Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20141014 : comp

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20141014

you can see there are traffic investigators here trying to gather all the information that they can. but the woman involved in this fatal crash was in the crosswalk here at 33rd and mckee. witnesses tell police that there's no question that the pedestrian had the right of way because at this intersection when you press a button the lights start flashing. now, a number of cars stopped to let the woman go by. but a driver heading westbound did not stop. he was traveling at a high rate of speed. the woman was thrown about 40 or 50 feet. when the paramedics arrived, they say she had a faint heartbeat but she was taken to a local hospital, where she died. >> right now what we're looking for is either chevy tahoe or suburban. it was light in color. we don't know if it's silver, light brown, but we did get some good information from our witness. and right now we're investigating the incident. >> reporter: now, witnesses say that the suv jumped onto the freeway. police say there's going to be a lot of dang to tmage to the fro of that car. police say the victim had no i.d. and they're not sure who the victim is. now, there's a business owner nearby and he was telling me that he's complained a lot about this particular intersection. he fought for about a year and a half to get the flashing lights here. he says that the light is here but still cars keep whizzing by. police say if you have any information that can help them find this car please contact the san jose police department. reporting live in san jose, i'm cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. >> cheryl, thank you. we want to show you some terrifying moments now in the air. this is caught on camera. this was from a passenger on an american airlines flight. it left sfo for dallas earlier today. but as you can see from some of the damage right there, the flight had to turn back when the plane started to simply fall apart. the plane made an emergency landing at sfo. so why were there cracks inside of the plane, and how did the passengers respond? nbc bay area's terry mcsweeney is at sfo with some answers. terry. >> reporter: yeah, american airlines says the safety of this plane was never in question, but the passengers had no way of knowing that. all they knew is where they were sitting the walls started caving in and the pilot at first refused to return to the airport. >> and all of a sudden there were loud popping and ripping noise. >> reporter: that is what passengers heard. and this is what james wilson saw while taking off from sfo en route to dallas this afternoon. >> in row 14 on both sides of the cabin started ripping in and tearing in. and we started screaming and shouting. >> reporter: wilson says the flight attendants aboard the boeing 757, which looks like this, did a good job of keeping everyone calm. >> everyone was wondering we're not going to stay in this airplane as long as it's -- it's still making noise and listening. >> reporter: after checking the damage the attendants made a stunning announcement. >> when they peeled back the panels to check for daylight and there was no oxygen masks dropping, they said we're okay for now so we're just going to keep going. >> reporter: and keep going they did. for 30 more minutes. finally, with passengers in an uproar, the pilot himself came back. >> he said oh, no, it's fine, it's totally fine week, not losing pressure, everything's good. immediately gets back in the cockpit and says we need to turn around, we're going back to sf sxochlt we're declaring an emergency and emergency landing. >> reporter: the plane did return safely about an hour after taking off, no injuries, but leaving many passengers in the very same situation as james wilson. >> i need to get home. i would love to see my family. >> reporter: american airlines says the problem all along was a broken air duct. and again, that plane was never in any jeopardy. we are told american airlines is going to have a plane out here, a different one, tomorrow morning to take these people back to dallas. and when they get there you'd better believe they're going to have some texas-sized stories to tell. live at sfo, terry mcsweeney, nbc bay area news. >> all right. thank you, terry. continuing coverage now. the spread of ebola in the united states. tonight health leaders are questioning safety protocols in hospitals after a nurse in dallas contracted the deadly disease. 26-year-old nina pham started feeling sick friday, two days after her patient, thomas eric duncan, died from ebola. now, while she's in isolation a team specializing in cleaning hazardous materials scoured her apartment. and outside they scoured the sidewalks where she walked her dog. even her car has been decontaminated. meanwhile, health experts are taking a close look at hospital protocol. >> we've got to figure out what happened. why was this person infected or exposed? and i think they're looking at the donning of the ppe, the taking off of the ppe. they're looking at intubation, the dialysis, anything that might have led to this. we need to figure it o'out as quickly as possible because health care workers are critical. >> now, fal will have some help fighting the deadly disease. ebola survivor dr. kent brantly traveled to dallas to donate blood to her. in los angeles a bus passenger wearing a mask who yelled he had ebola could face criminal charges. now, the man boarded a metro bus, and after a few stops later ripped his mask off, shouting, "don't mess with me. i have ebola" as he left the bus. the bus driver has been quarantined, and the bus taken out of service. it's not clear what charges the man would face if caught, but police say his goal was clearly to instill fear. a major earthquake has struck tonight in central america. no word yet on the extent of the damage. the usgs says the 7.3 magnitude quake was centered just off the coast you can see here of the nicaragua and el salvador border. this triggered a tsunami warning. sirens along the nicaraguan coast. but there are no reports yet of any injuries or damage. this quake was felt across central america. the usgs also says the bay area specifically is overdue for a big one. it's been 25 years since the loma prieta earthquake. a new report released today revealed the part of the bay area that