Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20150207 : comp

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20150207

not only aftereffects but what to expect in the next 48 hours. this is farr from over. >> and jeff what are you seeing? >> well, the first storm in 44 days with winds that gusted as high as 66 miles per hour. looking at the doppler scan, you can see the consistent activity is down to the santa clara valley, and out to lexington hills, and los gatos valley and we believe it will continue. and the rainfall totals in 24 hours impressive with over 8 p inches in cloverdale and over 2 inches in nevada. and over to the south, impressive with the second blast of wet weather boosting the totals to 3 inches. and in las gatos, 3 7/8. and now, we think that the showers are less through saturday morning, but nothing heavy at this point. however, we are tracking a new storm system as we head into sunday. we will have more details on that, and we want to continue to storm team coverage with bay area's jeanne ellie as we hear the fans for the giants braving the elements to get tickets. >> reporter: it is wet and they don't care, because they are die-hard giants' fans and in line for giant ss fanfest, and braving the the elements for what has caused so many headaches tonight. >> i have never seen anything like this before. it is crazy. >> reporter: and stirred up by the storm, bay water is soaking people. >> it is unexpected, but i walked away from it, and so we are good. >> reporter: the storm keeps the street crews busy in san francisco, and this ficus came down. >> when i came down the tree was down and luckily nobody got hurt. >> reporter: the rain and the wind was too much for trees all over the city. >> it took over one lane and then the police department came out, and we helped them to pull it back into the sidewalk. >> reporter: and this one near crock crocker amazon playground laid down on the power lines. >> it pulled everything down. >> reporter: the fire crews stayed there until pg&e arrived. and commuters stayed busy trying to avoid the raindrops at the bus stop. >> i forgot the umbrella. >> and even those who remembered got wet. all four of the gentlemen have umbrellas and not out right now, but i am hoping for their sake the umbrellas make it through the night. they are in for a long night, and fan fest begins at 10:00 a.m. reporting live in san francisco, jeanne ellie. >> thank you. not for the faint of heart. trees down all over the bay area. the crews are clearing the debris at a home in alamo after a tree came crashing down. this happened not far prfrom the alamo shopping plaza, and luckily nobody was hurt. and another sight in all of the rain, standing water. and drivers caught off guard in coleman and san jose. the water the was nearly two feet deep. we can handle the rain but not sure that the parking lots and trees can. nbc bay area peggy bunker is in los alamos and it has been howling there. >> and you can say that again. here in the las alamos we have received wo inches of edd two inches of rain, and the rain filled up the parking lot, and here at the shopping center making it tough on the bag boys who have to work here. >> soaked. >> victor's feet are soaked. he works at an dron kadronica's grocery store. >> one in particular park their car near starbucks and so it was fun. >> reporter: there was no way around the inches of water flooding the rancho shopping center. >> it was windy today. >> and a fierce wind kept pg&e crews hopping up and down the peninsula as the downed trees knocked down power to thousands. and this is in woodside temporarily blocking power, and the downed power line also had crews on call, but despite the headache neighbors say that we needed it. >> well, i can't go outside, because of the rain, but it helps the environment (and turn off the sprinklers and let mother nature do the work. >> and that is what you have to do and now i spoke with pg&e earlier, and they said that they will be working hard this weekend as they expect the ground to be more saturated which means more trees could topple over and taking the power lines with them, a ndnd we will know more about it of course as we see the rain coming in. in las almos, peggy bunker. >> and the crews have been working all across the area trying to restore the power for those out. and more than 70,000 customers affected and 65,000 have been with the power restore and 12,000 people still in the dark, but peggy says they will be working through the weekend. the storm hit hard in the evening commute, and making the way home soggy and slippery. that is a live look at i-80 and freemont and the traffic is still treacherous. and joel is say hag chp is sa-- is saying that we need to lighten up on the gas pedal and take our time. >> yes, we need to lighten up and i have seen my share of accidents. officer dan hill says that we have to get used to driving on the wet roads all over again. >> all right. we will see what people are doing. >> reporter: chp officer daniel hill is hoping that the drivers will be cautious on the highways tonight. >> any time we have a huge break in the rain, you will have people forgetting that during rain conditions you have to slow down. you have to leave extra poll lowing distance, and you have to be more careful. >> reporter: careful, because the highway is