Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240618 :

Transcripts For KNTV NBC 20240618

the latest as firefighters work to save homes. good morning and thank you for joining us for our midday newscast. i'm marcus washington. well while the north bay fire continues to burn, we have seen some progress in containment as of this morning, cal fire increased containment to 40. the point fire has already burned more than 1200 acres, destroying two homes and a local state of emergency has been declared for that area. we have team coverage for you. meteorologist kari hall is watching the weather and those conditions firefighters are dealing with. but first, let's go to nbc bay area's ginger conejero saab. she's live for us over at soma air attack base in santa rosa. any updates there? ginger good morning. marcus. we've actually changed locations. we are now at the incident command base here in cloverdale, where that hard work continues as well as on the front lines of that point. fire. just a movement of the fire trucks behind us moments ago. they're definitely still working hard to contain this fire. but the good news is containment has doubled overnight with their work overnight, it was 20% yesterday. today the point fire is now 40% contained and it remains at just over 1200 acres. now, we are told that lower temperatures and lower wind speeds also helped with this. the weather was very much cooperative last night. higher humidity levels as well have kept this fire under control. today the work continues with more than 400 fire personnel, 50 engines and ten dozers on scene to continue battling the flames. an evacuation order remains for people living in the area of dry creek valley, which is home to several private vineyards, so far, two structures have burned and one firefighter was transported with non-life threatening injuries. the sonoma county sheriff's office released video of that rescue of the firefighter yesterday, reminding us just how dangerous the front lines of these wildfires can quickly get. cal fire reminds the public those who are asked to evacuate should do so because conditions can quickly change, especially as we are officially in wildfire season for some areas. what we are seeing is the conditions are changing here in northern california to where we're starting to see more of those large active fires. so i can't tell you if there are going to be them. but what we can see with what's already happened is there is the potential for those fires to occur. now, at this point, we don't know if those evacuations orders for dry creek valley will be lifted or will change at some point today, we'll keep our eyes out for that. marcus, as you mentioned, there is still that local state of emergency emergency that was declared by sonoma county. so far, those two structures have been the only ones that have been reported. we do know that there are crews assessing more damage today, and they are expected to give an update later on in the evening. but at this point, cal fire says there are no other structures that are actively threatened by the point fire. so a bit of good news here. after a scary weekend for many people in the area and in the surrounding in the nearby healdsburg area as well. marcus. absolutely. all right. ginger conejero saab for us ginger. thank you. meteorologist kari hall joining us now. and karen, we heard ginger say the conditions last night were good for those firefighters which probably helped get to that 40% containment. what conditions are we looking at today? it's still not bad. i mean, we're still getting mostly calm wind. our highest wind gusts so far is at five miles per hour, but the humidity is dropping that relative humidity that you're seeing. that's how much moisture is within the air. and so we're seeing that we initially had wind gusts 30 to up to 30mph around that area. that caused that fire to spread fairly quickly. but now we're seeing things improve. but we can all see this hazy sky that we have overhead with all of the smoke that's coming in. and this is not necessarily from the point fire. it may be adding to it, but we also have several other fires that are burning across the region into the sacramento valley, as well as another one that is just to the east of clear lake. and so we're seeing all of this smoke coming in, but we are expecting things to improve as we go into this afternoon, into the evening, but once again very hazy. you might want to limit your time outside. we'll talk about why we are seeing these colorful sunrises and sunsets and the role that the smoke plays in that, and also more favorable weather in our microclimate forecast. that's coming up in a few minutes. marcus. gary, thank you. well, it's not just sonoma county seeing the impact of fire season this morning. firefighters are scrambling to slow down those flames in multiple spots across northern california that includes this one right here in colusa county. now this is time lapse video of that fire burning northeast of clear lake. napa county sheriff's office is warning that that heavy smoke making a big push into napa. this fire started yesterday, and so far it has burned 10,000 acres with no containment. meanwhile, evacuations are in place. this is due to the fast moving wildfire in calaveras county. this is new video just in showing conditions last night on the front lines of the arrow fire. and as you can see, there, crews were fighting those flames by air. and on the ground. now that fire is burning and copperopolis area. this is about 40 miles east of stockton. starting yesterday, it