could get hit the hardest during that next big one. nbc's jean elle is in san francisco this evening with details. jean? >> reporter: raj, this new research makes notices like this earthquake warning even more urgent. experts at the usgs now say they're expecting large earthquakes from several faults here in the bay area in the next 30 years. napa is still rebuilding after an earthquake jolted the north bay in august. now new research says the bay area is in for more shaking. >> there are three that we can say are due or overdue. of the ones that are in the urban area. >> reporter: usgs scientist gene lienkaemper says the heyward, the rogers creek and green valley faults are expected to deliver major earthquakes in the next 30 years. he's been working with the san francisco state project. their new research is published in the bulletin of the seismological society of america. the team monitors the surface movement, or creep of the faults. lienkaemper says while there is earthquake-free creep on the earth's surface, below the surface the faults are not moving. they're locked. creating tension. >> some frictional surface down there is getting more and more strained, and eventually it has a limit to its strength and it will break. >> reporter: lienkaemper says the seismic record indicates the breaking point on all three faults is near and extensive damage is likely. >> if the green valley fault is within striking distance of the delta and sensitive structures on the delta, lots of levies, aqueducts. >> reporter: with the 25th anniversary of the loma prieta earthquake approaching, san francisco is pressuring property owners to retrofit buildings in danger of collapse in an earthquake. the new research makes the message even more urgent for people living in and around those dangerous buildings. >> yeah, that's kind of scary. my apartment is actually the closest one on that side of the building to my neighbor's. >> san francisco passed a mangd tri seismic retrofit law last year. these warnings are appearing on buildings where property owners have not responded to notices from the city. reporting live from san francisco, jean elle, nbc bay area news. a teen suspected of being drunk is in custody after an early morning car crash that killed a pedestrian. police arrested 19-year-old miguel torres of sunnyvale at the scene of that crash. he's now charged with vehicular manslaughter, felony dui, and driving without a license. police say his car hit a man who was either walking or jogging a little after 6:00 this morning along palo alto's east bayshore road. torres's car also struck a utility pole and rolled over. the victim has yet to be identified. well, from bad to worse. a san jose man is dealing with more than anyone should really have to. first his wife is diagnosed with a debilitating disease. and then both of his cars and his wallet are stolen while he's visiting his wife at the hospital. and complicating it all -- the man drives for a living and needs those cars. nbc bay area's ian colt spoke with the victim to tell us how he's coping. >> i woke up this morning and i didn't know what to do. >> reporter: the last few days have been horrible for daniel stewart and his family. on saturday his wife, jennifer, was diagnosed with a rare form of m.s. then yesterday as he was visiting her at good samaritan hospital in san jose lost his car key. >> i figured if someone had recovered the keys then more than likely they would try and steal the car. so that's pretty much what happened. >> reporter: stewart says his chevy cruze seen in this photo was missing and the key to his other chevy cruze at home was on the same keychain. >> my mom was here with our kids. i said come the out front and see if the other car's here and it was gone. >> reporter: the car's not just transportation for stewart. he takes his kids to school, his wife to her doctor as poimts and he says he's also a lyft driver. >> i literally use my car for work. >> stewart's wallet also in the car. he says he last used one of these credit cards at this chevron in los gatos. stewart has filed insurance claims but is now broke, so he's asking for help. >> it's not about catching the people so much. it's about recovering the cars. it's not about the value of the car. it's about what the car enables us as a family to do. >> reporter: tonight around 8:00 a person saw a car a few miles from stewart's home parked in an awkward position. >> i felt it was suspicious enough to call and report it to the police. the caller provided the license plate number of the vehicle, which we then verified was one of the outstanding stolen vehicles from the victim at good samaritan hospital. >> reporter: so tonight stewart has at least one of his cars back. hoping his luck is starting to change. in san jose, ian cole, nbc bay area news. this is huge. this is a very, very big incident. >> new questions tonight about the safety of land at hunter's point. can the cleanup be trusted? i'm investigative reporter vicky nguyen. we have the exclusive results of an internal report exposing serious concerns about radiation where homes are being built. and good evening. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. we're tracking a storm system getting closer to california. we'll talk about the rain prospects from this storm in just a few minutes. also, fighting autism with broccoli. how the vegetable may help improve symptoms. we're back in a moment. so is it prime real estate or a health hazard? hunter's point in san francisco is scheduled to become one of the biggest developments in the nation, filled with homes and shops. >> we've obtained an internal report from a contractor exposing how it mishandled radioactive soil and falsified data. investigative reporter vicky nguyen joins us with exclusive details. vicky. >> reporter: raj and jess, some are calling this report as close to a smoking gun as you can get. in its own words cleanup company tetra tech details how it was caught faking soil samples to say radioactive soil was clean when it may not have been. this latest bombshell adds to mounting concerns that the cleanup at hunter's point has been botched and that areas cleared of radiation are not. this is what hunter's point looks like from here in ted park. 700 acres of prime waterfront land. what you can't see from here is the site's nuclear history. for more than two decades after world war