Transcripts for KNFO 106.1 FM/105.5 FM/94.1 FM KNFO 106.1 FM

Transcripts for KNFO 106.1 FM/105.5 FM/94.1 FM KNFO 106.1 FM/105.5 FM/94.1 FM 20191020 150000

Tore a roof off a school in central Florida this is c.b.s. News behind every moment shared with the ones you love is a plan that helped make it happen learn more or find an advisor at Mass Mutual dot com Listen to this special announcement for anyone who owes back taxes to the i.r.s. Or state pay attention the iris is now using private collection agencies to track you down and take your money the experts at Timberline text group are standing by to tell you how to stop the collection calls i.r.s. Letters bank levies and wage garnishments I wasn't deep trouble with the i.r.s. 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Is but Michigan the Emmett Till memorial in Glendora Mississippi is the 4th of its kind the 1st historical marker in 2008 was thrown in the river vandal shot of the 2nd and 3rd signs the new memorial has a bullet proof front and 155 Till was 14 a young African-American from Chicago visiting family in Mississippi he was kidnapped and killed after being accused of whistling at a white woman an all white jury acquitted 2 white men of murder charges members of Till's family including a cousin who was there when Phil was kidnapped attended Saturday's ceremony at the site we're told body was discovered but Michigan c.b.s. News Kanye West is heading back to the movies but he says it's not for entertainment he's trying to save your soul is concert film Jesus is King arrives in Imax theaters this Friday Wendy Gillette c.b.s. News. Have you ever thought about saying goodbye to your job just walking into your boss and saying I quit and how would you like to commute to work without ever leaving your home well not long ago a 39 year old entrepreneur from a billionaire family spent 20000000 dollars in 3 years to find the best home based business in North America he researched 70 different companies and when he found the only one that had a real long term potential he bought it and right now he's looking for people to help him turn this company into his next 1000000000 dollar success story so if you're serious about making money from home without having to leave your home well grab a pen because I'm about to give you the address of a website where you can learn all about this unique opportunity write this down w w w dot go here next dot com Now get on your computer and go to this site now part time or full time your income is based totally on your performance interested go here next dot com and say goodbye to your boss tomorrow go here next dot com. This hour is sponsored by road to the water clean up Roto Rooter is a full service plumbing company now hiring and training plumbers they should watch our I do weekends upon us welcome you're on hold with Gary Sullivan thanks for joining me and well we got a lot that covered it I'll give you the phone number up from 808 to 3 to 5580823825 of our Web sites Gary Sullivan Online dot com because. The recent. Brought that up as I have it up on my screen here and there's a picture of some decking Voyageur decking the decorators that we talk about I know a lot of people building decks and changing out floor boards but he way wasn't paying attention to exactly what that picture was and I just saw all these 4 colors of boards I will now that's that wonder why that luxury vinyl tiles up there. If you're not familiar with that that's the luxury vote on tells a bad name for the for the beauty of this they look like planks of wood and or you going to heaven where it looks like ceramic tile in squares but anyway when I was in a daze decking boards at the home let's revive Tom know those are real decking boards when I say they're authentic I mean they're authentic All right tell the phone number if you've got a question to ask about your home or project you're working on the Give us a shout It's 80238255 yesterday show in fact I'm going in for the e-mail right now and probably probably deleted there some but yesterday doing a show in a fellow was talking about some. Canisters some water filters and he had put the whole thing on had the pex plumbing had some brass connections and he said it was leaking and so anyway I we went through a couple things to do including use an old pipe Thank you Dale the plumber he wrote me last night and he said listen they're listening to the podcast and just heard you talking to someone about me having water filters in the head leaks on all the threads use in blue teflon tape the name of that teflon tape is called Blue Monster Blue Monster blue teflon tape good stuff if it's applied in the wrong direction and that has to do with any type of Temple on tape it on my wine so if you run it where you're threading the connection in it's going to push that tape off and it's going to leak didn't bring that up so that's a really good tip make sure that the tape is running in the direction that you're screwing the fitting onto. So if it's implied in wrong direction that's going to cause it to leak he said the other way to eliminate Leaks is double up use your double up on your fittings use the tape and then piped up over the top of that being go no more leaks so do want to thank they'll the plumber thank you very much for. Thing thank you very much for the tip I appreciate it all right you got the phone number we're going to start things off with Diane in Pennsylvania Diane welcome good morning here you morning for taking my call you bet and this is the one that always says when in doubt call Jerry Ok Ok so I talked to you this spring summer about a roof Ok the roof I needed to replace it and I called you and you're like well I'm going to get you know I have 20000 I'm Ok I went with a gentleman a contractor