Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20160404 : comp

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20160404

reporters were here earlier today. and one item they found was a cigarette butt tossed on to the carpet outside one of the offices. investigators hope any evidence left on that and other items could lead to the thieves. >> they broke the door and came through here. >> reporter: burglars in a brazen charity heist may have left behind some clues near the make a wish foundation's back entrance, a crowbar. make a wish's auction manager tamara burnett thinks it may have been used to pry open the charity's doors. ransacked the office and steal thousands of dollars worth of items. the most notable being baseball player hunter pence's electric scooter auctioned off for thoert ufo. >> this is where we had hunter pence's scooter lived. i'm sure most people know the story of this infamous scooter. hunter used to take it from his apartment back and forth to the ballpark. and about a year and a half ago it went missing. >> reporter: the scooter was still at the office because the donor who bid on it hadn't picked it up yet. after our story aired earlier, the giants outfielder tweeted a screen shot of nbc bay area's push notification. tweeting i can't believe it. it's scootergate all over again. it's been retweeted hundreds of times. >> most of all, we want justice. our organization tries to grant every eligible child's wish. and we would hate for this to set us back. >> reporter: surveillance video of the burglars in the building's stairwell shows one man's face as he made his way up and down the stairs, carrying pence's scooter. the over was more careful to avoid the cameras, hauling backpacks and suitcases. while no one seems to know the man, employees can't help but feel attacked. >> clearly our mission is all over the wallace. they knew where they were coming how. do you open up this door? see bat kid t-shirts and still continue to take things? >> reporter: now the first time the scooter was stolen, it was turned into sfpd anonymously. and after that, hunter pence donate to it the nonprofit because he said bat kid, a very famous make a wish recipient had inspired good will in the city. now as of tonight, sfpd does not have more information on this investigation, but they say they are hoping since the scooter was returned the first time, it may be returned again. i'm lili tan, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much. the man arrested in a dramatic raid in san francisco on friday is due in court tomorrow on federal weapons charges. stanislav petrov was taken into custody after a search warrant served in the visitation valley district. the investigation involves the discovery of a home at the home last month. petrov was first thrust into the spotlight after video surfaced of deputies beating him after a car chase that. he were searching for his ex-girlfriend and her child. police wanted to question the woman about a domestic violence incident in which petrov is the prime suspect. she did show up at police headquarters to talk with investigators. no relief for bart passengers in the east bay. bart will not be offering normal service tomorrow between the bay point and north concord stations. service has been affected on that line for more than two weeks now. after an electrical problem knocked out power to train cars. this weekend, bart resumed normal service on the line as a test. apparently the system is not ready to handle the heavy weekday commute. shuttles will continue to run between the two stations. and how does a 90-degree temperature sound? maybe even rain after that coming up in the next seven days. if bay area is about to see some big weather changes coming ahead this next week as we take you live over san jose. rob mayeda here with the weather whiplash is what we can call it. >> over the next seven days, a real taste of summer. and a reminder that we're still in spring in terms of chances of seeing rain. tomorrow mning just patchy low clouds. drizzle at times along the coast for the morning commute. that's the way the week is going to start. then as we go through the week, we're going to see temperatures soaring on up. yes, 90s possible. we can get there. the last time san jose at 93 degrees, you had to go back to october 13th and check out the forecast for the top temperatures we'll see this week. south bay numbers in the low 90s possible. even san francisco about 85 degrees. and just as the temperatures crank on up, watch what comes our way later this week. all is still in the next five to seven day, a chance of seeing some rain and sierra snow. despite the fact that temperatures will be close to the 90s through the middle part of the week. we'll let you know when the hottest temperatures will arrive and how long that rain could be sticking around in our full microclimate forecast coming up in seven minutes. >> sounds good. our free nbc aye area an is a great resource to track the upcoming heat and upcoming rain. click on the weather tab for live doppler radar or find a weathercast for your specific community. california will make history tomorrow. that's when governor brown is expected to sign a bill raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. by 2022. the signing ceremony will take place in l.a. california is the first state in the nation to commit to the $15 an hour wage. well