Transcripts For KNTV Early Today 20170629 :

Transcripts For KNTV Early Today 20170629

and we say it every year. be care of those fireworks. good thursday morning. i'm frances rivera. today president donald trump's travel ban finally goes into effect. restricting entrance from those six predominantly muslim countries and flying into the u.s. becomes that much harder for everyone, with new security in place affecting all flights coming into the country as they try to stay ahead of potential new terror plots. tom costello has details of. >> reporter: the new security steps being phased in this summer will affect 2,000 flights every day coming from 105 countries. every flight to the u.s. from abroad. the new procedures could include more thorough carry-on back chec checks, more bomb-sniffing dogs and next generation bag screening technology. >> unless we all raise our security standards, terrorists who seek commercial aviation as the greatest take down will find and attack the weakest link. trip to new measures come as isis found a way to smuggle explosives into laptop computers. since march, they have been required to bag check any electron being device larger than a cell phone. the u.s. would expand all flights globally but flights and for governments and frequent flyers complained. >> officials have to balance security issues they see with the invention this will cause airlines and travellers. >> reporter: if any airline doesn't meet security requirements, homeland security could ban all flights or electronics smaller than a cell phone. in phoenix american airlines and tsa are already testing advance 3-d scanners to more thoroughly screen bags. >> developing overnight new details on a scandal rocking the vatican. australian police accused cardinal george pell who is pope francis' chief finance adviser of historic sexual offenses. pell facing the media issued this statement. >> i have been completely consistent and clear in my total rejection of these allegations. court proceedings now offer me an opportunity to clear my name. >> we go to rome this morning. claudio, good morning. what can you tell us about the cardinal and these charges? >> reporter: good morning. he is the highest ranking catholic ever to be charged with, issual offenses. he's also the third highest ranking official here at the vatican after hope francis and the secretary of state. he's in charge of finances here, equivalent to the u.s. secretary of the treasury. the australian police did not go into the details, only saying that they are historical sexual abuse charges. they said these are alleged sexual abuses carried out decades ago when he was still a priest in 1970s in australia or as an archbishop in melbourne. apart from being the highest ranking catholic in australia he's the highest ranking catholic in the whole catholic church. he looks forward to the day he can clear his name in court. he called this a character assassination and thank pope francis for allowing a leaf of absence to travel to australia to clear his name and prove his innocence. it's still unclear whether this leave of absence is a nice way for the pope to allow him to step down from his job. >> thank you. now to republicans scrambling as the clock winds down on their last attempt to save obamacare replacement plan. some gop members start to make overtures to their colleagues on the other side of the aisle while bracing for angry constituents as they head home for their july 4th break. kasie hunt has more. >> reporter: after a devastating delay, protests and arrests as republicans head back into secret negotiations to crack a new health care deal by friday a last-ditch attempt to transform 1/6 of the economy with just republican votes. >> we'll continue working to bring legislation to the floor for debate and ultimately a vote. >> could have a big surprise with a great health care package. >> reporter: after seven years of promising to repeal obamacare and six months of gop control of the white house and congress, a new reality is starting to sink in. >> if we don't reach an agreement by friday, it's probably the end of a sole party effort health care. >> reporter: senator john mccain asked if a friday deal could be happen. >> if pigs can fly. >> mccain is one of several republican senators already asking for a bipartisan bill. >> i said all along i thought we should talk to the democrats from the beginning. >> that's what we should have done from the beginning. >> reporter: president trump dismissing overtures from chuck schumer. >> he's done a lot of bad talking. he just doesn't seem like a serious person. >> reporter: senators bracing for anger as they try to answer for a bill that loin 16% of americans support, according to a new quinnipiac poll. health care will be just one of several developments on the white house's agenda as it eyes a house vote cracking down on undocumented immigrants and welcomes the visiting head of state while fighting off reports of protests and conflict of interest after what some say was a questionable fundraising event at his own d.c. hotel last night. here is the crowd chanting as the president's motorcade rolled i in. [ crowd chanting ] >> for more we're joined by tracie potts from washington. what more do we know about those protests? >> reporter: the president was headed to a fund-raising trying to raise a purportedly $10 million for an election three years down the road. with republicans behind closed doors not yet engaging democrats trying to figure out if they can get enough votes on their own by tomorrow to make this happen, even if the vote happens after the break. the demonstrations to some degree getting larger here on capitol hill, 40 people arrested and president trump jumping in, trying to help with these negotiations but a new "new york times" article said he seemed especially confused with a moderate republican asked him about the wealthy getting tax breaks in the health care bill. the president seemed to think according to that article that tax reform was a completely different issue and didn't, according to this source, didn't make the link between tax breaks and health care reform. he's also talking with the new president of south korea, inviting president moon to the white house. a big topic to