Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20140324 : comp

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20140324

washington state tonight. a search for survivors has been called off tonight after a mud slide buried more than 30 homes. police found five more bodies today. it is total devastation. nbc's reporter fills us in on how the mud flow has created dangerous conditions for the rescuers. >> reporter: rescuers resumed searching for victims after geologists said it was safe. the search has been hampered by dangerous conditions and oozing mud. they're not sure how many more victims they'll find in the days ahead. >> that road is buried in a mile of muck. there may be people in their cars. >> reporter: as 100 rescue workers look for survivors on land, the governor searched by air. 60 feet of mud came crashing down without warning. >> the devastation is just unrelenting and awesome. there really is no standing in the path of the slide. >> reporter: it happened 60 miles north of seattle. it swallowed everything in its path. an entire neighborhood wiped out. >> the hillside came down and pushed this all the way across the road. >> reporter: rescuers put their lives at risk to try to save others. among those rescued, a six month old baby. >> never seen it like this. it's slid a couple times in my life, but never nothing like this. >> reporter: overnight, rescuers could hear voices coming from the mud, but it was too dangerous to get to them. >> mud was just too thick and deep. they did not hear people, they couldn't hear any signs of life once they got closer to the structure where they thought it was. and so the decision, based on safety was that they back out. >> the mud slide blocked the stillaguamish river, making flooding a real possibility. >> we're just praying for the best and hoping. new at 11:00, santa clara is joining an um in of other bay area counties and cities over whether e cigarettes should be regulated. kimberly? >> reporter: they claim to help you stop smoking. but the santa clara county board of supervisors wants to know just how safe e cigarettes are and will consider whether they should be subject to the same laws astra diggsal tobacco products. >> i want to get off cigarettes. i've been smoking too long already. >> reporter: he is hoping an e-cigarette will help him to quit. >> honestly, it tastes just like a real cigarette to me. >> reporter: billed as a safer, cleaner way to get a nicotine fix, electronic cigarettes are gaining in popularity, but how safe they are is still up for debate. >> i just don't like it. i look at it as just like a cigarette. >> it's a water vapor. there's nothing wrong with it. it's equal to chewing gum. no one would ever know what it was if it wasn't shaped like a cigarette. nobody would ever know. >> reporter: on tuesday, santa clara county supervisors will join the consideration. deciding whether e cigarettes would be added to existing cigarette laws. >> i don't think it's right, you know, here we are trying to quit. and doing the best we can with this. it's not, it's not tobacco smoke. so i think we should be able to do that. >> reporter: the u.s. food and drug administration warns that e cigarette vapors do contain carcinogens, but it is too early to know the health risks. more studies are under way. >> i think it's just the unkn n unknown, and because it's unknown people hold it at arm's length. >> reporter: he says there should be regulations in place, but thinks that lawmakers are putting the cart before the horse. >> i think a lot of the way cities are going about their is a bit out of sequence. i think the research should come in before the regulations. >> reporter: more than 100 cities and koub at thises in the u.s., who in california, including san francisco have placed restrictions already on e-cigarettes. kimberly terry, nbc bay area news. now to a major change in the weather, this way coming after a great first week of spring, here comes the change. and that involves the possibility of rain this week. here's a look at downtown san jose. rob, when is that rain coming? >> it's tough to talk about rain when you've had temperatures like we had today. mid-70s. and right now we've got mainly clear skies. just a few high clouds off to the west. and a storm system here that is starting to look more impressive on the satellite. you can see the jet stream level winds and it's going to drop further to the south as we go through tomorrow. monday looks pretty nice. another day some warm, mid to upper 70s. watch what happens as we get into tuesday now. we're seeing a chance of that rain returning. and by the time we get into wednesday now we're talking about 1 to 2 feet of snow in the sierra. we'll watch the timing hour by hour in a few minutes. and just in, a malaysian airlines flight has been diverted to hong kong after problems with their electrical power generator. flight 066 left kuala lumpur when it experienced a problem. the auxiliary power unit was able to supply electricity to the plane after that malfunction and the plane landed safely and all 271 passengers were put on other planes. we only mention that because of the malaysian airlines jet that's been missing two weeks now. china says a crew spotted possible debris in the indian ocean. getting to that debris is a problem as the weather is getting worse. a sigh krone is expected to hit near where the international search effort is taking place. and that could blow objects away or sink them. the search area has been expanded to nearly 26,000 square miles. coming up we're tell you how the passengefamilies of the mis passengers are not giving up hope. the california energy commission says the amount of crude oil being transported by train through the bay area has skyrocketed thanks to an oil boom in north dakota and canada. monte francis talked to one state lawmaker who's worried about what could happen if there's an accident. >> reporter: when a ship hit the bay bridge, the ship leaked 50,000 barrels of oil into the bay. there are trains carrying about 2.7 million-gallons after crude oil into the area each day. and that should be of concern says state senator jerry hill. >> they're slowing down to make them safer, but right now we're not prepared. if something were to happen. it could be devastating. >> reporter: he points to an accident in quebec. he says that california could not currently respond to a disaster of that magnitude. in 2011, there were 9,000 tank cars filled with oil brought into california from out of state. by 2016, the state's energy commission says that number could reach 200,000 tank cars, 10% would travel through the bay area. the trains are operated by burlington northern santa fe. it ends up at refineries in the bay area. the federal government oversees the safety of the train, but hill is concerned about the able of the local fire deemt departments to respond when departments are already stretched so thin. >> it's the response time and preparedness that we don't have in california. we're back in about 1980s what we're prepared for and we can't deal with that volume. >> that was monte francis reporting. new details now. firefighters are monitoring hotspots following a fire that damaged an abandoned commercial building in vallejo. it likely started as a grass fire. it spread to a vacant warehouse near the intersection of redwood and couch. no injuries reported. fire officials are vetting the cause. an east palo alto man is facing charges for peeping. investigators say he repeatedly harassed a woman, made lewd comments and looked in her windows after she refused his tree-trimming services. in addition to peeping, he has been charged with driving with a suspended license and a probation violation. he was on probation for buying a gun in violation of a court order. how sweet is this for cardinal fans. stanford advancing. kansas trying to tie it, but no, off to the right, jay hawk fans like that one clearly disappointed. stanford ends up winning 60-57. cardinal fans thrilled. the first trip since 2008. >> i'm really excited. i think it's awesome. the team had an up and down season, but it's awesome to making some waves in the tournament. >> i think it's the character that has gotten them this far, and i wish them all the success. >> stanford