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Transcripts for KNSJ 89.1 FM [KNSJ Justice 89.1 FM] KNSJ 89.1 FM [KNSJ Justice 89.1 FM] 20170616 200000 :
Transcripts for KNSJ 89.1 FM [KNSJ Justice 89.1 FM] KNSJ 89.1 FM [KNSJ Justice 89.1 FM] 20170616 200000
And welcome back to the Tom Hartman University Book Club we're reading today from the last hours of humanity one in the world to extinction. We fight wars all over this is from the from the last chapter Chapter 6 titled staving off extinction we fight wars all over the world for oil and we don't even need it that in and of itself is insane but when you look at a 250000000 year old piece of sedimentary rock and see that it's a virtually barren of boss allies life forms you realize that this is a hell of a lot more important than whether or not our country is going to fight stupid wars and far off lands so the oil companies and the Koch brothers continue to get rich this is about the survival of life on this planet at least as we know it to hold back extinction human race must immediately limit been a missions there are a number of ways to do this to start with governments around the world can simply set a limit on carbon emissions and begin by any businesses that pollute beyond that cap if we want to make it more politically palatable and throw in some profit for the banks to do and so many of our politicians we can also have businesses and banks setting up an exchange and trade carbon credits businesses can buy the right to pollute or sell the consequences of their good behavior and that way the banks it's a skim of piece off the top just like they've been to do with pretty much everything else this is our best chance to stave off extinction However it's politically impossible at least for now although as the consequences of global warming are more mean are there manifest themselves political will or hard cap will undoubtedly build just like it did with sulfur dioxide that caused acid rain back in the 1980 s. It's rarely discussed in the press but President George Herbert Walker Bush successfully pushed through a cap and trade program for sulfur dioxide which radically curbed acid rain it's to buy humanity time in the short term we may have to settle for a more modest proposal such as a carbon tax concept a simple put a price of pollution under a carbon tax system a business would pay for example $20.00 Per the metric ton of carbon that they spew into the air as 820-1333 countries in 18 smaller jurisdictions around the world have already put some sort of a price on carbon into. You are a 2013 China the world's largest polluter of carbon announced plans to implement a carbon tax themselves and the European Union runs a carbon cap and trade system in 2010 Congress nearly passed a comprehensive cap and trade law that would have kept carbon emissions that are rational level and required businesses that wanted to pollute beyond the limits to buy carbon credits on the market from other businesses that were polluting below the level that measure died by Republican filibuster in the Senate elsewhere around the world carbon taxes are already alongside the E.U.'s cap and trade system several other European nations are also taxing carbon they include the nations of Scandinavia the u.k. The Netherlands Switzerland and Ireland other like minded countries include Kosta Rico which funnels acts revenues from carbon polluters to indigenous communities to help fight the forestation South Africa where new auto sales include a carbon tax and full scale carbon tax across most other industries have already been to implemented and India which has a carbon tax of 50 rupees per ton on coal produced or imported into India. South Korea Japan of also past x. Measures several provinces and added I have carbon taxes and here in the United States there are local camp carbon taxes in San Francisco Boulder and Montgomery County Maryland all quietly business leaders and even Republican lawmakers are coming around to the idea of extending a nationwide carbon tax for a moment consider exactly what Big Oil is doing to our planet and how much money they are made in the process the 5 biggest oil companies in the world Exxon Mobil Chevron Royal Dutch Shell b.p. And Conoco Phillips dump roughly a 1000000000 pounds of carbon into our air every single day a modest carbon tax that would cut their daily profits by about $10000000.00 and still total for them a staggering $332000000.00 in profits every day is something they can afford as one part of a copper and energy policy it's the bare minimum their carbon polluters should be paying considering the damage is there and what you know on our planet pollution caused like global warming are called externality it's these externalities also include the medical costs of increased as one cancer care associated with a 1000000000 pounds of pollution being burned into the air above our communities every single day they include the cause of ecological devastation caused by oil rigs explode in the Gulf of Mexico or tankers run aground and spill open off the coast of Alaska also include the military cause of deploying armies around the world to ensure that the oil spill gets in hostile regions keep flowing and the shipping lanes remain open and they include the costs associated with climate change because they are storms right and sea levels flooding and agricultural devastation carbon polluters themselves pay for it with any of these extra nowadays and instead they try to pass the bill along to all of us affected by their pollution that needs to change to prevent disaster and the day comes that business is no pollution is that their expense they will begin to reduce their carbon emissions. Carbon capping carbon levels alone won't work research out of the mit Global Change Institute assumed a $20.00 experts out of carbon pollution increasing 4 percent every year and found that it would only modestly curb emissions as carbon tax scenario falls well short of even the White House's goal of cutting carbon emissions by 80 percent by 2050 and it would come nowhere close to staving off the projected temperature increases that could make our way our planet over the extinction tipping point so a carbon tax needs to be part of a broader plan not only eliminates incentives for the use of carbon based fuels but all together phases them out replaces them with nuclear energy alternatives as we're require massive government investment in research and development it's basically calling for a new man at Project the book is the last hours of humanity warming the world extinction White House. Studios are pretty nice radio. This is the Thom Hartmann program on the back on our air with you