Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20160318 : comp

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20160318

>> it makes my stomach hurt. you hear more and more stories like this. >> in february police arrested jose gonzalez, the interim vice principal for an alleged inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old student. chris funk wasn't available for an on-camera interview but tells us it's unacceptable behave your for any employee to act inappropriately with underage students. police believe there may be more victims out there. police urge you to come forward. >> you can see here this emergency vehicle up on the sidewalk. one man was arrested at the scene. another not too far away from the scene. police found a bottom of rum. they're now trying to determine if that's played a role in the crash. >> it's an inconvenient truth. the problems with bart aren't going away any time soon. tomorrow expect more delays and for months to come expect a political battle as bart wants to ask for more funding. crowded trains and temporary buses servicing two east bay stations that has been shut down. cheryl, a lot of layers to this mess. >> reporter: that's right. it has a lot of layers around it also means this bus bridge system is not going away any time soon. bart is a fragile system and is overcrowded and bart is dealing with it in an open and trains parent way. >> it like sardines packed in the can. >> it's so packed i had to wait two to three trains after. >> reporter: bart is dealing with a new reality. it's no secret the transit agency is aging, but now it's beginning to show in a lot of ways. >> the real problem out there is that bart is old. we have to come to terms with it. >> coming to terms with it is one way to describe it. 50 cars put out of service because of an electrical voltage spike that is damaging the propulsion equipment. add that to the 80 cars shipped to the maintenance car two weeks ago for a similar problem. it's a problem. bart know it is and says it will be open and transparent about it. >> bart has been leveling with people recently. and i think that's a good move by bart, to tell people what the real challenges are. >> last night bart's social media manager communicated back and forth with angry riders. he's promising transparency. and there's another reality tonight. bart needs money. the agency plans to ask voters to approve a bond measure for $3.5 billion to upgrade its infrastructure. some believe being honest now will help them get the votes for the upgrade. >> this part costs around $1,000 when we get them but not everybody makes them. so we're reaching out it our suppliers to try to expedite delivery of this part. >> that's the device right there. it's a very small part but causes huge delays for thousands of bart righters. bart officials are still investigating the precise reason for the electrical surge and the exact location of it. but they do know the damage it has caused and say it could be months before the fleet is up and running. mike inouye will guide you through the traffic delays beginning at 4:30 a.m. >> a man from santa clara is said to have been inspired pi isis. he was a student at u.c.m merce. they say he acted alone. >> the feds are now pushing to make gas pipelines safe. this comes after a number of fires across the country, including this one in san bruno in 2010. the u.s. department of transporation wants to expand testing the lines. >> take a look at this. plowing over a sidewalk and crashing right in -- right next to that home. san jose police say a car was speeding right before losing control. this happened just after 4:00 on san antonio street. the police arrested the driver, a minor. they say he was under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. thankfully no one was injured in this crash. >> dogs in danger and the predator is a coyote. but it is not out in the suburbs as normal, it's in san francisco. jean elle is live where warning signs are going up in this neighborhood, jean. >> reporter: peggy, this is a residential area, and the dog's owner say they never expected their pet to be attacked in their own front yard. people who live around here are getting ready to go to a meeting at city hall to express their fear fears. >> right there, the next house done is a coyote. at that point the dog is already screeching and it happened very quickly. >> reporter: his beloved dog was killed during a bathroom break in the front yard. >> we really loved this dog. she was the friendliest, most loving dog. >> reporter: animal care and control posted warning signs in the area. neighbors across ocean avenue in ingleside terrace took this photo. they say it's not unusual to see coyotes lounging on front lawns. >> this year we've seen more sitings of coyotes. >> the supervisor called for meetings months ago after a coyote coyote was seen in the community. >> do we just sit there and wait for something really bad to happen? i'm not willing to did that. >> now that dee dee is gone, he says something must be done. >> we have to start doing something. it's real bad over in the grove. something has to be done. it getting to the point where our animals are in danger. >> at this point a solution is not on the table. it should be an emotional discussion at that meeting. reporting live from san francisco, jean elle. >> more than $9 in damages. that's the estimated costs santa cruz county needs to repair what recent storms left behind. next week county officials