Transcripts for KNFO 106.1 FM/105.5 FM/94.1 FM KNFO 106.1 FM

Transcripts for KNFO 106.1 FM/105.5 FM/94.1 FM KNFO 106.1 FM/105.5 FM/94.1 FM 20180915 200000

I get to hang here with my guy Bucky gross how we're doing we're so excited so excited to join you're so excited to be appointed to squad this will be a lot of fun no doubt about it no doubt and anything you know kind of stand out you know we've got some surprises already on the on the college football field brassica last Detroit Florida State got blown out by Syracuse like going on already today lot going on I am really surprised about a Florida state 300 who are struggling but at some point you steal kind of poor for the helmet I'm still looking at Florida State thinking you know Deion Sanders more macho those guys might run out of total air right now I don't know what's going on but Willie Taggart got a lot of work out maybe Jamison go back there and take a few snaps it's got a little time right now might have a lot more if it's magic looks like that every single week but we'll see so a lot to get to we'll cover it all Tim Brando's going to join us in less than a half hour we look forward to that So here's one thing living where we do Bucky here in Southern California I hear all the time and because I do a weekday radio show down in San Diego continues to be an emotional topic in Southern California and it is where the football teams are not just how they play but where they are where the Chargers are and where the Rams are and how they kind of become the fabric of the community how they try to do that over the last couple of years has been a big story and so here are the Rams take stock of what Stan Kroenke he has done over over the summer he brought in if you've heard of him and he was a big time out Fleet he tried to find a way to bring in right I mean try to go get clear Mack he wanted that isn't so defensive line to be future Hall of Famers nothing wrong with that right and so he I think he he's on to something in l.a. Which is that the Rams are trying to capture not just being good but the trying to capture a cool factor and they look the part on Monday night. When they beat the radio yes in the 2nd half right yeah absolutely I think this kind of goes back to the Showtime Lakers in l.a. It's not only about winning but it's winning with style and winning with the Stars when you look at the 2 teams the l.a. Charges in the l.a. Rams there are more notable stores on the Rams household names Todd Gurley Aaron Donna we heard of everyone knows who Indomie can sue is then you bring in a Marcus Peters and a key to leave they have guys that you can kind of hang your hat on when I look at the chargers I know Philip Rivers but do we really know any of the other guys to that level or the national known names. Crocky is doing is he's building a brand in l.a. a Brand in l.a. To actually work with the l.a. Fans because you know Dodgers angels whoever you have not only do you need to win but you've got to do it with some guys that I can get behind Ok so the game tomorrow Rams homeowner their cool in fact Vegas most of them this week they are now the favorite to win the Super Bowl game for you over the New England Patriots So here you have the Super Bowl favorite dripping with cool and coming off a pounding on the road all of the team that l.a. Actually really like it's all set up perfectly here they come the weather let's see outside right now is the weather looking good this weekend backing Oh it's not Ok my son not a soccer game this morning we're all sweaty. Ok so we've got all that in here come the cardinals coming to town this weekend for the home opener I gotta think this is going to be a big deal tickets for tomorrow's game are 12 they want to read it you know. 12 dollars back everybody get in here is it doesn't matter Yeah here's the deal everybody in l.a. Keeps saying you better win here's my response. Even that's not going to work now it might for the Rams but I want to make sure it is very clear to anyone who is even aware of the Chargers and I'm not sure there are many of those out there but even that is not going to do it unless you're talking like a Patriots ask run you want to do this for a decade and a half and you're in the playoffs pretty much every single year mix in some wings mix in some near misses now we're talking but anybody who knows anything about that organization back that's not happening no but I think you got it all mixed up because I think you deal with the old math and not good new man your factory ticket sales and how they can impact the bottom line but it's all about t.v. Revenue it's all about the 3rd party revenue the over the top when we talk about the Yahoo deals in the streaming deals that the n.f.l. Is cut the owners are more worried about the big picture like sure I'm sure Crikey wants to sell out the stadium but right now he's not in the new stadium he's in the coliseum they want to make sure that they have people there but it's a longer play for them they will make their