will play dayton. more details coming up in sports in about ten minutes. still to come, we're continuing to follow breaking news in san francisco. about seven people shot. and one california teenager is dead, his girlfriend clinging to life after being hit by a train. and apple may be about to make a very big move in a new direction. and right now, you're watching it. we'll explain right after the break. we're following breaking news for you. streets still closed down in san francisco after several people are shot in the tenderloin district. it happened around 9:00 tonight. police say the victims were taken to san francisco general hospital. there is no one in custody at this time for that shooting. we have a crew at the scene and will be checking in with them for a live report shortly. apple may take on the tv market. may team up with comcast to develop an online streaming service. according to the wall street journal, a cupertino company is talking about it. they may get special access to comcast cable systems so it has enough band width to stream on demand content. investigators are trying to determine why two teenagers were not able to get out of the way of an oncoming train. one teenager was killed in the crash and the other critically hurt. happened friday night in marysville, about 40 miles north of sacramento. they were walking to a school dance and may have been wearing headphones. witnesses tell police the teen pushed his girlfriend out of way at the last minute, saving her life. the new proposed contract will keep thousands of hospital workers across the state on the job. the strike involving 13,000 uc technical worker was averted today of an a contract agreement was reached and that means uc's five major medical centers and numerous clinics around the state will operate as usual tomorrow. details on the new contract not being disclosed. it will be up for a vote this week. thousands of bay area residents signed up for health insurance this weekend. covered california partnered with churches across the state. at one church in san francisco people were happy for a little bit of help. >> it's looking like it's extremely affordable for me. i'm extremely excited about it. i feel comfortable knowing that i have an opportunity to be insured. the coverage that they're going to give me is better than what i thought i was going to get for $300 or $400. literally a fraction of what i was looking at. >> california enrollment passed the 1 million mark. those who don't sign up will have to wait until november. a warning going out about a mountain lion. it was seen in woodside near phillips road. san mateo emergency officials say while mountain lions generally avoid confrontations with people they certainly can be dangerous. and they are warning people to avoid walking or jogging in the area in the early mornings or at night when the cats are the most active. rob mayeda is active all day long, all he cares about is weather. he's got your micro climate forecast. >> we had 70s in the forecast today. and on the way, the warmest day we've seen so far this spring is coming up for tomorrow but then everything drops off temperature wise with some chances of rain. should see 40s and 50s tomorrow morning. winds out of the west today which helped to clear out our skies. and high pressure compressed the marine layer and allowed the inland valleys to climb moot ine mid-70s. as we await the arrival of a storm system that will make a big impact on tuesday. upper level winds digging down into the base of the trough and tends to drop them further south as opposed to moving up towards seattle and portland. we'll see increasing clouds, high clouds for monday. but it's tuesday morning now as we'll take a closer view of that hour by hour forecast which you'll see some light to moderate rain sweeping through for the morning commute but this should be out of here for the afternoon commute on tuesday. but behind this we'll see o unsettled air. we're looking at a winter storm watch for the sierra. 1 to 2 feet of snow. thursday afternoon into friday we catch a break. then saturday into sunday there comes the next batch of rain. and a good punch of showers for the south bay for sunday evening. two systems, one coming in tuesday into wednesday and the next system to follow saturday into sunday. the midweek storm, rain totals, relatively light. and the heavier totals start to come in for tuesday night and wednesday. we're looking at a half inch of rain for santa rosa. coastal hilltops probably getting an inch out of this system. same thing for the santa cruz mountains. as you go through about wednesday afternoon and evening, the higher peaks here, the purple and pink you see above 6,000 feet should get 24, maybe to 30 inches of snow. so that's some great news for the sierra late in the season that we're adding to the snow pack. tomorrow, mid-70s around san jose. san francisco in the mid-60s. and you can see pleasanton close to 80 degrees. napa, 76. and the trend here over the next three days is a roller coaster ride from the mid-70s in the south bay tomorrow dropping into the low 60s. so a big drop in temperatures as we see the spring like temperatures transform into a winter-like pattern for the see air r cold enough to support snow levels around 4500 feet. i think i just heard a huge cheer coming down from all the ski resorts after that forecast. comcast sports net and wow, what a day all over the place for bay area sports. >> you may have heard a cheer coming from stanford's farm as well. big news today in bay area sports. pablo sandoval's future with the giants could be in question. trent speaks out about rumor the surrounding the 49ers. and sanford's son once again. don't underestimate the guys on the farm. they take down kansas and they're headed to the sweet 16. you don't want to miss these must-see highlights next in sports. welcome back to nbc bay area. we begin with sweet news from the farm. the sanford cardinals are still wearing their dancing shoes, and they're headed to the sweet 16 after pulling off another upset. number 10 stanford taking on kansas. second half, cardinals up 5. anthony brown. he had 10 points. kansas still in it. 18 points for black. later in the havgs cardinals clinging to the lead. with the tip-in. sanford up for one last chance for kansas. not this time. stanford wins 60-57. they'll face the number 11 seed, dayton flyers, thursday. >> we beat a very good kansas team. i could not be any more proud of my guys in how they played for 40 minutes tonight. especially on the defensive end was probably as good as i've seep it all season long. i was proud of the way our guys stepped up and were able to sustain some momentum in the end. we beat a really good kansas team and was really proud of our guys. let's plod over to the diamond. it was first reported that san francisco offered sandoval a three year deal for roughly $40 million. and get this, the third baseman declined the offer. sandoval says he wants to suspend negotiations until after opening day. we'll keep you updated. royals would take a 7-1 lead. and after giving up seven runs on 11 hits, including back to back homers with four and two-thirds innings, lincecum had enough. turn on the jets. he's getting three out of this. deep center, clears the bases. giants win, 13-9. great game right there. oakland a's announced that sonny gray will be the opening day's opening starter with parker out for the year with a torn elbow ligament, the 24 year old gets the nod. it will be his first opening day start of his career. we also have a couple injury alert the on the green and gold. gentry will open the season on the disabled list. he is eligible to come off the dl on april 5. speaking of the a's, cubs and a's with a matchup. bottom of the first. josh reddick. lowry comes around to score. sixth inning. junior lake sends this one out of the park. three run shot off of chavez. cubs go on to win 10-6. a's also lost against the mariners 6-4. 