Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News 20160807 : comparemel

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News 20160807

>> looking at the flame burning blight, and it is 10:00 tonight, and after the opening ceremony in of the competitions got under way today. >> we have live team coverage from the bay area to ree e owe. we start with jessica aguirre, and full day of action today for the olympic fans. >> and a night of action as well. i'm in olympic park right now, and it is teeming with people jammed with excitement here, and the mood is jubilant and i'm talk about the thousands of people here at the olympic park. really after all tof the years f plan, and all of the critics have said that brazil wouldn't be ready, and it was not ready to host the game, and the venues would not be ready, the brazilians found out today, if you open up the gates and build it, the world will come. >> reporter: it was all about the selfie today as the rio 2016 games finally got under way. transforming olympic park unto social media mecca with thousands of flag-draped visitors from around the world. >> russia. >> france. >> colombia. >> and tweeted and took selfies. >> and now to catch the jim n gymnastics. >> this couple from san mateo made a beeline to the park after a memorable night at the opening ceremonies. >> it was creative and interesting and about the people of the country. >> reporter: and in the morning learning how the dance at one of the famed dancing schools. >> we put on costumes. >> reporter: and it is a father and daughter who learned some fencing at the stadiums. >> it is so many athletes here. >> reporter: but the big draw is the court action. >> we brought a big whoop ass for the b-ball game against china. >> and for all of the naysayers who said that the brazilians would not at the end from their hometown. >> brazil. >> brazil. >> saw sao pao. i am so proud to be from brazil. >> reporter: there were some complaints with the long lines of security, but not much. ly tell you that every single american were telling me that thaw were going to see team usa basketball and every single one of them said that the reason they want to go is to see the new warrior souper star player kevin durant, and it paid off for them, because the team usa trounced china in the game. durant was a star standout player leading the way with 25 points, three three-pointers in a row, and klay thompson started an struggled a little bit, and the other star player draymond green was there as well, and the fans were so happy. that game just let out a few minutes ago at the arena behind me right there, and the fans were pouring out, and cheering and jubilant about the game. they said they were so happy, ad not just american fan, because it was a lot of people from other countries and i would go to see them, and they were saying they came to see the team usa and kevin durant. right now, everybody is having a blast here. >> all right. jesse, we will get back to you later in the news can cast and sounds like you are having a blast, too. to the pools of the men's olympic round in water polo, the usa lost the croatia. the men's water polo team has roster full of current and former stanford players. they have stanford alum who is a four-time olim ympian, and he scored two goal, but it was not enough. they return against spain monday. and now, there were so many other local stars. in stanford alum, mirata qual y qualified and dana vollmer qualified in the 100 meter butterfly, and stanford alum ka katie ledecky also qualified. the finals are going to be in the primetime tonight. it is one match, but the u.s. women's soccer team appeared to be challenging for the fourth straight gold medal. >> exciting because the team beat france to secure their spot in the quarterfinals. we go to lara who caught the game, and today, the game was inspiring for the local athletes >> yes, definitely, terry. santa clara university can claim ties to a dozen athletes including soccer player julie johnson. but unfortunately, she was out with the groin injury today and not able to play, but it did not keep the university soccer team from watching every move. play-by-play, the santa clara university women's soccer team keeps all eyes on the big screen as the u.s. and france battle for dominance. nervous gasps and tenacious squeals throughout the game. >> it was great and a nail biter and the u.s. came out a little bit, not as good as they are, but they are great and it shows with the goals. >> reporter: for the young players watching the game is a chance to be inspire and learn from the pros. >> being so young, and watching them throughout the olympics and the world cup and a bunch of hard come ppetitive games, you learn so much, and seeing them just play with so much passion, it inspires me out in practice and games. >> reporter: coach jerry smith agrees. >> we have had about 20 different players play either in the world cup or the olympic games, and it is really nice for our players to know it is possible. >> reporter: not only that, but smith coached several of the players when he was with the u.s. soccer and has a vested interest in their success. >> it is always great to watch the former players playing at a higher level, and hoping that some of your impact that you had when they were playing shows up in the game. >> and they didn't disappoint. they scored the one and only goal of the game securing them a spot in the knockout matches. the u.s. women's soccer team is going the take on colombia tuesday afternoon and no word on how long julie johnston will be out. reporting live from santa clara university, laura pert. >> thank you. and the american athletes off to a good start as the first gold medal went to the american athlete, jenny thrasher who won the 10 meter women's air rifle competition. she the youngest member of the usa