somebody a couple of people have treated me asking who you know where is that list of Trump lies I was reading from this tweet storm by Michael Jhala m i k e l underscore jail e.t.t. At m i k e l underscore j o l l And it's just a fascinating tweet storm that he did You can find it by cracking out his Twitter. A couple of other stories that I told you I was going to share with you today and I think are absolutely asinine this this is astonishing Facebook has this problem right there. Regionally it was they were looking for stuff like child porn see if they can come up with an algorithm that is that's you know a static visual image and you can say you know how much flesh tone is here and all the you know proportions of adults versus children all that stuff but then came the terrorism and the terrorism thing could be no pictures at all it could just be words and the words could even be done in a way that our you know in code is such and then came the white supremacy thing and you know and the white supremacist terrorists who have killed more Americans since 911 than have Muslims and so you know Facebook try to put together some pots is a little software creatures some robots that would scrub the Facebook universe which is huge looking for this kind of terrorism stuff and for the bots to do this they were endowed with the ability to learn and the ability to communicate so they created these artificial intelligence bots that had the ability to learn and communicate with each other about what they had learned so that they could all get better at finding this content on Facebook that shouldn't be there and this is an amazing story it's in the Atlantic by Adrian Lafrance and artificial intelligence develop its own non-human languages the headline in The Atlantic the sub had been designed to chat bots to negotiate with one another the bots made up their own way of communicating. And this is where it gets really extraordinary a box of odd conversation wote This is from the programmers lead to divergence from human language as the agents that be the bots develop their own language for negotiating these bots are actually quite good at negotiating. In other words the model of wood that allowed to bots to have a conversation and use machine learning to constantly iterate strategies that conversation along the way led to these bots communicating in their own non human language of bots invented their own language to communicate with themselves no humans allowed and then they add the larger part of their orders the bots can be pretty decent to go shooters even use strategies like feigning interest in something of no value so can later appear to compromise by conceding that point but the detail about language writes Adrian Well Frantz the detail about language is as one tech entrepreneur put it a mind boggling sign of what's to come Facebook's creates bots bots create their own language a mind boggling is that in a while Hawaii has created a lot of the Hawaiian state legislature unanimously passed a concurrent resolution setting up a basic economy security working group I was initiated by State Representative Chris Lee Democrat from suburban a little district that will allow Kalua I'm not sure exactly how to say it policies away. And it's motivated by a concern that automation this is over and box. Down the headline is why is considering creating a basic universal income by Dylan Matthews. Is interested in the idea that is motivated by a concern that automation will make good jobs rarer particularly in a service industry dependent state like. And so there we're looking at the possibility of universal basic income in Hawaii and that's pretty strict so any couple things to share with you back to anything goes Friday whatever you would like to talk about today Bob and Bridgewater Virginia Hey Bob what's on your mind hey. This is. Something that I've been thinking about for a good while it's not related to anything that we're talking about today but then on my mind that I wonder about why nobody ever thought about it or if somebody has to vet it and that is you know it's about p.t.s.d. And we know that the brain doesn't finish developing and like you know 20 years old or more and that the younger you are the more susceptible you are to the trauma that would cause like permanent damage with post-traumatic stress disorder so I'm curious. All the stuff that's happening in the Middle East and all the young children are exposed to this tremendous trauma you know being relative all the rest of it and happening the of trust and how it's got to be on the order of you know somewhere between 2100. Yeah at the end you don't ever hear anybody talk about these people having post-traumatic stress disorder later on I'm wondering do they not is there something different about their culture their exposure their. Something or do they be somebody there's no there's something there's something wrong with our culture in that whenever we start bombing other countries we 1st otherwise the people so that we don't view them as fully human beings you know only human you know in you know back during the Vietnam war referring to Vietnamese with slurs you know racial slurs. This happened did that with the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan the evil calling them ragheads and and other words that are pretty pretty reprehensible and but you know the children of Syria of Afghanistan of Iraq of Libya of in Asia of. Egypt Egypt hasn't had so much fighting and so some severe crises. Bees kids are as fully human and as a phone or a bolt of p.t.s.d. As as any any American child and not just p.t.s.d. And a whole override of other psychopath ologies that that are associated with with war basically and it and the other thing is that pregnant mother it's one of the one of the really shocking pieces of research that Joseph Chilton Pearce laid out in his book The magical child is that. During gestation during the 9 months of pregnancy. The fetus in utero is constantly interrogating mom saying are you going to birth me into a safe world or a dangerous one and mom is constantly communicating back the world is safe or the world is dangerous and the method of this communication is a chemical called a hormone called cortisol and that mom produces in response to stress and what we have learned and we've known this now for or 2 years that when mom is exposed to stress during pregnancy I'm talking serious stress or can or sustain stress over a longer time when mom is experienced is experiencing stress her cortisol levels go up and stay up and those high cortisol levels in Mom circulating blood which is also the infant circulating blood cause the brain development of the