ii this was the location of the country's largest nuclear research lab. it's now being remediated to make way for high-tech offices, shops, and 10,000 homes. but can the billion-dollar base cleanup be trusted? nbc bay area obtained this 2014 internal report completed by tetra tech. that's the company in charge of clearing hunter's point of radiological contamination. in the report tetra tech admits to the mishandling of soil samples and submitting falsified data to the navy. >> basically, it was faked. >> reporter: bert bauers is a radiolombical safety consultant who used to work for tetra tech at hunter's point. >> they basically collected a false sample and then analyzed it and then put a report out that had false results. >> reporter: according to the report in october 2012 the navy discovered tetra tech handed in soil sample results that were inconsistent with results from previous samples collected in the same area. the soil was supposed to come from parcel e underneath the site of a former lab used for radiation testing on animals. tetra tech's own investigation found the soil was actually collected from locations different from the one specified. areas that had already been remediated and tested clean for radioactive contamination. >> there was such gross negligence. >> reporter: the report reveals the contractor retested 12 additional areas on parcel c and e and found several locations had elevated levels of radiation. these were samples that never should have been submitted to the navy as clean. >> if the navy had not caught this, it would be very, very high levels of contaminated soil, radioactive soil in the ground, where the plans are in place to build homes, the general public to live in, for children to play in the yard. >> reporter: bowers first blew the whistle in 2010 and spoke to the investigative unit about his concerns earlier this year. he's one of four former radiation specialists now suing tetra tech. they say they were fired after questioning the company's actions. >> this is huge. this is a very, very big incident. >> reporter: ahimsa sumchai was part of the hunter's restoration advisory board for years and for years she's had questions about how regulators have monitored the cleanup. >> the california department of health services which oversees radiological operations at the hunter's point shipyard without question needs to make a statement about you know, the health and safety impact. >> can we get a commitment from your department that we can discuss the tetra tech report? >> yes. >> reporter: that's steve woods, the director of radiation safety for the state health department. initially he told us he would discuss this report. but the agency has since reneged on its offer, instead saying the department will not be officially commenting. the department of toxic substances control is the lead state agency on the project. it has also remained silent, writing in an e-mail, "we have no comment on the report." >> you can't bury anything like this. it's too big. there's too many people involved. >> reporter: as for the cleanup, it continues. tetra tech's contracts so far add up to more than $300 million. and after being allowed to conduct its own investigation, the company blamed the sample collectors for the false soil being submitted to the navy. tetra tech declined our multiple requests for comment. but in the report the company says it disciplined two supervisors, retrained workers, conducted ethical training, and has not had a recurrence indicating the corrective actions have addressed the problem. but for those familiar with the decades of cleanup at hunter's point the conclusions of tetra tech's own report are anything but reassuring. >> based on the history, based on this report, does this call into questioning all of the sampling that tetra tech has done? >> yes, it does. >> and the navy agrees, telling us it will continue to evaluate data collected by tetra tech. in the meantime, we've put an interactive map of the different parcels of land at urnt had's point on our website. that's at really serious questions about this report. and as we said, $300 million so far has gone to this contractor in contracts. so a lot of money. it's big. >> it's been years, and it's been so controversial, this project. thank you, vicky. tough a tip for vicky nguyen or anyone else in our investigative unit give us a call at 888-9996-tips. or send us a tip directly to theunit@nbc bay look who's back in the studio, chief meteorologist jeff ranieri was out in the city but he's back with us this evening. >> yes. you can see on that sky camera network most of the cloud cover continues across the peninsula, east bay, stran francisco, and also the north bay with temperatures dropping into the 50s for stris aan francisco and the north bay. back here in the south bay it is still clear at the moment. but head throughout tomorrow morning's forecast what you're going to find is we're going to start off clear. tomorrow's going to be the first signal of some major changes in that forecast. everyone's starting off with gray skies in the morning. temperatures in the 50s. you're going to need that jacket as you head out the door. also in san francisco not only fog but also looking for areas of drizzle to begin. so the first thing i do want to start off with is the futurecast. the past several days we've been talking about this prospect of rain on tuesday and also on wednesday. but you're going to see it's not too much on tuesday. and fortunately, the forecast models just continue to ramp this down. as we head in through 6:00 and also 7:00 tomorrow morning, you're mainly going to find these isolated areas of green here. again the possibility of drizzle to start with that cloud cover. then as we progress through the day, right through about 1:00 p.m., we'll still see a few areas of drizzle lingering around in the forecast. got a lot of low-level moisture that's going to help that stay in place. but by tomorrow evening, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 you'll see the core of the system getting closer. not too much rainfall. best chances will be in the north bay, also any immediate coast to pick up rainfall. that chance of rain's going to be continuing into wednesday morning as well. microclimate forecast throughout tuesday, again, check out the colder temperatures from 90s this weekend, 90s for a lot of the past few weeks all the way down to 73 for your high in san jose. palo alto 71. and in san francisco we are just staying in the 60s here. right up against the marina. also throughout selma as well. tri-valley best spot here for any kind of isolated drizzle as well would be up into the north bay, down across the tri-valley. no 90s, no 100s, no way, no how it's going to happen. 