caught up with the governor today in oakland. >> the idea being those who earn the least do need more. they're going to pay for housing and food, and maybe college for their kids. so it's a matter of justice. it's a matter of making a more secure harmonious society. >> small business also be granted an extra year to comply. critics say the decision will cause layoffs and raise the cost of living. the current minimum wage is $10 an hour. also big news for expectant parents. san francisco could be the first city in the country to offer six weeks of fully paid leave for new parents. under the proposal, businesses would have to pay workers 45% of their salary during a six-week leave. the state covers the other 55%. now this proposal would apply to businesses that have 20 or more employees. some companies, though are, outraged by the idea. they say it would simply be too expensive. from primary after thought to political powerhouse. for first time in years, california's primary is expected to play a pivotal role in selecting our nation's next president. we're already seeing the effects of this. marianne favro is here with how some are looking at the telltale signs about how important california will be, marianne. >> reporter: yes, and one of those signs is a sign, big political billboards have gone up throughout the bay area this week. and now many of the presidential candidates are planning tours throughout the golden state. new political billboards are popping up in the bay area, a sign there could be a meaningful presidential primary in california for the first time in years. the california nurse's association, one of the biggest players in state democratic politics, posted five bernie billboards in san francisco and oakland. the nurses gave bernie sanders his first national endorsement in august. when he was just starting his campaign. now the association is speaking directly to california voters. >> sanders investing some money in california because he thinks he's got a shot. >> reporter: and he says with more delegates than any other state and candidates fighting to the finish, california will carry a lot more cloud come june 7th, the state's presidential primary. >> the longer this thing goes on, the larger california looms. and as long as sanders' people believe they have a mathematical path to victory, they're going to be putting more and more resources in this election. because from their standpoint, it could be the tipping point. >> reporter: more evidence of california's prominence in the presidential election, ted cruz was in orange county this week rallying potential delegates. and he signed on to give the keynote address at the state republican party's spring convention in the bay area, april 30th. also, after attending a community event in oakland today, former president bill clinton flew to los angeles to campaign for his wife. he also attended two fundraisers for her in the bay area in january. >> we love wisconsin. >> reporter: the wisconsin primary may be tuesday be, thank you year the presidential candidates know california will be the big prize. california has 172 delegates, the biggest haul and potentially the most critical moment in the race. marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> thanks very much. and as marianne mentioned, former president bill clinton and his daughter chelsea were in the east bay today. they took part in a day of action at the haines court campus in oak los angeles police department that is home to five schools. volunteers painted murals and organized the library. >> you're here not only helping them to have a better environment to live and work and learn in, but also to support their journey through life. >> retired seattle seahawks running back marshawn lynch who is an oakland native took part in today's day of service as well. the event was part of the clinton global initiative conference that has been going on at uc berkeley on friday. another tragedy on amtrak, this time near philadelphia where a train with hundreds of passengers on board crashed into a piece of construction equipment. two amtrak workers killed. more than 30 passengers injured. the train was traveling from new york to savannah, georgia when it slammed into a backhoe and partially derailed. passengers say it was loud and it was dusty. >> the train was like rumbling. and we got off the track, i guess. and then it was just a bunch of dust. it was just dust everywhere. >> two workers killed were the backhoe operator and his supervisor. this is just the latest in a series of accidents for amtrak in may of last year. eight people killed when a new york-bound train traveling at twice the speed limit derailed. and last month three dozen were hurt when a passenger train derailed in kansas. an emotional moment at the brussels airport today as the first flight since last month's deadly terror attack took off. people cheered as the plane lifted into the air. it was the first of three scheduled flights today, all with stops in europe. passengers encountered pretty tight security at the airport where you could still see the damage from the bombing that killed more than a dozen people less than two weeks ago. still, airport officials say resuming operations is a sign of hope. >> i think it's a very emotional moment for all of us. we've all worked day and night over the last days to make this moment possible. so i think it's very