49ers' general manger squashed a couple rumors today. he said the 49ers have not made any contact with the eagles, relative to a trade to deshon jackson. he says he has a great relationship with jim harbaugh saying jim and i work very well together. took the words right out of my mouth because terry and i work very well together. terry, stanford cardinals, they're rolling right now, man. >> they're rolling, and they have a somewhat easy opponent coming up, one of the heavy weights. >> the flyers are a decent team, but the 11 seed, wouldn't be surprised to see stanford get to the elite eight. coming up, police officers remember one of their own. their special memorial to the bart office are shot and killed in the line of duty. and some same sex couples married in michigan are wondering if they're still married. when i was living without insurance, it was very scary. charles not having coverage stressed me out. knowing that i have an insurance card in my pocket gives me a sense of reassurance. i'm in because nobody deserves to be without health insurance. i'm in because my coverage can't be denied. i'm in so i can protect my family and my future. i'm in because she wouldn't take "no" for an answer. i'm in. [ both ] we're in. i'm in. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? go to before the march 31st deadline. nearly 10,000 people competed in the oakland running festival today. that record breaking number of runners started out early this morning at 19th and harrison street. the festival include add marath marathon, a 5 k, kids run. cheer stations. raiderettes right there and the former warriors guard was there. olympic gold medalist heinz was there. dozens came together to honor a fallen bart officer. a fellow bart officer accidently shot and killed him while they were doing a probation search in january. several were on hand for this event. >> it kind of affected the newer department. and bart pd, you know, we're all brothers, working locally. so we decided to put the fund-raiser on for the family. >> sergeant smith's wife and daughter took part in the event. he was a 23-year veteran with the police department. still to come, we're continuing to follow breaking news in san francisco where at least seven people have been shot. the latest on that scene coming up. also thrilling but dangerous. several accidents at ski resorts in california. we investigate why the dangers may be drastically down-played. nbc bay area news begins with breaking news. we continue to follow this breaking news out of san francisco where police say at least seven people have been shot in the city's tenderloin district. monte francis on the scene giving us new information. this began as a fight between a number of people and at some point shots were fired. the seven victims are all expected to survive. most suffered injuries to their arms and legs. and it happened just around 9:00. the intersection is shut down while police investigate the situation. there is no one in custody at this time for the shooting. we have a crew on the scene getting more information for us. we'll check in with monte francis again in a little bit and have the latest for you on today in the bay from 4:30 to 7:00. it is a trade secret. we're talking about accidents at ski resorts. the ski industry may be drastically underreporting how many people are injured on the mountain. we report on why the dangers may be down-played. >> reporter: when it comes to releasing information about injuries and accidents, ski areas have little oversight. we found there are thousands of ski and snowboard related accidents just in california. incidents you won't hear about from the ski industry. from collisions, falls, to losing control. it's clear flying down a mountain with flat objects strapped to your feet can be dangerous. not so claear is how often peope get hurt. even though most ski areas are on federal land, no one independently tracks accidents and trends on the slopes. it's information that's readily available when accidents occur on roads or waterways and is used to prevent future injuries and deaths. the ski industry self reports. injury statistics include paralysis, broken neck or back and other serious injuries. that's out of the more than 50 million visits annually. it's a stellar safety record that we are unable to verify. the investigative unit asked for further details on how the industry tracks and defines injuries. >> accident jinformation, well, yeah. we don't release it. >> reporter: it's kept private. >> we have safety cultures. we have very strong safety cultures. >> reporter: the ski industry says there have been amazing strides in reducing fatalities and injuries over the decades. and they are now a rare occurrence. while there is no independent system for tracking accidents, the state health department does keep track of how many skiers and snowboarders turn up in emergency rooms like this man who collided with another skier at a tahoe ski resort. >> a big ball of blood here. >> reporter: according to data we obtained from the state, medical staff just in california treat more than 6,000 people a year for ski or snowboard related ailments, including serious injuries like broken necks, backs, traumatic brain injuries. in addition to sprains or strains. compare that to the 47 serious injuries nationwide reported by the ski industry. we asked for a response to the thousands of injuries not included in tin the statistics. they do not compile specific locations because they say it would create misrepresentation, creating the false idea that one ski area is safer than another. dr. warren withers finds it hard to imagine there would be fewer than 50 serious injuries a year. he is with barton memorial hospital in lake tahoe. he says during the winter months, at least one ski or snowboard-related injury at that week will require overnight care. >> we see multiple fractures, collapsed lung or hemo thorax, which would be blood around the lung. >> they choose a lot to try to ensure safety, but it's not a very public way. >> reporter: amateur skier has been covering it for decade. we spoke to him in colorado. >> the ski industry has a national association. so they have an institutional mechanism to address this issue. so lay it all out there and say hey, we're really sighing an increase in this type of accident. >> but it has to be transparent. >> reporter: transparent accident data. >> data is tremendously important, especially identifying patterning of injury. how do you identify ways to improve safety measures. >> reporter: several ski safety bills that would require resorts to make their data public have been introduced. so far none have passed. for more information on ski safety including the stats that are made public we set up the information on our website. >> if you have a tip for our investigative unit, give us a call or send us an e-mail to the unit at tonight there is progress reported in the cleanup of an oil spill after two ships collided off the coast of texas. crews spotted the leak. it was carrying almost a million-gallons of oil. just one of the ships was breach. coast guard officials say the wind and tides are working against them by spreading the oil. >> once that oil is in the environment it will move with the environment and is now doing so and moving out into the gulf of mexico. >> oil has been spotted as far out as 12 miles into the gulf of mexico. the area around the spill shown in red is now closed to ship traffic. one of the busiest areas in the world. they have not announced when that will be reopening. a new step back for hundreds of couples who tied the knot in michigan. it is said those marriages will not be recognized. an appeals court issued a stay yesterday. that followed friday's decision that struck down a ban on same sex marriage. according to the governor's office they're waiting until the legal matter is fully resolved. an appeals court is expected to take up the matter by wednesday. president obama is on his way to europe to meet with fellow leaders. the crisis in ukraine sure to top the agenda. he's scheduled to attend a summit at the hague on preventing nuclear terrorism. he will meet with angela merkle, xi jinping and other g-8 leaders minus russia. the crimean region will be open for discussion. what the next move against moscow should be. >> it is more explosive than it used to be a week ago. >> it certainly appears by everything that ukrainian officials believe, certainly u.s. intelligence officials believe that putin is not done in ukraine. >> during his six-day trip, president