73 in danville. also 77 in pleasanton. if you're one of the lucky ones heading out to the giants nlcs game 3, take that jacket with you. be only cloudy but temperatures expected in the 60s. then as we wrap things up we'll get a look at the extended forecast throughout this week. we have a slight chance some of showers here late tuesday into wednesday. but then another chance of showers as we head throughout this upcoming saturday. may not be major storms this week, you guys, but it's what we want to see, a changing pattern across the bay area. >> is he urging us to go to tomorrow afternoon's giants game? thanks, jeff. still ahead, mcdonald's addresses the myths and rumors about the quality of its food. and we have jimmy, too. >> hey, raj and jessica and everyone in the bay area, zach galifianakis is my guest tonight. [ cheers and applause ] plus we've got casey wilson, stand-up from andrew orvidal. you've got to watch. we're on next. ♪ ♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. a new study shows that broccoli sprouts may help behavioral problems in some people with autism. some 40 boys and men took part in a study, and researchers noticed behavior improvement among those taking sulphurifane. it's a compound found in broccoli. and while the study is being called promising, researchers say it is still too small a study to make a clear link between broccoli and improvements in behavior in autistics. the mysteries of mcdonald's are finally being answered. the world's biggest hamburger chain is hoping to change its perception by being more transparent. so question number one. why doesn't their food rot? mcdonald's says it's because the food is dehydrated and food needs moisture to form mold. if you have other questions for mcdonald's, just ask them on their facebook or twitter pages. >> hmm. up next, colin kaepernick and the 49ers on "monday night football." and they lit it up. geraud moncure joins us. good evening. geraud moncure here in the comcast sportsnet studios. after beating the chiefs in week 5 with the broncos on the horizon in week 7, the 49ers hoping to avoid the trap game tonight in week 6. "monday night football" in st. louis against a rams team with just one win coming in. that concern turning into reality early tonight. red and gold spotting st. louis a 14-point cushion. 49ers down 14-3 with time winding down in the first half. colin kaepernick spots a streaking brandon lloyd, who beats janoris jenkins for an 80-yard touchdown. longest td pass of kap's career. 49ers trail at the break. same score in the third, from the 11. kap looking. and if we can continue to see this, he will float the touchdown pass. let me just tell you right now, the 49ers went on to win 31-17. we apologize for the video. this is what they had to say after tonight's victory. >> hard, tough win. on the road. division opponent. they really came after us. we had some mistakes early, some adversity early, but our guys really showed championship character, i thought. it was just a hard-working, tough-fighting unit tonight. all right. after a very winnable game eluded the giants last night, evening the series, the nlcs shifting to at&t park tomorrow. g-men getting their work in today by the cove, looking for ways to spark the offense in support of veteran hurler tim hudson, making his very first league championship series appearance. >> you know, i just tried to talk to some of the young guys about don't take these opportunities for granted because next thing you know you'll blink your eyes and you'll be 16 years in the league and have never gotten past the first round. it's exciting for me to finally be here. a lot of these guys in the locker room, my teammates have tasted that champagne and have had that success. you know, it's just something i'm still looking for. finally, despite what appeared to be a series-ending injury last night, cards catcher yadier molina with his team today could play in game 3 tomorrow at at&t. molina sprained his left oblique muscle p muscle in that sixth inning at-bat but will remain on the roster listed as day to day. while he didn't swing a bat molina did throw with some good velocity. he has started 83 postseason games in a row for st. louis. more news coming up after the break. hey john check it out. whoa! yeah i was testing to see if we really can turn any device in your house into a tv and the tablet worked just fine but i wanted to see if the phone will work as well. so i shrunk sharon. every channel's live just like on tv but it's my phone. it's genius. shh! i'm watching tv. tiny sharon is mean. i'm right here. watch any channel live on any device around your home. the x1 entertainment operating system only from xfinity. ♪shining, shimmering, splendid ♪tell me, princess, now when did♪ ♪you last let your heart decide♪ ♪a whole new world welcome to aulani, travel and leisure winner for top family hotel in the u.s. for special offers, visit or call your travel agent. first of all, they're light and fluffy, topped with pumpkin whipped cream and cinnamon sugar and only $4.99. second of all, they're light and fluffy, topped with pumpkin whipped cream and cinnamon sugar and only $4.99. [bell rings] waitress: welcome to denny's! okay. time to dust off that light sweater. you might need it later this week. >> yes. definitely much colder as we head through tomorrow's forecast. instead of 90s those are long gone. you can see in san jose temperatures in the 70s this week. slight chance of showers through tomorrow. also into early wednesday morning. and in san francisco where it's been sunny and in the 80s, clouds will come back. 60s, areas of drizzle that start in the morning and also a chance of showers there by the evening hours as well. so finally starting to feel like fall outside. >> we have a lot going on this week too. >> i know. busy. >> thanks a lot. >> bye-bye. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- zach galifianakis -- casey wilson -- comedian andrew orvedahl