has burned more than 5000 acres so far. no containment there either . now we are streaming the latest updates on the fire in sonoma county, both on air as well as online. now, the qr code there on your screen is going to take you to the how to page on streaming. you can also search nbc bay area on roku, pluto or any other streaming platform. well, happening later today, the city of richmond will vote on whether to put an additional tax on the chevron refinery. nbc bay area's bob redell joining us live out there. and, bob, i know you spoke with one of the environmentalists who actually proposed the measure. what is driving all of this and that potential increase in taxes? yeah. good morning to you. we're talking about an increase in tax on chevron. good morning to you, marcus. the people pushing for this proposed tax measure on chevron says that the oil companies refinery in richmond is responsible for asthma rates, that according to the state, are in the top 10% compared to other communities in california. i blame chevron for all the health impacts that i am still experiencing. you know, my family getting sick, passing away from asthma, you know, to show up in support of what's happening. and we just spoke with sandy saturn, who you just heard from. she's a member of the asian pacific environmental network action, which is behind this proposed tax. and she's also a lifelong resident of richmond who says she has suffered breathing problems because of chevron spills and flare ups over the years. and she blames the refinery for giving her ten year old son cancer when he was 14 months old. he is now in remission. later this afternoon, the richmond city council will vote on whether or not to put this new oil refining business tax measure on the ballot for voters in november. the tax would be based on the number of barrels of oil being refined by chevron. it could generate tens of millions of dollars a year for the city's general fund. the bay area air quality management district estimates that each year in richmond, between 5 and 11 people die prematurely because of emissions from the chevron refinery. sandy satan is asking chevron to just be a better neighbor. i've lived here for over 40 years and they've been here for over 100 years. i don't see them volunteering to do anything that a good neighbor would do. i don't see them volunteering to, you know, give money that the city needs for these crucial services and for our health benefits. i don't see them, you know, saying like, okay, let's actually, you know, be safer and let's actually do real upgrades to their finery so that the residents here can have, you know, cleaner air to breathe. i did reach out to chevron this morning. they released this statement that reads in part, this is a punitive tax that could be used to fund pet projects of the activist council members that brought it forward and was written without any accountability for how they spend it. we have been very responsive to city and community requests. we work nonstop to operate safely and reliably, reduce our environmental footprint and support our community. we need policies that encourage investment, increase job opportunities, improve air quality. this tax will do the opposite. last month, an oil industry trade group called the western states petroleum association told kqed that an additional tax would make gas more expensive at stations like the one behind me. now, a number of people plan to show up this afternoon at that meeting at the richmond city council in support of this tax measure, sandy saturn says they already have at least more than 1200 people who have written letters in support of that measure. reporting live, bob redell, nbc, bay area news. all right, bob, thank you. well some relief for families with mixed immigration status. president biden preparing an announcement, protection from deportation. this is for a half million undocumented immigrants who are the spouses or children of u.s. citizens. nbc bay area's kris sanchez joining us now. and, kris, this is not a move well received on both sides of the aisle. well, no. so the biden administration is calling this a path to citizenship, while republicans are calling it mass amnesty. the president is expected to make the announcement while marking the 12th year anniversary of daca, the deferred action for childhood arrivals. the president wants to make it easier for so-called dreamers who earn a college degree in the u.s. to then get a job in the same field in the u.s. but the big new action today would make nearly 500,000 undocumented immigrants eligible for green cards and work permits on a case by case basis, without having to leave the country. during that process. that's a change. this would apply to spouses of u.s. citizens and about 50,000 undocumented children who are within those marriages. it applies to immigrants in the u.s. for at least ten years and married as of yesterday, june 17th, but no one with a criminal record. now, recently, the president limited the number of asylum seekers. while the republicans say that his strategy is misguided, the president is certainly going to continue to address what we're seeing at the border. the challenges at the border. president biden's border policies have resulted in a crisis. now, this is likely something that is going to come up during the presidential debate, which is a week from thursday on june 27th. marcus. all right. thanks so much, chris. well, coming up for you, a day at the beach did not fare well for one man. he's attacked by a shark down in southern california. want to talk about the moment he knew he was bitten by that well i don't know if you know but i did manage to steal the moon. that moon? 