obama will also visit rome for a meeting with pope francis. he will also travel to saudi arabia. the pilot of a syrian jet is recovering tonight after being shot down by a turkish aircraft. photos posted to a social media website show the aftermath. his mission he says was to follow terrorists. they say they warned the pilot four times. when the pilot crossed into its airspace, the turkish fighter jet shot the syrian jet down. as the world waits to find out what happened to the missing airliner no one feels the pain of not nowing more than the families of the 239 people on board, including three americans. >> reporter: they are messages of hope. can you feel my love coming through is written on a facebook page. it should be able to reach you no matter where you are. my heart is aching for you, she writes in another note. and in another, please come home, baby. in kuala lumpur, this woman shakes her head in disbelief that her 24 year old son is still missing. lord, give me strength. i can't tell you how much i miss my son, she says. he's been gone now for so long i've been talking to a photo of him asking when will you come back to me. stung by criticism from relatives, malaysia airlines held a six-hour meeting with families in beijing but family members left confused and still angry. they said there was no crash, no hijack and no shooting down of the plane says one. i asked them to explain, but they said they couldn't. increasingly, families have been questioning the search for flight 370. today the malaysian government pledged continued engagement but it has so few answers to their questions. malaysians themselves made their support clear, organizing a bike ride for the missing. >> i wish they all can came back safely. >> reporter: but every day that passes hope fades, and the families face the terrible prospect of not knowing what happened to their loved ones. >> that was nbc's reporter reporting. coming up, a photo telling a thousand words. two brothers stuck on the ice, how they were finally rescued. two young brothers in iowa trapped on an ice flow. >> reporter: and corbin crawford, the fear on their faces says it all. they were trapped on a piece of ice in the middle of the des moines river, headed straight for the churning waters hydroelectric dam. >> one of them went to clean their shoe off and it went flying off, they went to retrieve the shoe, next thing they know they were floating down the river. >> reporter: luckily a witness spotted the boys clinging to each other and called 911. by the time crews reached them, their mom was at the river's edge watching in horror. >> i just yelled out and said you're not in trouble. i just want you safe. >> reporter: a photographer from the ft. dodge press captured the dramatic moments as ropes were thrown to the frightened boys, finally crawling to thin ice to save them. >> they brought this boat down and put it on the water, and i was able to pull the boat across the water and across the ice to us where i then put the boys inside the boat. >> reporter: bringing them back into their mother's arms. >> i scooped them up and was so thankful to have them in my arms. dillon went to his sister, and all four of us stood there crying and thankful and happy that we were together. >> reporter: two young survivors, shaken but savfe. nbc news. what a great story. rob mayeda here for you with a curve ball. >> no worries about the weather getting in your way other than patchy fog. you're sieeing that form wiling of downtown san francisco. evening tuesday, some scattered showers. and we're looking at the rain totals. light rain relatively speaking on tuesday and more substantial rain coming in on wednesday. might have a chance of a thundershower especially in the north and east bay valleys for wednesday afternoon. here's the good news. winter storm watch in effect as we could see anywhere from 14 to 30 inches of snow from tuesday afternoon through thursday morning, and we will see some pretty strong gusts. as we go into wednesday and thursday. so tomorrow's forecast around the bay area, you notice on the seven day forecast, tomorrow clearly the warmest day we'll see for a while. 60s and 70s around the peninsula. low to mid-70s around the north bay. and you see the tri valley, pretty close to 80. livermore should get very close to 80 as well. 75 at danville, but the roller coaster ride plays out over the next five days, especially in the south bay. you see the numbers dropping down. most places dropping 10 to 15 degrees for high temperatures from monday through wednesday. that's good news. that system coming in on wednesday is going to have air cold enough for snow levels probably down to about 4,000 pete by thursday morning in the sierra. that means beneficial snow coming down. and 6,000 or 7,000 feet could see about 2 feet of snow. so good news. next saturday and sunday more rain comes back into the bay area. rob, thanks very much. and still to come we're going to show you the heartwarming story of how a 10 year old with her own health problems is helping kids fight cancer. the story you don't want to miss, coming up. a young girl suffering from a hair loss condition often getting mistaken for someone who has cancer. so she had an idea about how to make kids with cancer feel better about themselves, and it's really catching on. nbc's erica hill reports. >> my name is hanna. >> reporter: hanna grubs has never shied away from who she is. the 10 year old hass al peasha. >> my greatest fear is what life would be like for her. >> reporter: but her parents say it hasn't stopped some people from wondering what's wrong. >> people would go out of their way to stop and talk to her and be nice to her. >> reporter: the fifth grader has turned what could be a very difficult time for a little girl into something positive by paying the kindness she's received forward. >> people always ask me why i don't have hair or if i have cancer, or they have time to pray with me or share words of kindness. and i wanted to do something nice for people that actually have cancer. >> reporter: last summer, with the help of her family and friends, hanna launched bows and ball hats, a charity aimed at helping kids with cancer. >> i want to help someone who is having a not so good day. a bow or a ball hat may make them happy while they have no hair. >> reporter: since then, donations have poured into their town of hendersonville, tennessee. she has delivered bows and hats to vanderbilt hospital. >> the gift becomes a part of their journey and a part of their story. >> reporter: hanna hopes to expand to several other hospitals and even plans to start a care package program. >> i said you're going to stand out in every room you walk into. so let's make sure you stand out for the right reason. >> reporter: a message this ten year old hopes to share with more kids one bow at a time. er hendersonville, tennessee. members of the first family continue their trip in china. we'll show you what they did today and how warmly they're being received. being received. first lady michelle obama continues her week long trip to china focusing on the power of education. today her daughters got a bit of aon as they took a walk on the great wall of china. this is the first independent visit by a first lady to china. she's getting compliments on everything from her wardrobe to interacting with people in a country where it is rare to see leaders' spouses or children in public. she's mingling with them and everything is going wonderfully over there. we've got rain on the way. >> yes, we do. but if you like sunshine, tomorrow is your day. sierra snow coming back into the picture on tuesday, wednesday. >> it will look like winter. >> there you go. >> thanks for watching nbc bay area news. have a great evening. you're watching a nbc bay area news special. tonight we investigate. >> you're saying this was intentional. >> yes. >> we expose what an insider calls a second set of books. millions of dollars in unexplained expenses at one of the bay area's largest transit agencies. >> why can't i go online and compare? >> unfortunately, the way our system works. >> we investigate the day care system, why our state is so far behind. and we go undercover to test the safety system in place at ski resorts.