be north korea and its latest provocations in the region. >> thank you. >> residents in california are battling another wildfire in camp pendleton. crews were able to stop the progress of the blaze and evacuation orders were stopped in the north. and in obispo, it's torched over 300 acres. earlier wednesday a fast-moving brush fire forced the mandatory evacuation of up to 70 homes in burbank. crews battled the flames as it came within feet of million dollar homes. they were able to contain that blaze and evacuation orders were lifted last night. that wasn't the case further north. that's where another blaze torched over 1,200 acres. some homes were burned to a crisp. >> my childhood memories are here but burned down to the ground. everywhere i played is torchd. >> that blaze is about 40% contained. here's a story you don't get to tell too often. gas prices are at the lowest level in a dozen years. heading in to the four day july 4th weekend, 44 americans will hit the road find a gallon of regular under $2. the cheapest day to buy is monday, most expensive thursday. seems like there's some tornadic activity around the country. in iowa, 24 tornadoes moved through the southwestern part of the state with several funnel clouds seen here. in wisconsin residents are cleaning up and assessing the damage in pierce county. bill karins is monitoring severe thunderstorms. bill? >> all these little red dots are where all the tornadoes are reported in iowa. we're continuing to monitor the fires out west. we have a flair-up only about ten acres but right near some homes. people were evacuated. that's almost all contained, if not completely. still some red flag warnings today. now we're up to 43 large wildfires burning throughout portio ofnstoday, redding at 103, fresno 98. if you head to the coast, you get definitely the benefits of the cool air. you go to the brewery, hope to have a nice, relaxing and peaceful time. these customers had the scare of a lifetime. that's a u-haul truck. he tried to flee but he was stopped because of a leg injury and he was charged for driving under the influence. thankfully no one else was injured. it want that crowded so it could have been a lot worse. >> that lady, what if she had expected a window seat? >> i always pick the window seat. >> a major illegal pot bust in colorado to tell you about. and a political report that secretary of state rex tillerson blew up at a white house aide. ♪ you're gonna have dizziness, ♪ nausea, and sweaty eyelids. ♪ and in certain cases chronic flatulence. ♪ no. ♪ sooooo gassy girl. ♪ so gassy. if you're boyz ii men, you make anything sound good. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. next! ♪ next! toddlers see things a bit undifferently with pampers easy ups they'll see a stretchy waistband you'll see pampers' superior protection and you'll both see an easy way to underwear pampers easy ups ♪ when heartburn hits fight back fast with new tums chewy bites. fast relief in every bite. crunchy outside. chewy inside. tum tum tum tum new tums chewy bites. i wneverever wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. with the first pro-v nutrient blend, making every strand stronger because strong is beautiful. thursday. secretary of state rex tillerson had an explosive meeting with white house staff. the former exxonmobil ceo blew up at the presidential personnel director in front of jared kushner and reince priebus. according to politico he was furious he wasn't allowed to staff the state department with his preferred nominees particularly since president trump had promised he could hire who he wanted. he also complained about the president's tweet and a lack of loyalty and competence within the west wing. marijuana may be legal in colorado but that didn't stop authorities from busting up a massive pot trafficking ring. 60 people were accused of posing as illegal distributors. they were accused of posing as legitimate dispensers as they moved 100 pounds of pot out of the state each month. >> the going rate of good quality marijuana on the black market is approximately $2,000 per pound. so the revenue would have exceeded $40,000 a month. >> 43 people have been arrested so far. authorities say it is the biggest pot bust since its legalization in 2014. a jaw dropping police shoot out all captured on camera next here on "early today". noo introducing the easiest way to get gillette blades text "blades" to gillette on demand text to reorder blades with gillette on demand... ...and get $3 off your first order intrzero alcohol™.ine® it delivers a whole mouth clean with a less intense taste. so it has the bad breath germ-killing power of this... with the lighter feel... of this. try listerine® zero alcohol™. nit's softer than ever. new charmin ultra soft is softer than ever so it's harder to resist. okay, this is getting a little weird enjoy the go with charmin maryland officials say police were justified in killing this armed robbery suspect during a wild shootout which injured an officer and bystander. we have more on this harrowing gun battle. >> reporter: according to mta bus video obtained by 11 news, blaine roberts gets on a bus at 2:53 p.m. on june 7th. police say moments earlier he became a suspect in the armed robbery of two people in the nearby shopping center. just after that two police officers stopped the bus and get on to talk to him. that's when he pulls a gun and fires a shot at an officer standing at the rear exit. he then tells everyone to get off the bus. he's then seen with two guns standing in the rear exit firing in all directions. this goes on for about a minute-and-a-half where he could stop and reload. at one point he walks to the front of the bus and fires some shots and police fire back. irv makes a run for it. outside a police body camera captures the tense moment this officer switches from a shotgun to a pistol. >> suspect's down! irv goes down in a nearby lawn. the officer runs closer but irv does not listen to police. >> drop the gun right now. drop the gun. drop the gun. [ gunshot ] >> reporter: irv is killed and the gun battle is over. baltimore county state attorney says after reviewing the case which included social media video, police body cam video, mta video there's no doubt police were justified