shooting e team. the gold medal performance set an olympic record. after taking the podium, she spoke about gun control, and saying that the controversy surrounding the gun laws in america have proven to be a distraction for the sport. >> taking you back live to the olympic flame in rio. a l a lot of the competition is taking place in primetime, and we mentioned kerri walsh jennings will be making her first appearance in the copacabana beach volleyball competition. and also, our local swimming stars are going to be taking to the pool as well. the olympic coverage is just getting started, and jessica aguirre will be reporting live throughout, and we will check in with her again later in the newsca newscast. so much fun to check in. and now for other news, for the second time in four months, san francisco complex claims that people who live there have a longer wait before they can move back in. this is at the mission bart station where we will find ch s christie smith. they had one fire and now a second one, and when will they be able to go back in, christy? >> well, at this point, we don't know, but i will tell you that it has happened again, according to the neighbors, the same place caught fire a couple of months ago and of course, no injuries, because nobody was inside of the building. right now, the crew is here to board it up to keep it safe to make sure that nobody makes their way inside. the two-alarm fire broke out this morning on the 100 block of the mission district which has seen the their fair share of fires. it was seen after 9:30 this morning, and moved up all three floors, and then an hour later, the neighbors saw the smoke and warned those living close by that they might want to get out, and they had questions of their own. >> and the time is -- timing is rather odd. i thought that the building was completely vacant, but maybe it was squatters. we don't know. >> reporter: i got off of the phone with the firefighters who tell us that the cause of this fire is under investigation, and they don't know how it started yet. people have expressed concerns in the past about the residential fires in the mission district recently, and displacement of the residents who can be supported, but at a hearing, the firefighters did point to things like density, overcrowding and the heavy loads on the wiring and the old buildings with the possible factors, and also, at that earlier fire i was told that the first one was accidental and started in a laundry room. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, nbc bay area news. thank you. in the east bay, a homicide investigation is under way after a man was found shot to death in vallejo. it happened on dw williams drive off broadway street. the police say that the male victim was found lying in the street, and the identity is not going to be released. >> and now, in hayward, a man was found shot inside of a car happened late last night in gladding road near elementary school and tennyson high. the man is identified as a hayward man and it is the sixth homicidef of the year. still ahead here at 6:00, the go google self-driving car setback. >> and now, president obama has released a secret playbook about drone strikes. >> a hazy start to the weekend, but a cool one at that, and look at livermore with a high of 82, and the evening plans to give to a ac a break now, and the temperatures cool into the 50s and we will let you know if the cooling trend lasts for the rest of the weekend coming right up when we come back. a loophole is allowing san francisco restaurants to keep their old health inspection the nbc bay area investigation and unit and a loophole is allowing san francisco restaurants to keep the old health inspector records secret from the kconsumers even in the case when the business was shutdown. >> and this was uncovered by our reporter who saw this loophole. >> anyone who has dinner plans, listen up. you can check a restaurant's health score, but that information may not be giving you the whole story. tonight after the olympics, we will continue our investigation as the why san francisco allows certain restaurants to potentially wipe away the old inspection records, and the restaurants can file a change of ownership with the city to get a clean slate online, and we discovered that the restaurants can get the records deleted even in the cases that the city knows the same owners are running the place. that is leaving some restaurant owners angry and frustrated over a system they call unfair. >> it is no reason why anybody gets a health inspection score that they want to hide unless they want to hide something. >> they blame it on a current loophole law, and is that true? we went digging for the answers and tonight, we will find out how some restaurants are able to wipe their the dirty records clean. you can see that full investigation tonight after the olympics. guys, back to you. the man behind the driver seat of the google ground breaking self-driving car project is hitting the road. the chief technology officer is calling it quits. he says it is time to find the next adventure, and time for what he calls a fresh challenge. "the new york times" is repo reporting that two other google car engineers have left the work, and the parent company alphabet says it has been important work, and he leaves with the company's warmest wishes. >> and still to come, at 6:00, how the document when president obama approves a drone the attack. and the fact-checking with donald trump claims of voter fraud. is the system really rigged like he says? and from the fog to the cooling trend, and the changes in the forecast when we come back. newly released documents are shedding light on how president obama approves drone attacks. sxwr newly released documents are showing how president obama approves drone attacks. the president must approve targets of protected