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Burlington , California , United States , Turkey , Santa Clara County , China , Beijing , Syria , Russia , Quebec , Canada , Washington , District Of Columbia , Ukraine , San Francisco , Mexico , Barton Memorial Hospital , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Crawford , Michigan , Iowa , Sacramento , Hendersonville , Tennessee , Stanford , Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia , Moscow , Moskva , Texas , Oakland , Des Moines River , Marysville , Colorado , Danville , Saudi Arabia , Hong Kong , Santa Cruz Mountains , Kansas , North Dakota , Americans , Turkish , Ukrainian , Malaysians , Syrian , Malaysian , Jim Harbaugh , Kimberly Terry , Michelle Obama , Josh Reddick , Monte Francis , Pablo Sandoval , Warren Withers , Santa Clara , Anthony Brown , Indian Ocean ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20140324 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 11 20140324

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washington state tonight. a search for survivors has been called off tonight after a mud slide buried more than 30 homes. police found five more bodies today. it is total devastation. nbc's reporter fills us in on how the mud flow has created dangerous conditions for the rescuers. >> reporter: rescuers resumed searching for victims after geologists said it was safe. the search has been hampered by dangerous conditions and oozing mud. they're not sure how many more victims they'll find in the days ahead. >> that road is buried in a mile of muck. there may be people in their cars. >> reporter: as 100 rescue workers look for survivors on land, the governor searched by air. 60 feet of mud came crashing down without warning. >> the devastation is just unrelenting and awesome. there really is no standing in the path of the slide. >> reporter: it happened 60 miles north of seattle. it swallowed everything in its path. an entire neighborhood wiped out. >> the hillside came down and pushed this all the way across the road. >> reporter: rescuers put their lives at risk to try to save others. among those rescued, a six month old baby. >> never seen it like this. it's slid a couple times in my life, but never nothing like this. >> reporter: overnight, rescuers could hear voices coming from the mud, but it was too dangerous to get to them. >> mud was just too thick and deep. they did not hear people, they couldn't hear any signs of life once they got closer to the structure where they thought it was. and so the decision, based on safety was that they back out. >> the mud slide blocked the stillaguamish river, making flooding a real possibility. >> we're just praying for the best and hoping. new at 11:00, santa clara is joining an um in of other bay area counties and cities over whether e cigarettes should be regulated. kimberly? >> reporter: they claim to help you stop smoking. but the santa clara county board of supervisors wants to know just how safe e cigarettes are and will consider whether they should be subject to the same laws astra diggsal tobacco products. >> i want to get off cigarettes. i've been smoking too long already. >> reporter: he is hoping an e-cigarette will help him to quit. >> honestly, it tastes just like a real cigarette to me. >> reporter: billed as a safer, cleaner way to get a nicotine fix, electronic cigarettes are gaining in popularity, but how safe they are is still up for debate. >> i just don't like it. i look at it as just like a cigarette. >> it's a water vapor. there's nothing wrong with it. it's equal to chewing gum. no one would ever know what it was if it wasn't shaped like a cigarette. nobody would ever know. >> reporter: on tuesday, santa clara county supervisors will join the consideration. deciding whether e cigarettes would be added to existing cigarette laws. >> i don't think it's right, you know, here we are trying to quit. and doing the best we can with this. it's not, it's not tobacco smoke. so i think we should be able to do that. >> reporter: the u.s. food and drug administration warns that e cigarette vapors do contain carcinogens, but it is too early to know the health risks. more studies are under way. >> i think it's just the unkn n unknown, and because it's unknown people hold it at arm's length. >> reporter: he says there should be regulations in place, but thinks that lawmakers are putting the cart before the horse. >> i think a lot of the way cities are going about their is a bit out of sequence. i think the research should come in before the regulations. >> reporter: more than 100 cities and koub at thises in the u.s., who in california, including san francisco have placed restrictions already on e-cigarettes. kimberly terry, nbc bay area news. now to a major change in the weather, this way coming after a great first week of spring, here comes the change. and that involves the possibility of rain this week. here's a look at downtown san jose. rob, when is that rain coming? >> it's tough to talk about rain when you've had temperatures like we had today. mid-70s. and right now we've got mainly clear skies. just a few high clouds off to the west. and a storm system here that is starting to look more impressive on the satellite. you can see the jet stream level winds and it's going to drop further to the south as we go through tomorrow. monday looks pretty nice. another day some warm, mid to upper 70s. watch what happens as we get into tuesday now. we're seeing a chance of that rain returning. and by the time we get into wednesday now we're talking about 1 to 2 feet of snow in the sierra. we'll watch the timing hour by hour in a few minutes. and just in, a malaysian airlines flight has been diverted to hong kong after problems with their electrical power generator. flight 066 left kuala lumpur when it experienced a problem. the auxiliary power unit was able to supply electricity to the plane after that malfunction and the plane landed safely and all 271 passengers were put on other planes. we only mention that because of the malaysian airlines jet that's been missing two weeks now. china says a crew spotted possible debris in the indian ocean. getting to that debris is a problem as the weather is getting worse. a sigh krone is expected to hit near where the international search effort is taking place. and that could blow objects away or sink them. the search area has been expanded to nearly 26,000 square miles. coming up we're tell you how the passengefamilies of the mis passengers are not giving up hope. the california energy commission says the amount of crude oil being transported by train through the bay area has skyrocketed thanks to an oil boom in north dakota and canada. monte francis talked to one state lawmaker who's worried about what could happen if there's an accident. >> reporter: when a ship hit the bay bridge, the ship leaked 50,000 barrels of oil into the bay. there are trains carrying about 2.7 million-gallons after crude oil into the area each day. and that should be of concern says state senator jerry hill. >> they're slowing down to make them safer, but right now we're not prepared. if something were to happen. it could be devastating. >> reporter: he points to an accident in quebec. he says that california could not currently respond to a disaster of that magnitude. in 2011, there were 9,000 tank cars filled with oil brought into california from out of state. by 2016, the state's energy commission says that number could reach 200,000 tank cars, 10% would travel through the bay area. the trains are operated by burlington northern santa fe. it ends up at refineries in the bay area. the federal government oversees the safety of the train, but hill is concerned about the able of the local fire deemt departments to respond when departments are already stretched so thin. >> it's the response time and preparedness that we don't have in california. we're back in about 1980s what we're prepared for and we can't deal with that volume. >> that was monte francis reporting. new details now. firefighters are monitoring hotspots following a fire that damaged an abandoned commercial building in vallejo. it likely started as a grass fire. it spread to a vacant warehouse near the intersection of redwood and couch. no injuries reported. fire officials are vetting the cause. an east palo alto man is facing charges for peeping. investigators say he repeatedly harassed a woman, made lewd comments and looked in her windows after she refused his tree-trimming