slick, wet, and windy. and officer hill was careful tonight, and cruising along at 55 miles per hour on highway 24 in the east bay. >> and what you have to also do is to save yourself and be more defensive. watch the people around you. >> reporter: the driver of the suv said he was doing that erl earlier today when he slammed on the brakes to avoid a car in the pouring rain. his wheels locked up and resulting in a crash. tow truck drivers in the rain to clear the highway. you think it is going to be busier as the night goes on? >> i am sure it will. >> reporter: and chp is expecting more rain and wind through the weekend. and the advice? >> slow down. slowdown and be care canful. cheryl hurd, nbc bay aer yarea news. >> thank you, cheryl. it is a long time since we have seen a weather-related story like this. a mother and daughter narrowly escaping tragedy. this is robert honda. >> it is really hitting home, because i can't stop looking at it. >> reporter: liz bustamond was driving her children to school when the tree came down. these are the pictures she took and this is what she remembers. >> this shat herring of the glass and the screaming, okay. when i looked outside, i said, my gosh, what is going on, and then realizing the tree, the and then i see the power lines bouncing off of the ground. >> reporter: and pg&e says that 2300 customers lost power. >> at the moment that the lines came down, there was a huge and incredible gust of wind and very, very strong. >> reporter: also we saw one car up on the embankment but nobody had a close call like liz and her family. >> and you can replace the stuff, because that is what the insurance is for, but not the kids, and i feel like i'm the luckiest person in the right now. >> and liz is fortunate and so are many of the powerr outage people as pg&e have restored the power. >> amazing to see that video. thank you, robert. our app is very useful now when you can see the forecast for your neighborhood and the realtime radar. and the the app is prix for iphone and android users. sfwhoo . >> and we will look at the microcast forecast and it includes another powerful storm that is due in this weekend. >> and also ahead, the earthquake safety in the classroom. is your child safe when you drop them off at school? the hazards that we have uncovered will surprise you. >> and what has one police department stumped? tonight, a mysterious twist in a hit-and-run. and a local ride share company gives customers the power to protect themselves, but not everyone can use it at least not yet. >> last night, fallon wrapped up a big week in los angeles. >> and tonight, jennifer lopez and anthony mackey playing "catch phrase." also john oliver on "late night night." all week long, we have been look at the disaster preparedness and tonight your child's school. when you drop off your kids monday morning, will they be safe monday morn in case of a quake quake? we showed you dangerous failures inside of the classrooms, and we e showed you they didn't just happened in napa schools but all over california, and in fact, there have been seismic hazards all inside our schools. >> i know it is scary. >> i know. i know. we have an earthquake. >> and when the napa earthquake struck in the middle of the night, thele schools were empty. but daylight revealed chaos inside of the classroom. >> this particular event was the most violent thing that i have ever experienced in my close to 30 years in the fire service. >> photo after photo shows the rarely seen aftermath of the earthquake in the schools. classrooms with no kids and in dangerous disarray. >> we were incredibly lucky. >> reporter: structural engineer maryann phipps is co-author inging preparedness report, and she is including schools. >> and if it had happened at a dif frent time of the day, we would have been mourning the loss of students. >> reporter: california is home of stringent standards, and the seismic safety manager says that our preparedness is the en my of the world. >> and so many people come in wanting to know why we do so well. >> reporter: california schools have done well structurally, but the nonstructural elements are a different matter. >> i don't know if the nonstructural matters have been evaluated and mitigated as well as the structural hazards have. >> reporter: take for example lights. overhead overhead pendant lights fell in napa and they can be sharp and weigh up to 80 pounds. >> and some of them were swinging around, and that is a dangerous feature. >> reporter: dangerous, but not unusual. northridge in 1994 and cowaalinga in 2003. >> you continue to see the photographs and the damage and that is disheartening, and shock ing and unacceptable. >> unacceptable because with the exception of the 5.3 quake in 1957, there is not a sig nifnificant earthquake in school hours since 1900. the division of the state architect or the dsa oversees the construction of the schools, and they are responsible for the safety of pendant lights but only when the schools are built or remodeled, and in fact, some schools may not have had a dsa review many in years or decades. another danger displaced furniture, and shelves and shop equipment show up again and again in photos. >> some of the items are relatively easily fixed. >> reporter: the hazards that multiple state agencies have warned about since the 1970s. >> they are like huge