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20141014 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20141014

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you can see there are traffic investigators here trying to gather all the information that they can. but the woman involved in this fatal crash was in the crosswalk here at 33rd and mckee. witnesses tell police that there's no question that the pedestrian had the right of way because at this intersection when you press a button the lights start flashing. now, a number of cars stopped to let the woman go by. but a driver heading westbound did not stop. he was traveling at a high rate of speed. the woman was thrown about 40 or 50 feet. when the paramedics arrived, they say she had a faint heartbeat but she was taken to a local hospital, where she died. >> right now what we're looking for is either chevy tahoe or suburban. it was light in color. we don't know if it's silver, light brown, but we did get some good information from our witness. and right now we're investigating the incident. >> reporter: now, witnesses say that the suv jumped onto the freeway. police say there's going to be a lot of dang to tmage to the fro of that car. police say the victim had no i.d. and they're not sure who the victim is. now, there's a business owner nearby and he was telling me that he's complained a lot about this particular intersection. he fought for about a year and a half to get the flashing lights here. he says that the light is here but still cars keep whizzing by. police say if you have any information that can help them find this car please contact the san jose police department. reporting live in san jose, i'm cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. >> cheryl, thank you. we want to show you some terrifying moments now in the air. this is caught on camera. this was from a passenger on an american airlines flight. it left sfo for dallas earlier today. but as you can see from some of the damage right there, the flight had to turn back when the plane started to simply fall apart. the plane made an emergency landing at sfo. so why were there cracks inside of the plane, and how did the passengers respond? nbc bay area's terry mcsweeney is at sfo with some answers. terry. >> reporter: yeah, american airlines says the safety of this plane was never in question, but the passengers had no way of knowing that. all they knew is where they were sitting the walls started caving in and the pilot at first refused to return to the airport. >> and all of a sudden there were loud popping and ripping noise. >> reporter: that is what passengers heard. and this is what james wilson saw while taking off from sfo en route to dallas this afternoon. >> in row 14 on both sides of the cabin started ripping in and tearing in. and we started screaming and shouting. >> reporter: wilson says the flight attendants aboard the boeing 757, which looks like this, did a good job of keeping everyone calm. >> everyone was wondering we're not going to stay in this airplane as long as it's -- it's still making noise and listening. >> reporter: after checking the damage the attendants made a stunning announcement. >> when they peeled back the panels to check for daylight and there was no oxygen masks dropping, they said we're okay for now so we're just going to keep going. >> reporter: and keep going they did. for 30 more minutes. finally, with passengers in an uproar, the pilot himself came back. >> he said oh, no, it's fine, it's totally fine week, not losing pressure, everything's good. immediately gets back in the cockpit and says we need to turn around, we're going back to sf sxochlt we're declaring an emergency and emergency landing. >> reporter: the plane did return safely about an hour after taking off, no injuries, but leaving many passengers in the very same situation as james wilson. >> i need to get home. i would love to see my family. >> reporter: american airlines says the problem all along was a broken air duct. and again, that plane was never in any jeopardy. we are told american airlines is going to have a plane out here, a different one, tomorrow morning to take these people back to dallas. and when they get there you'd better believe they're going to have some texas-sized stories to tell. live at sfo, terry mcsweeney, nbc bay area news. >> all right. thank you, terry. continuing coverage now. the spread of ebola in the united states. tonight health leaders are questioning safety protocols in hospitals after a nurse in dallas contracted the deadly disease. 26-year-old nina pham started feeling sick friday, two days after her patient, thomas eric duncan, died from ebola. now, while she's in isolation a team specializing in cleaning hazardous materials scoured her apartment. and outside they scoured the sidewalks where she walked her dog. even her car has been decontaminated. meanwhile, health experts are taking a close look at hospital protocol. >> we've got to figure out what happened. why was this person infected or exposed? and i think they're looking at the donning of the ppe, the taking off of the ppe. they're looking at intubation, the dialysis, anything that might have led to this. we need to figure it o'out as quickly as possible because health care workers are critical. >> now, fal will have some help fighting the deadly disease. ebola survivor dr. kent brantly traveled to dallas to donate blood to her. in los angeles a bus passenger wearing a mask who yelled he had ebola could face criminal charges. now, the man boarded a metro bus, and after a few stops later ripped his mask off, shouting, "don't mess with me. i have ebola" as he left the bus. the bus driver has been quarantined, and the bus taken out of service. it's not clear what charges the man would face if caught, but police say his goal was clearly to instill fear. a major earthquake has struck tonight in central america. no word yet on the extent of the damage. the usgs says the 7.3 magnitude quake was centered just off the coast you can see here of the nicaragua and el salvador border. this triggered a tsunami warning. sirens along the nicaraguan coast. but there are no reports yet of any injuries or damage. this quake was felt across central america. the usgs also says the bay area specifically is overdue for a big one. it's been 25 years since the loma prieta earthquake. a new report released today revealed the part of the bay area that