Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240703 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240703

biden at the white house, and his plea to congress for more aid, as republican support fades. the tropical storm warning for the east coast. we're tracking it. rue put murdoch, the creator of fox news, stepping down as chair of his media empire after a tumultuous year. and for two days, he was lost at sea today, his reunion with those who saved his life >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. good evening and welcome. we begin tonight with breaking news, and a scene that will take away the breath of any parent who has sent their child on a long distance school trip northwest of new york city, a charter bus carrying high school students plunged off a highway and down an embankment this afternoon, killing at least two adults, with the governor adding, there are at least five students in critical condition from the air, the extent of the disaster scene is apparent. a massive ems response medical teams seen tending to the injured along a highway. emilie ikeda is there for us tonight with late details. emilie, what are you finding out? >> reporter: lester, we're learning moments ago, there were 44 people onboard the bus that crashed down a 50-foot ravine many of them freshman. officials say two women died, ages 77 and 43, as we get word that the ntsb is en route to investigation. tonight, a chilling scene in new york, where a charter bus packed full of students heading to band camp crashed and rolled down an embankment into the median of a busy highway. >> get to the scene. we're going to need all your equipment. >> reporter: several people medevaced to local hospitals. officials say many onboard were freshmen. >> third medevac is en route to the scene >> while it's preliminary, it is likely that a faulty front tire contributed to the accident, although, again, this is still under investigation. >> reporter: six buses of students from farmingdale high school on long island were on their way to an annual band camp in pennsylvania, when one of them crashed just after 1:00 this afternoon, 60 miles north of new york city a massive emergency response mobilized to the scene. a ladder leading to the bus's shattered windows. ropes stretching across the embankment this photo shows first responders triaging people on the side of the road traffic halted for hours on both sides of the interstate >> very shook up >> reporter: patricia relieved her grandson who was on the trip is okay >> my grandson's friend was one person who was airlifted, so -- i don't know if he's okay or not. >> reporter: students at farmingdale high school say they were in class when they started to hear from friends injured in the crash. >> my friend came up to me and they were telling me what happened and, like, they showed me one of my friends, like, her face was all bloody, and i started crying and stuff. very emotional time. >> reporter: we met edward hoschler as he picked up his daughter from a local community college, now a reunification center she was on one of the other buses. >> just seeing her face - it's nothing a parent wants to go through and once you see that they're okay, then you just think immediately of everyone else. >> and emilie, of course parents, all they want right now is to be able to hug their children how are they being reunited with their kids >> reporter: well, lester, school officials say most of the students have been stopping at this community college before returning to long island. here, they have the opportunity to meet with grief counselors and for some, reunite with parents, after what you can imagine has been a traumatizing day lester >> yeah. emilie ikeda, thank you. the numbers of migrants illegally crossing the u.s. southern border is approaching record numbers again tonight. meanwhile, the bide n administration also announced a controversial new policy that will allow nearly half a million migrants to temporarily stay and work in this country morgan chesky has late details. >> reporter: tonight, in eagle pass, texas, officials say they're overwhelmed. the town now under a state of emergency in response to a massive migrant surge. in just 24 hours, 2,500 migrants crossed illegally. the mayor issuing a call for more help and resources. >> we need to do something to control the situation. this is not normal it is not normal for thousands of people to simply be walking in in a line without consequence. >> reporter: nationwide, the border crisis is growing. on wednesday, a border patrol official tells nbc news nearly 9,000 migrants crossed illegally, approaching the record high of more than 10,000 set in may tonight, president biden sending 800 more troops to help border patrol with logistics and processing migrants the migrant surge so sudden, federal authorities shut down the international bridge here so staff could process thousands of men, women, and children. wefound many left venezuela to make the treacherous journey. [ speaking in a global language ] wow. and so, this is fitting exactly with what we've been hearing over the last several weeks. so many people coming from venezuela now, the biden administration announcing a major policy change, giving temporary legal status to nearly half a million venezuelan migrants, allowing them to apply for work permits in the u.s adding, they'll be temporarily barred from deportation earlier, we met yulia at an overcrowded shelter in san antonio, also from venezuela. and a mother of two. [ speaking in a global language ] yulia tells me her kids are in good health, but the journey was difficult. yet, her family, like so many others, remains committed to going forward. crossing here is dangerous. officials confirming two drownings in two days, including a 3-year-old boy meanwhile, republicans have blasted the biden administration, saying its lax border policies have caused the ongoing crisis texas governor greg abbott posting this video, writing, "texas installed razor wire in eagle pass to stop illegal crossings. today, the biden administration cut that wire, opening the floodgates." the video showing migrants crossing over after border agents cleared the fence. >> and morgan, we understand the mayor of eagle pass is now reaching out to mexico >> reporter: yeah, lester, he is. he is hosting a binational meeting tomorrow with mexican leaders to discuss what he calls a deepening immigration crisis and as for that video released by texas governor greg abbott, a border patrol official says that those migrants were in the water, and the agents were fearful they could possibly drown. lester >> morgan chesky, thanks. tom llamas is also at the border tonight, and tom, you've been talking with migrants. any indication