important. >> more flights are set to depart the brussels airport tomorrow, including a flight to new york. four decades worth of tax havens for suspected mon moneylaunderi moneylaundering, drug deals and more. what an international team of journalists have revealed about some of the world's most powerful people. and a girl helps monterey county investigators solve a long mystery, how and where this missing head of an historic statue turned up. and little dog, big problem on the bay bridge this morning. we'll show you more of this. >> it's always a little guy. >> and explain it. we're back in a moment. soe ay my name is melissa snyder, i'm a customer relationship manager with pg&e. i've helped customers like plantronics meet their energy efficiency goals. so you save energy and you can save money. energy efficiency and the environment go hand in hand. and i love how pg&e's commitment to the environment helps a community like santa cruz be a better place to live. and being able to pass that along to my family is really important to me. just being together and appreciating what we have right here in santa cruz. see how you can save energy at together, we're building a better california. ridership is up on caltrain. starting tomorrow, commuters will notice some big changes. the schedules are changing to give people more time to get on and off the trains. riders will also notice longer trains as caltrain will offer more cars that accommodate bicycles. ridership has grown to an average of more than 60,000 riders each weekday. that's 2,000 more per day than just last year. man is dead tonight after a shooting in oakland this afternoon. police responded to the shooting just before 2:00 this afternoon on idaho street. this is in north oakland, not too far from san pablo avenue. they found the victim suffering from several gunshot wounds. he was later pronounced dead at the scene. investigators continue to piece together details returned onning the shourrounding the shooting. a mystery after a discovery on the beach. a girl walking on the beach in monterey yesterday found the head of a junipero serra statue. you'll remember the statue was vandalized this past october. that desecration followed the canonization of serra, the catholic priest who founded many of california's missions. the pope decision to make him the saint angered some native americans who say serra's followers killed and slaved native americans during the founding of the missions. several other serra statues have been vandalized in recent months. new at 11:00, a huge data leak has s showing how the world's rich hide their cash. they're dubbed the panama papers coming from the database of the fourth biggest offshore law firm. it is based in pan map. the details include offshore holdings of a dozen current and former world leaders. russian president vladimir putin is believed to be among them. convicted criminals, businessmen, celebrities and sports stars are also in the mix. a group of investigative journalistress leased the records. they're all from the world's leading law firms in the creation of shell companies. we are just two days away from the next big vote on the 2016 presidential calendar in wisconsin. hillary clinton and bernie sanders are in a lows race there. the contest could be a turning point for sanders. nbc's kristen welker has the latest. >> reporter: feeling the heat on her home turf of new york, hillary clinton spent the morning visiting churches in brooklyn. >> i want to just underscore how honored i was to serve as your senator for eight years. to work with you. >> reporter: clinton had started to pivot to the general election and donald trump. but now praying sander's newfound momentum slows. on "meet the press" clinton acknowledged she still has a fight on her hands. >> i know that i still have work to do to win the nomination. and i'm going to keep reaching out to every voter everywhere in the remaining contests. >> reporter: poll shows clinton has a double-digit lead in new york. but sanders is catching up. sanders, who was born in brooklyn, making a strong play for new york. quoting independents and minority voters. today his volunteers signing people up to pound the pavement here in harlem. still, sanders's path to the nomination is narrow and win wisconsin on tuesday is crucial. >> if people begin to come out, if young people who have never voted start coming out, we will win on tuesday. >> reporter: and earlier today, sanders repeated his claim he would do better against donald trump. >> i think the secretary is getting very nervous that poll after poll shows us doing much better against trump than she is. >> reporter: clinton has pushed back on that, arguing she would be the stronger candidate. >> as i've said before about donald trump's appearances, his rhetoric, his demagoguery, when you insight violence, you are acting like a political arsonist. >> reporter: clinton's campaign dogged by the ongoing controversy over her e-mails. the fbi expected to interview her soon, although today she said she hasn't been contacted yet and isn't concerned. >> no, i'm not. because i don't think anything inappropriate was done. i'm not at all worried about it. >> reporter: clinton's focus for now, staying on top with sanders surging. kristen welker, nbc news, new york. and taking you outside right now to get a live look here at oracle arena, all lit up in blue to raise awareness about autism, this is the seventh year of the world autism day campaign. 