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with 18 members of an open water swim group. it was a strong hit to my body. i knew i had been hit by a shark and i tussled with the animal for what was seconds. swim buddy kevin barrett heard him yelling for help. you know that? that's a real scream. on the second time, i struck the animal and i felt a softer tissue. i'm going to speculate that that was inside the shark's mouth, and i had several cuts on my hand and wrist. the shark disappeared by the time kevin got there, when i was swimming him in, the blood was just pouring out of his chest. we really just needed to get him. in short, as quickly as possible. lifeguard cameron whiting helped get caleb onto the beach. we could really see the traumatic extent of his injuries. and it was it was not pretty. cameron kept his hand under caleb's chin. he just said, just don't look down. caleb was amazingly calm. caleb was rushed into surgery his entire torso, a roadmap of shark bites and stitches. experts say attacks like the one caleb survived may become more frequent as waters get crowded this summer. it is very much a wild environment. anytime you're you're entering the ocean, though still extremely rare. last year saw an uptick in unprovoked shark attacks and fatalities. the u.s. had 36 unprovoked attacks in 2023, accounting for more than half half of the 69 incidents across the globe. florida leading the nation in attacks just this month, three swimmers off the florida panhandle were attacked by sharks in a single day. but west coast beaches are also a hot spot in california. barely two weeks after the shark attack, caleb has returned to the same beach with his wife, jenny. it's emotional being here, without question reflecting on those who stepped in to help. i have a beautiful community to lean on and i'm very thankful. gadi schwartz there reporting. well, we now know the results of this year's silicon valley pain index. that report from san jose state human rights institute revealing the worsening inequalities. now, here's a look at some of those stats. 46% of the employees laid off in tech from january 2023 to april 2024 were women, even though they make up 42% of those employed fentanyl deaths hit 205 in santa clara county last year. this is up from 160 in 2022, and the number of homeless students in alum rock and eastside union school districts, well, that has nearly tripled since 2020. well, we are just more than a month away from the 2024 paris olympic games right here on nbc, bay area and para olympics, paris olympic officials. well, they're actually talking about those plans to address the extreme heat during the games. they also plan to have meteorologists working there in the operation center 24/7. this is before and during the olympic games. and it comes as a new report just released, raises some concerns about the continuing to hold the international events in the summer. meteorologist kari hall, of course, is here for us right now. you have more on the climate and crisis for us. yes. and that's because climate change, you know, paris has gotten nearly six degrees hotter in mid-summer than when it first hosted the games in 1924, and a string of heat waves in recent years have killed thousands across france during the same time of the year. this morning, national climate reporter chase kane digs into the report and paris's plans to combat dangerous heat during the tokyo olympics. the dangerous combination of heat and humidity made it feel, at times like 116 degrees, the hottest olympics on record. eyes struggled to stay cool while just sitting in the skateboarding arena, so maybe no surprise that, according to a report from japanese doctors, at least 131 athletes needed medical treatment during the tokyo games because of heat. it's in an athlete's dna to push themselves to the absolute limits. you know, when we're talking about olympic games, the reason you're there is because you push your body to those limits within safe conditions. that's one thing. but when things get unsafe, yeah, it becomes pretty dangerous. this scottish rugby player is one of a dozen olympians sounding the alarm in advance of the games. and just last summer, heat waves across france killed 5000 people, another in 2003 killed at least 14,000. and that's the main concern highlighted in this report. i guess i still am just surprised of the timing of these olympics. i mean, we have seen such deadly heat waves in these exact location at this exact time. athletes are by far the most at risk here, but also people who are attending, people who are working, people who are outside. i think in a lot of places in the us and around the world, just summertime competitions, unless they're held in the middle of the night, are going to become essentially impossible. the international olympic committee says the health of athletes is a top concern, and paris 2024 says they will have free water stations across every venue, and they'll also consider shifting the time of outdoor competition. if temperatures top 90 degrees to the specific context of climate change, something paris's deputy mayor says they've been working for years to limit. as climate change makes paris increasingly hot, seven degrees fahrenheit for celsius is a big deal if you're in the middle of a heat wave, that's a big difference in temperature. yes, and it's dangerous. it's dangerous for daily life. and so we need to transform the city as fast as possible