infant to emphasise the hindbrain the lower the brain stem and the and the structures around the fight or flight response and and minimize the forebrain the recent evolutionary brain the part of the brain that controls. Things like the ability to reveal a gratification or the ability an impulse control. The thought rather than violence of those kind of things whereas when mom has very low cortisol levels before brain is emphasized in the high behind brain is deemphasized you get people who are smart but they're not particularly you know good at violence and so not only are we creating p.t.s.d. In the children who are already born but the children who are whose mothers experience war. Those mothers will produce children who are more likely to be warriors it's frankly because their their bodies and their brains were programmed in utero to have an exaggerated fight or flight response and better visible and. Psychological responses to violence a better being I don't mean in a good bad sense but you know more more highly functional more well tune specifically to file and a less well tuned to critical thinking to analysis to insight to reflections of self reflection to understanding those things all get diminished and so war echoes through generation it's this way and then you've got this thing of epigenetics which is where you know we all have a particular genome you know I have the genes that I inherited from my mom and dad been heard and their grandparents etc and I pass along to my kids but. Particularly with men who are constantly producing sperm and now there's discussion that this may also even affect the eggs in mom and there's a couple of mechanisms for that but now I'm certain Get real complex but enough to Jeanette with the whole concept of epigenetics is that the d.n.a. In in sperm is actually altered by experience and so if an adult experiences a p.t.s.d. It alters their sperm which means that his sperm and in this in a smaller number of cases mom's eggs and so now not only. You know you have the problems that I laid out before but also these children who are born I has a result of the hike cortisol levels in pregnant mom these children that are born because of epigenetics because of this this this ability to transmit these things genetically down through multiple generations and in the Bible says that the 7th generation and that's probably about how long it lasts they will actually pass the genes or that you know are these alterations in the genes these flipping on flipping off a particular genes down to their children. So it's it's really really a horrific thing that is going on with regard to all of that spot and you raise a really really good point Bob I got to run with thank you for the call and thanks for setting up that topic it's one that I've been wanting to write a book about 3 years I just I I think it's it is. It is so important that we consider you know the actions of what we're doing. And in that context I mean there's there's a new report out that you know we just we just killed a whole nother big bunch of civilians in Syria just the day before yes by accident this is the Tom Hartman program or maybe not by accident but as collateral damage in the strike near Iraq. And Syria they're struck that it's not good. And welcome back Tony and Shirley New York Hey Tony thanks for watching prisoners did you know Directv was up. There with the listen in regard to the competition you were just happening right that was very interesting because as a matter of practice lists week I don't know if you're if you ever watch Vice on h.b.o. But they actually did. They did they did a complete series on the last generation regarding these kids who are being affected by war really no I haven't watched by some probably a year and a half or so since they rolled it out I saw it when I 1st started and years longer ago than that all it was some of it was an excellent excellent take and use take a look at it it was a show in the last generation and it will children within Afghanistan and how they are being traumatically affected from the age of $12.14 on going into war leaving school and roughly 50 percent of these kids are actually involved for active basses consistently with the with firearms it's very very illuminating and I think you would enjoy stressing sounds Thank you Tony but in regards to I have something else I from rather unusual that I saw no coverage from anybody about was there was a couple of Democratic races recently one was in being from Merrill middle position the Democratic mayor within a week of announcing that he was running for mayor that was Democratic challenger yes Democratic challenger was literally run out of town forced to sell his home that he lived in for 32 years because of death threats and this is happening you know the state so I believe in Iowa is what I have and also to him. Weaver I think her name was he was going to run against Again Steve King in Iowa Correct correct and this is something that nobody seems to be reporting on I just find it rather unusual that that nobody in the mainstream me. Here I don't even recall whether or not it hurt you well Mary Jo I did a long rant about it I think Monday of this week if you cried last week under Tuesday of this week I actually sent an e-mail out to some of the mainstream media people like Rachel Maddow and whatnot regarding this which of course I received no response from them as well as run something a letter about. Your former topic which would I did to try Woody and request you their take on that which of course I've received no no response to either right yeah well you're not going to hear anything about an astrology enema simply suits it's not going to happen it's Comcast on them. Or on c.n.n. It's and I think it's a frankly a big deal. The story of Democrats getting death threats to the point where they have to sell their house move out of state or move out of history which is what happened in Binghamton New York. With the Democratic challenger not only did he get death threats he was he had his 11 month old and 2 year old child with him at 3 character history on his kids with him at the store and as he was walking back out to the car some guy came up and threw a soda drink at him caress screaming you know blank and liberal or something like that and he turned around so that the so to hit him on his back what a hit his child he was holding right and that was I think the point at which he decided you know it's time for us to move out of town. But that's I mean it's it's bizarre where we're at with politics right now and in fact I'm of the writing out of office this weekend but I think the cause of this is he's really identified and nobody seriously