147 countries are taking part. it involves thousands of landmarks, businesses, and churches all lit up in blue to bring attention to the disorder. in san francisco, a big story out of today's half marathon is not who won. it's that everyone had their clothes on. race organize enicer says no one ran the rock 'n roll completely naked this year. that's a first. >> and we can show all the video unedited. >> some 9,000 took place, many just for the chance to run across the golden gate bridge. the winner of the man's category from costa rica at a time of just under an hour an 15 minutes for the half marathon. the women's top contender ran it in an hour and 22 minutes. >> that was not the best chase in the bay area today. >> nice segue. >> a chihuahua chase this morning stopped traffic cold on the bay bridge. see for yourself. >> look at that. >> video of the day. the chp officers stopped traffic to try to corral this black chihuahua mix. again, changing lanes illegally, going too far below the speed limit to be safe. it took 30 minutes to capture this guy. picture of the dog right there. and the officer who managed to rescue the pooch. the pup had a collar on, but no identifying tag. they don't know who this dog belongs to. animal control workers are checking to see maybe the dog is microchipped. anyone with information about who owns the dog or how it ended up on the bridge is asked to call san francisco animal care and control. if nobody claims this little dog, after seven days, he or she will be going up for adoption. >> his time, 1 hour, 19 minutes. he did very well. meteorologist rob mayeda is here with the microclimate forecast. i know for the folks crossing the golden gate, it looked a little foggy and cold. >> it was a little chilly. we'll see a repeat performance very likely for tomorrow morning. right now seeing some patchy low clouds. 55 degrees over in oakland. we're seeing 57, some areas of low clouds there. too. but pretty clear view from looking down from belvedere to san francisco. 54 degrees. and across the golden gate bridge, may see some low clouds for the morning drive right now. 56. and the winds still onshore, which will bring in the patchy low cloud cover. into the tri-valley. and into the santa clara valley for the morning with temperatures that will be mostly in the 40s to 50s. so you see that. hour-by-hour into the afternoon, mostly sunny skies. and just a bit of a warming trend tomorrow. and then the warming trend really takes off as we get towards tuesday and wednesday. so 50s to start the day tomorrow. around lunchtime, should see temperatures in the mid- to upper 60s. and then you'll notice towards livermore and beginning to see the numbers climbing a few more degrees. mid- to upper 70s and the warmest spots tomorrow, los gatos up to 75 degrees. low to mid-60s closer to san francisco. and into the north bay, mid-70s. upper 70s in the tri-valley tomorrow. you see santa rosa 77 degrees. 75 in livermore. so we'll be watching the winds very closely. because by tuesday now, notice the direction of the arrows, turning offshore. a sign that high pressure is starting to strength. and as it crosses over the coast, tuesday to wednesday, a fast rapid warm-up that will bring summer-like temperatures to the area. you can see the numbers spiking on wednesday. including san francisco. the sea breeze is going to go away. offshore wind and temperatures as warm as 85 around san francisco. dublin should get close to 90 degrees on wednesday. and san jose, as we talked about a few minutes ago, the last time we got into the low 90s, or los gatos was back the middle part of last october. but look at this temperature drop off as we get into thursday and friday. so we've got heat to the middle part of the week. and then we're going see some big areas as an area of low pressure approaches southern california. that's going to bring some cooling and the increasing chance of seeing some rain. so we got the no rain other than the misty skies. maybe low clouds for tomorrow morning. then as we head towards friday and next weekend, you're starting to see measurable rainfall. and you can see there from friday into next sunday, now we're talking about chances of seeing some rain. and especially across the north bay, we could see some pretty good rain totals by april standards. a little less maybe further south. so the time frame for the rain will be coming up. increasing chances around friday. and very likely the chances will take us through next weekend. so we had a dry forecast for this weekend. notice for next weekend, numbers in the mid-60s. and this weather system and pattern setting up, a few systems that could come on through. but the air cold enough for more sierra snow. of course we had the big sierra snow survey last week. there is a possibility would could see one to two feet of snow in the sierra if the pattern pans out as we go through the nt seven to 14 days. great news. if you like summer, the middle part of the week is for you. if you like more spring-like and the chance of expanding the ski season, next weekend and beyond looking pretty good. got everything covered. >> mixed bag. i love it. >> just stay where you are. coming to you. thanks a lot. coming up next, a former 49er player in trouble with the law. and microphones pick up what he had to say to his arresting