Rescued from flooded neighborhoods their wealth and 3 quarters of a 1000000 people in the Carolinas have lost power because of the storm a bother and a baby were killed when a tree fell on their house in Wilmington North Carolina a 77 year old man was apparently knocked down by the winds and died after going up to check on his hunting dogs and Lenore County another man was electrocuted while trying to connect extension cords in the rain a Fort Worth Texas police officer remains in critical condition after being shot while trying to stop a bar robbery here early Friday there has not been much change that family members are are with him now and at his side his friends and fellow officers here is other family are there to support him 110 percent and they are just trying to provide him enough strength to get through this very very tough time that he's going through right now Ward Worth police chief Joel Fitzgerald says Officer Garrett Hall is a 17 year veteran of the Fort Worth Police Department the. Chesters marching outside Fox 4 in Dallas Texas after the t.v. Station tweeted that police found marijuana in the apartment of a man who had been shot and killed by his police officer neighbor 10 days ago the family of both. Now demanding that police officer Amber Geiger be fired for that shooting she has been charged with manslaughter Fox News fair and balanced. 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Brett Kavanaugh says sexual assault allegations against him are false Fox News has confirmed that a woman is accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempting to sexually assault her at a party while they were both in high school back in the early 1980 s. Kavanagh in a statement denied the claim writing I categorically and unequivocal deny this allegation he continued I did not do this back in high school or at any time the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein of California has referred a complaint regarding Kavanaugh to the f.b.i. For investigation the woman who has asked not to be identified 1st approached Democratic lawmakers in July shortly after President Trump nominated Kavanaugh at the White House John Decker of Fox News 65 women who have known Capitol for years have written the Senate's Judiciary Committee to tell them that Capitol has always treated women with respect Secretary of State Mike Pompei Oh sure please criticizing one of his predecessors charging former Secretary John Kerry who's admitted meeting with Iranian leaders has been coaching those Iranian leaders on how to deal with President Trump and his withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal you can't find precedent for this in u.s. History and. Secretary. Not to engage in that kind of behavior it's inconsistent with what foreign policy the United States is as directed by this president and it is beyond inappropriate Secretary Kerry denies any coaching President Trump earlier tweeting that Kerry's meetings with the Iranians were illegal hundreds of people are still away from their homes in 3 communities north of Boston following Thursday's natural gas fires there are crews inspecting every home to make sure it's safe to turn the gas and electricity back on hundreds of people that have been a backyard it in the Spanish Fork area of Utah wildfire with one high winds friends hundreds of homes I'm Jack Hanna Fox News Radio. Land in sunglass and Yuba City the leading service in the area has a new location Come check out the newer bigger location of Linden son's class 26th . 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From coast to coast and rural why don't the Internet is coast to coast am with Ian Punnett by promising great LEDs up on bumpers all night long we'll do that even when we go to open lines coming up next hour and will make time for some of your phone calls too for Chris to salvage at the bottom of the hour will give the numbers and you'll get a chance to join in the conversation and ask him about your favorite Jimmy Page satanic legend story whether or not it's true and I and for that matter do just some of the things that that Led Zeppelin was famous for some of these stories are debunked in the book which I thought or even in one case not even addressed so I'll get to that with with Christian just a 2nd but a reminder about tomorrow night I'll be on Saturday night on coast to coast and and I'm going to have David Mack on I've had David on off and on for for years just for a few minutes here or there he's a big Coastie He is also famous for drawing the comic book series The the graphic novel series kabuki. And then Daredevil which. Is made in he participated in the in the movie that was the Ben Affleck daredevil but he continues to be involved with in the Marvel Universe and in fact his paintings were used in the opening credits for Jennifer Jones that's all David Max worth but that's not all he's got going I don't want to give away too much of the story now but I had a conversation with the David on Thursday just to kind of double check on what I can say and what I can't say but he has a new fiction. Graphic novel series coming out it's called Cover and it makes an interesting proposal about what would happen if a comic book artist and a comic book writer write people to do the words of the people who do the ink What if they were working secretly for say some clandestine American organization internationally you know spying they had to have a cover. Now I bring that up to you because it may or may not be related to the fact that David Mack has spent a considerable amount of time traveling the world as an ambassador of art on behalf of the State Department we're going to that story what's real and not Saturday night but 1st let's get back to what exactly did happen backstage with that mud shark next on coast to coast am this is Ian Punnett. 