Transcripts for KMYC 1410 AM [TalkRadio 1410] KMYC 1410 AM [

Transcripts for KMYC 1410 AM [TalkRadio 1410] KMYC 1410 AM [TalkRadio 1410] 20191108 200000

Employees business owners love the simplicity the price in our us based support and accountants love the powerful capabilities check out our nearly perfect $5.00 out of 5 star ratings. President Joe Biden becoming the latest candidate to file the paperwork for the 1st in the nation primary in New Hampshire Fox's Peter Doocy in Concord within minutes of him filing I owe a lot of the questions upstairs about Michael Bloomberg getting into the race now back a Bloomberg team is telling us that if Bloomberg makes an official and decides that he wants to be a presidential candidate it's because he doesn't think anybody running her brother could possibly beat President Trump in a general election so the former v.p. Was asked about that I walk I'm in the race Michael Sallah guy rescuer goes I have no no problem with him getting a record. In terms of running because to me I last polls I looked pretty poor here Bloomberg the former New York City mayor rethinking his decision earlier this year not to run meantime Andrew Yang also filing his New Hampshire paper work independents have been waiting for campaign that energized them and spoke to them and talked about their real problems they're seeing on their main streets in their communities every day and I think independents are going to come out for injury yang here in New Hampshire and around the country a Yank says Bloomberg is entitled to his opinion the secretary of state taking shots at Russia and China as Germany marks 30 years since the fall of the Berlin wall speaking in the late Mike pump criticizing. Russia Today Russia led by a former k.g.b. Officer stationed in Dresden invades its neighbors. Slays political opponents and saying China suppresses its people using tactics that would be horrifyingly familiar to former East Germans amid strains Abril ations between the u.s. And Europe. We must recognize the free nations are in competition of values with those unfree nations in London Simon Island Fox News Hour of the close on Wall Street the Dow is down 47.3 This is. I'm Bob welcome to my podcast if you like water if you do you're going to love me you are and simple I'm talking. Yeah it's been 500 years and I've lived here. All I never was and never will be tap water. Bottled at the source the base of Mount Shasta Yeah your and simple naturally the best you can drive by calling 189-6227. It's happy hour right now a job a detour with Courtney coffee and fast food prices featuring the Lish drinks like I split it Carmel white Mocha has tons of drizzle and talk with a mountain of whipped cream for the black and white Mocha that comprised it has the perfect combination of dark and white chocolate oh so good in just the pick me up you need a job a detour Happy Hour 5 to 7 pm gourmet coffee and fast food prices so you want to be easy in a now turn St Mary's one 3rd Street in Marysville. Discussion is about. Most exciting radio talk show. In America it would include questions about rock n roll from the fifty's and sixty's and if the a legend or the would be citizen didn't know who the Beach Boys were they would fail that's a simple as that they don't know George Washington is Thomas Jefferson and they don't know anything except how to cash a welfare check or get a food stamp that they know before they even get here they get that in their own home language 73 languages around the world thanks to Nancy Pelosi and company but here we are on Friday it's rock n roll Friday and this is your last chance by the way to be called screen by Chris Potter who has been filling in this week. Christian. This is true Jim Verity who is normally the call screener is on the board running the show so we have a great fill in guy Chris Cotter another man with a lot of years in radio this is a been a good week for me because all the guys have been in the radio many years and you have to love radio to be in radio this many years no one does it for the money they do it because they love the medium and Christians will not be here after today so if you want to be screened today by the great Christian party you've got to dial 855400 savage 85578 so before the lines us so jammed up just to hear Chris POTUS saying what do you want to say to Michael. The guys are sitting there in Dallas I see them on a screen in my home studio here in beautiful San Francisco and there they are they're freezing because the air condition is so turned down they can't get the people to turn it back up to like any level of normalcy it's like sitting in a meat locker it's like me going into my shoes bushes but your store in south falls apart in the summertime in an overcoat to make sure he wasn't substituting chopped meat for a steak you know what I'm saying. Anyway guys hang in there people will be calling I promise you so I got an e-mail you see and it's open mike to Mike today I did some sterling shows everyone's talking about them yesterday show in particular was extremely energetic. The coup against Trump exposed all of these shows are on my part casts by the way they're permanently encoded there yesterday show was the coup against Trump exposed Wednesday was a big big show meanest moms tied into our Adam Shift mother everyone said how did you figure that out how did you break the code on how to insult him and get him crazy and tight into Mean Mom as I said it's simple he musta had a mean mom to have turned turned out a guy like that on Tuesday we did a Don Trump Jr interview. And on Monday family massacre in Texas that was Tuesday right terrible terrible terrible loss story so we're going to play a little of that and all of the news of the day and then there's some news of the day but I would rather not get into every little detail and reveal it about the impeachment thing you