officer. plus, a new art gallery that is a little hard to get. to but it's well worth a swim. we'll take you there. i would kill for something sweet. wanna split that? no...soooo much fat... don't fight your instincts. with 150 calories each, try our new rich & creamy cheesecakes. fiber one. are you eating lucky charms? no. this is a dream. they're magically delicious. hersf ihanuffthimoing==v=polanp retired u.s. soccer star abby wambach found her arrested after she allegedly ran a red light on the way home from a friend's house. police say she was polite. she was cooperative. wambach is the all-time leading goal scorer in u.s. women's history. she won two olympic gold medals. the car company mini says it is pulling ads and reevaluating association with the soccer star. wambach released a statement today reading i take full responsibility for my actions. this is all on me. i promise i will do whatever it takes to make sure my horrible mistake is never repeated. so sorry to my family, friends, fans and those who love to follow a better example. a former 49ers player was arrested in ohio overnight on similar charges. police say the 31-year-old troy smith was missing a front license plate and swerving about 2:30 this morning in westerville, ohio. an audio from the arrest, you can hear the former quarterback asking police why he was stopped. >> what's your officer's name? what is your name? >> my name is officer mike, badge number 538. >> why are you doing this to me? >> because i believe you're impaired. driving, no front tag, field sobriety and odor of marijuana. >> their party is not my party. >> smith is facing charges of operating a vehicle under the influence and improper display of license plates and also possession of marijuana. the heisman trophy winner spent four seasons in the nfl, including one with the 49ers in 2010. he retired in football in tuition. acclaimed american indian and historian joe medicine crow has died. he was the last surviving war chief of any plains indian tried. this is medicine crow receiving the presidential medal of freedom in 2009. he served as the crow tribe's historian, into his 90s he earned the title of war chief after stealing enemy horses and other exploits as a u.s. soldier during world war ii. medicine crow was 102 years old. wow. well, still to come tonight, green energy that may not be so green after all. i'm vicky nguyen. up next, the new revelation about a technology that has received hundreds of millions of public dollars. aontveral eenechlogth's ceid huo an end to big benefits. a controversial green technology that has received hundreds of millions of your dollars is now the focus of cutbacks that have been recommended to state regulators. >> senior investigative reporter vicky nguyen has been reporting on this issue for the past year and a half. she has details of the new proposal. >> guys, we're talking about electric fuel cells. they're like big batteries that produce power. as part of an incentive program to make california's power greener and more reliable, the state collects money from your pg&e bill to help fund the technology. no company has benefitted more than sunnyvale based bloom energy. but that public cash pipeline could be drying up. fuel cells like these made by bloom technology typically run on natural gas to produce energy. touted as a cleaner alternative to the traditional power grid, bloom technology has benefitted from $400 million in incentives. but in a report published late last year, staff at the public utilities commission found electric fuel cells that run on natural gas pollute too much and are not worth further investment. >> but are bloom boxes performing? >> reporter: the message reinforces which critics pointed out on our air last year. the public should not be subsidizing technologies that pollute. >> we should not have our public institutions using our money to prop up polluting technologies. >> i except more from the puc. >> reporter: since 2001, the self-generation program has provided more than a billion dollars in incentives to so-called green technology. for years, starting in 2007, bloom energy received the lion's share of rate payer subsidies. but after state lawmakers ordered a review of the program, puc staff looked at the benefit from the technologies. they are now recommending that fund nothing longer be provided for natural gas electric fuel cells. >> i'm really pleased that the staff at the public utilities commission commission took a close look at the evidence. >> reporter: mars is for turn. the group has long questioned the environmental benefits of a natural gas fuel cell. >> turn's strongly supports of eliminating fuel cells that use natural gas and funding only clean distributed distribution. >> reporter: the utilities that benefit are suppose to cut carbon technicians but fuel cell technology failed to meet the greenhouse requirement that the cpuc approved last fall and concluded they failed by a small margin to be clean they're tonight grid. >> so it's not a surprise to me that fuel cells do not look good in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. >> reporter: the investigative unit first exposed in 2014 that bloom boxes were not much cleaner than california's grid, which already uses renewable power sources like wind and water. we found bloom technology was producing more carbon emissions than advertised, something one critic