will consider seeking emergency funding. the storms triggered mud slides. >> the 20% mandatory water conservation order remains in effect. zh did you charge alcohol it the district credit card? >> i'm not quite too sure. >> the receipts show this chancellor spent hundreds of tax dollars on booze. what he and his leadership are doing now to ensure they can wine and dine on your dime. >> plus, are you the lucky winner? a local retailer just sold a lottery ticket worth $9 million. >> and i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. fall returning to the golden gate bridge. we're tracking rain and cooler temperatures for the weekend. everything you need to know about life, you can learn from granola. keep it simple. always be real. don't be artificial, but always be sweet. nature valley granola bars. no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners. just good. there are a lot of ways to pack your breakfast with protein. but the most delicious way is to just add milk. new nature valley cereals. at least 10 grams of protein with milk, and a touch of sweetness for three new ways to power you through your day. area college chcelr. ===raj=== we'vnow learn he and h public dollars used to buy booze. we first told you about yetable spe -- questionable spending by a bay area chancellor. >> vicky has the new twist. >> reporter: we learned the chancellor and his leadership team are changing the rules. they decided it okay to wine and dine on the taxpayers' dime. a $100 bottle of wine in san diego. a staff din with her a $900 tab including french martinis and wine and beer during a workday long in san carlos with a trustee. just a few of the expenses the investigative unit first discovered in september. >> vicky with nbc bay area news. did you charge alcohol to the district credit card? >> he's the chancellor of the community college district. >> reporter: an employee is not authorized to use the credit card for personal procurements. >> absolutely. that's true. >> reporter: were you aware of that policy before we showed it to new. >> no, i was not aware of that policy. >> reporter: he charged hundreds of dollars, even though the procurement rules prohibit it. "when employees dine with donors or potential donors, they will be reimbursed. they clarified meals that are lavish or extravagant or not allow allowed." there won't be a vote on the new guidelines. it's up to the chancellor and his administration. trustee maurice goodman said he does not think it's appropriate to spend public money on alcohol, but he understands will are functions where it happens. >> that's a tough sell. you have to ask yourself is if we go to a public meeting, sure, you make 300,000 but charge us for your bottle of wine at dinner. the public doesn't usually say that's okay. >> we called units around the bay area. none allow the purchase of alcohol with public money. in san mateo, over 200 have the credit cards but only senior administrators will be able to buy booze. >> tomorrow morning is tipoff. tonight is damage control. asked about his role in the sexual harassment case, cal head coach cuonz o'martin deflected the question. >> i think if you have any questions about that, we can deal with that later. it's a university issue. right now the biggest concern for me is our basketball team and the ncaa tournament. >> this was martin today during an ncaa organized news conference. his assistant coach, jan huffnagle, who he fired on monday, is accused of sexually harassing a female reporter. martin, the head coach, is being investigated for what he knew about those charges. cal plays hawaii tomorrow in the first round of the ncaa tournament. >> this is video of a fight that nearly ended in murder outside the willow den bar in san jose last note. police say the suspect seen here in the white shirt confronted the victim. the two dpan arguing and ultimately the suspect stabbed the victim at least once. he ran from the scene. >> armed with a bee bee gun and doing serious damage to cars. police say they've been targeting cars for months, these vandales, near live 200 cars have been hit. the damage in some cases is up to $1,000. >> not a customer but a robber. police say this man robbed a wells fargo bank in pleasanton. when he got what he wanted, he simply walked out. police don't think a getaway car was involved. >> somebody went to this gas station who bought a $9 million super lotto ticket. is there it's exciting, good for the store. everybody know that lotto jackpot is won here. >> reporter: the owner will receive about $45,000 for selling the winning ticket. the ticket holder has six months to claim their prize. sometimes people hold on to the ticket and get their affairs in order. >> you know who took a dinner break tonight and filled his car with gas? >> i wish i was the winner. i would have shared it. we have changes coming our way when this t comes to our forecast. it seems we've won the lottery this week with how much sunshine and how enjoyable it's been outside. we'll begin to see changes as early tomorrow morning. that will be the return of clouds and areas of fog in the north bay with 45 degrees. san francisco patchy fog and 53. a little bit of fog returning to the peninsula and 49. not nearly as sunny the start for tomorrow morning as we are used to. in san francisco we'll still get sun by the afternoon but no low 70s expected. 