know honest thinking about on my bicycle today what does the average person do they really care about this they think all they see is a politics all they see is a party out of power trying to bring down a party that's in power by attacking the leader that's all they say they don't even know the ins and outs of it if you ask any man in America except those in the in crowd in talk radio on the news what is this impeachment about what are they getting Trump on nobody would know the answer you see the country is at peace right now the economy is booming that's all anyone cares about in case you don't know it the average person cares about peace and prosperity they don't care about backbiting and lies one way or the other the average person doesn't know the 1st thing about impeachment you know what they going after the president for they scratch their head what did he actually do I never had it so good I'm a new car my house is being paid for every month I have a job what do they want from the guy we're not at war my son isn't fighting overseas what do they want from this guy then you have the cuckoo clocks chirping away they're going to tax everyone to death in order to make the economy better they're going to destroy it. In order to make the economy better in America we're going to destroy it and we're going to start by going after the most successful people to prove that success fails in America that's the that's the campaign slogans of every last one of them we're going to attack success to prove that success fails and we're going to put failure policies in place the probe that fed your fails again people are not buying it so guess who comes out of the woodwork Michael Bloomberg now let me tell you something you know and I know that I could get more votes than Michael Bloomberg and I'm not running for anything I can guarantee you if I had any desire to run and I wanted to have raised money which I don't I could get more votes than Michael Bloomberg So why does a guy like Michael Bloomberg who's a wealthy guy who's achieved a lot in his life built an amazing company why is he running for office at this stage of his life when he doesn't need the money what does he need here when he knows he's not going to win he's the he knows Trump will beat him if he doesn't win as a damn. What's he doing getting a little acclaim just running for that golden torch for a few seconds to have a little light shine in his little face it's a simple as that So again it's all about ego not about policies and here's another thing people that I know you haven't forgotten everyone keeps saying if Trump couldn't win I can win that's why you get it it's like people at gag whoever his name is all of them nobodies zeroes the guy from New Jersey Cory Booker nobody zeroes Kamelot Harris who couldn't tell true north if you gave her a compress the reason all these nobodies are running is they still haven't figured out how Trump won now as a man who was credited with his victory you could say you're not the only one I'm certainly not the voters are the people decided however long before you know Trump as a candidate. I had him on the show going back to 2015 I took a long time to think about it and having watched the campaign I thought he was the only one who had the guts and the vitriol to defeat the enemy in the enemies of the Democrat Party and he did so I bet on a winner Slate magazine leftist magazine called me the godfather of Trump mania for better or Forrest blame me or hate me that's what they said I didn't say. Donald Trump himself put his arm around me shortly after which shortly after winning I was at Mar a Lago I think it was in the summer of that year I when I would I'm not sure and I went up to him as he came in and put his arm around me and bellowed without this man I wouldn't be president I was a proud moment of my life now why did Trump when Trump won because he had a message. What was the message that Donald Trump had he had a primary message I'm going to stop the flood of immigrants coming into this country which he has not done but you can't blame him for that you can blame Nancy Pelosi for that because they live off the greed graft and votes with of the of the illegal aliens he said I'm going to stop the flood of immigrants coming into America Number 2 I'm going to stop the flood of Muslims in particular coming into America and he didn't say all Muslims he said Muslims coming from countries that produce a high number of terrorists I looked into this this is a fact that's primarily what Trump was selling was a control of the flood of immigrants coming into America because all of us have had it up to our our eyeballs right now even liberals in liberal cities are saying enough is enough the you know that even the liberals and liberal cities are saying no to sanctuary city status they know that they're being engulfed by a foreign invasion I don't care whether they say it or not that's what's happening and that's what they sense they are being made the nullified in their own nation they're being nullified in their own nation they don't even hear English being spoken anywhere they're starting to feel like strangers in a Strange Land So getting back to the election Trump won because he had a message he had a message message was going to control the immigration flood then we gambled on the fact that he's a businessman and he wasn't a politician or God forbid a lawyer no less. Just when he was in there in politics or in the media another lawyer in the media just what the world waiting for Ok another a trained lawyer they need in the media or a trained lawyer in the White House know they figure he's a businessman he's gruff and maybe he'll straighten out the economy and he did so they gambled on him and on some levels. They won on the economy on some levels they have not yet won no wall the flood of immigrants is terrible higher than ever