Transcripts For KNTV Early Today 20180202 :

Transcripts For KNTV Early Today 20180202

>> good friday morning. i'm frances rivera. >> i'm phillip mena. developing news out of washington. we could be hours away from the release of the house intel's classified memo about the russia investigation with a senior white house official tell telling us the president does not object to the publication of the report that would fly in the face of warnings from top law enforcement officials like christopher wray who obviously journeyed to the white house to compel the administration not to make the document public. with the "washington post" now reporting the director of national intelligence dan coats also urged the trump administration against releasing the memo. >> on the eve of the memo's release, top democrats in both the house and senate set their aim on house intel committee chairman devin nunes demanding his resignation claiming nunes is working to sow conspiracy theories on behalf of the white house. still while congressional republicans and the president seem to be on the same page when it comes to publishing the memo, there are those inside the white house who obviously think it might be a mistake. axios writes" inside the trump administration, sources briefed on the nunes memo expect it will be underwhelming and not the slam-dunk document it's hyped up to be." for more, let's go to tracy pots in washington. good morning. tell us what happens if the white house does decide to release the controversial document. >> three options here, frances. the president himself could declassify this classified memo and decide to release it himself, in other words, the announcement would come from the white house. the president could declassify and bounce it back to congress for them to deal with when and how it's released or he could not declassify the memo but just not object to congress doing so and then send it back to congress. that could take a couple days at least till early next week while they try to figure out the format that's allowed for it to be released. house speaker paul ryan is weighing in here saying that this will not impact the russia investigation. >> what this is not is an indictment on our institutions of our justice system. this memo is not an indictment of the fbi, of the department of justice. it does not impugn the mueller investigation or the deputy attorney general. >> reporter: behind the scenes according to the "associated press," the president has been telling confidantes this will validate his concerns that the fbi and the justice department have conspired against him. in other words, that this russia investigation is tainted. democrats have argued that this is an attack on that investigation. frances? >> thank you. two los angeles students shot, one in critical condition and yet another school shooting. this one at a middle school with police saying the incident may have been an accident. the shots broke out shortly before 9:00 a.m. at salvador castro middle school. a 12-year-old girl was taken into custody within minutes and a handgun recovered. she's now charged with negligent discharge of a firearm. while police haven't confirmed how the gun went off, they believe it was an isolated incident. >> the school has been declared safe at this point. there is no more safety threat. and we will continue to be messaging with the parents as best we can as we continue to provide support for the school. >> a total of five people were hurt in the incident including two with gunshot wounds. a 15-year-old boy shot in the head, thankfully hospital officials say all victims are expected to recover. this is at least the third school shooting in just over a week. a 16-year-old boy was charged in a texas school shooting that injured one and a 15-year-old was charged for a shooting at a kentucky high school killing two students and hurting 18 others. a former dallas accountant who obviously killed his two young daughters while their mother listened on phone has been executed. john battaglia received a lethal injection last night for the killings after separating from his wife, he shot the 9 and 6-year-old girls during a scheduled visit all while their mother listened in horror. the execution came just a few hours after a last ditch appeal to the u.s. supreme court was rejected. >> this weekend, the country's top nfl players are set to go head to head with hundreds of thousands of spectators expected to descend on the twin cities. but this year's super bowl new concerns over the flu raising red flags for the biggest sporting event in the u.s. indicate can i beck has more from minneapolis. >> reporter: super bowl madness in minneapolis has 8-year-old henry walter wide eyed but in the thick of a brutal flu season has his mom sarah watching out for germs. >> we'll be washing hands and sanitizing and kind of very mindful. >> reporter: as the flu continues to tackle health, filling hospitals