I was able to run a half months he never did I mean I started calling in all the sudden it was like No I'm not going to do it you know well Ok so now I was on a mission to get it done before winter sure. Ok so I found a commercial person a car company that specializes in flat roofs good Ok so they come up I ask all the questions you told me warranties 15 years on the workmanship and on the product itself Ok now is the last the same thing we were talking about before they put on like 3 coats Ok so this was a coating correct and yes Ok Do you like a rubber roof but what it does is it gives Yes Yes It's in the last American voting and yes I know I vaguely remember the call but if you're so now they're doing the same thing and it comes all right now. I I went with a signed contract Ok so what they did was they got up there and they put half inch plywood. Across the whole structure 14 by 7 days Ok and then they later for they sprayed it they sprayed the 1st cut then they know they put the stuff so it's like toilet paper in a sealed all the same thing that all the screw holes are like that fiberglass correct and then they sprayed the 1st coat and then they did the 2nd coat which was like a blue coat and then I did the 3rd which was like a white coat to come for days. Ok so I thought Ok so. In my bedroom where the biggest issue was was now you know you're going to have visual or visualization where wrong meant the ceiling is where I had the biggest problem it's probably about 12 foot in and 14 foot long 14 inches long 12 would infer from watches 12 inches in and 14 inches long. Since we've put the roof for then now it's starting to really dry out Ok it's like a drop ceiling but the problem I have is the panels are probably. $1214.00 inches wide by 14 foot long and they go all the way across the room Ok. So now I want to try and get this fixed but in order to fix it they don't make panels that run 14 foot long anymore right so it's not as if my brother is a gathering room. Where it has dried out from where the wall meets the ceiling it is now starting to contract like shrink. And I get up there and when I push it it's just not catching the molding anymore Ok. How about instead of drywall and all this stuff and like I said if it's not I just it's bothering me it really bothers me why could not I I get a wider molding that would catch and do it all the way across that wall that would catch that is it a metal molding design to hold those planks. So you look like when you have drop ceilings you know they have that aluminum right now railing that hold this has like one inch strip that run in between each panel and I dig it up there and I got my finger up in there but there's no track or anything like that for. I guess what to answer your question you know I don't know what type of moldings up there that's holding it on but sure if you can find a molding that will do that job is the wood is it a wood molding or is it a metal molding you know it's a wood molding wood morning you should probably be able to find a molding that has a little more depth that can reach a little further into the room sure that's what I'm thinking and then you know there's 2 other spots back here but it's all cosmetic then a little bit a killer you know gig Well that was the other thing I was going to say is can that be painted in and quite honestly you just mentioned a product that was going to recommend it is one like kills or they make one called kills total one which is a lot heavier bodied stain blocking primer and kind of functions as a very thick coat so it hides the stain seals the stain and might be the answer and then get a little bigger molding and you might be able to patch up your well that's what I'm thinking now you know because I didn't test the net of a miller's itself I have one more question All right quickly because we had a break when they put this half inch plywood on. After the fact I'm telling you know people and they're like these things out of the t.v. On yours well I can't answer that either but I would suspect not I mean it's a commercial roofer that's been in business for a while and is good rated you did your homework on it Home Advisor and I mean that sort of Iran M's. Good No I mean I can answer that you know I have some I do a load study but I would think you'd be all right again that's not a definitive answer because I don't have enough data to support that the solution but I would feel pretty strongly that you'd be fine all right Diane we got to go thank you very much for the call and Darryl sit tight if you'd like to join us since 808238255 grab a line you're at home with Carrie Sullivan. Right when the call to Gary Sullivan at 180823 this is at home with Carrie Solomon. There are all kinds of construction he says but nothing is versed on works better than my favorite gorilla construction adhesive here's why you can apply it to any substrate wood mystery foam ceramic you name it plus gorilla construction he's of can be used indoors or outdoors it's totally waterproof Here's the best part it's quick grab unlike other construction he serves just pressed materials together you're done in 30 seconds and it's pain a ball learn more and find out where to pick up really construction he's of at gorilla tough doc my favorite product to clean kitchen cabinets and woodwork in my home is mill sick furniture polish your kitchen cabinets will look like new and mill sick removes grind dirt scratches an old wax from wood and restores it it will even remove heat rings and water rings I use it everywhere in my home Milicic also makes a great leather cleaner in my favorite stainless steel cleaner fine Milicic products a True Value do it best drug mark in Harris Teeter stores or order at Amazon dot com follow us here with the leaves changing you may feel like there's no time to get a lingering home projects done before the holidays Home Advisor can give you a hand for minor repairs the major remodels Home Advisor. 