can't blame him for it entirely but again getting back to my main point he ran on a message and the message was very close to the messaging I have been putting out for years of putative nationalism Borders Language Culture he didn't use those words but according to Steve Bannon who was on the show last week when I met Steve some time last year we had a meeting for the 1st time I've never met him he told me point blank and I don't think he would deny it that we took your books we took down the board the speaking points and we gave them to him and he ran on them over the years so I'm very proud to tell you that I the unknown talk show host the man you never see on. The man who was is reviled particularly by television stations for reasons I'll never understand other than I can give you some reasons but let's just say for commercial reasons I'm not seen on television I belong on radio anyway I prefer it I think there medium for expressing ideas because you're not concerned about life in your eyes or how you look it's a more pure form of communication than television has I didn't say that there aren't great people in television there are but it's easier if you're a pure idea man to be to express them through radio than it is to t.v. That's for me anyway t.v. Is a very tough medium so here we are. The man who no one ever sees or hear hears from Michael Savage helped elect the president so where does that leave me today I'm going to help reelect the president exactly what I intend to do from right right now through November that's all I can say to you and I hope that we are successful again but the primary point of this message from today's show is that none of the idiots who is running has a message other than hating trump the Democrats hate Trump and hate success that's their message if you made money we hate you if you built a business will take it from you if you're happy will make you sad that's my message Vote for me none of them have ever created a business or product anyone needed except Bloomberg Bloomberg can't win for a number of reasons he has no message none whatsoever I'll tell you could have one if they didn't destroy him I was thinking about it yesterday the guy from Starbucks even though he's a leftist He is a businessman who created a whole enterprise and an empire of coffee shops and he knows what business is he would have been a good president for them a good candidate for the presidency on the Democrat side but they made sure that a pro-business guy like Scholtz didn't run because he would have shown the others for what they are naked communists outright naked racist communists every last one of them and I don't think the American people want to a racist communist in the White House by the way as much as they may not love Trump because of the hatred of the media the hatred the media I've never seen anything like it in my entire life and I've been watching politics since I'm 18 it's as though they do it without thinking any more it's a reflexive action every story from every one of these losers in the media is anti Trump so I found the quote for you. About this by none other than George Washington in 792 when I put it up on Michael Savage dot com Here it is if the government and the officers of it are to be the constant theme for newspaper abuse it will be impossible I conceive for any man living to manage the helm or to keep the machine together unquote That's George Washington in 792 let me repeat again for those of you are brain addled from drug usage if the government and the officers of it are to be the constant theme for newspaper abuse it will be impossible I conceive for any man living to manage the helm or to keep the machine together George Washington 7900. Was before c.n.n. That's before that the generous who run that network were born of. Well let's stop right there it's a family show and that's before the firemen came along in the television world and that code is found on Michael Savage dot com as well as all the other stories I hope to get through today again if you care to be screened by Chris Potter before he leaves the show it's his way. Simply by making a show Dr topic Ok I won't do it anymore but the phone number is 855 I got you laughing the both of these guys and I laugh at the happiest Friday they deserve a little left or right you know this is a very rough business. My 1st program director said to me when I come out sweating after a 3 hour show I said this is really a tough business he said it's like a contact sport Michael if you do it right you should walk out sweating and exhausted and I did for many many years I'll be right back joined Savage Nation call No 85400 savage 85407282 savage the Savage Nation is sponsored by Swiss America the only company I trust with my financial future call 802892646 or Swiss America dot com Does your dog it scratch stink or shed like crazy about for help order a 90 day supply of dynamite kind of by your trash pick up 2 bottles a liquor chops get the 3rd bottle free new improved with omega 36 vitamin e and now 6 extra direct that microbial even better for the digestive track and immune system try liquor buy to get one free at Dynamite dot com Why l.v.i. Backpack. Needs a ton of work the pipes are leaking needs a new roof the AC just broke I just don't have time to do it all myself you know anyone just as. 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At you for the 76 clues the highway has Louisiana style crispy crunchy chick This is right how you now have crispy crunchy chicken and all the fixin's for breakfast lunch and dinner and don't forget the side any better biscuits mashed potatoes and gravy back and cheese wedge potatoes and red beans and rice call ahead for a family dinner or a large group and we'll have it ready circle k. It was the 76 clues highway has always been great can be. 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