services. in addition to peeping, he has been charged with driving with a suspended license and a probation violation. he was on probation for buying a gun in violation of a court order. how sweet is this for cardinal fans. stanford advancing. kansas trying to tie it, but no, off to the right, jay hawk fans like that one clearly disappointed. stanford ends up winning 60-57. cardinal fans thrilled. the first trip since 2008. >> i'm really excited. i think it's awesome. the team had an up and down season, but it's awesome to making some waves in the tournament. >> i think it's the character that has gotten them this far, and i wish them all the success. >> stanford will play dayton. more details coming up in sports in about ten minutes. still to come, we're continuing to follow breaking news in san francisco. about seven people shot. and one california teenager is dead, his girlfriend clinging to life after being hit by a train. and apple may be about to make a very big move in a new direction. and right now, you're watching it. we'll explain right after the break. we're following breaking news for you. streets still closed down in san francisco after several people are shot in the tenderloin district. it happened around 9:00 tonight. police say the victims were taken to san francisco general hospital. there is no one in custody at this time for that shooting. we have a crew at the scene and will be checking in with them for a live report shortly. apple may take on the tv market. may team up with comcast to develop an online streaming service. according to the wall street journal, a cupertino company is talking about it. they may get special access to comcast cable systems so it has enough band width to stream on demand content. investigators are trying to determine why two teenagers were not able to get out of the way of an oncoming train. one teenager was killed in the crash and the other critically hurt. happened friday night in marysville, about 40 miles north of sacramento. they were walking to a school dance and may have been wearing headphones. witnesses tell police the teen pushed his girlfriend out of way at the last minute, saving her life. the new proposed contract will keep thousands of hospital workers across the state on the job. the strike involving 13,000 uc technical worker was averted today of an a contract agreement was reached and that means uc's five major medical centers and numerous clinics around the state will operate as usual tomorrow. details on the new contract not being disclosed. it will be up for a vote this week. thousands of bay area residents signed up for health insurance this weekend. covered california partnered with churches across the state. at one church in san francisco people were happy for a little bit of help. >> it's looking like it's extremely affordable for me. i'm extremely excited about it. i feel comfortable knowing that i have an opportunity to be insured. the coverage that they're going to give me is better than what i thought i was going to get for $300 or $400. literally a fraction of what i was looking at. >> california enrollment passed the 1 million mark. those who don't sign up will have to wait until november. a warning going out about a mountain lion. it was seen in woodside near phillips road. san mateo emergency officials say while mountain lions generally avoid confrontations with people they certainly can be dangerous. and they are warning people to avoid walking or jogging in the area in the early mornings or at night when the cats are the most active. rob mayeda is active all day long, all he cares about is weather. he's got your micro climate forecast. >> we had 70s in the forecast today. and on the way, the warmest day we've seen so far this spring is coming up for tomorrow but then everything drops off temperature wise with some chances of rain. should see 40s and 50s tomorrow morning. winds out of the west today which helped to clear out our skies. and high pressure compressed the marine layer and allowed the inland valleys to climb moot ine mid-70s. as we await the arrival of a storm system that will make a big impact on tuesday. upper level winds digging down into the base of the trough and tends to drop them further south as opposed to moving up towards seattle and portland. we'll see increasing clouds, high clouds for monday. but it's tuesday morning now as we'll take a closer view of that hour by hour forecast which you'll see some light to moderate rain sweeping through for the morning commute but this should be out of here for the afternoon commute on tuesday. but behind this we'll see o unsettled air. we're looking at a winter storm watch for the sierra. 1 to 2 feet of snow. thursday afternoon into friday we catch a break. then saturday into sunday there comes the next batch of rain. and a good punch of showers for the south bay for sunday evening. two systems, one coming in tuesday into wednesday and the next system to follow saturday into sunday. the midweek storm, rain totals, relatively light. and the heavier totals start to come in for tuesday night and wednesday. we're looking at a half inch of rain for santa rosa. coastal hilltops probably getting an inch out of this system. same thing for the santa cruz mountains. as you go through about wednesday afternoon and evening, the higher peaks here, the purple and pink you see above 6,000 feet should get 24, maybe to 30 inches of snow. so that's some great news for the sierra late in the season that we're adding to the snow pack. tomorrow, mid-70s around san jose. san francisco in the mid-60s. and you can see pleasanton close to 80 degrees. napa, 76. and the trend here over the next three days is a roller coaster ride from the mid-70s in the south bay tomorrow dropping into the low 60s. so a big drop in temperatures as we see the spring like temperatures transform into a winter-like pattern for the see air r cold enough to support snow levels around 4500 feet. i think i just heard a huge cheer coming down from all the ski resorts after that forecast. comcast sports net and wow, what a day all over the place for bay area sports. >> you may have heard a cheer coming from stanford's farm as well. big news today in bay area sports. pablo sandoval's future with the giants could be in question. trent speaks out about rumor the surrounding the 49ers. and sanford's son once again. don't underestimate the guys on the farm. they take down kansas and they're headed to the sweet 16. you don't want to miss these must-see highlights next in sports. welcome back to nbc bay area. we begin with sweet news from the farm. the sanford cardinals are still wearing their dancing shoes, and they're headed to the sweet 16 after pulling off another upset. number 10 stanford taking on kansas. second half, cardinals up 5. anthony brown. he had 10 points. kansas still in it. 18 points for black. later in the havgs cardinals clinging to the lead. with the tip-in. sanford up for one last chance for kansas. not this time. stanford wins 60-57. they'll face the number 11 seed, dayton flyers, thursday. >> we beat a very good kansas team. i could not be any more proud of my guys in how they played for 40 minutes tonight. especially on the defensive end was probably as good as i've seep it all season long. i was proud of the way our guys stepped up and were able to sustain some momentum in the end. we beat a really good kansas team and was really proud of our guys. let's plod over to the diamond. it was first reported that san francisco offered sandoval a three year deal for roughly $40 million. and get this, the third baseman declined the offer. sandoval says he wants to suspend negotiations until after opening day. we'll keep you updated. royals would take a 7-1 lead. and after giving up seven runs on 11 hits, including back to back homers with four and two-thirds innings, lincecum had enough. turn on the jets. he's getting three out of this. deep center, clears the bases. giants win, 13-9. great game right there. oakland a's announced that sonny gray will be the opening day's opening starter with parker out for the year with a torn elbow ligament, the 24 year old gets the nod. it will be his first opening day start of his career. we also have a couple injury alert the on the green and gold. gentry will open the season on the disabled list. he is eligible to come off the dl on april 5. speaking of the a's, cubs and a's with a matchup. bottom of the first. josh reddick. lowry comes around to score. sixth inning. junior lake sends this one out of the park. three run shot off of chavez. cubs go on to win 10-6. a's also lost against the mariners 6-4. 