of why this surge is happening right now? >> reporter: lester, good evening. that is the big question right now in eagle pass. i want to show you this just behind me here the situation with migrants has gotten so bad, they've created this makeshift processing center under one of the main bridges here, one of the main arteries connecting mexico to eagle pass it appears they've separated the migrants, at least for now. there seems to be families on one side you can see some of them getting into border patrol vans right there. and then on the other side, it looks to be a large amount of males that have come in without families and/or without their wives and have arrived here i had a chance to speak with the sheriff of eagle pass, who used to be a border patrol agent he says in all his years in law enforcement and working this border, he has never seen a problem this bad so, i had a chance to speak to a few of the migrants and i asked them, what happened with this week why are so many migrants coming to the united states this week? they told me they have no idea. one pointed to the sky, saying the weather was better buff they also said it was very easy to jump on those trains and get right to the border lester, we know now they've shut down at least one highway and all of those trains. >> tom llamas in texas tonight. thank you. a stunning new twist this evening involving that new york city day care, where a 1-year-old boy died after exposure to fentanyl police saying another search uncovered a trap door in the day care's play area inside, they say they found a large quantity of fentanyl, other narcotics, and dru paraphernalia. the owner and her tenant are charged with murder. manhunts in two states tonight for that murder suspect who was mistakenly let go in indiana, and, a convicted sex offender who walked out of a missouri hospital in the middle of the night. kathy park has late details. >> reporter: tonight, the urgent manhunt for a convicted sex offender, who escaped from a st. louis hospital, prompting a stark warning from police to watch children at bus stops. >> he is absolutely considered dangerous do not approach him. >> reporter: local schools heightened security and canceled afterschool activities, hours after 45-year-old tommy wayne boyd walked out of a hospital, seen here on surveillance video around 4:00 a.m., according to police. boyd is serving a 30-year sentence for sexually assaulting an 11-year-old. >> i will assure you that we have the capacity, with our federal, state, and local partners, to continue this effort indefinitely >> reporter: the hospital said boyd was getting medical street while being guarded by two corrections officers when he got away in indianapolis, a separate search intensifying for 28-year-old murder suspect kevin mason, who was mistakenly released from jail due to a clerical error. officials say he's now believed to be armed the sheriff's office has his girlfriend in custody for assisting a criminal, and are following new leads stretching into other cities >> of course, we've had reports of sightings of him here yesterday, and then we -- it also led us to information that he may not be within indianapolis >> reporter: tonight, parts of the midwest on edge, with two men authorities say are dangerous still on the loose. back here in indianapolis, the sheriff's office is defending their actions to wait six days before alerting the public about the suspect's accidental release, saying it was the best option at the time lester >> kathy park, thank you. with intense new russian attacks at home, ukraine's president zelenskyy faced increasing sk skepticism in washington today over more american aid, he appealed to congress and met with president biden. peter alexander is at the white house. >> reporter: president zelenskyy tonight punctuating his personal push for more help from washington mr. president, how important is this visit >> very important. >> reporter: "very important," zelenskyy told me, as he and his wife were greeted at the white house by president biden and the first lady a red carpet welcome for a discussion about the harsh reality of war. >> no nation can be truly secure in the world if, in fact, we don't stand up and defend the freedom of ukraine. >> reporter: despite polls showing american support for additional u.s. aid to ukraine waning, president biden is urging congress to approve another $24 billion in military and humanitarian assistance earlier, zelenskyy laying a breathe at the 9/11 memorial at the pentagon, and meeting privately with senators, detailing the stakes >> mr. zelenskyy said, if we don't get the aid, we will lose the war. that's a quote from him. >> reporter: still, republican opposition to more aid has been growing, with 29 republicans in a letter to the white house today arguing against new funding. others demanding answers about the billions already spent. >> i thought it was direct, i thought it was productive i raised issues with him. we're very concerned about accountability >> reporter: today's visit comes just hours after russia unleashed a wave of new attacks targeting ukrainian power plants tonight, zelenskyy optimistic his forces will get the help they need. >> we before happy that senators, the congress, white house, really, the united states, of course, all people of america, really, support us >> reporter: tonight, president biden just announced $325 million in already approved military funds for ukraine, but not the long-range cruise missiles zelenskyy's been lobbying for. lester >> peter alexander, thank you. in 60 seconds, the severe weather we're tracking tonight. and rupert murdoch retiring as head of his media empire please stay with us. much of the east coast is in for a weekend washout. tropical storm warnings are in effect for parts of the mid-atlantic heavy rain and high winds expected from the carolinas to new england. up to six inches of rain is forecast for some places, with potential for flooding wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour are possible one of the most influential and controversial media figures of our time is stepping down. rupert murdoch announcing his retirement today nbc's chloe melas has more >> reporter: with a media legacy spanning 70 years, tonight, billionaire media titan rupert murdoch says he's stepping down from fox and news corp in a note to employees, murdoch said, "the time is right for me to take on different roles. >> rupert murdoch created all of this, and so much more across america and the globe. >> reporter: keeping a title of chairman emeritus, he now passes the torch to his oldest son lachlan, who will become sole chairman at 92 years old, the decision was expected but murdoch noted it was not due to his health, saying, "our