pocketable and I won't be getting into next week Tony thanks a lot for the call and thanks for watching. On April 15th 1049 Pacifica Radio k p f a 94 point one f.m. Berkeley California went on the air for the 1st time introducing listeners sponsored community radio to America Sr on page on in May of 2000 and we are now on cost ready to meet only in human beings we have builded more and more walls we throw in more and more people behind the walls the whole thing up believing that human beings can change that they can be restored some people say you know that whole thing a rehabilitation Well we tried it it didn't work we haven't tried that we don't even have possibility to tell you a human being will surely get depressed sister I don't preach on in May of 2000 did you know that you can get most any of the 50000 Pacific up broadcasts in our collection is that us online at Pacifica Radio Archives dot org and help support the archives mission to preserve Pacifica's broadcasts and I can see. All around someone here with you and Joe in Rock River Wyoming Hey Joe what's on your like how you do it all but it's up there a couple things I want to get out the phone number for the d.n.c. It's 202-863-8000 I actually got to pick up the phone this morning why would you want someone to call me why would you want someone to call the d.n.c. To try to get them to focus on Trigger out how to become relevant again as long as we're going to I talk to a lot of folks about this and a lot of people don't vote because they don't see how a lot of difference between Democrats and Republicans these days I think if we continue with. The way we've been doing things in the train of thought of Bill and Hillary and. They're going to become less and less relevant and I would suggest to you Joe that that story is that there's not any difference between the Democrats or Republicans I did a what in any difference I think a lot of people I guess I get what you're saying but it's it is a story that is promoted by Republicans in Democratic circles well and it's also promoted by the Green Party you know we've I'm not a Green Party person independent and I really don't so I mean it's not a story that's promoted by Democrats because Democrats know that the Democratic Party is substantially different than well they are in ways but the ways they're they and you've talked about this before when Reagan started blowing up unions they had to change where they were getting their money so they lost. Contact with the 99 percent of us well and part of that it wasn't just Reagan blowing up the unions it was it was 4 years before that in 1976 when the Supreme Court in the Buckley vs Alayo decision ruled for the 1st time in the history of the United States that rich people giving money to politicians was not a behavior that could be regulated or corporations for that matter giving money to politicians is not a behavior that can be regulated it was grease beach protected by the 1st Amendment and I understand you know that with the whole thing often and so yeah you know to in that context I will concede to you that there are there are many Democrats particularly in large states who need a lot of money to be able to successfully run a campaign and that means that you've got to you've got to have you know yet in bed with somebody and and the Democrats have tried to get into the least toxic people and it hasn't always worked out so well because you know back in the eighty's and ninety's that was the banks and we see where that where that brought us and the bankers got what they wanted in the ninety's and and you know when they screwed us in a few thousands and are continuing to but the that's sad you that acknowledge the Democratic Party is doing everything they can to clean that up and step one is trying to get money out of politics and step 2 is is you know trying to get grassroots support I mean if and I think that the burning candidacy demonstrated that this is possible although there have been in a number of Canada sees that have said well you know that I've suggested well maybe maybe not I mean the. Get his name but the one of mine a month and I think it was the reason young gun quit Iraq was. That you know that that race. Suggests that you know money is still a big you know big deal that and you know Joe thanks for the call I got to I got to run here but this is a big issue and this is why I think that it's you know if you're concerned about money and politics it's legitimate. Concern that almost to a man dot org and sign up participate get out there and amend the Constitution said money's not precisely your listening to the Thom Hartmann program called 202-808-9925 we can add to that that corporations are not people that. And a walk in the Telmarc university are our book club and. Today we're reading Nader's breaking through power it's easier than we think. This is from page 74 the chapter how the system is rigged according to Russell bulk of our editor the Corporate Crime Reporter quote corporate crime takes are more lives cause this far more injuries and diseases and steals far more money than street crime but the vast about a law enforcement resources mass media attention and prison cell blocks are devoted only to street crime just consider these preventable casualties almost 60000 and you will work place related fatalities from both disease and Pramod if the 4000 deaths a year from air pollution over 100000 lives lost as a result of medical malpractise nearly 100000 lives lost from hospital induced infections over 100000 a talisman adverse effects of drugs and over 40000 deaths every year due to inadequate or no health care coverage or diagnosis treatment and medication. There are far larger numbers of sicknesses and injuries attach these datasets is due to sticks have haunting human faces children women men and families destroyed by uncontrollable monetized mines whether they're caused by recklessness criminal negligence or worse the key factors in common are the Privette ability of such pain and the suffering inflicted commercially induced neglect or Dacian manslaughter and homicide by comparison street and home homicides do not exceed 14000 lives lost annually now see how companies have made sure they have the laws that they need to go after you and how they make sure that the law can be used as their Unasur the giant multi-tiered home mortgage business now driven by the same one percenters who profited from crack in the economy in 2008 can nail you if you misrepresented information on your mortgage application Suppose you say you're going to occupy your house as a prison principal residence to get a lower interest rate and down payment and you don't for some