money off of the older stuff I'm not worried about anybody gone broke but I'm worried about being embarrassed in front of the world that building by the way I went to a concert at The Forum this week so I walked right by the new building that's being built they're calling it cranky land out here palatial estate it is a palatial say look I'm not going to lie it's set up in an amazing area it's going to be beautiful but here's the other thing that's going to be true in a couple years it's going it's going to be half all now it might it might for a little while before all because it's the new toy but we know that stadiums don't last as a as an entertainment piece by themselves you got to put something in there California has become a home to the empty football seat. We saw we saw like Oakland lead. Thing we saw the 40 niners until they got Gropple last year the building was happening to you I went to Stanford San Diego State this year granted Stanford was not in session yet but they have a beautiful 50000 seat stadium or 22000 people there their team is right in the top 15 I mean that's that's what we're dealing with and so I just I think it's an important point for everyone to realize who's trying to jam this team into the city by the way I said this conversation with you so I'm at that concert with somebody who lives pretty near by Inglewood and so we're walking by the new stadium is a cousin of mine and he goes yeah pretty exciting right couple years from now pretty exciting I go Yeah but nobody cares he goes talking about you know people care I go about the Chargers he goes oh yeah I wasn't talking about the Chargers looking at the Rams Yeah Ok well but well that's that's Look we are getting national stories on a day on a weekly basis right now about what the charger crowd looks like and all of this Bucky that's not going to look good that's not you can't do 75000 seats in l.a. For football anymore you do it so you say they needed a small the stadium a small venue something a little more intimate or I don't know if something in San Diego would have been fine but if they tried there for a long time you couldn't get it done not really couldn't get it done through they could have got it done they didn't get done what they wanted to get down which was a perfect deal for them and a horrible deal for all the people. Well yeah that's the only. Thing All right let's call them that it's our job to point it out isn't it yeah I mean with us that's what everyone wants everyone wants you to I want you to buy me a car make the payment but I still get to read it with what spin offs in the charges owners ownership that's what they wanted they wanted to see it to get a shiny new stadium down there I think they also won the location right near Oh yeah they. Do want to tell you not to blow the city up and just want a big football stadium in the middle of it and make everybody else pay for it right and then they want to with the tourist tax yeah it's going to be like you know the hotel terrorist attacks where people and everybody comes for Comic-Con you know and it was it was terrible it's you know it was a deal that even he knew and I have this on really good author already he knew way before they got to the voters that soccer was not going to pass right now do you 3rd you can't get 2 thirds of Californians to agree that the sun is out you know the only thing I want about the Chargers do what I thought would have been more sensible why not move to South Orange County lie right on the line where you still could draw would have been better this in the a go crowd some of the lower l.a. Crowd Orange County could own the squad like I thought that would have been a better move just logistically to still retain some of the routes that you have moved all the way into l.a. Man you know what for 5 days or coming up on the Hill that is not on a Sunday night and not on any day on any day like if you woke up it's hard to get from point a to point b. That's just a fact but by the way I am even to a degree curious about the Rams because as we just they have done everything you could do that a Super Bowl favorite they've got people you heard of an every single part of the ball there are exciting Sean McVeigh went viral this week because he remembers plays in the 3rd quarter from 8 years ago and I mean all this stuff is really cool and the fact that it's a kid is still 12. Box and war a month and a half away from Liberal years ago to die just at the $6.00 please you see if they play $81.00 games I'm going to say maybe they're trying to make a fan friendly they want to look you're not trying to do this this is just what the demand is suggesting on the 3rd on the 3rd market right now so I'll listen Le Bron is about to come to town Oh yeah and that's going to change everything like that's the Rams and chargers that's the thing people don't they're forgetting like you got a month. Got a month to grab everybody's attention and then Le Bron Alonzo are going to start playing oh I will say this