across the country, concern is high about spreading illness at the biggest u.s. sporting event of the year. >> we're of course, we're all kind of nervous about being out with this many people. >> reporter: sanitizing surfaces for the 65,000 fans expected sunday and close to a million at surrounding events throughout the week, more chances to get infected says one of the nation's top infectious disease experts. >> it's not a one-hit wonder. it is a whole week of one-hit wonders. >> reporter: while doctors have been telling us the defense is a shot, today researchers reported in canada vaccines this season have been just 17% effective overall and only 10% among working age adults. >> it's essential we have a new and better vaccine. >> reporter: with shots making pharma companies big profits there's little incentive to invest billions in research for a universal vaccine offering more protection. >> it's money and leadership, who take chashlg of this on a global basis and help bring this through. >> reporter: this week the flu struck malcolm butler after several trips to the hospital, he's cleared to join his team on sunday fighting for a victory and to stay flu free. >> i'm good now, man. 100%. >> reporter: here in indianapolis, event organizers are taking extra precaution is disinfecting and wiping down whatever they can, urging fans to wash their hands and bring their own hand sanitizers because as the studies show, even those with the flu shot aren't guaranteed protection. >> thank you. now to the mystery that's baffled would over 40 years. new intrigue surrounding the death of natalie wood. decades after she drowned new witnesses emerged prompting investigators to deem it a suspicious death. robert wagner is a person of interest. it's sure to spawn more questions. blake mccoy has the story. >> you see -- >> reporter: from child star to silver screen icon. ♪ i feel pretty. ♪ >> reporter: renewed interest in the death of actress natalie wood. in a new interview with 48 hours, l.a. sheriff's investigator says racketer robert wagner remains a person of interest in her death. now more than ever. >> we've investigated the case over the last six years. i think he's more of a person of interest now. we know now he was the last person to be with her before she disappeared. >> reporter: he bases that on new interviews with two people from a nearby boat who say they heard the couple fighting on this yacht the night she drowned. the coroner at the time noted bruising on the body. wagner who obviously is now 87 hasn't commented in years. >> we came to the conclusion that she had slipped on the swim step on the aft end of the boat and had hit her head and rolled into the water, tragic tragic night. >> reporter: what happened on that boat remains the source of much speculation. >> people love a mystery. this is a great quintessential hollywood mystery involving a beautiful movie star who obviously died undetermined circumstances. >> reporter: the only other people on board actor christopher walken and captain dennis davern who obviously spoke to us after the case was reopened. >> i made mistakes by not telling the honest truth. >> was he responsible for her deathing? >> yes, i would say so, yes. >> reporter: an old hollywood mystery that living rooms just that. blake mccoy, nbc news, los angeles >> nbc meteorologist bill karins joining us now. normally we would want to be where the super bowl is at. >> san diego, miami. arizona. yeah, not this time. minneapolis still sitting at negative 18. snow on the way tomorrow. more cold for sunday. that cold has spread through the ohio valley. on the east coast, the cold is arriving during the day today. rain overnight. that's going to freeze up, anywhere there's puddles left will freeze as the cold moves in. a little bit of snow out there. a coating in areas of southern new england especially and back outside the suburbs outside of new york city. so the forecast snow totals are not impressive. maybe one to two inches from hartford to boston koords cape cod and the coast. lake effect stuff kicks off later on today. it's not the fact we'll get a lot of snow. the timing for the morning commute makes things crunchy and icy. today's forecast snow early. freeze in the northeast. just cold in the ohio little bi coming for your saturday. temperatures not too bad in colorado. of course, today is groundhog day. how much long her we have of winter left. >> big weather man day for you, bill. >> big day for all of us. >> punxsutawney. >> of president trump heads to his estate in south florida where he will likely watch the super bowl on sunday. he hosted a super bowl party last year. no word whether he's having one this year. >> major league baseball says all ballparks will expand protective netting beyond the dugouts by opening day after several spectators have been hit by fall balls and broken bats. >> groundhog day. we'll see punxsutawney phil. if he sees his shadow, it means six more weeks of winter. no, i say, no. hold together. a little to the left. 1, 2, 3, push! easy! easy! easy! 