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From the app store today and get one you're free what happened you used to go out worse without visiting the bathroom now it seems like you're constantly getting up to pee and you're even getting up at night to go this is not Ok Listen the makers of super beta prostate the number one prostate formula are introducing a new wonder pill super beta prostate p 3 advanced with 3 key ingredients that are great for your prostate it's like taking 3 prostate supplements and one disc. We're sending 3 bottles to men who want to cut down on bathroom trips Yes your 1st 30 day supply is free pay shipping and handling just dial pound to 50 on your mobile phone and say the keyword free bottle early research suggests that an ingredient in p 3 advanced may help support a normal prostate size combine that with a reduction in urges to pee and you have a formula you'd be crazy not to try try p 3 advanced free dial pound to 50 on your mobile phone and say the keyword free bottle again dial pound 250 and see the keyword free bottle. Jimmy Page the definitive biography Chris. Hey Chris is the book available in the United States everywhere or only through Amazon through England well. Currently it's only available through Amazon if Englands but it will be published by. It in suing I don't actually have a publication date but it was too long because people were ask me about it and I'm like This is the British version I know just because of the punctuation you know you all do quotes differently and other stuff so I was curious whether they were going to redo it for the American audience but it's a great book and I went out and they are kind of. Good thank you very much thank you very much yeah people should call in a wow well to write checks yeah I imagine it's it's pretty available from Amazon but as I said there is an American edition which will be the same right change as a crunch ration whatever that will be coming out in the relatively short it'll be the same book except those spell color correctly. So listen just so interesting here's one of the stories I told you at the very beginning I wrote down like everything I thought I knew about Jimmy Page and one of the stories I'd always heard was that Paul McCartney was credited with coming up with the name Led Zeppelin that it was at a party and that he explained what he was going to do with the Yardbirds and that he was going to reform the band The Yardbirds and and and then it's Paul McCartney who's credited with saying well that will go over like a Led Zeppelin but that was you didn't that didn't even rate the book there isn't even you don't even mention it to not say it's not true but. Ok well. You heard you were I started last year a little bit you always heard it was John Entwistle from The Who. Yeah now I hear you better hear thank you so much or you suddenly came up to speak and sorry yes it's you know that whistle essentially in. Summer things may or June 966. There is the 1st I think this is kind of like unconscious then it's formulaic but it's not the 1st endeavor really to get together as a super group and it's around it's around Jeff Beck. Who was who was Jimmy's friends I mean that kind of growing up as teenagers they growing up together they live near each other they would. Come over to Jimmy's house and kept him in sorry parents' house and they play guitar together and. Back records. His version of Ravel's Bolero and all it is Keith Moon is on drums Nikki Hopkins is on piano and it was the who were kind of lightly falling apart at the time and it was an endeavor to actually perhaps get something going with all these musicians and. Joan. Said oh no this is. Like a Led Zeppelin I've never heard Paul McCartney you've never heard me saying you know I've never heard. That because. I'd always known that it was it was John it was. Cleverly. Separate at that point. But then Peter Grant pointed out that he was concerned that audiences much think it was for us to lead Zeppelin. Becomes Led Zep and this kind of which is kind of a sort of absurdist name really it's like something like you know the great absurdist right area that's. Like it's kind of wonderful if people missed the humor about it. Well I know if I or if I remember from the book actually their manager Peter Grant was more concerned that American audiences would think it was lead Zeppelin and so it was specifically thrown out and that. We had to you had to spell it l e d or we wouldn't sit right which is probably true or not I'm not arguing that not arguing with it but that is so so this is just been you know it's a great read and yet at the same time it does touch on some stuff like I was surprised there's a couple early mentions about like Island Records didn't really want to sign Led Zeppelin they were heard a lot of stories about how Jimmy Page treated women and they took kind of a high minded attitude might be listening but I think back in hindsight actually true they did make the 1st off a Chris Blackwell did make the 1st off and he and the island's offices at the time were in the same building in London's Oxford Street as. A piece of Grove and Mickey most of course the cover legendary English producer and former South African form of rock star and south pop star explained South Africa so they knew each other I mean like Chris Pratt were like. But. He made an offer I think it's $25000.00. And but Peter Grosz then use that as leverage when he went to New York Yeah but that was the very way for example as you point out in the book I think reckless as you point out in the book that was only for the international rights as opposed to