companies are in robust health, as am i. rupert murdoch passing the torch to his son, lachlan. do you think things will change in how fox news is run? >> i don't for the foreseeable future, i think he's going to run the company the same way his father did >> reporter: the resignation marks the end to one of the most storied and controversial careers in modern media. the australian media titan started building his empire back in the 1980s, buying tabloids from australia to britain, as well as "the new york post." but one of his biggest passions was news in 1996, fox news channel was born, giving conservative voices an outlet. while fox news has dominated cable, controversy and scandal followed including being sued over false allegations against dominion voting systems, resulting in a $787 million settlement earlier this year. and the firing of tucker carlson, one of the network's most highest-rated stars. tonight, as murdoch passes the torch, he has made it clear he does not intend to sit on the sidelines, saying he will remain "an active member of our community. and with his son now chairman, big changes aren't expected as this transition plays out. chloe melas, nbc news, new york and up next, deliveries now come at any hour of the day or night, but is our quest for convenience putting people at risk a new investigation, after this back now with our nbc news investigation, in collaboration with tech and business publication "the information. looking at the independent contractors amazon uses to deliver packages often at odd hours, and the sometimes deadly danger they face here's stephanie gosk. >> reporter: at the heart of amazon's succeed is speed more deliveries faster at all times of the day. to make that happen, the company relies at least in part on a program called flex. >> amazon flex is a program where independent contractors can go pick up delivery routes. >> reporter: independent contractors makes it sound very official these are just regular people, right? >> yes >> reporter: regular people like george hunt, who drive their own cars to make deliveries, often either very early or very late. almost your entire shift is in the dark >> oh, yeah, absolutely i beat the sunrise every morning when i'm done >> good job! >> reporter: the extra cash helping his young family, which is how he ended up making a delivery around 4:30 a.m. on the south side of chicago in 2022 outside the car, with package in hand, he heard the engine rev behind him >> i kind of turned around, almost dumbfounded you i'm not piecing together, this is literally a carjacking happening. >> reporter: and then he says the carjacker pulled a gun >> he fired one shot, it hit me in the shoulder i heard more shots >> reporter: one bell let went through his leg. the other lodged just short of his spinal cord his story, one of several uncovered by a report in "the information," a tech and business publication, raising questions about flex drivers' safety >> they're not required the wear vests, they use their own cars, and if bad things happen to them on the job, generally amazon says, it's not our fault, you're not our employee >> reporter: reporter theo waite found five flex drivers shot in four separate incidents since 2022 five others he spoke with said they had guns drawn on them by homeowners and he found dozens of unverified accounts in chat groups. >> homeowners were just seeing someone drive up in an unmarked car and being, you know, baffled about who this person could be in their driveway. >> reporter: basically, homeowners are coming out scared >> right that's right >> reporter: in a statement, amazon says these incidents with guns are tragedies, but are exceedingly rare, adding, safety is a priority, and the company is continually investing to protect drivers. flex drivers choose among available routes, and an app allows them to communicate directly with customers. they can refuse to deliver a package if they arrive and feel unsafe, according to company policy >> while we technically had the right to refuse a route, we risk deactivation >> reporter: hunt says this sign was posted at the delivery station last year when he was shot "you may choose to leave the route, but will not be given another," it says. the sign was removed more than a year and a half ago, and was a violation of company policy, according to amazon. now hunt is suing for workers compensation to pay his medical bills. and he moved his family to south bend, indiana, where he continues to pick up routes for amazon, staying extra vigilant >> my wife and i are saving to buy a house. i mean, any extra money certainly helps. >> reporter: the money, he says, is good, and his family needs it stephanie gosk, nbc news, south bend, indiana. up next for us tonight, today's emotional reunion, after an incredible rescue at sea finally, the dramatic rescue at sea, and the emotional reunion today between a man and those who saved his life here's sam brock >> we will never forget how you didn't just save one young man's life, but you saved an entire family >> reporter: for a village of first responders, tears, hugs, and gratitude from the gregorys their son charlie disappeared at sea for nearly 40 hours last month off the coast of st. augustine. when you're out there in the middle of the ocean, what did you think were the chances of your survival? >> zero. >> reporter: zero? >> zero, for sure. >> reporter: you thought you were going to die? >> oh, 100%. i was sure i was going to die, it was just a matter of when. >> reporter: charlie tells me his 3:00 a.m. fishing trip was in the intracoastal close to land, but when a wave knocked over his boat and dumped his flares and cell phone out, he was whisked away 12 miles, with no working motor. >> just died on me >> reporter: his eight-foot aluminum boat submerged in water was surrounded by sharks the same size. >> god, i saw probably 20 or 30 my whole time being out there. >> reporter: the odds of a reunion, minuscule at best, with several agencies in the water, and the u.s. coast guard by air looking for a coconut in the ocean. until the radar picked up something >> one of the happiest days of my career. >> reporter: the shock from charlie's parents evident on that day in early august >> i should never give up hope. never give up on the big guy. >> reporter: and evident certainly now. >> he's alive. charlie's been found he's alive and we went from dead to living in a split second. >> reporter: a miracle reunion, but also, a restoration of sinking hope sam brock, nbc news, st. augustine. and that's "nightly news" for this thursday. thank you for wa watching i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night next on nbc bay area news tonight but a deadly day at the east bay toyota dealership. what we are learning about a shooting that left two people dead. to make clearer days ahead. we are tracking the spare the air alert and investigating the number of devices in the bay area to track air-quality. by that number may come as a surprise. to make good evening. this is