calls green washing. >> i love the word bloom dogle. >> reporter: the company declined an request to discuss the proposal, but in comments the company wrote bloom energy meets all program goals and says its emissions are lower than grid emissions. the company continues to compare bloom's prior products to future goals is speculative and fundamentally flawed because it doesn't include the performance of bloom's latest technology, which the company claims has improved. >> these types of incentive programs are the foundation for the future. >> reporter: janice lynn is the found other telephone california storage alliance. her company represents clients that get more funds. she supports a proposal that recommendation would make more money available for new technologies that make california greener. >> we live here and we have children that are going to grow up here. we want california to be as clean and affordable and livable as possible. >> reporter: in addition to the electric fuel cells, the staff also recommends cutting to natural gas powered microturbines. but in the meantime half of this year's funds have already been given to companies that qualified under the old rules. the commission has not said when it will decide whether to adopt the new rules. guys? >> if you have a tip for our investigative unit, give us a call at 888-99 of-tips or send us an e-mail to theunit@nbc bay area. it is a highly addictive drug and use verse doubled in the past decade. a controversial way of dealing with heroin. >> the only place in america where addicts can shoot up under expert supervision and without threat of arrest. th theris grong cklh ora w l inortd there is a growing backlash that people say discriminates against people who are gay by sexual and transgendered. the baptist church in greensboro. demonstrators condemn what is called the most extreme anti-lgbt measure in the country. the law bans gendered people from using bathrooms in line with their gender identity. the governor insists the law is about privacy and security. he is blasting the obama administration for threatening to withhold federal funding while other leaders across the country say they won't do business in north carolina unless it's rescinded. >> north carolina has been the target of a vicious nationwide smear campaign. >> we do want their politicians to take notice that good meaning people are going to speak up when we see wrong. >> that was the mayor of washington, d.c., a city which has joined san francisco and other cities around the country and more than 120 ceos and top executives who say they will boycott north carolina. it is a radical approach to the growing heroin epidemic. a site where medically supervised heroin injection is allowed. now the idea is to provide clean needles to prevent infection and disease while slowly encouraging addicts to move into detox and treatment. gadi schwartz reports. >> reporter: jody iverson was once a figure skater who dreamt of competing. now she searches for heroin every day. >> kit get nasty sometimes. >> reporter: and when she score, she comes through these doors as she has done over 8,000 times. inside she shoots up under medical supervision, given clean needles and a spoon. and if she overdose, a medical professional will step in. >> you lose yourself. drugs isolate you from your family. they isolate you from your friends. >> reporter: this sin site, north america's only legal heroin injection center in vancouver, canada. it's an effort to get addicts off the street and into treatment, now being considered in cities across the united states. >> what we're pro posing is an entirely new approach to the war on drugs, one that is based on public health instead of criminal justice. >> how is it going? >> good. how you? >> reporter: in ithaca, new york, the mayor is stirring up controversy in a schlafer proposal. and opponents argue it sends the wrong message. it's also illegal. >> nobody has to tell me that drugs are bad, you know. my father was an addict. it ruined his health. it ruined his life. and it nearly broke our family. >> reporter: the mayor pointing to vancouver's radical decrease in deaths from overdose, dropping 35% near the incysite center. in seattle the mayor is also open to a similar program while talk show coast jason rand says it's a problem. >> it's almost like a coddling behavior where we want to say it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. it's not okay. you're killing yourself. >> reporter: the latest numbers from the cdc show heroin killed more than 10,000 people in the u.s. in 2014. opioid deaths quadrupling since 1999. meanwhile, addiction counselors across the country want detox centers first. it's basic treatment missing in many small communities. >> in our work, not having detox is like having a detox without an er. >> reporter: jody tells us she has been to detox, insite one of the rooms where. >> yes, i've had my life saved there. >> reporter: and while relapse is a constant struggle; she hopes to stay alive long enough to some day finally be clean. >> there is still the hope that you can get better. and i still have hope. >> reporter: gadi schwartz, nbc news, vancouver. and still ahead, the northern california lake that has gone from drastically low to literally overflowing. aft a t omucneed rn ov thpascou after a lot of much needed rain over the past couple of months, folsom lake is full for