missiles in the air or giant objects falling down. >> reporter: these are the photos of some of the classrooms. >> wow. >> we showed them to the contra kosta fire marshall. >> look at that. >> and looking at h this as a parent, i am not sure that my child could climb out the door in enough time. >> yeah. and if you certainly had some kind of an emergency that had a time element to it like a fire or the gas leak i would share that concern with you. >> reporter: school districts are responsible for securing the furniture inside of a classroom, and we asked the california department of education to sit down to talk to us, and they declined in an e-mail saying that we would respond to your request if you were the regulating agency in this request, but we are not. and the trouble is that there is no regulating agency for classroom furniture, and then the earthquake in calexico four years ago. >> if anybody had been here they would have been seriously injured. >> reporter: this fixture fell and caused damage. that falls under the division of the state architect only at the time of the construction and renovation, and this school was built in the 1960s. again, that was not p in school hours, but when there were no students there. and so the fact that every time -- and one of these times, it is not going to be happening in the middle of the night. >> reporter: and that is a scenario that has a lot of people worried and wondering if more can p be done to keep the kids safe. >> we will be tested here pretty soon with a big event. >> and it turn out more can be done. the fire marshalls inspect the schools every year, by seismic safety is not part of the fire code. the fire marshalls said they would be glad to take on the earthquake safety if the state would give them the legal authority to do so but so far, they haven't. it is an issue we will continue to pursue. if you want to see more photos go to, and you can go to the facebook page and see more. and think about that when you drop off your kids monday morning. and also we have some flooding concerns here throughout the bay area. but hopefully it will be getter towards the end of the weekend? >> yes. some light and moderate rainfall is causing problems on the roadways, and winds from 15 to 30 miles per hour. we will take you to the 24-hour rainfall totals, and he this storm was right on the mark with the totals that we expect, and not to the north bay and higher elevation, and off to the north, but we did pick up ten inches, and cloverdale over eight, and hillsberg 5.5, and menlo park over 3.5 inches. and pleasanton over 1.5, and less many in san francisco, but we will see the numbers boost up as we head throughout the second storm system this weekend. and on the doppler, the most consistent rainfall across the santa clara valley and then the heavy pockets through the next two the three hours in morgan hill. and the other thing that we are tracking is the sierra snow and the lack thereof it throughout the day, and we did get more of it, and the snow pac right now is the nbc bay area's rob mayeda. >> yes, we have been watching it leave the bay area, and some tropical moisture and southerly winds gusting up to the bay area bringing up mild air that is and thing to bring this the moisture but also, it is providing high snow levels and higher peak to see the accumulating snowfall so far. tonight, a winter snow warning for those above 7,000 feet until 10:00 a.m. and factor that in the travel plans. and 1 to 2 feet above 7,000 feet. and we could use more snow than this system is providing. below 5,000 feet not getting the snow, but potential for the flooding rains. in blue canyon, the next wave comes in sunday, and a lot of runoff and mixed blessing to help fill the reservoirs, but it reintroduces the threat of the flooding in the sierra foothills with the challenge cans of the blowing snow in the higher peaks, and the flood manage the e loe -- can and flooding this the lower foothills. >> we should be done with the heaviest by the end of the weekend. nothing major expected saturday and you may need a umbrella for the next. and the next storm won't arrive until sunday morning, and more and more a morning event here throughout sunday. 7:30 7:30, and the heaviest rain will wind up offshore, and at 8:00 through 10:00, not only the rain, and the winds that could gust as high as 40 miles per hour, and some isolated thunderstorms, and then as we head through 5:00, we will see the areas of scattered showers lingering, and now to the friday forecast, you will see the microclimate not a big difference of the terms, and the light jackets and the same in in palo alto and san francisco and north bay and east bay and the tri valleys the temperatures in the 60s and mixed with the sun and a lot of clouds and the possibility of maybe a few isolated showers. and the other thing for saturday, after all of the wind for today, the downed trees and the power outages, the winds will calm down tomorrow and still preez zi and coming out of the south 10 to 20 miles per hour, and taking you to the extended forecast a and what you will find once again is the next storm lining up as we head through sunday with the poss possibility of thunderstorms returning. and scattered showers monday and then through monday and tuesday, final finally dry weather coming our way, and in terms of the rainfall total since we have time here, and heading into sunday, you will see the rainfall estimates impressive again in the north bayh bay where we will see 2 inches and maybe 3 to 5 if in kosta contra. >> i think that jeff and robin are going to be busy this weekend. >> yes. >> and uber is stepping up security with the panic button. we will explain that. we live in a pick and choose world. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number, and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! now we can all choose amazing sleep only at a sleep number store. right now save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. ♪ ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little 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exactly when the changes will be available in the u.s. >> and now, some people are using stolen identities the file returns. and criminals are believed to have been using stolen information in turbotax. and they are using updates to avoid fraud. and we will check in with geraud moncure for the latest in sports. i've always wanted to be a doctor. as a student, i was not covered at all. i was always in fear of getting sick. but now that i have a health plan through covered california that i can afford... ...i can pursue my dream to be a doctor. don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. go bold with flavors that kick. release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. with a chronic illness it's a relief knowing that i can see my doctor whenever i need to. having health insurance 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hangs on 53-52. and the raiders have hired former seattle seahawks' coach ken norton, jr., to be their defensive coordinator. what's that thing? i moved our old security system out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. why don't you switch to xfinity home? i get live video monitoring and 24/7 professional monitoring that i can arm and disarm from anywhere. hear ye! the awkward teenage one has arrived!!!! don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus for a limited time, get a free security camera call 1800 xfinity or visit ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. don't miss yoplait's exciting new flavors -- creamy caramel and cookies 'n cream. our vision for partnering with more farmers, growers manufacturers is that eventually organic and natural will be the norm. for raley's that means a lot more organic and natural options on the shelf. and for our consumers, that means having a lot more 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sunday. >> the weekend is here. >> and the next newsday is mon saturday morning sharp. >> hope to see you then. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- jennifer lopez anthony mackie

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Los Alamos , Arizona , Los Gatos , Rockefeller Center , Nevada , India , Cloverdale , Menlo Park , Marshall Islands , Santa Clara Valley , Calexico , Morgan Hill , San Francisco , Marshalls , Anthony Mackey , Lilly Thompson , Jennifer Lopez Anthony Mackie , Raj Mathai , John Oliver , Ken Norton Jr , Jennifer Lopez , Los Angeles , Maryann Phipps , Klay Thompson , Jimmy Fallon , Las Gatos , Robert Honda , Jessica Aguirre , Cheryl Hurd , Las Alamos , Mike Scott , Jeanne Ellie ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20150207 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20150207

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not only aftereffects but what to expect in the next 48 hours. this is farr from over. >> and jeff what are you seeing? >> well, the first storm in 44 days with winds that gusted as high as 66 miles per hour. looking at the doppler scan, you can see the consistent activity is down to the santa clara valley, and out to lexington hills, and los gatos valley and we believe it will continue. and the rainfall totals in 24 hours impressive with over 8 p inches in cloverdale and over 2 inches in nevada. and over to the south, impressive with the second blast of wet weather boosting the totals to 3 inches. and in las gatos, 3 7/8. and now, we think that the showers are less through saturday morning, but nothing heavy at this point. however, we are tracking a new storm system as we head into sunday. we will have more details on that, and we want to continue to storm team coverage with bay area's jeanne ellie as we hear the fans for the giants braving the elements to get tickets. >> reporter: it is wet and they don't care, because they are die-hard giants' fans and in line for giant ss fanfest, and braving the the elements for what has caused so many headaches tonight. >> i have never seen anything like this before. it is crazy. >> reporter: and stirred up by the storm, bay water is soaking people. >> it is unexpected, but i walked away from it, and so we are good. >> reporter: the storm keeps the street crews busy in san francisco, and this ficus came down. >> when i came down the tree was down and luckily nobody got hurt. >> reporter: the rain and the wind was too much for trees all over the city. >> it took over one lane and then the police department came out, and we helped them to pull it back into the sidewalk. >> reporter: and this one near crock crocker amazon playground laid down on the power lines. >> it pulled everything down. >> reporter: the fire crews stayed there until pg&e arrived. and commuters stayed busy trying to avoid the raindrops at the bus stop. >> i forgot the umbrella. >> and even those who remembered got wet. all four of the gentlemen have umbrellas and not out right now, but i am hoping for their sake the umbrellas make it through the night. they are in for a long night, and fan fest begins at 10:00 a.m. reporting live in san francisco, jeanne ellie. >> thank you. not for the faint of heart. trees down all over the bay area. the crews are clearing the debris at a home in alamo after a tree came crashing down. this happened not far prfrom the alamo shopping plaza, and luckily nobody was hurt. and another sight in all of the rain, standing water. and drivers caught off guard in coleman and san jose. the water the was nearly two feet deep. we can handle the rain but not sure that the parking lots and trees can. nbc bay area peggy bunker is in los alamos and it has been howling there. >> and you can say that again. here in the las alamos we have received wo inches of edd two inches of rain, and the rain filled up the parking lot, and here at the shopping center making it tough on the bag boys who have to work here. >> soaked. >> victor's feet are soaked. he works at an dron kadronica's grocery store. >> one in particular park their car near starbucks and so it was fun. >> reporter: there was no way around the inches of water flooding the rancho shopping center. >> it was windy today. >> and a fierce wind kept pg&e crews hopping up and down the peninsula as the downed trees knocked down power to thousands. and this is in woodside temporarily blocking power, and the downed power line also had crews on call, but despite the headache neighbors say that we needed it. >> well, i can't go outside, because of the rain, but it helps the environment (and turn off the sprinklers and let mother nature do the work. >> and that is what you have to do and now i spoke with pg&e earlier, and they said that they will be working hard this weekend as they expect the ground to be more saturated which means more trees could topple over and taking the power lines with them, a ndnd we will know more about it of course as we see the rain coming in. in las almos, peggy bunker. >> and the crews have been working all across the area trying to restore the power for those out. and more than 70,000 customers affected and 65,000 have been with the power restore and 12,000 people still in the dark, but peggy says they will be working through the weekend. the storm hit hard in the evening commute, and making the way home soggy and slippery. that is a live look at i-80 and freemont and the traffic is still treacherous. and joel is say hag chp is sa-- is saying that we need to lighten up on the gas pedal and take our time. >> yes, we need to lighten up and i have seen my share of accidents. officer dan hill says that we have to get used to driving on the wet roads all over again. >> all right. we will see what people are doing. >> reporter: chp officer daniel hill is hoping that the drivers will be cautious on the highways tonight. >> any time we have a huge break in the rain, you will have people forgetting that during rain conditions you have to slow down. you have to leave extra poll lowing distance, and you have to be more careful. >> reporter: careful, because the highway is slick, wet, and windy. and officer hill was careful tonight, and cruising along at 55 miles per hour on highway 24 in the east bay. >> and what you have to also do is to save yourself and be more defensive. watch the people around you. >> reporter: the driver of the suv said he was doing that erl earlier today when he slammed on the brakes to avoid a car in the pouring rain. his wheels locked up and resulting in a crash. tow truck drivers in the rain to clear the highway. you think it is going to be busier as the night goes on? >> i am sure it will. >> reporter: and chp is expecting more rain and wind through the weekend. and the advice? >> slow down. slowdown and be care canful. cheryl hurd, nbc bay aer yarea news. >> thank you, cheryl. it is a long time since we have seen a weather-related story like this. a mother and daughter narrowly escaping tragedy. this is robert honda. >> it is really hitting home, because i can't stop looking at it. >> reporter: liz bustamond was driving her children to school when the tree came down. these are the pictures she took and this is what she remembers. >> this shat herring of the glass and the screaming, okay. when i looked outside, i said, my gosh, what is going on, and then realizing the tree, the and then i see the power lines bouncing off of the ground. >> reporter: and pg&e says that 2300 customers lost power. >> at the moment that the lines came down, there was a huge and incredible gust of wind and very, very strong. >> reporter: also we saw one car up on the embankment but nobody had a close call like liz and her family. >> and you can replace the stuff, because that is what the insurance is for, but not the kids, and i feel like i'm the luckiest person in the right now. >> and liz is fortunate and so are many of the powerr outage people as pg&e have restored the power. >> amazing to see that video. thank you, robert. our app is very useful now when you can see the forecast for your neighborhood and the realtime radar. and the