could get hit the hardest during that next big one. nbc's jean elle is in san francisco this evening with details. jean? >> reporter: raj, this new research makes notices like this earthquake warning even more urgent. experts at the usgs now say they're expecting large earthquakes from several faults here in the bay area in the next 30 years. napa is still rebuilding after an earthquake jolted the north bay in august. now new research says the bay area is in for more shaking. >> there are three that we can say are due or overdue. of the ones that are in the urban area. >> reporter: usgs scientist gene lienkaemper says the heyward, the rogers creek and green valley faults are expected to deliver major earthquakes in the next 30 years. he's been working with the san francisco state project. their new research is published in the bulletin of the seismological society of america. the team monitors the surface movement, or creep of the faults. lienkaemper says while there is earthquake-free creep on the earth's surface, below the surface the faults are not moving. they're locked. creating tension. >> some frictional surface down there is getting more and more strained, and eventually it has a limit to its strength and it will break. >> reporter: lienkaemper says the seismic record indicates the breaking point on all three faults is near and extensive damage is likely. >> if the green valley fault is within striking distance of the delta and sensitive structures on the delta, lots of levies, aqueducts. >> reporter: with the 25th anniversary of the loma prieta earthquake approaching, san francisco is pressuring property owners to retrofit buildings in danger of collapse in an earthquake. the new research makes the message even more urgent for people living in and around those dangerous buildings. >> yeah, that's kind of scary. my apartment is actually the closest one on that side of the building to my neighbor's. >> san francisco passed a mangd tri seismic retrofit law last year. these warnings are appearing on buildings where property owners have not responded to notices from the city. reporting live from san francisco, jean elle, nbc bay area news. a teen suspected of being drunk is in custody after an early morning car crash that killed a pedestrian. police arrested 19-year-old miguel torres of sunnyvale at the scene of that crash. he's now charged with vehicular manslaughter, felony dui, and driving without a license. police say his car hit a man who was either walking or jogging a little after 6:00 this morning along palo alto's east bayshore road. torres's car also struck a utility pole and rolled over. the victim has yet to be identified. well, from bad to worse. a san jose man is dealing with more than anyone should really have to. first his wife is diagnosed with a debilitating disease. and then both of his cars and his wallet are stolen while he's visiting his wife at the hospital. and complicating it all -- the man drives for a living and needs those cars. nbc bay area's ian colt spoke with the victim to tell us how he's coping. >> i woke up this morning and i didn't know what to do. >> reporter: the last few days have been horrible for daniel stewart and his family. on saturday his wife, jennifer, was diagnosed with a rare form of m.s. then yesterday as he was visiting her at good samaritan hospital in san jose lost his car key. >> i figured if someone had recovered the keys then more than likely they would try and steal the car. so that's pretty much what happened. >> reporter: stewart says his chevy cruze seen in this photo was missing and the key to his other chevy cruze at home was on the same keychain. >> my mom was here with our kids. i said come the out front and see if the other car's here and it was gone. >> reporter: the car's not just transportation for stewart. he takes his kids to school, his wife to her doctor as poimts and he says he's also a lyft driver. >> i literally use my car for work. >> stewart's wallet also in the car. he says he last used one of these credit cards at this chevron in los gatos. stewart has filed insurance claims but is now broke, so he's asking for help. >> it's not about catching the people so much. it's about recovering the cars. it's not about the value of the car. it's about what the car enables us as a family to do. >> reporter: tonight around 8:00 a person saw a car a few miles from stewart's home parked in an awkward position. >> i felt it was suspicious enough to call and report it to the police. the caller provided the license plate number of the vehicle, which we then verified was one of the outstanding stolen vehicles from the victim at good samaritan hospital. >> reporter: so tonight stewart has at least one of his cars back. hoping his luck is starting to change. in san jose, ian cole, nbc bay area news. this is huge. this is a very, very big incident. >> new questions tonight about the safety of land at hunter's point. can the cleanup be trusted? i'm investigative reporter vicky nguyen. we have the exclusive results of an internal report exposing serious concerns about radiation where homes are being built. and good evening. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. we're tracking a storm system getting closer to california. we'll talk about the rain prospects from this storm in just a few minutes. also, fighting autism with broccoli. how the vegetable may help improve symptoms. we're back in a moment. so is it prime real estate or a health hazard? hunter's point in san francisco is scheduled to become one of the biggest developments in the nation, filled with homes and shops. >> we've obtained an internal report from a contractor exposing how it mishandled radioactive soil and falsified data. investigative reporter vicky nguyen joins us with exclusive details. vicky. >> reporter: raj and jess, some are calling this report as close to a smoking gun as you can get. in its own words cleanup company tetra tech details how it was caught faking soil samples to say radioactive soil was clean when it may not have been. this latest bombshell adds to mounting concerns that the cleanup at hunter's point has been botched and that areas cleared of radiation are not. this is what hunter's point looks like from here in ted park. 700 acres of prime waterfront land. what you can't see from here is the site's nuclear history. for more than two decades after world war ii