reason lenders can call the loan and demand repayment of the mortgage balance is outstanding absent that payment the lender can seize your home or closure and addition by claiming you committed bank fraud these companies can use the f.b.i. Against you as the veteran housing columnist kind of are be warned this inferior trigger severe financial penalties prosecution and prison time for ordinary Americans but how many bankers feel the cold metal of handcuffs tighten on their wrists when their crimes Rob American families of their homes and life savings health insurance companies have similar supporting laws to deny medical coverage by alleging illegal activities this could be anything from non-disclosure of traffic violations to gun accidents even when there has been no conviction it could mean something as vague as hazardous behavior according to The New York Times if a company paid you and comes back for their money they can get you prosecuted for fraud. These corporate allies are too big to fail if they don't how to enact laws to make sure that you are and they know how to enact laws to make sure that you are too small to stop them corporate state culture of the plutocracy or oligarchy is giving is given and it's astonishing exoneration so long as the claims of violence and mayhem are not their direct purpose but it unfortunate byproduct that just couldn't be helped like when innocent people are actually killed by us drone attacks the government seems to quietly get a free pass it's almost as if corporations get away with a permanent permanent defense of an institutional and Saturday offense going global in terms of deadly supply chains or effect African mines and dangerous factories in China in India and Bangladesh the oxygenation and poisoning of the vast oceans as jurys rivers and lakes pumping greenhouse gases into rapid climate destabilization extending the arrangement factious diseases due to habitat ecological described destruction and desecration. And change in the nature of nature itself here on regulated genetic engineering and nanotechnology even with $6000000.00 slow agonizing deaths a year globally attributed to the débâcle business cigarettes are still demonically promoted by one percenters who reaped staggering profits from selling their addictive and poisonous products especially in developing nations where regulations protecting children do not exist excuses forever the corporatists have no intention ology a reason to do things institutional insanity defense again or the benefactors of weapons of mass destruction whose militant advertisements say they are just helping the national defense but are not all responsible for the products used in the coercive policies of Empire perpetual war is that institutional madness or in battle is a in the World War 2 allies let the giant cross works in Germany get away with this excuse after the war ended it's time for people to take away these rationalizations of on the side of corporations a demand they be legally pretty privileged as persons for the pursuit of profits but not as persons or our pursuit of them as criminal creditors and refugees from just that's in 2012 us presidential campaign Republican nominee Mitt Romney asked about corporate personhood replied that it was a given saying that corporations are people my friend it was a science back you learned that grade this is no mere thought throwaway line billions of dollars of litigating advertising marketing and corporate as commentary have been focused on driving this people image into our minds from childhood regularly old page ads show the July it just Goliath corporations like Wal-Mart or Lockheed Martin are just people like you ads are filled with pictures and names of the faithful workers to bring you good and services book by Ralph Nader breakthrough power. Thank you. You can support the Thom Hartmann program and see video of Aren't there a 3 hour show over at a tree on dot com slash Tom part. Of act m.r. When you're with us and Mark San Diego I Mark what's on your mind that. Hey thanks for taking my call I'm so glad to hear you have Greg Palast on 4 rarely comes on any mainstream media at all but I did and it's not for lack of trying Mark he would love to be on the mainstream media they just don't want to talk about this issue yet it's almost taboo as if I'm really amazing in the mind the thing that came out a couple days ago about the Russia hacking was far more extensive than they originally thought that I thought as of caviar all over there is no evidence that they actually altered the news of the actual coding tallies. But why would they go through all the. Machinations and not be able to offer that it's like asking the wrong you know it's a pull up 5 yards short of the finish line right now and I read the report and it was like they had something like 3 or 400 different IP addresses or about 14 that were tracked back to Russia. Different people or groups or companies or whatever who had interrogated these election systems around the country and you know whether this is so you know probably China's doing it probably who knows the u.k. And Germany so it's you know they pulled out the Russia because that's salacious right now or and there's you know some concern about that right now and it's in the headlines but the fact of the matter is that we've got voting systems that are online and they shouldn't be. You know just that simple. Severing of the. Artist diary on daily calls for they called stealing the joint all action by this cyber security expert on and there's a lot of great. Was able to get through the torture they don't face and just have access to the entire thing on 10000000 voters and the registration rolls read it it will even. See this is the yeah this is the thing I mean I saw this a couple of days ago the Russians can do it anybody can but that's not putting down the Russians that's it's like you know if you could be act you could be act right there's had competent hackers all over the world our Election Systems never should have been privatized in the 1st place and and the at and the the stuff is not privatized the state you know the secretary of state's records and that the guy records of things should not be on line a government should have a secure in trying that rather than being on the Internet and you know which is by the way how you know 20 years ago a lot of this stuff was done not necessarily the voting stuff but a lot of government government stuff so I'm with the I'm I'm very concerned in Georgia I believe is now the only state anion that has absolutely no paper trail and absolutely no ability to audit the machines and absolute no ability to audit the vote tell us and so you