the app is prix for iphone and android users. sfwhoo . >> and we will look at the microcast forecast and it includes another powerful storm that is due in this weekend. >> and also ahead, the earthquake safety in the classroom. is your child safe when you drop them off at school? the hazards that we have uncovered will surprise you. >> and what has one police department stumped? tonight, a mysterious twist in a hit-and-run. and a local ride share company gives customers the power to protect themselves, but not everyone can use it at least not yet. >> last night, fallon wrapped up a big week in los angeles. >> and tonight, jennifer lopez and anthony mackey playing "catch phrase." also john oliver on "late night night." all week long, we have been look at the disaster preparedness and tonight your child's school. when you drop off your kids monday morning, will they be safe monday morn in case of a quake quake? we showed you dangerous failures inside of the classrooms, and we e showed you they didn't just happened in napa schools but all over california, and in fact, there have been seismic hazards all inside our schools. >> i know it is scary. >> i know. i know. we have an earthquake. >> and when the napa earthquake struck in the middle of the night, thele schools were empty. but daylight revealed chaos inside of the classroom. >> this particular event was the most violent thing that i have ever experienced in my close to 30 years in the fire service. >> photo after photo shows the rarely seen aftermath of the earthquake in the schools. classrooms with no kids and in dangerous disarray. >> we were incredibly lucky. >> reporter: structural engineer maryann phipps is co-author inging preparedness report, and she is including schools. >> and if it had happened at a dif frent time of the day, we would have been mourning the loss of students. >> reporter: california is home of stringent standards, and the seismic safety manager says that our preparedness is the en my of the world. >> and so many people come in wanting to know why we do so well. >> reporter: california schools have done well structurally, but the nonstructural elements are a different matter. >> i don't know if the nonstructural matters have been evaluated and mitigated as well as the structural hazards have. >> reporter: take for example lights. overhead overhead pendant lights fell in napa and they can be sharp and weigh up to 80 pounds. >> and some of them were swinging around, and that is a dangerous feature. >> reporter: dangerous, but not unusual. northridge in 1994 and cowaalinga in 2003. >> you continue to see the photographs and the damage and that is disheartening, and shock ing and unacceptable. >> unacceptable because with the exception of the 5.3 quake in 1957, there is not a sig nifnificant earthquake in school hours since 1900. the division of the state architect or the dsa oversees the construction of the schools, and they are responsible for the safety of pendant lights but only when the schools are built or remodeled, and in fact, some schools may not have had a dsa review many in years or decades. another danger displaced furniture, and shelves and shop equipment show up again and again in photos. >> some of the items are relatively easily fixed. >> reporter: the hazards that multiple state agencies have warned about since the 1970s. >> they are like huge missiles in the air or giant objects falling down. >> reporter: these are the photos of some of the classrooms. >> wow. >> we showed them to the contra kosta fire marshall. >> look at that. >> and looking at h this as a parent, i am not sure that my child could climb out the door in enough time. >> yeah. and if you certainly had some kind of an emergency that had a time element to it like a fire or the gas leak i would share that concern with you. >> reporter: school districts are responsible for securing the furniture inside of a classroom, and we asked the california department of education to sit down to talk to us, and they declined in an e-mail saying that we would respond to your request if you were the regulating agency in this request, but we are not. and the trouble is that there is no regulating agency for classroom furniture, and then the earthquake in calexico four years ago. >> if anybody had been here they would have been seriously injured. >> reporter: this fixture fell and caused damage. that falls under the division of the state architect only at the time of the construction and renovation, and this school was built in the 1960s. again, that was not p in school hours, but when there were no students there. and so the fact that every time -- and one of these times, it is not going to be happening in the middle of the night. >> reporter: and that is a scenario that has a lot of people worried and wondering if more can p be done to keep the kids safe. >> we will be tested here pretty soon with a big event. >> and it turn out more can be done. the fire marshalls inspect the schools every year, by seismic safety is not part of the fire code. the fire marshalls said they would be glad to take on the earthquake safety if the state would give them the legal authority to do so but so far, they haven't. it is an issue we will continue to pursue. if you want to see more photos go to, and you can go to the facebook page and see more. and think about that when you