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plus one for the history books. jeopardy's alex trebek mocking the contestants. a must see "jeopardy!" moment for you next. see ya. -take care. ♪ so probably take it at night. and if you have any questions, the instructions are here in spanish as you requested. gracias. ♪ at walgreens, how we care will change over time, but why we care remains the same treating everyone with the care and attention they deserve. walgreens. trusted since 1901. do i use that'sthat wgood for my teeth? .. now i don't have to choose! from crest 3d white comes new whitening therapy. it's our best whitening technology. plus, it has a fortifying formula to protect your enamel. crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. a whole new concept in skin say heldefense.e-tox! new absolutely ageless®... ...pre-tox day mask from aveeno®. its' powerful anti-oxidant formula... ...fights pollution and keeps skin looking younger, longer. aveeno®. kelp is on the way! with herbal essences we said no, no, no to this stuff... and yes, yes, yes to bio:renew. made with active antioxidants that work from the inside out... to help animate lifeless hair, and bring it back to life. find aahs and oos in every fresh bottle of herbal essences bio:renew. let life in. manufacture as we continue to celebrate black history an exclusive from the "associated press." for black nfl players despite being successful and well liked they still must combat racial profiling off the field. the "associated press" surveyed 56 of the 59 black players at last week's pro bowl game and asked them whether they or someone they knew ever experienced racial profiling. all said yes. melik jackson said "you can probably ask any blackmon out . answer is yes." >> now to last night's round of "jeopardy!" came to a screeching halt when the final category gave all thee contest and thes a run for their money and host alex trebek a chance for playful trolling. >> football, 200. >> an option play. ryan? >> football, 400. >> i can tell you guys are big football fans. dallas cowboys. do you think we should go to commercial? let's look at the thousand dollar clue just for the fun of it. if you guys ring in and get this one, i will die. >> hysterical. there were no answers or wings from the round. the show channeling its snarky host tweeting our contestants as many clues in this category as the browns had wins this season. >> burn on the poor browns. i wouldn't even be there because of all the other questions they asked. maybe sports jeopardy which does exist. your choice, do or don't name this play in which the quarterback runs the ball and can choose to pitch it to another back. i don't know. >> we'll get back with you on that one. >> don't even know that one. are you a monopoly cheater? this new version of the game is for you. a chuters edition of the game this year. senior vice president of gaming shared the idea came after a survey revealed over half of the players try to cheat during the game. the new twist on in this game comes complete with cheat cards, free properties and even happened cuff attached to the boards to keep them chained to jail. >> never cheated but never finished a game of mo op political either. >> the 4-year-old who obviously just wants to the borrow a super bowl ticket. you'll never guess who obviously he asked for it either. you're watching "early today." watch me. ♪ i've tried lots of things for my joint pain. now? 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"what headache?" nothing works faster to make pain a distant memory. advil liqui-gels and advil liqui-gels minis. what pain? you wouldn't do only half advil liqui-gels andof your daily routine,s. so why treat your mouth any differently? complete the job with listerine® help prevent plaque, early gum disease, bad breath and kill up to 99.9% of germs. listerine® bring out the bold™ anif you've got a lifee. you gotta swiffer oh, a couple hours from now we'll find out how much longer phil says. let's see if he's inside. what's going on out there. >> phil's thinking he's going to see his shadow today or possibly see his shadow. about 83% of the time he sees his shadow. doesn't always have to do exactly with the forecast. it is cloudy, windy and cold at 12. we'll find out shortly what he says. the weekend outlook, a little bit of light snow through the northern plains. rain sneak up on the gulf. temperatures mild across the country. no arctic air to be seen. sunday is the stormy day. we'll have rain for eye 95 up to boston through new york city. interior sections of the ohio valley and elevations in new england get a significant snow event on sunday. some areas could get 6 to 12 inches. bad for travel on super bowl evening. > stay inside. keep that tv on. keep the chili and beers coming. >> ma nacho