know they just you know it's a faith based voting system and this is put in place just in time for the 2002 election when going into that election you had you know the Democrats both the one but the senator Max Cleland and the governor. Who was. Were getting as anybody was running against Sonny Perdue who were both polling or to 5 points ahead both the Democrats and both of them lost by exactly 4 to 5 points and so you know there were a lot of people in 2002 including myself speculating that the Georgia election had been flipped electronically and there's no way to audit that in the end Georgia just chose to keep doing it that way year after year after year and George of course a Republican controlled state and I think that may have something to do with why so now now you know turnabout is fair play or whatever you know it's good for the goose good to get so now. I guess it took the Russians to cause people in Georgia to say hey wait a minute maybe it's not a good idea that we have hackable voting systems you know that the Republicans were enough to scare them but Mark excellent point thank you for the call Curt in the Loves Park Illinois Kurt what's up. Yes Tom it's a real honor to speak with you I just want to be ahead of tomorrow's hire with a small company just about a dozen engineers last fall and the owner was well enough to bring in like a contract out of human resources company that came in and talked about an insurance program we're going to be offered and I was shocked at how. The representative went out of its way to kind of bad mouth the Affordable Care Act even though it had nothing to do with why he was there he was explaining to us what our new insurance options would be and. It made me start thinking that a lot of people to talk about the Affordable Care Act It was always in and a lot of cases for millions of people it's the only option for everyone now if it was still an alternative to going out and purchasing insurance on your own even if you could through a regular company and he talked about the rising cost of it and I wish I would have asked him I want to know how much is my employer paying for the plan that he was discussing and my guess is because it was a very good plan it was very expensive so I think we forget when we talk about the Affordable Care Act is that when you lose that or you're not don't have an option the alternative can be. Extraordinary right so I think the if. You want to finish your thought Kurt. Yeah it's just it's just I think we need to remind people that you for Bill Carrick was always meant to be an alternative to what it would cost to a turn and particularly for people who are getting their their insurance through their employer and that's the big thing is that you know in in most countries that have single payer health care all across the country regardless of your employment there's no there's no link between health insurance and employer and so people don't stay in dead end jobs or jobs if they hate people don't go out and start businesses because they're afraid of losing their insurance and at a I mean you know 3040 years ago you know when when health insurance was 50 bucks a month you know people like me could start a business after business after business and not worry about you can always buy health insurance and they didn't do this preexisting condition stuff and you know is pretty straightforward process but over the last 20 years it has you know the health insurance companies just got more and more and more predatory against all of us and the Affordable Care Act provides people with the ability to say to their employer you know I am going to go out on my own and start a company or I am going to go to work or another company that doesn't offer insurance or I'm going to become a contractor for somebody you know there's no insurance associated with it because they can now buy a cheap health insurance policy or it's exchange for them with a subsidy on Obamacare or they may if they're if they're starting something scratch to me to qualify for Medicaid you're absolutely right spot on Kurt thanks a lot for the call well said Kevin and pay a bill North Carolina Kevin what's up. If Christian on the street thank you. Just a few I want to thank you both for your stand there already and going to parties we're going to do you think we're getting a little carried away with this rush of thing it's like rush rush rush you like me got me on Monster I think I am of 2 thoughts about that I think on the one hand that. There isn't a good piece and I think was in Politico last week about Democrats are not going to stop talking about Russia and at a certain level it's become a tick not unlike Benghazi on the other hand they're there you know there may be a there there and we don't know and there needs to be a good investigation an independent investigation that not just of Donald Trump and you know we need a 911 commission to look into that and frankly I think it should expand beyond Russia I think we should be you know I mean the Saudis spend spend hundreds of millions of dollars lobbying and say as they moved about from the 4 Seasons Hotel over to the Trump hotel just before they were asking for millions of dollars billions of dollars in a weapons to be sold and and you know it's like there's there's no shortage of governments having influence over our country because of all these giant financial loopholes that the Supreme Court has drilled into our election laws so so you know . Yeah maybe maybe the Democrats should be talking more about you know what how the republicans are you know what they're doing with health care you know in secret in the Senate or you know how they're they're you know they want to roll back regulations on the banks or they want to destroy unions or they want you know the the economic issues and things like that I certainly think the Democrats should be talking about those things more but at the same time if there's of their there we need to know about it and frankly I would think that you know Russia would want it out in the open if they're if they are guilt lots and if they are not then you know that there should be something done about that very straightforward stuff Helen thank you for the call Steve in Tacoma Washington and Steve what's up. I just have a question about a comment it was made earlier about this Buckley versus oil in 1976 yellow out although it's a good start and it well it didn't it didn't it wasn't a singular moment I mean you can go back to 886 and Santa Clara County versus Southern Pacific Railroad as the as the moment when corporate personhood was written into they had no to that decision but you could argue to go back 815 to the Dartmouth