this was the location of the country's largest nuclear research lab. it's now being remediated to make way for high-tech offices, shops, and 10,000 homes. but can the billion-dollar base cleanup be trusted? nbc bay area obtained this 2014 internal report completed by tetra tech. that's the company in charge of clearing hunter's point of radiological contamination. in the report tetra tech admits to the mishandling of soil samples and submitting falsified data to the navy. >> basically, it was faked. >> reporter: bert bauers is a radiolombical safety consultant who used to work for tetra tech at hunter's point. >> they basically collected a false sample and then analyzed it and then put a report out that had false results. >> reporter: according to the report in october 2012 the navy discovered tetra tech handed in soil sample results that were inconsistent with results from previous samples collected in the same area. the soil was supposed to come from parcel e underneath the site of a former lab used for radiation testing on animals. tetra tech's own investigation found the soil was actually collected from locations different from the one specified. areas that had already been remediated and tested clean for radioactive contamination. >> there was such gross negligence. >> reporter: the report reveals the contractor retested 12 additional areas on parcel c and e and found several locations had elevated levels of radiation. these were samples that never should have been submitted to the navy as clean. >> if the navy had not caught this, it would be very, very high levels of contaminated soil, radioactive soil in the ground, where the plans are in place to build homes, the general public to live in, for children to play in the yard. >> reporter: bowers first blew the whistle in 2010 and spoke to the investigative unit about his concerns earlier this year. he's one of four former radiation specialists now suing tetra tech. they say they were fired after questioning the company's actions. >> this is huge. this is a very, very big incident. >> reporter: ahimsa sumchai was part of the hunter's restoration advisory board for years and for years she's had questions about how regulators have monitored the cleanup. >> the california department of health services which oversees radiological operations at the hunter's point shipyard without question needs to make a statement about you know, the health and safety impact. >> can we get a commitment from your department that we can discuss the tetra tech report? >> yes. >> reporter: that's steve woods, the director of radiation safety for the state health department. initially he told us he would discuss this report. but the agency has since reneged on its offer, instead saying the department will not be officially commenting. the department of toxic substances control is the lead state agency on the project. it has also remained silent, writing in an e-mail, "we have no comment on the report." >> you can't bury anything like this. it's too big. there's too many people involved. >> reporter: as for the cleanup, it continues. tetra tech's contracts so far add up to more than $300 million. and after being allowed to conduct its own investigation, the company blamed the sample collectors for the false soil being submitted to the navy. tetra tech declined our multiple requests for comment. but in the report the company says it disciplined two supervisors, retrained workers, conducted ethical training, and has not had a recurrence indicating the corrective actions have addressed the problem. but for those familiar with the decades of cleanup at hunter's point the conclusions of tetra tech's own report are anything but reassuring. >> based on the history, based on this report, does this call into questioning all of the sampling that tetra tech has done? >> yes, it does. >> and the navy agrees, telling us it will continue to evaluate data collected by tetra tech. in the meantime, we've put an interactive map of the different parcels of land at urnt had's point on our website. that's at really serious questions about this report. and as we said, $300 million so far has gone to this contractor in contracts. so a lot of money. it's big. >> it's been years, and it's been so controversial, this project. thank you, vicky. tough a tip for vicky nguyen or anyone else in our investigative unit give us a call at 888-9996-tips. or send us a tip directly to theunit@nbc bay look who's back in the studio, chief meteorologist jeff ranieri was out in the city but he's back with us this evening. >> yes. you can see on that sky camera network most of the cloud cover continues across the peninsula, east bay, stran francisco, and also the north bay with temperatures dropping into the 50s for stris aan francisco and the north bay. back here in the south bay it is still clear at the moment. but head throughout tomorrow morning's forecast what you're going to find is we're going to start off clear. tomorrow's going to be the first signal of some major changes in that forecast. everyone's starting off with gray skies in the morning. temperatures in the 50s. you're going to need that jacket as you head out the door. also in san francisco not only fog but also looking for areas of drizzle to begin. so the first thing i do want to start off with is the futurecast. the past several days we've been talking about this prospect of rain on tuesday and also on wednesday. but you're going to see it's not too much on tuesday. and fortunately, the forecast models just continue to ramp this down. as we head in through 6:00 and also 7:00 tomorrow morning, you're mainly going to find these isolated areas of green here. again the possibility of drizzle to start with that cloud cover. then as we progress through the day, right through about 1:00 p.m., we'll still see a few areas of drizzle lingering around in the forecast. got a lot of low-level moisture that's going to help that stay in place. but by tomorrow evening, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 you'll see the core of the system getting closer. not too much rainfall. best chances will be in the north bay, also any immediate coast to pick up rainfall. that chance of rain's going to be continuing into wednesday morning as well. microclimate forecast throughout tuesday, again, check out the colder temperatures from 90s this weekend, 90s for a lot of the past few weeks all the way down to 73 for your high in san jose. palo alto 71. and in san francisco we are just staying in the 60s here. right up against the marina. also throughout selma as well. tri-valley best spot here for any kind of isolated drizzle as well would be up into the north bay, down across the tri-valley. no 90s, no 100s, no way, no how it's going to happen. 