to protect people and to make the city more sustainable for the future generations. and that's why they've invested billions in planting trees to cool the city, adding bike lanes to cut emissions, and working to clean up the polluted river. positive steps to host the olympics and permanent benefits for 2 million parisians. thatas cse kane reporting. remember, you can on wat the olympics right here on nbc. bay area coverage starts on july 2h with the opening ceremony and goes through august 11th. you can also get full updates online on nbc. bay i cannot wait. i love the olympics. yes, i really just enjoy the opening ceremony. i could just sit there and watch that all day and it's going to be in the sin river too, so that's going to be even more fun. i'm looking forward to seeing the sights of paris. can't wait. all right, look, i can't wait for this forecast. i mean, before the heat up really comes. yeah. you know, it looks pretty good for us for a couple of days. and then for the inland valleys. it will get uncomfortable heading into the weekend as we check out our view. right now, this is what we've been talking about. all the fires burning nearby. and it's creating this hazy sky. but let's talk about why we only see certain hues in the sky when we do get a lot of smoke. so what happens is, especially in the morning, in the evening we see the shorter wavelengths of the color spectrum, not able to make it all the way through that layer of smoke. but the longer wavelengths, those colors, like red, orange and even pink, well, it makes it through the smoke. and that's why the sky looks orange or red early in the day or late in the evening. so most likely we're going to have another colorful sunset today and sunrise if we don't see this smoke mixing out. and as far as the relative humidity, this is such a critical part in the fires that we've seen. not only does lower humidity dry out the vegetation, but it also causes the fires that we do see, develop, spread more quickly. and we're going to see some single digit relative humidity. that's extremely dry air, but at least we will see the percentage of that relative humidity coming up early tomorrow morning. it's been pretty windy out there, especially along the coastline, and it's going to be breezy as we go throughout the day. here we are at 5:00. the wind in san francisco is at 32mph, and across the bay area it's about 2020 five miles per hour. plus in some spots and then eventually calming down later on tonight. temperatures are still pretty comfortable. we're in the mid to upper 80 for today in the inland east bay. a hayward in oakland, up to 77 degrees and 83 in novato, while san francisco will mostly be in the 60s. even cooler tomorrow. tomorrow will be the coolest day of the week as we get a brisk wind coming off of the ocean and helping to bring down those temperatures. but once that backs off, we're going to see the heat building. once again. here's a look at brentwood, which of course is one of our typical hotter spots. but we're going from highs in the 80s to upper 90s on friday and then peaking on saturday at 101 degrees. so we do have some high heat ahead as we are officially going to welcome in summer on thursday at 151 in the afternoon. we are going to have some mild weather then. but then on friday, our first full day of summer, it's going to be 90 degrees and even hotter on saturday. and as we saw, it's going to be hotter for some of those inland areas, not as much of a change in san francisco, but definitely a beautiful weekend on the way. marcus. all right. thanks, gary. well happening now. closing arguments are set to resume tomorrow in the state's case against the man who violently attacked paul pelosi inside of his san francisco home. david depape faces several charges in connection with that 2022 incident. the prosecutor has wrapped up their closing arguments yesterday. the defense will present their final case to the jury tomorrow. a judge dismissed the court counts on attempted murder, elder abuse and assault with a deadly weapon. this all against depape earlier this month. now he was previously sentenced to 30 years in prison in a separ t-mobile “savings”, take one. guys, focus. here's the line... “at t-mobile, you get tons of benefits, and you can still save versus the other guys.” focus! hello t-mobile... hold on... you might want to just... ok stop! just say it like this, “at t-mobile, you can save on every plan, and you get great benefits with magenta status”. 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quality issues. we've had temperatures inland in the upper 80s. cooler tomorrow. most of us in the 70 and summer officially begins on thursday afternoon. kuz will smith song. some are some summertime look thanks for joining us for our midday newscast kari and i will see you back here tomorrow morning starting at 5 a.m. an optimist. i see no difference. yes what is going on in you? get out of my room! get out! andy, are not lying. i didn't say anything. yes you did. what did you. say? smg saves you one, two, three with one lifetime installation warranty. two ways to shop at home or in their showrooms, plus free take home samples and free estimates. enduring shag carpets, beautiful floor sale. beautify your home with new flooring and save up to 25% off select carpet waterproof core hardwood and laminate up to 25. now that's beautiful and sanji more than carpet. go to sg carpet com for the showroom nearest you or to have their mobile showroom come to you. right now on california live, 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