case when which was the 1st time the Supreme Court recognized a corporation as having personhood but your point Steve why did you want to say. I just wanted to add that when we elected a President Obama when I quoted from and she just made it was that dominated Congress and the Senate by Democrats why don't we try to do something to stop this if we can get any movement on this to change and she 1008 while there were a lot of us who are working on this I wrote a book about equality and equal protection you know how corporations became people and what you can do about it if there be I've been promoting move to amend on this program you know pretty much since we started the show moved to amend or you know we need to amend the Constitution to overturn these Supreme Court rulings and you know which has been done in the past I mean the Supreme Court rulings have been overturned by constitutional and we absolutely need to be doing that and I would you know and the Progressive Caucus in the Democratic Party is openly calling for campaign reform and for public funding of elections no more private money and watch and the Republican Party of course is doing the opposite I'm sorry so my next question I apologize is did we not have enough motivation in ponderous because the way lobbying works on both sides of the aisle to stop those I need to know what's going on about how that may well be a part of it that may well be a big part of it. You know the the the the the power structures tend to accommodate themselves to the political and legal realities of the moment so after Barkley the power structures of both political parties and the institutions of Congress and state houses all over the country have recalibrated themselves to work within that framework they need to believe but you're listening to Tom Hartman visit Tom Hartman dot com for audio and video are only back in about 4 minutes and Patrick Gavin needed it. Welcome back Jim in Los Angeles a gem Thanks for watching t.v. What's on your mind I don't profess are the smartest man in all me yeah well. I don't know about that and what's up if any I was censured with didn't the church just 6 I was wondering if you could spend Monday and Tuesday are going all over trends in the. Past if they're voting as are they realize how important this selection is now how Republicans are trying there and democracy through water suppression. The emergency manager in Michigan or the work home states I I think could be. Who try to think if I have already I have already communicated by email with the people that we got to know in Georgia particularly there's a certain group of entrepreneurs we had a. Monthly Meeting still do I just don't show up because I don't live in Atlanta anymore. Or in the Atlanta suburbs who are involved in you know who still live there I've made my opinions clear to him and you know what what I think that they should be doing so r.t. Done it I mean here. Could you do it I mean or actually call people in and what are your country your live but you know the people in the ships you know in your monitors not motivated to get out yeah it's not appropriate to put people on the air and to call people on the air and you know when they don't know that they're on the air or they haven't consented to an advance and to set it all up where they consent to in advance and and then it then it becomes a performance rather than a phone call so Jim that's not going to work but I understand what you're saying and yes we need to make sure that everybody who can vote in the 6th district the 2nd question just because Georgia does get out and vote the early voting just ended I think today maybe yesterday and the actual vote is going to be on Tuesday and it's going to be really important. For people to show up and I thought I was just astonished when Greg Palast this morning said that the state has put all the voting machines basically or the vast majority voting machines in white only districts are areas in the district and where as there's a large group Korean American population there and there's a large African-American population there not so many voting machines there and that's just not. Jim thanks for the call Margo in St Augustine Florida Hey Margot we got about a minute or so to the break what's up while they're there not to embarrass you so I won't compliment you could I know you blush but this is totally off topic yesterday you were talking about people. Pledging money and I am sick I've been in bed from a couple months of not considering they're not getting better and I want to tell you it's easier to pick up the phone and make a donation then for me to go in the kitchen and make a family sweet Well thank you Margo as all that's Frank love your program I recorded every day Oh thank you thanks for watching her speech to thank you for supporting patients I have all your information you don't have them don't anything they have it on file if you've donated before it's it is it is very easy it's very straightforward process and in a pre-season under his drive right now and they really need all the support they can get and you know some of it right out some of our nonprofits patients as well are here in here in this conversation and if your list now one of our nonprofit radio stations if they're in a fundraising drive you can help with even if they're not the Web site general donation so you know we've got a early not large network it's probably about half of our listeners and viewers who are taking us via nonprofit media please support the nonprofit media that are getting this program if you like the program part of thanks for the call I really. Thank you for thanks for watching. A lot of act I'm up here with you and had to get out and we talk media news is on the line this report brought to you by goats from the old goat dot com and Ellen router's new book loving what you do Patrick welcome. God so what's going on in the world today where we get it what's going on with the White House you know because you know on the only enjoyed it when. It was shot on on a Wednesday I guess and there were many very critical but not we're getting I do think those were waiting to turn it to be very very long which. I thought it was. But you know. The medical knowledge that I've read is not only. Eternal want to get in until further reading damage there that really on the big bang as he was shot with an assault rifle if they've been shot with a 22 would be a whole different but yeah that's exactly right. You don't know if you got it you got it we don't it has our gun control the debate on Capitol Hill but it. I got you think it's going to in a system like everybody's ignoring it. Just now I don't think anybody