Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20150916 : comp

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20150916

what is the story. >> reporter: yeah, a very active investigation. and some people are refusing to evacuate. i'm here at jefferson court, you can see it's reduced to rubble and ash. there's activity here tonight. sheriff's deputies are patrolling the streets, looking for looters and plenty of utility crews are working 24/7 to restore electricity, internet and phone service, there's two stores open in middle town, a gas station and a hardware/grocery store and they are being powered by generators because there's no electricity to the town on. as for the latest on the wild fire, it has burned 67,000 acres in the counties. 9,000 structures are still threatened and one confirmed death. a 71-year-old retired teacher. the focus is on the town of cobb, near the intersection of high valley and bottle rock road. we have team coverage tonight and we begin with terry mcsweeny, he is live in the town of cobb with the latest on the investigation. terry? >> reporter: yeah, here in cobb is where the fire started, many houses look like this one. burned down to the foundation. now, cal fire said they have an approximate location as to where the fire started. it's down the hill from where i'm standing, and investigators were down there focused on a shed. cal fire confirmed, investigators are looking at this shed on high valley road as a possible source of the fire. the shed is heavily damaged by fire and mostly standing. we spotted tools and cleaning supplies. the house on the same property and 30 feet from the shed is undamaged. a trail of burned grass connects the hill, and the fire. the people that reported the fire live across the road. the official cause is under investigation. whatever the cause, the result is clear to cal fire crews east of middle town. >> that's good. >> reporter: for the ground crew, the job was to stop the flames from crossing had road. >> he and his wife, and their family lived up the hill. >> reporter: the supervisor talked about the people that lived here. he said that dozens of county workers lost everything that they owned and some more. >> there's been confirmed death, and i would like to think there's no more. but i know there will be. these people can couould not ge of here fast enough. >> as we look across the valley to the fire still burning, the supervisor is concerned about rain. he is concerned of what could happen this winter if el nino hits, all the ash will go down in to the creek that will go right in to clear lake. back to you. >> okay, thank you, we do have some rain in the forecast for tomorrow, some showers and hopefully that will put out some of these flames burning in lake county. cobb is desolate and there's tons of residents that refuse to evacuate. >> home and family and friends and being together. stuff is stuff, stuff can be replaced. people can't. >> reporter: a reunion between close friends at the grocery store. they are grateful for each other and their lives after this explosive fire erupted on saturday afternoon. they shot the video of the escape they describe hurricane like winds and debris everywhere. it was a monster fire storm. they lost their home, jennifer kelly and her family, lost both their home and auto repair shop. >> we have great support from friends and family that have, it's unbelievable. i actually feel blessed by all the love and support we have received. >> they are some of the residents who refuse the to evacuate. they have no homes, but are staying with family and friends nearby that also refuse to leave. they are staying looking for looters. and knocking down hot spots and feeding the animals left behind. >> this community is close, tight knit, hard working, strong people. and we will get through this. we will rebuild our town. and it will be better than it was. >> well, those two families, they know their fate, and it's not a good one. their homes burned to the ground. for many other s they have no idea. they are waiting for any word, many of them at the main eevacuation at the napa county fairgrounds. that is where we find sheryl. >> it's been a very rough day for a lot of people. myself included. i agreed to go in to middle town to let a woman know if her home was still standing. and i had to come back to give her the bad news. grace has been aworrying for for days. wondering if her middle town home survived the valley fire. >> well, that's the air conditioning unit. yeah. oh, wow. >> when we drove in to middle town tonight, it took a while to figure out where grace's home once stood, because it was dark. >> wow. >> reporter: but after watching the cell phone video, the reality sunk in. >> oh, my gosh. i just lost a house. >> reporter: grace is one of hundreds of people who are not a allowed to go beyond this road closure leading in to middle down. we delivered the bad news to grace in the form of an angel. >> oh. i got some angel wings that are wrapped around me. >> reporter: for her that was closure but a plume of smoke over the ridge put resident as edge. >> reporter: for now, people are settling in to what is a tent city. some have tarps on top of the tents waiting for the rain. if the rain comes, it's no big deal, they said, they can withstand anything after this fire reporting live, back to you. >> yeah, they are resilient, thank you, sheryl, many residents here know there are many more difficult days ahead. i spoke to a teacher, the mother i spoke to in middle town. she is a science is teacher here and said all the elementary and middle school ands high school cans have survived fire. but she is not sure when the classes will resume. they did survive and a lot of the kids are stayi ining at thee shelter. it's been a