because I didn't I grew up a Laker fan I grew up on the East Coast My son is all in on the Lebron thing with Le Bron thing right he's talked to me about to get sick well whoa easy easy easy with just a whole year's salary I would run away whereas you're just going to get like all you got to do. You mean to just for one game try to get some single game and you don't even when I'm with him he's in town lesson that that is what's going to make this place take and that's my point like you're either a part of the fabric of the community or you're not the Marlins one Championships Oh yeah no and tell me what to get my 7000 people show up for baseball games like if your foul we don't want to be demoralized if you're a part of the community you are and if you're not you're not like it doesn't matter if you win. It doesn't matter more it is just a mole is just a mole Rams fans and and well yeah that's right the ram sort of works the ramp but I thought it showed the charges in a way for like 10 seconds they had like 4 games here all right Mark Willard Bucky Brooks Fox Sports Radio who is this year's Alvin Camaro or Kareem Hart is there one that's next on Fox Sports Radio. One college football is a. Sports Radio. They don't forget about. Sports Radio. Your Social Media Fit. For you. Or it's radio Ok Ben Mallare here this is a 32nd commercial and I'm going to throw a lot of numbers at you but please stay with me in just 15 minutes you could save 15 percent or more on car insurance this company has been offering great rates and great service for over 75 years and any time you need help you can speak to one of the train specialist 247 the company Geico good eye Geico dot com today start rolling numbers and in 543211 em out of time a wedding is a beautiful thing as long as it doesn't fall on a Saturday during college football season those Saturdays are reserved for the union of 2 rivals a celebration of bands coming together to trash talk one another at Buffalo Wild Wings we believe that a wedding planner needs to own a football calendar and don't bars are full of drinking. Unless you're secretly trying to cut down your guest list kudos on the great strategy Buffalo Wild Wings escape to football please drink responsibly this story is called The Ugly Truth About Time Share if you think you've done your family a favor by buying a time share. Hello I'm Chuck McDowell c.e.o. And founder of Wesley Financial Group tenure. Years ago I started helping folks cancel or timeshare contracts and in the process started what's now called the Tom Sure cancellation industry timeshare is the only thing that you can buy that you can't tell me how much it's going to cost or when it's going to end when you bought timeshare you give them a blank check to fill out any amount they want for annual maintenance and assessment phase sound crazy the crazy thing is this never ends even when you die your family's now going to be stuck with this burden stop the insanity to day come office now I guarantee if we can't cancel your timeshare contract you'll pay nothing call for your free information kid 80069 that's 800 point 696-8800 point 69600. In the. Mychal Kendricks agreed to a one year deal to play. With the Seattle. I cannot recall. A couple weeks later signing a contract with a different n.f.l. Team I don't. Go to jail are you that you. Check the police blotter of the article. Up to 25 years. In the summer and also. Details. 6 and. We could get to this a little bit later in the hour. 10 minutes there's a lot of buzz going on. About Paul. Right Joel Clack did a big thing so your buddy John middle cough was talking about it they want the a.p. Poll to just go away go away just go away or just go away because well basically the thought is is a as we know early in the season a poll is is you know just filled with errors but secondly their point would be that the a.p. Poll also suffers from a confirmation bias which is that we put it out at the beginning of the season and then when the evidence starts rolling that we were wrong we don't react we want to just make changes we keep people right where they were as long as they win even if they're not winning the way they should when there's a you know I could agree with that position and I think you want to get rid of it completely I do believe although James he said that he wants to just go away all the way go away just go away what fun is that well I will say this I would love I would love the polls to start at the end of September I mean I can I can see that I mean like this but I mean look you know in our business we love ranking raking in bank it so I don't know what fun would it be to start college football without rancor but I do understand because there's no factual basis as to why we were in these teams one to 25 and it does have a way of impacting where we are gets the get to playoffs and who we believe are good because they started at a certain level that was when they started level sometimes it's hard for a team to storm the pole to get in position