49ers' general manger squashed a couple rumors today. he said the 49ers have not made any contact with the eagles, relative to a trade to deshon jackson. he says he has a great relationship with jim harbaugh saying jim and i work very well together. took the words right out of my mouth because terry and i work very well together. terry, stanford cardinals, they're rolling right now, man. >> they're rolling, and they have a somewhat easy opponent coming up, one of the heavy weights. >> the flyers are a decent team, but the 11 seed, wouldn't be surprised to see stanford get to the elite eight. coming up, police officers remember one of their own. their special memorial to the bart office are shot and killed in the line of duty. and some same sex couples married in michigan are wondering if they're still married. when i was living without insurance, it was very scary. charles not having coverage stressed me out. knowing that i have an insurance card in my pocket gives me a sense of reassurance. i'm in because nobody deserves to be without health insurance. i'm in because my coverage can't be denied. i'm in so i can protect my family and my future. i'm in because she wouldn't take "no" for an answer. i'm in. [ both ] we're in. i'm in. [ female announcer ] everyone deserves health insurance. are you in? go to before the march 31st deadline. nearly 10,000 people competed in the oakland running festival today. that record breaking number of runners started out early this morning at 19th and harrison street. the festival include add marath marathon, a 5 k, kids run. cheer stations. raiderettes right there and the former warriors guard was there. olympic gold medalist heinz was there. dozens came together to honor a fallen bart officer. a fellow bart officer accidently shot and killed him while they were doing a probation search in january. several were on hand for this event. >> it kind of affected the newer department. and bart pd, you know, we're all brothers, working locally. so we decided to put the fund-raiser on for the family. >> sergeant smith's wife and daughter took part in the event. he was a 23-year veteran with the police department. still to come, we're continuing to follow breaking news in san francisco where at least seven people have been shot. the latest on that scene coming up. also thrilling but dangerous. several accidents at ski resorts in california. we investigate why the dangers may be drastically down-played. nbc bay area news begins with breaking news. we continue to follow this breaking news out of san francisco where police say at least seven people have been shot in the city's tenderloin district. monte francis on the scene giving us new information. this began as a fight between a number of people and at some point shots were fired. the seven victims are all expected to survive. most suffered injuries to their arms and legs. and it happened just around 9:00. the intersection is shut down while police investigate the situation. there is no one in custody at this time for the shooting. we have a crew on the scene getting more information for us. we'll check in with monte francis again in a little bit and have the latest for you on today in the bay from 4:30 to 7:00. it is a trade secret. we're talking about accidents at ski resorts. the ski industry may be drastically underreporting how many people are injured on the mountain. we report on why the dangers may be down-played. >> reporter: when it comes to releasing information about injuries and accidents, ski areas have little oversight. we found there are thousands of ski and snowboard related accidents just in california. incidents you won't hear about from the ski industry. from collisions, falls, to losing control. it's clear flying down a mountain with flat objects strapped to your feet can be dangerous. not so claear is how often peope get hurt. even though most ski areas are on federal land, no one independently tracks accidents and trends on the slopes. it's information that's readily available when accidents occur on roads or waterways and is used to prevent future injuries and deaths. the ski industry self reports. injury statistics include paralysis, broken neck or back and other serious injuries. that's out of the more than 50 million visits annually. it's a stellar safety record that we are unable to verify. the investigative unit asked for further details on how the industry tracks and defines injuries. >> accident jinformation, well, yeah. we don't release it. >> reporter: it's kept private. >> we have safety cultures. we have very strong safety cultures. >> reporter: the ski industry says there have been amazing strides in reducing fatalities and injuries over the decades. and they are now a rare occurrence. while there is no independent system for tracking accidents, the state health department does keep track of how many skiers and snowboarders turn up in emergency rooms like this man who collided with another skier at a tahoe ski resort. >> a big ball of blood here. >> reporter: according to data we obtained from the state, medical staff just in california treat more than 6,000 people a year for ski or snowboard related ailments, including serious injuries like broken necks, backs, traumatic brain injuries. in addition to sprains or strains. compare that to the 47 serious injuries nationwide reported by the ski industry. we asked for a response to the thousands of injuries not included in tin the statistics. they do not compile specific locations because they say it would create misrepresentation, creating the false idea that one ski area is safer than another. dr. warren withers finds it hard to imagine there would be fewer than 50 serious injuries a year. he is with barton memorial hospital in lake tahoe. he says during the winter months, at least one ski or snowboard-related injury at that week will require overnight care. >> we see multiple fractures, collapsed lung or hemo thorax, which would be blood around the lung. >> they choose a lot to try to ensure safety, but it's not a very public way. >> reporter: amateur skier has been covering it for decade. we spoke to him in colorado. >> the ski industry has a national association. so they have an institutional mechanism to address this issue. so lay it all out there and say hey, we're really sighing an increase in this type of accident. >> but it has to be transparent. >> reporter: transparent accident data. >> data is tremendously important, especially identifying patterning of injury. how do you identify ways to improve safety measures. >> reporter: several ski safety bills that would require resorts to make their data public have been introduced. so far none have passed. for more information on ski safety including the stats that are made public we set up the information on our website. >> if you have a tip for our investigative unit, give us a call or send us an e-mail to the unit at tonight there is progress reported in the cleanup of an oil spill after two ships collided off the coast of texas. crews spotted the leak. it was carrying almost a million-gallons of oil. just one of the ships was breach. coast guard officials say the wind and tides are working against them by spreading the oil. >> once that oil is in the environment it will move with the environment and is now doing so and moving out into the gulf of mexico. >> oil has been spotted as far out as 12 miles into the gulf of mexico. the area around the spill shown in red is now closed to ship traffic. one of the busiest areas in the world. they have not announced when that will be reopening. a new step back for hundreds of couples who tied the knot in michigan. it is said those marriages will not be recognized. an appeals court issued a stay yesterday. that followed friday's decision that struck down a ban on same sex marriage. according to the governor's office they're waiting until the legal matter is fully resolved. an appeals court is expected to take up the matter by wednesday. president obama is on his way to europe to meet with fellow leaders. the crisis in ukraine sure to top the agenda. he's scheduled to attend a summit at the hague on preventing nuclear terrorism. he will meet with angela merkle, xi jinping and other g-8 leaders minus russia. the crimean region will be open for discussion. what the next move against moscow should be. >> it is more explosive than it used to be a week