difficult summer. they have had three major wildfires. firefighters are exhausted, they can only hope through showers tomorrow, it will help in the firefight. live in middle town. back to you. >> all right, thank you, these are emotional stories for all of us, we were reminded just about how neighbors are helping neighbors through the story there. >> you saw that about people feeding the animals. a mother and daughter went to k dozens of properties, they may be forced to go out without food for maybe even a week we are hearing. so the two women went and left pet food on different driveways. >> we are worried about the animals that are here, that their parents had to run. and we are just out to give cat food, dog food. make sure they are okay. if we can catch them and get them to the vet, we will do it too. >> it could be a week, or longer. before most of the homeowners will be a able to return to their properties and look for their pets and assess the damage. >> our coverage continues on our website, 24/7, you can view the raw video and find information on how to donate and help the cause. it's right there, on our front page, at nbc bay >> and good evening, we are tracking the for cast, cooler temperatures in the 60s. most importantly, we have rain in the forecast, we are tracking a full timeline on this and how much those fire ravaged areas could get along with the rest of the bay area, again, in a couple of minutes. >> people have the right to lie. >> you ever wonder why people are a allowed to stand in front of a store and ask for money? even after we showed they are not a roe real charity. >> why the direct messages may not be as private as you thought on twitter. >> and facebook maybe giving a thumbs up or a thumbs down. we will explain, next. grocery s eight yearsa group claiming to collect cash for veterans. but were they ripping you off? they were in front of grocery stores for eight years. group claiming to collect cash for veterans. after our investigation, had he packed up and left. >> now we learned they took their operation to another shopping center. we told you about the men posing as veterans and they are not veterans? >> they are not and viewers reached out to say that the men are still collecting money, and they are doing it a few miles away. and the viewers wanted to know why and so did we. >> that is bob, back on the job new location, same old story. >> security deposits on veterans. >> >> we introduced them to you last month. >> i think it's a scam. yes. >> posing as veterans, bob told our hidden cameras that the cash they collect goes to help homeless and disabled vets. >> this will provide outreach money for the veterans living outdoors on the va. >> not is so our investigation found. >> yeah, it's down right now. >> in fact, the men could not provide any evidence they were helping anyone but themselves. >> you said you donate 100% of your cash donations to veterans, and your colleague he said he keeps 40% of that. can you talk to us about how you are helping veterans. after we exposed them, you responded. sending e-mails about other groups set up merchant of bay area stores. you even shared pictures, telling us your worries. >> turns out a group does not have to be a registered group to stand outside and ask for money. i can stand here and ask for cash for any cause and management can't kick me out. and this plaza a, set a precedent for why this is protected speech. >> you have a right to be there. you have a right to your speech. >> law professor margaret russell has taught for wave years at santa clara university. she explains the case named for what happened here in 1980. >> it started with a dispute in california. with high school students who wanted to gather signatures for a petition. and today, across the street, hamilton plaza is another hot spot for solicitors, from the homeless to greenpeace and bob, from gift a vet russell explains that california has strong free speech protection. even on private property, if it's a shared space where public can gather. even if what is being said is untrue. >> people have is a right to lie. there's or ways of controlling that type of behavior. the stores have the right to put up signs, to say we have nothing to do with he's people athese p fact, we think they are fraud. >> she feels that cases can be won not on what they say, but what they do. >> going up to people and bothering people. >> asked about why bob moved and if they can put us in touch with any of the veterans they say they helped. but instead, he told us never to contact him again. meanwhile, a lawyer for the shopping center, e-mailed us to say, we are grateful nbc brought this matter to the public's attention and the center endured eight years s trespassing. but if gift a vet surfaces again, there's only one for you to make sure they stop collecting money. >> i never give unless i'm absensure that the organization is putting it to the purpose. >> when in doubt, don't give. >> absolutely. >> loss gatos police say they are investigator gift-a-vet, they have not returned our latest calls for comment. gift-a-vet goes by the name, united states veteran and veterans district. none of them are registered chairty. >> something for people to be aware of. >> as we said, it is free speech. the stores a s the stores atores have a right up a sign. >> if you have a tip for the unit, give us a call, or send us an e-mail unit at nbc we have confirmed late tonight that a memorial bench will be installed at the same spot where kate stinley was shot and ill ckilled. the 30-year-old was shot and killed. this shooting sparked a national debate about sanctuary cities like san francisco. next week, a memorial bench and plaque will be installed and a family spokes person tells us tonight that the family will visit this