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Beyond to talk to you injured call the wildcard line a declining 25014109 the 1st time caller my music 185-014-7212 talk to Jimmy from east of the Rockies call 828255033 from west of the Rockies toll free call 80618825 fun this is coast to coast am with your guest host Jimmy church All right welcome back live on this Thanksgiving weekend I am working on the I was Jimmy church and if you enjoy what we do here on Coast to Coast that's a radio but if you want to see this on the screen checked. Out beyond belief where you can join George right there for dynamic discussions on paranormal phenomena conspiracies and all things unexplained you get to see the world through new eyes and you get new episodes weekly you can get unlimited access to be on believe can you can watch it anywhere in your computer i Phone i Pad where there are no commercials no sponsors you get to enjoy beyond belief completely ad free to sign up just go to be and believe dot com Our guest tonight Adam Apollo we're discussing my 3 favorite subjects physics you oppose and contact we're going to get to your phone calls when we come back this is coast to coast am. 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Thanksgiving weekend and I know if you're traveling and snarling highways in airports in the snow and everything across this country I hope you travel safe our guest tonight is Adam Apollo and we are discussing 3 of my favorite subjects you oppose physics and contact and I want to get to some phone calls we have a full rack in front of us Adam are you ready Yeah let's go buddy let's go I'm going to go from top to bottom Ok You know what I'm going to give it to you east or west. East you want to go East let's go you know late night. Let's go to Michael in Virginia Beach Virginia Michael you're 1st up on coasts how to Adam good to hear you're good to hear your voice you have a and Adam Great great show and Adam I have a question for you it's a bit of a challenge but I know you can handle it. You made some important points here I want to bring you to mind to your mind you probably already already know this some important statistics about 3 areas of science chemistry physics math and medicine that's for me but it was me those 4 disciplines the most persecuted people in the world have this record regarding those over disciplines they are 120 times more a likely to win a Nobel Prize and those 4 yr mention Shaiman. But here is my point that you have a record. Extra Terrestrial money tax. When the creator of the universe. You know why don't we do something. Why don't we try some Jewish things for a change I have been listening this week isn't really. The best so over the years in America they're all Jewish they all come from the Christian Cupid background of Russia Alan Dershowitz Mark Levin and James secular Ok Michael let me let me jump in can you get to a question yeah you know here I thought I got a question out of that for sure Michael I mean I hear you asking you know why aren't we honoring Jewish people's background and information more is that accurate I mean. Well I don't think he's with us anymore Ok go ahead you know I I hear you and you know what like I really feel you on that front Michael and. Let me just say that all around the per all around the world in literally every continent. In most countries there are people whose ideas and cultures and brilliance contact experiences spiritualities religions. Have been persecuted in one way or another and that B you know we have as a collective people on earth had a habit of shutting down people from one background or another due to judgement due to. The way that we perceive them as being different from us due to the ways that we feel that they threaten us or our way of life and this is a very real part of what's going on on the planet and I think that in many cases there are a lot of residual pains and traumas that we are here at this time we've got to clean up right and so it doesn't it doesn't work to flip the switch the entire other direction like you can't you can't just say Ok well this one people it's been persecuted and kept down so let's just make them the number one thing that we put all of our focus on that doesn't really work either but it is required that we acknowledge and accept what has happened and we began to make reparations around it and that we began to shift the relationship that we have with these peoples I mean here we are in the United States of America and guess what there was a people living all over this land before a lot of the people the Europeans Mirror's ancestors and mine that's my assumption based on. The sound of your accent but I. I feel that many of us you know came here from another place and we're living on land that used to belong to other people and how much are we doing to honor those people their wisdom their ancestry their way of life and their way of honoring nature and then you know I'm Irish and most people when they think of the Irish they think of St Paddy's Day and they think of 4 leaf clovers and leprechauns which you know is basically the antithesis of Irish culture. Which because St Patty's Day is a Christian holiday and it's it's based on the same Paddy who supposedly chased the snakes out of Ireland but that that understanding of the snakes that is part of the ancient Irish wisdom there is part of the old culture that is part of the Irish that goes all the way back to the time of the 2 Lhasa De De non And most of the culture of the Irish around the honoring of sword and chalice stuff and stone the 4 elements or directions a very indigenous sort of approach to our relationship with nature has been all but lost and wiped out and that's true all over the planet and so I hear your your pain around and and especially in the physics world and I think a lot of different groups have been sort of blocked from the academic world in different ways due to the way that the academic world was developed by 1st Nations and by people that. You know. Believed that they were above other races on the planet or other people on the planet and I think that there's a lot of healing still to be done on that front so thanks Michael you went east I'm going West to Jeff in Sonora California you're up next on coast. It's a good evening gentlemen good evening Jeff what do you have for Adam Basically I just would like Adam to maybe briefly touch a part of the experience with the starship in the backyard that's one to maybe what's the current understanding of dark matter and 31 what in his opinion what would be the best way to provide a maximum focus to a photon field Yeah thank you for that Jeff let's start with briefly the starship in the backyard. Yeah sure yeah well the 1st time when I was a little kid I was at a ranch that my mom worked at and I went outside at night there's a little lake that I used to like to walk around and a massive light came over the mountain came kind of spinning into view since elating lights came down really big and bright. And just filled my field of vision and I had this moment like oh my god what the frick is going on and then I just had this like blinding light experience and the thing just shot off the over the mountain. And that was my 1st experience I thought it was maybe a dream later I had a hard time with it I told my mom about it so I was able to in going to verify that I had come in and told her about this experience later. And when I was a teenager