and no further action would be taken. >> when you look at all three of those you get a very complete picture that these officers were justified in using deadly force because not only were their lives in danger but the lives of many civilians in the area were in danger. >> what an extremely intense incident caught on video. still ahead, the academy awards did something they should have done years ago. plus jimmy fallon gets down right despicable. and one of us used up all the sunscreen! i wonder who... . we're gonna need some reinforcements...quick. copy that. walgreens makes it easy when summer needs a little help. your summer base camp is just around the corner so you can get in, out and back to those summer shenanigans. walgreens. at the corner of happy & healthy®. now with card, buy one, get one 50 percent off sunscreen. so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. how dixie ultra plates?roved with two pounds of steak. in each hand. dixie ultra. stress tested so you can stress less at dinner. ♪ ouch! new band-aid® brand skin-flex™, bandages. our best bandage yet! it dries almost instantly. better? yeah. good thing because stopping never crosses your mind. band-aid® brand. stick with it™ what's the best way to get two servings of veggies? v8 or a powdered drink? ready, go. ahhhhhhhh! shake! shake! shake! shake! shake! done! you gotta shake it! i shake it! glad i had a v8. the original way to fuel your day. we can'twhy?y here! terrible toilet paper! i'll never get clean! way ahead of you. (avo) charmin ultra strong. it cleans better. it's four times stronger and you can use less. enjoy the go with charmin. the beswith neutrogena® beach? beach defense® sunscreen. helioplex™ powered, uva uvb strong. beach strength protection for the whole family. for the best day in the sun. neutrogena®. everybody is talking about "despicable me 3." we send our writer down to the "30 rock" plaza to see how excited people are for the movie and to see if they notice whether he's mispronouncing "despicable me 3." >> have you seen the trailer for it? >> we have. >> do you think you'll take a lot of people to see -- >> yeah probably. >> i've only heard it. >> i hope you enjoy the movie. i hope you have a great time seeing it. >> they got a camera on them, they feel the pressure. >> yeah, uh-huh. >> this is for real, though. the academy of motion arts and picture sciences invited a record 774 new members from 57 countries. they include duane rock johnson. terri cruz, leslie jones, and myra rudolph. this year's class is 39% female and 30% people of color. >> are those numbers supposed to be good? >> yes, when you consider it's a more than 300% increase in racial diversity since just last year. remember with that the oscars are so white backlash? >> we'll see if it makes a difference. r2d 2 was sold at auction. it was sold for $2.7 million. we don't know who bought it. also sold, luke sky walker's light saber sold for $2 million. >> keep it right here, this is "early today." oh, look... another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena®. so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. enamel is the white, outer layer of your tooth surface. the more that we can strengthen and re-harden that tooth surface, the whiter their patients' teeth are going to be. dentists are going to really want to recommend the new pronamel strong and bright. it's going to give their patients whiter teeth. fast forward to thursday, nasa launched a sounding rocket from virginia which will release artificial clouds to track particle motions in space. it had been delayed several times. hard to believe this has only been around for a decade. the iphone turns ten years old. on saturday princes william and harry will mark their mother's 65th birthday by rededicating her grave on the family's estate. this comes two months before the 20th anniversary of princess diana's death. to washington where senate intel committee has reached an agreement to obtain written member -- memos of former fbi director james comey, who chronicled his interactions with donald trump after each and every meeting. one of the memos said trump asked the fbi to drop its investigation into former national security adviser michael flynn a development the president denied. the committee's chairman expects to get those memos soon. >> and a monument was knocked down to the ground, it's not reid's first commandment takedown. he also destroyed a monument in oklahoma in 2014. fourth of july is around the corner that means a lot of fireworks. consumer products safety commission held its annual fireworks safety demonstration to remind consumers about real dangers fireworks could have. fireworks accidents sent 11,000 americans to the er in 2016. never relight a dud. never letting children use sparklers. a lot of people and kids love those. leave the fireworks shows to the professionals. especially if you would have downed a few during the day at your barbecue, you kind of don't need to be playing with fireworks, too. >> i had a friend in high school who lost part of a finger from fireworks. not something to fool around with. >> sparklers are tough because kids love it. >> you think it's safe but they're still on fire. >> even with their grips. better to be safe. >> bottle rockets, dangerous. >> i'm frances rivera. who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. and a live look outside at san francisco--- and a cloudy sky good thursday morning. we start off right now with a live look outside at san francisco and a very cloudy sky behind the transamerica building. it is definitely a little cool when you stepout outside this morning in the city. that will not last for long. good morning and thank you very much for joining us. i'm sam brooks. >> and we've switched from iced coffee to hot coffee today. kerry i think maybe i should have gone with the iced. >> especially this afternoon. as of now it is still all good and we sergeant out with some clouds as we just saw looking over san francisco. these are the temperatures you'll be feeling as you step out the door with the cloudy skies all around the bay area. it's 50 degrees in santa roadsa, 54 degrees in livermore reason and we start out

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