drop off your kids monday morning. and also we have some flooding concerns here throughout the bay area. but hopefully it will be getter towards the end of the weekend? >> yes. some light and moderate rainfall is causing problems on the roadways, and winds from 15 to 30 miles per hour. we will take you to the 24-hour rainfall totals, and he this storm was right on the mark with the totals that we expect, and not to the north bay and higher elevation, and off to the north, but we did pick up ten inches, and cloverdale over eight, and hillsberg 5.5, and menlo park over 3.5 inches. and pleasanton over 1.5, and less many in san francisco, but we will see the numbers boost up as we head throughout the second storm system this weekend. and on the doppler, the most consistent rainfall across the santa clara valley and then the heavy pockets through the next two the three hours in morgan hill. and the other thing that we are tracking is the sierra snow and the lack thereof it throughout the day, and we did get more of it, and the snow pac right now is the nbc bay area's rob mayeda. >> yes, we have been watching it leave the bay area, and some tropical moisture and southerly winds gusting up to the bay area bringing up mild air that is and thing to bring this the moisture but also, it is providing high snow levels and higher peak to see the accumulating snowfall so far. tonight, a winter snow warning for those above 7,000 feet until 10:00 a.m. and factor that in the travel plans. and 1 to 2 feet above 7,000 feet. and we could use more snow than this system is providing. below 5,000 feet not getting the snow, but potential for the flooding rains. in blue canyon, the next wave comes in sunday, and a lot of runoff and mixed blessing to help fill the reservoirs, but it reintroduces the threat of the flooding in the sierra foothills with the challenge cans of the blowing snow in the higher peaks, and the flood manage the e loe -- can and flooding this the lower foothills. >> we should be done with the heaviest by the end of the weekend. nothing major expected saturday and you may need a umbrella for the next. and the next storm won't arrive until sunday morning, and more and more a morning event here throughout sunday. 7:30 7:30, and the heaviest rain will wind up offshore, and at 8:00 through 10:00, not only the rain, and the winds that could gust as high as 40 miles per hour, and some isolated thunderstorms, and then as we head through 5:00, we will see the areas of scattered showers lingering, and now to the friday forecast, you will see the microclimate not a big difference of the terms, and the light jackets and the same in in palo alto and san francisco and north bay and east bay and the tri valleys the temperatures in the 60s and mixed with the sun and a lot of clouds and the possibility of maybe a few isolated showers. and the other thing for saturday, after all of the wind for today, the downed trees and the power outages, the winds will calm down tomorrow and still preez zi and coming out of the south 10 to 20 miles per hour, and taking you to the extended forecast a and what you will find once again is the next storm lining up as we head through sunday with the poss possibility of thunderstorms returning. and scattered showers monday and then through monday and tuesday, final finally dry weather coming our way, and in terms of the rainfall total since we have time here, and heading into sunday, you will see the rainfall estimates impressive again in the north bayh bay where we will see 2 inches and maybe 3 to 5 if in kosta contra. >> i think that jeff and robin are going to be busy this weekend. >> yes. >> and uber is stepping up security with the panic button. we will explain that. we live in a pick and choose world. choose, choose, choose. but at bedtime? ...why settle for this? enter sleep number, and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. you like the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! now we can all choose amazing sleep only at a sleep number store. right now save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. know better sleep with sleep number. ♪ ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little 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exactly when the changes will be available in the u.s. >> and now, some people are using stolen identities the file returns. and criminals are believed to have been using stolen information in turbotax. and they are using updates to avoid fraud. and we will check in with geraud moncure for the latest in sports. i've always wanted to be a doctor. as a student, i was not covered at all. i was always in fear of getting sick. but now that i have a health plan through covered california that i can afford... ...i can pursue my dream to be a doctor. don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. go bold with flavors that kick. release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. with a chronic illness it's a relief knowing that i can see my doctor whenever i need to. having health insurance 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sunday. >> the weekend is here. >> and the next newsday is mon saturday morning sharp. >> hope to see you then. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- jennifer lopez anthony mackie

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