the first time in years. >> it is certainly good news. take a look at the lake two years ago. so dry, an old mining town that was submerged since 1955 actually reemerged. hundreds of people came out to get a glimpse of the old west history before the lake swallowed it back up again. the old town known as mormon island is back under water tonight. reporter mike luery with our sister station in sacramento has this update. >> reporter: folsom lake was crowded today with jet skiers, boaters, and just kids having fun. >> i just drove through the water. >> reporter: with folsom lake ten feet higher today compared to a month ago, ellie norton's jeep was partially underwater in the parking lot until the park ranger asked her to move it. >> it needs to get out of the water. >> okay. >> reporter: for the kids, the higher lake levels are a welcome sight. >> when i moved here, it was really low down. now it's back high. this is the first time i've seen it's sense. it's crazy, because i would be parking over there and now the water is under submerged. >> reporter: ducks and other wildlife flocked to folsom lake today, where tom was engaged in a furious game of catch and retrieve with his black lab named dora. >> it's nice to see. over the last couple years the levels were really low. the lake started dropping down. away it goes. now back the parking lot over here, this is every day. it's beautiful. >> reporter: california's snowpack is starting to melt in the mountains, creating runoff into folsom lake and other reservoirs so critical to california's water storage system. and the higher water levels are perfect for paddle boarding or a kayak adventure with a family dog. >> i don't have to haul my kayaks a mile out to get to the water. so that's a plus. >> reporter: and the dog likes it better too? >> oh, yeah, definitely. he loved it. >> those are lucky dogs. a lot of people will be looking for a lake or some way to cool off so great to see. >> such good news. meteorologist rob mayeda is here with the microclimate forecast. we've got some temps coming up. >> we're going see folks running to head out to the water as we head towards wednesday and our temperatures climb. great to see the pictures around folsom lake and lake shasta and/or rowville reservoirs looking good. right now you can see the sunol time laps for the day. low clouds, high clouds around sunset. we should see a repeat performance for tomorrow morning. with patches of low clouds. maybe some misty skies around the peninsula. and for san francisco for the morning. and our temperatures going from the 50s around day break to mid- to upper 60s around lunchtime with clearing skies. and eventually, mid-70s in reach for tomorrow around morgan hill and the tri-valley. san jose 71, but could be as much as 20 degrees warmer by wednesday. so highs tomorrow around the south bay mid-70s. san francisco low to mid-60s. as you head to the east bay tomorrow, numbers in the mid-70s around moraga. tri-valley mid- to upper 70s. and speaking of oakland, we have the a's taking on the white sox 7:05 tomorrow. light jacket should be fine. but the games to come for tuesday into wednesday, it's going to be trending warmer as the strong sea breeze is about to be replaced by winds turning offshore. a sign that high pressure is going to build in. and it's really going to boost temperatures by as much as 20 degrees of warming. by the time we get into wednesday. so as things look right now, to use the example of san jose you, are to go back to about october 13th to see a pattern possibly this warm. now notice san francisco, the spike here on our temperature graph on wednesday. mid-80s in reach. the average is only 62. oakland also climbing up into the upper 80s. and san jose following a similar trend as we head towards the middle part of the week. the average high should be about 62 to 68. instead, 85 to about 92 there. but then you see how the numbers really drop off thursday and friday. so the summer-like heat not sticking around for very long. by thursday and friday we get this cold area of low pressure. that's going to bring up moisture out of the south. and that will bring our temperatures down, and also increase the chance of maybe seeing a little more sierra snow by next weekend. so friday you begin to see the chance of showers. and by next saturday and sunday, highs in the mid-60s with a chance not only of the showers lasting from friday into sunday, but possibly through the first half of the following week. so rainfall projections right now. as we go into next weekend, looks like the north bay may pick up close to an inch of rain. and the air will be cold enough for this to hit the sierra and maybe stop some of the midweek snow melt and maybe add another foot or two of fresh powder to the elevations above 6,000 feet by next weekend. so summer to winter maybe in the span of about three to five days from the middle part of the week into next weekend. back to you. that. >> is fabulous. >> rob, thanks a lot. coming up, baseball is back. the giants will kick off the season tomorrow in million. we'll have a preview of the opening day matchup. >> looking forward to that. plus, the hottest team in any sport currently in action as they continue their quest for immortality. highlights are ahead in sports. otfaon ith0 hey, guy, fallon smith in the csn studios. the dubs have lost back-to-back all season long. maybe seeing their