73 in danville. also 77 in pleasanton. if you're one of the lucky ones heading out to the giants nlcs game 3, take that jacket with you. be only cloudy but temperatures expected in the 60s. then as we wrap things up we'll get a look at the extended forecast throughout this week. we have a slight chance some of showers here late tuesday into wednesday. but then another chance of showers as we head throughout this upcoming saturday. may not be major storms this week, you guys, but it's what we want to see, a changing pattern across the bay area. >> is he urging us to go to tomorrow afternoon's giants game? thanks, jeff. still ahead, mcdonald's addresses the myths and rumors about the quality of its food. and we have jimmy, too. >> hey, raj and jessica and everyone in the bay area, zach galifianakis is my guest tonight. [ cheers and applause ] plus we've got casey wilson, stand-up from andrew orvidal. you've got to watch. we're on next. ♪ ♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. a new study shows that broccoli sprouts may help behavioral problems in some people with autism. some 40 boys and men took part in a study, and researchers noticed behavior improvement among those taking sulphurifane. it's a compound found in broccoli. and while the study is being called promising, researchers say it is still too small a study to make a clear link between broccoli and improvements in behavior in autistics. the mysteries of mcdonald's are finally being answered. the world's biggest hamburger chain is hoping to change its perception by being more transparent. so question number one. why doesn't their food rot? mcdonald's says it's because the food is dehydrated and food needs moisture to form mold. if you have other questions for mcdonald's, just ask them on their facebook or twitter pages. >> hmm. up next, colin kaepernick and the 49ers on "monday night football." and they lit it up. geraud moncure joins us. good evening. geraud moncure here in the comcast sportsnet studios. after beating the chiefs in week 5 with the broncos on the horizon in week 7, the 49ers hoping to avoid the trap game tonight in week 6. "monday night football" in st. louis against a rams team with just one win coming in. that concern turning into reality early tonight. red and gold spotting st. louis a 14-point cushion. 49ers down 14-3 with time winding down in the first half. colin kaepernick spots a streaking brandon lloyd, who beats janoris jenkins for an 80-yard touchdown. longest td pass of kap's career. 49ers trail at the break. same score in the third, from the 11. kap looking. and if we can continue to see this, he will float the touchdown pass. let me just tell you right now, the 49ers went on to win 31-17. we apologize for the video. this is what they had to say after tonight's victory. >> hard, tough win. on the road. division opponent. they really came after us. we had some mistakes early, some adversity early, but our guys really showed championship character, i thought. it was just a hard-working, tough-fighting unit tonight. all right. after a very winnable game eluded the giants last night, evening the series, the nlcs shifting to at&t park tomorrow. g-men getting their work in today by the cove, looking for ways to spark the offense in support of veteran hurler tim hudson, making his very first league championship series appearance. >> you know, i just tried to talk to some of the young guys about don't take these opportunities for granted because next thing you know you'll blink your eyes and you'll be 16 years in the league and have never gotten past the first round. it's exciting for me to finally be here. a lot of these guys in the locker room, my teammates have tasted that champagne and have had that success. you know, it's just something i'm still looking for. finally, despite what appeared to be a series-ending injury last night, cards catcher yadier molina with his team today could play in game 3 tomorrow at at&t. molina sprained his left oblique muscle p muscle in that sixth inning at-bat but will remain on the roster listed as day to day. while he didn't swing a bat molina did throw with some good velocity. he has started 83 postseason games in a row for st. louis. more news coming up after the break. hey john check it out. whoa! yeah i was testing to see if we really can turn any device in your house into a tv and the tablet worked just fine but i wanted to see if the phone will work as well. so i shrunk sharon. every channel's live just like on tv but it's my phone. it's genius. shh! i'm watching tv. tiny sharon is mean. i'm right here. watch any channel live on any device around your home. the x1 entertainment operating system only from xfinity. ♪shining, shimmering, splendid ♪tell me, princess, now when did♪ ♪you last let your heart decide♪ ♪a whole new world welcome to aulani, travel and leisure winner for top family hotel in the u.s. for special offers, visit or call your travel agent. first of all, they're light and fluffy, topped with pumpkin whipped cream and cinnamon sugar and only $4.99. second of all, they're light and fluffy, topped with pumpkin whipped cream and cinnamon sugar and only $4.99. [bell rings] waitress: welcome to denny's! okay. time to dust off that light sweater. you might need it later this week. >> yes. definitely much colder as we head through tomorrow's forecast. instead of 90s those are long gone. you can see in san jose temperatures in the 70s this week. slight chance of showers through tomorrow. also into early wednesday morning. and in san francisco where it's been sunny and in the 80s, clouds will come back. 60s, areas of drizzle that start in the morning and also a chance of showers there by the evening hours as well. so finally starting to feel like fall outside. >> we have a lot going on this week too. >> i know. busy. >> thanks a lot. >> bye-bye. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- zach galifianakis -- casey wilson -- comedian andrew orvedahl

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