areas overseas and in some cases, he is not required to sign off on specific strikes outside of the war zones. the guidelines are face a firm emphasis on the identity of the targets, and also, the legality of hitting people who are not marked uns inially. >> and donald trump is concerned about voter fraud and believes that the system is rigged. >> are those fears valid? we have a real ity check. >> they are rigged and disgust ing. >> donald trump has used this attack before. usually addressing a presidential primary system that he says is littered with loopholes, but in a recent washington post interview, trump took the criticism further, and he told reporter phil rucker that the voter i.d. situation is a unfair development, and we may have people who vote ten time, and it is inconceivable that you don't have to show identification to vote or that the identification does not have to be foolproof. trump's comments come on the heel heels of a major court decision in five states. texas, wisconsin, north carolina, kansas and north dakota, and in all of those cases, the courts found that state laws requiring photo identification are at best undue burden, and at worst intentionally discriminatory. bradley is a constitutional law attorney. >> it is to prevent voter fraud was found in each of the circumstances by the courts to be basically illusury and it did not exist. >> reporter: and there is identification that has to be shown the first time you vote because of the aftermath of the 2010 election. and also a small library of academic research and government inv investigation that found that voter fraud is exceptionally rare. kim alexander with the nonpartisan california voter registration says that there are vulnerabilities in the system, but trump is not identifying the right ones. >> i can count on one hand the number of claims that i have been working in the elections in california where i have seen the sek tear of the state or the county district attorney announce that they have found somebody who impersonated another voterment i mean, it does not happen. >> reporter: instead, alexander says that they rely on the computer technology the tally the votes, and the russian hack of the dnc proves that the systems are rife for cyber attacks and corruption. >> we don't know if every jurs dick shun using a paperless electronic voting system is doing it in a safe way to prevent the systems from being attacked as well, so there is that risk there. >> for reality check, i'm sam. and now we are getting a look at what is happening outside, and people are heading over to levy's with a big contert out there. >> and the traffic. >> and yes, right out there, and the weather is going to be great. sometimes the levy stadium the temperatures can be hot, but not this evening. we have cool conditions by summer standards around the bay. we will show you the temperatures that we are showing you in the microweather climate area around the bay area. east bay out to the livermore and it is 73 degrees with the valley temperatures unusually cool, and we should see highs in the upper 80s and look at the strong sea breeze, 72 in livermore and in san jose, and you will need a jacket outside this evening, and down to 71, and you have needed a jacket all day long in san francisco and a high of 60, and near 60 degrees right now where you will see the low clouds at downtown san francisco, and a lot of the cloud cover that is going to surge inland thanks to the strong sea breeze all of the way into the interior valleys for tomorrow morning and then as we mo into the morning and repeat t the performance the today, and except for the slight warmup we suspected across the interior valley tomorrow. and areas south of san jose making a run around cupertino, and then in lower 660s outside wrapping up things there, the temperatures are cool, and the highs are in the low 60s in san francisco and up towards the north bay, you will see the temperatures in the 70s and the low 80s and in the tri valley, the temperatures are in low 80s for a high. and check out san francisco and you will stay cool for monday and tuesday and heading through the middle part of the week, a slight warmup, and you will notice the more across the valley, and the numbers in the upper 80s and a cool weekend continues around the bay area. >> nice. >> thank you. >> and checking in with fallon smith of comcast sportsnet, and what do you have to choose from? >> well, saturday and another big day in sports. the a's, and the giants are looking to end their losing ways, and meanwhile again two bay area football legends get the call to the hall. sports is next. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. i we worked with pg&eof to save energy because wenie. wanted to help the school. they would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didn't cut off the light. the teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. so they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights! those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. we actually saved $50,000. and that's just one school, two semesters, three girls. together, we're building a better california. hall of fame ... . >> it is the most prestigious honor that one can receive in professional football, and just entered into the induction of the hall of fame of football and two more are being immortalized. eddie debartolo is being inducted and also ken stabler, and the snake helped to lead the raiders to the first ever franchise championship in super bowl xi. and now sh, the nationals a the giants, and the ball goes right off of the plate and hits him right in the face. he has a nice shiner there. and in the fourth, buster posey is delivers and singles up the middle, and eduardo nunez scores from third, and makes it 1-0, giants. the giants now lead the nats 4-0. and the cubs are in oakland. they