bench, but there are no plans for any public ceremony. jay johnson said that san francisco francisco's policy is unacceptable. the sanctuary law prohibits employees to help immigration authorities. correctional deputies at the san a that clare a county jail will soon be wearing body cameras. it's the latest fall-out from the death of a inmate. along with the body cameras, they have been given the green light to look in to how the jail was run. a mentally ill inmate was found dead in his cell and three officers have been charged with his death. hewlett packard has phased out 50,000 employees and now an additional 30,000 will be cut. it will a apply to hewlett pack enterpri enterprise. we are talking about the changing forecast, rain is one thing, how about the wind? >> the west, southwest, at 15 to 30. and that will hinder the firefighters, the increased moisture will over ride it. and we think the containment numbers will go up. the storm system is off shore, that will be impacting us and we still do look like that rainfall will be moving our way. we are not expecting heavy rainfall for the south bay but it's here across san francisco for the morning for cast a that we will have the showers moving in. the way it looks right now. the cold front in the associated area of low pressure, almost moving across as we head through thursday evening. that will be the best chance to get developing rain fall. we will take you to future cast, about 2:00, the rain will line up. it will be across middle town by w 2:00 in the afternoon. firefighters and others in that area will be worrying about the rainfall. the storm breaks to the south. across the bay area, we will see showers building. and after that, the storm continues to follow apart and lose the energy. so, yes, you may get a few spotty showers across san hjose but let's look at the estimated rain, we have not seen too many changes. that is great for the confidence of the rainfall we expect tomorrow. all week long, we thought the south bay would not see much, but now we are looking at up towards middle town. the fire zone and napa, .500 of an inch. we may see isolated amounts. around thely valley fire that is as high as a quarter to a half inch as well. so great news there. let's take you to the for cast as we head throughout wednesday. and temperatures will be jose, jacket. temperatures will be in the 60s across the board from the financial district at 66. to 65 in the marina. for the north bay. that best chance of rain will be in our north bay, micro climate zone, and napa expecting 68, for the east bay. 69 in oakland and across the tri-valley. 74 in pleasanton, you will want to enjoy the big time change. saturday and sunday, temperatures are going to jump 20 to 30 degrees that will again height enfien fire danger. tri-valley will push up to 99 by sunday. it's the last thing we need with the fires burning across california. we will have to take it day by day at this moment. >> thank you, up next, why twitter could be in hot water for tweaking your messages. ♪ you think. ==take = according to a lawsuit filed today in san francisco, as soon as a user sends a direct message t sending a direct message on twitter may not be as private as you think. as soon as the user sends a direct message, twitter intercepted it, reads it and sometimes changes it. the twitter spokes person is calling the claim meritless. >> here is something you may like, facebook is working on a dislike button. facebook co-founder saying today, such an option would be a more appropriate way to respond to posts about tragic events rather than flicking the currently available like button. no official date is set when the feature will launch. a giant giants thriller in ballpark tonight. "it's halloween time my frightful fiends, and disneyland is ours!" "going down!" "boo!" screams don't miss the wicked fun of halloween time at the disneyland resort, dazzling brighter than ever during the diamond celebration! visit "trick or treat." the dodgers or cubs.... having put together a four game win good evening, 18 games remaining, the giants trying to mount a final charge, giants rallied, jump to the bottom of the ninth. posey singled to left. here comes matt duffy, play at the plate. throw is not in time. we are tied at 8-8. the first hitter in the tent is home run derby champ, todd frazier, the cubs split a double head hadd eer at pittsburgh. the a's were leaving nothing to chance. josh redick put a charge in. two-run blast to right center. 18th of the season. oakland with a ten spot in the fourth. they go on to win big, 17-6. the warriors vision for marina bay was released. they hope to open prior to the 2018 season. it will have five acres of park next to the water as well as office space and restaurants. all right. that's a quick look at sports. more news after the break. ♪ ♪ ♪ you're only young once. unless you have a subaru. (announcer) the subaru xv crosstrek. symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 34 mpg. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. we, be honest, we all have these, don't we? you probably don't want the awkward family photos like these to see the light of day, let alone in a museum. that's where we found these pictures. they are on display in a museum in peoria, illinois, the gallery are was inspired by the awkward family photos website. look at the kids. they say, some of the best awkward family moments happen of course during the holidays. >> nice. >> they do. i have one of my daughter sitting on santa's lap leike this. >> i love it. it's my favorite. >> i wonder where she got that. >> i knthank you for joining us see you tomorrow. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- robert de niro, ariana grande,

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