Transcripts For KNTV Early Today 20170612 :

Transcripts For KNTV Early Today 20170612

president trump. they called it a, quote, major lawsuit and could be filed as early as today. while they have not disclosed the focus, the attorney general said they will release a statement this afternoon. "the washington post" claims the president violated anti-corruption restrictions by accepting payments from foreign governments. meanwhile attorney general jeff sessions will be in the hot seat this week. nbc kelly o'donnell with more. >> reporter: branding in the rose garden. >> he's a leaker. >> from his home, comey again. i believe the james comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone thought possible. totally illegal? very cowardly. cowardly in quotes. a shot at comey's own confession thursday. he told the president he would see what the fbi could do, after the president asked him to back off michael flynn. >> a slightly cowardly way to tell him we're not going to do that. >> his persistent commentary frustrating presidents. >> you may be the first president in history to go down because you can't stop talking beauty an investigation that if you just were quiet would clear you. >> frustration aimed in a different direction by republican party chairwoman. >> i'm calling to an end to the investigations about president trump's campaign colluding with the russians. there's been no evidence of it. i don't think that will continue. >> reporter: that's unlikely as the russia investigation puts attorney general jeff sessions back in the political hot seat. >> i didn't have communications with the russians. >> that's untrue. sessions recused himself from overseeing russian investigations when he admitted to having two meetings with the russian ambassador during the campaign. in a surprise letter on saturday, the attorney general wrote he's pleased to accept the invitation of the senate intelligence committee to meet tuesday, likely behind closed doors sparing him a televised spectacle. >> nbc's kelly o'donnell reporting. the president may be considering changes to white house team and reince priebus job reportedly on the line. according to pol"politico" chie staff has to clean up shop or could be part of a white house shake-up. sean spicer denied a deadline. also denying a deadline by "the guardian" saying president trump is postponing a visit to the uk. according to the report he told british prime minister theresa may he did not want to make the trip if this were doing to be large scale protests. the president may not want to leave the white house too much now that his wife melania and 11-year-old son barron made the move to d.c. they spent the last 4 1/2 months living at trump tower so barron could finish up at his school. sexual harassment allegations. the board of directors met sunday to discuss former u.s. attorney general eric holder's internal investigation. after more than six hours of discussion, they voted unanimously to accept all of holder's recommendations. while they said they would not make details public until tuesday. multiple reports say uber ceo may temporarily leave the company. cakalanick wasn't the only executive whose future was discussed at the meeting. chief business officer may be leaving. chilling rescue of a woman who vanished for months. for the first time we see what police found when they opened the storage container where kayla brown was being held and the story she told that led to her kidnapper being locked up for life. here is the story. >> chilling story. >> reporter: after more than two months in captivity, the final ten minutes may have been the long e longest for kaley brown. painstakingly they cut through the shipping container after hearing her scream. prosecutors just released this video taken last november in the case of confessed serial killer . they came upon her sexually assaulted by kidnapper. handcuffed, her neck chained to the wall. >> we're getting bolt cutters, honey. >> working to free her, deputies asked kayla about her boyfriend, 32-year-old charles carver. >> do you know where your buddy is. >> charlie? >> yes. >> he shot him. >> he shot him? >> todd kohlhepp shot charlie. he put him in the bucket of the tractor. he says he's dead and buried. he says there's several bodies dead and buried out here. >> the sergeant was one of the first to reach her. >> knowing she was living in that condition day and not is just horrific to know he could do that to another human being. >> reporter: investigators found three bodies on a south carolina property. he confessed to those murders along with the shooting death of four others in 2003. he's now serving life in prison without parole. following her rescue she spoke to investigators in an ambulance, mourning the loss of her boyfriend charlie. a survivor found and freed to begin healing from her terrifying ordeal. may rodriguez, nbc news. there was a single winning ticket in this weekend's powerball drawing. unless you live here it wasn't you. the grand prize ticket was worth $447.8 million and sold about 80 miles from l.a. the store gets a cool million as a bonus. if you catch this mistake when the numbers were announced, the numbers that won were 32, 26, 20, 38, 28, but showed up as 58 for several seconds before it was made. someone for several seconds thought they were winner. >> how crushing when they figured out afterwards they weren't the winner. to this nasty storm that slammed minnesota with strong winds knocking out power to thousands. the ground with piles of hail. as the storm rolled into minneapolis the sky turned an erie shade of green. it looks unreal. >> don't drive into that. >> we have an update on some severe weather hitting the country. >> the story with the heat wave in the east. if you drive into a thunderstorm and you see that green, have you a good chance of seeing some very large hail. usually you see storm chasers go the other way when they see that. in the west the opposite story, upper-level low, snow coming down at the higher elevations in central sierra. pretty rare for june but it does happen. we do have a risk of severe weather. a moderate risk. rural sections of