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Text and whatever just don't text and drive visit stop texts stop wrecks dot org a message from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council Good Sunday morning a channel to pinpoint weather meteorologist Christine rob our winter weather advisory continues this morning with periods of heavy snow across the central mountains temperatures today only in the twenty's will keep a few snow showers around tonight and into Monday temperatures as we kick off your work week making it into the thirty's sunshine returns on Tuesday with highs near 50. And goes all the Longhorns here tonight as a lot of debt is going to play into it's all our stuff that's going on in the early one just pray for us all Patchett sad. 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You are right that jumping the gun there 20 minutes after the job there I don't with Carrie Sullivan I was just so excited to get some things done around the home great day for just that yeah hold on carry her new up with me back pull me back it's 808238255 like to grab a line and by the way yesterday show it is up it is available to you via podcast and you can pick that up at the I Heart app that downloads free on your mobile device you can also pick it up on our website and yesterday we had some really cool projects of the week we talked about tankless water heaters we may even play that again today I don't or any platform that you might use him exactly and also your everywhere Sullivan Ok In the dice codings ones if you've got a lousy looking countertop going into the winter months on holidays check that podcast though. It's a product called Spread stone and it is a really really cool product you used it. In love that is probably 10 years ago and it's on my To Do List again not not the same countertop we're even in different house now but it's good stuff all right it's 808238255 that's the phone number we have Daryl Daryl welcome. Good morning yes sir thank you for taking my call I'm in Shreveport Louisiana north Louisiana I'm on a border of Texas Arkansas on only about a harness half alive smoke a home to give you an idea of the area or have a lot of humidity of course we have like everybody else a lot of a lot of rain and rain and what have you but I've purchased a if you will a trial or slash a matter of fact your column is 7 years old and on the back of it is a wooden deck it's quite a large Yes or but it does not have a top on it has not had a top on it so it's been exposed to all of the weather rain and do everything else over here as I searched fact that it is definitely been treated wood but it is sagging a little bit in the center but I can handle hat but the deal is as it's not been painted how I don't like this but had any kind I would say her own it over the years and it's not really rotten out taken and checked it's not really rotten but it's got a real old look to it right very gray probably got a really cracks in that little bit of splintering it is actually really it's in good shape so yeah Daryl So that's usually not due to the rain believe it or not that sun damage and of course you got plenty of sun too but you know the rain of course it is definitely pressure treated wood and where she got Luke's Panshin and contraction but that sun just really gets in there and damages the wood fibers you know when Wood decks 1st came out in the late Seventies there are bodies just talking about building a deck in you were finished the last 25 years life great well after about 3 or 4 years went on that stuff started turning gray and it cracked a little bit and there were splinter summits and we kind of protect that stuff so your choices in that scene answer yes you do have to protect that if you want to minimize this building the cracking the splintering and it's kind of like. You know see on and with different types of stains and you have choices and you know the one choice is you know a semi transparent which means you can still see the grain in everything you just stand a little bit of pigment to it and that pigment depending on the quality of stain you get will block the rays of the sun and block the u.v. You know we can hold up depending on how direct the sun hits it it can hold up anywhere from 2 years to 4 years. And then your next huge used the word painting it there is the next choice which is a solid color stain which offers a little more alter Violet protection you kind of lose the wood grain a look so it looks a little bit more like paint and last a little bit longer against the sun and of course it's going to hide all that gray if you use the semitransparent you would clean that would in you would use what they call a deck restoration or a deck Breitner which is UK Solich acid and you remove some of that greyness and then you could stain in any color you want and if you use the solid color stain of course all we have to do is worry about cleaning it and if you want to use the deck Breitner that might help that bite into the wood a little bit more but you can certainly do that so those are the kind of the 2 choices you've got Ok so you don't think that the mortar that might be in the wood the distain was I mean and I don't I'm not talking about you know just let it dry out a few days are water the standing will help protect what's left Oh sure absolutely it'll protect it it will sell for more for penetration and also c o from the ultraviolet rays of the Sun So that's what you're trying to do you'll slow down the degrading of that wood and it's not too late

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