Related Keywords

Students , Bus , Highway , Embankment , Breaking News , High School , Crash , Adults , New York , Camp , Horror , Two , Biden , Border , Administration , Surge , Protections , Authorities , Dozens , Cause , A Million , Child , Rio Grande , Texas , Tragedy , Discovery , Move , State Of Emergency , Border Town , 3 , One , Missiles Zelenskyy , Police , Hospital , Meeting , Manhunt , Child Sex Offender , Trap , Fentanyl Exposure , Images , Ukrainian , 1 , Rue , Aid , Fox News , Congress , Media Empire , Chair , White House , Storm Warning , Plea , Creator , Murdoch , Support Fades , Republican , East Coast , Sea , Reunion , Evening , Nbc Nightly News , Lester Holt , Life Announcer , Scene , Parent , Breath , School Trip , Hair , Governor , Disaster Scene , Condition , Extent , Teams , Ems , Five , Reporter , People , Emilie Ikeda , U S , Details , Injured , 44 , Women , Many , Word , Freshman , Ravine , Ntsb Is En Route To Investigation , Officials , 43 , 77 , 50 , Medevac , Hospitals , Freshmen , Band Camp , Equipment , Nbc News Investigation , Accident , Front , Tire , Buses , Six , Way , Emergency Response , Windows , Ladder Leading , Farmingdale High School , Ropes , Long Island , Pennsylvania , 00 , 60 , Grandson , Side , Patricia , Responders , Trip , Sides , Road Traffic , Interstate , Photo , Friend , Person , Friends , Class , Edward Hoschler , Face , Stuff , Daughter , Community College , Reunification Center , It , Nothing , Children , Course , Parents , Kids Reporter , Most , School Officials , Everyone Else , Migrants , Some , Numbers , Thank You , Grief Counselors , Opportunity , Policy , Country Morgan Chesky , Work , Record Numbers , Southern Border , Bide N , Eagle Pass , Mayor , Migrant Surge , Response , Town , 2500 , 24 , Something , Help , Situation , Thousands , Call , Consequence , Resources , Walking , Line , Border Patrol , Nbc News , Crisis , Official , Record , Logistics , Troops , On Wednesday , Set In May Tonight , 800 , 9000 , 10000 , Language , Journey , Bridge , Men , Staff , Venezuela , Wefound , Policy Change , Giving Temporary Legal Status , Yulia , Shelter , Deportation , Work Permits , Mother , San Antonio , Others , Family , Health , Kids , Republicans , Boy , Policies , Crossing , Drownings , Video , Greg Abbott , Floodgates , Border Agents , Crossings , Wire , Writing , Fence , Video Showing , Texas Installed Razor Wire , Immigration Crisis , Leaders , Mexico , Mexican , Water , Agents , Tom Llamas , Lester Morgan Chesky , Indication , Big Question , Tom , Families , Processing Center , Arteries , Vans , Sheriff , Chance , Amount , Agent , Wives , Males , Few , Problem , Law Enforcement , Sky , Idea , Day Care , Trains , Weather , Wall , Twist , Fentanyl , Search , Area , Exposure , Dru Paraphernalia , Quantity , Narcotics , Trap Door , Inside , Sex Offender , Murder , Murder Suspect , Owner , Indiana , Manhunts , Tenant , Kathy Park , Missouri , Let Go , Warning , Louis Hospital , A St , Bus Stops , Wayne Boyd , Schools , Surveillance Video , Activities , Security , Sentence , 4 , 30 , 45 , Estate , Partners , Corrections , Effort , Street , Capacity , 11 , Office , Kevin Mason , Custody , Indianapolis , Jail , Terror , Girlfriend , Criminal , 28 , Information , Midwest , Sightings , Cities , Option , Actions , Public , Men Authorities , Edge , Loose , Release , The Sheriff , Lester Kathy Park , Attacks , President , Home , Skepticism , Washington , Russian , Sk , Visit , Wife , Mr , Peter Alexander , Push , Zelenskyy Tonight Punctuating , War , Nation , Freedom , Discussion , Red Carpet , First Lady , Reality , Fact , World , Polls , Assistance , Memorial , Zelenskyy , Support , Laying A Breathe , Ukraine Waning , 9 11 , 24 Billion , 4 Billion , Senators , Opposition , Stakes , Quote , Pentagon , Billions , Funding , Growing , Letter , 29 , Accountability Reporter , Wave , Forces , Issues , Power Plants , Russia , Military Funds , 325 Million , 25 Million , Lobbying , Head , Parts , Weekend Washout , Winds , Storm Warnings , Effect , Mid Atlantic Heavy Rain , New England , Forecast , Flooding Wind , Rain , Places , Potential , Media Figures , Media Legacy , Note , Retirement , Nbc S Chloe Melas , Billionaire Media Titan , News Corp , 70 , Keeping A Title Of Chairman Emeritus , Employees , Roles , Globe , Torch , Chairman , Decision , Companies , Son Lachlan , 92 , Company , Things , Son , Father , News , Empire , Buying Tabloids , Media , Careers , Passions , End , Storied , Resignation , Outlet , Conservative , Australia , To Britain , New York Post , Australian Media Titan , 1980 , 1996 , Being , Controversy , Cable , Settlement , Allegations , Scandal , Dominion Voting Systems , 787 Million , 87 Million , Sidelines , Community , Firing , Network , Stars , Member , Tucker Carlson , Deliveries , Big Changes Aren T , Quest , Risk , Convenience , Transition , Tech And Business Publication , Collaboration , Back , Amazon , Stephanie Gosk , Times , Packages , Speed , Heart , Danger , Program , Pick Up Delivery Routes , Flex , Part , Amazon Flex , George Hunt , Cars , Job , In The Dark Oh , Shift , Sunrise , Package , Car , Cash , Engine Rev , Delivery , Hand , Him , South Side , Chicago , 2022 , One Bell Let , Shots Reporter , Gun , Carjacking Happening , Shoulder , Carjacker , One Shot , Flex Drivers , Safety , Report , Several , Questions , Story , Leg , Spinal Cord , Wear Vests , Reporter Theo Waite , Employee Reporter , Incidents , Fault , Four , Homeowners , Guns , Driveway , Someone , Accounts , Chat Groups , Right , Statement , Priority , Drivers , Tragedies , App , Routes , Customers , Route , Company Policy , Sign , Delivery Station , Another , Half , Violation , South Bend , House , Workers Compensation , Bills , Money , Rescue , Life , Man , Sam Brock , Son Charlie , Family Reporter , Village , Tears , Gratitude , Hugs , Gregorys , Ocean , Of St , Chances , Coast , Middle , Survival , Matter , Augustine , Zero , Sure , 100 , 40 , Boat , Land , Cell Phone Out , Intracoastal , Flares , Motor , Fishing Trip , 12 , Agencies , Sharks , Size , Coconut , Odds , Air Looking , God , U S Coast Guard , Minuscule , 20 , Eight , Career , Hope , Radar , Shock , Big Guy , A Miracle Reunion , St , Split Second , Hope Sam Brock , Care , Each Other , Iowa , Nbc Bay Area , Shooting , Dealership , Learning , East Bay , Toyota , Number , Devices , Surprise , Bay Area ,

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Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240703 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240703

