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And nice woman by the name of Robin and when the guy was golfing was saying you know there goes a talk show host right there really what do you do when she starts asking him you know and oh you what do you talk about you know and everybody's answering for me dogs politics and everything else like I thought I was the talk show host but and she said well I love talk radio and everything else we know work what time you're on shows I said minutes was never up that time I said you can listen to our app. So she downloaded the app in the golf nice and started listening as she drove away that's how quick it was done. In a stop for a beverage so nice I didn't know I'd be able to use it for a promo on the air Robin the story right is that that's what they I didn't get her name they told me she was Robin though that was Robert make sure you mention are on the air Yeah well thank you Robin we appreciate that so there how big is the selection on the on the cart What were you looking at I actually didn't get anything I just I had my. I had my no sugar Gator aid and my low carb cookie no no and no. But if you could if you could have just for the day had the cheat What were your selections. Probably you know chips candy bars beer. Ads that's all 4 major food groups and. Exactly All right ready all right in the news today probably testimony that's had conversations with both so I get to ask you you had a meeting with the president states if you believe that the policy issues that he raised concerning your Crane were valid correct yes the president of states ever say to you that he was not going to allow aid the United States to go to the Ukraine unless there were investigations into breeze money but Biden for the 2016 elections No he did not did the Ukrainians ever tell you that they understood that they would not get a meeting with the president and states a phone call with the president 9 states military aid or foreign aid from the United States unless they undertook investigations of breeze much the Bidens of the 26 elections they did not you know pretty much the best or vulgar you just like took apart their entire case I mean if the president I'd say this is not believe or intended and the Ukrainians don't understand it. And you're the only one who actually stands in between them no I get Haskett. You're the 3 amigos thing or whatever that they're trying to disparage you with you're not part of a regular channel right Ambassador Bowker Are you the official channel that is correct explain that and explain how your the official channel is not an irregular so I was appointed by the secretary of state secretary Tillerson in July of 2017 to be the u.s. Special representative for Ukraine a go she ations There you go. Not a regular. Just. And so that was by the way that was represented by Turner asking Ambassador Bowker those questions and he answering those questions yesterday not a good day for Democrats I thought it was interesting I thought just as we were talking about this to take a look for example I was just I was just going through the Drudge Report to see what the headlines were in the one is Vidlin may get army protection in a secret location this is a load of crap by the way it really it is you know we said this about the whistleblower never the whistleblower protection nobody else does right or me else is testifying going home. It's ridiculous but this was in the Atlantic go to the Drudge Report the right hand side it's like Rep Republican witnesses don't help the g.o.p. Ok where are they coming from and so it's a article in The Atlantic written by Russell Berman the g.o.p. Witnesses aren't helping trump it for public inside Kurt Volker and Timothy Morrison would bust the Democrats' case for impeachment they were likely disappointed by what they heard today and goes on to talk about you know vocal in his statement. Saying Joe Biden was an honorable man who me holds in high regards Yeah I'm not the do it right the facts or evidence in this particular. Case. And goes on to talk about that he didn't make the connection between Biden and Trump's desire for Ukraine and said that. Also said as recently as we just played there exactly was said there at no time again did he see anything wrong he didn't see bribery he didn't see anything whatsoever and he thought what the president did was was proper now. As I want to get to this point here because this is just unbelievable. Here we go Moreover on the central question central to the impeachment so now we get to the meat of the matter from the Atlantic to make their point right Moreover on the question central to impeachment Morson did little to help the president's case he acknowledged that both he invented men were disappointed with the message of Trump delivered to the Ukrainian president in their July 25th call the one in which Trump asked Selenski for a favor of an investigation into Biden now that's a lie than have that's a lie the biggest defense because everything else is basically the flight Well did you did you did you like that you know did did you like your college right Biden. Do you think that we that it was appropriate should we be investigating by but when you got directly to the phone call the. Right here again was a Russell Berman lies Yeah that wasn't the Favre was in the Favre. So on the major point as he said getting to impeachment right the central core of him people risen were here not all the fluff surrounding right he lies. You have to lie you have no other way to do it. If you're going to do that and you've been carrying you know the narrative for the left there's no other way nor the way and again he uses the quote Favre but nothing else is in quotes right if you can't do it you can't put it in but you have to you have to do what m.s.n. B.c. And c.n.n. Did edit it edit it the day that it comes out right and set forth a narrative that is not accurate. Just amazing yeah it's it is but it's it's become so predictable and it's for the clueless. Serve it up to the willfully ignorant or the people who just don't care about the truth so they can repeat it over and over again I mean the number of people who line yesterday just reading some of the