66 in the financial district, down to 62 in the marina. across the peninsula and pacifica, 69, palo alto a sunny 71. across the south bay, we'll drop down to 73 in san jose and 73 in cupertino. back towards mill valley, 69. and for the east bay, fremont 71, oakland 67 and right throughout the tri-valley, low 70s. if you're heading up to lake tahoe, don't expect any huge snow at least for the next couple of days. that's due to the fact that the storm system we're going to be tracking this weekend is going to be warmer. saturday 9:00 a.m., cloud cover starts to increase. then once we hit saturday evening, you can see the rainfall develops offshore. we're not expecting any rainfall to move in until sunday afternoon. really from 1:00 to 5 chalk, we'll begin to see scattered hours of rain develop. granted the heaviest rainfall will be to the north. it will also bring cooler temperatures. across the sierra, cloudy by saturday and 58. sunday, mainly a chance of rain and 50 degrees. it's going to be slushy up there but nice. it's dry and mild the next 48 hours. as that storm arrives sunday, nothing major but here's how the rainfall looks sunday through tuesday. for the north bay we could see about a half inch. it's still a little early. i think we'll get something as we head into sunday's forecast. >> right now we're just looking forward to friday, tomorrow. >> up next, it can be such a drag. we're talking about jet lag. but tonight a possible break through thanks to researchers at stanford. >> and we have jimmy. >> it's a great show, do not change the channel! it's good. need to get toexi? stting torrow, ubeis fering onway tripso uberpassport.=theervice isalled need to get to mexico in starting tomorrow uber is offering one-way trips to tijuana. it's called uber passport. it promises to make that trip to mexico hassle-free. the san francisco bay company says this is a pilot program. uber operates in 70 countries but this is the first time an uber trip will cross an international border. >> flashes of light, not continuous light, is key to preventing jet lag when you travel. that's what stanford researchers are saying they exposed a person to quick flashes of light for an hour the night before travel. it helped the bodies internal clock april ju clock adjust to the difference. they hope to be able to use it for people who work different shifts. >> and paying for college in a pretty unconventional way. a growing number students are doing this, joining an online dating service called it caters to men and women who know what they want and lavish the other with gifts, includes college tuition. ♪ ♪ ♪ 'big thing' in y area go. daniel cnolly is w part ofan iln francisccity champion he is king of the chorus. he could just become the next big thing in bay area golf. >> here's colin riche. >> i don't want to totally say it was luck of the irish but in a sense, it seemed hike that. everything about the finals and semifinals as far as the weather went, the rain and wind and it was brutal out there. i felt like i was back in ireland. >> daniel connolly was at san francisco's tpc harding park this past sunday. needing a two-putt for the win, the 18-year-old senior at stewart hall high school needed one. >> i knew the line and the speed was perfect. i started celebrating a bit. >> the birdie putt gave him a 3-1 victory. the significance of winning in its centennial year was significant. >> ray is a good friend of ours that passed away a couple of months ago. there were a few things that went my way that kind of reminded me that i think i'm getting a little bit of extra help here. >> his main helper is the reason i'm here, johnny fofoley's hous. daniel's father, martin, put his place of business aside for a few days to walk beside his son as caddie. >> my role was the old caddie adage, put up, keep up and shut up. just stay out of his way. it worked out pretty good. doesn't work out good all the time but it worked out good this week for sure. >> i'm so over the moon to say i won it. i guess irish eyes are smiling. >> what a perfect story. >> i think a few pints were enjoyed tonight. >> i would say so. well earned, too. >> we'll be right back with a i would kill for something sweet. wanna split that? no...soooo much fat... don't fight your instincts. with 150 calories each, try our new rich & creamy cheesecakes. fiber one. are you eating lucky charms? no. this is a dream. they're magically delicious. southernaliforniaoday. the long-awaited reunion is here. luna reunited with her owner in southern california today. you want to see a lot of smiles? the 1 1/2-year-old german shepherd fell off a fishing both last month. everyone thought she had died. five weeks later navy officials spotted her on the island next to a road. they said she was a bit malle nourished. his owner said he plans to keep her on a short leash and maybe even getting her a life jacket. >> what a beautiful dog. >> good night. rs and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- clive owen, nia vardalos, comedian jimmy carr,

Related Keywords

Stanford , California , United States , Fremont , New York , Rockefeller Center , Stewart Hall , Germany , Oakland , San Diego , Santa Cruz County , Reunion , San Francisco , Mexico , San Bruno , Pacifica , Tijuana , Baja California , San Francisco Bay , Ireland , France , Ingleside , Hawaii , Mill Valley , San Carlos , French , German , Irish , Jimmy Fallon , Iraj Matha , Daniel Connolly , Maurice Goodman , Jose Gonzalez , Dee , Jeff Ranieri , Jimmy Carr , Mike Inouye , Santa Clara , Jei Aguirre , Clive Owen ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20160318 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20160318