turn it back to 1981. the third inning, two on, two outs, and former a ben zobrist with a two-run single to centerment sonny gray on the hill for oakland and in the fifth, gray, he gets dexter fowler swinging, but gray said after that pitch he was diagnosed with a right extensor muscle soreness. he finished, but this the eighth, they would lose 4-0. bad news nfor the giants an the dodgerers as they beat the red sox, a and now the lead is down to 1.5 games, guys. that is it. >> it will get better. >> optimism. >> and we are just getting startedrio, and we will check in with jessica there. >> and don't miss a moment with bay area 5 to watch, and go to bay area, and there you can know the top five things the know, and track the area athletes when they are competing, and track the articles that you can see there by sports. again, nbc we are all things olympics. the olympic flame burning bright tonight in rio. the excitment & buzz still in the air surrounding the first full day of competition. ==peggy boxes== let's head ac the olympic flame is burning bright in rio, and the buzz sound surround iing the first d of competition. and we go to jessica aguirre there. and we heard there are enough security officers, but just not enough manning the people coming in >> yes, there were complaints of the lines coming into the park, and there were no lines before, but they are doing a big emphasis on the security, and so it is a tedious process going through, and especially today, because it was the first day of competition. the security manning the posts were being very, very careful to make sure when people went through the lines, so it was a little slow. >> thank you very much, and great job. you look fantastic. >> you do. you look great, and we will talk to you again at 7:00. see you then. on this saturday night -- game on. an early gold medal for team usa as the rio olympics get under way. america's best competing in the water, on the beach and on the field after last night's spectacular opening ceremony. concert chaos. scary moments after a railing gives way at a concert injuring dozens. state of siege. richard engel on the new intense battles in syria as insurgents try to liberate hundreds of thousands in a city cut off by government forces. fearing zika. the growing threat of the virus and its consequences now prompting couples in florida to put off plans in having children. the comeback. the american athlete who made it to rio after winning the biggest battle of her life. for her, victory here will be a bonus. "nightly n b

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Stanford , California , United States , New York , Mission District , Oakland , Texas , Washington , Brazil , China , Florida , Colombia , Wisconsin , Syria , Croatia , Russia , San Francisco , Santa Clara University , Mecca , Makkah , Saudi Arabia , North Dakota , France , Spain , Brazilians , America , Russian , American , Jerry Smith , Eduardo Nunez , Dexter Fowler , Dana Vollmer , Klay Thompson , Jenny Thrasher , Richard Engel , Chris Christie Smith , Terry Mcsweeney , Julie Johnson , Ben Zobrist , Julie Johnston , Kerri Walsh Jennings , Jessica Aguirre , Ken Stabler , Katy Katie , Kim Alexander , Phil Rucker , Fallon Smith ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News 20160807 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News 20160807

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>> looking at the flame burning blight, and it is 10:00 tonight, and after the opening ceremony in of the competitions got under way today. >> we have live team coverage from the bay area to ree e owe. we start with jessica aguirre, and full day of action today for the olympic fans. >> and a night of action as well. i'm in olympic park right now, and it is teeming with people jammed with excitement here, and the mood is jubilant and i'm talk about the thousands of people here at the olympic park. really after all tof the years f plan, and all of the critics have said that brazil wouldn't be ready, and it was not ready to host the game, and the venues would not be ready, the brazilians found out today, if you open up the gates and build it, the world will come. >> reporter: it was all about the selfie today as the rio 2016 games finally got under way. transforming olympic park unto social media mecca with thousands of flag-draped visitors from around the world. >> russia. >> france. >> colombia. >> and tweeted and took selfies. >> and now to catch the jim n gymnastics. >> this couple from san mateo made a beeline to the park after a memorable night at the opening ceremonies. >> it was creative and interesting and about the people of the country. >> reporter: and in the morning learning how the dance at one of the famed dancing schools. >> we put on costumes. >> reporter: and it is a father and daughter who learned some fencing at the stadiums. >> it is so many athletes here. >> reporter: but the big draw is the court action. >> we brought a big whoop ass for the b-ball game against china. >> and for all of the naysayers who said that the brazilians would not at the end from their hometown. >> brazil. >> brazil. >> saw sao pao. i am so proud to be from brazil. >> reporter: there were some complaints with the long lines of security, but not much. ly tell you that every single american were telling me that thaw were going to see team usa basketball and every single one of them said that the reason they want to go is to see the new warrior souper star player kevin durant, and it paid off for them, because the team usa trounced china in the game. durant was a star standout player leading the way with 25 points, three three-pointers in a row, and klay thompson started an struggled a little bit, and the other star player draymond green was there as well, and the fans were so happy. that game just let out a few minutes ago at the