comments during the testimony again that believe impeachment means removal. Men I'm telling you I can't wait because they've got to they've got to write up the articles of impeachment. Oh man there's a popcorn show let's go what are you going to write up I would love to just be watching just look over their shoulder Ok what are you going to write and then once you've added up as you mention you got a vote on it you can't write them up and then they sit there so how do you move forward where do you go Well the the clueless public on the left believes this is all going to play out with him being removed from office by Christmas. Or all the day when appointments and little Bobby's face when he ran downstairs and saw that his gift wasn't delivered by Adam Schiff or Santa Claus if if you want to education. As I suggested last week because I did it I just you know I was on a Facebook feed just saw The New York Times article and remember the article last week saying that one of the witnesses heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard from a friend and it was just the most bizarre headline and that's what I put in my my comment just to be a little bit of a troll and I don't do it much and the response was absolute insanity from the left Yeah right and when you see what they think and you go through the comments I suggest people do it if you want to understand or not understand who your enemy it's. Because there is no coherent mindset at all none no no it's anger and hatred that's it they don't know anything so. When you as you said you went on and you saw and couldn't believe how many Democrats believe still believe that if they impeach he's out of office right and they're waiting for this to happen before Christmas for Trump to be out of office these are the people that don't know the 3 branches of government as we've talked about we want to go back to that to our 3 branches of government in the survey that was done that showed that over 70 percent of Americans cannot tell you the 3 branches of government if you can't that means you don't understand how the system works that's something basic that I knew and probably in junior high school maybe in elementary school I knew it was taught it and I've known it my whole life and I understood exactly why it exists the majority of Americans don't even understand that so of course they don't understand impeachment they think it's going to be out of office and. They don't and. I just I don't again I don't know how this thing plays out. Because the Democrats in the House have to keep going through the motions here the testimony has to happen today and again tomorrow you know they're probably thanking their lucky stars for the the Thanksgiving break and the fact they won't be back until December 3rd and they're hoping the president will do something during the break as I you know I just when I read the I go to the other side as you just did there and look at the Atlantic and when you have to lie to make your 1st major point right you have to lie about what was in the transcript in order to do it in the Atlantic as they did that's a lie right didn't happen it's false I believe it's intentional right why do I believe it's intentional because any idiot could look at the transcript and know that he was tying the general investigation as the favor right that's the favor he brought up Zelinsky In fact it was brought up to begin with remember right oh yeah yeah right so but it's just it's just amazing you just you shake your head and you're just like Wow So just. Yeah well I mean. If they don't get to the vote well but we believe he's in peached the people impeached him I mean I don't I don't I don't know how they spend something that's so horribly ugly I really don't and if you thought that yesterday was a victory for Democrats Wow you're just a political Well you have to lie in order to yes you have to be like case you have to be lying to yourself yes in order to believe that right yeah the witnesses yesterday. Really a if you if you look at the very simple. Approach by Republicans and I think that again there are clearly ready Republicans on the committee went through I mean piece by piece and really just laid it out I was thinking of it because you said it I think last week he said look these are going to be the ads you know the play you know if they because of the liberals next year want to focus on the impeachment hearings or whatever. These will be the ads that play out that to say look the witnesses shot down the stories and keep in mind the narrative was set forth by the Democrats they call these witnesses and believe that these witnesses are going to help them create support that narrative remember and you have to keep your eye on what the Democrats are promoting because everybody is on side issues right here right well they thought that that if Trump did that as it would be unacceptable that doesn't matter that doesn't matter they they were uncomfortable with the the phone call even though they thought it could be taken in a number of different ways as Vin men even had to admit right well I understand somebody else could have taken it completely in a different way Well no if I thought somebody was committing bribery I'd say no it's very pretty and here's here's why it's bribery and if they didn't think it they're being political hacks. And so remember the charge of bribery Now yes the charge is bribery now it's not what you feel about the president the charges bribery Yeah make your case well it's not bribery in its current form under the law well then yeah it's not bribery exactly you used the term because it worked well in the focus groups now the Republicans have jumped on it and said All right let's ask that question directly was there bribery every person as that question yesterday said what no no that's it right there you don't have to go any further. Because keep in mind they chose the word they chose the chairman Krauts created the narrative they landed on bribery for a reason. And their witnesses are shooting it down left and right and it's not because they had evidence for bribery right 86690 right I it was November 2018 that a u.s.d.a. 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