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>> it makes my stomach hurt. you hear more and more stories like this. >> in february police arrested jose gonzalez, the interim vice principal for an alleged inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old student. chris funk wasn't available for an on-camera interview but tells us it's unacceptable behave your for any employee to act inappropriately with underage students. police believe there may be more victims out there. police urge you to come forward. >> you can see here this emergency vehicle up on the sidewalk. one man was arrested at the scene. another not too far away from the scene. police found a bottom of rum. they're now trying to determine if that's played a role in the crash. >> it's an inconvenient truth. the problems with bart aren't going away any time soon. tomorrow expect more delays and for months to come expect a political battle as bart wants to ask for more funding. crowded trains and temporary buses servicing two east bay stations that has been shut down. cheryl, a lot of layers to this mess. >> reporter: that's right. it has a lot of layers around it also means this bus bridge system is not going away any time soon. bart is a fragile system and is overcrowded and bart is dealing with it in an open and trains parent way. >> it like sardines packed in the can. >> it's so packed i had to wait two to three trains after. >> reporter: bart is dealing with a new reality. it's no secret the transit agency is aging, but now it's beginning to show in a lot of ways. >> the real problem out there is that bart is old. we have to come to terms with it. >> coming to terms with it is one way to describe it. 50 cars put out of service because of an electrical voltage spike that is damaging the propulsion equipment. add that to the 80 cars shipped to the maintenance car two weeks ago for a similar problem. it's a problem. bart know it is and says it will be open and transparent about it. >> bart has been leveling with people recently. and i think that's a good move by bart, to tell people what the real challenges are. >> last night bart's social media manager communicated back and forth with angry riders. he's promising transparency. and there's another reality tonight. bart needs money. the agency plans to ask voters to approve a bond measure for $3.5 billion to upgrade its infrastructure. some believe being honest now will help them get the votes for the upgrade. >> this part costs around $1,000 when we get them but not everybody makes them. so we're reaching out it our suppliers to try to expedite delivery of this part. >> that's the device right there. it's a very small part but causes huge delays for thousands of bart righters. bart officials are still investigating the precise reason for the electrical surge and the exact location of it. but they do know the damage it has caused and say it could be months before the fleet is up and running. mike inouye will guide you through the traffic delays beginning at 4:30 a.m. >> a man from santa clara is said to have been inspired pi isis. he was a student at u.c.m merce. they say he acted alone. >> the feds are now pushing to make gas pipelines safe. this comes after a number of fires across the country, including this one in san bruno in 2010. the u.s. department of transporation wants to expand testing the lines. >> take a look at this. plowing over a sidewalk and crashing right in -- right next to that home. san jose police say a car was speeding right before losing control. this happened just after 4:00 on san antonio street. the police arrested the driver, a minor. they say he was under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. thankfully no one was injured in this crash. >> dogs in danger and the predator is a coyote. but it is not out in the suburbs as normal, it's in san francisco. jean elle is live where warning signs are going up in this neighborhood, jean. >> reporter: peggy, this is a residential area, and the dog's owner say they never expected their pet to be attacked in their own front yard. people who live around here are getting ready to go to a meeting at city hall to express their fear fears. >> right there, the next house done is a coyote. at that point the dog is already screeching and it happened very quickly. >> reporter: his beloved dog was killed during a bathroom break in the front yard. >> we really loved this dog. she was the friendliest, most loving dog. >> reporter: animal care and control posted warning signs in the area. neighbors across ocean avenue in ingleside terrace took this photo. they say it's not unusual to see coyotes lounging on front lawns. >> this year we've seen more sitings of coyotes. >> the supervisor called for meetings months ago after a coyote coyote was seen in the community. >> do we just sit there and wait for something really bad to happen? i'm not willing to did that. >> now that dee dee is gone, he says something must be done. >> we have to start doing something. it's real bad over in the grove. something has to be done. it getting to the point where our animals are in danger. >> at this point a solution is not on the table. it should be an emotional discussion at that meeting. reporting live from san francisco, jean elle. >> more than $9 in damages. that's the estimated costs santa cruz county needs to repair what recent storms left behind. next week county officials