to be a team that we talk about as a playoff contender like think about you see after where they started last year so even though they when they started so far out of range that you never could serious the kind of keep them in the mix or put them in the playoff discussion Joel was talking about Clemson and he's like as in so you start all the way up at the top and you know. You don't when the way like other teams are winning like it hasn't looked perfect and that's fine look that you know you when you move on you survive I'm not saying they should have some major penalty but you know Ellis you were sitting here at 12th Yeah who else looked better no less you yeah you know what I mean they're like what you're saying what those guys are saying there's some truth to that because just because we were down as you because they've never had a quarterback. In the past this. Year however this where the saw and then they look they've looked good they beat the breaks off Miami right now as we look and they're leaving all her and if they would you could say maybe this is a top 5 team that we were just wrong go on at the outset no doubt no doubt So more on that coming up we'll get Brando in here he was doing the Penn State Kent State game today that one also that one went the way it was supposed to go Penn State had abstained a couple of weeks ago really had a hard time today they did not have a hard time all right your observation so far I thought last year was such a coming out party at the running back position in the n.f.l. It was just so amazing I mean we sit here and we go who's this year's Camaro or hunt and that's almost like denigrating Christian McCaffrey and Leonard for net and all these other guys who are also really good there was a breakdown been cook before he got hurt there was a birth of so many really successful guys at the running back position and so now we're sitting here going Ok you know who are the guys this year it's been a little bit less of a splash this year but has anybody caught your eye would you say Well I think you have to look at Denver differ as to running backs that have caught my Royce Freeman was a got enough thought could be a rookie year candidate when they drafted him coming out in Oregon just knowing what the Broncos needed when you have Case Keenum you need to make sure you surround him with a solid running game so I feel I root for him to get enough carries to come to be in the mix yet 15 touches the 1st game but what was interesting about. His situation he shared the load another rookie Philip Lindsey who's an underactive free agent from Colorado he also had 15 carries an hour Rustam So look I don't know if either one of those guys will have the impact that we saw after Kemarre and some of these all the young guys have Kareem and kind of coming out of nowhere but I do believe that what we've seen in the league is kind of a reemergence of the running back the running back now is valuable but there's a certain type a running back that you have to be to be valued you have to be what I call a hybrid meaning that you are running back in title only you run the ball you catch the ball at the back to impact the game as a receiver those are the kind of the guys that are the special ones and you look at the contracts that are being doled out Tiger early got his money Tiger early was want to top running backs getting a ball at the back I think you let them all in yards for cats David Johnson got his money his last full season he was close to being 81001000 guy let him Bill will eventually get his money so if you're going to be $1.00 of those backs you have to be an impact as a runner and a receiver and I was thinking if I was living on Bell's agent I would just clip that entire statement that you just made and I'll maybe send that out to the league because you haven't said the lady on Bell will get his money I think a lot of people around the country are questioning that right now more on that a 2nd because 25 minutes ago was the deadline for levy on to show up in Pittsburgh he did not do that so that's another 800000 in change went out the door is light work is light work Ok like I make you and I see this the same way and we see it a little bit differently than a lot of other people do and you know what let's go and go there saw saw this this tweet from n Drew Brandt and Andrew Brandt who's done a lot of media stuff but also is a guy that's done n.f.l. Contracts back in the day right so Andrew Brandt tweeted this a short time ago let me. I'm down now about 2 hours away from the 4 pm Eastern time deadline which now has now passed to report or forfeit another $885000.00 which it looks like he'll lose it as a former agent I just don't get it now the responses come from the likes of Amy trial ask former c.e.o. Of the Raiders even after you Barry although we know the lens he's seeing it through which is that means a lot of us see it through fantasy just like you no doubt Didn't 2nd overall

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