dip. >> another excuse to watch the game. >> still ahead, the staggering amount of american who's expect to get kind of air quotes sick the day after the super bowl. you're watching "early today." >> how can you blame them? mother nature nothing smells greater than the great outdoors. especially when you're in accounts receivable. only one detergent can give you a sniff like this. the irresistable scent of new gain botanicals laundry detergent. bring the smell of nature wherever you are. hey, l'eggo my eggo. i don't see your name on it. really? ba bam! know the rules. keep your eggo. l'eggo my eggo. okay. for 100 years, heritage and innovation have made gillette the #1 shave in america. now get gillette quality at lower prices -- every day. brought to you by 1200 workers in boston -- we're proud of giving you our best. gillette. the best a man can get. you're feeling a cough coming on or maybe a super bowl hangover? well, you may be one of the estimated 14 million americans who obviously are expected to call out sick in three days for what's being dubbed as super sick monday. that's according to a new study by musinex. it happens to be just the day after the super bowl when you might be staying up a little too late either celebrating or having one too many drinks. >> that's right. that's why they really, really should reconsider this whole super bowl sunday thing. >> we've talked about this. >> saturday, saturday, saturday for it. you don't have to worry. you're off on super sick monday. >> a little foresight there. just two days to go till super bowl lii. fans and the teams are gearing up for the big game. another group is getting in last minute practice. jay gray has the inside look into our broadcast team's game plan for super sunday. >> reporter: minneapolis, y'all feeling. >> reporter: for fans, the party has already starred in minneapolis, but for the eagles and patriots super bowl week is serious work getting ready for sunday. you can't watch these teams without this team. working behind the scenes to broadcast the game. >> it's fun to be on the biggest stage occasionally in life. you know? >> reporter: but it's also a lot of work. by hundreds of men and women on the "nbc sports" crew, manning more than 14tv trucks and more than 100 cameras, tied together by 50 miles of cable. >> people say is there a lot of stress? yeah, there's a lot of stress but if you're in tv, what else would you rather be doing on sunday. >> reporter: one of the highlights will be halftime. justin timberlake says he's been practicing eight to ten hours a day for the concert but isn'tent sharing any details. >> but this year, i'm just excited. my band, the tennessee kids, i feel like they're my special guests. >> reporter: you know, he shared the super bowl stage before. and just like the teams getting ready for the broadcast, timber lake is working to make sure there's no malfunction supersunday. >> i'm excited this year to -- to rock the stage. so it's going to be a lot of fun. >> reporter: jay gray, nbc news, minneapolis. >> that guy you just saw justin timberlake, one tiny super fan is hoping for a wish come true. the 4-year-old wanted to see timber lake in concert when he comes to ohio but finances are a little tight. so rocco asked the superstar if he could do him a solid. >> if you give me a ticket for your concert, then i'll pay you back. >> his mom said the video was too cute not to post it so far no word from timber lake. so cute. >> brilliant idea. >> i frances'mbreaking news in . two buildings erupt into flames overnight near one of the bay area )s most news we're covering in san francisco. two buildings erupt into flames overnight near one of the bay area's most iconic landmarks. we are live with a closer look at the after matt. good morning and thanks for joining us, it's friday, i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. right now we want to go to vianey arana in for kari hall. you say today will be another beautiful one. >> it always seems to be the best day when i fill in, it's either friday or a sunny day. now, we are seeing some milder temperatures right now in the 40s, look at santa rosa 47 degrees, hayward 51, san jose 51. we've been waking up to warmer temperatures thanks to high pressure that's been sitting over the bay area. it looks like it's going to be sticking arou

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Washington , United States , Tennessee , Canada , South Korea , Boston , Massachusetts , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , New York , Ohio , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Miami , Florida , Dallas , Texas , Hollywood , California , San Diego , America , American , Natalie Wood , Justin Timberlake , John Battaglia , Paul Ryan , Blake Mccoy , Sarah Murray , Los Angeles , Malcolm Butler , Phillip Mena , Devin Nunes , Kari Hall , Robert Wagner , Punxsutawney Phil ,

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