arena behind me right there, and the fans were pouring out, and cheering and jubilant about the game. they said they were so happy, ad not just american fan, because it was a lot of people from other countries and i would go to see them, and they were saying they came to see the team usa and kevin durant. right now, everybody is having a blast here. >> all right. jesse, we will get back to you later in the news can cast and sounds like you are having a blast, too. to the pools of the men's olympic round in water polo, the usa lost the croatia. the men's water polo team has roster full of current and former stanford players. they have stanford alum who is a four-time olim ympian, and he scored two goal, but it was not enough. they return against spain monday. and now, there were so many other local stars. in stanford alum, mirata qual y qualified and dana vollmer qualified in the 100 meter butterfly, and stanford alum ka katie ledecky also qualified. the finals are going to be in the primetime tonight. it is one match, but the u.s. women's soccer team appeared to be challenging for the fourth straight gold medal. >> exciting because the team beat france to secure their spot in the quarterfinals. we go to lara who caught the game, and today, the game was inspiring for the local athletes >> yes, definitely, terry. santa clara university can claim ties to a dozen athletes including soccer player julie johnson. but unfortunately, she was out with the groin injury today and not able to play, but it did not keep the university soccer team from watching every move. play-by-play, the santa clara university women's soccer team keeps all eyes on the big screen as the u.s. and france battle for dominance. nervous gasps and tenacious squeals throughout the game. >> it was great and a nail biter and the u.s. came out a little bit, not as good as they are, but they are great and it shows with the goals. >> reporter: for the young players watching the game is a chance to be inspire and learn from the pros. >> being so young, and watching them throughout the olympics and the world cup and a bunch of hard come ppetitive games, you learn so much, and seeing them just play with so much passion, it inspires me out in practice and games. >> reporter: coach jerry smith agrees. >> we have had about 20 different players play either in the world cup or the olympic games, and it is really nice for our players to know it is possible. >> reporter: not only that, but smith coached several of the players when he was with the u.s. soccer and has a vested interest in their success. >> it is always great to watch the former players playing at a higher level, and hoping that some of your impact that you had when they were playing shows up in the game. >> and they didn't disappoint. they scored the one and only goal of the game securing them a spot in the knockout matches. the u.s. women's soccer team is going the take on colombia tuesday afternoon and no word on how long julie johnston will be out. reporting live from santa clara university, laura pert. >> thank you. and the american athletes off to a good start as the first gold medal went to the american athlete, jenny thrasher who won the 10 meter women's air rifle competition. she the youngest member of the usa shooting e team. the gold medal performance set an olympic record. after taking the podium, she spoke about gun control, and saying that the controversy surrounding the gun laws in america have proven to be a distraction for the sport. >> taking you back live to the olympic flame in rio. a l a lot of the competition is taking place in primetime, and we mentioned kerri walsh jennings will be making her first appearance in the copacabana beach volleyball competition. and also, our local swimming stars are going to be taking to the pool as well. the olympic coverage is just getting started, and jessica aguirre will be reporting live throughout, and we will check in with her again later in the newsca newscast. so much fun to check in. and now for other news, for the second time in four months, san francisco complex claims that people who live there have a longer wait before they can move back in. this is at the mission bart station where we will find ch s christie smith. they had one fire and now a second one, and when will they be able to go back in, christy? >> well, at this point, we don't know, but i will tell you that it has happened again, according to the neighbors, the same place caught fire a couple of months ago and of course, no injuries, because nobody was inside of the building. right now, the crew is here to board it up to keep it safe to make sure that nobody makes their way inside. the two-alarm fire broke out this morning on the 100 block of the mission district which has seen the their fair share of fires. it was seen after 9:30 this morning, and moved up all three floors, and then an hour later, the neighbors saw the smoke and warned those living close by that they might want to get out, and they had questions of their own. >> and the time is -- timing is rather odd. i thought that the building was completely vacant, but maybe it was squatters. we don't know. >> reporter: i got off of the phone with the firefighters who tell us that the cause of this fire is under investigation, and they don't know how it started yet. people have expressed concerns in the past about the residential fires in the mission district recently, and displacement of the residents who can be supported, but at a hearing, the firefighters did point to things like density, overcrowding and the heavy loads on the wiring and the old buildings with the possible factors, and also, at that earlier fire i was told that the first one was accidental and started in a laundry room. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, nbc bay area news. thank you. in the east bay, a homicide investigation is under way after a man was found shot to death in vallejo. it happened on dw williams drive off broadway street. the police say that the male victim was found lying in the street, and the identity is not going to be released. >> and now, in hayward, a man was found shot inside of a car happened late last night in gladding road near elementary school and tennyson high. the man is identified as a hayward man and it is the sixth homicidef of the year. still ahead here at 6:00, the go google self-driving car setback. >> and now, president obama has released a secret playbook about drone strikes. >> a hazy start to the weekend, but a cool one at that, and look at livermore with a high of 82, and the evening plans to give to a ac a break now, and the temperatures cool into the 50s and we will let you know if the cooling trend lasts for the rest of the weekend coming right up when we come back. a loophole is allowing san francisco restaurants to keep their old health inspection the nbc bay area investigation and unit and a loophole is allowing san francisco restaurants to keep the old health inspector records secret from the kconsumers even in the case when the business was shutdown. >> and this was uncovered by our reporter who saw this loophole. >> anyone who has dinner plans, listen up. you can check a restaurant's health score, but that information may not be giving you the whole story. tonight after the olympics, we will continue our investigation as the why san francisco allows certain restaurants to potentially wipe away the old inspection records, and the restaurants can file a change of ownership with the city to get a clean slate online, and we discovered that the restaurants can get the records deleted even in the cases that the city knows the same owners are running the place. that is leaving some restaurant owners angry and frustrated over a system they call unfair. >> it is no reason why anybody gets a health inspection score that they want to hide unless they want to hide something. >> they blame it on a current loophole law, and is that true? we went digging for the answers and tonight, we will find out how some restaurants are able to wipe their the dirty records clean. you can see that full investigation tonight after the olympics. guys, back to you. the man behind the driver seat of the google ground breaking self-driving car project is hitting the road. the chief technology officer is calling it quits. he says it is time to find the next adventure, and time for what he calls a fresh challenge. "the new york times" is repo reporting that two other google car engineers have left the work, and the parent company alphabet says it has been important work, and he leaves with the company's warmest wishes. >> and still to come, at 6:00, how the document when president obama approves a drone the attack. and the fact-checking with donald trump claims of voter fraud. is the system really rigged like he says? and from the fog to the cooling trend, and the changes in the forecast when we come back. newly released documents are shedding light on how president obama approves drone attacks. sxwr newly released documents are showing how president obama approves drone attacks. the president must approve targets of protected areas overseas and in some cases, he is not required to sign off on specific strikes outside of the war zones. the guidelines are face a firm emphasis on the identity of the targets, and also, the legality of hitting people who are not marked uns inially. >> and donald trump is concerned about voter fraud and believes that the system is rigged. >> are those fears valid? we have a real ity check. >> they are rigged and disgust ing. >> donald trump has used this attack before. usually addressing a presidential primary system that he says is littered with loopholes, but in a recent washington post interview, trump took the criticism further, and he told reporter phil rucker that the voter i.d. situation is a unfair development, and we may have people who vote ten time, and it is inconceivable that you don't have to show identification to vote or that the identification does not have to be foolproof. trump's comments come on the heel heels of a major court decision in five states. texas, wisconsin, north carolina, kansas and north dakota, and in all of those cases, the courts found that state laws requiring photo identification are at best undue burden, and at worst intentionally discriminatory. bradley is a constitutional law attorney. >> it is to prevent voter fraud was found in each of the circumstances by the courts to be basically illusury and it did not exist. >> reporter: and there is identification that has to be shown the first time you vote because of the aftermath of the 2010 election. and also a small library of academic research and government inv investigation that found that voter fraud is exceptionally rare. kim alexander with the nonpartisan california voter registration says that there are vulnerabilities in the system, but trump is not identifying the right ones. >> i can count on one hand the number of claims that i have been working in the elections in california where i have seen the sek tear of the state or the county district attorney announce that they have found somebody who impersonated another voterment i mean, it does not happen. >> reporter: instead, alexander says that they rely on the computer technology the tally the votes, and the russian hack of the dnc proves that the systems are rife for cyber attacks and corruption. >> we don't know if every jurs dick shun using a paperless electronic voting system is doing it in a safe way to prevent the systems from being attacked as well, so there is that risk there. >> for reality check, i'm sam. and now we are getting a look at what is happening outside, and people are heading over to levy's with a big