I saw 3 lights moving in a triangular shape traveling across the sky with my brother and step brother and knew I'd seen a ship and then you know in years later. I you know back in 2005 I had a powerful direct contact experience with an extraterrestrial ambassador and I talk all about the story of that on my upcoming show on interviews with Ed as an extra dimensional show with Rubin Langdon and I recommend looking up interviews with Ed they have a lot of great shows and I tell the whole story about that on that interview and that should be coming out sometime I think this month the summer here as we move into the last month of the year. Question number 2. Was dog dark matter dark matter here so dark matter dark energy I know that your next guests coming in is going to be discussing some of that and more deaths there Jimmy but I'll just give your listeners just a little sense of my understanding on that front and the way that we translate that in the field of unified physics. And that is that when you account for the fundamental field having a huge amount of energy and like mass energy basically imbedded in space time itself in other words you account for the energy that's there that you know is is estimated by quantum mechanics is read normalized to the numbers that we see when we experiment with you know putting 2 plates together and actually try to measure what's going on in that so-called empty space and when we account for the level of density of energy and mass energy in the field and we look at it go lactic scales and we start treating the galaxies rotation as instead of it stars moving through empty space it's actually space it's space that is moving and that space is swirling around the core and moving all of the stars in that space suddenly all the extra mass energy momentum required to answer the question of where is the missing mass and where is the missing energy is already there its already answered in other words you don't need dark mass Dark Star dark matter or dark energy anymore because it's actually explained by the dynamic of spacetime itself and this is also true of looking at the expansion of the universe because if you realize that matter is being created all the time in protons everywhere and so space time is actually being generated all the time and especially generated in solar systems and in galaxies not all you have this understanding that there is a pressure gradient that's created by the new energy that's being created all the time and that is going to cause the energy. The universe to continue expanding accelerating and it also suggests that perhaps if you know certain elements of mass energy like protons eventually left the surface of this universe and this might be getting to your 3rd question although I didn't hear you super clearly so maybe Jimmy can refresh me but that protons leaving the surface of this universe could potentially be expanding into new universes and the reason that we see that is because there's a direct mass energy relationship between the at mass energy of the entire universe and the embedded mass energy that we have in every single proton so every proton holographically contains the mass energy at the Planck scale required to birth an entire universe let's get one more call in before the break let's go to Walt and Allentown Pennsylvania what's sad Adam. I'm an atheist but I'm going to church right on Wall Well what's your question for Adam Well with all due respect. I agree with the Los know what to said you know when you get into metaphysics you're out there I mean let's face it. I you know I as far as your comment about the word being visited I'm not. You know Yet the guard against you fall is you becoming like the religion I mean people are substituting. As I told Diana instead of believing in Sheriff and the chair of them and all the rest of the choirs of angels they substituting you know the Greys the reptilians the praying mantis people I mean you have. George said about a month ago George had the eminent the backing of the Grasse Tyson on and he asked him about Bigfoot then Dr Tyson humorously I resorted to the George Will was the pope you know yes I agree with you was let me let me throw that over to Adam Adam. To rule out millennia when it comes to religion today if we insert and substitute. Aliens or grace right with with angels and and cherubs and divine beings from above the stories are the same and they're very similar to what we are talking about today isn't it. Well we would have to expand the 'd list of species mentions quite drastically. Because there's a lot of different beings out there and to you know to only look at mantis or Greys or Zeta Reticuli is another name for those or at Chileans you're looking at a tiny slice of consciousness in the galaxy and you're looking at it frankly mostly And what I can tell consciousness in a lot of cases that still dealing with a huge amount of trauma and it's contracting with certain beings on this planet in order to deal with that trauma and work through pain that has existed from prior major collective wars and things that went down on this planet but when we really look at the scope of the types of connections and contact that have happened on this earth we see many many more cases of interactions between peoples with beings that they felt were you know quite benevolent and and teachers and guides beings that helped them to understand their relationship with space time with matter in a new way and that in some ways were you know probably trying to empower them to take ownership of their own lives and engage their lives in ways that are more peaceful and more elegant perhaps supporting them in developing language and mathematics and things like that so we have a huge variety of the types of stories that show up and yes there are certainly a lot of parallels that we can look at in different religious traditions with contact with some kinds of higher beings that came down and those beings being. Potentially being extraterrestrial I mean and Christian just pointing at Christianity we have tons of art back from the Renaissance all the way back to. You know before 1000 a.d. And 500 that points to there being some kinds of strange craft in the sky and sometimes they're very precisely look like U.F.O.'s as we would call them today are many of the other you know 3 letter acronyms that we have for them. And you know so we know that this is there but this doesn't you know for those people that that that belief in an angels and higher beings that doesn't negate that either well let me jump in also a huge amount of experience that people have of different spiritual beings on different spiritual planes and before not be a physical right and before we get to the breakout you know there is Nordics and energy beings and light beings that that would be a safer way for leaders to describe what is going on that these are angels instead of trying to describe some type of e.t. Race 1500 years ago. Well you know a context in description is probably one of the most challenging things I mean and I think you know you have you know a description of the years rotating counter-rotating wheels in the sky a fire coming down right. Ok well what are we really talking about here yeah I'm not my imagination go with that so much and I've been trying to figure it out myself our guest tonight is Adam Apollo This is coast to coast am I am working on this Thanksgiving weekend when we come back after after t