winning streak get shattered was good thing for the warriors because tonight they were locked in as the chase for history continues. warriors hosting the blazers. we pick it gallup the second quarter. klay thompson, baseline. gets the bucket and the foul. he finished with 21 points. later in the quarter, steph curry, oh, yeah. money from downtown. that was the dubs' 1,000 three-pointer. no other team has ever hit one thousand threes in a single season. how hot was steph? after the game, draymond green getting ready to dump waterton mvp, but steph knocks the water out of dray hand with a no look towel toss. the dubs win, 136-111. >> a big opportunity for us to bounce back after the tough loss at home. the first time we saw defeat at home. and i think we answered that challenge pretty well. our goal for the year obviously we don't want to lose anymore. but not having two losses in a row is something that we would like to accomplish as we go through the season. this is a big step for us. >> woo-hoo. baseball is back. we're less than 12 hours away from the giants season opener in milwaukee. and for the third straight year, madison bumgarner will start the season on the hill. now on the other side, willie peralta gets the nod for the brewers. with more here is our insider alex pavlovic. >> this spring was all about slow playing for bruce bochy as he sat one veteran after the next, making sure guys were healthy for opening day. it's coming around now, and bochy's team is healthy. not putting anybody on the disabled list has his full rotation and the bench they wanted. the giants want to get off to a quick start, not because they're healthy, but because the rest of the teams in the division are. no. the dodgers had injuries all spring and the dodge lost a.j. pollock. despite they know they have a tough schedule, they're healthy, they're ready to go, and they feel like the a chance to get off to a good start. >> thanks, alex. giants fans, csn bay area is your ticket for exclusive opening day coverage from milwaukee. we'll have a one-hour pregame show starting at 10:00 in the morning, featuring amy g. and pavlovich. first pitch just after 11:00 a.m. baseball opening day. royals raises the banner and hosting the mets. that's a sight to see. bottom six, alex gordon drops one just out of the reach of juan le gara. just like that kc up 3-0. top nine, one-run ball game. runners on the corners for yoenis cespedes. oh, he gone. wade davis gets him swinging. royals hold on the win, 4-3. all right. if you're an a's fan, csn california is the place to be tomorrow night for exclusive opening day coverage from the coliseum. we'll have a one-hour pregame show starting at 6:00. followed by first pitch just after 7:00. all right. that's it for sports. more news after the break. a sringcenforomehoey ns.anscatoi a scene right here for hockey fans. an escalator suddenly malfunctioned and sped up after a philadelphia flyers game yesterday, sending fans tumbling to ground, as you can see. the good news, nobody seriously hurt. >> wow. a new one-of-a-kind art gallery has opened off the coast of the florida keys. check this out. visitors certainly do not want to walk from piece to piece. they actually swim this installation here. divers ininstalled about a dozen photo illustration on vanderburgh's weather desk, part of a huge artificial reef. they're encased in plexiglas and sealed with silicone. they're the work of an austrian art photographer. now the photographer says his images are part of his sinking world series. pretty cool, right? >> very nice. >> beautiful pictures. and it's going to be a beautiful week weather-wise too. >> scuba diving would be a good idea by wednesday, maybe, when you look at the forecast. tomorrow not too bad. mid-70s within reach. the five-day temperature trend close to 90 in san jose, san francisco average high 62. we've been talk about mid 80s there on wednesday. but if you like 60s, 70s, 80s or 90s, you bought to pick one of these five days. you'll see some of the weather between now and friday. >> thank you very much for joining us. have a great week. >> have a great night, everyone. we need to be ready for whatever weather may come our way. my name's scott strenfel and i'm a meteorologist at pg&e. we make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. so every single day we're monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. during storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. learn how you can be prepared at together, we're building a tter california. nbc bay area news special. tonight, "class action." classrooms not ready for earthquakes. male: and we saw a lot of these things, particularly the bookcases and file cabinets not only fall, but block the exits. announcer: our reporting prompts action to try to make schools safer. bill dodd: i don't think the word is outraged, but we were very concerned. announcer: the alarming pictures that led to new legislation. a report card for california's children, and the grades aren't good. how to improve education for the state's most vulnerable kids. plus, the tussle over teacher tenure, the next step in a high-profile lawsuit over job security. now, here's nbc bay area's jessica aguirre. jessica aguirre: hello, and welcome to this "class action" news special. we begin tonight with our ongoing coverage of earthquake

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