ago. >> it certainly appears by everything that ukrainian officials believe, certainly u.s. intelligence officials believe that putin is not done in ukraine. >> during his six-day trip, president obama will also visit rome for a meeting with pope francis. he will also travel to saudi arabia. the pilot of a syrian jet is recovering tonight after being shot down by a turkish aircraft. photos posted to a social media website show the aftermath. his mission he says was to follow terrorists. they say they warned the pilot four times. when the pilot crossed into its airspace, the turkish fighter jet shot the syrian jet down. as the world waits to find out what happened to the missing airliner no one feels the pain of not nowing more than the families of the 239 people on board, including three americans. >> reporter: they are messages of hope. can you feel my love coming through is written on a facebook page. it should be able to reach you no matter where you are. my heart is aching for you, she writes in another note. and in another, please come home, baby. in kuala lumpur, this woman shakes her head in disbelief that her 24 year old son is still missing. lord, give me strength. i can't tell you how much i miss my son, she says. he's been gone now for so long i've been talking to a photo of him asking when will you come back to me. stung by criticism from relatives, malaysia airlines held a six-hour meeting with families in beijing but family members left confused and still angry. they said there was no crash, no hijack and no shooting down of the plane says one. i asked them to explain, but they said they couldn't. increasingly, families have been questioning the search for flight 370. today the malaysian government pledged continued engagement but it has so few answers to their questions. malaysians themselves made their support clear, organizing a bike ride for the missing. >> i wish they all can came back safely. >> reporter: but every day that passes hope fades, and the families face the terrible prospect of not knowing what happened to their loved ones. >> that was nbc's reporter reporting. coming up, a photo telling a thousand words. two brothers stuck on the ice, how they were finally rescued. two young brothers in iowa trapped on an ice flow. >> reporter: and corbin crawford, the fear on their faces says it all. they were trapped on a piece of ice in the middle of the des moines river, headed straight for the churning waters hydroelectric dam. >> one of them went to clean their shoe off and it went flying off, they went to retrieve the shoe, next thing they know they were floating down the river. >> reporter: luckily a witness spotted the boys clinging to each other and called 911. by the time crews reached them, their mom was at the river's edge watching in horror. >> i just yelled out and said you're not in trouble. i just want you safe. >> reporter: a photographer from the ft. dodge press captured the dramatic moments as ropes were thrown to the frightened boys, finally crawling to thin ice to save them. >> they brought this boat down and put it on the water, and i was able to pull the boat across the water and across the ice to us where i then put the boys inside the boat. >> reporter: bringing them back into their mother's arms. >> i scooped them up and was so thankful to have them in my arms. dillon went to his sister, and all four of us stood there crying and thankful and happy that we were together. >> reporter: two young survivors, shaken but savfe. nbc news. what a great story. rob mayeda here for you with a curve ball. >> no worries about the weather getting in your way other than patchy fog. you're sieeing that form wiling of downtown san francisco. evening tuesday, some scattered showers. and we're looking at the rain totals. light rain relatively speaking on tuesday and more substantial rain coming in on wednesday. might have a chance of a thundershower especially in the north and east bay valleys for wednesday afternoon. here's the good news. winter storm watch in effect as we could see anywhere from 14 to 30 inches of snow from tuesday afternoon through thursday morning, and we will see some pretty strong gusts. as we go into wednesday and thursday. so tomorrow's forecast around the bay area, you notice on the seven day forecast, tomorrow clearly the warmest day we'll see for a while. 60s and 70s around the peninsula. low to mid-70s around the north bay. and you see the tri valley, pretty close to 80. livermore should get very close to 80 as well. 75 at danville, but the roller coaster ride plays out over the next five days, especially in the south bay. you see the numbers dropping down. most places dropping 10 to 15 degrees for high temperatures from monday through wednesday. that's good news. that system coming in on wednesday is going to have air cold enough for snow levels probably down to about 4,000 pete by thursday morning in the sierra. that means beneficial snow coming down. and 6,000 or 7,000 feet could see about 2 feet of snow. so good news. next saturday and sunday more rain comes back into the bay area. rob, thanks very much. and still to come we're going to show you the heartwarming story of how a 10 year old with her own health problems is helping kids fight cancer. the story you don't want to miss, coming up. a young girl suffering from a hair loss condition often getting mistaken for someone who has cancer. so she had an idea about how to make kids with cancer feel better about themselves, and it's really catching on. nbc's erica hill reports. >> my name is hanna. >> reporter: hanna grubs has never shied away from who she is. the 10 year old hass al peasha. >> my greatest fear is what life would be like for her. >> reporter: but her parents say it hasn't stopped some people from wondering what's wrong. >> people would go out of their way to stop and talk to her and be nice to her. >> reporter: the fifth grader has turned what could be a very difficult time for a little girl into something positive by paying the kindness she's received forward. >> people always ask me why i don't have hair or if i have cancer, or they have time to pray with me or share words of kindness. and i wanted to do something nice for people that actually have cancer. >> reporter: last summer, with the help of her family and friends, hanna launched bows and ball hats, a charity aimed at helping kids with cancer. >> i want to help someone who is having a not so good day. a bow or a ball hat may make them happy while they have no hair. >> reporter: since then, donations have poured into their town of hendersonville, tennessee. she has delivered bows and hats to vanderbilt hospital. >> the gift becomes a part of their journey and a part of their story. >> reporter: hanna hopes to expand to several other hospitals and even plans to start a care package program. >> i said you're going to stand out in every room you walk into. so let's make sure you stand out for the right reason. >> reporter: a message this ten year old hopes to share with more kids one bow at a time. er hendersonville, tennessee. members of the first family continue their trip in china. we'll show you what they did today and how warmly they're being received. being received. first lady michelle obama continues her week long trip to china focusing on the power of education. today her daughters got a bit of aon as they took a walk on the great wall of china. this is the first independent visit by a first lady to china. she's getting compliments on everything from her wardrobe to interacting with people in a country where it is rare to see leaders' spouses or children in public. she's mingling with them and everything is going wonderfully over there. we've got rain on the way. >> yes, we do. but if you like sunshine, tomorrow is your day. sierra snow coming back into the picture on tuesday, wednesday. >> it will look like winter. >> there you go. >> thanks for watching nbc bay area news. have a great evening. you're watching a nbc bay area news special. tonight we investigate. >> you're saying this was intentional. >> yes. >> we expose what an insider calls a second set of books. millions of dollars in unexplained expenses at one of the bay area's largest transit agencies. >> why can't i go online and compare? >> unfortunately, the way our system works. >> we investigate the day care system, why our state is so far behind. and we go undercover to test the safety system in place at ski resorts.

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