent. >> hthe suspect's family says h was mentally ill. he was hiding in the bushes. the department is currently viewing officer body warn camera video. reporting live, jean elle, nbc bay area news. thank you, nbc bay area rook boone is joining us live. >> reporter: yeah, he was indeed. the teen according to organizers and his family decided to pull those cameras out of the room p behind me. all because they did not want him to be the face of crime. >> through this window, you see the 19-year-old says i am sorry for vandalizing a memorial. >> the record of him, he did not want to the poster child. in the apology, you had to be in the room to hear. jerryd vance said he regret what he did and understood the action, spray painted images on memo memorial to honor soldiers. >> these are our veterans. you cannot disgrace our veterans. >> vance -- eagle scout won't do anything else that forces an apology. >> reporter: now, the apologies was all set up through the da's office. this is also where vance would avoid jail time so he apologized and did community service and the vets did accept that apology tonight. there was one vet that i heard in the audience was not pleased from what was coming from the microphone. we are live in danville, rick boone. nbc bay area news. donald trump and hillary clinton shared the stage tonight under much different circumstances. it was all for a good cause. >> it is a tradition among presidential candidate. it is a white tie event that benefited charities. the candidates took some jabs at each other but it was all good fun. >> donald looks at the statue of liberty and sees a four. [ laughs ] >> maybe a five if she loses and changes her hair. >> this is the first time ever, ever that hillary is sitting down and speaking to major corporate leaders and not getting paid for it. whoa, tomorrow, donald trump heads to north carolina and pennsylvania to campaign while hillary clinton travels to ohio. >>. a shake up tonight. attorney price says she will no longer represent the woman at the center of the case being referred to the first name by jasmine. many of whom works for oakland. in a statement, she says jasmine deserves a second chance. price will no longer be representing her. no other explanations was given. >> coming up, a man suffers a brutal beating from a group of teens after making one small request. >> also, the san francisco fire department has a new harassment scandal on its hands. we'll investigate those allegations. >> and something is set to happen at the maverickss first competition that has never happened before. and good evening, i am meteorologist, jeff, after a warm 77 in san francisco. we are tracking larger changes that includes the potential of rainfall that'll eventually make it to the bay area. my forecast in seven minutes. woman: how do we protect them from $4 billion in new cuts to california schools? man: vote yes on proposition 55. woman: prop 55 doesn't raise taxes on anyone. man: not on working californians, not small businesses. no one. woman: instead, prop 55 simply maintains the current tax rate on the wealthiest californians. man: so those who can most afford it continue paying their fair share... woman: prevent new education cuts... man: ...and keep improving california's schools. woman: vote yes on prop 55 to help our children thrive. woman: vote yes on prop 55 edge tonight afterhieves break in a hold the heowner at gunpoin=vo= last night in hillorough. a south bay neighborhood is on edge tonight and held the homeowner at gunpoint. it happened just before mid night at hillsboro. three men came into an opened garage door. one man held the woman and two other men stole jewelry and other items. the husband of the victim does not want her to be on camera. >> he put a gun on her head. >> that's unusual here. >> police say they do have several leads on this case but so far no arrest. >> right now they have nothing definitively that links the two. tonight a man at the east bay is recovering after getting beat up. it all started when he confronted some young man being loud. jordan was on a martial arts fighter started punching him and choking him. >> he proceeded to kick me in the face and body. the neighbor heard the attack and stepped in, all four suspects were arrested. nbc bay area learned that the san francisco fire department has faced another scandal. investigators reported -- the accusation ranges from sexual harassment. until he's seen here was a captain in charge of one of san francisco's fire elite rescue dive team. sources telling nbc bay area he's the subject of harassment. he could be suspended for ten days for asking an african-american diver to dive 30 feet over his qualified dive level. abino makes disparaging comments about african-americans. >> his wife would not comment about the station 7 probe. >> it is not unusual for a department to decide on 1600 members. we are staying on htop of thing and i am respecting this process will run its course. >> this is the latest of the issue for the department. nbc bay area was first to report the command shake up at station number two in china town. that came after a female firefighter reported of a pattern of intimidation and harassment of firefighter. that conduct included of someone urinated in her bed and feces being left in her room. the action comes as the department investigate claims that lombardi sexualed his sub ordinat ordinates. >> more training is good training. we just want to make sure that everyone is entitled to a workplace that's free of harassments. >> nbc bay area news. there is more fallout after the millenial -- we are learning the group behind that tower, the project is going back to the drawing board when design tg foundation for another san francisco project. the building will run its piles all the way to the bedrock. the tower has been more than a foot since construction. the new project was going to have the foundation which was similar to the millennium. a bedrock foundation is much more spiexpensive. one o f the most dangerous surfers competitions in the world. >> six women will be in the water organizers say it is about time that women is becoming prom meant innoce prominent in the world of big waves. the celebration is tomorrow. the ladies will be hanging ten. >> they will. >> hanging with the boys. >> no problem. exciting. >> okay, lets talk about the weather. we had a beautiful day but things are changing. >> they definitely are. over the next 48 to 72 hours, we do expect rain to move in and cooler temperatures. that'll get the waves kristen wiiging kicking up on the surf line. you can see the lights are