contert out there. >> and the traffic. >> and yes, right out there, and the weather is going to be great. sometimes the levy stadium the temperatures can be hot, but not this evening. we have cool conditions by summer standards around the bay. we will show you the temperatures that we are showing you in the microweather climate area around the bay area. east bay out to the livermore and it is 73 degrees with the valley temperatures unusually cool, and we should see highs in the upper 80s and look at the strong sea breeze, 72 in livermore and in san jose, and you will need a jacket outside this evening, and down to 71, and you have needed a jacket all day long in san francisco and a high of 60, and near 60 degrees right now where you will see the low clouds at downtown san francisco, and a lot of the cloud cover that is going to surge inland thanks to the strong sea breeze all of the way into the interior valleys for tomorrow morning and then as we mo into the morning and repeat t the performance the today, and except for the slight warmup we suspected across the interior valley tomorrow. and areas south of san jose making a run around cupertino, and then in lower 660s outside wrapping up things there, the temperatures are cool, and the highs are in the low 60s in san francisco and up towards the north bay, you will see the temperatures in the 70s and the low 80s and in the tri valley, the temperatures are in low 80s for a high. and check out san francisco and you will stay cool for monday and tuesday and heading through the middle part of the week, a slight warmup, and you will notice the more across the valley, and the numbers in the upper 80s and a cool weekend continues around the bay area. >> nice. >> thank you. >> and checking in with fallon smith of comcast sportsnet, and what do you have to choose from? >> well, saturday and another big day in sports. the a's, and the giants are looking to end their losing ways, and meanwhile again two bay area football legends get the call to the hall. sports is next. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. i we worked with pg&eof to save energy because wenie. wanted to help the school. they would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didn't cut off the light. the teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. so they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights! those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. we actually saved $50,000. and that's just one school, two semesters, three girls. together, we're building a better california. hall of fame ... . >> it is the most prestigious honor that one can receive in professional football, and just entered into the induction of the hall of fame of football and two more are being immortalized. eddie debartolo is being inducted and also ken stabler, and the snake helped to lead the raiders to the first ever franchise championship in super bowl xi. and now sh, the nationals a the giants, and the ball goes right off of the plate and hits him right in the face. he has a nice shiner there. and in the fourth, buster posey is delivers and singles up the middle, and eduardo nunez scores from third, and makes it 1-0, giants. the giants now lead the nats 4-0. and the cubs are in oakland. they turn it back to 1981. the third inning, two on, two outs, and former a ben zobrist with a two-run single to centerment sonny gray on the hill for oakland and in the fifth, gray, he gets dexter fowler swinging, but gray said after that pitch he was diagnosed with a right extensor muscle soreness. he finished, but this the eighth, they would lose 4-0. bad news nfor the giants an the dodgerers as they beat the red sox, a and now the lead is down to 1.5 games, guys. that is it. >> it will get better. >> optimism. >> and we are just getting startedrio, and we will check in with jessica there. >> and don't miss a moment with bay area 5 to watch, and go to bay area, and there you can know the top five things the know, and track the area athletes when they are competing, and track the articles that you can see there by sports. again, nbc we are all things olympics. the olympic flame burning bright tonight in rio. the excitment & buzz still in the air surrounding the first full day of competition. ==peggy boxes== let's head ac the olympic flame is burning bright in rio, and the buzz sound surround iing the first d of competition. and we go to jessica aguirre there. and we heard there are enough security officers, but just not enough manning the people coming in >> yes, there were complaints of the lines coming into the park, and there were no lines before, but they are doing a big emphasis on the security, and so it is a tedious process going through, and especially today, because it was the first day of competition. the security manning the posts were being very, very careful to make sure when people went through the lines, so it was a little slow. >> thank you very much, and great job. you look fantastic. >> you do. you look great, and we will talk to you again at 7:00. see you then. on this saturday night -- game on. an early gold medal for team usa as the rio olympics get under way. america's best competing in the water, on the beach and on the field after last night's spectacular opening ceremony. concert chaos. scary moments after a railing gives way at a concert injuring dozens. state of siege. richard engel on the new intense battles in syria as insurgents try to liberate hundreds of thousands in a city cut off by government forces. fearing zika. the growing threat of the virus and its consequences now prompting couples in florida to put off plans in having children. the comeback. the american athlete who made it to rio after winning the biggest battle of her life. for her, victory here will be a bonus. "nightly n b

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