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biden at the white house, and his plea to congress for more aid, as republican support fades. the tropical storm warning for the east coast. we're tracking it. rue put murdoch, the creator of fox news, stepping down as chair of his media empire after a tumultuous year. and for two days, he was lost at sea today, his reunion with those who saved his life >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. good evening and welcome. we begin tonight with breaking news, and a scene that will take away the breath of any parent who has sent their child on a long distance school trip northwest of new york city, a charter bus carrying high school students plunged off a highway and down an embankment this afternoon, killing at least two adults, with the governor adding, there are at least five students in critical condition from the air, the extent of the disaster scene is apparent. a massive ems response medical teams seen tending to the injured along a highway. emilie ikeda is there for us tonight with late details. emilie, what are you finding out? >> reporter: lester, we're learning moments ago, there were 44 people onboard the bus that crashed down a 50-foot ravine many of them freshman. officials say two women died, ages 77 and 43, as we get word that the ntsb is en route to investigation. tonight, a chilling scene in new york, where a charter bus packed full of students heading to band camp crashed and rolled down an embankment into the median of a busy highway. >> get to the scene. we're going to need all your equipment. >> reporter: several people medevaced to local hospitals. officials say many onboard were freshmen. >> third medevac is en route to the scene >> while it's preliminary, it is likely that a faulty front tire contributed to the accident, although, again, this is still under investigation. >> reporter: six buses of students from farmingdale high school on long island were on their way to an annual band camp in pennsylvania, when one of them crashed just after 1:00 this afternoon, 60 miles north of new york city a massive emergency response mobilized to the scene. a ladder leading to the bus's shattered windows. ropes stretching across the embankment this photo shows first responders triaging people on the side of the road traffic halted for hours on both sides of the interstate >> very shook up >> reporter: patricia relieved her grandson who was on the trip is okay >> my grandson's friend was one person who was airlifted, so -- i don't know if he's okay or not. >> reporter: students at farmingdale high school say they were in class when they started to hear from friends injured in the crash. >> my friend came up to me and they were telling me what happened and, like, they showed me one of my friends, like, her face was all bloody, and i started crying and stuff. very emotional time. >> reporter: we met edward hoschler as he picked up his daughter from a local community college, now a reunification center she was on one of the other buses. >> just seeing her face - it's nothing a parent wants to go through and once you see that they're okay, then you just think immediately of everyone else. >> and emilie, of course parents, all they want right now is to be able to hug their children how are they being reunited with their kids >> reporter: well, lester, school officials say most of the students have been stopping at this community college before returning to long island. here, they have the opportunity to meet with grief counselors and for some, reunite with parents, after what you can imagine has been a traumatizing day lester >> yeah. emilie ikeda, thank you. the numbers of migrants illegally crossing the u.s. southern border is approaching record numbers again tonight. meanwhile, the bide n administration also announced a controversial new policy that will allow nearly half a million migrants to temporarily stay and work in this country morgan chesky has late details. >> reporter: tonight, in eagle pass, texas, officials say they're overwhelmed. the town now under a state of emergency in response to a massive migrant surge. in just 24 hours, 2,500 migrants crossed illegally. the mayor issuing a call for more help and resources. >> we need to do something to control the situation. this is not normal it is not normal for thousands of people to simply be walking in in a line without consequence. >> reporter: nationwide, the border crisis is growing. on wednesday, a border patrol official tells nbc news nearly 9,000 migrants crossed illegally, approaching the record high of more than 10,000 set in may tonight, president biden sending 800 more troops to help border patrol with logistics and processing migrants the migrant surge so sudden, federal authorities shut down the international bridge here so staff could process thousands of men, women, and children. wefound many left venezuela to make the treacherous journey. [ speaking in a global language ] wow. and so, this is fitting exactly with what we've been hearing over the last several weeks. so many people coming from venezuela now, the biden administration announcing a major policy change, giving temporary legal status to nearly half a million venezuelan migrants, allowing them to apply for work permits in the u.s adding, they'll be temporarily barred from deportation earlier, we met yulia at an overcrowded shelter in san antonio, also from venezuela. and a mother of two. [ speaking in a global language ] yulia tells me her kids are in good health, but the journey was difficult. yet, her family, like so many others, remains committed to going forward. crossing here is dangerous. officials confirming two drownings in two days, including a 3-year-old boy meanwhile, republicans have blasted the biden administration, saying its lax border policies have caused the ongoing crisis texas governor greg abbott posting this video, writing, "texas installed razor wire in eagle pass to stop illegal crossings. today, the biden administration cut that wire, opening the floodgates." the video showing migrants crossing over after border agents cleared the fence. >> and morgan, we understand the mayor of eagle pass is now reaching out to mexico >> reporter: yeah, lester, he is. he is hosting a binational meeting tomorrow with mexican leaders to discuss what he calls a deepening immigration crisis and as for that video released by texas governor greg abbott, a border patrol official says that those migrants were in the water, and the agents were fearful they could possibly drown. lester >> morgan chesky, thanks. tom llamas is also at the border tonight, and tom, you've been talking with migrants. any indication