the American rights and I thought well just to make the point it seemed like there was the word was out a little bit and some of the debauchery of of Led Zeppelin and what they had become famous for even before they were famous for being Led Zeppelin and and I don't want it. Explain the mug shark story but and so I just you know it's probably too harsh for people even at this hour but it's in the book and people can can hear some of the stuff that they did if you read back stage the plays written involved and right which I which I was getting at was that's the interesting part is that story this very famous story about a woman in a mud shark it ends up not even involving Jimmy Page and that's not always heard was involved that he was centrally involved in and if he was even there that's debatable right so yeah I mean there's more of actually the road crew and perhaps a job on the right so what is I mean then as we get down to cases aside from how people talk about him in retrospect or side from you know things that were associated with him that he didn't do like the big fight in July of 77 or the mud shark incident I mean what what was the kind of what are the real stories about Jimmy Page that that people sort of associated with women almost sacrificing themselves you know to Led Zeppelin or they had some sort of ability you know disk control almost an otherworldly control over women what are some of the real stories well I think RINGBACK it's you know I think what people don't fully appreciate is that you know when a band comes off stage they have. Buzzing with adrenaline I mean that's why count on my part is going on that's why you know people. May mean for example of written record. From a couldn't go to sleep about not in the morning because they can't the energy that they could have. A dremel and just running through him one has to bear all this in mind when considering I think any rock act and their behavior plus the fact that it just seemed very much of its time. You know. People young women were rather than with movie stars really they were absolutely Nemat with the notion of rock stars and. Particularly the case in Los Angeles for example where there was a legendary kind of Sunset Strip group in there come under a. Who would be there they would circulate around Rodney's English disc the bank of Hyman English disk as it was for which he played only some English English record stuff with the best English records but David Bowie had suggested. That he stuffed his club and out of that kind there were. Legendary. Groupies like say post off for example. And they were just kind of but the extent they were just like Friends of of these rock stars I mean. Just like Mick Jagger and Rod should always cover reign highly in these stories. But it's kind of it does seem to be very much of a certain time among. People who might not really approve of what went on. But you know I can remember in England for example you know there's one rock rock group I knew who was like a 4 o'clock 5 o'clock in the off me because I play the girls were getting out of school and they must be dropping out of is kind of I think nowadays it's kind of would be really seen rather different like in the same way that the drug consumption. Was kind of. This was a sort of new era people hadn't come out of done drugs in in large amounts and as someone pointed out to me but never once said you can only do you should really to a lot of people didn't know really this as naive but they didn't receive to realize if you just had a lot of drugs you might die I think kind of. There is a it was a rather naive time let's put it that way right right and I think this is really about what you're talking about sorry but we're talking about people like you know I'm thinking for example you know the Chicago plastic Costas which is twice extraordinary really it would take most of you know of rock stars appendages probably plus a Paris most of their appendages I think it's very strange. Yes And this is something that they felt you know he kind of in entitled to as rock stars but there was a lot as you mentioned too there was a lot of drugs involved how did how long was it before Jimmy Page Robert Plant John Paul Jones John Bonham how long we know about John Bonham So let's not say him but how long was it before the other 3 guys began to scale it back it would then came to drugs and alcohol. I think. Never really very into into drugs and I think Rob upon also wasn't cervix excessively sad and I think after the death of his son he allegedly kind of stopped doing everything about. Drinking. And I think that. Jimmy saw it as kind of fuel economy help his creativity. Had an ism I mean he was on this in the book actually you know you can the. Legendary English journalist music journalist asked him about you know him about heroin consumption that he regrets it because I think this relates to actually to the record that's what got me through the work. That's what got me through it and I think he knew what the consequences would be strange in a way because you know Alistair Crawley who was called a very we you know he he did seem to revere Croly himself and his life as a heroin addict and I think that Jimmy had these wilderness years when he was coming off it. And he disappeared from public view in a way or create He disappeared creatively for a period I think after Led Zeppelin playing with the biggest group in the world in the $170.00 s. They ns at the end of the decade you can imagine what the come to be even without the drugs you know where am I what am I doing now to rediscover himself it was his project it wasn't just like you know a business it was an. Statement he was his piece of all it must have been very difficult coming down from t