shining bright tonight. we had a little bit of cloud cover moving in the south bay. 64 degrees, that's after a high of 82. temperatures dropping in the 50s for tomorrow morning. >> now, we are watching the doppler radar closely and no rainfall just yet. as you see we are scrolling the seven-day forecast, we are introducing the possibility of rain, not only for one day next week but for a couple of days. feel free to look on down and check out that extended. tomorrow morning, nothing you cannot handle here. in san francisco, we'll have the fall coming back in 54 degrees. chilly in the north bay with 49 and a few clouds in the east bay and throughout the south bay of a beautiful start here, 53 degrees. >> tomorrow does have some key changes at the immediate coastline. the driver warmer offshore wind, we had the past two days is gone. >> you are down to 68 in the financial district and a cooler 65 for the marina. >> chilly half-moon bay and 61. palo alto, you got 64. san jose sunny skies and 79. for the north bay and the tri-valley, a few isolated 80s. that's the hottest that we are going go tomorrow, livermore at 81. oakland, 72 and north bay, we'll have our warmest of santa rosa at 80s. cooler and temperatures in the mid-70s. high pressure and dry offshore winds. the main reason why temperatures have been warm. >> we get one more day of milder weather here and this starts to move out by saturday. as that moves out. it makes waves for our trough. the jet stream is pushing down well to the south aligning to san francisco and for the weekend, cooler and cloudy dier. rotate those plans just not the s sunniest of days. now, earlier tonight, i did on my facebook live talk about our rainfall chances. i have up those possibilities since then. hello to my facebook viewerviewf you are watching, we increased our tuesday chance to 80% on tuesday and in land valleys, you can see temperatures dropping to the 70s with increased cloud covers and a chance of rain for tuesday and wednesday and next thursday as well. big changes coming our way when it comes to that weather. we'll see conditions for the interior valley dropping down to the 60s by next tuesday as well. it does not look like a big storm system. it is on and off periods of rain here and there. >> certainly. >> thanks. >> buyers be ware of phone chargers that had apple taking action on fake chargers. and we have jimmy, too. >> hey guys, ben affleck is here and music from green day and steve higgins. do not change the channel. happening now on our home page, a possible drug tunnel found near the tuuana airport in mexico. on twitter, thefavz annual orionid meteor shower is expected to peak this weekend. we'll be right back. more troubles tit for takata-- a ruured aibag. ==vo== safety administratn ffic says a woman diedaas more trouble tonight for takata. the safety administration says the woman died last month in california. this is the 11th known u.s. fatality attributed to takata air bags. >> after it was determined the air bags can suddenly inflate with too much force. buyers, be ware. >> apple claims that 90% of its chargers sold on is fake. >> apple has filed the lawsuit against the firm called mobile star. >> counterfeit charges have a significant risk of over heating. amazon is not named in this lawsuit. deja vu, chuck's highlights is coming up tonight. the sharks playedn pittsburgh t stanley cup final, that e sharks lost in games. same result.y,onit had the okay, the sharks playing against the penguins. rematch of the finals. despite holding a 2-0 lead in the game. sharks lost, 3-2. >> we saw gold today. two american golden girls from rio returning to the bay area. >> colin rush saw them in action. >> a crowd this large for a fall meet against washington state. two reasons for that. simone manuel and katie ledecky. >> she was amazing in rio. to see it live is beyond words. >> five seconds. >> you heard right, in her first meet in front of her fans, she set a pool record and breaks it by a whopping five seconds. >> that's unbelievable. it was like nobody else was in the pool. >> ledecky sets the pool record. a pool record in the 100. her teammate says get use to this, ledecky, in particular. >> just expecting her for perform on this level. you know she's going to do something spectacular at the end of the season, this is all part of the plan. >> part of the plan for the head coach, letting his two stars be students. >> we are doing what we can protecting them in that schedule. the number of requests have been absolutely overwhelming. they are craving just a sense of normalcy and waking up and going to practice and going to class. just getting on with their day and being part of the bigger stanford community. >> so exciting to see them in rio and now they are back in the bay area. so fabulous. >> well, up next. meet pepper, the friendly the robot revutions here. ==sot "my purposis to intert with humans." ==contvo== meetepper. the robot revolution is here. >> so cute. >> that's pepper, the four foot tall robot. it came to santa clara's interpret of things and show us a glimpse as to how we shop in the future. pepper has a humanoid face and head. made by japan. the robot will be coming to several store chains. the long-term goal is to have a robot like this in your own home. >> i like holding pepper's hand. >> so cute. >> pepper is adorable. >> the kids love pepper. >> can pepper do the weather the way jeff can? >> no, i don't think so. >> so go do it. [ laughs ] >> you are doing this on purpose. >> clear skies tomorrow. 81 degrees in land and we drop 10 degrees. chance of rain on monday and tuesday. another chance next thursday and friday. on and off rain again. temperatures koomicooling down next tuesday of 67 degrees. >> generally here for the bay area quarter inch average for the south bay. >> i like it. this is a sign of things to come. our rainy season is here basically after this. >> fingers crossed. >> if we get back in the 90s after this. pepper has to look at things. >> thank you very much, jeff. >> we'll see you tomorrow, bye-bye. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- ben affleck. sarah paulson.

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Rockefeller Center , Japan , North Carolina , Oakland , Washington , China , Hillsboro , Ohio , Jordan , San Francisco , Mexico , Pennsylvania , San Carlos , Californians , Americans , American , Jimmy Fallon , Ben Affleck , Don Livingston , Jessica Aguirre , Janelle Wang , Simone Manuel , Danville Rick Boone , Santa Clara , Carlos Laura , Hillary Clinton , Sarah Paulson ,

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