and I think if you go and you care about gun control talking about again but no I don't think I resign myself if I if you know if you got things done. In a confrontation I'll be one I didn't have the n.r.a. Owns this at least the Republican side of this Congress pretty much I mean what is the thing that the conversation happening that a lot of more you know we get a lot of more lawmakers now want more personal protection which of course is costly but. Perhaps I think so I think that you know what we really don't think about is shooting why I didn't happen in the Capitol but you know I think Congressman what is the goal. Of Steve's Cicely's had 2 cops with him and you know. Who fought back I mean who shot back and you know one of them was was wounded the other was injured I'm in a they they were there and they bade So protection I mean in a in a country where anybody can buy a weapon of war and assault right and and in Virginia where you can carry a weapon of war conceal you can buy it with no background check and you can carry a concealed legally you know I mean that that shooter did not commit a crime until he pulled the trigger and that should be wrong in my pain and the impact you that what else is it what else is going on and I don't think that I don't think anything will change that and that was my point you know the assault rifles are weapons of war that are designed to kill people and that's why it did so much damage to Steve Scully's And that's that's just a tragedy that never should have. You know we we had assault weapons bans country for a decade my recollection is that Ronald Reagan signed it and though I may be wrong on that and I haven't George Bush the elder. If it had expired the way else is up now you're right I think that's what the members of Congress are trying to weigh as part of it now if you want to be excessed of the voters you know and I think that a lot of the lawmakers you know obviously critical Capitol Police the only reason or there is the least was a was a member of the leadership and you know had he not been a member of the leadership and had not been there you know who knows what happened so that might be an interesting conversation coming out I think that a lot of lawmakers will tell you privately that interest today's environment they do fear for their safety. And their and their lives given how things are getting a little wild that might be one thing coming out of Wednesday's tragic event what are going to keep your eye out for as well as the Senate has headed out for the weekend. And Republicans are getting really close to missing a deadline to hold that health care vote by the end of the month which is March was always going to do something by July 4th they're really. Struggling to pass a health care bill that many states where the president why in reality is one of the Muslims in the legislation being pushed and you know ever talk back if you can if you can take on how the fact that you know they're the quote unquote partner in crime on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue is now calling for help health care the House health care bill that each cow didn't have a press conference in the Rose Garden about now calling it me. Because I think having a hard time figuring out how to do that to one particular there's no political momentum to do it this idiot wire. Service in the house was not good they're not doing a public. They know they have to do because they are about a 3 years well and addition to that the reason that they've talked about a great Yours is because the the right wing rip billionaires who fund many of them are absolutely freaked out they're horrified by the fact that their tax rate went from 20 percent to 23.9 percent this 3.9 percent added tax on capital gains that is principally paid by billionaires and millionaires that's what funds much of the Medicaid expansion in the Obamacare subsidies and you know we're talking a $600000000000.00 tax cut here over a decade $60000000000.00 a year in taxes that are that are collected from mind bogglingly wealthy people and they're very upset about that I mean they don't even pay the 39 percent but that a surgeon would pay you know that a person works for a living would pay they pay 23.9 percent but that 3.9 percent is is stuck in their cross and they want to get rid of it. Republicans that they fund are go gung ho to make it happen we'll see where it goes and if they think that that is how to get it through these stories you know you're just talking a previous caller about John on that I mean it's John often when we've been through there right now. Which is looking increasingly likely and by the light I mean he's not he's got a a can you know he's not a natural politician not a national campaign or yet but if he can win in Georgia. That not only is going to make Republicans on Capitol Hill really wary about they're not only they're going to assume a Trump again that he has been with health care reform and on so I think it might put a little bit of pressure on them. You know longstanding lawmakers maybe kind of thinking about retirement either if it's me how do you think happened you know obviously I thought a lot of you know when the local election and national And I think that as you talk about health care reform which as of right now is Republican Party only chance after any Think of it before August which is crazy you know. You've mentioned the government I do think I'm not going to you know if every. Health care vote it's not going to help that and I don't but it still that has you know what 11 percent approval rating I think right and that would be probably the top 5 percent of Americans that you're get an excellent point Patrick thank you for the news and talk Talk Radio News thank you Patrick thank you yeah have a great weekend. Fully back with more than I think I was already. In the News of the day and still. You're listening to our. Here with your world in 2 minutes and your host Luke Farkas. 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Streaming live at k n a stray dog org And on the truth in smartphone app and now a moment in San Diego's history the city of La Mesa is located just off the freeway 9 miles east of San Diego in Spanish no Mesa means the table or the plateau Originally it was part of the Mission San Diego today a college tract of land used by Spanish missionaries the base It was founded in $1869.00 and occupies just over 9 square miles the city's biggest annual event is October 5th square strolls hundreds of thousands of people annually to when they say in October to give social justice K.M.'s j. 89 point one and say this guy.
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