of why this surge is happening right now? >> reporter: lester, good evening. that is the big question right now in eagle pass. i want to show you this just behind me here the situation with migrants has gotten so bad, they've created this makeshift processing center under one of the main bridges here, one of the main arteries connecting mexico to eagle pass it appears they've separated the migrants, at least for now. there seems to be families on one side you can see some of them getting into border patrol vans right there. and then on the other side, it looks to be a large amount of males that have come in without families and/or without their wives and have arrived here i had a chance to speak with the sheriff of eagle pass, who used to be a border patrol agent he says in all his years in law enforcement and working this border, he has never seen a problem this bad so, i had a chance to speak to a few of the migrants and i asked them, what happened with this week why are so many migrants coming to the united states this week? they told me they have no idea. one pointed to the sky, saying the weather was better buff they also said it was very easy to jump on those trains and get right to the border lester, we know now they've shut down at least one highway and all of those trains. >> tom llamas in texas tonight. thank you. a stunning new twist this evening involving that new york city day care, where a 1-year-old boy died after exposure to fentanyl police saying another search uncovered a trap door in the day care's play area inside, they say they found a large quantity of fentanyl, other narcotics, and dru paraphernalia. the owner and her tenant are charged with murder. manhunts in two states tonight for that murder suspect who was mistakenly let go in indiana, and, a convicted sex offender who walked out of a missouri hospital in the middle of the night. kathy park has late details. >> reporter: tonight, the urgent manhunt for a convicted sex offender, who escaped from a st. louis hospital, prompting a stark warning from police to watch children at bus stops. >> he is absolutely considered dangerous do not approach him. >> reporter: local schools heightened security and canceled afterschool activities, hours after 45-year-old tommy wayne boyd walked out of a hospital, seen here on surveillance video around 4:00 a.m., according to police. boyd is serving a 30-year sentence for sexually assaulting an 11-year-old. >> i will assure you that we have the capacity, with our federal, state, and local partners, to continue this effort indefinitely >> reporter: the hospital said boyd was getting medical street while being guarded by two corrections officers when he got away in indianapolis, a separate search intensifying for 28-year-old murder suspect kevin mason, who was mistakenly released from jail due to a clerical error. officials say he's now believed to be armed the sheriff's office has his girlfriend in custody for assisting a criminal, and are following new leads stretching into other cities >> of course, we've had reports of sightings of him here yesterday, and then we -- it also led us to information that he may not be within indianapolis >> reporter: tonight, parts of the midwest on edge, with two men authorities say are dangerous still on the loose. back here in indianapolis, the sheriff's office is defending their actions to wait six days before alerting the public about the suspect's accidental release, saying it was the best option at the time lester >> kathy park, thank you. with intense new russian attacks at home, ukraine's president zelenskyy faced increasing sk skepticism in washington today over more american aid, he appealed to congress and met with president biden. peter alexander is at the white house. >> reporter: president zelenskyy tonight punctuating his personal push for more help from washington mr. president, how important is this visit >> very important. >> reporter: "very important," zelenskyy told me, as he and his wife were greeted at the white house by president biden and the first lady a red carpet welcome for a discussion about the harsh reality of war. >> no nation can be truly secure in the world if, in fact, we don't stand up and defend the freedom of ukraine. >> reporter: despite polls showing american support for additional u.s. aid to ukraine waning, president biden is urging congress to approve another $24 billion in military and humanitarian assistance earlier, zelenskyy laying a breathe at the 9/11 memorial at the pentagon, and meeting privately with senators, detailing the stakes >> mr. zelenskyy said, if we don't get the aid, we will lose the war. that's a quote from him. >> reporter: still, republican opposition to more aid has been growing, with 29 republicans in a letter to the white house today arguing against new funding. others demanding answers about the billions already spent. >> i thought it was direct, i thought it was productive i raised issues with him. we're very concerned about accountability >> reporter: today's visit comes just hours after russia unleashed a wave of new attacks targeting ukrainian power plants tonight, zelenskyy optimistic his forces will get the help they need. >> we before happy that senators, the congress, white house, really, the united states, of course, all people of america, really, support us >> reporter: tonight, president biden just announced $325 million in already approved military funds for ukraine, but not the long-range cruise missiles zelenskyy's been lobbying for. lester >> peter alexander, thank you. in 60 seconds, the severe weather we're tracking tonight. and rupert murdoch retiring as head of his media empire please stay with us. much of the east coast is in for a weekend washout. tropical storm warnings are in effect for parts of the mid-atlantic heavy rain and high winds expected from the carolinas to new england. up to six inches of rain is forecast for some places, with potential for flooding wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour are possible one of the most influential and controversial media figures of our time is stepping down. rupert murdoch announcing his retirement today nbc's chloe melas has more >> reporter: with a media legacy spanning 70 years, tonight, billionaire media titan rupert murdoch says he's stepping down from fox and news corp in a note to employees, murdoch said, "the time is right for me to take on different roles. >> rupert murdoch created all of this, and so much more across america and the globe. >> reporter: keeping a title of chairman emeritus, he now passes the torch to his oldest son lachlan, who will become sole chairman at 92 years old, the decision was expected but murdoch noted it was not due to his health, saying, "our