will consider seeking emergency funding. the storms triggered mud slides. >> the 20% mandatory water conservation order remains in effect. zh did you charge alcohol it the district credit card? >> i'm not quite too sure. >> the receipts show this chancellor spent hundreds of tax dollars on booze. what he and his leadership are doing now to ensure they can wine and dine on your dime. >> plus, are you the lucky winner? a local retailer just sold a lottery ticket worth $9 million. >> and i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. fall returning to the golden gate bridge. we're tracking rain and cooler temperatures for the weekend. everything you need to know about life, you can learn from granola. keep it simple. always be real. don't be artificial, but always be sweet. nature valley granola bars. no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners. just good. there are a lot of ways to pack your breakfast with protein. but the most delicious way is to just add milk. new nature valley cereals. at least 10 grams of protein with milk, and a touch of sweetness for three new ways to power you through your day. area college chcelr. ===raj=== we'vnow learn he and h public dollars used to buy booze. we first told you about yetable spe -- questionable spending by a bay area chancellor. >> vicky has the new twist. >> reporter: we learned the chancellor and his leadership team are changing the rules. they decided it okay to wine and dine on the taxpayers' dime. a $100 bottle of wine in san diego. a staff din with her a $900 tab including french martinis and wine and beer during a workday long in san carlos with a trustee. just a few of the expenses the investigative unit first discovered in september. >> vicky with nbc bay area news. did you charge alcohol to the district credit card? >> he's the chancellor of the community college district. >> reporter: an employee is not authorized to use the credit card for personal procurements. >> absolutely. that's true. >> reporter: were you aware of that policy before we showed it to new. >> no, i was not aware of that policy. >> reporter: he charged hundreds of dollars, even though the procurement rules prohibit it. "when employees dine with donors or potential donors, they will be reimbursed. they clarified meals that are lavish or extravagant or not allow allowed." there won't be a vote on the new guidelines. it's up to the chancellor and his administration. trustee maurice goodman said he does not think it's appropriate to spend public money on alcohol, but he understands will are functions where it happens. >> that's a tough sell. you have to ask yourself is if we go to a public meeting, sure, you make 300,000 but charge us for your bottle of wine at dinner. the public doesn't usually say that's okay. >> we called units around the bay area. none allow the purchase of alcohol with public money. in san mateo, over 200 have the credit cards but only senior administrators will be able to buy booze. >> tomorrow morning is tipoff. tonight is damage control. asked about his role in the sexual harassment case, cal head coach cuonz o'martin deflected the question. >> i think if you have any questions about that, we can deal with that later. it's a university issue. right now the biggest concern for me is our basketball team and the ncaa tournament. >> this was martin today during an ncaa organized news conference. his assistant coach, jan huffnagle, who he fired on monday, is accused of sexually harassing a female reporter. martin, the head coach, is being investigated for what he knew about those charges. cal plays hawaii tomorrow in the first round of the ncaa tournament. >> this is video of a fight that nearly ended in murder outside the willow den bar in san jose last note. police say the suspect seen here in the white shirt confronted the victim. the two dpan arguing and ultimately the suspect stabbed the victim at least once. he ran from the scene. >> armed with a bee bee gun and doing serious damage to cars. police say they've been targeting cars for months, these vandales, near live 200 cars have been hit. the damage in some cases is up to $1,000. >> not a customer but a robber. police say this man robbed a wells fargo bank in pleasanton. when he got what he wanted, he simply walked out. police don't think a getaway car was involved. >> somebody went to this gas station who bought a $9 million super lotto ticket. is there it's exciting, good for the store. everybody know that lotto jackpot is won here. >> reporter: the owner will receive about $45,000 for selling the winning ticket. the ticket holder has six months to claim their prize. sometimes people hold on to the ticket and get their affairs in order. >> you know who took a dinner break tonight and filled his car with gas? >> i wish i was the winner. i would have shared it. we have changes coming our way when this t comes to our forecast. it seems we've won the lottery this week with how much sunshine and how enjoyable it's been outside. we'll begin to see changes as early tomorrow morning. that will be the return of clouds and areas of fog in the north bay with 45 degrees. san francisco patchy fog and 53. a little bit of fog returning to the peninsula and 49. not nearly as sunny the start for tomorrow morning as we are used to. in san francisco we'll still get sun by the afternoon but no low 70s expected. 