wyoming, nebraska, south dakota. but there is a chance of strong tornadoes today, about 5 million people at risk for severe storms. tomorrow severe storms in the sorthern plain 62 degrees. one little warm spot at 76. in the west, looks like a slow return to normal this week. >> thanks, bill. just ahead, puerto rico to become the 51st state. blue one year later orlando pauses to remember the victims of the deadly pulse nightclub massacre that left 49 dead. if you've got a life, you gotta swiffer right now at kohl's... take 25% off nike -- just in tie for father's day. that's 25% off select nike shoes, apparel and accessories for dad -- and the whole family. and, everyone gets kohl's cash!... earn it on everything! spend it on anything! right now -- at kohl's. intrzero alcohol™.ine® it delivers a whole mouth clean with a less intense taste. so it has the bad breath germ-killing power of this... with the lighter feel... of this. try listerine® zero alcohol™. pshare the same values in helping others.lo that's why we support service dogs for heroes. we provide well-trained service dogs for veterans in need. our goal? to raise $1 million. visit petsmart to donate at the register. petsmart for the love of pets. is returning to pittsburgh. the penguins clinched second consecutive championship following 2-0 win over nashville predators instantly cup final. captain won the trophy as valuable player for the second straight year. tennis star nadal won french open for a record tenth time. nadal won in three straight sets a moving moment for nadal who collapsed onto the court and wept into a towel before saying this was undoubtedly the most important event of his career. leadsing the news this morning, residents in puerto rico have overwhelmingly voted to mat island the 51st state in a nonbinding referendum. 97% of voters chose statehood. a victory for the governor who said statehood is the best way to deal with puerto rico's crippling debt. but turnout was low. only about 23% of eligible voters showed up to the polls after calls for a boycott. experts say it's unlikely congress will take up the territory's referendum. today marks the one year anniversary since the horrific pulse nightclub shooting in orlando, one of the worst in history. a gunman entered the lgbt nightclub and began a shooting rampage that killed 49 people and injured dozens of others. services will be held throughout the day to honor the victims. the city designated today as orlando united day. sarah is live in orlando. what message does the city and survivors have on this anniversary? >> reporter: frances, on orlando united today, this is the culmination of a weekend tribute honoring the 49 men and women killed at the cub a year ago today. in the aftermath we saw the city of orlando come together like never before, standing united much as there are today. their motto moving forward, we will not let hate win. it's a message they continue to spread as they remember and honor those lives lost. a year later pulse nightclub is a public memorial, fringed by flowers and candles, pictures, notes, and banners. a lasting tribute to the 49 lost. but there are haunting memories that linger here. >> i've got someone back here. i need some help. >> reporter: the deadliest terror attack on u.s. soil since 9/11. these are the images. >> i'm watching the bodies and seeing the blood. >> reporter: survivors still struggle with. >> there's an emotional toll. there is a psychological toll. >> i think about pulse every single day. >> reporter: for many, a physical toll. >> i just had my fourth surgery about three weeks ago. >> reporter: the scars are deep and slow to heal. but for many who were there, life after the attack comes with a responsibility, a mission. >> i want to do the best to live the best that i can with this second chance in life. >> these survivors have been traveling the country talking to anyone who will listen. >> i would love to see more love and unity. >> teach them love, peace, respect and understanding. >> reporter: twelve months after the attack and still making sure the terrorists don't win. >> that was nbc's sarah rosario reporting. still ahead a big week for investors as the feds decide on another interest rate hikes. how much would you pay for lunch with the oracle of omaha? you're watching "early today." and one of us used up all the sunscreen! i wonder who... . we're gonna need some reinforcements...quick. copy that. walgreens makes it easy when summer needs a little help. your summer base camp is just around the corner so you can get in, out and back to those summer shenanigans. walgreens. at the corner of happy & healthy®. this week, redeem balance rewards points and get a coupon for 10 times everyday points. bounty is more absorbent,mom" per roll so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper heare you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. at air wick we know the power of that first whiff of your favorite scent. ♪ air wick freshmatic releases timed bursts of the fragrances you love. so that first whiff feeling never fades. air wick freshmatic. ♪ fast forwarding into monday penn state fraternity brothers due in court. eight members face various charges stemming from 19-year-old's death. he died in february after falling downstairs during what appears to be a night of heavy drinking. president trump welcomes college football champions clemson tigers to the white house. cleveland cavaliers face golden state warriors in game five of the nba finals in oakland tonight. markets are coming off a tumultuous week in politics. this week it's all about economic news. cnbc's landon dowdy watching your money. good morning, landon. >> good morning to you. wall street could start the week off in the red after the markets were mixed last week. posting gains for the third straight week but nasdaq snapping two-game winning streak. big focus may be federal reserve which kicks off a two-day meeting tomorrow but that is widely expected to hike interest rates again amid improving economy and tight job market. >> microsoft lifts the curtain on its newest game console, xbox 1x. the device will hit shelves in november and cost $499, twice what the current xbox one and $400 more than the pro. the ability to play games but also compatible with every older game ever made for xbox. how much would you pay for lunch with warren buffett? after this year's charity lunch with the investor is $2.7 million down from last year's record $3.46 million. the anonymous winning bidder can invite up to seven people to lunch with buffett at new york's smith steakhouse. it hams raised $25 million for a foundation. >> thank you. be sure to share pearls of wisdom. one president's way of delighting fellow passengers. the heat has people feeling frosty toward one another. you're watching "early today." " investors. wonder woman pulled off another weekend at the box office bringing in $57 million. in second place "the mummy" starring tom cruise with $42 million. and captain underpants hung on third place with $12 million. highly anticipated debut of marvel's black panther teaser that had everyone buzzing. the star-studded cast, expected to premier in february 2018. pop culture lost one of its biggest heroes this weekend. adam west died after a battle with leukemia. he was best known for his role as batman television series. shares a tribute. mark hamill says i'm so lucky to have worked with him and tell him how much he meant to me. conan o'brien said he gave the most in spider performances in the history of television. ben affleck tweeted, thank you for showing all of us how it's done. george takei writes, you'll always be batman to me. adam west was 80 years old. on the plane to take off, then jimmy carter strolling down the aisle. on this flight to washington, d.c. the 92-year-old made his way down the aisle, greeted every passenger on the atlanta to d.c. flight with a handshake and smile, extending a few words. his secret service detail behind him. >> so charming, so friendly and gracious. meantime millennials #ing who is the guy. if you're feeling bad, plame it on the hot weather. new england journal says as temperatures rise people are less sociable and less inclined to help each other out. we've become more selfish to preserve energy resources during excess heat. you have an excuse. >> who knew there would be that kind of science behind the weather. if you're feeling selfish, all about me, blame it on the weather. still ahead, during a foot race in colorado a scare. we'll find out why wen we come back. the bathroom. when things go wrong here, you remember. quilted northern is designed to work so well, you can forget your bathroom trips. but daddy gator can never forget. "i've got to motor out of here. this is no place to raise a child." "i've got to motor out of here. only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. tylenol® right now at kohl's... take 25% off nike -- just in tie for father's day. that's 25% off select nike shoes, apparel and accessories for dad -- and the whole family. and, everyone gets kohl's cash!... earn it on everything! spend it on anything! right now -- at kohl's. well, it doesn't happen often during the summer season. boston has a really good shot of being hotter than phoenix and las vegas today. that won't last, though. during this week the west is going to start heating, especially desert southwest, already talking about possible temperatures of 110 to 115 this upcoming weekend. notice we jump to 97. l.a. 77 tuesday. by the time we get into wednesday we take the storm that was over the rockies in the middle of the country. notice all the sunshine and warmth begins to build middle of the week but next week hot in the west. >> thanks for the update. defense starts making its case in the sexual assault trial. the big question is whether cosby will take the stand. he said last month he would not testify but his publicist said nothing is off the table. the 79-year-old on trial for drugging and molesting andrea constand at his home in 2004. he has denied all allegations. gabrielle giffords is at the ceremony in texas. the newest combat ship named for arizona congresswoman who survived being shot in the head in 2011. hillary clinton on hand for ceremony with former vice president joe biden and his wife. she's honored and said it's tough like her crew. the first to be named after a living woman since lady washington commissioned in 1776 named for martha washington. >> giffords is an amazing inspiration to us all. hundreds spread their wings to score guinness world record for sand angels. gorgeous. 1,387 people laid out on the shoreline of lake michigan. they made sand angels for 30 seconds and the event was not for nothing. it raised money for local hospital cancer service center. really cool. to key west where new york bartender shook up kchings. should home gold in stoley's cocktail, balance, taste. kaley was winner from brooklyn, won with signature inspiration, nose bleed till sunrise. i can only imagine what's in that thing. >> too many, definitely a lot sleep past sun advise if you have one too many. >> bad behavior. an unexpected participant on sunday. a bear crosses the street in front of runners. one stopped to let the animal pass through. the bear was on the side of the road waiting for enough space to cross. they encountered halfway on the 10 mile course. they are running but will run fastesh. >> good thing they are fast runners. i'm gigi stone woods. thanks for being with us. >> i'm frances rivera. see you back here for "early today" tomorrow. monday morning. hello. as we take a live look outside san francisco this morning. a little cooler as you start your day. walk out the door, maybe nestled in bed still. either way, thanks for joining us. 4:30. good morning. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm scott mcgrew in for sam brock. let's get your monday starting right with a forecast from kari. >> good morning. it's been a cool week. yesterday, we had showers. even storms moving through the north bay. that has suns moved to the sierra. it's snowing. chain controls up, and look how heavily it's snowing in north and south lake tahoe and the approach as you head out for some of the people who may be on their way to the sierra. ad

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