companies are in robust health, as am i. rupert murdoch passing the torch to his son, lachlan. do you think things will change in how fox news is run? >> i don't for the foreseeable future, i think he's going to run the company the same way his father did >> reporter: the resignation marks the end to one of the most storied and controversial careers in modern media. the australian media titan started building his empire back in the 1980s, buying tabloids from australia to britain, as well as "the new york post." but one of his biggest passions was news in 1996, fox news channel was born, giving conservative voices an outlet. while fox news has dominated cable, controversy and scandal followed including being sued over false allegations against dominion voting systems, resulting in a $787 million settlement earlier this year. and the firing of tucker carlson, one of the network's most highest-rated stars. tonight, as murdoch passes the torch, he has made it clear he does not intend to sit on the sidelines, saying he will remain "an active member of our community. and with his son now chairman, big changes aren't expected as this transition plays out. chloe melas, nbc news, new york and up next, deliveries now come at any hour of the day or night, but is our quest for convenience putting people at risk a new investigation, after this back now with our nbc news investigation, in collaboration with tech and business publication "the information. looking at the independent contractors amazon uses to deliver packages often at odd hours, and the sometimes deadly danger they face here's stephanie gosk. >> reporter: at the heart of amazon's succeed is speed more deliveries faster at all times of the day. to make that happen, the company relies at least in part on a program called flex. >> amazon flex is a program where independent contractors can go pick up delivery routes. >> reporter: independent contractors makes it sound very official these are just regular people, right? >> yes >> reporter: regular people like george hunt, who drive their own cars to make deliveries, often either very early or very late. almost your entire shift is in the dark >> oh, yeah, absolutely i beat the sunrise every morning when i'm done >> good job! >> reporter: the extra cash helping his young family, which is how he ended up making a delivery around 4:30 a.m. on the south side of chicago in 2022 outside the car, with package in hand, he heard the engine rev behind him >> i kind of turned around, almost dumbfounded you i'm not piecing together, this is literally a carjacking happening. >> reporter: and then he says the carjacker pulled a gun >> he fired one shot, it hit me in the shoulder i heard more shots >> reporter: one bell let went through his leg. the other lodged just short of his spinal cord his story, one of several uncovered by a report in "the information," a tech and business publication, raising questions about flex drivers' safety >> they're not required the wear vests, they use their own cars, and if bad things happen to them on the job, generally amazon says, it's not our fault, you're not our employee >> reporter: reporter theo waite found five flex drivers shot in four separate incidents since 2022 five others he spoke with said they had guns drawn on them by homeowners and he found dozens of unverified accounts in chat groups. >> homeowners were just seeing someone drive up in an unmarked car and being, you know, baffled about who this person could be in their driveway. >> reporter: basically, homeowners are coming out scared >> right that's right >> reporter: in a statement, amazon says these incidents with guns are tragedies, but are exceedingly rare, adding, safety is a priority, and the company is continually investing to protect drivers. flex drivers choose among available routes, and an app allows them to communicate directly with customers. they can refuse to deliver a package if they arrive and feel unsafe, according to company policy >> while we technically had the right to refuse a route, we risk deactivation >> reporter: hunt says this sign was posted at the delivery station last year when he was shot "you may choose to leave the route, but will not be given another," it says. the sign was removed more than a year and a half ago, and was a violation of company policy, according to amazon. now hunt is suing for workers compensation to pay his medical bills. and he moved his family to south bend, indiana, where he continues to pick up routes for amazon, staying extra vigilant >> my wife and i are saving to buy a house. i mean, any extra money certainly helps. >> reporter: the money, he says, is good, and his family needs it stephanie gosk, nbc news, south bend, indiana. up next for us tonight, today's emotional reunion, after an incredible rescue at sea finally, the dramatic rescue at sea, and the emotional reunion today between a man and those who saved his life here's sam brock >> we will never forget how you didn't just save one young man's life, but you saved an entire family >> reporter: for a village of first responders, tears, hugs, and gratitude from the gregorys their son charlie disappeared at sea for nearly 40 hours last month off the coast of st. augustine. when you're out there in the middle of the ocean, what did you think were the chances of your survival? >> zero. >> reporter: zero? >> zero, for sure. >> reporter: you thought you were going to die? >> oh, 100%. i was sure i was going to die, it was just a matter of when. >> reporter: charlie tells me his 3:00 a.m. fishing trip was in the intracoastal close to land, but when a wave knocked over his boat and dumped his flares and cell phone out, he was whisked away 12 miles, with no working motor. >> just died on me >> reporter: his eight-foot aluminum boat submerged in water was surrounded by sharks the same size. >> god, i saw probably 20 or 30 my whole time being out there. >> reporter: the odds of a reunion, minuscule at best, with several agencies in the water, and the u.s. coast guard by air looking for a coconut in the ocean. until the radar picked up something >> one of the happiest days of my career. >> reporter: the shock from charlie's parents evident on that day in early august >> i should never give up hope. never give up on the big guy. >> reporter: and evident certainly now. >> he's alive. charlie's been found he's alive and we went from dead to living in a split second. >> reporter: a miracle reunion, but also, a restoration of sinking hope sam brock, nbc news, st. augustine. and that's "nightly news" for this thursday. thank you for wa watching i'm lester holt. please take care of yourself and each other. good night next on nbc bay area news tonight but a deadly day at the east bay toyota dealership. what we are learning about a shooting that left two people dead. to make clearer days ahead. we are tracking the spare the air alert and investigating the number of devices in the bay area to track air-quality. by that number may come as a surprise. to make good evening. this is