66 in the financial district, down to 62 in the marina. across the peninsula and pacifica, 69, palo alto a sunny 71. across the south bay, we'll drop down to 73 in san jose and 73 in cupertino. back towards mill valley, 69. and for the east bay, fremont 71, oakland 67 and right throughout the tri-valley, low 70s. if you're heading up to lake tahoe, don't expect any huge snow at least for the next couple of days. that's due to the fact that the storm system we're going to be tracking this weekend is going to be warmer. saturday 9:00 a.m., cloud cover starts to increase. then once we hit saturday evening, you can see the rainfall develops offshore. we're not expecting any rainfall to move in until sunday afternoon. really from 1:00 to 5 chalk, we'll begin to see scattered hours of rain develop. granted the heaviest rainfall will be to the north. it will also bring cooler temperatures. across the sierra, cloudy by saturday and 58. sunday, mainly a chance of rain and 50 degrees. it's going to be slushy up there but nice. it's dry and mild the next 48 hours. as that storm arrives sunday, nothing major but here's how the rainfall looks sunday through tuesday. for the north bay we could see about a half inch. it's still a little early. i think we'll get something as we head into sunday's forecast. >> right now we're just looking forward to friday, tomorrow. >> up next, it can be such a drag. we're talking about jet lag. but tonight a possible break through thanks to researchers at stanford. >> and we have jimmy. >> it's a great show, do not change the channel! it's good. need to get toexi? stting torrow, ubeis fering onway tripso uberpassport.=theervice isalled need to get to mexico in starting tomorrow uber is offering one-way trips to tijuana. it's called uber passport. it promises to make that trip to mexico hassle-free. the san francisco bay company says this is a pilot program. uber operates in 70 countries but this is the first time an uber trip will cross an international border. >> flashes of light, not continuous light, is key to preventing jet lag when you travel. that's what stanford researchers are saying they exposed a person to quick flashes of light for an hour the night before travel. it helped the bodies internal clock april ju clock adjust to the difference. they hope to be able to use it for people who work different shifts. >> and paying for college in a pretty unconventional way. a growing number students are doing this, joining an online dating service called it caters to men and women who know what they want and lavish the other with gifts, includes college tuition. ♪ ♪ ♪ 'big thing' in y area go. daniel cnolly is w part ofan iln francisccity champion he is king of the chorus. he could just become the next big thing in bay area golf. >> here's colin riche. >> i don't want to totally say it was luck of the irish but in a sense, it seemed hike that. everything about the finals and semifinals as far as the weather went, the rain and wind and it was brutal out there. i felt like i was back in ireland. >> daniel connolly was at san francisco's tpc harding park this past sunday. needing a two-putt for the win, the 18-year-old senior at stewart hall high school needed one. >> i knew the line and the speed was perfect. i started celebrating a bit. >> the birdie putt gave him a 3-1 victory. the significance of winning in its centennial year was significant. >> ray is a good friend of ours that passed away a couple of months ago. there were a few things that went my way that kind of reminded me that i think i'm getting a little bit of extra help here. >> his main helper is the reason i'm here, johnny fofoley's hous. daniel's father, martin, put his place of business aside for a few days to walk beside his son as caddie. >> my role was the old caddie adage, put up, keep up and shut up. just stay out of his way. it worked out pretty good. doesn't work out good all the time but it worked out good this week for sure. >> i'm so over the moon to say i won it. i guess irish eyes are smiling. >> what a perfect story. >> i think a few pints were enjoyed tonight. >> i would say so. well earned, too. >> we'll be right back with a i would kill for something sweet. wanna split that? no...soooo much fat... don't fight your instincts. with 150 calories each, try our new rich & creamy cheesecakes. fiber one. are you eating lucky charms? no. this is a dream. they're magically delicious. southernaliforniaoday. the long-awaited reunion is here. luna reunited with her owner in southern california today. you want to see a lot of smiles? the 1 1/2-year-old german shepherd fell off a fishing both last month. everyone thought she had died. five weeks later navy officials spotted her on the island next to a road. they said she was a bit malle nourished. his owner said he plans to keep her on a short leash and maybe even getting her a life jacket. >> what a beautiful dog. >> good night. rs and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- clive owen, nia vardalos, comedian jimmy carr,

Related Keywords

Stanford , California , United States , Fremont , New York , Rockefeller Center , Stewart Hall , Germany , Oakland , San Diego , Santa Cruz County , Reunion , San Francisco , Mexico , San Bruno , Pacifica , Tijuana , Baja California , San Francisco Bay , Ireland , France , Ingleside , Hawaii , Mill Valley , San Carlos , French , German , Irish , Jimmy Fallon , Iraj Matha , Daniel Connolly , Maurice Goodman , Jose Gonzalez , Dee , Jeff Ranieri , Jimmy Carr , Mike Inouye , Santa Clara , Jei Aguirre , Clive Owen ,

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