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Students , Bus , Highway , Embankment , Breaking News , High School , Crash , Adults , New York , Camp , Horror , Two , Biden , Border , Administration , Surge , Protections , Authorities , Dozens , Cause , A Million , Child , Rio Grande , Texas , Tragedy , Discovery , Move , State Of Emergency , Border Town , 3 , One , Missiles Zelenskyy , Police , Hospital , Meeting , Manhunt , Child Sex Offender , Trap , Fentanyl Exposure , Images , Ukrainian , 1 , Rue , Aid , Fox News , Congress , Media Empire , Chair , White House , Storm Warning , Plea , Creator , Murdoch , Support Fades , Republican , East Coast , Sea , Reunion , Evening , Nbc Nightly News , Lester Holt , Life Announcer , Scene , Parent , Breath , School Trip , Hair , Governor , Disaster Scene , Condition , Extent , Teams , Ems , Five , Reporter , People , Emilie Ikeda , U S , Details , Injured , 44 , Women , Many , Word , Freshman , Ravine , Ntsb Is En Route To Investigation , Officials , 43 , 77 , 50 , Medevac , Hospitals , Freshmen , Band Camp , Equipment , Nbc News Investigation , Accident , Front , Tire , Buses , Six , Way , Emergency Response , Windows , Ladder Leading , Farmingdale High School , Ropes , Long Island , Pennsylvania , 00 , 60 , Grandson , Side , Patricia , Responders , Trip , Sides , Road Traffic , Interstate , Photo , Friend , Person , Friends , Class , Edward Hoschler , Face , Stuff , Daughter , Community College , Reunification Center , It , Nothing , Children , Course , Parents , Kids Reporter , Most , School Officials , Everyone Else , Migrants , Some , Numbers , Thank You , Grief Counselors , Opportunity , Policy , Country Morgan Chesky , Work , Record Numbers , Southern Border , Bide N , Eagle Pass , Mayor , Migrant Surge , Response , Town , 2500 , 24 , Something , Help , Situation , Thousands , Call , Consequence , Resources , Walking , Line , Border Patrol , Nbc News , Crisis , Official , Record , Logistics , Troops , On Wednesday , Set In May Tonight , 800 , 9000 , 10000 , Language , Journey , Bridge , Men , Staff , Venezuela , Wefound , Policy Change , Giving Temporary Legal Status , Yulia , Shelter , Deportation , Work Permits , Mother , San Antonio , Others , Family , Health , Kids , Republicans , Boy , Policies , Crossing , Drownings , Video , Greg Abbott , Floodgates , Border Agents , Crossings , Wire , Writing , Fence , Video Showing , Texas Installed Razor Wire , Immigration Crisis , Leaders , Mexico , Mexican , Water , Agents , Tom Llamas , Lester Morgan Chesky , Indication , Big Question , Tom , Families , Processing Center , Arteries , Vans , Sheriff , Chance , Amount , Agent , Wives , Males , Few , Problem , Law Enforcement , Sky , Idea , Day Care , Trains , Weather , Wall , Twist , Fentanyl , Search , Area , Exposure , Dru Paraphernalia , Quantity , Narcotics , Trap Door , Inside , Sex Offender , Murder , Murder Suspect , Owner , Indiana , Manhunts , Tenant , Kathy Park , Missouri , Let Go , Warning , Louis Hospital , A St , Bus Stops , Wayne Boyd , Schools , Surveillance Video , Activities , Security , Sentence , 4 , 30 , 45 , Estate , Partners , Corrections , Effort , Street , Capacity , 11 , Office , Kevin Mason , Custody , Indianapolis , Jail , Terror , Girlfriend , Criminal , 28 , Information , Midwest , Sightings , Cities , Option , Actions , Public , Men Authorities , Edge , Loose , Release , The Sheriff , Lester Kathy Park , Attacks , President , Home , Skepticism , Washington , Russian , Sk , Visit , Wife , Mr , Peter Alexander , Push , Zelenskyy Tonight Punctuating , War , Nation , Freedom , Discussion , Red Carpet , First Lady , Reality , Fact , World , Polls , Assistance , Memorial , Zelenskyy , Support , Laying A Breathe , Ukraine Waning , 9 11 , 24 Billion , 4 Billion , Senators , Opposition , Stakes , Quote , Pentagon , Billions , Funding , Growing , Letter , 29 , Accountability Reporter , Wave , Forces , Issues , Power Plants , Russia , Military Funds , 325 Million , 25 Million , Lobbying , Head , Parts , Weekend Washout , Winds , Storm Warnings , Effect , Mid Atlantic Heavy Rain , New England , Forecast , Flooding Wind , Rain , Places , Potential , Media Figures , Media Legacy , Note , Retirement , Nbc S Chloe Melas , Billionaire Media Titan , News Corp , 70 , Keeping A Title Of Chairman Emeritus , Employees , Roles , Globe , Torch , Chairman , Decision , Companies , Son Lachlan , 92 , Company , Things , Son , Father , News , Empire , Buying Tabloids , Media , Careers , Passions , End , Storied , Resignation , Outlet , Conservative , Australia , To Britain , New York Post , Australian Media Titan , 1980 , 1996 , Being , Controversy , Cable , Settlement , Allegations , Scandal , Dominion Voting Systems , 787 Million , 87 Million , Sidelines , Community , Firing , Network , Stars , Member , Tucker Carlson , Deliveries , Big Changes Aren T , Quest , Risk , Convenience , Transition , Tech And Business Publication , Collaboration , Back , Amazon , Stephanie Gosk , Times , Packages , Speed , Heart , Danger , Program , Pick Up Delivery Routes , Flex , Part , Amazon Flex , George Hunt , Cars , Job , In The Dark Oh , Shift , Sunrise , Package , Car , Cash , Engine Rev , Delivery , Hand , Him , South Side , Chicago , 2022 , One Bell Let , Shots Reporter , Gun , Carjacking Happening , Shoulder , Carjacker , One Shot , Flex Drivers , Safety , Report , Several , Questions , Story , Leg , Spinal Cord , Wear Vests , Reporter Theo Waite , Employee Reporter , Incidents , Fault , Four , Homeowners , Guns , Driveway , Someone , Accounts , Chat Groups , Right , Statement , Priority , Drivers , Tragedies , App , Routes , Customers , Route , Company Policy , Sign , Delivery Station , Another , Half , Violation , South Bend , House , Workers Compensation , Bills , Money , Rescue , Life , Man , Sam Brock , Son Charlie , Family Reporter , Village , Tears , Gratitude , Hugs , Gregorys , Ocean , Of St , Chances , Coast , Middle , Survival , Matter , Augustine , Zero , Sure , 100 , 40 , Boat , Land , Cell Phone Out , Intracoastal , Flares , Motor , Fishing Trip , 12 , Agencies , Sharks , Size , Coconut , Odds , Air Looking , God , U S Coast Guard , Minuscule , 20 , Eight , Career , Hope , Radar , Shock , Big Guy , A Miracle Reunion , St , Split Second , Hope Sam Brock , Care , Each Other , Iowa , Nbc Bay Area , Shooting , Dealership , Learning , East Bay , Toyota , Number , Devices , Surprise , Bay Area ,

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